4th Level Red Feather
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We nicknamed Professor Senisha the "Battlemage" in the Demon Academy, mostly because she's good with magic and she likes to blow things up.
Down near the base of the Demon Academy, there is a large, unusually heavily reinforced door that leads into possibly the most volatile place in the entire tower. Like the chemistry labs in human universities, the Magical Training Hall often features Professor Renna's students dutifully toiling away at creating aphrodisiacs, sensitivity lotions, and other such magically infused chemistry in which the risk of detonation appears to be part of the appeal of it. Felin, by the way, absolutely despises this - working in 'real' science, as she calls it, the mad-scientist approach of bubbling concoctions and the like doesn't sit well with her. But when class isn't in session, there are usually only a few beings down here, and this late at night, there was only one. It was that one I had come to see - Senisha, of course, who could often be found down here when not gleefully screwing Jelex silly or torturing one of her students in her office. Mind you, however, that my first two moves had been to find Jelex and check the Battlemage's office, so this was my third choice as to where to find Senisha.
I opened the ponderously huge door as quietly as I could, because I do admit there's a certain juvenile enjoyment in sneaking up on girls and making them jump, and while the massive barrier did not give way very easily, the sound of its movement was covered by a thunderous detonation at the far end of the room, past the magichemistry desks and down at what was essentially a magical shooting range. The 'targets' we employed were large golden spheres that hung lazily in the air, and were nearly impossible to budge. The amount of magical reinforcement that had gone into them made them so heavy that moving them by any means was ridiculously difficult, which made them good targets to withstand magical abuse. It helped that they were able to absorb most magical energy, and as a result even Senisha's massive, multi-forked lightning blast featuring a fireball twice as large as the target itself right behind it struck the golden sphere and seemed to be sucked into it, leaving not a trace.
The lightning was responsible for the loud noises; the fireball would usually explode on contact, but not in this case. As I walked up behind Senisha, quietly creeping up on her, she let loose a shimmering, thick lance of pure force, tinged blue, and let it fly at the sphere, which wobbled a little bit on impact and then went still. I paused momentarily to admire the view, the long, wild silver hair that fell halfway down her back, the long pointed dark ears poking out from either side. Senisha had taken off the cloak that went with her outfit and slung it on the floor carelessly, the deep red cloth and glittering golden epaulettes forming a heap to the side. Her shoulders were bare, and like most Dark Elves Senisha was fit but curvy, quite tall as well, and her one-piece outfit fit her from crotch to throat, deep red with glittering golden scales sewn into its length to form twisting, curling, curving patterns that created quite the visual effect when she was in the light. It actually fit her tightly up to her neck, so her nice large breasts did not display any cleavage, but her rounded ass was quite easily seen because of how firmly the outfit was pulled up into her crotch. Senisha's similarly designed red-and-gold boots came up to just below the knee.
She was breathing heavily as I approached, the Battlemage pushing herself to her limit, and I assumed she must have been going at it for quite a while now. Destructive magic such as the kind she used took its toll on the user's endurance, as opposed to the magic of incubi and succubi, the magic of stealth and illusion, which fatigued the user's mind. But a simple spell to quiet my steps hardly needed much focus. I was able to approach Senisha without being seen or heard, a combination of the stealthy sound-muffling magic and her own laserlike focus on her next spell, and I got close enough to her that when she raised her arms to begin the next spell, I slid a finger into each exposed underarm and gave it a gentle wiggle. The response was everything I could have hoped for; a squeal, a jump, a reflexive twisting and curling into a defensive ball that resulted in Senisha laying on her side on the floor, curled up with her back to me, and breathing heavily for several long seconds before she rolled onto her back and relaxed her limbs, looking up at me. "Shit," she breathed, breasts heaving as her lungs filled with and expelled air rapidly. "You almost scared the piss out of me." Senisha took my offered hand, and I pulled her to her feet - an action which she used to then fall into my arms and kiss me.
"Mmh," I said, not exactly surprised but not having been expecting that, either. "Hello to you too. Did you get bored of scheming with Jelex? Last I had heard, you were making some poor Dark Elf boy's life pretty hard... what was his name?" Thinking of something as abstract as a new student's name while I had my arms full of supple, wiggling elf was not very easy. It's surprising how the hands can sometimes take on a life of their own in cases like this, pillaging Senisha's ample ass with a lot of squeezing and groping, which made the mischievously grinning Battlemage wiggle even further into my arms. "Loran, wasn't it? The slim one who seems even more shy than they usually are when they start?" The matriarchial Dark Elf society often produced males who deferred to females of all kinds, something they eventually managed to get under control here at the Academy, but those who were naturally taciturn as well as being Dark Elf males often found their first few months full of eager females taking full advantage of their seeming inability to defend themselves.
"Prince Loran," Senisha corrected with a grin. "And compared to what he was getting at home, this is like a vacation. You see, even a prince is still just a boy, so while he's above all the other boys, even the maids are still entitled to have their fun with him if they please. And the prince is just oh so ticklish, so he used to get hell from just about everyone - guards at their posts, maids, noble daughters of highborn ladies... we're just trying to make him feel at home, you see." Senisha nudged my crotch with her hand and giggled. "But let's not worry too much about him. I'm sure he's doing just fine. I'm sooooo sweaty and tired, all I want is a nice shower." The invitation was obvious, and disentangling myself from her a little bit so I could walk with her to the showers, I supported the Dark Elf mage who I suspected was putting on an exaggerated show of tiredness. Nevertheless, we made it to the changing rooms without incident, where Senisha stripped down to nakedness without a thought and, wiggling her naked butt, went through the door into the steamy shower area as I was still undressing.
These showers are more or less designed with the idea that something naughty is gonig to happen within them. Therefore, instead of what one might think is a "traditional" design of often cold and slick linoleum tiles and a large room with numerous showerheads, the Academy's shower room was instead a series of stall showers, and the straight, narrow walkway that led to the end of the hall with stall doors to the left and right was carpeted. None of the stalls were occupied, except for the one that Senisha had just turned on and stood in, warm water streaming down over her body as I carefully stepped into the shower and shut the door behind me. However, since this is the Demon Academy we're talking about, one cannot forget the four cuffs built into the wall, and with my erection preceding me, this is where I nudged Senisha towards, as the Battlemage started to giggle and playfully resist me. "Come on now," I chided her, looking into her amused eyes as she gathered her wet silver hair behind her so it fell heavily down her back, taking advantage of that brief motion to prod beneath her arms. "You asked for this so hard that you're in no position to complain."
Instead of cooperating, she handed me the soft-bristled, wooden hand brush and the bottle of liquid soap, turned to face the streaming water, and put her back to me, shaking her butt in mute invitation. Well, if she was going to volunteer, I supposed that it wasn't necessary to tie her up, no matter how fun that might be. So I spread some of the liquid soap onto the soft bristles of the brush and started to lather her up, with delightful results. You see, Senisha is really very ticklish, and doesn't spend much time trying to hide the fact, but is so powerful and assertive that few get the chance. I had caught her in a rare mood, and I was not going to pass up the opportunity that one usually needs to fight for tooth and nail. Jelex, for all her singleminded persistence, almost never caught the big Dark Elf off guard. The fact that the moment her side was touched by those soft scrubbing bristles, Senisha tried to bring her arm down and used her hands to push the brush away, was just too delicious. Implacably I caught her left arm by the elbow and raised it, something else she didn't resist, but the squeal when she felt the soapy bristles scrape her soft underarm rivaled the one she'd let out when I surprised her.
Senisha was apparently not able to muster the willpower to keep still, as I filled my other hand with soap and then went at her with both brush and bare hand, tickling and scrubbing and prodding wherever I could, but also trying to deal with the fact that she was squirming everywhere and the soap was making her body very slippery. I pinned her against the shower wall and used my free hand to try and force her arm away from her body, which worked well enough to allow a few good strokes at her ribs, brushing against the side of one breast. The ribs prompted a yell of laughter and a lightning-quick grab of the wrist, which let her slowly force my brush hand away from her body, and there we remained for a minute, me with a hold on one of her wrists and she with a hold on one of mine. Unfortunately for me, my hand was slick with soap, and as I pressed her against the wall - erection sliding against her hips and belly and thighs the whole time - I could feel my grasp slowly starting to slip, and with a sudden twist she pulled away from me. "Hehehe! Gotcha," she teased, giving me a spank on the rear and prompting my own yelp as I spun around.
"You're not being very cooperative," I pointed out, but set the brush aside and soaped up my other hand, changing tactics. She warily watched me approach, but I simply sidled up to her, standing beneath the steaming, streaming warm water, and let my arms enfold her, pulling Senisha close for a deep kiss in the shower. It was in the middle of this kiss that my hands, now close to the backs of her underarms, started sliding up towards those vulnerable armpits - and catching her by surprise, forcing a full-throated screech of laughter to her lips, where it was devoured in the kiss. Her eyes, unlike mine, shot open at the surprise attack, and I simply grinned as she broke the kiss and started to wiggle violently in my grasp, unable to escape the tickling close to but not quite in her underarms. "Gotcha," I teased her this time, as Senisha's struggling, while ineffective, combined with the soap and the water to make her slippery enough to break free of one arm and try to roll against me. I grabbed for her arms, but only got one, and as she pressed her back into my front and we backed up against the shower wall, I managed to hold her hand high in the air.
"NO! NhahahahahAHAHAH Dammahaheheh dammit dammit DHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Knowing it was coming before it actually happened didn't help the Battlemage weasel away from the fingertips, still covered in soap, that took advantage of the fully exposed underarm and started stroking and rubbing fingertips furiously. This was followed a scant handful of seconds later by her own hand, trying to reach into her underarm and protect it, but her disadvantage was that she had to reach across her large chest to get to her own armpit, and I didn't. I had the advantage and pressed it mercilessly, tickling the Battlemage so hard that she started to howl, to bounce, to wiggle, and then finally, to bargain. "STHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEH EHEHEHEH STOPPIT STOPPAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEH I'LLHA AHEHEEHEH I'LL SHAHEHEH SUCK YOUR COCK!" One of the most interesting things about getting females in this kind of compromising tickle position is that they almost always seem to resort to the blowjob as their first offer. I kept tickling her armpit as I answered:
"You'll give me a blowjob anyway because you love dicks. That's not really a compelling offer." And besides, with my dick pressed firmly in between her wiggling cheeks, slick with soap and hot water, I was kind of in a good position anyhow. Even as I told her to come up with something better to offer, I had to think on what I would be willing to accept. I fished around in my mind for a moment before something came to me, something I'd wondered about the last time I had gone with Senisha to the Dark Elves' capital and wandered around the palace with her. "Tell me more about the Queen. You're all so damn secretive with the males and...and I couldn't find anything out last time." Silently I cursed the slight pause, and Senisha almost certainly knew "and I got dragged into a barracks, tickle-raped, then spent the last two-thirds of the visit trying to find my way out while enduring more of the same on an hourly basis" was the correct ending to the sentence I had just spoken. The Palace Guard was legendarily rowdy and lewd, the maids little better, and the nobility worse than both put together, so wandering around the halls of the immense Queen's Palace with no clothes on had led to extremely frequent interruptions. In fact, I had gotten so wrapped up in the memories of that time that I'd stopped tickling Senisha, and she managed to squirm her way free, turn around, and pin me to the wall with her breasts and a kiss.
"It's a shame you didn't get any of this for your little video collection," Senisha said, evading the subject. "But I'll humor you. Let's dry off and go back to your place, and we'll make a video to get all the others jealous. Then I'll tell you a nice story about how I met two of your rowdier Dark Elf male students... I guarantee you'll like it."
Professor Senisha, the Battlemage:
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Bust: DD-cup
Skin color: Dark
Hair: Very long, silver
Eyes: Gold
Build: Tall and curvy
Species: Dark Elf
Weakness: Underarms
Down near the base of the Demon Academy, there is a large, unusually heavily reinforced door that leads into possibly the most volatile place in the entire tower. Like the chemistry labs in human universities, the Magical Training Hall often features Professor Renna's students dutifully toiling away at creating aphrodisiacs, sensitivity lotions, and other such magically infused chemistry in which the risk of detonation appears to be part of the appeal of it. Felin, by the way, absolutely despises this - working in 'real' science, as she calls it, the mad-scientist approach of bubbling concoctions and the like doesn't sit well with her. But when class isn't in session, there are usually only a few beings down here, and this late at night, there was only one. It was that one I had come to see - Senisha, of course, who could often be found down here when not gleefully screwing Jelex silly or torturing one of her students in her office. Mind you, however, that my first two moves had been to find Jelex and check the Battlemage's office, so this was my third choice as to where to find Senisha.
I opened the ponderously huge door as quietly as I could, because I do admit there's a certain juvenile enjoyment in sneaking up on girls and making them jump, and while the massive barrier did not give way very easily, the sound of its movement was covered by a thunderous detonation at the far end of the room, past the magichemistry desks and down at what was essentially a magical shooting range. The 'targets' we employed were large golden spheres that hung lazily in the air, and were nearly impossible to budge. The amount of magical reinforcement that had gone into them made them so heavy that moving them by any means was ridiculously difficult, which made them good targets to withstand magical abuse. It helped that they were able to absorb most magical energy, and as a result even Senisha's massive, multi-forked lightning blast featuring a fireball twice as large as the target itself right behind it struck the golden sphere and seemed to be sucked into it, leaving not a trace.
The lightning was responsible for the loud noises; the fireball would usually explode on contact, but not in this case. As I walked up behind Senisha, quietly creeping up on her, she let loose a shimmering, thick lance of pure force, tinged blue, and let it fly at the sphere, which wobbled a little bit on impact and then went still. I paused momentarily to admire the view, the long, wild silver hair that fell halfway down her back, the long pointed dark ears poking out from either side. Senisha had taken off the cloak that went with her outfit and slung it on the floor carelessly, the deep red cloth and glittering golden epaulettes forming a heap to the side. Her shoulders were bare, and like most Dark Elves Senisha was fit but curvy, quite tall as well, and her one-piece outfit fit her from crotch to throat, deep red with glittering golden scales sewn into its length to form twisting, curling, curving patterns that created quite the visual effect when she was in the light. It actually fit her tightly up to her neck, so her nice large breasts did not display any cleavage, but her rounded ass was quite easily seen because of how firmly the outfit was pulled up into her crotch. Senisha's similarly designed red-and-gold boots came up to just below the knee.
She was breathing heavily as I approached, the Battlemage pushing herself to her limit, and I assumed she must have been going at it for quite a while now. Destructive magic such as the kind she used took its toll on the user's endurance, as opposed to the magic of incubi and succubi, the magic of stealth and illusion, which fatigued the user's mind. But a simple spell to quiet my steps hardly needed much focus. I was able to approach Senisha without being seen or heard, a combination of the stealthy sound-muffling magic and her own laserlike focus on her next spell, and I got close enough to her that when she raised her arms to begin the next spell, I slid a finger into each exposed underarm and gave it a gentle wiggle. The response was everything I could have hoped for; a squeal, a jump, a reflexive twisting and curling into a defensive ball that resulted in Senisha laying on her side on the floor, curled up with her back to me, and breathing heavily for several long seconds before she rolled onto her back and relaxed her limbs, looking up at me. "Shit," she breathed, breasts heaving as her lungs filled with and expelled air rapidly. "You almost scared the piss out of me." Senisha took my offered hand, and I pulled her to her feet - an action which she used to then fall into my arms and kiss me.
"Mmh," I said, not exactly surprised but not having been expecting that, either. "Hello to you too. Did you get bored of scheming with Jelex? Last I had heard, you were making some poor Dark Elf boy's life pretty hard... what was his name?" Thinking of something as abstract as a new student's name while I had my arms full of supple, wiggling elf was not very easy. It's surprising how the hands can sometimes take on a life of their own in cases like this, pillaging Senisha's ample ass with a lot of squeezing and groping, which made the mischievously grinning Battlemage wiggle even further into my arms. "Loran, wasn't it? The slim one who seems even more shy than they usually are when they start?" The matriarchial Dark Elf society often produced males who deferred to females of all kinds, something they eventually managed to get under control here at the Academy, but those who were naturally taciturn as well as being Dark Elf males often found their first few months full of eager females taking full advantage of their seeming inability to defend themselves.
"Prince Loran," Senisha corrected with a grin. "And compared to what he was getting at home, this is like a vacation. You see, even a prince is still just a boy, so while he's above all the other boys, even the maids are still entitled to have their fun with him if they please. And the prince is just oh so ticklish, so he used to get hell from just about everyone - guards at their posts, maids, noble daughters of highborn ladies... we're just trying to make him feel at home, you see." Senisha nudged my crotch with her hand and giggled. "But let's not worry too much about him. I'm sure he's doing just fine. I'm sooooo sweaty and tired, all I want is a nice shower." The invitation was obvious, and disentangling myself from her a little bit so I could walk with her to the showers, I supported the Dark Elf mage who I suspected was putting on an exaggerated show of tiredness. Nevertheless, we made it to the changing rooms without incident, where Senisha stripped down to nakedness without a thought and, wiggling her naked butt, went through the door into the steamy shower area as I was still undressing.
These showers are more or less designed with the idea that something naughty is gonig to happen within them. Therefore, instead of what one might think is a "traditional" design of often cold and slick linoleum tiles and a large room with numerous showerheads, the Academy's shower room was instead a series of stall showers, and the straight, narrow walkway that led to the end of the hall with stall doors to the left and right was carpeted. None of the stalls were occupied, except for the one that Senisha had just turned on and stood in, warm water streaming down over her body as I carefully stepped into the shower and shut the door behind me. However, since this is the Demon Academy we're talking about, one cannot forget the four cuffs built into the wall, and with my erection preceding me, this is where I nudged Senisha towards, as the Battlemage started to giggle and playfully resist me. "Come on now," I chided her, looking into her amused eyes as she gathered her wet silver hair behind her so it fell heavily down her back, taking advantage of that brief motion to prod beneath her arms. "You asked for this so hard that you're in no position to complain."
Instead of cooperating, she handed me the soft-bristled, wooden hand brush and the bottle of liquid soap, turned to face the streaming water, and put her back to me, shaking her butt in mute invitation. Well, if she was going to volunteer, I supposed that it wasn't necessary to tie her up, no matter how fun that might be. So I spread some of the liquid soap onto the soft bristles of the brush and started to lather her up, with delightful results. You see, Senisha is really very ticklish, and doesn't spend much time trying to hide the fact, but is so powerful and assertive that few get the chance. I had caught her in a rare mood, and I was not going to pass up the opportunity that one usually needs to fight for tooth and nail. Jelex, for all her singleminded persistence, almost never caught the big Dark Elf off guard. The fact that the moment her side was touched by those soft scrubbing bristles, Senisha tried to bring her arm down and used her hands to push the brush away, was just too delicious. Implacably I caught her left arm by the elbow and raised it, something else she didn't resist, but the squeal when she felt the soapy bristles scrape her soft underarm rivaled the one she'd let out when I surprised her.
Senisha was apparently not able to muster the willpower to keep still, as I filled my other hand with soap and then went at her with both brush and bare hand, tickling and scrubbing and prodding wherever I could, but also trying to deal with the fact that she was squirming everywhere and the soap was making her body very slippery. I pinned her against the shower wall and used my free hand to try and force her arm away from her body, which worked well enough to allow a few good strokes at her ribs, brushing against the side of one breast. The ribs prompted a yell of laughter and a lightning-quick grab of the wrist, which let her slowly force my brush hand away from her body, and there we remained for a minute, me with a hold on one of her wrists and she with a hold on one of mine. Unfortunately for me, my hand was slick with soap, and as I pressed her against the wall - erection sliding against her hips and belly and thighs the whole time - I could feel my grasp slowly starting to slip, and with a sudden twist she pulled away from me. "Hehehe! Gotcha," she teased, giving me a spank on the rear and prompting my own yelp as I spun around.
"You're not being very cooperative," I pointed out, but set the brush aside and soaped up my other hand, changing tactics. She warily watched me approach, but I simply sidled up to her, standing beneath the steaming, streaming warm water, and let my arms enfold her, pulling Senisha close for a deep kiss in the shower. It was in the middle of this kiss that my hands, now close to the backs of her underarms, started sliding up towards those vulnerable armpits - and catching her by surprise, forcing a full-throated screech of laughter to her lips, where it was devoured in the kiss. Her eyes, unlike mine, shot open at the surprise attack, and I simply grinned as she broke the kiss and started to wiggle violently in my grasp, unable to escape the tickling close to but not quite in her underarms. "Gotcha," I teased her this time, as Senisha's struggling, while ineffective, combined with the soap and the water to make her slippery enough to break free of one arm and try to roll against me. I grabbed for her arms, but only got one, and as she pressed her back into my front and we backed up against the shower wall, I managed to hold her hand high in the air.
"NO! NhahahahahAHAHAH Dammahaheheh dammit dammit DHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Knowing it was coming before it actually happened didn't help the Battlemage weasel away from the fingertips, still covered in soap, that took advantage of the fully exposed underarm and started stroking and rubbing fingertips furiously. This was followed a scant handful of seconds later by her own hand, trying to reach into her underarm and protect it, but her disadvantage was that she had to reach across her large chest to get to her own armpit, and I didn't. I had the advantage and pressed it mercilessly, tickling the Battlemage so hard that she started to howl, to bounce, to wiggle, and then finally, to bargain. "STHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEH EHEHEHEH STOPPIT STOPPAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEH I'LLHA AHEHEEHEH I'LL SHAHEHEH SUCK YOUR COCK!" One of the most interesting things about getting females in this kind of compromising tickle position is that they almost always seem to resort to the blowjob as their first offer. I kept tickling her armpit as I answered:
"You'll give me a blowjob anyway because you love dicks. That's not really a compelling offer." And besides, with my dick pressed firmly in between her wiggling cheeks, slick with soap and hot water, I was kind of in a good position anyhow. Even as I told her to come up with something better to offer, I had to think on what I would be willing to accept. I fished around in my mind for a moment before something came to me, something I'd wondered about the last time I had gone with Senisha to the Dark Elves' capital and wandered around the palace with her. "Tell me more about the Queen. You're all so damn secretive with the males and...and I couldn't find anything out last time." Silently I cursed the slight pause, and Senisha almost certainly knew "and I got dragged into a barracks, tickle-raped, then spent the last two-thirds of the visit trying to find my way out while enduring more of the same on an hourly basis" was the correct ending to the sentence I had just spoken. The Palace Guard was legendarily rowdy and lewd, the maids little better, and the nobility worse than both put together, so wandering around the halls of the immense Queen's Palace with no clothes on had led to extremely frequent interruptions. In fact, I had gotten so wrapped up in the memories of that time that I'd stopped tickling Senisha, and she managed to squirm her way free, turn around, and pin me to the wall with her breasts and a kiss.
"It's a shame you didn't get any of this for your little video collection," Senisha said, evading the subject. "But I'll humor you. Let's dry off and go back to your place, and we'll make a video to get all the others jealous. Then I'll tell you a nice story about how I met two of your rowdier Dark Elf male students... I guarantee you'll like it."
Professor Senisha, the Battlemage:
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Bust: DD-cup
Skin color: Dark
Hair: Very long, silver
Eyes: Gold
Build: Tall and curvy
Species: Dark Elf
Weakness: Underarms