To NEST-ers
You're the reason we do what we do, so I wanted to reach out to everyone
about the current coronavirus/Covid-19 situation.
NEST is currently 7 weeks away, and we can't know what will happen in the
mean time/at that time. We are looking into options for canceling the event/
postponing it until later in the year or next year, but there is so much new
information available every day that it's not practical to make a decision
right now whether to cancel/postpone or not.
Both PA and NJ have signed a State of Emergency or an Emergency
Disaster Declaration to provide increased support to agencies who may
be helpful in case the virus gets more out of hand. There is no travel
restriction in either state at this time. Other states may issue travel
restrictions, or states of emergency, but these are the two people are
more likely to travel into for NEST.
There IS travel restriction from the EU to the US at the moment, which
may affect some of our friends from overseas being able to join us.
Because your safety is important to us, We've asked the hotel what it is doing
and this is their response:
"We have an extraordinary housekeeping department, that have definitely been stepping up their precautionary efforts given the pandemic of Covid-19.
We are also in the process of ordering extra standalone hand sanitizing stations to position throughout the property. You have our commitment that we will make every possible effort to keep all areas of the hotel properly disinfected as needed. "
As soon as we have some definite information about what we'll do with
NEST2020, We will let you know. In the mean time, please take good care
of yourselves, remember to wash your hands properly, cover your mouth
when you sneeze (Into a tissue or your elbow) and do your best to avoid
people when you're sick.