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I like older women, but I am too shy to approach them.


Registered User
May 10, 2022
I'm not a good looking guy, really, and have a physical disability, so maybe those factors are part of the problem. I guess I just don't want to seem like a creep or jerk. This is compounded by the fact the only compliments I have ever gotten about myself were from a woman who is a family member.
I've always found it easy to talk to older women, but then I don't find them attractive, so it's like talking to my mom basically.
I feel ya Sole. I'm just now starting along the path of losing weight and I've got two major neurological disabilities (aka tourette's and schizophrenia) and while their both under control and I do have a job it's hard for me. It took me what feels like forever to find the right love of my life but then again it took me 10+ years to get to a state in my life where I'm fully medicated (and accept that I need the meds) and I'm not homeless.

In all honesty, I was lucky the find the woman I'm married to right now (even if we're only married via common law and not officially joined at the hip via marriage license due to me needing some level of government services which I would lose if I got married officially). All I can say is keep looking as some women admire and like men who are KIND. Looks aren't everything.
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