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My tickle initiation in stocks during a medieval fair (MM/F)


Registered User
Feb 8, 2017
Hello, after I opened a thread about being tied and tickled in public, some of you suggested me to write about my experience, which took place 10 years ago (I'm 29 now) during a medieval fair. That was my first time tied and tickled in my life and, at the time, I didn't even know tickling meant something to me more than to most of other people. At the time I already knew I had kinkies, bondage in particular, and I was aware of the submissive nature of my sexuality, but not only being tickled was something I didn't look for but it was actually something I used to avoid, being the ticklish I am. When that day I got locked in stocks, I had no idea I would have been tickled in them, or I would have done anything possible to avoid it.

And look at me now!

But let's start from the beginning. Here in Italy there are a lot of medieval renfaires and as most of you may know, there is an infamous tradition in a particular town in the north of Italy to put random visitors in stocks to tickle them. But that's not where my story takes place, since I was visiting with a couple of friends a small town in the centre of Italy. It could have been June (or maybe May) but it was hot outside already, as it generally happens here in those months. As I discovered later, the staff guys used to place staff girls in the stocks and tickle them during scheduled shows for the public, pretending they were witches who had to confess/be punished. Between a show and another, the staff would pick someone from the visitors and tickle them in stocks. Since we missed the previous show, I had no idea what those stocks were there for, when a couple of guys from the staff, in medieval dresses, came and took me to the stocks to be locked in to take a funny pic. I was even amused, since I thought the idea was fun.

What an idiot!

They let me sit in, stretching my legs in front of me and closed my ankles into the holes. Then they brought my hands above my head and secured my wrists to a couple of leather laces and tied a leather belt around my thighs, to secure me to the chair. At the end of the process they started taking my sandals off, which embarrassed me a little, and even locked my big toes in a couple of leather cuffs to keep my feet immobile. Thinking about it now, while one of those guys was untying my sandals, he unwillingly (?) stroked with a finger underneath my lateral malleolus or near it, making my foot wiggle a bit. I remember he gave me a look and smiled, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

After they ended locking me in, they started talking to the small crowd saying something like the process to the witch could start. Till that moment I can vividly remember it was fun and a bit embarrassing being tied in such position in front of strangers, even intriguing considering my nature. But what my eyes saw a few seconds later changed it all. The two guys went behind the stocks and took out two long feathers. That's the moment I realized where all that situation was leading and I went into panic. Literally into panic. To the point I did the worst thing anyone can do when someone is about to tickle you: I started laughing without being touched and begging not to tickle me, which it must have sound like an invitation. Feathers were not even close to me and I was already losing it. Anticipation is a killer and generally makes me nervous and even more ticklish than I already am. I bet they found my reactions funny, since they just stood there for a good while (can't say how long, but it seemed eternity to me) waving their feathers into the air, teasing me while I kept laughing like an idiot.

Honestly, since this point my memories are more confused. They were talking to the crowd and to me, but I was in panic to the point I had no control on myself and all I could do was laughing in anticipation. Laughing and begging, begging and laughing. When feathers finally hit my feet it was like a hurricane. Basically I'm feather ticklish but it's enjoyable. All that situation, the complete surprise, being in public in front of strangers with two older strangers tickling me, the embarrassment... all this mix of feelings made me way more ticklish (and I already am very ticklish) and made me totally explode in laughters under the feather touch. I would like to tell you where exactly on my feet they tickled me, but I can't. It felt like my whole feet were invaded by feathers and all I could do was laugh. And I was laughing so bad to the point they switched to fingers tickling for only a few seconds before stopping and moving to my upperbody. Like it was clear I couldn't handle on my feet at all.

I couldn't recover from laughs and it was so damn embarrassing to hear them teasing me for my extreme reactions to tickling. Looking at me was way enough to take my laughter on. But the process to the witch had to go on with the upperbody torture. Now consider that since it was hot already and since I'm short, my arms tied above my head made my tshirt raise, exposing my midriff almost completely. What happened in the next seconds was insane, for some reasons even worse than the foot part, even if I consider my feet my worst ticklish spot ever. The two guys placed one on each side of the stocks and destroyed me in the easiest and most stupid way. They started to poke me or even gently squeeze me on random spots like sides, ribs and armpits, taking turns. So when I got attacked from the right I would jump to the left, only to find another hand ready to repeat the same attack on the left, making me jump on the right and so on. That drove me wild, literally. After a few seconds of that, my brain realized there was no safe place and no way out and kinda melted, while I was laughing at the top of my lungs.

It must have been so clear I was going completely insane that a girl from the staff stopped the two guys and released me after a little. I was literally destroyed, I had tears from so much laughing, my cheeks felt like burning and I couldn't calm down my laughter and my alert state for a good while after being released, while the crowd was clapping. I left the place as quick as possible, terrified by the idea they could have a second round on me and to hide from all those eyes I felt on me. If that girl wouldn't have stopped it, my ordeal would have probably went on as seen in the videos, with the guards writing the certificate on my soles and then brushing them, which I can't imagine how bad it could have tickled me that day.

Being the strange girl I am, in the weeks later I found myself thinking more and more to what happened that day, trembling while I imagined myself in that so embarrassing scenario and that's when I realized I had to investigate more about this. But that's another story. Even after 10 years of discovers and tickle sessions, I still fear to try that public scenario again, even if my deepest fantasy would be to face medieval stocks again to endure the full ordeal. Even if it would not tickle worse of other things I have experienced in years, I don't think I could face it emotionally.

I need to find where these renfaires are so I can plan my Italian vacation around them. I wanted to go there anyway, so this would be icing on the cake. 😏
Thanks guys for your reactions and replies. Feel free to send me a private message or ask here if you have questions. I'll be happy to share more details with the community, as long as these are polite requests. Renfaires stocks (and public tickling) are my obsession since then, so I'm happy to support this topic 🙂

Kisses :*
Great story 😀 And is your fantasy that exact scenario again or another public tickling arrangement?
Great story 😀 And is your fantasy that exact scenario again or another public tickling arrangement?

Thanks Budgie! For sure my deepest fantasy is to live the same scenario and to face the full ordeal. My mind is still not ready for it and that's the main reason I haven't looked for it yet. Another public scenario would be similar in terms of emotions. But, again, I feel not ready to recreate something similar, which sounds like a hurricane to survive.
Terrific story, thanks! I always wondered if anyone who'd had that experience might find their way out here...
Terrific story, thanks! I always wondered if anyone who'd had that experience might find their way out here...

Well, definately not a linear path leading from there to here but somehow it worked, at least imposing the urge of finding a way to deal with that traumatic (not strictly in the bad but in a wider meaning) experience
Was this the same crew made famous in the videos we see so often? It certainly sounds like their setup.
Was this the same crew made famous in the videos we see so often? It certainly sounds like their setup.
SubmissiveLee spoke about her experience in a city in centre Italy. The famous clips on YouTube are from Canelli or other northern villages, between Turin and Milan. So I think they are not the same people.
Absolutely amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing it 🙂 Did you ever go back to see if they selected you again?
A wonderful story, and you really captured the feelings of excitement, loss of control and embarassment you felt in that situation!

Thank you for sharing it! 😃
Thanks guys for your reactions and replies. Feel free to send me a private message or ask here if you have questions. I'll be happy to share more details with the community, as long as these are polite requests. Renfaires stocks (and public tickling) are my obsession since then, so I'm happy to support this topic 🙂

Kisses :*

Turns out i'm italian too and i work in the psychology field. I dont want to analyze you of course, but i'm really interested in people discovering this fetish for the first time, especially when its tied up to a specific event. Do you mind if we chat sometimes? In a completely anonymous way of course.
Turns out i'm italian too and i work in the psychology field. I dont want to analyze you of course, but i'm really interested in people discovering this fetish for the first time, especially when its tied up to a specific event. Do you mind if we chat sometimes? In a completely anonymous way of course.
Feel free to write me a private message here
lovely little story that! as a person who loves history, I would love to visit one of these fairs and see this happen, thanks for taking the time to write this experience here! much appreciated
Wow I really enjoyed that story, especially because you were so detailed about what was going on in your head! I have always found it fascinating that people are willing to get tickled in public at these renfaires (even thought I seems like you didn't had a choice), especially if they know they are very ticklish. I would have been embarrassed! Maybe because it's a fetish for me, so I might have another perspective of this.

But thank you for sharing your story, it was a blast! 😁😬
In the italian reinfairs happens to be very surprised in presence of stocks. Turists do not expect that ones normally, when they arrive in a historical event. So tickling it is often unwillingly received, like a real surprise. And this is the more fascinating situation, in my opinion.
Such a great story and told so well, thank you. I wonder if your feet would be more ticklish in nylons or if they create a barrier for the sensitive skin on your soles and toes? Happy to PM about this. 😊
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