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Maki's Seduction — part 2 (multi f's/f)


TMF Regular
Feb 24, 2006
Hello TMF'ers

Here's part 2 of Maki's Seduction.

Our story so far…

Part 1.

A special "thank you" to everyone that read part 1, and especially those of you who commented or contacted me via private message. Your kind words are very much appreciated.

Part 2 is MUCH shorter than Part 1, and has a bit of a different tone, too… but i had to find some interesting way of getting Effie and Maki back together…

Hope you enjoy it…

Maki's Seduction — Part 2

Kyla was gone the next morning when I woke. I had a quick breakfast, gathered my things, and then waited for a minute or two until Neela, the Queen’s major-domo, arrived to escort me to the landing platform. On our way there, she asked me if I was satisfied with my brief stay. I told her I was quite happy, adding “And please let Slave Mistress Reussa know that my girl, Kyla, was very good.”

“I will pass that on,” Neela said.

Out on the landing platform, a warm humid wind was blowing and the sky was overcast. “They’re saying a big storm is on its way,” Neela said. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait a little?”

“I’ll be okay,” I said. “I’ve flown in some pretty bad storms before.” I was also pretty anxious to get going. I had another mission to complete before I headed back to the Citadel, one that could prove to be more hazardous than a little chat with Queen Zamunda, and I wanted to finish it as quickly as possible.

I said my goodbyes, told her to pass my regards on to the Queen, and prepared for takeoff. Within minutes I was flying past the borders of the city and over the jungle. Soon, the vestiges of civilization petered out below me, and all I could see was the canopy of trees.

The wind picked up as I flew on, jostling the flyer. Spatterings of rain hit the windshield. Before long, I saw it — a massive bank of dark grey clouds, roiling and flashing as it rapidly rolled towards me. The flyer heaved suddenly under a strong gust of wind. I’ve flown through some rough weather before, but this storm looked especially bad. I dropped altitude a bit, and changed course; the storm looked a little less intense several leagues to the right; maybe I could get around the worst of it.

The storm moved in faster than I anticipated, and before I knew it I was fighting the controls as the flyer was buffeted by strong blasts of wind and rain. I strapped myself in to my seat… and just in time. A deafening peal of thunder and a flash of light, and the flyer lurched violently; I would have been thrown against the cabin walls if I hadn’t strapped myself in. In front of me, the control panel seemed to go haywire, warning lights blinking and dials spinning. The lights in the cabin flickered and went out. The flyer pitched and swayed; I fought to keep it steady, my limbs a flurry as I worked the pedals and levers. The lights flickered back on after a few moments, the indicators on the panel returned to normal, but outside the storm continued to rage. The flyer groaned and swayed, buffeted by the violent crosswinds. All my focus was on keeping the ship steady.

When eventually the clouds begin to dissipate and the rain let up a bit, I breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, my respite was short-lived. The flyer had seemed sluggish to me — slow to respond and imprecise when it did. I had put that down to the powerful winds knocking it around. But now, the winds had dropped considerably and it was no longer raining, and I couldn’t deny the fact that the skycraft was not working as it should. A look at the control panel confirmed my worst fears — I was rapidly losing power. The lightning strike must have damaged the ship somehow, worse than I thought.

Luckily, the buoyancy tanks seemed fine, so there was no danger of crashing. But unless I set the flyer down somewhere soon to see if I could fix the problem, the ship wouldn’t have the energy to set it down at all. I’d just drift, and have to empty the buoyancy tanks in order to land. I’d be stuck who knows where with no buoyancy and no power.

All I could see below me was the vast canopy of trees stretched out in every direction. No habitation was visible, though it was impossible to tell what might be under those trees. Not ideal, but I didn’t really have any choice. I spotted what looked like a small open area — calling it a clearing would be an exaggeration — and gently set the flyer down. Before checking to see what the damage was, I turned on the distress signal; I wasn’t too far from Ardentia, and it was very likely they’d pick it up. If the flyer proved irreparable, someone would come to my rescue.

It soon became obvious that whatever the problem was, I’d need to open the outside access panel. I grabbed my tool kit, lowered the hatch, and stepped out. The air was incredibly hot, the storm having made things even more humid, and the close, dense foliage didn’t help. I was already starting to perspire as I began my inspection, and by the time I had removed the access panel to take a look inside, I was dripping with sweat.

A few minutes examining the power supply showed that things were bad, but not as bad as they could have been. I could fix it, but it would take some work, and after that, I would need to wait for the power supply to recharge itself. That would take a long time, and then I would need to head back to Ardentia to make sure everything was repaired properly. It was all very time and labor intensive, but at least I wasn’t stranded.

I stripped to my bra and underpants and went to work, squirming my way into the access hatch with my tool kit. Even with little clothing on it was still pretty hot, especially in the close confines of the access hatch. As I worked, I couldn’t help but wonder what the ladies in Ardentia would say if they saw me now, wriggling around in my underwear, my body all shiny with sweat and my breasts practically falling out of my bra.

The repairs took a long time, but I finally heard that little “click,” followed by a low hum, that told me the power supply was back on and slowly starting to recharge. After making sure, I packed up my tools and went inside to get something to eat. It was even hotter inside the flyer, so I took my food and drink back out. There was really nothing to do now but wait. I left the distress signal on just in case, and sat against the side of the haul, enjoying my lunch.

Once my small meal was done, I leaned my head back against the haul and closed my eyes. I must have dozed off for a few moments — the heat probably got to me — because the next thing I was aware of was my eyes popping open, blinking rapidly in the sudden bright sunlight. Some noise had disturbed me: the clink of metal on metal, incongruous in the quiet jungle.

I turned my head and gave a start. I wasn’t alone. Several yards away, near the edge of the clearing, was an unusually small black woman, rummaging through my tool bag. I guessed her to be just a little over four feet tall, with lots of curly black hair and a heart-shaped face. Though she was short, her body was in perfect proportions; she simply looked as though a normal-sized woman had been shrunk somehow. As I watched, she pulled some of the tools out of the bag, inspecting them before putting them back in.

“Uhh… hello…” I ventured. “Where did you come from?”

Her head shot up. She wore a bikini-type garment made of cloth. Woven bracelets adorned her wrists and ankles. The woman grinned and said something in a language I didn’t understand. I looked around quickly; she seemed to be alone.

“Am I intruding?” I said. “My flyer broke down and I needed to make repairs. I was just… hey! Put that down!”

She had picked up my bag of tools. “Those are mine,” I said. “I need those.”

She obviously couldn’t understand me, but she seemed to get the gist of what I wanted. Not that she was going to comply. Chattering in her strange language, she held the bag over her head. Slowly but steadily I began to rise to my feet

“Look, I didn’t mean to intrude,” I said, almost within grabbing distance. “I’ll be on my way as soon as I get my flyer fixed. Just put the bag down… HEY! COME BACK!”

Laughing, the woman backed into the trees, my tool bag still in her hand. I leapt to my feet, lunging forward, but before I could cover the distance she had spun around and darted into the trees. “Come back!” I shouted, giving chase.

Running through the wilderness in my underwear wasn’t a good idea, but I really needed those tools back. I crashed through the brush at the clearing’s edge into the shady forest, catching sight of the little thief as she leapt over a downed tree just a few yards ahead. Navigating the uneven ground as best I could, I chased after her, keeping her back in view. She looked over her shoulder, laughing, then made a quick dart to the side and disappeared. I paused where I thought she had vanished, getting my breathing under control, eyes scanning the forest for any sign of her. The forest floor was covered by big, sprawling ferns, the trees thick and close. I stayed very still. A quick movement far to my right caught my eye. I saw her briefly dashing among the ferns, heard the rattle of the tool bag. I shot off after her, eyes fixed on the top of her head just visible bobbing over the brush.

I was so focused on my prey that I ran right into a cluster of narrow, hanging vines. They immediately sprang to life, twitching and curling as they surrounded me. It was a tingler tree. They look a bit like a weeping willow, with hundreds of thin vines forming a sort of umbrella. But any girl seeking shelter under this umbrella will find herself in big trouble. The tree takes some of its nourishment from laughter, using its vines to gently stroke and brush the skin of anyone unlucky enough to fall in its clutches, and it won’t stop until it gets its fill. The vines are thin and not too strong — they can loop around your limbs, but they’re easy to break out of. But there’re so many of them that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and tangled up as you’re trying to get away, especially if you’re laughing.

Tingler vines are attracted to naked skin, and I had a lot of it on display. I cried out as they started crawling over me, brushing against me, slipping around my arms. Still running forward, I twisted back and forth, trying to shake them off me while pulling my arms close to my sides. Scores of gentle flicks and brushes all over me made goosebumps spring up. I stifled the little titters and snorts I felt welling up inside me and crashed through, the little tendrils snapping in my wake. I let out a loud gasp as I finally stumbled out of the trees reach, and looked around for the little thief.

She stood on a big tree stump; it was some yards away, but she stood there in clear sight, brazen as could be. She swung the bag around by its handle, the tools clanking inside. Grunting with anger and frustration, I rushed towards her, fronds flicking past my shins and calves. She had already jumped off the tree stump by the time I made it there, but I heard her laughter close by. I vaulted the stump and hit the ground running. I realized I was on some kind of path now, a narrow but clear ribbon that wound through the trees and bush; my prey was running just a few yards ahead, not as far away as I would have thought. Maybe she had underestimated me…

The trap sprang just a few feet down the path. My feet flew out from under me. I screamed as I was yanked into the air. I felt my limbs entangled as I struggled, the world spinning, bouncing as if I were on a boat. The disorientation passed in a few moments; I was balled up in a net, suspended from a tree branch high above me. My feet were over my head, the net bouncing and swaying as I struggled.

A ticklish poke in my side made me yelp. Twisting around, I saw maybe a dozen women just like my little thief all gathered below me, grinning and gibbering as they watched my futile efforts to escape. A couple of the women scurried behind the tree, and a moment later I felt myself being slowly lowered to the ground.

The chattering women clustered around, poking and pinching me through the lattice of the net while I screamed and struggled. They brought out a long pole; with remarkable efficency and speed tied the bunched end of the net to the center of the pole. Four of the diminutive creatures lined up along the pole in front of me, four lined up behind, and at shouted commanded they hoisted the pole up on their shoulders.

We marched down the path with me still balled up in the net, dangling from the pole like a piece of fruit. My butt bounced along the ground; ticklish pokes and prods kept me shrieking during our brief journey. We soon came to a little village, dozens and dozens of tiny grass huts, clustered around a wide open space in the middle.

But I didn’t have time to take in my surroundings before the net was unfurled and I was rolled out onto the ground. Shaking off the dizziness, I sat up, then rose to one knee. Scores of the little women surrounded me, laughing and chattering, obviously amused at the fear and confusion on my face. With a shout I leapt up, rushing at them, hoping to barrel my way through. But in a flash they were all over me, swarming me, grabbing my legs, jumping on my back. My bra was ripped off, then my underpants. I flailed and kicked, driven by pure instinct. But there were just too many of them. Even as I fought, I felt my legs giving out from under me, the press of bodies pulling me down. Countless pinches and pokes tickled me, too many to ignore. Laughing, struggling, I was pulled down into a sea of bodies.

The little imps half-dragged, half-carried me for a few yards, then put me on the ground again. My limbs were held down, ropes wound around my wrists and ankles. I kicked and fought even as I felt my arms and legs being stretched out, screaming as they tied me to the ground. Once I was secured, the little women got off me. I was staked out spread-eagled, my wrists and ankles bound to four posts set in the ground. The posts were about three feet high, with rings on the tops of them. The ropes holding me were fastened to the posts right below the rings. I also noticed — even as I pulled at my bindings — that I was laying on some sort of square piece of cloth, the corners corresponding to the four posts. Ropes on each corner of the cloth fed through the post rings.

As I struggled, four teams of the little imps positioned themselves at the “ring ropes.” At a shout, they all pulled in unison. I was lifted off the ground as the cloth underneath me was pulled taut.

It was then I realized the purpose of the cloth beneath me, and tendrils of anxiety snaked through my belly. It was made of some kind of extremely thin material unknown to me, and though it comfortably supported my body, keeping me level with the tops of the posts with no slack, I felt the material mold to my naked back with such exactness and delicacy that I couldn't tell where my skin stopped and the material began. So thin was the substance that it seemed I was floating, suspended between the four posts about three feet off the ground.

My mind reeled in fear as I realized what this meant. Crying out, I heaved against my bindings. The cloth rolled beneath me, undulating like a water bed. My captors gathered around me, some of them brandishing tiny feathers or soft-looking fronds. Chittering and laughing, they watched how my struggles made my body roll and jiggle. Even as I continued to tug vigorously at the ropes, inside I tried to quell the panic I felt, to steel myself against whatever came next…

But what came next was totally unexpected. Something soft — a finger? a feather — slid its way up the length of my spine. I squealed in surprise, instinctively arching my back. Other fingers or feathers joined in, dancing across my back, up and down my spine, making me squeak and twitch. I realized that at some point, several of the little women had crawled underneath the strange cloth and were now tickling me from below. I didn’t know how many there were down there; it felt like a lot. I’d give a little squeak and jump with each new touch. But when the ticklers reached my ass I shrieked, my body bucking violently. Even more ticklers joined in, molesting the backs of my thighs and knees. My entire backside was under attack, even my calves.

Yeee-heee-heeheehee!… eeeheeheeheehee…!” My surprised shrieks turned into high-pitched, crazy giggles. I heaved my body upwards, trying to get away, but the weird cloth clung to me no matter what I did. It was like there was nothing at all between my skin and their fingers, feathers and fronds.

Neee-heeheehee!… eeeeheeheeheee…!”The material undulated underneath me, my body rolling like a barrel on the tide. It was apparently a source of great fun to my captors. They laughed and cheered as they watched. But at some point they all got tired of watching. They closed in on me, fingers wriggling, feathers and fronds waving…

NO!” I screamed. “No!… YEEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!…”

I howled as the fingers and feathers and fronds descended on my naked, helpless body. I heaved at the bonds, thrashing with all my might as the weird fabric beneath me sent me jouncing and bouncing. But the tickling was everywhere. There wasn’t a single fraction of my skin that wasn’t subject to tickling pinches and strokes, wriggling fingers and fluttering feathers.

…AHAAHAAHAAH! … AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!… ” My hysterical screams rang out through the wilderness. Tickling sensations seared through every nerve of my helpless body. I was drowning in tickling fingers, fronds, feathers. It was too much…

Suddenly there was a bright flash and a deafening boom. A powerful percussive blast sent me flying upwards with such force that I would have been launched into the air had I not been bound. My tormentors were not so lucky; I was vaguely aware of their small bodies hurtling over and around me, tossed like leaves in a storm. Screams of alarm and panic filled my ears. For a fraction of a moment my head was upside down, my body arched to its limit against the bindings. I saw some of the little imps crash to the ground; others were already up and trying to run, lurching as if they were drunk. Then I was falling again, my back hitting the ground before I was launched upwards again by the momentum of the fabric beneath me.

Tossed up and down like I was on a trampoline, ears still ringing from the sudden blast of the stun bomb, I was thoroughly disoriented. The fact that I was no longer being tickled over every inch of my naked body was some consolation, but I was still completely helpless.

Through my blurry, swimming vision I glimpsed the figure of a woman — a normal-sized woman — standing by my feet. “Well, this is certainly… interesting,” she said in a voice that sounded familiar.

“… Effie…?” I cried as I crashed to the ground again.”… oooff…”

“To the rescue,” she said. “Quickly. Get her off that thing.”

I became aware of several other women gathering around me, holding down the sheet I was stretched out on. Once I was no longer being bounced and tossed, they started rapidly untying me. A couple of the women helped me to my feet, or at least they tried to. My limbs felt like jello, and I staggered like I was drunk, falling to the ground as the world continued to rock beneath me. They helped me up again.

Many of my former captors sprawled on the ground around us, knocked unconscious by the stun bomb. The rest seem to have fled. “Let’s go,” Effie said. “Hurry. They’ll be back soon.”

There were about eight other women with Effie, all dressed in the dark green shorts and halter tops the Ardentians wore for missions in the bush. A couple of them were armed with stun rifles. With two of my rescuers supporting me, I was half-dragged, half-carried through the jungle, still too dazed from my ordeal to walk. Before too long, we made it back to the area where I had left my flyer. An Ardentian flyer, a little larger than mine, hovered just over the trees. I was fastened into a harness and lifted up. A couple women helped me through the hatch; once inside, they took me to a small cabin, leaving me there to recover.

I was too out of it to be of any use, and just flopped on the wide, padded bench that lined the wall. I heard the others clamber aboard, heard them make preparations for take off, and felt the subtle movement of the flyer that told me we were on our way.

The next thing I remember was Effie standing over me, holding a tray of food and a big jug of something to drink. I sat up, accepting the tray. She poured me a drink and sat down beside me, handing me a large goblet. I thanked her as I drained the goblet. She poured me another while I wolfed down some food.

“Feeling better?” she asked after a short while.

“Getting there,” I said, taking another drink. “What were those things?”

“Those were the dygmas,” Effie said. “Nasty, aren’t they? They’re impossible to capture. Supposedly, there’s a whole country full of them in some isolated, remote valley in the mountains somewhere. They enslave women and use them as pack animals.”

“Pack animals?”

“Well, other things, too,” she said.

“Compared to what they did to me, I’d rather be used as a pack animal.”

Effie laughed. “I see you’re getting back to your normal self,” she said.

“What about that… sheet or whatever they had me on? What was that?”

Effie briefly explained that it was a fabric woven from a particular kind of plant found deep in the jungles. “It’s very, very rare,” she finished. “Very valuable, too. Though unless you want to tangle with the dygma again, and the goddesses know what else, I wouldn’t recommend going on a hunt for it.”

“Trust me, I’ve had enough of the wilderness for quite a while.”

She gave my shoulder a sympathetic rub. “The jungle can be dangerous, even for the bravest and toughest women,” she said. “We picked up your distress signal and set out immediately. What happened?”

I told her about the storm and the damage to the flyer, how I had landed and made repairs… When I was finished, Effie told me that my flyer was being towed behind us back to Ardentia. “We’ll fix you up there,” she said. “And we got your tools back too, by the way. One of our girls thought it might belong to your — it looked out of place there — so she grabbed it.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Sorry I was so useless at my own rescue.”

“After what you went through? The fact that you could get on your feet at all was pretty remarkable.”

“Well, I can’t thank you enough,” I said. “I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t shown up. I really owe you.”

“Not really,” Effie said. “In Ardentia we respond to every distress signal. Of course, knowing it was you, we made all haste to get here, and I insisted on leading the mission myself. You’re a friend. But we take care of everybody.”

“But you made me a priority,” I said. “Just ‘thank you’ isn’t enough. I’m in your debt.”

Effie stood up. “I don’t require a reward for doing my duty,” she said. “Like I said, it’s the Ardentian way.”

“I understand,” I said. “But as a friend of Ardentia, I’d like the opportunity to… show my gratitude. I insist.”

“You insist? But Maki, we don’t take advantage of circumstances like this in Ardentia. Isn’t it the same where you’re from? If I were to ask for something in return for rescuing you, wouldn’t that be considered taking advantage?”

“Maybe,” I said. “I guess that would depend on what you asked for.”

Effie laughed. “You really are feeling better,” she said. “Very well, if you insist, and you really feel the need to … ‘repay’ me, then you can do so by accepting an invitation to dinner with me tonight in my chambers.”

“Dinner? That’s it?”

“Of course,” she said. “You’ll have to stay the night while your flyer is fixed anyway. So have dinner with me. Just the two of us. If you feel you ‘owe’ me something, that’s what I want. Just dinner. That’s not too much, is it?”

“Not at all,” I said. “I’ll look forward to it.”

“Me too. Now, I’ll let you rest and recover back here. I’ll get a hold of Ardentia, let them know we’re bringing your flyer in. And when we get back, I insist you let me deal with everything — the mission report, the repairs, everything. You just relax and recover.”

I hardly needed much persuasion to agree to that, and thanked Effie again as she left the cabin.


On to part 3.
Last edited:
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