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My Current Projects - w/ synopsis


TMF Poster
Jul 27, 2004
Here is a selection of ideas I have for upcoming stories and characters. If anyone can think of any improvements that can be made please comment. I'm all ears! The first two are requests and I've already started them. The rest are on the back-burner for now.

WAH-LEE: Moh’s Day Off
After Wah-Lee successfully seeded all the aliens on board the supership, plans are underway to colonize the lands below. There’s only one problem. While the colonization effort is underway, the large and out of shape barefoot aliens must commute back and forth between their island home(Wah-Lee’s island) and their ship. And the Chief of Sanitation, Moh, would scrub their feet until they almost die laughing. So on the day of the commute, the captain gives Moh a furlough day. The plan is simple, leave and comeback before Moh’s furlough is over. However if it actually worked out like that, this story would be pretty boring… Heh heh heh…

Nathalia is an up and coming model from a wealthy family. She is used to having the best of everything and having everyone bend to her whim. What kind of model is she you ask? A foot model. And she lets EVERYONE know it! At every opportunity she displays her gorgeous feet for the world to behold. At restaurants, theaters, movies, bars even! Her “Best Friend” is Sandra. She has been Nath’s friend for a long time. She was able to tolerate Nath’s self-centered for years, until she got nominated for that modeling contract… Ever since, she’s reached new heights of conceitedness. On one of her outings to an upper-class diner she sees a beggar asking for hand-outs outside. As she approaches, she introduces herself s Anne and asks for change. When she becomes to persistent for her taste Nath kicks her down and simply walks off. Sandra stays behind for a moment and apologizes for Nath’s behavior. She then follows her inside and spends the rest of the day prostrating her for what she did. On Christmas eve, Nathalia’s Agent suddenly calls her up and tells her that she lined up a Christmas day photo shoot for her in another state. It’s last minute and she absolutely has to get there before 10pm Christmas night. Nath of course drags her B.F.F. Sandra along for the bright and early road trip. During their drive the hit a deep pothole and crack the axel of Nath’s car. It wont start and their both stranded in a cold and snowy area with no cellular reception. Their car won’t even start so the heater won’t work. Up ahead they see a light. The get out of the car and hike toward it. It is a trashcan fire surrounded by beggars. When Nathalia haughtily demands they make room for her one of the beggars turns around and they recognize each other.

This is a story idea I got when I took the a segment of the game "Prototype", "Journey to the West", "Wolverine: X-men", "Alien Vs. Predator", "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", "Metal Gear Solid", and "Max Payne", dropped them all into a blender, and hit puree for thirty minutes! Here is what I have so far:
A dangerous uber-woman is secretly produced by the Weston Corporation. Upon her completion however she eoon displays her distaste for the experiments she has endured at the hands of the weston Board of executives. She destroyes the laboratory she was housed in causing millions upon millions of dollars worth of damages until the supercomputer/gynoroid that runs the technology of the building forcibly puts an end to her rampage. She is sealed in stasis for decades, during which time she is bombarded with hypnotic suggestion elling her to submit to the evil corporations wishes. Much later a stranger(A reporter/employee/Ashikage???) inadvertantly releases her. She is driven mad by her years of imprisonment and the hypno therapy, but she has one clear thought in her head. REVENGE!

LAUGH WISH: Feather Control
A new menace has taken over the quiet town of Good-Haven. Thanks to a secret military serum gone out of control the citizens are plagued by an army of Super-Women who possess superhuman strength and agility as well as being impervious to pain. They do have one weakness though, they are extraordinarily ticklish. As the good citizens of Good-Haven prepare to defend themselves and their property the mayor enacts a ban on the one tool proven to be effective on the threat. Feathers! Why would the Mayor ban such a crucial weapon as roving banditas threaten to turn Good-Haven into “Gang-Haven”?

ASHIKAGE: Ghost In The Tape
Sayoko is a young lady that met with a peaceful yet untimely demise. In order to reach Nirvana she is tasked by a higher spirit to scare 500 people. She then is asked to choose her haunting medium. In a stroke of (what should have been) genius, she chose to haunt a videotape. But due to a misprint in the tape’s title, “Utter Relief” instead of “Utter Belief” her tape ends up in the red-light section of a seedy video store! Now whenever her tape is played and she emerges from the television, instead of being met by a frightened person or family she is greeted by a horny pervert and is promptly made his/her plaything! She is now caught in an endless loop of debauchery and is unable to rack up any scares. Can Ashi and Momo liberate her from an endless hell of sex?

In the middle of nowhere in particular there is an apartment complex that can only be described as a slum. This is a place for the downtrodden, broke, insane, and/or wanted. In this apartment complex lives an assortment of eccentric individuals who live their lives one day at a time. However, all of these individual have a common fear/threat/foe. Just who is it that is capable of striking terror in the hearts of these people who have already been through so much? That person would be the landlady. The landlady rules the apartments with an iron fist, or more accurately two iron feet! The large, broad, weather/travel hardened feet of the landlady are a force to be reckoned with! The heartiest man in the complex trembles in fear before the, and rightly so. Those feet are so powerful they can propel a horse into the stratosphere with one well-placed blow. Not even her husband, “Hercules” dares oppose her. Can nothing end her reign of tyranny?

ASHIKAGE: Tome Raider
Lana Mycroft is the dedicated head of the largest recognized library on the planet. Within the vast halls and corridors of her library lie tomes of unimaginable rarity and value. She puts these tomes, books, and documents on display for all the world’s people to study and enjoy. She is a woman that believes that silence is golden in a library and for that reason walks around in nothing but a pair of barefoot-sandals so as not to make any noise as she moves about. How does she gain access to such rare books and documents? She finds them! Aside from being one of the most well-respected librarians in the world she is a avid explorer and treasure hunter known in such circles as “The Tome Raider”. In fact her she found her barefoot-sandals on her very first “Tome Raid” and she has worn them ever since. She is however famous for one more thing, that would be her adventuring crew always winding up in traction! She is always able to evade the numerous traps she comes across in her adventures, but her companions aren’t… So at the years press on finding able bodied people willing to accompany here becomes harder and harder. In response she puts out a contract offering a massive pay-out for accompanying her on her next adventure. And as always, out uber-ninja rapidly responds. Can Ashi survive traveling with the “Tome Raider” long enough to receive his pay or will he end up like the rest? (Having to use the money to pay hospital bills…)

ASHIKAGE: The Attaché Case
Sleeze & Shyster Corporation is up to their old tricks again. The are sending their sales representatives out as “good-will” ambassadors to rival companies in order to forge business alliances. The sales reps arrive at the business headquarters of several of their rivals carrying nothing but a medium sized attache case and voluntarily leave it with the business’s security or administrative staff. The rep is then observed for every second of their stay at the rival business and leave without a hassle when their business is concluded. But soon after the rivals notice that their computers had been hacked into and their proprietary files had all been copied or stolen. They can’t blame S&S, their every move was either caught on camera or seen by staff members. How could this have happened?

SLOPPY M. RIDES AGAIN: Big-Foot Vs. Sasquatch
Big-Foot Bessie’s been locked up! A rash of ransackings on homesteader’s property is being commitied. When the Sheriff and Marshal show up they’re met with a familiar calling card, Incredibly large barefoot prints everywhere. Their immediate reaction is to head for the Ozarks and arrest the only one they thought could have been responsible. But no only does she say she’s innocent, she leaves with them without a struggle. It’s now up to Moe, Porky, and roper to prove that Bessie is innocent…but who or what else could have left those tracks?

SLOPPY M. RIDES AGAIN: The Mist And The Gypsy
Sloppy Moe is once again retired and enjoying the married life with “The woman with the biggest feet in the west!” Bessandra Curtis-Moe a.k.a. Big-Foot Bessie. However a new threat to the stability of the budding country will call these two back into action. A mystifying Gypsy has been hustling people out of their homes and properties mere moments before or after they gained them. How does she know who is due to strike it rich and how does she know just how to bamboozle them out of it?! Is she really clairvoyant? That isn’t known just yet. What is known is that she has a lot of angry hombres on her tail, but for some reason they can’t get near her… There seems to be a supernatural force at play. The aforementioned Gypsy is always surrounded by a thick purple mist that envelopes and neutralizes anything that might threaten the gypsy it serves. Then again, is it the gypsy that serves it? There are a lot of questions surrounding this gal, but what is beyond a shadow of any doubt is that this con-artist must be stopped! But even with Roper and the superhuman Big-Foot Bessie on his side, is Porky a match for the supernaturally powered Gypsy?

THE PRINCESS & THE PEA[NIS]: The Mother-In-Law Arrives!
The Prince and Princess Broonhild are living fairytale happy ending lives together in the Prince’s Homeland of Goldenestadt when on a rainy day very much like the one on which Princess Broonhild arrived they have another similar visitor. This visitor is VERY tall and had many of the same dimensions as the princess, including incredibly gigantic feet! It is revealed by Broonhild that that is her mother, Hilda. She is a country bumpkin from head to toe despite being the queen of the sovereign nation of Neuesgeld. When the prince greets her, her first words to him are, “Where are my grandkids?” The stunned court and Royal family are at a loss for a response. She then resolves to stick around until she can here the pitter patter of little feet. How will the prince and princess cope with Queen Hilda’s repeated attempts to get them to fornicate!

ASHIKAGE: The Vanderfoot Fortune.
Enter Princess Vanderfoot, she isn’t really a princess, that is just her name. She is the heiress to the obscenely wealthy Vanderfoot family. As such she is spoiled, conceited, stuck-up, arrogant, naïve, and a bit of a cry baby. Having heard the word “no” only a handful of times in her whole life, she is obviously used to getting what she wants. Her weekly allowance could bail out a large corporation with plenty of change to spare. She owns her own island where an army of elite maids cater to her every need, whim, and desire. The maids are broken up into four distinct categories and where different colored outfits. They are: Logistics, Finance/Admin, Health, and Security. Each of these sections is lead by an amazoness that also happens to be a stepmother to Princess. (Her extremely amorous father married them all!) They are very tall, very eccentric, and also very caring of “Little Ms. Vanderfoot”. Of course they also embarrass her quite often as well, their usual punishment is a harsh tickling on their bare soles carried out by Princess herself. She loves pop singers and rules her family from her island. As a symbol of subservience no one on the island is allowed to wear shoes except her.
(The real focus of this story will be the maids)

ASHIKAGE: The False Idol And The Real Titan
In a certain town there exists a cult. A cult that worships a Gothic Queen who calls herself "Malvozia". Her "Pale Minions" worship and wait on her hand and foot in a dark room, that is until a bell's ring can be heard from an adjacent room. At that point her Pale minions approach her, put on a white vestment, and guide her toward the sound. She exits into a room filled with light, climbs onto a wooden pedestal, and chants her familiar mantra..."Welcome to Crunchy Creme, may I take your order?"

Loose character ideas

Big-Foot Bessie: My first original Character. This feisty lass sports a moderately sized upper-body, but a huge pair of legs and monstrous feet! She is part of my Sloppy M. story arc, but I definitely want to use her in others as well. She can out fight and out-drink any man or woman in the west. Her fighting style consists of master-level whip work which she uses to disarm and trip-up her adversaries, then she finishes them off with powerful kicking techniques.

Moh: A revamp on the "M-O" droid from Wall-E. She plays a major part in my "Wah-Lee" story and is my first dedicated tickler. She is obsessed with cleanliness and will ferociously scrub away any and all traces of dirt from objects and people no mater how tender or ticklish the surface is underneath.

DUTCH WIFE 9000 X-1: A gynoroid wife invented by an extremely geeky, pimply, and obnoxious super genius. Having been shunned by every “organic” girl at school, work, clubs, churches, etc. He decided to make a living sex doll to satisfy his carnal needs. However, soon after building her, programming her with every sex-manual known to man (Ex. Kama-sutra and others), and installing her A.I., he was immediately shunned by her to! She realized that she was too good for him. She ran away after he tried to remove her A.I. and make her a mindless sex machine. She now attends a “Dutch Wife Support Group”!!!

The Mad Girl/Scrullu: Always wrapped in a straight-jacket. Has absolutely no access to her hands, but can to almost anything with her feet. Is constantly pursued by orderlies who try to shoot her with tranquilizer darts, pills, mood enhancers, etc. But she always escapes in the end.

The Transient: A tall bronze skinned girl with tan/silver hair. She wears bangles on her wrists, and ankles and wears many necklaces. She hails from parts unknown and heads to parts unknown. She is encountered in obvious locations (motels, hotels, diners, etc.) as well as highly unlikely ones (caves, deep-sea, dungeons, other planets, other dimensions, inside of whales and other large creatures. Has an innocent and naive personality but somehow manages to find her way into and out of dangerous places unscathed.

Footsy Galore: A spy with large and beautiful feet. She can be found among the upper echelons of both government officials and private industry leaders. Able to seamlessly blend in with both groups. She is a very talented seducer and is sometimes called “The Succubus of Espionage”. Her usual method of operation involves sitting across or next to her target and using an almost unparalleled skill at “covert footsy” will tease and excite man and woman alike.

Hammertoe: An enforcer for the mob. She has heavy steel toe rings that act like brass knuckles, except they wrap around her toes instead of her fingers. Her kicks are known to break down stone walls and bend steel beams. She is also handy with a tommy gun. She wears a pin-striped zuit suit, a wide-brim hat, and is of course barefoot.

Hagatha: Another MILF, from the neck down…
Hagatha has a face that can scare Freddy Kruger, but her feet are big and absolutely stunning. All her life she has been known as a “man trap”. She looks great from behind, however as soon as she turns around and smiles at who ever is hitting on her, his cock shrivels and he runs off screaming. Now, at her 10 year high school reunion she’s had enough!!! She walks in concealing and unholy elixir and is bent on revenge against those who made fun of her all though high school.

Titanic Toes: A mythological Titan, the one they don’t talk about. She has awoken from her 100,000 year slumber to trample the earth. Who will save us!?

Hard-Heel Ming: She happens to be Big-Foot Bessie's former "Sifu".

Mei-li: A BBW country girl of Asian decent. She serves as the foreman on her families farm. She knows just about all there is to know about agriculture and specializes in growing delectable tea plants. During her years of working on the farm with men she acts like “one of the guys”.

Grungy Greta: A gorgeous and grimy young lady. She works in a manure factory, owns a pet skunk, and lives in an old RV…in a junk yard! Yet she is 100% happy and content. She truly is beautiful, however her beauty lies under a layer of dirt and stench. Of all the characters yet, she is he smelliest. Her foot odor could knock-out an elephant, but she is actually a nice person.

Malvozia - Queen of the Night: As if!!! More like Queen of the Hopeless Virgins! Malvozia’s real name is Edna Smith. She is the “Head Clerk” at Crunchy Cream donut shop. Her picture is proudly displayed behind register number one. Standing at a rather short 3.5 feet tall, she often stands on a stool or step ladder to work her register. After hours she becomes Malvozia, a gothic “queen.” Through blogging she has become quite a unique internet idol with an equally unique target audience. She commands a legion of pale minions (who are really pasty faced sci-fi fan boys who probably all have splash-guards on their keyboards…). Usually her time as the queen of the night is spent ordering her minions to rub her oversized feet and fetch her diet sodas. She seems to think that her powers are real though…and they just might be...

Crazy-Lacy (Named by Yowesephth): She is a superfan. Of what? Everything!!! If you are the best at what you do, she is a fan of yours and will stop at NOTHING to get your autograph. She will do anything for it, whether you want her to or not! Among celebrities, she is known as the “MAD BLOODHOUND” because once she has started to stalk one of her many idols, there are no safe havens!!! She WILL find you! He skills at stalking are second only to the Ashikage himself.

Inga: A SMOKING HOT Swedish masseuse. She barely speaks any English and her fingers are as close to “magic” as any regular human can possibly get. She has been known to inadvertently end marriages. Naturally her feet are to die for…
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