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Headache Doctor Visit, Arranging Treatment, And, Setback?


Level of Coral Feather
Sep 9, 2002
The day had come where Ross was finally going to visit his headache Doctor.

It was not a good day.

Kayley was at work.

Ross did not feel that he needed a nurse, so he just decided to focus on his Doctor's appointment by staying home, and arranging for a car to take him to the Doctor.

Ross was trying to rest in bed. As he got up out of bed to shower and ready himself for the appointment, Ross got a dizzy spell, and nearly fell over.

Since Ross was alone in the apartment, and did not want to take a chance of falling in the shower, Ross decided to just merely shave, and sponge bathe himself, before the appointment.

When Ross got to the Doctor, Ross again stumbled in both the Doctor's reception area, and the Doctor's private office.

At that point, Doctor K was very concerned. Doctor K took Ross into the examining room. Doctor K told Ross to lie down on the examining table, rotate Ross's body in various directions, and to try to get up.

Ross's BP was elevated, but not as bad as it usually was with Ross's internist.

Doctor K insisted that Ross should have an MRI, but sometimes the MRI labs were very difficult to get an appointment with. Doctor K figured that it might take a couple of weeks to be able to schedule an MRI

In the meantime, Doctor K told Ross to "listen to Ross's body" Doctor K said that if Ross felt okay, that Ross could go into the office if Ross was careful , but that Ross had to leave if Ross had any symptoms.

Ross hopped into a car service home. It was rush hour, the roads to Queens from Manhattan were packed, and it took Ross's car an hour to get Ross back to Queens.

When Ross came upstairs, Kayley looked at the look on Ross' s face, and she was not happy.

"I know from that look on your face that the visit with Doctor K could not possibly have been good. I dont expect you to tell me everything, because you are a Mastter at omission, but, I ask you to please tell me the jist of what happened" Kayley said, her tone somewhere between extreme concern and annoyance.

Ross sighed. "Your suspicions are quite correct, I had several dizzy spells at Doctor K's office, and nearly fell several times. I am going to try to get in for an MRI as soon as possible. Doctor K told me that while he is not forbidding me to go to work, that he wants me to proceed forth very carefully" Ross said.

Kayley kissed Ross. "Thank You for being honest with me. You know that my reactions are only out of extreme concern and love. I am always here for you"

"I know, and thank you"

Ross and Kayley ordered plain pasta with salad for dinner.

Ross's migraines were terrible. About 11 pm that night, Ross headed for the hall bathroom with his cane, and was sick to his stomach.,

Doctor K had informed Ross that Ross's problem were probably a combination of Ross's migraines, Ross's Epilepsy, extreme nerves, and stress.

At that point, Ross's mind was a complete blank for one of the first times in his life.

As long as Ross attempted to deal with his health by following Doctor K's directions, taking Ross's meds, and getting the proper treatment, and
MRI as quickly as possible, Ross knew that Kayley would likely understand that Ross was honestly trying to deal with his health issues, and Kayley would not "Get into it" with Ross about Ross's health, business, or anything else.

In the meantime, Tazzio was a constant threat,. Tazzio was going back and forth. At times, Ross, Alan Hell and Tom from Philly considered Tazzio a serious threat, and other times they thought that Tazzio was full of hot air.

"The whole house of cards had been "Thrown up in the air, regarding Ross's health, Ross's life, Ross's situation with Kayley, and perhaps, a Tazzio and Ross ultimate confrontation.

Where would all this swirling mess end up?

That would all be seen.
Since Ross was alone in the apartment, and did not want to take a chance of falling in the shower, Ross decided to just merely shave, and sponge bathe himself, before the appointment.
Sensible precaution, but it is sad that Ross couldn't trust himself in the shower.
Doctor K insisted that Ross should have an MRI
Ugh. While an MRI is not painful, it is extremely boring to lie still for so long. 🙁
In the meantime, Tazzio was a constant threat,
Hopefully, the lawyers can handle that S.O.B.
Ross's condition seems to be getting worse.

Hopefully the Doctors can help him through treatment and medication.

MRI's are difficult, I've had some.

Tazzio is hopefully going to get his.

More to come by Sunday night at latest, maybe earlier depending on what happens with the author
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