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My Dinner With Auntie (F/M)

Sherbet Riley

Registered User
Nov 20, 2022
This story is the follow up to Under Her Palm, which can be found here (Part 1:https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?346711-Under-Her-Palm-F-M-(Part-1)) and here (Part 2: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?346870-Under-Her-Palm-F-M-(Part-2))


My Dinner With Auntie

Teddy paced the aisles of the Z-Town Market, grumbling as he looked over the shopping list he’d hastily jotted down. The evening of his dinner with Amy had arrived and Teddy was a nervous wreck. It had been just over a week since their chance encounter at the Shoehorn, exactly eight days and fourteen hours by Teddy’s count. He could scarcely believe it had even been real. After all, Auntie Amy had been the one who’d seeded his lust for tickling in him as a boy, and the fact that he had been given the chance to relive his greatest tickle fantasies in the safety of her expansive lap had been too good to be true. Even now, the thought of it caused his pants to tighten.

In the week or so since his tickle time with Amy, Teddy had been unspeakably horny. It was a wonder he got anything done at all. Nearly every waking moment was spent replaying those ticklish moments over and over again in his head, his hand often wandering beneath the elastic band of his underwear moments after the memories crossed his mind (assuming he was alone.) It was almost exhausting. Every moment and sensation and tease was just so clear and vivid; Teddy had little need to accentuate it with his imagination. Even now Amy’s teasing voice rang in his ears, his body alive with the memory of her touch.

Teddy shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand: rounding up ingredients for dinner that night. Financially challenged as he was, Teddy was unable to talk Amy out for a nice meal at one of the many suggested “date night” locations he’d come across in his brief online search. Though Amy was aware of his current circumstances, Teddy was embarrassed by the thought of making Amy pay for dinner or sweating the bill if she decided to order a 2nd glass of wine. Though Teddy was not exactly a Michelin quality chef, he was no slouch in the kitchen either. He was a devout follower of celebrity chefs on Instagram and had watched hours and hours of cooking tutorials on YouTube over the years. It was almost meditative for him, a habit he’d picked up in college as a way to de-stress during finals. This coupled with a subscription to a well-regarded cooking blog that hosted some simple, flavorful recipes, made Teddy a fairly competent cook. He had enough confidence in his culinary skills to suggest that he cook dinner that evening for Amy, who had graciously agreed to host.

But still Teddy was anxious. Though he was mostly confident in his skills, now that the day had actually arrived he was suddenly unsure about what to make. He didn’t even know what Amy liked to eat. Was she vegetarian? Vegan? Did she eat fish? Was she allergic to peanuts? Gluten free? There were too many unknowns and Teddy was paralyzed by the thought that he might make the wrong thing. What if he arrived at Amy’s place with a bundle of ingredients that she couldn’t stomach? He wanted to text her to ask her all this and more but did not want to appear needy.

That was another factor that had given Teddy pause. He and Amy had barely spoken since their evening together eight days and fourteen hours ago. Not that he was counting. After he had called out (screamed?) the safe word at the end of their encounter and Amy ceased her relentless assault on his tender feet, she had offered him a glass of water and a cab ride home with the two of them agreeing to find a good time for dinner some time in the next week. But Amy never texted to follow up. Teddy waited for days, his eyes glued to his phone. His heart would race with every ping and chime of his phone, only to sink when he would realize it was only a social media notification or news alert. He found himself waking up in the middle of the night and rolling over to check his phone to see if maybe Amy had finally reached out in the wee hours of the morning. So far, all this had turned out to be nothing but wishful thinking.

Teddy had begun to wonder if he’d done something wrong, if there was something he’d said or done to put Amy off. Perhaps something in the nature of their tickle play made Amy uncomfortable. But that didn’t quite add up. Amy tickled people professionally, people who were practically strangers – if not actual strangers. So it didn’t track that tickling Teddy was somehow crossing a line. He was a grown man now, after all. He and Amy were consenting adults. Perhaps he’d seemed too eager, or had texted Amy to follow up one too many times. Teddy was tying himself in knots for over four days before Amy finally reached out to schedule their dinner date.

She’d been quite apologetic in her texts, explaining that the week had gotten away from her and some personal stuff had taken up quite a bit of her attention. But yes, she said, a home cooked meal sounded like just the thing she needed. Teddy, beyond relieved to have finally heard back from her, was more than happy to take yes for an answer. After that he played it cool, being sure to not double text and just focus on being as prepared as he could be for their next meeting.

But now he was at the store and wanted to make sure he didn’t mess everything up by buying or making the wrong thing. Oh how he wished he could be more confident in these things. He wanted to reach out to Amy and text her but didn’t want to seem too eager. But then Teddy gamed it out in his head. Which was worse: the possibility of getting the wrong thing, or appearing needy? In the end, he figured it was preferable to check in and potentially bother Amy than it was to show up and derail the whole evening because he was too chicken to pick up the phone and talk to her like an adult.

Teddy decided to call Amy. Oh how he longed to hear her voice again, for that sweet, sugary tone to echo in his ear once more. He felt like a junkie jonesing for a hit. Just to hear her teasing little giggle, that was all he needed. He held his breath in anticipation as he heard the phone ring on the other end of the line. The ringing stopped and the line was clear. But no words came through.

“Hello?” Teddy opened.

The first thing he heard was the telltale rustle of a receiver against fabric. Was Amy’s phone in her pocket?

“Hello?” Teddy tried again.

He strained to listen for a response over the cheery, bland pop music that crackled through the store’s overhead speakers. Teddy reached into his pocket and popped his wireless headphones into his ears.

When Teddy’s headphones finally connected to his phone, he found that he could faintly make out voices on the other end of the line. Teddy cranked up his phone’s volume to the max and trained his ears on the sound. His heart practically stopped when he could finally make it out.

“Neeheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeahahahahahahahahaha! Ohohohohohoho myhyhyhyhyhyhyhy gahahahahahahad! Ehehehehehehehehenohohohohough! Thehehehehey’re clehehehehehean! Thehehehehehey’re cleeeeheheheheheheheeeen!”

It was laughter, a woman’s laughter. Teddy recognized the pleading, desperate tone instantly. Whoever that was on the other end of the line, she was being tickled mercilessly. And of course he knew who was carrying out the sensitive work of torturing her.

“Nuh uh uhhhhhh…” It was Amy’s voice, clearly relishing her role as the tickle monster as she slowly drove her victim mad.

“Your widdle piggies aren’t clean just yet. You can’t see what I see. Some girls think they can just rinse their feet clean under some water and leave it at that. But Ms. Maple knows better, doesn’t she? Besides, you wouldn’t need your tootsies to be cweaned so thoroughwy if you hadn’t twespassed in my garden. I told you what would happen if I caught you stealing my wazzbewwies again, didn’t I? Huh? Didn’t I? Tell Ms. Maple you’re sorry. Or do I need to go get Mister Fuzzy Wuzzy again? Come on, baby girl. Say you’re sorry…”

Teddy shivered as he heard the woman’s laughter spike. Whatever Amy was doing to her feet was having a devastating effect.


After a few moments the woman’s laughter devolved into incomprehensible shrieks and babbles that Teddy could no longer discern as any kind of language. He noticed something move in his periphery and quickly moved aside as an old woman pushed past him in the grocery aisle. Teddy shook himself from his trance, realized he’d been standing there, rock hard, for a little over a minute now as he listened in on one of Amy’s tickling sessions.

“Good girl! Such a good little sweetie pie for Miss Maple. Now your little feetsies are all squeaky clean! But we still have to dry them off, don’t we?”

“NO! Please! It’s fine! You don’t – NOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOO!”

Teddy forced himself to hang up. If he listened any longer there was a good chance he’d be sporting his erection around the store for the remainder of his shopping expedition and beyond. Already his mind was racing. What was Amy doing to that poor, lucky woman? What sort of tool was Mister Fuzzy Wuzzy? What sort of persona was Miss Maple?

Teddy was actually jealous of the unknown woman on the other end of the line. Whatever fresh horrors awaited her now-clean feet, Teddy assumed he’d soon have ticklish problems of his own to worry about later that evening. He swallowed, as much in nervousness as anticipation, and put some yellow onions in his basket. If he wanted Amy to take it easy on him – a big “if,” to be sure – it would help if she had a belly full of good food before she got her hands on him.


Amy’s place smelled of garlic and onions. In the days to come it would seem as though the scent had permeated every square inch of fabric and hair in her home. Food sizzled in the pan, upbeat 70s pop played through unseen speakers, and Amy had just opened a bottle of red wine. Teddy had forgotten to remove the sticker, which listed the price of the bottle at just over thirteen dollars. Amy scratched it off with her fingernail, leaving a blemish of sticky reside near the base. If anything, she found it charming. It was not so long ago that all Amy could afford was a box of wine and a bag of frozen dumplings. She was more impressed by Teddy’s visible effort in the kitchen and the fact that he hadn’t set off the smoke alarm. Yet.

The meal had been particularly good. The pasta was a little overcooked and the greens could have used a bit more seasoning but Amy didn’t mind. It had been ages since she’d had anyone cook for her. Besides, she’d always loved the smell of garlic and onions.

She poured two glasses of thirteen-dollar wine and brought them into the living room. Their empty plates were still sitting on the small trunk that Amy used as her living room table. Teddy was smiling at something on his phone. He looked up and his smile grew even wider when he saw Amy return.

“What are you smiling at?” Amy teased, setting down their wine glasses on the trunk-cum-table before taking a seat beside Teddy on the couch.

“Oh, nothing. Just a meme my buddy sent me.”

“Mhm, sure.”

“No, really,” Teddy insisted.

“Telling your friends about your ‘hot date’ tonight?”

Teddy’s face pinkened at the suggestion as he briefly stammered through a mumbled refutation.

“I – no, it – my friend Eric was just…”

In truth he had told a select few friends that he was spending the evening with Amy. Teddy didn’t feel like he had much to brag about those days and was happy to have a spot of somewhat titillating news to share. The way he’d phrased it had been intentionally misleading, an almost high-school like attempt to make himself seem like more of a player than he was. Of course he’d mentioned nothing about the ticklish nature of his and Amy’s relationship. That was just for him.

Amy laughed and touched Teddy’s arm, amused by his visible anxiety.

“Oh relax. I’m just teasing, silly.”

Perhaps it was the feeling of her warm hand on his arm, maybe it was the way she’d said the word “silly,” but Teddy suddenly felt incredibly shy. Just a few minutes ago he and Amy had been chatting away, the conversation bouncing back and forth between them with seemingly no dead air. But now Teddy had drawn inward.

“You okay, bubba?” Amy asked. “Something on your mind.”

“Yes – well, I mean, sorta…” Teddy said. “Earlier I called you and, well, I don’t think you meant to pick up but you answered and, um…”

Amy immediately realized what he was getting at. Now it was her turn to blush.

“You heard me tickling someone.” Amy giggled, nervously. “God, that’s embarrassing.”

Teddy didn’t understand.

“Embarrassing? Why?”

“Because,” Amy sighed, “I take a lot of pride in what I do and always make sure to emphasize my discretion to new clients. The idea that someone might have listened in…”

It was strange for Teddy to see Amy genuinely worried. For as long as he’d known her Amy had always maintained a pretty chipper and bright demeanor. Seeing her so obviously embarrassed was almost akin to hearing a teacher swear outside of school.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t hear any specifics really,” Teddy reassured her.

Amy glanced at Teddy, not sure if he was just trying to make her feel better.

“Really? No identifying names or characteristics?”

Teddy shook his head. Amy wasn’t sure if she could believe him, not that he had any reason to lie. She assumed he just wanted to make her feel better.

“And you’re sure?”

“Yes,” Teddy said, “very.”

Amy looked Teddy up and down. Judging by the look on his face he’d definitely heard something. She knew that if he’d actually heard any privileged or otherwise proprietary information he wouldn’t tell her outright, especially if he wanted to spare her feelings. Luckily for Amy, she knew exactly how to make Teddy tell her the truth.

“My baby bear wouldn’t be fibbing, would he?” Amy asked, lapsing into her cooing, gentle “Auntie” voice as she scooted toward Teddy on the couch. She knew the effect this maternal mode had on the young man and smiled as she saw his body tense in anticipation.

Teddy, for his part, slipped into his role of the flustered, bashful lee almost instantly. His head sunk down, as if he’d done something wrong and his babysitter already knew he was responsible. Teddy nodded his head, his voice emerging from his throat in a submissive whisper.

“Nuh-uh. I promise. I – I didn’t…uh…” But Teddy ran out of words as Amy gently grabbed his ankles and pulled his socked feet into her lap. He knew what was coming next and suddenly aware of his heart thumping in his chest.

“You didn’t…what?” Amy smiled at him, showing her teeth. “It’s okay, Teddy. You can tell me. Auntie won’t be mad.” She began to touch his feet, rubbing her thumbs up his arches and gently squeezing his heels. It felt nice.

“I, uh…” Teddy was having some difficulty thinking straight. He knew exactly where Amy’s innocent little massage would lead. Part of him just wanted to skip to the part where she dropped all pretenses and just tickled him silly. But this was what made Amy such an expert tickler. She took her time. Who was he to interrupt her process?

“It’s alright baby bear,” Amy said, her fingers just lightly pinching his toes now, “just tell Auntie what you heard.”

“Well, uh…” Teddy swallowed, “I heard, uh, laughter…”

“Laughter?” Amy pretended to be surprised. “That’s odd. What kind of laughter? Giggles, chuckles…?” She started to let the tips of her fingernails gently glide over his socked feet now, slowly dragging them down his soles and prickling his heels.

“Um, I do-ohon’t…” already the giggles had begun to bubble up from Teddy’s throat. “I dohohon’t know. Li-hihihike dehehesperate laughter. Shehehe was behehegging, shreheheiking…”

She, huh?” Amy raised her eyebrows. “Interesting. Did she have a name?”

“N-nhahat that I heheard…”Teddy shook his head.

“Are you suuuuuure? Don’t lie, now. Auntie will know if you’re fibbing…”

“I-hihi swehehear!” Teddy insisted. Amy seemed to believe him and nodded approvingly.

“What else, bubba?” Amy coaxed, her eyes never once leaving Teddy’s face as her fingers went about their work.

“Uhuhuhummm…y-youohohohoho whehehehehehere plahahahahaying mihihihiss M-mahahaple and-and cleeeeheheheheaning her fe-heheheet.”

“Ms. Maple cleaning her feet, huh? And what was it about this foot cleaning that made this woman – whoever she is – laugh so much?” Her fingers were moving faster now, teasing him with soft spider-like tickles where his arch met his heel.

“Shehe…I think, uh…” Teddy couldn’t’ stop squirming. He could feel his whole body flush, beads of sweat prickling along his hairline. He loved this part the most, the build up, and he wanted to make it last. He’d been looking forward to this all week, after all. He decided to play coy. “I duhuhunno….”

“I think you do baby bear,” Amy smiled. Teddy’s feet were jerking and jumping around in her lap. Amy didn’t have to put much effort into restraining them. No matter how much he squirmed and wiggled about, Teddy kept his feet more or less in place. He wanted this. “I think you know exactly what was happening to her. I want to hear you say it. Come on. Can you tell Auntie Amy what she was doing to the nice lady?”

With that she began to slowly peel away his socks. Teddy was trembling with anticipation. He could barely keep still. His heels were bared now. Even in a room warmed by an oven and candlelight, the air felt cool against his newly bare skin.

“Y-you were…tickling her.” Just saying the word out loud gave Teddy a little thrill. Amy was maintaining eye contact with him, causing his stomach to flutter as she continued to gently pull the socks off his feet. The cotton was riding up past his arches now.

“That’s right, baby bear,” Amy breathed, “I was giving her a little gitsy goo. Poor girl was beside herself. I wish I could tell you more but…I bet you’ve already painted a lovely little picture in your mind from what little you heard, didn’t you?”

Teddy nodded. It was true. Teddy had been speculating all day. He’d imagined all sorts of lovely things. He assumed “Ms. Maple” was an old neighbor of the poor victim, or perhaps a teacher or family friend. Someone from her childhood, he figured. It was the name of the tickling implement that had struck a chord with him. Perhaps “Mister Fuzzy Wuzzy” was a special tickling glove that Amy used to tickle that woman’s sensitive feet, or a special brand of pipe cleaner, or an unusually soft Q-tip. It was also possible that he was overthinking things and it was simply a favorite feather of hers, used to devastating effect on the woman’s toes. He pictured the woman red faced and bellowing with laughter as Ms. Maple took her time with her feet, not leaving a single inch of ticklish skin untouched. But it was his own soles Teddy was thinking of now, as he felt his socks clear the tops of his toes, leaving his feet bare and vulnerable in Amy’s lap. He wiggled his toes invitingly and bit his lip, already squirming with excitement.

There was no overlooking the tent in his pants now. If Amy noticed it she didn’t say anything. For as much as they both seemed to enjoy their little tickling games, Amy didn’t seem to have any kind of sexual interest in Teddy. The tickling was the point. She began softly pitter-pattering her fingertips along his soles, the pads gently brushing against his sensitive skin. Teddy started giggling immediately.

“Ehehehehehehehehehehehehe thahahat tihihihihihihickles ahahahahahaunteeeeeeheheheeeee!”

“I know it does, little one,” Amy smiled. “But I thought you liiiiiiked Auntie’s tickles…” she’d taken on her babying tone again, smiling as she watched Teddy dissolve into giggles before her very eyes.

“Ihihihihihihihihi doooohohohohohohoooooo! I lohohohohove ihihihihihit!”

“Aw, I know you do, baby. And what sensitive wittle paws you have! No wonder you keep them cooped up in those shoesies all day, cocooned in those silly socks. I bet you think they’re safe in there, don’t you? Keeping them where Auntie Amy can’t get to ‘em, you naughty boy. Well let me fill you in on a secret…Auntie can get to your feetsies whenever she wants to. No matter what you do, you can’t keep them from me. And they’re just as ca-ute as I remembuh! Why, I think they’ve gotten even sowfter than when I wast pwayed with dem! How is that possible, huh? How did your baby sowft tootsies get even sowfter?”

Amy picked up the pace now, bringing her nails into play as her fingers skittered over his quaking soles. They were sharp but not too sharp, allowing her to elicit laughter from Teddy with only the slightest application of pressure.

“Iihihihihihihi dohohohohohohohohohohon’t knohohohohohohohow! Plehehehehehehehease! Ihihihihihihihit tihihihihihihihickles sohohohohooooo muhuhuhuhuhuhch!”

“I know it does, baby bear! It’s because you’re my ticklish little Teddy! And Auntie knows how to make her little boy laugh, doesn’t she? Come on and say it. It’s just you and me. Say you’re Auntie’s tickly little Teddy!”

“Nohohohohohohohohooooooo! I wohohohohohohohohohohohohon’t! Yohohohohohohouuuu cahahahahahahan’t mahahahahahake meeeeeehehehehehe!”

“Ooooooh I bet I can. Watch this…”

With that, Amy began teasing under his toes, working her nails under and between them, making sure to tease the stems and scratch at the wiggling pads. She knew exactly where to poke and prod and scrape to get the biggest reaction from Teddy and bring him to heel immediately.

“Ohohohohohohokahahahahahahay! Okahahahahahahay! Ihihihihihihihi’m ahahahahahahhahaunteeeeeeee’s tihihihihihihihihickleeee lihihihihihittle theheheheheheheeeeeddddddyyyyyyeeeehehehehehe!”

Amy smiled. She loved tickling her little Teddy bear. It amused her to no end that after all these years the same spots and techniques still worked as well as they did when Teddy was a boy.

“My my! I’d forgotten how tickly your widdle feetsies were! If I knew they were still this ticklish I’d have restrained you a bit more securely. Coochie coochie cooooooo! Laff for your Auntie, now. Let it allllllll out for me. Auntie Amy’s got her little tickle bug snuggly tight, doesn’t she? But you don’t want to get away do you? Noooooo, you love it when your Auntie gitsees your sensy widdle tootsies, don’t you? Tell me the twoooooooth.”

It was true. During their last session Amy hadn’t gotten around to tickling his bare soles, she’d been able to make him cry out for his mommy just by getting at them through his socks. Teddy had almost forgotten how ticklish his bare feet could be, especially when they were trapped in the clutches of such an accomplished tickler. Even though he wanted this, Teddy was having some difficulty keeping his bare feet in Amy’s lap now. He was doing his best to keep them still but in the process was bouncing around and nearly sliding off the couch. She was tweaking his toes now, causing his laughter to reach a new, girlish pitch.

“Ihihihihihihihi doooooohohohohohohoho! I lohohohohohohohove ihihihihit!”

Amy turned her back to Teddy as she secured his ankles in a firm headlock, immobilizing them as best she could as she tickled his feet with her free hand. It was not an unfamiliar feeling to Teddy. This was a move she’d frequently pull during their tickle time in his younger years. He felt her slow down her pace as she began to tickle his feet more deliberately, taking her time with her free hand to ensure both feet got an equal level of attention. She slowly began piggying his toes as she began to speak softly to him again.

“Thiiiiiiiiis little piggy went to market….”

“Piggies” had been a favorite of Amy’s when Teddy was little. It played to her strengths as a tickler in building suspense and establishing a playful tone. It was a childish game that Teddy had nearly forgotten about, one that seldom crossed his mind as an adult. He could never have imagined he would be at his Auntie Amy’s mercy again, having his toes piggyed by his tickly tormentor. Yet here he was, a grown man begging the tickle monster not to play with his piggies. And he loved it.

“Nahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Nahahahahahahahahahat pihihihihihihigggggieeeeeeeeees! Nohohohohohohohoho pihihihihigggggies!”

“Yes piggies! You used to love it when we played piggies! And they’ve only grown plumper and pinker with time! I bet they’re even more sensitive now, aren’t they baby boy? Let’s see! Thiiiiiiiiiiiis little piggy stayed home….”

Teddy was already tearing up from laughter and she’d only been tickling him for a few minutes. That’s how sensitive his feet were. In truth he’d needed the reminder. Maybe now he’d think twice before giving his “Auntie” such easy access to them. Of course, the minute she stopped tickling him he’d want nothing more than to be at her mercy all over again. At least next time he’d be sure to make her work for it a little bit. After all, that was half the fun.

“Ahahahahahahahahahaaaaayyyyyyyymmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee! Pleheheheheheheheheehase! I cahahahahahahahahan’t tahahahahahahahahake ihihihihihihihihihihitttttt! Ihihihihihihihi’m behehehehegging yohohohohohohohou! Pleheheheheheheheheeeeease!”

“Please what? Please more piggies? You got it mister!”


“Thiiiiiis itty bitty widdle piggy had woast beef….”

“Ohohohohohohohohohhhhh gahahahahahahahahahad nohohohohohoho!”

“And dis silly widdle piggy had none! Oh, so sad! No beefy for da piggy! It’s not funny! Don’t laaaaaaaff!”

“Leheheheheheheheheave mihihihihihihihihi pihihihihihihihihiggies ahahahahahalohohohohohone ahahahahahahahahahaunteeeeeehehehehee! Plehehehehehehehehehehease!”

Amy stopped tickling for a moment, allowing Teddy to catch his breath. She shushed him, as if he were a fussy child, and began gently stroking his bare feet with that warm, soft palm he knew all too well. Teddy let his head back and wiped the tears from his eyes. He caught his breath and settled into the couch, grateful for the reprieve.

“Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhh. I know. I know baby boy. I’m almost done. We’ve come to the last widdle piggy. Do you know what happened to the last silly liddle piggy? Hm? Can you tell Auntie where the wast widdle piggy went?”

Teddy knew the answer but was far more concerned with concealing his prominent erection. Amy was looking back at Teddy over her shoulder. From his vantage point he couldn’t see her hands, which kept him on edge, anticipating her next strike.

“I-hold on a sec, I gotta…whooooo.” Teddy let out a deep exhale and shook his head a little, as if in disbelief. “You’re not messing around.”

“Oh but that’s exactly what we’re doing, Teddy. We’re just messing around. I’m playing silly little tickle games with my silly little boy.” She dropped the Auntie act for a moment, her tone transitioning to one of genuine concern. “You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Oh, I mean – yeah, absolutely! Am I not giving you that impression?”

Amy chuckled, she knew the answer, but given the impromptu nature of this tickle session she wanted to make sure everything was above board.

“Oh no, it’s clear you’re enjoying yourself,” Amy smiled, glancing down knowingly at the erection that now strained against his zipper. Teddy turned crimson with embarrassment. Amy just laughed. “No need to be embarrassed, sweetie. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Amy was still stroking his feet. she wasn’t trying to tickle Teddy now, but the sensation of her warm palms gliding over his sensitive feet kept a smile fixed on his face.

“So, listen,” Amy said, “there’s something I’d like to run by you.”

“What is it?” Teddy tried to sit up but Amy gave his ankles a playful tug, keeping him more or less on his back.

“Well, I’ve got a ticklish widdle proposition for you baby bear.” Amy had lapsed back into her Auntie voice. “Would you like to hear it?”

Teddy nodded, perhaps a little too quickly.

“Yes, of course.”

“Yes what?”

Teddy blushed and lowered his head.


“That’s better,” Amy nodded. “I was thinking…I know you’ve been in a bit of a tough spot lately. Financially I mean.”

What was this about? Teddy tried to sit up again, but a quick skittering of Amy’s fingers against his soles sent Teddy back into a fit of helpless giggles. He wriggled about on the couch and smiled at his playful captor.

“Eeeeeheheheheheheehehehe! Whahahahahahahat abohohohohohohohout ihihihihihihihit!”

Amy stopped tickling and went back to rubbing his feet.

“Well, I was thinking, maybe there’s a way we could help each other out.”

“H-how do you mean?”

Amy chose her next words carefully and turned her attention back to Teddy’s feet. They were cute, soft little things. When she held them in her hands, she felt as if she were cradling a defenseless woodland critter. She remembered when these feet fit in the palm of her hand, how small and pink they were when she’d played with them all those years ago. Now they were the feet of a grown man, feet that had walked hundreds of miles and crossed many shores. And yet when she looked down at the defenseless feet in her lap, it was as if nothing had changed. She couldn’t help but smile. Although Teddy had grown up, these feet still belonged to her in some way, and Amy felt responsible for their care. And their torment. As she rubbed his tired soles, Amy could feel Teddy’s body relax into the couch. He was comfortable with her, and she with him. In this moment, Amy knew he was the right person to ask.

“I’d like you to be something of a test subject. Think of it as being…a tickle test dummy.”

“I may be a lot of things, but I’m no dummy,” Teddy scoffed.

“Yes, baby boy. I know that. You remember Moira, from the bar?”


“Well, she and I have built quite the rep as professional ticklers. But there are only so many clients we can reach in this town and we’ve decided to expand our horizons a bit. But with that comes an expansion of our repertoire. We need to keep evolving as ticklers, stay sharp as it were. I’m not sure if you know this but there are all sorts of new tools and restraints hitting the market all the time that we’re just dying to try out, but it’s so hard to find a willing victim to experiment on.”

Teddy could see exactly what she was getting at. He could barely contain his excitement.

“And you want me to…”

“Yes, baby bear.” Amy nodded. “We’d pay you for your trouble, of course.”

“Are you kidding? I’d do it for free!”

“Yes,” Amy chuckled, “I’m sure. But I wouldn’t feel right about it. It wouldn’t be much, mind you, just some walking around money. That and you’d get all the tickles you can handle. How does that sound?”

Teddy’s couldn’t imagine anything better. His mind reeled at the possibilities. Feathers and restraints, teases and personas danced in his head. It was all too good to be true. And yet…

“Like heaven,” Teddy grinned. “When can I start?”

“Hmmm,” Amy thought about it for a second. “What about this weekend? I know Moira would want to conduct a little test before agreeing to this arrangement. She might take come convincing buuuuuuttttt….” Amy started slowly running the pads of her fingertips down Teddy’s soles once more, causing the young man to start wriggling on the couch again, “I’m told I can be very persuasive.”

“Yohohohohohohohohohohohou cehehehehehehertainleeeehehehehe hahahahahave yohohohohohohour mohohohohohohomehehehehents! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe!”

“That’s right, baby bear. I’m so glad you agree!” Amy smiled mischievously at Teddy as she once again slipped into that babying tone he knew so well. “Now can my tickly widdle Teddy tell me where da wast widdle piggy goes?”

“H-he…he went…”

Amy didn’t wait for him to finish. With his feet still locked in the crook of her arm, Amy unleashed her free fingers on his feet, darting between his toes and raking against his arch, going for all the spots that she knew would get him going.


The reaction was explosive. Part of it was the game aspect of it all, that Amy had built up the suspense before reaching his last little piggy. Teddy realized with this new assult that that Amy had been holding back this whole time, toying with him. This tickled, and it tickled BAD. He was almost sliding off the couch now, bucking and pulling against the headlock that kept his feet trapped, but it was no use. He just had to sit there and take it until Amy decided he’d had enough.


But Amy was having too much fun. Already she was imagining all sorts of ticklish experiments for her willing victim, her tickle toy. This was going to be fun, for him and her both. She could feel him trying to break free from her vise-like grip, and a naughty thought flickered through her mind. Amy hadn’t forgotten all the shit talking Teddy had done during their last encounter, and figured she’d send him home on a high note.

Amy lowered her head and tightened her grip on Teddy’s ankles as she slipped the big toe of his right foot in her mouth, dragging her teeth along the base in a maddeningly ticklish fashion.

Teddy had never felt anything like it before, and his hysterical laughter was briefly interrupted by a moment of confusion before spilling out of him like an erupting volcano.


Teddy was thrashing about on the couch now, unable to restrain himself. His upper body slid off the seat, leaving the top of his head hovering just above the floor. His body was seizing with laughter. Teddy’s brain didn’t know what to do, how to register this new, foreign sensation lighting up his brain. He was well and truly overwhelmed, his eyes welling up with tears as he felt her teeth scrape against his big toe and her slippery tongue so expertly, precisely teasing the tip of his toe.

Their dirty dishes, still sitting on the trunk by the couch, would sit there until morning. Once Amy had her fill of Teddy’s pleading shrieks, she would get him some water and call him a cab home. They’d discuss their next meeting by the door, with Amy assuring Teddy that she would set a date as soon as she could lock Moira down for a test session that following weekend. On his way out the door, Teddy would ask Amy a question. She’d answer vaguely, knowing that Teddy would be turning it over in his mind all week, riling himself up over and over again until their next meeting.

After he left, Amy would go to bed. Only in the morning would she spot the dirty dishes that she’d forgotten after her ticklish reverie. She’d carry them to her sink and scrub them with a sponge while she waited for her coffee to brew. And as she gently scrubbed the dishes clean, Amy would wonder what effect a soft, soapy sponge might have on Teddy’s naked feet. She smiled, as much at the thought as at the question Teddy posed to her on his way out the door.

“So when do I get to meet Mister Fuzzy Wuzzy?”
An amazing story, I was fascinated by the sweet and motherly teasing she uses while tickle Teddy, plus she tickles men and women.
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