First things first:
If BOTH of you, and this is the most important part before, during, and after everything anyone tells you, even your counselor, if BOTH of you aren't willing to work on all of this 100%, you'll probably end up divorcing.
Which isn't fun. If you must seperate, seperate, but divorce is.... divorce! Mine was easier than others, but it still wasn't pleasant by any means.
I find many people with tickle fetishes, and I"m sure other fetishes, become selfish, and want their spouse to satisfy their tickle cravings....which is fine. But then they say they can't have sex without it, or that's all they want. To all those people......Uhhh.....there's someone else standing there....your spouse! What about her/him?! That may last ONCE, twice.....but after a day or two of one partner being satisfied, and the other just....sitting there without sex, ....yeah, that relationship ain't lasting!
But if both spouses are willing to work at it, and there's no immese outside interference (insane in-laws, lovers, evil friends)....well, GREAT news! You can not only save your marriage, but be even happier after you get through it all, and even be happier than everyoen else you know!
I rarely plug books, movies, etc. but when I do, I firmly stand behind them.
Check out this website/book/audio book, "Light Your Fire," and there's "Light His Fire," "Light Her Fire."
I actually found it on sale at a garage sale years ago. It helped me last much longer in my marriage than if I hadn't heard it, and made what time I had more pleasant for me and her before our serious incompatibility and intense in-law trouble interfered. (She never read the helps if BOTH of you read a copy....)
Basically it can be summed up as, make yourself the hottest, best husband possible for her, and she should make herself the hottest, best wife possible for you, and your marriage will become affair proof and the troubles will become much lessened.
That's why it takes BOTH of you to go in 100%. If one spouse does the program, and the other just....sits there, and tunes out, obviously, no marriage would survive that. Find out what turns her on, and then that grows in it's own way. She would find out what turns you on, and then that grows as well.
She may want a massage. Then a more specific massage, or dinner, or whatever turns her on. Usually people start at the base level, then work their way up the intense, searing passion chain.
You may like tickling, then you may want to tickle her in a certain outfit, in a certain psition, fulfill a certain fantasy, bare foot, pantyhose feet.....costume perhaps later on if it all works out. But all this time, you're doing your homework as well (what FUN homework this all is!) finding out every way you can turn her on. reading books on love making, doing your own research.
On a side note, also check out Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University."
You may not take every step he says or requires, but most are great tools to get out of debt and become financially stable. It's is NOTTTT a "self help," or "Get rich quick" scheme. It's actually tough, depending on what kind of person your and she is. Basically, most couples fight over money/finances/financial peace.
Dave's plan is, live at a cheap level, sacrifice (like your grandparents did back in the day, basically) pay off every debt you have, save up enough money for emergencies, prepare for your future together...and then save after that, because you'll probably end up with extra money when you're not paying interest payments, late fees, and other money drain bullshit we all pay when we have to, or choose to, become saddled with debt.
All of this will be hard work.....or not, depending on what kind of person you, and she, is. If either of you is selfish, narcississtic, egotistical.....this is going to be damn hard. If you or her are like "I ain't wearing no sexy outfit to please you!!" or "I'm not helping with the housework because you had a hard day!" or all the other selfish bullshit couples do to each other, then the marriage won't last. But if you're willing to work at it, well, to be blunt, the reward for that work is two happy ass people who have lots of wild sex and massive orgasms!
Good luck, let us now how it turns out!