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After hounding me to make a profile, you make one almost a month later? You fail.

You are a walking paradox, Jo but it's all a part of your charm. You're just what I've always said you are and now you can't deny any of it after this. It's in writing.

And you NEED to getcha ass to a Metallica concert before they make another album and start sucking again. 😀

Fantastic profile, babe. You're awesome!

Love ya.
Wow.That was jaw dropping.....in a good way.I've never seen or spoken to ya,just kinda go by your post and pics,which are very pretty,btw.Sometimes ya don't know how to take a person until you read something like that.I may have to get back to NEST this year just so I can give ya a hug.That truly was an awesome profile Jo.
I have recently been informed about your scat fetish and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the chilli-dog community. We are always glad to have lovely young ladies such as yourself on board, it makes the scene a far brighter place. 🙂
Good profile. Don't feel bad, I once paid 2,000 for a car that broke a month later needing a whole new motor. It stood in front of my apartment for a year because I was still paying off the loan from the bank and couldn't get it fixed. The warranty from the dealership expired a week before it broke down. Every time I walked out my door I looked at it and laughed in disbelief.
Jo, I just wanted to inform you that in honor of your awesome profile, I have decided that I will forever mispronounce your handle. From now on, I will refer to you as Creestayl-light. I thought this information might prove useful. 😛

Seriously, I loved reading all about you. You rock.
Nice profile , CrystalLight ... though , I noticed you neglected to mention your extreme shyness when describing yourself.

Thanks for letting us peek behind the curtain a little.
"I have no qualms killing people off who were once important to me...

I love little kittens..."

I loved how you went from THAT to "I love little Kittens" hahah that was funny!

You seem really awesome ... I've seen you post a lot around the site ... love what you have to say! 🙂
Wow, I ALMOST feel like a douche for bumping any thread but I really wanted to get my input on your profile so I apologize in advance. 😀

Your profile was amazing and the things that you have experienced in your life to this point, as well as all of the experiences you have gained in your life since joining here, are beyond inspiring. You seem very outspoken and definitely never afraid to throw down when the going gets rough. To still choose to raise your son, given everything that you've encountered in your life, is awesome and deserves more credit then credit given. You practically define always moving forward in life which strikes me as a lesson that many people need to learn nowadays.

I wish the absolute best for you, your son and your family in life and I definitely look forward to reading more of your threads and posts.

Im glad this thread was bumped. more people need to learn about my idol and mentor crystal. :welcome:
I'm so glad you posted this - I learned a lot of things that I would never have known about you (and never would have asked). It takes a lot of courage to open up to strangers - and maybe even more to open up to friends. Bravo!
An awesome profile Jo. I have not had the priviledge of meeting you in person yet, but I have read most of your posts and have talked with you on TMF Radio and I think you are an awesome lady.

I find you to be intelligent and very thoughtful. I think of you as a friend and would do anything possible to help you at any time.

Please don't change. Stay sweet and take care of yourself and your son. I hope to meet you some day at a TMF function and get to know you better. 🙂
Well CrystalLight (Jo),

I know my heart is still working because it seems like it is trying to beat its way out of my chest. I absolutely Looooooooooooved that!

You have such a crazy flow of thoughts, that it came across so special and intimate. What makes this the most endearing to me is that I could tell that when you were writing it, you seemed to have no idea how special it was really going to be us; the people who read it. 🙂
It was a pleasure meeting you at NEST. Keep up the good work here on the forum.
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