When i was about 12-13 years old i remember an experience where my mom got the absolute crap tickled out of her and i guess maybe thats what sparked my fetish...actually im pretty sure it did. But anyway this is how it went...A major part of our entire family went camping one summer and rented a few cabins in the woods all close by each other..most all of my cousins aunts and uncles were there and most of us ended up hanging out all in one cabin each night,,now i remember one of my cousins who was a few years older than me kept jumping out of nowhere trying to scare my mom and really thought it was funny..and at one point he pounced out and grabbed her sides and my mom squealed and kinda fell to the ground as she is still the most ticklish person i have ever seen..at that time i knew that i had some different and weird feelings towards tickling and seeing my own mother tickled really kind of upset me...i dont think i liked seeing her lose control, especially to someone besides my father but i was somehow entranced into what happened next...my older cousin's friend who tagged along was close by and psychotically laughed at her vulnerabilty and then grabbed one of her ankles and i remember he tore off her shoe/sandal sorta thing and threw it across the room and started going to town on her foot..now at this point my mom is obviously going ballistic flopping around uncontrollably, everyone and their mother was laughing and cheering the boys on while i was standing there in awe...half of me wanted to knock out my older cousin and his friend but for some reason i had the urge to jump in and scribble my fingers all over my moms other foot even though i knew she was uncomfortable and upset..at one point i remember my dad tell us to tickle her right under her toes and it seemed to work pretty well although she was already pretty done for anyway...we probably tickled her for at least 3 or 4 minutes until it ended...she was very upset and embarresed i think mainly because my cousins friend kept commenting about how bad her feet smelled and how is hands smelt like them the rest of the trip..im not sure why and i feel sorta weird about it but ill always remember that as one of the most powerful tickle experiences of my life.