TMF Poster
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Rooted to the spot, unable to look away or shut my ears or shout for help or do anything at all, all I could do was watch. Watch as two monsters had their way with my cousin, seeming so far away despite being right there in front of me. My breath agitated and panicky and my insides swirling with dread as those mouths slurped their way all over her feet. When those rain-soaked creatures slowly morphed into something demonic and my cousin was suddenly ankle-deep in their twisted, snarling mouths her screams pierced my ears and my own stuck inside my throat and I choked on it while the air around me became stiflingly thick and heavy and she screamed my name again-
-And I was torn away from one nightmare world and plunged into another. There were no demons here. They weren't necessary. Me and Mol had stumbled across something just as bad and all too human tonight and they were back for another shot at fucking us up. They were doing a damn good job if the sight and sounds of my crazed cousin were anything to go on. It was cool in this house but the woman was dripping with sweat. How long had the bastards been at her this time?
Freaking out beneath the brutal rib tickling she breathlessly mouthed something and her head tossed side to side with hair sticking to her forehead. The man laying underneath her, locking her arms up and behind her head tightened his grip and Molly's body arched until it was taut. Her tickler sat on her thighs as he ravaged her immobile upper body and my skin crawled watching them ruining the poor woman, I'd never seen somebody sweat so damn much.
“Quite a workout, huh darlin'?” Her tickler almost whispered after Molly fell totally silent under his assault. Her entire ribcage was under constant attack and her tits jiggled side to side as he rapidly and mercilessly tickled the air right out of her. The whites of her eyes shone bright and they pierced into those hands, her mouth wide open and hands balled into fists as beads of sweat trickled from her underarms.
“We ain't forgotten about those feet of yours. They'll get their turn. See how they taste fresh from the shower.” Said the guy pinning her down. She didn't reply. She couldn't reply. Those savage hands were grabbing her sides like claws and she heaved and shook in near silence tossing her head one way then another. Mention of her feet made my own cringe.
Why didn't I try to get help earlier? Why!? Yeah I know the way this town works but fuck... If I'd even suspected this was gonna happen I'd have taken the damn risk and probably not wound up hogtied on my living room floor, watching my cousin being tickled half to death by the very men I'd jerked off in the yard earlier just so they'd leave her alone.
“Don't you look so worried there, miss.” The tickler caught me looking. “You'll get your turn.”
His hands slid up Molly's drenched body and into the hollows of her pits, I watched them glide over that sweating skin and she practically spat her insides out all over the room. Thought I'd seen her freak before but all of that was*nothing*compared to this. His fingers scurried into her armpits and deep, almost booming laughter fired out of her. Her head thrashed my way and stayed there for long, long seconds. I watched her with wide eyes as her mouth was turned downwards and wretched sobs forced their way through her lips and her rosy red cheeks glinted with tear trails.
He varied his technique a little, switching from stroking to prodding or fingertips to fingernails and each switch brought about a new and ever more violent response from my cousin. I simmered with anger watching them doing this, watching her suffering. I tugged as subtly as I could against the ropes binding me but it was god-damn hopeless.
“OH, OH FUCK GET OUTTA- ARGH STOP NO STOP IT ST-” Molly briefly found her voice when the tickler's finger, one single finger slipped inside her belly button and jiggled around. The contrast between my cousin and the two bastards holding her down was so stark it was difficult to get my head around. There she was, drenched in sweat and squealing her heart out as her belly was tickled and there they were, casually holding her in place like she was nothing to them.
“Turnin' a nice shade of pink for us, darlin'. It suits you! What say we turn those lovely legs of yours the same colour, huh?” He asked my wheezing cousin.
They got up off of her and she laid on the floor, feebly waving her arms in protest as the guy that tickled her now held an ankle in each hand and dragged her over to the rug.
“Plea... Please... Sto-” She coughed as she breathlessly pleaded with the pair. Once again my heart was breaking for her.
“Leave her alone!” I called out watching her being rolled onto her front as one guy sat himself down on her ankles and the other straddled her around mid-back level. They faced each other, but looked over to me.
“Like I said, miss. You'll get yours. Just you wait.”
“Just, Christ, what do you want? What do you actually want here?” Doubt they even heard me asking as Molly erupted into deafening screams the second the guys set about tickling the shit outta her again, below the waist this time.
Four devious hands squeezed and prodded at her thighs and around her knees and it was tearing my poor cousin apart. She gripped onto the rug, ripping out small fluffy clumps as her hands thrashed desperately in efforts to pull herself free. She reached around to slap at the guy on her back but he just carried on as if oblivious that there was an actual human being connected to those legs.
I caught her eye and tugged again at my binds, hard as I could. I grunted and my nostrils flared but I think all I did was make the damn things even tighter. She was despairing on that rug and I was starting to slip into that same state before they'd even touched me.
“ANYTHING! STOP! OH GOD I'LL DO ANY-” Mindless hilarity seized her again as she clawed at her hair one moment and the rug the next. The muscles in her arms and shoulders straining against the weight of the men but she didn't move so much as an inch.
“Feet now? Or feet later, huh?” The guy on her back asked. He was no way about to get a response though. Molly grabbed at the back of her head as she puffed and wheezed with silent laughter face down in the rug. His hands were on her ass while his friend carried on just squeezing the hell out of her thighs.
“Hey! I asked you a question.” He'd turned his head to look straight at me.
“What?” I glared at him.
“Shall we do her feet now, or do them later?”
I looked at my exhausted cousin. “Neither. Please just-”
“-Ooo, wrong answer darlin'. Looks like your cousin thinks you ain't had enough yet, honey!” He called back to Molly who responded with a pitiful whimper.
The guy on her legs spread them wide apart, ignoring me yelling at him to stop it. He nestled himself in between her thighs, lifting them up so they rested across his lap. Her knees hugged his waist and her feet hung in the air behind him.
Her teeth were grit, eyes wild and neck straining as something he did back there set her immediately on edge. I couldn't quite see from my position but his hands looked poised somewhere directly between her thighs now and he was softly chuckling to himself.
“Hey, go get her another soda. Think she could do with a drink.” The guy holding her thighs told his friend. He got up off of her back and headed to the kitchen.
Molly's frenzied expression darkened as she exploded, kicking her feet wildly and screaming at the man holding her.
“Get off of me! Get OFF! Ungh, let me UP!” Pulling the rug up off the floor and bouncing in his unyielding grip she screamed and cursed at the man but he just smiled down at her and barely moved a muscle to hold her in place.
“Drink.” His friend returned with a can and a straw. Molly spat at his hand and cursed. It felt so good to see her do that, my cousin was still there! He set the can down on the hard floor.
“Looks like she don't wanna play no more.” He said to his friend, slowly walking by him toward her left foot.
“Well, if she don't wanna play... Guess we should put her to work.” The thigh grabber replied. He tightened his grip and held her so close her crotch was right up against his belly.
“Shoulda taken the drink, sweetheart.” He called out over her frantic shrieking, his friend had wrapped an arm around her ankle and he was chewing on that upturned foot again. It had sent her ballistic in the yard and it was doing the same damn thing now. His teeth scraped hideously against her arch and Molly reached out desperately to the can.
“OK I'LL DRINK! I'LL DRINK! I'LL FUCKI- AHH NO! NO!” Clearly thigh man felt left outta the action, he slid from beneath her hips and grabbed her free foot and joined his friend in nibbling and licking the life from Molly's feet. She surged toward the can almost leaving the floor in a frenzied leap for freedom and I watched helplessly as her fingertips brushed the can before she was dragged backwards across the floor, her fingers grabbing onto the rug and curling it up as she was pulled into hell, shrieking all the way.
These brutes had such a thing for Molly's feet. She was so tired. So damn tired she was barely even moving now. Just twitching and dribbling and weeping as her heels were eaten, arches slurped up and her toes bitten.
“I'll dri... Hink, I'll- Just lemme- O, ho God sto-”
Sound left her again as the fiends mercilessly ate her feet. Her face was red and eyes rolling back while I yelled at them to just stop already. I was seriously worried about her. Suddenly they were cheering.
“Hey, there we go! Looks like we didn't need that soda after all.” One of them said looking down between her legs before heading right back to join his friend feasting on her feet.
Still silent, Molly trembled as she wet herself. I could see nothing in her eyes that wasn't white. That show of defiance earlier felt like a memory from months ago. I honestly never thought I'd feel relieved to see somebody pass out but when she did... Boy was it a weight lifted.
“Coulda spared her a world of pain there, honey.” The taller guy looked down at me as his friend listed Molly's lifeless body and carried her to the coffee table. “Didn't feel like saving her, huh?”
“Fuck you!” I spat at him. “You did this, not me!”
“All we were gonna do was give her feet a little tickle, just a lil partin' gift to say goodbye but you chose-”
“-Bullshit! I said nothing!”
“You chose nothing and damn near sentenced her to death.”
His friend called over as he was binding Molly to the table. “How you gonna live with yourself, darlin?”
“I'm not your fucking darling!” I yelled and pulled furiously at the ropes. “Or your sweetheart! Or your honey! LET US GO!” I screamed on the verge of tears as the ropes held fast and tall guy went to help his friend rope my sleeping cousin to that table. He lifted her up a little so his friend could slide cushions underneath her back and with his job done, he left the room. I heard the porch door open.
“Ya know,” his friend spoke to me as he wound rope around Molly's limbs, “your cousin here was a riot. Ain't had a girl like her in... Hell, months maybe. But she's kinda sweet and innocent lookin'.
My heart pounded while he spoke to me, pulling the rope at her ankles and drawing Molly's feet underneath the tabletop and holding them there.
“The real prize here, it ain't her. Got a good look of you this past half hour, pullin' at those ropes. You're a strong lookin' little lady.”
His friend reappeared with a tool bag and dropped it to the floor. My heart beat even faster.
“Got real fire in that heart, ain't ya?”
They finished binding Molly in place, connecting her ankles with ropes to her wrists under the table top, her body arching across those cushions. She was stretched tight. Even tighter than my damn hogtie was becoming the more I thrashed and jerked around.
“She sure has, can see it in those eyes.” His friend said while rummaging through the bag.
The guy stroking Molly's hair continued. “You wouldn't believe it if we told you the things women have promised us over the years... Just to spare themselves anymore tickling. Even the ones that weren't so ticklish. There's still things that can be done with them.”
I was barely listening as a drill was taken from the bag and held triumphantly in the air.
“What... What is this?” I asked.
“What, this?” The guy holding it asked as he inserted a strange looking attachment and clamped it in place. “Just a little somethin' that might help put out that fire, darlin'.”
Just looking at that damn thing had my heart in my throat. It was like they'd jammed a soft and spiky little ball onto the end of the bit, the things they could do with that just did not bear thinking about.
“You don't have to do this, tickle us anymore. Just leave us and we'll never tell anyone, I swear!”
“You believe any of that?” Asked drill guy. His friend shook his head slowly.
I steadied my breathing as my toes were being tweaked by the guy's fingers.
“Look, we can go upstairs. Untie me now and we can go upstairs and you can do whatever you like with me... I'm serious.” I looked up at the guy by Molly and tried to turn my head to the guy playing with my toes. I was dead serious about taking them to my room.
They'd leave in body bags, but they didn't need to know that part.
“Let's go, come on! I'll do whatever you want me to...”
“Oh, we know you will.” They both laughed.
“Stop, tell me what you want!” I cried out as his hands were on my ankles pulling me towards him. “Tell me!”
I heard a plug slip into a socket and a switch flick. With a click the drill came to life in his hands, it whirred menacingly and my breath caught in my throat as his free hand grabbed my right foot and squeezed. My toes splayed apart and my heart damn near stopped.
The despicable head of that drill bit made contact with the tip of my big toe, just for a second. But long enough to jolt my entire system into freak out mode, I whooped and arched my back violently every time he teased my toe with it. It was fucking maddening.
His friend watched the show while stroking Molly's armpits and she was beginning to stir. I bit my lip as the toe tickling gradually became more intense, I didn't want her to see me being forced to babble and squeal like a child! I had to hold it in. Had to be strong. Show her there was hope here, dammit.
She woke with a start, immobilised and with fingers in her pits she immediately cried out for me to help her.
And as the drill viciously worked my toe stems, I screamed back to her.
Rooted to the spot, unable to look away or shut my ears or shout for help or do anything at all, all I could do was watch. Watch as two monsters had their way with my cousin, seeming so far away despite being right there in front of me. My breath agitated and panicky and my insides swirling with dread as those mouths slurped their way all over her feet. When those rain-soaked creatures slowly morphed into something demonic and my cousin was suddenly ankle-deep in their twisted, snarling mouths her screams pierced my ears and my own stuck inside my throat and I choked on it while the air around me became stiflingly thick and heavy and she screamed my name again-
-And I was torn away from one nightmare world and plunged into another. There were no demons here. They weren't necessary. Me and Mol had stumbled across something just as bad and all too human tonight and they were back for another shot at fucking us up. They were doing a damn good job if the sight and sounds of my crazed cousin were anything to go on. It was cool in this house but the woman was dripping with sweat. How long had the bastards been at her this time?
Freaking out beneath the brutal rib tickling she breathlessly mouthed something and her head tossed side to side with hair sticking to her forehead. The man laying underneath her, locking her arms up and behind her head tightened his grip and Molly's body arched until it was taut. Her tickler sat on her thighs as he ravaged her immobile upper body and my skin crawled watching them ruining the poor woman, I'd never seen somebody sweat so damn much.
“Quite a workout, huh darlin'?” Her tickler almost whispered after Molly fell totally silent under his assault. Her entire ribcage was under constant attack and her tits jiggled side to side as he rapidly and mercilessly tickled the air right out of her. The whites of her eyes shone bright and they pierced into those hands, her mouth wide open and hands balled into fists as beads of sweat trickled from her underarms.
“We ain't forgotten about those feet of yours. They'll get their turn. See how they taste fresh from the shower.” Said the guy pinning her down. She didn't reply. She couldn't reply. Those savage hands were grabbing her sides like claws and she heaved and shook in near silence tossing her head one way then another. Mention of her feet made my own cringe.
Why didn't I try to get help earlier? Why!? Yeah I know the way this town works but fuck... If I'd even suspected this was gonna happen I'd have taken the damn risk and probably not wound up hogtied on my living room floor, watching my cousin being tickled half to death by the very men I'd jerked off in the yard earlier just so they'd leave her alone.
“Don't you look so worried there, miss.” The tickler caught me looking. “You'll get your turn.”
His hands slid up Molly's drenched body and into the hollows of her pits, I watched them glide over that sweating skin and she practically spat her insides out all over the room. Thought I'd seen her freak before but all of that was*nothing*compared to this. His fingers scurried into her armpits and deep, almost booming laughter fired out of her. Her head thrashed my way and stayed there for long, long seconds. I watched her with wide eyes as her mouth was turned downwards and wretched sobs forced their way through her lips and her rosy red cheeks glinted with tear trails.
He varied his technique a little, switching from stroking to prodding or fingertips to fingernails and each switch brought about a new and ever more violent response from my cousin. I simmered with anger watching them doing this, watching her suffering. I tugged as subtly as I could against the ropes binding me but it was god-damn hopeless.
“OH, OH FUCK GET OUTTA- ARGH STOP NO STOP IT ST-” Molly briefly found her voice when the tickler's finger, one single finger slipped inside her belly button and jiggled around. The contrast between my cousin and the two bastards holding her down was so stark it was difficult to get my head around. There she was, drenched in sweat and squealing her heart out as her belly was tickled and there they were, casually holding her in place like she was nothing to them.
“Turnin' a nice shade of pink for us, darlin'. It suits you! What say we turn those lovely legs of yours the same colour, huh?” He asked my wheezing cousin.
They got up off of her and she laid on the floor, feebly waving her arms in protest as the guy that tickled her now held an ankle in each hand and dragged her over to the rug.
“Plea... Please... Sto-” She coughed as she breathlessly pleaded with the pair. Once again my heart was breaking for her.
“Leave her alone!” I called out watching her being rolled onto her front as one guy sat himself down on her ankles and the other straddled her around mid-back level. They faced each other, but looked over to me.
“Like I said, miss. You'll get yours. Just you wait.”
“Just, Christ, what do you want? What do you actually want here?” Doubt they even heard me asking as Molly erupted into deafening screams the second the guys set about tickling the shit outta her again, below the waist this time.
Four devious hands squeezed and prodded at her thighs and around her knees and it was tearing my poor cousin apart. She gripped onto the rug, ripping out small fluffy clumps as her hands thrashed desperately in efforts to pull herself free. She reached around to slap at the guy on her back but he just carried on as if oblivious that there was an actual human being connected to those legs.
I caught her eye and tugged again at my binds, hard as I could. I grunted and my nostrils flared but I think all I did was make the damn things even tighter. She was despairing on that rug and I was starting to slip into that same state before they'd even touched me.
“ANYTHING! STOP! OH GOD I'LL DO ANY-” Mindless hilarity seized her again as she clawed at her hair one moment and the rug the next. The muscles in her arms and shoulders straining against the weight of the men but she didn't move so much as an inch.
“Feet now? Or feet later, huh?” The guy on her back asked. He was no way about to get a response though. Molly grabbed at the back of her head as she puffed and wheezed with silent laughter face down in the rug. His hands were on her ass while his friend carried on just squeezing the hell out of her thighs.
“Hey! I asked you a question.” He'd turned his head to look straight at me.
“What?” I glared at him.
“Shall we do her feet now, or do them later?”
I looked at my exhausted cousin. “Neither. Please just-”
“-Ooo, wrong answer darlin'. Looks like your cousin thinks you ain't had enough yet, honey!” He called back to Molly who responded with a pitiful whimper.
The guy on her legs spread them wide apart, ignoring me yelling at him to stop it. He nestled himself in between her thighs, lifting them up so they rested across his lap. Her knees hugged his waist and her feet hung in the air behind him.
Her teeth were grit, eyes wild and neck straining as something he did back there set her immediately on edge. I couldn't quite see from my position but his hands looked poised somewhere directly between her thighs now and he was softly chuckling to himself.
“Hey, go get her another soda. Think she could do with a drink.” The guy holding her thighs told his friend. He got up off of her back and headed to the kitchen.
Molly's frenzied expression darkened as she exploded, kicking her feet wildly and screaming at the man holding her.
“Get off of me! Get OFF! Ungh, let me UP!” Pulling the rug up off the floor and bouncing in his unyielding grip she screamed and cursed at the man but he just smiled down at her and barely moved a muscle to hold her in place.
“Drink.” His friend returned with a can and a straw. Molly spat at his hand and cursed. It felt so good to see her do that, my cousin was still there! He set the can down on the hard floor.
“Looks like she don't wanna play no more.” He said to his friend, slowly walking by him toward her left foot.
“Well, if she don't wanna play... Guess we should put her to work.” The thigh grabber replied. He tightened his grip and held her so close her crotch was right up against his belly.
“Shoulda taken the drink, sweetheart.” He called out over her frantic shrieking, his friend had wrapped an arm around her ankle and he was chewing on that upturned foot again. It had sent her ballistic in the yard and it was doing the same damn thing now. His teeth scraped hideously against her arch and Molly reached out desperately to the can.
“OK I'LL DRINK! I'LL DRINK! I'LL FUCKI- AHH NO! NO!” Clearly thigh man felt left outta the action, he slid from beneath her hips and grabbed her free foot and joined his friend in nibbling and licking the life from Molly's feet. She surged toward the can almost leaving the floor in a frenzied leap for freedom and I watched helplessly as her fingertips brushed the can before she was dragged backwards across the floor, her fingers grabbing onto the rug and curling it up as she was pulled into hell, shrieking all the way.
These brutes had such a thing for Molly's feet. She was so tired. So damn tired she was barely even moving now. Just twitching and dribbling and weeping as her heels were eaten, arches slurped up and her toes bitten.
“I'll dri... Hink, I'll- Just lemme- O, ho God sto-”
Sound left her again as the fiends mercilessly ate her feet. Her face was red and eyes rolling back while I yelled at them to just stop already. I was seriously worried about her. Suddenly they were cheering.
“Hey, there we go! Looks like we didn't need that soda after all.” One of them said looking down between her legs before heading right back to join his friend feasting on her feet.
Still silent, Molly trembled as she wet herself. I could see nothing in her eyes that wasn't white. That show of defiance earlier felt like a memory from months ago. I honestly never thought I'd feel relieved to see somebody pass out but when she did... Boy was it a weight lifted.
“Coulda spared her a world of pain there, honey.” The taller guy looked down at me as his friend listed Molly's lifeless body and carried her to the coffee table. “Didn't feel like saving her, huh?”
“Fuck you!” I spat at him. “You did this, not me!”
“All we were gonna do was give her feet a little tickle, just a lil partin' gift to say goodbye but you chose-”
“-Bullshit! I said nothing!”
“You chose nothing and damn near sentenced her to death.”
His friend called over as he was binding Molly to the table. “How you gonna live with yourself, darlin?”
“I'm not your fucking darling!” I yelled and pulled furiously at the ropes. “Or your sweetheart! Or your honey! LET US GO!” I screamed on the verge of tears as the ropes held fast and tall guy went to help his friend rope my sleeping cousin to that table. He lifted her up a little so his friend could slide cushions underneath her back and with his job done, he left the room. I heard the porch door open.
“Ya know,” his friend spoke to me as he wound rope around Molly's limbs, “your cousin here was a riot. Ain't had a girl like her in... Hell, months maybe. But she's kinda sweet and innocent lookin'.
My heart pounded while he spoke to me, pulling the rope at her ankles and drawing Molly's feet underneath the tabletop and holding them there.
“The real prize here, it ain't her. Got a good look of you this past half hour, pullin' at those ropes. You're a strong lookin' little lady.”
His friend reappeared with a tool bag and dropped it to the floor. My heart beat even faster.
“Got real fire in that heart, ain't ya?”
They finished binding Molly in place, connecting her ankles with ropes to her wrists under the table top, her body arching across those cushions. She was stretched tight. Even tighter than my damn hogtie was becoming the more I thrashed and jerked around.
“She sure has, can see it in those eyes.” His friend said while rummaging through the bag.
The guy stroking Molly's hair continued. “You wouldn't believe it if we told you the things women have promised us over the years... Just to spare themselves anymore tickling. Even the ones that weren't so ticklish. There's still things that can be done with them.”
I was barely listening as a drill was taken from the bag and held triumphantly in the air.
“What... What is this?” I asked.
“What, this?” The guy holding it asked as he inserted a strange looking attachment and clamped it in place. “Just a little somethin' that might help put out that fire, darlin'.”
Just looking at that damn thing had my heart in my throat. It was like they'd jammed a soft and spiky little ball onto the end of the bit, the things they could do with that just did not bear thinking about.
“You don't have to do this, tickle us anymore. Just leave us and we'll never tell anyone, I swear!”
“You believe any of that?” Asked drill guy. His friend shook his head slowly.
I steadied my breathing as my toes were being tweaked by the guy's fingers.
“Look, we can go upstairs. Untie me now and we can go upstairs and you can do whatever you like with me... I'm serious.” I looked up at the guy by Molly and tried to turn my head to the guy playing with my toes. I was dead serious about taking them to my room.
They'd leave in body bags, but they didn't need to know that part.
“Let's go, come on! I'll do whatever you want me to...”
“Oh, we know you will.” They both laughed.
“Stop, tell me what you want!” I cried out as his hands were on my ankles pulling me towards him. “Tell me!”
I heard a plug slip into a socket and a switch flick. With a click the drill came to life in his hands, it whirred menacingly and my breath caught in my throat as his free hand grabbed my right foot and squeezed. My toes splayed apart and my heart damn near stopped.
The despicable head of that drill bit made contact with the tip of my big toe, just for a second. But long enough to jolt my entire system into freak out mode, I whooped and arched my back violently every time he teased my toe with it. It was fucking maddening.
His friend watched the show while stroking Molly's armpits and she was beginning to stir. I bit my lip as the toe tickling gradually became more intense, I didn't want her to see me being forced to babble and squeal like a child! I had to hold it in. Had to be strong. Show her there was hope here, dammit.
She woke with a start, immobilised and with fingers in her pits she immediately cried out for me to help her.
And as the drill viciously worked my toe stems, I screamed back to her.
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