Kylie Moore is a real-world MMA girl fighter trainee, for real. She's a tomboy's tomboy. She has a very very strong will and came to the tickle video shoot planning to rely on just her will to make it through unscathed. Ha! James Darke eats such foolish little girls for breakfast.
In her debut tickle video she starts out with some resistance tickling. We did this to build her confidence that her self control would get her through this day, just so we could take that hope away. She starts out pretty strong. She maintains herself better than any previous tickle at ShyAndWildTickling.com. As the video progresses, her self control shows crack and the self illusion breaks down. To help reassure her that there is no hope, the Master Tickler James Darke verbally taunts her and brings her to her knees with deep tissue hard tickling.
If you like seeing a no tough girl lose her self control to tickling, get this one.
Areas Tickled: Ribs, Arm Pits, Thighs, Inner Thighs
The HD (1280 x 720) version is now available at ShyandWildTickling.com.
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