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Katy & Amber - Episode 19: When Plans Change (f/f, ff/f, nylons)


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
Hey all,

The wait is over! It took much longer than I expected, but I didn't really account for the holidays and all of the assorted craziness that came along with it. Still, better late than never, right?

So Episode 19 contains something that many have been clamoring for for some time. It actually (sort of) ties together two story lines, one of which I wasn't really sure I wanted to close this early and the other of which I am glad to be done with. I started Episode 19 with something else in mind, but called an audible.

I tried experimenting with a new dialogue style with this episode. I mixed in some instances where there are no dialogue tags. My hope was to sort of recreate the "frenzied" environment of what was going on while trying to be cognizant of the need for context clues to determine who was speaking.

I think this may be my longest piece yet? It was sort of a challenge in setting the scene for what unfolds at the end while also keeping that friendly *vibe* to everything. Hopefully I was able to make that work.

As always, any feedback is always welcomed! I have, of course, the Danielle story line that is still in the works, and I have some ideas for Maddy, as well, but if anyone has any thoughts or ideas, certainly send them my way and I'll see how they fit.

Happy reading,

Katy & Amber - Episode 1: The Discovery (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 2: Later That Evening (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 3: The After Party (ff/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 4: Tickle-Text Messaging (f/f tickle talk)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 5: Netflix & Pizza (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 6: The Blanket Burrito (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 7: Two for the Price of One (f/ff, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 8: Origins & Destinies (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 9: The Show at the Movies: The First Challenge (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 10: Do Not Do Unto Others (f/f, ff/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 11: A Different Kind of Tickle Fight (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 12: The Lecture That Went Unheard (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 13: More to Melissa than Meets the Eye (ff/ff, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 14: Melissa's Roommate (f/f, f/ff, ff/ff nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 15: The Next-Door-Neighbor (f/f, ff/f nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 16: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors (f/f, ff/f nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 17: Brought to the Brink (f/f, ff/f, f/ff, ff/ff nylons, bare feet)
Katy & Amber - Episode 18: Deconstructing Maddy (all variations of f/f, nylons)

Katy & Amber - Episode 19: When Plans Change (f/f, ff/f, nylons)

“Thanks for taking us out to dinner tonight,” Katy said as she took a sip of her Shirley Temple at the table.

“Well, I felt bad that your party ended up being cancelled,” said Maddy, wiping her cheek with the napkin. Indeed, the party that Katy, Amber, and Nicki had been anticipating had been cancelled at the last minute, the girls finding out at literally the eleventh hour as they headed down the hallway after assembling at Katy and Amber’s apartment.

As luck would have it, they received the notification that the party had been cancelled on their phone just as Maddy was entering the apartment building returning from work. Sensing the disappointment in the girls’ eyes at their plans being ruined for the evening - and with everyone all dressed up but with nowhere to go - Maddy suggested the four girls try the new Italian restaurant that had opened in town, her treat. After the usual casual objections, the girls agreed that a night out sure beat spending another weekend night trapped in the apartment, and since everyone had gone to such trouble to get ready for the evening, it only made sense for them to actually go out.

Indeed, the girls were dressed for a night out on the town. Though she was coming from work, Maddy’s usual business attire could transform to a night on the town with ease, her knee length black skirt, white blouse, and gray cardigan pairing nicely with the suntan pantyhose and black heels that she also wore. Amber had also dressed for the occasion, pairing a blue dress with a white sweater, suntan pantyhose, and a pair of ankle booties.

Katy, of course, had caught the attention of both Amber and Maddy especially this evening. Her tight red skirt and black top paired well her own pantyhose and the heels that everyone had been urging her to wear. Though by her own admission she could scarcely handle walking in them for five minutes, she had acquiesced to wearing them at the urging of everyone. Of course, there were ulterior motives driving everyone’s insistence that Katy grin and bear it and wear these particular heels this night. Maddy, though she tried to hide it, could not believe how incredible Katy looked in the heels, the way they accentuated Katy’s legs standing out to her. Amber, on the other hand, had far more devious intentions, for this was to be the night that she would make good on her end of the deal she had made with Danielle - namely, producing Katy in a vulnerable position where Danielle might take advantage of Katy’s explosive ticklishness. Katy had made it known that walking in these heels was practically impossible, and despite Katy’s insistence that it not be the case, Amber knew that it would be only be a short time before Katy found herself slipping out of the heels once at the party. Without the protection of her shoes, Katy would just be another attractive girl walking around the party with only nylons covering her feet; it would be a virtual certainty that someone’s fingers would find their way to the bottom of Katy’s feet at some point, and if that someone happened to be Danielle… Well, it was the best idea that Amber could come up with without making it incredibly obvious that she had set her friend up.

All eyes seemed to be drawn to Nicki, though, for it wasn’t that often that she dressed to the nines. Indeed, while Nicki’s clothing was certainly fashionable and in style, she seemed to be the kind of person to prefer some level of casual comfort in her usual, day-to-day activities. Thus, on nights like this, when she pulled her fancier clothes from the back of her closet, people tended to take notice. Tonight, Nicki had worn a form-fitting long sleeve black dress that had small holes fashionably cut-out sporadically throughout the material covering the sides. Elegant as she looked, it was what was covering her legs that had drawn the attention of the other girls: black pantyhose. It was the first time in quite some time that Katy and Amber could be certain that Nicki had worn nylons of any kind, even though Maddy insisted that Nicki had been wearing them quite frequently without the girls knowing. Always conscious of seeming taller than she was, as she was already on the taller side, Nicki had worn a pair of black flats with her outfit.

“Well, it’s certainly been a nice evening,” said Amber as she sipped her drink. “Nothing wrong with a little girl’s night out every now and then,” she said with a laugh, toasting her glass in the air.

“Here, here,” said the other girls at the table, their glasses clinking as they made contact with each other.


“Have you guys ever been down to the basement of this place?” Maddy asked as the girls walked down the hallway to their apartment.

“You mean the laundry room?” asked Katy.

“No, the actual basement,” reiterated Maddy. “Follow me,” she instructed, motioning the girls past the elevators that would have taken them to their apartment. The sounds of the girls’ high heels clomping on the floor echoed throughout the otherwise unoccupied hallway.

“This isn’t a long walk, is it?” asked Katy, her voice coming off a bit more whiny than she had intended. “I can barely walk in these heels anymore,” she added, hoping that her added reasoning would justify whatever whiny tone she had used.

“You’ll be fine,” said Maddy with a laugh.

“This isn’t, like, some sort of B-grade horror movie, is it?” asked Nicki, finding the concept of four young women entering a seemingly deserted basement all too cliché for the genre.

“Wouldn’t it be funny if it was?” teased Maddy, joking.

As the girls reached what Katy and Amber perceived to be the end of the hallway, they found that the hallway actually opened up ninety degrees to the left. Having never had a reason to walk this far, neither Katy nor Amber had any idea that there was more to be found. Granted, there wasn’t much room for exploration, as a door leading to another area lay in wait, the length of this stretch of hallway long enough only to accommodate the door being open in the hallway. With somewhat a look of mischief, Maddy looked back to the girls as she opened the door.

The girls descended down a dark staircase that seemed like it could have been pulled from the set of an Indiana Jones movie and finally made their way to the landing area, where Maddy reached up to pull the light switch on.

“Feast your eyes on this,” said Maddy, doing her best Vanna White impression while unveiling the apparatus before her. The girls adjusted their eyes to the light and took a step or two closer to get a better look.

“What is it?” asked Amber, amazed to find such a contraption in the basement of her building.

“It looks like some sort of stocks,” said Maddy, walking around towards the back of the unit. “Looks like you’d sit here, and your legs would go here and your arms there,” she pointed.

Indeed, Maddy’s assessment was spot-on. What sat before the girls was a set of wooden stocks, situated squarely in the middle of what seemed to be a standard storage room. Their time in storage - and the accompanying collection of dust and spider webs - gave the stocks an appearance much older than they actually were. Indeed, it was clear from the condition of the padding around the arm and leg holes that these stocks - while certainly not new - were not as ancient as they appeared.

“Isn’t this freaky?” asked Maddy, her hand brushing the top of the wooden structure, dispersing some of the dust into the air.

“Why are these here?” asked Amber as she studied the piece.

“I don’t really know,” said Maddy. “I was coming home from the grocery store one day and I dropped my bag of oranges, and one rolled all the way down to the end of the hallway, and that’s when I noticed the door,” she reported.

“Who do you think…” began Katy, not sure of how to finish her sentence.

“Maybe for some sort of festival?” asked Maddy, uncertain herself. “You know, the ones where they used to strap the damsel in distress in for punishment in front of all the townsfolk,” she said with a laugh.

“You would never,” Amber began, pausing to emphasize her conviction. “Never ever get me in there,” she said.

“Oh, come on,” mocked Nicki, tapping Amber on the arm. “It can’t possibly be that bad. Look at all the padding,” she said.

“If you don’t think it’s that bad, you get in there,” retorted Amber.

Not one to back down from a dare, Nicki agreed to the challenge, much to surprise of everyone else in the room. Putting her bag to the side, Nicki approached the contraption, trying to make sense of the easiest way to hop in. Not that she had much experience with stocks, but this structure seemed different than the image of stocks that she had in her mind. In the center, of course, was a padded area on which one would sit. Running behind that was a padded post-like structure, in the shape of a T, where one would rest their back and extend their arms out to the side, restraints in place both to go around the waist and around the elbows and a locking mechanism to secure the wrists in place. A support structure was in place that ran from the area where one would sit to the area where one would presumably place their legs; what Nicki found different about these stocks, though, was that there was seemingly nothing supporting the user’s legs save for the restraints that would cuff one’s ankles in place. Thus, while the area between your waist and your ankle was essentially not restrained, it was not supported from the bottom in any way. Essentially, once seated within the mechanism, the user would almost resemble an “X” except that the legs would be sticking out and the arms might not be at such a large angle.

“You’re not seriously getting in that thing, are you?” questioned Katy.

“Why not?” Nicki asked. “It’s not like I’m on display in front of all of the townsfolk,” she said with a laugh.

“We simple townsfolk,” joked Katy.

“See?” asked Nicki, once she was seated in the contraption. “Nothing to it.”

“That’s cheating,” said Maddy, as she approached Nicki in the chair. “For the full effect, you need to be locked in,” she added as she began locking the restraints of the mechanism.

“Hey, wait,” said Nicki, more nervous now than before. “Do we have a key?” she asked, understandably so.

“Relax,” said Maddy. “It’s just a stick through a hole,” she said, showing the stick to Nicki as evidence. “See?”

“OK,” said Nicki, relieved that she wouldn’t be trapped in this mechanism without a key. “Hey!” she said as Maddy locked her wrists in place. “Do you really need to do that?” she asked.

“What’s the matter?” asked Maddy as she continued to fasten the locks. “Afraid of the townsfolk?”

“I just...” Nicki said with a grunt as Maddy tugged at her legs to secure her ankles. “You’re going to put a run in my pantyhose,” said warned.

“See?” asked Maddy, showing off her handiwork to Katy and Amber. “On display for all the townsfolk to see,” she said with a laugh.

“It looks pretty… effective,” said Amber, unsure of which words to use. Indeed, Nicki did seem like she was cuffed in tightly, her arms spread out ninety degrees from body, her legs spread apart, as well. “Can you move at all?”

“Barely,” said Nicki. “Now come on,” she said, motioning to her wrists with her head. “Get me out of here.”

“I think I’m actually going to leave that up to these two pretty ladies,” said Maddy, backing towards the door. “The townsfolk should decide when you’ve had enough,” she said with a wink.

“You get back here and get me out this thing right now,” ordered Nicki with uncertainty, half-thinking that Maddy was just playing around and half-thinking that Maddy was indeed about to leave.

“I’m not so certain that you’re in a position to be making orders,” said Maddy as she reached for the door handle. “I’m pretty certain that these walls are super thick and you’re in sort of a… ticklish situation, would you say?” Maddy asked, letting her words hang in the air for all to absorb.

Katy and Amber looked at each other with a huge smile on each of their faces as they realized the present that Maddy had just left them. This was it - the moment that seemed destined never to come. Nicki - who for so long had terrorized and tormented Katy and Amber, among others - was about to get her payback. Katy gingerly ran up to Maddy and gave her a jocular celebratory hug, mouthing the words “thank you” to Maddy as the two embraced.

“I just thought it might be nice for Nicki to see what it’s like to be on the other end once,” said Maddy. “Now, you girls play nice. I’ll want to hear all about it later,” Maddy said as she exited the room.

Katy and Amber again exchanged glances, the smiles on their faces still present. In unison, the girls turned their attention to Nicki, still stuck in the stocks, unable to move. To her credit, she had not freaked out as soon as Maddy mentioned the troublesome “t” word. Though it had been clear to those in the room that Nicki had given a few extra tugs at her restraints while Katy was hugging Maddy, she hadn’t been reduced to begging for mercy or anything of the like.

“Well, well, well,” said Katy, inching slowly closer to Nicki, Amber following in her footsteps. “What do we have here, Miss Amber?” Katy asked in her best detective voice, a sly smile forming on her face.

“Looks like we do have our B-grade horror film,” said Amber, picking up the cue from Katy. “Little Miss Nicki is our damsel in distress, all tied up with nowhere to go,” said Amber as she approached Nicki.

“I can’t believe I fell for this,” Nicki said, very much playing the part of the captured spy. “So, you guys gonna let me out of this?” Nicki asked. “Or…” her voice trailed off, her brain unable to force her mouth to say the words.

“In due time,” said Katy, taking advantage of the positioning of Nicki’s legs so that she was now standing directly in front of Nicki. “Didn’t Maddy say something about you being in a,” Katy began, lightly whispering the final words of her question: “ticklish situation?”.

“You’re wasting your time,” said Nicki, a slight giggle at the absurdity of the situation escaping her lips as she spoke. “It’ll never work,” she said with a more forceful tone.

“Are you saying you’re not ticklish?” asked Amber, who had taken up residence behind Nicki, out of her sight.

“Oh, there’s no question she’s ticklish,” said Katy before Nicki could respond. Katy leaned in so that her nose was touching the tip of Nicki’s nose. “The only question I have is - how ticklish?” she said, staring directly into Nicki’s eyes.

Nicki stayed true to her character, showing great resolve despite how clearly the odds were stacked against her. “You won’t make me crack,” she said, her eyes locked in with Katy’s.

“We shall see, we shall see,” said Katy, taking a quick step back to get a more complete view of Nicki. “We’ve got lots of time and, uh,” she paused, surveying Nicki’s predicament at the moment. “Lots of potentially ticklish spots exposed,” she said deviously.

Indeed, it was true. As far as ticklish predicaments went, Nicki was just about in the worst one anyone could possibly draw up. To begin with, of course, the stocks restrained her in such a way that she could scarcely move a muscle. This completely exposed her underarms and her sides, highlighting the glimpses of bare skin that shown through the holes in the material of the dress. Her legs were stretched as far as they could so they could reach the locks where her ankles now sat; this meant, of course, that not only were her legs completely exposed, but she’d be unable to move them so as much as inch to defend against any tickling. Last but certainly not least, the restraints in which her ankles sat left her feet completely helpless. Sure, right now she was fortunate enough to still have her shoes on, but once that layer of protection was removed, Nicki would have nothing between the bottom of her feet and the wandering fingers of Katy and Amber except for a thin layer of nylon material covering her feet and legs. Yes, Nicki had found herself in quite the jam, for sure, it seemed, and there was no way out of it.

“I bet you would have loved it if one of us were in your spot right now,” said Amber as she lightly brushed the hair off of Nicki’s face.

“Duh,” laughed Nicki, breaking character for just a moment. In fairness, it was the most obvious statement one could make at the time. For a moment, Nicki allowed her mind to travel to this alternate universe, a universe where she had both Katy and Amber cuffed in, helpless. Not that she hadn’t had her fair share of opportunities already, of course… Opportunities that she had always taken advantage of, as well… But there was no doubt that it was always more fun to be on the other side of the situation. “You guys wouldn’t stand a chance,” said Nicki, resuming her hostile captive role.

“Is that so?” asked Katy, eyebrow raised. “Why don’t we see how well you manage it, huh?” she asked, inching closer to Nicki as she spoke. “I wonder,” Katy said as she raised her own arms in the air. “Where should I begin?”

Nicki braced herself as best she could in the chair, following Katy’s hands as they traveled through the air in front of her, each time coming dangerously closer and closer to making contact with Nicki’s body. Katy waved her fingers above Nicki’s stomach, near her sides, and close to her neck, but never came in contact at any time, instead smiling as she saw Nicki try to fight her body from instinctively cringing away from the hovering hands.

“What’s the matter, Nicki?” asked Katy, now no longer waving her hands in front of Nicki. “Nervous? Wondering where I’m going to strike first?” Katy fakes a few pokes to the left and right of Nicki as she moved closer and closer, her body and Nicki’s now pressing against each other as best they could considering the situation. Katy reached her arms out and stretched them alongside Nicki’s, pausing when her hands were resting on Nicki’s hands.

“Now we’re going to find out wh- EEEEP!” Katy shrieked, contorting her body away from the probing finger that had found a ticklish spot on her own side. Once recovered, Katy turned and looked at Amber, who was smiling behind her.

“Sorry,” said Amber. “Couldn’t help it,” she confessed.

“We’re not here to tickle me,” said Katy. “We’re here to tickle her,” she said, turning her attention back to Nicki while Amber moved to an area behind Nicki now.

“Now, where was I?” asked Katy, again pressing her body as close to Nicki’s as she could while stretching her arms out to the side. This time, her hands met Nicki’s and, for a moment, the two joined hands, their fingers intertwining with one another as their gazes remained locked on the other’s eyes. The scent of Nicki’s perfume wafted into Katy’s nose, and Katy’s into Nicki’s, as their bodies pressed closer against the other. For a moment, Katy and Nicki allowed the moment to overtake them, their noses touching, legs brushing up against each other, hands clasped with each other. Were it not for the fact that Nicki was completely immobile because of the restraints, it would have been a scene straight out of a Hollywood classic.

“So, are we going to find out if she’s ticklish, or…” asked Amber, growing impatient as she stood behind Nicki waiting for the sign to start tickling.

“Oh,” said Katy, pulled from her daydream with Nicki by Amber’s question, shaking her head lightly to take stock of the situation again. “Yes, let’s find out if Little Miss Nicki is ticklish,” said Katy, getting back into character once again.

Katy released Nicki’s fingers from her grip but left her own hands in the same position. Ever so lightly, Katy began tracing the tip of one fingernail from each hand along the open palm of Nicki’s hand, sketching a line with her fingernail along the pads near where Nicki’s fingers began, beginning near her index finger and moving along down to her pinky finger, and then down the side of Nicki’s hand to her wrist.

This unorthodox attack on an otherwise forgotten body spot caught Nicki off guard. Katy’s hovering fingers had earlier hinted at an attack on Nicki’s sides or her stomach; they gave no indication of making contact with Nicki’s hands. And though not an overly ticklish spot where one would find victory in a tickle fight, the unmistakable smile that had spread across Nicki’s face certainly suggested some degree of weakness.

“What’s the matter?” asked Katy in a low voice. “Does this… tickle?”

“Not at all,” lied Nicki, unable to dim her smile even when talking. “You’re just wasting your time,” she said, holding onto her unbreakable captive character as long as she could.

“Hmmm,” said Katy, refocusing her attention to Nicki’s hands. “We’ll see,” she said, and with that, altered her attack strategy slightly so that now her fingernails focused solely on Nicki’s wrist area, a single fingernail from each hand sweeping lightly across Nicki’s wrist.

Nicki reflexively tried to curl her hands as best she could given the restraints, but her hands had nowhere to go. She tried looking away, thinking that the ticklish feeling might not resonate as much if she couldn’t see the actual tickling, but it was no use. No matter if she turned her head to the left or to the right, she had a close-up view of Katy’s fingernail tormenting her wrist. Looking ahead was no help, either; seeing Katy in her “bad cop” character would only lower her defenses.

‘I can’t believe she’s tickling my wrists,’ Nicki thought to herself, a little more frantically than she had anticipated. ‘And it’s WORKING!’ she lamented in her mind. Nicki clenched her eyes shut and looked down as far as her head would allow her, hoping this would block out some degree of the ticklish feeling she was enduring. Nicki knew that she stood no chance of coming out the victor in this battle, certainly not with the deck as stacked against her as it was. Katy was right earlier - there were far too many ticklish spots wide open for attack, to say nothing of the restraints preventing any level of defense. Throw in the revenge factor that undoubtedly existed with Katy and Amber and Nicki knew that her chances of escaping this unscathed were slim and none, with slim no longer an option once Maddy left the room. But still, Nicki had hoped to put on a better show than this, had hoped to at least leave Katy and Amber thinking that future thoughts of tickle attacks would be too risky a proposition. Instead, here she was, the fountain of giggles already building up within her, and Katy was only ever so lightly tickling her wrists.

“Already clenching your eyes shut?” asked Katy as she looked over to Nicki. “I’m only at your wrists, sweetheart.”

Amber laughed from behind Nicki. “Clenching her eyes shut ALREADY?” asked Amber somewhat in disbelief. Her view from behind Nicki meant that she couldn’t see Nicki’s facial reactions, so until that point, she had wondered why Katy was wasting her time at Nicki’s hands when there was so much more obvious ticklish real estate to explore. “Oh man, she’s screwed,” laughed Amber. “How ticklish IS she?”

Amber’s question brought a sense of panic to Nicki. It was a fair question. It had been some time since Nicki had last been tickled, the result of a combination of both Nicki usually being the one doing the tickling and Nicki making an effort to not leave herself in ticklish situations. Yes, she had always been ticklish growing up, but enough time had passed that left her wondering to what degree she had been ticklish. Sure, she definitely had considered herself on the above-average spectrum of ticklishness growing up, though she was confident she was nowhere near as ticklish as Katy or Amber. But she couldn’t think of any time where she had felt as weak as she did at this moment, a simple tickle of the wrist coming close to lowering the dam and releasing the giggles. Was she more ticklish than she remembered? Had she become more ticklish over time? Was it the fact that was utterly helpless in her restraints that led to her in a weaker state? Nicki took a quick moment to reflect on all of the ticklish spots on her body that were currently exposed and wondered in worry exactly what Amber had just asked: Just how ticklish WAS she?

“I’m just smiling at the situation,” lied Nicki, being careful to do her best to keep the giggles within. “It’s silly watching you guys try.”

“Let me have a go,” said Amber, impatient from having been on the sidelines for so long.

“But I’m having so much fun,” Katy whined, clearly enjoying the torture she was inflicting on Nicki.

“I said let me have a turn,” said Amber, a bit more forcefully this time. She reached around Nicki’s body and planted her fingers on Katy’s sides, which were wide open as her hands were spread out like Nicki’s.

“Ah!” shrieked Katy, jumping back as her body registered the ticklish touch on her sides, her heels clomping on the floor when she landed. “Come on,” she whined. “We’re tickling her, not me,” she reminded.

Nicki smiled; though she herself was in no position to do anything, she found great delight in the fact that even she was the one doing the tickling, Katy was still so vulnerable to a well-placed poke on the side. Indeed, one of the more frustrating elements about Nicki’s current situation was that after having listened to Katy complain all night about how much her heels hurt and how she couldn’t wait to take them off when she got back home, it now appeared that any plans Nicki might have had of taking advantage of that situation were indefinitely put on hold for the time being.

Nicki didn’t have long to muse on the possibility of Katy taking off her heels, as Amber had begun her attack, sharing the strategy employed by Katy to ever so lightly brush the tip of one fingernail along Nicki’s skin, though this time the target was the bare skin exposed on Nicki’s sides from the design of the dress. Nicki gasped and tried arching her back as much as she could, knowing full well that it wouldn’t be enough to escape the touch of those fingernails but trying anyways. She again clenched her eyes shut to block out the ticklish feeling, this time also biting her lips to suppress the giggles.

“Uh-oh,” teased Amber. “Looks like someone has ticklish sides,” she said with a laugh, winking to Katy from behind the stocks. Nicki continued squirming in the chair, trying in vain to arch her back just a smidge more, even trying to shift it left and right, anything to get even a momentary break from Amber’s fingernail on her skin. She tilted her head back so it was facing the ceiling in the room.

“Your fin...,” Nicki began, catching herself as she felt the giggles trying to escape. “Your fingers are just cold,” she said quickly, racing to get the words out as fast as she could so she could once again bite down on her lips.

“I’m not so sure about that,” teased Amber, continuing her slow and methodical tracing of Nicki’s sides. “I can even feel her ribs, Katy,” Amber said, analyzing Nicki’s body.

“Ooooh, the ribs are such a ticklish spot,” replied Katy, more talking to Nicki, though, than Amber. “I hate how they feel like little speed bumps,” she said in a low tone, moving closer to Nicki’s ear. “Just feels like that fingernail is bouncing up and down all these little speed bumps that are your ribs,” she said, shivering for a moment as she spoke. “Gosh, even just thinking about it is ticklish,” she said, watching Nicki’s face closely, knowing she was close to breaking.

“Oh my Ga-ha-ha-had!” yelled Nicki, giggles escaping her mouth for the first time. “You guys are horrible,” she said as quickly as she could, now doubling down on her efforts to keep the giggle suppressed.

Indeed, it had been as especially torturous ordeal for Nicki so far, who now was at least entertaining the question of whether it would have been less torture had Katy and Amber just started with an all-out tickle attack from the beginning; this ultra-slow, super-methodical approach was messing with her mind.

“Let me try this,” said Katy, motioning for Amber to step back for a moment. Nicki was at the same time both relieved to have Amber’s fingernails off of her bare skin - Nicki didn’t know how much longer she would have lasted - but also nervous to see what Katy had in mind.

With a sly smile, Katy moved closer again, this time her fingernails landing on the thin fabric covering Nicki’s elbows. For a brief moment, Nicki felt relieved, believing that her elbows - especially her elbows under fabric - would be an easy spot to overcome. That feeling of relief was fleeting, though, as Katy began drawing small circles all along Nicki’s elbow area, alternating on the pit of her elbow on top, the side of her elbow near her funny bone, and the bottom of the elbow along the bone.

“Shit,” muttered Nicki, in shock that Katy’s attack had worked so well and so quickly. What Nicki had thought would be a moment of reprieve was anything but, those tiny little circles leaving a path of ticklish sensations all along Nicki’s elbow area. Nicki clenched her eyes shut quickly and tucked her head down, biting her lips shut once again to suppress the growing giggles.

“You’re just full of ticklish spots, aren’t you?” teased Katy, pleased with herself that her gamble had once again paid off.

Nicki could only shake her head in the negative, afraid that opening her mouth would result in all those giggles escaping for good. In truth, her ribs were a much more ticklish spot than her elbow - and even her wrist - but for some reason, Nicki found herself completely at the mercy of Katy’s finger strokes.

“Who would have thought that all these times she was tickling one of us, she was just as ticklish,” laughed Amber, thoroughly enjoying every new weak spot she and Katy could discover. And to think - there was still so many more ticklish spots to explore!

“Nooo,” said Nicki through clenched teeth, clinging to the final straw in her “I’m not ticklish” defense, though it was clear that such a defense would be thrown out of any courtroom in the country.

“You couldn’t be any more wrong, Amber,” said Katy facetiously. “She’s clearly not ticklish at all, like she says,” Katy said with a laugh, pausing her tickle attack on Nicki, who took a deep breath once she no longer felt Katy’s fingernails on her arms.

“Told you I wasn’t,” lied Nicki once she had recovered, sticking to her tough captive role whenever she could. She hated that she was in such a defenseless situation, but she couldn’t help but partially enjoy the game and the teasing that had developed between the three.

“It’s a good thing, then,” said Amber, pretending to go along with the lie. “Because if she was ticklish, I don’t know what she’d do if I did… THIS!” she said, bringing all ten of her fingers from behind and landing them in the exposed under arm of Nicki, the first time either girl had employed an all-out tickle strategy.

Nicki jumped so much, Katy thought she’d have to catch her from falling, despite the restraints. Nicki’s eyes were bugging out of her head as she exploded in laughter, trying with whatever might she had to pull herself away from Amber’s tickling fingers, but to no avail. Nicki had somehow managed to mostly suppress the giggles as the girls teased her with one finger attacks, but all ten fingers under her arms? She wouldn’t stand a chance even if she had been able to try.

Katy and Amber laughed together as they saw their friend, the girl who was usually the most dominant of their trio where tickling was involved, completely helpless as the laughter took over her body, the thin material of her dress offering little if any protection from Amber’s dancing digits.

“Stop!” Nicki pleaded amidst the laughter, her body trying with all it could to somehow break free from the wrist restraints that kept her arms stretched out to her side and, thus, her underarm completely wide open for this attack. The restraints held firm, though, and Nicki could only laugh and laugh as she squirmed and bounced in the chair of the restraint as much as she could.

“I thought you weren’t ticklish,” Katy said with a smile as Amber slowed her tickling, both because she didn’t want to draw attention to the goings-on in this room and also because she wasn’t sure how much more tickling Nicki could take without a break; indeed, though she assumed Nicki to be ticklish to some degree, Amber wasn’t expecting it to be to the severity that it clearly was.

“I’m,” began Nicki, still catching her breath. “I’m not ticklish, though,” she said as she laughed, her body still registering the ticklish feeling under her arm from earlier. “I was just remembering a good joke,” she said, her tough guy character coming out one more time.

“OK, so what if I…” Katy began, walking towards Nicki with her fingers in the air.

“OK, OK,” shouted Nicki as she saw Katy moving closer, knowing full well what Katy had on her mind. “Fine. I’m ticklish. You win,” Nicki said quickly, wanting to get her admission of defeat out of her mouth as quickly as possible. “Now get me out of this thing,” she urged, hoping to put an end to the situation.

“But there are still so many other spots to try,” said Amber from behind.

“Yeah,” agreed Katy, inching closer to Nick again so that their noses once again touched. “I want to know what your most ticklish spot is,” she said with an evil, though friendly, smile as she peered into Nicki’s eyes.

Nicki defiantly turned her head to the side, not about to volunteer that information up to anyone, but especially in such a vulnerable position as this.

“Well, Amber,” said Katy, “looks like we’re just going to have to go exploring.”

Nicki couldn’t help but smile at just how well Katy was into her character; indeed, it wasn’t often that Nicki got to see Katy in such a position of power, and something about it really struck Nicki.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” said Amber, who again deposited her fingers into the exposed underarms of Nicki; though Amber had toned down the intensity of her previous attack, the effect was nevertheless the same: Nicki exploded into hysterical laughter.

“Let’s check out these ribs, too,” said Katy, inserting her fingers under the material of the dress where Nicki’s skin was exposed.

Nicki’s eyed bugged out of her head as she felt the dual-front assault, her body unable to divert enough energy to either location to block out the ticklish sensations that were registering. Unlike before, Nicki couldn’t even form the words to begin to say “stop” or anything of the like, so overwhelmed with laughter was she. Soon, Nicki fell into silent laughter as her body fell deeper and deeper into defeat at the hands of these tickle monsters.

“Tough to say which spot is more ticklish,” said Katy, speaking in her most professorial manner as if analyzing a scientific experiment.

“I agree,” said Amber, mimicking Katy’s tone. “Her body seems to be trying to avoid the sides,” she said, noticing Nicki’s body swaying from side to side as best it could to try to get a moment’s break from Katy’s fingers. “But her armpits were where she cracked.”

“Imagine if her armpits were bare,” said Katy, eliciting a laugh from Amber and a cry from Nicki as the two girls paused their tickle attack. “Relax, sweetie,” she said, reassuring Nicki. “We’re not going to do anything to your dress. Just noting it for later,” she said.

“You ready to talk yet?” Amber asked Nicki, questioning her captive once more to see if she was ready to reveal her most ticklish spot. Despite her obvious predicament, Nicki stood strong, clenching her lips shut to show she wasn’t about to reveal anything.

Nicki quickly scrunched her neck down as much she could as she felt Amber’s fingers exploring the area around her neck and collarbones. “Shit, no!” she screamed as she felt Amber’s digits making contact. She tried to retract her neck as much as she could, hoping to limit the area on which Amber could explore. Nicki’s neck was certainly sensitive; like her hands, they weren’t ticklish enough to the degree that one would win a tickle fight by targeting that area, but her neck - and her collarbones especially - was an area Nicki knew to be incredibly sensitive, even at this age. Many a hair appointment had resulted in Nicki giggling in embarrassment as the stylist inevitably brushed against her neck and collarbone while performing her craft. Massages were difficult to sit through, as well, with Nicki needing a firm touch as a light massage was sure to tickle.

Those situations were different, though. Nicki had some degree of control, able to move away from the tickling touch at any time. Here, though, Nicki was strapped down, forced to endure Amber’s wandering finger. It was true; no one had ever been allowed to handle Nicki’s neck and collarbone area for an extended time before. Here, Amber had full access.

“Oh my gosh,” said Katy, bringing her hands to her mouth in awe. “Look how cute she is with her little neck all scrunched up,” she said, mimicking the manner in which Nicki now found herself.

“Get them away!” shouted Nicki with a laugh, shocked that Amber had thought to target such an area.

“How about that tummy of yours?” asked Katy, poking Nicki repeatedly as if she were the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

“Stop!” yelled Nicki, giggles pouring out.

“Hmmm,” said Katy, once again analyzing her subject. “Neck is definitely a ticklish spot. Tummy will need more investigation at a later date. Access is restricted.”

“I LOVE that her neck is so ticklish,” said Amber with glee, finally pulling her fingers free from Nicki’s skin. “That’s going to come in handy so many times,” she said, walking around to the front of the restraint, standing next to Nicki’s leg on the outside.

“But still,” Katy said with her hands pressed together in the air. “Not the most ticklish,” she said, smiling at Nicki as she continued playing the game.

“Where else could she be ticklish?” asked Amber aloud, placing her head in her hands in deep thought as she rested her arms on Nicki’s legs as if they were a desk. Amber began gently tapping the tips of her fingernails along Nicki’s leg as she did, making sure her fingernails brushed against the side of Nicki’s knee as she did.

“No, cut that out!” yelled Nicki, realizing Amber’s intention.

“What? Why?” asked Amber in faux confusion, pretending to have no idea what Nicki was referring to. “Wait, does it tickle when I do this?” she asked with a smile, brushing her fingernails again against the side of Nicki’s knee.

“YES!” Nicki shouted as giggles poured out of her mouth.

“Look, Katy,” said Amber in glee. “I found another ticklish spot.” Katy began tickling Nicki’s other knee, this second attack sending Nicki over the top and into hysterical laughter. Amber alternated her work by squeezing the top of Nicki’s knees gently and brushing against the side of her knee while Katy focused on dancing the tips of all of her fingernails on the pit behind Nicki’s knee.

“This is definitely at the armpit and side level,” analyzed Katy as she watched Nicki fall deeper and deeper into laughter. “I think this has been the top spot so far,” she said as she continued tickling.

Indeed, this had been the most ticklish attack Nicki had experienced this evening. Her knees had long been a ticklish spot for her, and that was only exacerbated tonight. The physical structure of the stock offered absolutely no protection at all; with no support from the seat on which Nicki sat to the restraint area in which her ankles sat, Amber and Katy had 360 degree access to all of Nicki’s leg. Had the stock been built with a support board running from the chair to the ankles, Katy wouldn’t have had such free range to target behind Nicki’s knee, but with the connecting poles running along the floor, nothing stood in the way of Katy’s dancing digits.

“She has tears!” said Amber, noticing tears of laughter trickling down Nicki’s cheeks. Indeed, the girls had found a weak spot, and they weren’t inclined to move from it too soon. Nicki tried shaking her legs as best as she could, but her the structure stretched her legs as far as they could go, so movement was very limited.

“Stop!” Nicki begged amongst the hysterical laughter, desperate for a break from the girls’ attack, falling into silent laughter shortly after the words left her mouth.

“I think we found a good spot,” said Katy, now using both hands to work over both the back and top of Nicki’s knee area.

“I cannot WAIT until the summer time now,” said Amber with a laugh, knowing full well that summer weather would mean shorts, which would mean Nicki’s knees would be exposed at any time.

“Is this REALLY that ticklish?” Katy asked Nicki, somewhat amazed to have found such a ticklish spot on Nicki’s body. Nicki nodded her in agreement, unable to form any sort of word over the hysterical laughter pouring out of her mouth. There was no use denying it. The girls had discovered a particularly weak spot on her body and were now exploiting that to their advantage.

“Maybe we should give her a rest before she passes out,” said Amber, pausing her tickle attack to allow Nicki to catch her breath once again. Katy and Amber sat smiling at Nicki as she gasped for air as she recovered, both overfilled with joy that they had found such a ticklish spot.

“You,” began Nicki, still catching her breath. “You guys are horrible,” she said, coughing as she recovered.

“How ticklish was it?” Katy asked, the eager look on her face revealing how psyched she was to hear Nicki’s response.

“It was insanely ticklish,” admitted Nicki, well past any ability to try to pretend Katy and Amber weren’t tickling her. “I don’t even know when the last time I was tickled that much was,” she admitted, giving credit where credit was due.

“Looks like we found your most ticklish spot,” said Amber, congratulating herself on the reveal.

Nicki glanced to the side, not responding to Amber’s statement.

“Unless…” began Katy, picking up on Nicki’s body language. “There’s a spot that’s possibly even more ticklish?” she asked.

“Is there any spot on your body that ISN’T ticklish?” asked Amber, still relatively amazed that Nicki had been able to hide this level of ticklishness from the two of them for this long.

“You found all the spots,” said Nicki. “Might as well let me out now. You win.”

“Something tells me you’re lying,” said Katy.

“You found my knees,” said Nicki. “You can let me out now,” she said, trying to speak with more urgency.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t answer the question,” said Amber, now back into the story once again. “Is there a spot that’s even more ticklish?” she asked.

“Just let me out,” said Nicki. “You guys got what you wanted.”

“There is, isn’t there?” asked Katy.

“Guys, please…” said Nicki, uncertain what she should say in this situation.

“What about…” asked Katy, slowly turning her glance to the base of the stocks where Nicki’s feet lay trapped.

“No, come on!” begged Nicki, trying once again to pull on her restraints to get out of this situation.

“Her feet!” announced Amber with a smile, ecstatic to discover this information. Katy and Amber began slowly walking towards the end of the stocks, each girl taking position at one of her trapped feet.

“No,” pleaded Nicki. “You don’t have to do this,” she said, trying to find some way to reason with the girls.

“Could it be,” asked Katy, leaning over to rest on the stocks that held Nicki’s ankles in place. “That the girl who takes such delight in taking advantage of her friends’ ticklish feet,” she continued. “Has super ticklish feet herself?” she asked, taking delight even in the look of dread that was quickly forming on Nicki’s face.

“Girls, please,” pleaded Nicki. “This isn’t fair. You can’t do this,” she said still in the voice of her captive character, although somewhat more frantically this time. But she knew there was nothing she could do, nothing she could say. The girls were right. They had found Nicki’s most ticklish spot. Not that it should have come as a surprise by any means. For one, the feet were an incredibly common spot for one to be ticklish. For another, Nicki was so adroit at tickling Katy and Amber’s feet that she had to be working from some experience. To this point, the girls had assumed it was the experience of tickling other friends. But was it also the experience of being tickled herself?

“I wonder if she’d like to slip out of these shoes,” mused Amber, pointing to the flats Nicki had on her feet.

“I know I would,” said Katy. “My feet are killing me in these heels.”

“Just take them off already,” Amber said, rolling her eyes as Katy registered what seemed like her 700th complaint about her achy feet in heels tonight.

“Ewww, not on this floor,” Katy said, repulsed by the thought. “Besides, we’ve got more important business to attend to, don’t we?”

“No, keep my shoes on,” said Nicki, trying her best to angle her foot down as if that would provide any help in this situation. “My, uh…. My feet will get cold,” she said, mustering up the best lie that she could on-the-spot.

“Mmm hmmm,” said Katy, pretending to go along with Nicki’s reasoning. “Cold feet?” she asked. “You mean to tell me your feet aren’t at all ticklish?” she asked with a smile.

“Well, I mean, uh...” began Nicki, unsure whether to remain in her role or try to reason her way out of her predicament. “OK. Fine. Yes, my feet are a little ticklish. Congratulations. You discovered it. Now can you get me out of here?” she asked.

“Just a little ticklish?” repeated Amber, turning to face Katy. “I don’t think I’m buying it. Are you?”

“Well, if she’s telling the truth, and her feet are only a little ticklish,” said Katy, “she won’t mind if we do a little exploring of our own,” she added, pausing. “You know, for research.”

“Shit, no,” blurted out Nicki, catching herself for dropping her character. “OK, fine. They’re ticklish-ticklish. You caught me,” she said, still struggling at her restraints.

“That’s what I thought,” said Amber, happy to have the confession from her captive.

“I don’t know, though,” said Katy, bringing her hands to her chin as she pretended to ponder the situation. “I don’t think she’s telling the truth,” she said.

“I am, I am!” urged Nicki, tugging more and more on the restraints.

“I mean,” continued Katy, “look at how she’s trying everything she can do to get out of this restraint,” she said, as Amber nodded her head in agreement. “She wasn’t doing that when we were testing any other spot. I think she’s trying to hide something underneath these shoes of hers,” Katy concluded.

“Oh my God!” shouted Nicki out of somewhat feigned annoyance, frustrated that Katy and Amber were seeing through every lie she told and worried that her fate seemed to be drawing closer and closer.

“Hmmm, increased hostility,” joked Katy. “I think we’re into ‘really ticklish’ territory now,” she said to Amber, as Nicki tugged and tugged at her restraints.

“I think we just moved from really ticklish to insanely ticklish,” laughed Amber, referencing a fictitious scale of ticklishness.

Nicki stopped tugging at her restraints, realizing that her actions were only revealing more and more information about her, uh, condition to Katy and Amber. With a deep breath and a straight face, Nicki calmly said, “Don’t. Just… don’t.”

“Tell ya what,” said Katy in bargaining mode. “Let’s make a deal.”

“OK…” said Nicki, unsure of what Katy had in mind but seemingly willing to do anything to get out of these restraints.

Katy gently tugged on the shoe covering the foot where she was stationed, easily sliding it off Nicki’s heel since she wasn’t expecting it. The flat still dangling from Nicki’s toes, Katy walked over to Nicki’s other foot to repeat the process, though this time with Nicki aware of what was coming, Nicki did her best to bend her foot to make it more difficult for Katy to do so. The nylons, though, removed any friction that could have helped, and soon enough, both of Nicki’s flats were popped off of her heels, hanging onto her feet with just her toes.

“You manage to keep your shoes,” said Katy, “and we’ll let you out,” she stated. “But once the shoes come off…” Katy said, letting Nicki finish the sentence.

“What?” shrieked Nicki. “That’s totally not fair,” she said, knowing full well that she’d be at a disadvantage heading into this contest.

“Final offer,” said Katy, beginning to wiggle her fingers in the air. “Otherwise,” she said, nodding her head to her fingers to let Nicki know what she meant.

“OK, OK,” said Nicki, willing to take the chance, no matter how small, that she might be able to escape her predicament. She took a deep breath and clenched her eyes shut, ready for whatever the two girls would bring.

Katy and Amber smiled at each other and signaled that Katy would go first. Katy looked down to see the prey that lay in front of her. It was a cute foot, as feet go. Katy then realized how little she had actually seen of Nicki’s feet during their friendship. Not that it is something one would track, of course, but the current situation certainly called for some reflection, and Katy reasoned that this might be the first time she’d actually seen Nicki’s feet. Nicki, it seemed, was almost always in socks of some kind; in fact, even when the girls attended a party and Nicki had dressed for the occasion, she had worn black ankle socks over her pantyhose that night. Nicki smiled at the thought of Nicki wearing socks over her pantyhose as a way of preventing people from finding out her feet were ticklish. Even if that wasn’t the actual reason, it was a cute thought. The flats, of course, hid Nicki’s toes, and the black color of the pantyhose somewhat blurred the appearance of the rest of her foot, but from what Katy could make out, it was a well-taken-care-of foot. Which was odd, Katy thought, for she couldn’t recall Nicki ever mentioning anything about getting a pedicure. Katy smiled again at the thought of Nicki avoiding pedicures at the salon because of the inevitable tickles that would come along with one.

“I’ve kept my shoes on,” said Nicki, pretending that the contest was over. “I win. Now get me out.”

“Yeah, right,” said Amber, laughing.

Katy snapped out of her thoughts as her two friends spoke and remembered that she had work to do. Yes, it was a cute foot, but it was a cute foot that needed to be tickled. Katy dragged a single fingernail along the top of Nicki’s foot, starting up near the ankle and extending along the top as far as her finger could go considering the flat was still covering Nicki’s toes.

Nicki’s body spasmed at the touch, though, her leg jolting with such force that her flat easily slipped off her toes and fell to the floor.

“Oh my gosh,” said Katy with a laugh. “That was so easy!”

“Not fair, not fair!” yelled Nicki, laughing at the situation, as well.

“That was just the top of the foot,” Katy said to Amber. “I can’t imagine what the bottom of the foot is like,” she said, unable to hide the glee in her voice.

“I still have one shoe on!” shouted Nicki, reminding Katy that she had not lost the contest yet.

“Well, let’s see,” said Katy, turning the floor over to Amber and Nicki again clenched her eyes shut in preparation for the attack.

Amber brushed her finger along the top of Nicki’s foot, sweeping it across the pantyhose that clung so tightly to her skin. Nicki’s body spasmed once more, but this time she had slightly more control of her leg and we relieved when she did not hear the clack of the flat hitting the floor. Giggles poured out of Nicki’s clenched teeth as she struggled to clench her eyes shut and keep her body still as Amber’s finger left a trail of ticklish touches across her foot. Amber dragged her finger back up towards Nicki’s ankle, sweeping down the side of Nicki’s foot and drawing a circle around Nicki’s ankle bone.

“Nooo!” Nicki shouted, her body again betraying her and spasming out of control as Amber continued the circles around the delicate skin surrounding Nicki’s ankle bone. Nicki’s leg began to shake and Amber and Katy watched in glee as Nicki’s one remaining flat jiggled more and more with each spasm of laughter. Eventually, Nicki’s shoe was clinging on for dear life resting solely on her big toe. Had she not been wearing nylons - and, of course, had someone not been tickling her, she might have been able to clutch onto the flat between her big toe and its neighbor, but the pantyhose material made that impossible. No, the flat just hung there, dangerously teetering on the edge, and Nicki and Amber made eye contact.

“It’s soooo close,” teased Amber, causing Katy to clap in appreciation.

“It’s still on! I win!” said Nicki, now realizing that there hadn’t been any time limit set for this contest.

“We’ll see,” said Amber, who lowered her head again to focus on Amber’s foot, this time dragging one fingernail along the tops of the four toes that were sticking out of the flat.

“Not the toes!” yelled Nicki, though it was too late, her body having already registered the ticklish touch and responded accordingly in the form of a violent tickle-spasm. Nicki felt her heart sink to the ground as she heard her final flat hit the floor, recognizing that not only had she just lost the contest, but her feet had lost their only source of protection for what was inevitably coming next.

“How have you been hiding this from us all this time?” Katy asked excitedly.

“Well, you don’t generally go around announcing your weaknesses to the world, do you?” asked Nicki, justifying her secrecy.

“Oh, so it’s a weakness, is it?” asked Amber. Nicki clenched her lips shut, smiling at the absurdity of the situation. “I want to hear you say it’s a weakness,” Amber demanded, wiggling her fingers in the air in a threatening manner.

“Fine, it’s a weakness,” said Nicki defiantly.

“Not good enough,” interrupted Katy. “What exactly is the weakness?”

Nicki turned to Katy and laughed, more at the situation than anything she had said. Was she really going to make her say it? The look on Katy’s face suggested as much.

“Fine,” said Nicki, preparing to make the statement official. “Having ticklish feet is a weakness of mine,” she said, sticking her tongue out at the end of her statement.

“Nope,” said Katy, still not satisfied. “Having feet how ticklish is the weakness?” she said with a huge smile on her face, thoroughly enjoying having Nicki make her admission.

Nicki let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh my gosh!” she yelled. “Fine. Having insanely ticklish feet is a weakness of mine. Are you happy now?” Nicki asked, not knowing what more she could do to satisfy their demands.

“More than you could ever believe,” said Katy, who turned her attention once again to the captive foot in front of her. “But now there’s the matter of what we should do to these cute little feet of yours,” Katy said.

“You could leave them alone,” said Nicki with a laugh, knowing there was no chance of that happening.

“Bet you’re really regretting the pantyhose right about now, aren’t ya?” asked Katy with a wink.

“Oh yeah,” confessed Nick with a sigh. “I tried going for the desperate look tonight by not wearing underwear under my…” she started to explain.

“You’re not wearing underwear?” asked Amber, interrupting her.

“No,” said Nicki, now somewhat ashamed because of how shocked Amber was to hear it.

“Sexy,” said Katy with a smile, producing a laugh from all of the girls. “OK. Enough talk. Time for business,” she said, and with that began drawing one fingernail along the bottom of Nicki’s captive foot.

“Shit, no!” Nicki yelled, unable to get out any other words before falling into hysterical laughter, just the slightest touch of a finger against her foot enough to render her helpless with laughter. Katy smiled as the realization of Nicki’s ticklishness sunk in. She was hardly even tickling her foot and Nicki was already in hysterics, desperately pulling at the restraints and shaking her head from side to side to try to block out the tickly feeling.

Things got twice as bad for Nicki when Amber joined in, mimicking Katy’s strategy by lightly dragging one fingernail along the bottom of her foot, gently brushing against the skin as her finger glided across the nylon material.

“She’s SO ticklish,” Amber said in awe, laughing as she said it. She had long assumed that Nicki had to be ticklish to some degree; wasn’t everyone? But she had no idea that Nicki would be THIS ticklish, this helpless against something as simple as something brushing up against her foot. Amber loved this discovery, of course; Nicki had plenty of revenge coming her way now that Amber knew the level of Nicki’s ticklishness.

Katy could do nothing but smile as her fingernails skated across the nylon material on the bottom of Nicki’s foot. There was something especially rewarding for Katy in doing this. Having long been a victim of Nicki’s tickling herself, it was a completely different situation for Katy to see Nicki as the one struggling against the tickling. Nicki had almost become somewhat of a dominating figure in Katy’s life - certainly not in a bad way, of course. But when one has their weakness taken advantage of by someone as much as Katy had by Nicki, and without reprisal, it was only natural for there to develop some sort of submissive feelings towards the individual. Now seeing Nicki laughing her head off… Seeing that she suffered the same weakness as Katy… Realizing what this could mean going forward… Butterflies began forming in Katy’s stomach as she imagined what that could mean. Katy slid her own right foot out of her heel and began rubbing her left calf with her right foot.

Nicki, of course, could hardly form such elaborate thoughts at the moment. The only thing she could do was laugh, and then laugh some more, as Katy and Amber explored every inch of the bottom of her feet, adding more and more fingers along the way until each girl had four fingers flying across her helpless soles. Nicki had fallen deep into silent laughter already, tears streaming down her cheeks after escaping through her clenched eyes. Nicki was beside herself, still trying to come to terms with the fact that Katy and Amber had even found out that she was ticklish, let alone that they had her completely helpless and at their mercy.

“Can you even believe she’s this ticklish?” asked Amber, still in shock.

“Our lucky day, I suppose,” said Katy as the two girls began discussing Nicki’s ticklishness in front of her.

“To think, this was right under our noses all this time.”

“Well, she did do a great job hiding it from us.”

“All those times she had socks on…”

“All those times she tickled our feet when we had nylons on…”

“We have to find a way to get her in nylons more often.”

“They do look like they’re a natural fit for her, don’t they?”

Nicki couldn’t handle it. As if the tickling weren’t enough to send someone over the edge, to have to listen to two people describe your ticklishness as they are tickling you was maddening. The girls were relentless, never giving her a moment’s rest. It seemed that there were at least four fingers scurrying across her soles at any given time, sometimes as many as eight. Nicki wanted to jump out of her skin if she could; she’d surely jump out of the pantyhose if that were possible. Nicki was at enough of a disadvantage already restrained in the stocks with no way of defending herself; that she had pantyhose on on top of that was downright unfair.

Katy and Amber slowed their tickling to an eventual pause, figuring that Nicki was on the verge of passing out from laughing so much.

“Girl, you’re SO ticklish,” teased Katy as Nicki caught her breath.

“Yeah, yeah,” laughed Nicki, dismissing Katy’s taunts.

“I bet we could get you to agree to anything we wanted right now,” said Amber, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, well,” said Nicki, “it’s not often you get me at such a disadvantage,” she said, making no effort to refute Amber’s claim.

“Have you been this ticklish this entire time?” asked Katy.

“The pantyhose aren’t helping matters,” laughed Nicki, “but yeah, pretty much. I just try to hide it from people.”

“So that’s why you’re never barefoot around us?” asked Katy, though Nicki replied only with a smile, answer enough for Katy. “Oh my gosh,” said Katy excitedly, just having a tremendous thought. “You have to wear nylons like us from now.”

“Oh, no way,” said Nicki, shaking her head. “These things are dangerous,” she said with a laugh.

Amber slowly walked towards Nicki until she was standing right in front of her, taking the lead for the first time. “How dangerous are they?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as she smiled.

Neither Nicki nor Katy knew where Amber was going with this and waited for Amber to explain.

“Well,” explained Amber. “Nicki seems to share our weakness with nylons making you more ticklish,” she said. “I wonder if nylons might have any other effect on her,” she said quietly.

“Oh, no!” said Nicki, finally catching onto what Amber was saying. “You wouldn’t,” she said, pausing for a moment to wonder. “Would you?”

“I think we might,” said Amber, looking back to Katy to see that she was in agreement.

“You… You can’t,” said Nicki, appearing truly nervous for the first time, knowing full well how vulnerable she was at the present moment.

“Why not?” asked Amber, smiling. “I’m actually kind of curious,” she said, placing a finger on Nicki’s knee and tracing it up the length of her leg until it reached her thigh area.

“And besides,” added Katy. “I don’t think we have an actual winner yet, do we?” she said.

Amber let her finger swoop down as it began to trace along Nicki’s inner thigh, Nicki’s body spasming as she registered the touch. Nicki’s eyes bulged out of her head as she looked at Amber, unable to believe what was happening. Once the girls had her locked in, Nicki assumed she would be tickled; she hadn’t planned for this.

“Nooo,” pleaded Nicki, realizing what effect Amber’s touch was having on her body. “Get off,” she begged, though her pleas fell on deaf ears.

“I wonder what would happen,” said Katy, breaking Nicki’s stare towards Amber. “If I did this,” she finished, and began drawing a tiny circle on the bottom of Nicki’s trapped foot, in the exact location of Katy’s own sensitive spot.

“Nooo,” begged Nicki again. “Girls, come on,” she said quickly, her mind racing a mile a minute to try to think of a way out of this predicament before the feelings that were building up deep inside of her took over. “You… You can’t do this. This just isn’t… oh Godddd… This just isn’t fair. It’s… It’s two on one… I’m.. I’m trapped… And… And… Oh my Godd…. God damn it, these pantyhose!” she yelled, shocking her own self by how quickly her body was giving in to the tender touches being delivered by Amber and Katy.

Katy and Amber smiled at each other as they witnessed what was taking place, their once dominant friend Nicki losing her battle against the growing sensation building within her. Nicki tried squeezing her eyes shut, shaking her head back and forth, shouting every curse word she could think of, but there was no denying it… Katy and Amber had uncovered another weakness.

“Girls, I’m not kidding. You HAVE to stop,” Nicki said, trying to maintain some authoritative tone in her voice, a voice that was quickly going in and out as Nicki fought to suppress the moans her body wanted to exude. “I can’t take two on one,” she pleaded, almost looking for a moment like she was going to cry, though no one - not even Nicki - knew if they would be tears of sadness or tears of joy. Indeed, it had been sometime for Nicki since her last experience, and there was a reason she had opted against wearing underwear this evening: her body knew what it wanted and, though it wasn’t as Nicki had planned the night going as she was getting dressed, her body was getting what it wanted.

“I think we’re getting to her,” said Katy, who had now shifted her body so that her left foot was out of its heel and was rubbing against her right shin. Katy tantalized Nicki’s foot exactly as Nicki had done hers so often, slowly drawing the gentlest of circles over and around the one super sensitive spot of Nicki’s foot, the spot so delicate that Nicki scarcely touched it herself.

“No doubt,” said Amber, herself totally engrossed in the magic she was performing on Amber’s thighs. With Nicki wearing such a short skirt, Amber had plenty of room with which to work, and she traced her fingernail along every portion of exposed thigh as an artist would a brush on a canvas. Occasionally, she would pause and give Nicki’s thigh a quick little pinch, jolting Nicki’s body to attention from the sensual touch.

“Girls,” Nicki said, her breathing more resembling panting at this point. “You need to stop,” she said, forcing her mind to cast aside the overwhelming pleasures it was experiencing from the girls’ touch to get her point across. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to go. I’m not going to be able to stop it,” she said, almost dejectedly in making such an admission. But it wasn’t her fault, of course. The human body could only take so much. And with it being so long, and with the girls knowing exactly what to do, and with Nicki still sort of feeling the effect of the moment she shared with Katy earlier… She was helpless.

“That’s the point, isn’t it?” laughed Katy, alternating her technique so that now she was drawing line after line along the delicate skin of Nicki’s sole. Katy smiled a devious smile and reached over towards Nicki’s other foot with her free hand and began repeating the same motion on Nicki’s other foot.

Nicki’s body jolted from the stocks. “Jesus Christ, no!” she yelled, the addition of the second foot pushing her mind deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Amber turned to see what Katy had done and, upon noticing, said, “Oh, good idea,” and followed suit, using her own free hand to target Nicki’s second thigh, which to this point had been sitting there just as vulnerable as the first though with nothing to show of it.

Nicki’s back arched and her breathing became more a combination of panting and moaning than anything else. She squeezed her fists shut and looked to the ceiling, a final desperate attempt to take control of her body. “Girls,” she pleaded through clenched teeth. “I can’t hold it anymore.”

“So don’t,” said Amber matter-of-factly, adding now a second and a third finger to the assault on each of Nicki’s thighs.

Nicki’s body began to shake uncontrollably, Katy and Amber now seemingly controlling her body’s motions as if she were a puppet. It was all too much for Nicki. She had tried to fight it, tried to maintain some sense of dignity, tried to hold off as long as she could… But the girls were just too good. The touches were too much. Her skin too sensitive. Her body too…

With one pronounced arch of her back, Nicki’s body went stiff, her thighs almost squeezing Amber’s hands together as they tried to break from the restraints. “Ohhhh myyyy GOODDDDDD” shrieked Nicki, her body having finally given in to the temptation, given in to the pleasure that was dancing all across her thighs and her feet. Her body quaked as she felt her inner walls come crumbling, the wave of emotion quickly taking over, her ecstasy exploding. “OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod,” she repeated over and over again to no one in particular, her body shaking with aftershocks as her head hung low in exhaustion. Somehow, it seemed both like it was over in an instant and that it took forever, her body almost demanding more and more as it hoped her climax would not result in the girls stopping immediately. She gasped for air, slowly coming back to a normal breathing pattern as her body sat still tingling from the paradise it had just experienced.

Amber was the first to stop, and Katy followed soon thereafter, walking up so that she, too was standing close to Nicki. Katy took her hand and gently cupped Nicki’s cheek, lifting it up softly to look in her eyes. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she said with a slight laugh.

Nicki could hardly respond, simply smiling at Katy. Indeed, it was this very setup that had started the girls down this path, Katy and Nicki looking into each other’s eyes, noses touching, bodies on alert. And now here they were again. Closing it out the way it began.

“I suppose we should get her out of there,” said Amber, making her way to the base of the stocks.

“Well now, wait just a minute,” said Katy, asking Amber to pause. Nicki found the strength to lift her head up to see what Katy was doing, wondering what more she could have in store for her.

“I don’t know about you,” said Katy. “But Nicki here has brought me close a couple of different times and a couple of different ways,” she said, looking back to Nicki with a soft smile of remembrance. “I think I have some more exploring to do,” she said.

Nicki didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. What would she say?

“We’ve been down here forever,” said Amber. “Don’t you think Maddy will wonder where we are?” she asked.

“Isn’t the body, like, super sensitive after an orgasm?” asked Katy. “It’ll only take a minute,” she said, showing Amber her sad, puppy dog eyes knowing Amber couldn’t resist them.

“OK, fine,” said Amber with a small sigh, pretending that she didn’t really want to do it all again.

“What are you…” Nicki asked Katy as the two stared at each other, though Katy put a single finger over Nicki’s lips to shush her.

“You get her feet,” instructed Katy. “I’ve got up here,” she said, and with that began tracing her fingernails along the side of Nicki’s breasts, much as Nicki had done to her in Nicki’s dorm room.

“Oh Godddd,” Nicki moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head quickly. Katy was right. As if it hadn’t been easy enough to send her over the edge before, Nicki’s body was now a super-charged conductor for each touch Amber and Katy delivered. Her defenses already down, it wasn’t soon before Nicki again began feeling her body taking control.

“Katy,” she said, unable to speak above a whisper. “I… I…” she said, though she couldn’t finish her sentence.

Katy’s touch was gentle as it danced over Nicki’s breasts, though Katy’s eyes lit up like she had an awesome idea. For a moment, her hands left the front of Maddy’s dress, instead now targeting the holes on the side of Nicki’s dress, two fingers from each hand digging in to those holes.

Nicki laughed hysterically as Katy’s fingers glided over the ticklish exposed skin, though tickling was not Katy’s intent. Instead, Katy dug her fingers in deeper until, soon enough, Nicki could feel Katy’s fingers digging under her bra. Nicki’s eyes shot open as she realized her friend’s intent… She couldn’t… Could she?

She could. And she did. Scissoring her fingers under the bra and across all of Nicki’s most tender areas of her breast, Nicki unable to even pretend to put up any sort of fight against it. Her head rolled back, and her body clenched as Nicki whispered, “Again, again” over and over as her body convulsed with pleasure, Nicki losing her battle against her body for a second time in such a short span.

Katy turned and looked at Amber, who had only just begun her work on Nicki’s feet. “See?” she said with a smile, turning back to watch Nicki’s body slump from the exhaustion of having been sent over the edge twice.

“Now can we get her out?” asked Amber as she checked her watch, worried that Maddy would return and see what was going on.

“Just one more,” said Katy, the devious smile again overtaking her face.

“How?” mouthed Nicki, though the word wouldn’t come.

“What now?” asked Amber, not sure what else Katy had in mind.

“Didn’t she say she wasn’t wearing underwear?” asked Katy. “Start on her feet,” she said to Amber, turning her attention again to Nicki as she pressed her body closer to Nicki, her hands out of Nicki’s sight. “No underwear, right?” she said with a wink, her nose again touching Nicki’s.

“You’re evil,” said Nicki, smiling as much as her worn out body would allow.

“You love it,” said Katy with a smile, her finger beginning its descent under Nicki’s skirt. “I’ve got to hand it to you, though,” Katy said as she looked in Nicki’s eyes. “You put up a good fight. I can’t imagine what it would have been like two on one,” she said, offering her analysis of the events. “I probably would have been done as soon as someone touched my feet,” Katy admitted, “especially after having been tickled as much as you have,” Katy continued, tormenting Nicki with the combination of her verbal teasing and her ever so light touches underneath her skirt. Katy’s right foot now slid out of her heel and brushed up against her left calf as she leaned in and whispered into Nicki’s ear.

Amber was watching Katy from behind as Katy was more or less having her way with Nicki, tormenting the poor soul a third time. Amber started as she heard a whooshing noise, thinking that Maddy had finally returned to see what was happening. Instead, it was the sound of Katy’s right foot brushing up against her calf, the sound of the nylon on nylon producing a quiet but audible sound. ‘Nylon on nylon,’ thought Amber to herself, her own devious plans beginning to hatch in her mind as she noticed Katy’s foot without its protection. As quietly as she could in her own shoes, she left her spot at Nicki’s feet and snuck up behind Katy, bending down to get closer to her foot.

Katy and Nicki were oblivious to Amber’s plan, Nicki leaning in to Nicki as she brushed her finger back and forth under Nicki’s skirt. Nicki was helpless, and it was clear that it wouldn’t take long for Katy to send her over the edge a third time, especially with this attack.

“Katy, I am so close already,” warned Nicki, unable to even pretend to put up a fight at this point. “Don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

“Just let it out,” whispered Katy to Nicki. “Don’t fight the ur...HEY!” she shrieked, not expecting to feel Amber clamp onto her right leg from behind. Katy grabbed onto Nicki’s body to steady herself, finding herself now standing on her left leg with her right leg firmly clamped between Amber’s legs, the sole of her foot facing up to her friend. “What are you do..” Katy began to ask, though her question was answered before she could finish her sentence, as Amber deposited her fingers directly onto that sensitive spot on Katy’s foot, the same spot that had just sent Nicki over the edge.

“Sorry,” said Amber with a laugh as she drew little circles over and over again.

Katy lunged forward, hugging Nicki for support. As if standing in just one heel wasn’t difficult enough, having to contend with someone toying with your foot made it altogether impossible, and Katy struggled accordingly, her mind now having to focus on not falling over, Amber tickling her foot, and her trying to tease Nicki.

“Katy, no!” pleaded Nicki, feeling Katy’s attention begin to shift. No longer were Katy’s fingers expertly dancing on the sensitive area under Nicki’s skirt; instead, they nudged and prodded as Katy struggled while under attack. “Katy, keep your focus,” begged Nicki, knowing how close she was and how little it would take.

“I…” began Katy, seemingly unable to maintain enough focus to even answer the question. “I can’t,” she said with a moan of her own. “She’s tickling my foot,” she said quickly, explaining to Nicki what was happening. “And she’s on the spot!”

Amber laughed as she heard the effect her technique was having on Katy, her one fingernail sending her friend into fits. Indeed, it was quite the scene in the room at the moment. Nicki, having already been pushed over the edge twice, was teetering on the edge for what would be a third time, but couldn’t quite get that last, final knockout touch from Katy, who herself was quickly losing the battle to her body as Amber traced that one fingernail all along Katy’s sensitive spot on her foot. Truth be told, Amber, too, was feeling the effects of the room; though no one had directly targeted her to this point, just watching and experiencing what was going on in the room had created a swelling tide within her own body, and now listening to Katy describe the peril she was in was only adding to that tide.

“Katy, please!” Nicki begged. “Focus. I know you’re ticklish but you have to focus”. Being this close only to have it pulled away from you like this was maddening to Nicki. Her body was tingling throughout, a constant euphoria enveloping her, but she still needed just a little bit more, just that little extra… If Katy could just somehow find the focus to reach down just a few more times… Three times? Two times? Nicki’s body craved it. But every time that it seemed like Katy was closing to making contact again, Amber’s finger seemed to trace over a highly sensitive area of Katy’s spot, causing Katy to lose focus. Nicki just needed Katy to go maybe five seconds without losing focus….

Meanwhile, Amber, too, was beginning to feel the effects of Katy’s action, though through different means. Yes, the ongoing dialogue of how ticklish Amber’s assault on Katy’s foot felt had given Amber more than a few goosebumps, but Katy’s constant fidgeting at Amber’s touches was now having a much more profound effect. At current, Amber was holding onto Katy’s trapped leg by wedging it between her own two legs; through the girls’ squirming around, Katy’s calf now rested squarely between Amber’s two legs, a fact that was very much noticed by Amber’s body. Indeed, each time Katy either jumped or jolted or tried to pull her leg from harm’s way, Katy’s calf would rub in an all-too tantalizing manner against Amber’s own sensitive area, the resultant effect of that, of course, being that all three girls in the room were now losing their own personal battles against their bodies.

“Katy, just a few more times. Please”

“I… I’m trying… Too ticklish”

“Amber, stop tickling her foot.”

“Sh… She needs to st…. stop moving her leg so much.”

“I can’t… help it. It’s.. soooo… ticklish”

“Oh my God. I’m so close. I just need Katy to focus.”

“I’m… I’m trying. Honest.”

“Amber, you need to stop tickling her foot.”

“I can’t… Her leg… Rubbing…”

“I can’t hold on much longer if she doesn’t… stop…”

“Amber, stop!”

“Tooo… ticklish…”

“You need to stop, Amber!”

“Can’t.. fight it…”

Katy was the first to break. Amber’s constant swirling of her fingertip on Katy’s foot proved to be more than Katy could handle, especially given the situation. Katy’s eyes seemingly rolled back in her head and her body stiffened, as she let out a grunting moan and pushed her body closer to Nicki’s.

Like a snowball rolling downhill, Katy’s climax pushed Nicki over the edge, as Katy’s stiffening body resulted in her hand being perfectly placed under Nicki’s skirt, exactly as Nicki’s body had been craving. Nicki’s back arched and her body was overtaken again with ecstasy for the third time this evening.

Katy’s snowball also proved to be the tipping point for Amber, as well. As Katy’s body went stiff, her lug rubbed between Amber’s legs one final time, this time with enough delicate force that Amber dropped to her own knees, her body giving way to its own pleasures.

For a moment, all three friends sat in the room quietly, save for the occasional moan or grunt resulting from an aftershock of emotion taking over their body. Nicki was worst for the wear, having been completely broken after being pushed over the edge three times by her friends, her limp body still hanging in the restraints, her head resting on Katy’s.

Katy was still somewhat balancing on one leg, as her leg was still between Amber’s legs, though she was using Nicki’s body for support. She hugged her friend tightly, squeezing her with as much force as she could muster, her head resting near Nicki’s collarbone. Katy’s body tingled just as she had said Nicki’s would earlier.

Amber lay on her knees, her body quivering, Katy’s leg still somehow between her legs. She was panting heavily, still a little shocked that she had been pushed over the edge herself. In her haste, she had kicked Katy’s heel off to the side, something she only realized when she went to put her friend’s shoe back on her foot.

“So,” said Katy as she began to come to. “Who won the bet?”

“I think we all did,” said Amber with a soft laugh, Katy and Nicki joining in with a chuckle, as well.

“NOW can I get out this?” asked Nicki.

“Amber, get my shoe while I get Nicki out of this thing,” said Katy, as she began untying the restraints around Nicki’s wrists as she stood on one foot while Amber retrieved her shoe.

“Oh my word,” said Amber, still collecting her breath as she walked back with Katy’s shoe. “That was intense.” She bent down and grabbed at Katy’s foot, pulling it closer to put Katy’s shoe back on.

“Tell me about it,” said Katy, brushing Nicki’s hair from her face as she finished untying Nicki’s wrist restraints. “I’ve still got goosebumps from what you were doing to my foot,” she said.

‘Goosebumps, eh?’ thought Amber to herself as she held Katy’s foot in her hand. “Katy, didn’t you say the body becomes much more sensitive after an orgasm?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Oh, no reason,” said Amber, though that was a clear lie as she grabbed again at Katy’s ankle. “Just wondering if you could take this…”

With that, she gently bit down on Katy’s toes, her bottom teeth resting softly on the delicate skin underneath Katy’s toeline.

Katy nearly jumped through her skin, jumping as high as she could and landing into Nicki’s arms. Now with her hands free from restraints, Nicki caught Katy to prevent any injury.

“No, dear God, Amber,” pleaded Katy as her body picked up on the sensations caused by Amber’s teeth, the gentle nibbles on her toes making Katy’s legs weak.

“You think she’s got a second one in her?” Amber asked Nicki as she slipped one finger directly on Katy’s arch.

Nicki smiled at Katy. “I’m sure she does,” she said, and moved her hands to Katy’s breasts, just as Katy had done to Nicki earlier. Katy’s body convulsed, her mind unable to process anything other than the overwhelming sensation of euphoria her friends were inducing.

Meanwhile, from the hallway of the apartment building, Maddy quietly opened the door to see what was taking her friends, stopping suddenly in her tracks as she saw the spectacle in front of her. She smiled and pulled the door shut, keeping it open only enough to be able to peek through to watch what was going on.
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Oh wow, this series gets better and better. Nikki has finally been found out after all this time, this will lead to some very interesting future episodes.
I noticed that you stuck the word bare foot in again as well..
King of Gold!
Your stories are the best in this forum!
You are Master!
I do not know what to do with myself if you ever stop writing.
I've grown amazing with the heroines!
Your stories are perfect for the script of a series, and I would have the perfect actress for that.
Please, please! Never stop!
This part was VERY hot!
Finally, Nicki managed to get it!

I bow to my feet!

Your biggest fan, Kamil!
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I'm glad people seem to be enjoying this episode; I had my doubts.

Oh wow, this series gets better and better. Nikki has finally been found out after all this time, this will lead to some very interesting future episodes.
I noticed that you stuck the word bare foot in again as well..

Haha Yes, I haven't completely closed the door on barefoot tickling yet. Nylon tickling will still be the main focus, of course, but I find it hard to believe that any of the girls would pass up an opportunity to tickle if someone was barefoot.

Hot damn. Wow

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Thank you for the kind words. Always a fan of your work, as well.

This chapter was hott. Totally worth the wait.

Sorry to have made it take so long. Next time (hopefully) won't be so long!

King of Gold!
Your stories are the best in this forum!
You are Master!
I do not know what to do with myself if you ever stop writing.
I've grown amazing with the heroines!
Your stories are perfect for the script of a series, and I would have the perfect actress for that.
Please, please! Never stop!
This part was VERY hot!
Finally, Nicki managed to get it!

I bow to my feet!

Your biggest fan, Kamil!

Glad you enjoyed it!
Best part so far. Such a talented write. As with every other entry, I'm impatiently waiting for the next one.
Amazing part again! Really glad to see Nicki get tickled as well.

Very much looking forward to the other parts to come!

Keep doing what you do man, you're awesome :)
Awesome stuff! I wondered it you were going to make a Nikki ticklish or a dud in the series.
Glad she's ticklish, I'm a big fan of revenge tickling...
Also liked that the ladies REALLY like being tickled! :)
Hey everyone,

Thanks again for the responses.

I'm glad people are happy to see that Nicki is indeed ticklish. I had been trying to drop hints in my writing every now and then (especially the episode where she discusses her rivalry with her sister and needing to finally get the upper hand).

As I writing this episode, I was not planning to have a cliffhanger at the end, and hadn't even considered it until I saw the feedback. That certainly wasn't my intention. Sure, I can see the girls discussing this again, but I don't have any continuation of that particular episode in mind.

I do have some ideas for the next few episodes. I, of course, have to continue the Danielle storyline (and truth be told, the party being cancelled was sort of my way to buy myself some time to think of something good). In the meantime, I ask... Who do you like see getting tickled? Should additional characters be introduced? Would you like to see someone developed a bit more?

It is known that the more characters the better. More form equals more tickling in nylons.

I would have dreamed about some criminal story ...
For example, Katy, Amber, Nicki, Maddy and Melissa are all in one room and all in nylon. And what's next. Either some thieves break in, want to steal something and bind all the girls, and one by one mercilessly tickle them, or go together on a trip and be held and tortured for ransom. Well, in general I mean something so that there is no mercy! Because if they tickle so far, they will interrupt. And what I mean is that they do not affect this tickling. So immobilized that they would not be able to move completely, tied toes, gag, blindfold and hairbrush. I want torture!
And a young policewoman in a nylon could save them ...
Well, I personally feel that Katey should be delivered to Danielle in the stocks by Amber.. and as a final humiliation, Danielle makes Amber help her to destroy Katey, stripping and humiliating her, making her beg as she is tickled and edged at the hands of her sworn enemy and her “best friend”..forever changing the dynamic between Katey and Amber. Just my opinion anyway.
Melissa should get tickled again by amber and Nicki's roommate could get another round too.
Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to something like this happening again. Maybe since Maddy knows, she might want to facilitate it again, or maybe even be interested in being the victim.
I do find the prospect of Danielle making Amber help her destroy Katie to be an enjoyable one. Katie is tied down, Danielle makes Amber humiliate Katy by stripping her and tickling her senseless, and Danielle accidentally discovers "The Spot" on Katy's feet. I can see that being a wonderful plot device in the future
I dunno the teasing part of it is what is best about this series. If I had the budget for such a production I would make some real life mini movie adaption of the entire thing.
That being said, Maddy needs a turn in the stocks. Or her mom.

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I've spent the last few weeks plotting out the path of this story (in between everything else with work and family), and I think I've got a good plan to satisfy all interests.
Look for the next chapter soon!

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