I have NO commercial or personal affiliation with Higgins. <NONE> However, they have recently started making fewer and fewer ticking videos. they are not seeing feedback and given that their sites are split up with tickling vids on two, it may be hard to figure out, but the RESULT is our loss.
If any of you are not aware, the William Higgins sites http://www.str8hell.com/ and http://tour.malefeet4u.com/ both having tickling vids, but the first does NOT have the foot vids. All the tickling videos are on the malefeet4u site (and you do get access to archives for sure from the str8hell site, I think you do on the other). I believe some/most of these are among the best around - at or above the old Grafmiller quality.
If you find you like these, I am told that reviews help drive production!!! (I'm sure sales don't hurt either 🙂 )
You can also purchase downloads WITHOUT membership at http://www.burndvd.tv/home.php but you can download ALL from the original sites at HD for price of membership. HD at burndvd is a better HD than on the site, but I can't see any difference. I bought a few on download and realized I was spending a BUNCH more than membership would cost.
Some of my personal favorites (which may tell those who know his work a lot about the kind of evil person I am while tickling.
Dima Lukin
Tomas Varga
Rado Pauer
Lukas Prybil
Roland Kraus
Roman Duzda
Roman Lysacek
Tomas Kukal
(Note: I will be in Prague early Dec. Drop me a note TKLWOLF(at)gmail if desired)
Take a look,
If any of you are not aware, the William Higgins sites http://www.str8hell.com/ and http://tour.malefeet4u.com/ both having tickling vids, but the first does NOT have the foot vids. All the tickling videos are on the malefeet4u site (and you do get access to archives for sure from the str8hell site, I think you do on the other). I believe some/most of these are among the best around - at or above the old Grafmiller quality.
If you find you like these, I am told that reviews help drive production!!! (I'm sure sales don't hurt either 🙂 )
You can also purchase downloads WITHOUT membership at http://www.burndvd.tv/home.php but you can download ALL from the original sites at HD for price of membership. HD at burndvd is a better HD than on the site, but I can't see any difference. I bought a few on download and realized I was spending a BUNCH more than membership would cost.
Some of my personal favorites (which may tell those who know his work a lot about the kind of evil person I am while tickling.
Dima Lukin
Tomas Varga
Rado Pauer
Lukas Prybil
Roland Kraus
Roman Duzda
Roman Lysacek
Tomas Kukal
(Note: I will be in Prague early Dec. Drop me a note TKLWOLF(at)gmail if desired)
Take a look,