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Lights In The Sky- I Am Freaked Out. NO, REALLY.


TMF Regular
Apr 12, 2013
I saw something tonight that I can't explain.

I left work at approximately 2215 EST. Skies were clear. I was driving North on a straight highway.

1 mile up the road from work's driveway is an intersection. I stopped at the stop sign, then noticed what I at first took to be an unfamiliar constellation, very low and very bright on the northern horizon- just above the trees, in fact. The intersection is on a small hill which is also a railroad overpass, so I had a fairly good view. I thought the stars must have been obscured by haze, because they were very red/orange in color. I thought for just a moment that I was looking at Orion, since I saw 3 stars in a rough row (Orion's Belt). Then I realized that not only was it not Orion, but IT WAS MOVING. EVERY SINGLE STAR OR LIGHT OR WHATEVER THE HELL THEY WERE, WAS MOVING FROM WEST TO EAST. And what is more, THEY WERE STAYING IN FORMATION.

There seemed to be about 7 lights in a curved formation, or possibly they were lights on the leading edge of some curved object (?) and they were moving slowly and steadily eastward- too slow to be meteors as far as I know, and they seemed to hold formation with each other.

I kept driving North, watching the lights as closely as I could- luckily the highway goes straight for about 4 or 5 miles. The leading group of 7 lights was followed at a short distance by 3 lights in a shallow 'V' formation.
I got the impression that the objects were flying horizontally, because the ones on the upper part of the curve were spaced farther apart- but it's equally possible that they were flying vertically and the ones higher up were trailing behind. I had no independent references to judge their position or location against- it's just my impression that they were in a formation like lights on the leading and trailing edge of a boomerang.

I ran under some trees and lost sight of most of the leading lights, but could still see the three in the rear. At that point the road curved right and ran past some houses and a few more trees before coming to an area of open fields- but when I got into the open, the lights were gone.

Somebody else saw these lights, because there was a pickup truck that had been ahead of me which did a U-turn and stopped on the road as well; but when I parked and got out, it took off. As long as I looked at the sky, all I could see were 2 airliners- both clearly and visibly and unmistakeably airliners with clearly visible formation lights; 1 bound NE, the other well to the south of me, neither one capable of being mistaken for 7 to 10 glowing red-orange stars moving in formation through the sky. It was now 2220 according to my watch; the whole incident took less than 5 minutes.

I am seriously freaked out. Fox Mulder is not listed in the phone book 😀 and I have NO idea who to call about this. Air Force? NORAD? MUFON? NICAP? Sheriff's Department?

I cannot emphasize how little I wish to be mocked over this. IT REALLY HAPPENED. I SAW THESE THINGS, WHICH I CANNOT EXPLAIN. I have no idea what they were, where they came from, or where they went. But, in the best tradition of UFO sightings, I didn't have time to take a picture (and if I had, it would have been a crappy cell-phone picture with no scientific value whatsoever).

If anyone has any scientific explanation for this that I haven't covered, PLEASE let me know what it could be. I have already discarded 15 explanations. I suppose it could be "black helicopters", but why turn their lights on over a city, only to turn them off once they're out over the fields? And why would 10 of them be in SE Michigan on Sunday night?

Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I'm betting it was some kind of new drone the government was testing. Today I saw a predator drone fly over my lover and I's residence (though it was pretty damn high so it probably didn't violate any property laws). I'm getting sick of all these drones flying over us and monitoring us. Does anyone else think this totally violates out rights to privacy?
The lights were probably drones, especially if it was near the Canadian border, where they are supposedly observing for smuggling activities. I agree with Rox that updated and more robust privacy laws are needed to address these new technologies.
It sounds like military jets flying formation a long way off. They're much smaller than commercial jets, so the various running lights are less distinct... especially if they were far away... which could also easily mask engine noise, especially if the landscape encouraged acoustic shadows.

The FBI has made limited domestic use of small, unarmed drones that resemble large RC planes. They wouldn't look like what the OP described. Unarmed, camera-mounted Predators are in limited use along borders, but the total number deployed would barely add up to the lights the OP reports... and even during a border incident (if this was on a border), there would never be so many together at once. Predator-type drones are probably flown in training exercises from USAF bases also, but again, they don't fly them in that kind of formation.

Jets on exercises in formation makes more sense. I've seen military jets flying at a distance, and not heard them at all (including on 9/11 after all other flights were grounded, when there was nothing else in the sky and it was easy to pick them out).
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Years of following Skeptoid Podcast has taught me: Don't be freaked out by UFO's. They're simply what the term stands for- Unidentified. "Unknown" does not equal "Aliens with Anal-Probe Fetish".

What you saw sounds really cool. You may have seen a fighter formation, choppers, drones- one time a group of mystery lights was shown to be the lights from oil rigs miles away(!)

I saw exactly one UFO, but later found out what it was (a fighter pilot screwing around- an ex-Airforce dude described exactly what I saw, not knowing that I had seen it)

I've seen bright cigar-shapes too: always in the daytime, they turn out to be planes reflecting the Sun (very disappointing cause I want to see a real flying saucer!)
Oh, and one time I saw a fairly slow-moving meteor that "popped": pieces broke off kinda like a firework!
I have never seen or experienced anything unusual or supernatural in my entire life (5 decades) despite wanting to oh so very badly. Consider yourselves lucky.
Same here, Max. I had wanted to see a UFO ever since I was a young Star Trek fan, but have not had any such experiences.
Max, Valerie, and everyone, it's not as great as it sounds. 😱 Especially since there are so many wonderful and rational explanations that, sadly, just don't fit the facts of the event that happened. Luckily I am not turning into Roy Neary (for you youngsters, he was the Richard Dreyfuss character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind who became obsessed with UFOs after his sighting and went, basically, insane- because the aliens programmed him to become a volunteer abductee by the end of the story). I still have my wits about me, but when I recall "the event" I still get a little stressed.

I truly thank everyone who has contributed their thoughts on what this sighting could have been (and please don't stop), but so far no given theory fits with the observation. For now, I am left only with JBS Haldane's words- "The Universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we can imagine." I plan to go up the college and chat with some professors soon and see if anyone there can suggest what I might have seen- but I am not optimistic.
A little advice Lee hun, don't worry alot about aliens coming to Earth. Why you might ask? Well, our scientists have done the calculations on how much energy it would take to open an artificial wormhole (aka bend space) or accelerate to the point where you'd enter a type of space where you can travel distances far quicker than normal (aka hyperdrive).

The scientists found the amount of energy needed for BOTH is almost equal to the size of JUPITER! If ANY Alien race has the type of technology that can harness THAT KIND OF POWER hun, then their probably SO TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCED that they'd see us as little more than ANTS and wouldn't be able to relate to us at all! Hell, they wouldn't even NEED US OR our PLANET!

They'd be able to synthesize any material or resource they'd want or need from liquefied matter via rearranging it's molecular/atomic structure! In short, they could take their garbage and turn it into ships, food, clothing, etc etc. So before people become paranoid about aliens that our out to get us, give the sentient races of our galaxy SOME CREDIT kay people? If anything, right now, WE'RE the TRUE MONSTERS of our OWN PLANET!
I agree with Rox that updated and more robust privacy laws are needed to address these new technologies.

Thank you GOD that someone finally agrees with me on this! I mean, SERIOUSLY, why hasn't anyone considered the implications of drones flying overhead in our nation could mean! Today's instrumentation could allow a drone to see inside a home (via thermal optics) and to search your CELL PHONE or COMPUTER via HIJACKING it's wireless signal! This is serious shit people! It's Orwell's 1984 and if we don't pass laws to limit this it's gonna get abused eventually!
A little advice Lee hun, don't worry alot about aliens coming to Earth. Why you might ask? Well, our scientists have done the calculations on how much energy it would take to open an artificial wormhole (aka bend space) or accelerate to the point where you'd enter a type of space where you can travel distances far quicker than normal (aka hyperdrive).

The scientists found the amount of energy needed for BOTH is almost equal to the size of JUPITER! If ANY Alien race has the type of technology that can harness THAT KIND OF POWER hun, then their probably SO TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCED that they'd see us as little more than ANTS and wouldn't be able to relate to us at all! Hell, they wouldn't even NEED US OR our PLANET!

Depending on which scientists you ask. In an infinite Universe it is certain that some species somewhere has come up with a working Alcubierre drive (which moves space around you while you stand still) or any of the numerous theoretical "warp drive" equivalents that could exist, without violating relativity. These would not neccesarily require huge amounts of energy, just new forms of energy (which we haven't developed yet) and a method of navigation. Given a sufficient source of energy ("negative energy" in the case of the Alcubierre theory) a trip across the Galaxy could be like a drive around the block.

Which means that, if they are (mentally) anything like us, if they can build it, they will, and if it can be misused, it will be. I once read a suggestion that, far from being "scientific expeditions", UFOs are the interstellar equivalent of teenagers joyriding on a Saturday night.

The question is not whether there is other life out there; just, have they come here? And if so, why would they bother? Unless they have reached a technology level that makes it possible to travel anywhere, so that exploring the whole universe is, for them, like exploring the planet is for us. People go to the tops of mountains and the bottom of the ocean for no good reason other than scientific curiosity and adventure. These lights must be visiting every planet in the galaxy, if they are coming to ours.

Of course, I'm still seeking some terrestrial explanation for my sighting, I'm just not finding it yet.
If an alien civilization had the technology to get here just for the heck of it, I'm sure they'd also have the ability to avoid being seen.

I'd still go for military jets flying formation in the distance. But it could have been nearly anything... similar sightings have turned out to be lights from distant traffic bent into the air by freak atmospheric lensing.
If an alien civilization had the technology to get here just for the heck of it, I'm sure they'd also have the ability to avoid being seen.

I'd still go for military jets flying formation in the distance. But it could have been nearly anything... similar sightings have turned out to be lights from distant traffic bent into the air by freak atmospheric lensing.

Seriously people, it was probably drones. Their becoming more and more numerous in the USA and Canada (even though the majority of people don't want them too).
Seriously people, it was probably drones. Their becoming more and more numerous in the USA and Canada (even though the majority of people don't want them too).

People are becoming seriously paranoid about drones. In any case, they don't fly in formation... it doesn't achieve anything.
People are becoming seriously paranoid about drones. In any case, they don't fly in formation... it doesn't achieve anything.

Your saying your okay with drones flying over our towns and cities monitoring us and tapping into the wireless signals of our phones and computers? As for not being able to fly in a formation, I wouldn't put it past the manufacturers of drones to produce (or have produced) drones like that.
No, I'm saying that the evidence for such practices is extremely thin. A handful of unarmed Predators are deployed along the borders, and the FBI has acknowledged using what are essentially RC planes with cameras in a few instances. I have no objection to stronger legislation to prevent future abuses, but drones are not clouding our skies and following our every move. As for tapping of electronic signals, drones would be a ludicrously inefficient way of doing so, since the gov't already has direct access to telecommunications systems... something which clearly does need clearer regulation to prevent future abuses, though again the evidence for actual abuses, so far, is thin, even via the recent leaks.

And I wasn't suggesting that drones couldn't fly in formation... just that they have no reason whatever to do so, and are not deployed that way. Why cluster something that can perform its mission solo, when that only draws attention to its presence? Only manned vehicles fly formation.
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A pretty good rule of thumb for UFOs.

If you can see/hear/smell it, it isn't alien. It would have been shot down/intercepted/et cetera by the infinitely more sensitive monitoring equipment available to the governments of the world.

As for privacy... that's a big grey area. A lot of people would argue that the price of safety is privacy. As for me, I have nothing to hide from the government. I don't want them hi-jacking my webcam, but I wouldn't mind big brother installing a few cameras on street corners if it meant that my neighborhood became a little safer.

But hey. That's just me.
I understand your point in the first part of your statement Mash, but not necessarily if the technology is superior to ours or if it is some secret government military man-made project that we are not aware of. For the second part, I live in a relatively crime free area{I realize that not all others are so lucky} but there are still cameras and license plate readers monitoring us everywhere; street corners, parking lots, government buildings, stores, banks, shopping malls and even 24hr take-outs such as McDonalds etc. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with, is when it comes to my personal privacy and what I choose to research over the internet, who I chat with, what I post, or having some 3rd party reading my emails or listening in on and recording what I discuss during my phone calls or text messages, even if my activity is harmless.
[Drones] don't fly in formation... it doesn't achieve anything.

Thanks Owen, this was a point I neglected to make. And again, if these were terrestrial aircraft that I saw, they were each carrying a single VERY bright light, brighter than (and a different color from) any light I have ever seen on any aircraft, bright enough to be mistaken for stars; which then all went out, inexplicably. Which does not mean they were not aircraft, it just means that if they were, I don't know what kind or what they were or why they were. Or what human motivation there was for them to be where they were, doing what they were doing.

The more I think about it, the more "joyriding aliens" seems plausible.
It's a conspiracy

My last word for today on this subject...
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