TMF Poster
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I started writing this story near Halloween last year. I hope you all like it. I'm working on another installment of the Kaydee storyline too. To be published soon. As well as a part 2 to this one, coming soon.
“NOAHAHAAA!!!! Not me!!! Please!!!”
Poor Jason roared with laughter as Jordan clawed her victim’s ribs and stomach, as he doubled over with screaming laughter.
“Next time you see me, don’t look me in the eyes,”
Jordan loved to bully and torment her fellow students at her college. As a freshman she had discovered that tickling was a great way to do that. After having gotten into a bit of legal trouble, she wanted a new way to torment people. She had a tendency to tease, annoy, cyberbully, and physically bully anyone that was vulnerable.
She let him go, and he tried to look cool as he walked away as quickly as he could without full-on running.
“Boy I love it when people fear me appropriately,” thought Jordan as she smiled, walking with her head held high.
“Hey girl!” said Alex. “I heard that sound. Did you corner Jason again?!” smiling widely.
“Yep. What a wuss. It’s just so easy, I love it.”
“Next time let me in on it! You know I’m always down!”
“Ooo! Yes! I love it when someone holds them down for me!”
Jordan grumbled as she looked down at her exam.
“A C?! Where does she get off?!”
Jordan angrily walked out of the classroom, her high heels clacking hard on the floor.
“Well, I could help,” said a small voice.
Lily was a small young woman. Cute, with a kind face, she looked hopefully up at the taller Jordan.
“What did you say to me?” Jordan snapped.
Timidly, Lily said, “Well Calculus is one of my strong suits. I’d be happy to help you out if you want help studying for the next exam.”
“Oh you are so going to regret this, you little witch!” Jordan said, a little too loudly and aggressively. She looked around and realized she was making a bit of a scene. She stumbled, as she tried to maintain herself and walked away briskly. Jordan did not deal with disappointment well, and she tended to take out her frustration through her bullying.
“Is everything ok, Lily?” asked a kind voice.
It was Skye.
“Oh yeah, it’s fine. I’m ok.”
“What happened?”
“I saw that that girl was upset about her grade, so I offered to study with her…”
“Oh,” said Skye, looking concerned. “You may not want to do that. That’s Jordan. I’ve known her for a long time. She’s the biggest bully I’ve ever met.”
“Oh, I see. Yeah, I’ll be careful.”
“Yeah, she always used to pick on me,” admitted Skye.
“We’ll come to think of it,” said Lily. “She always calls me “little witch.” I don’t even know her.”
“That’s not nice, I love your style, Lily!”
“Thanks. I actually don’t mind being called a witch. It shouldn’t be considered an insult. Witchcraft really only uses natural elements to make life better for people, like any scientist. Maybe Jordan just needs someone to be nice to her.”
“Oh no. No, no. Maybe that’s true with some people, but not her. She used to push me around, tease, cyberbully me. And last semester was the worst.”
“What happened?” inquired Lily, looking concerned.
“Well, I don’t typically tell people this, but I’m, um…” Skye squirmed. “I’ve always been like… like really ticklish.”
Lily furrowed her brow inquisitively. “So what happened?”
“Last semester, she cornered me in the dorms, and well…”
“She tickled you?”
“Yeah. I guess Jordan could just tell. She just looked at me, and smiled, and… she just knew. And once she found my ummm… my most ticklish spots, she wouldn’t let me up! I was laughing so hard I couldn’t talk! She just kept tickling even though I was laughing so hard. I am just too ticklish. And the look in her eyes! She was excited! She wanted to torment me! She was like a horror movie monster with fingernails.”
“Yeah,” said Skye, shuddering. “And she was about to pull off my shoe and my socks when a security guard came.”
“Wait what? Your shoes and socks!” with fear in her eyes. “That is way over the line! You can’t take off... That’s totally… uh… I didn’t think…” Lily stuttered. “How could she?”
“Yeah, well it would actually have been ok. My feet aren’t too ticklish, thankfully.” said Skye.
“Oh right, of course,” Lily said, sheepishly.
“So steer clear of that girl. Trust me. She bullies a lot of people, not just me. She’ll go after people for anything. She’s mean in a lot of ways, but tickling is a big favorite of hers.”
“Yeah, yeah, no, I will. Uh, she seemed really mad. Would you, um,” Lily looked down sheepishly and crossed her feet. “Could you walk me to my dorm?”
“Yeah, of course.”
It was a nice cool afternoon as Lily walked to her dorm. It was a pretty decent walk from the main campus to the dorms. One of the features the school always bragged about was the beautiful grove of trees that lay between the dorms and the classrooms. It was cooler, with plenty of shade, with some areas where you couldn't see any sunlight. It was a nice way to clear your mind after a tough class or long study session. As she followed the trail she ran into Jordan.
“Hey witch!” said Jordan, grabbing the smaller Lily from behind under the arms and dragging her into position. “Why do you always dress like a little witch, huh?”
Jordan inserted her wicked claws under Lily’s arms.
“HEhehhEHh hey that’s not fair! hahahahahHAHahHAH!!” Lily giggled and squirmed as Jordan tickled her underarms.
Jordan worked her way toward Lily’s sides and stomach.
“Ahahahahh!!! Hahhahhaaa, come on, let me go!”
Lily reached around and tickled Jordan back!
“You dumb little witch! I’m not ticklish! I’m not ticklish because I’m not weak, like you!”
“AHahhahahhahahah!!!! Let me go!”
“Don’t you worry, little witch, I’ll find your little ticklish spots. You’re not laughing nearly hard enough for my taste.”
Jordan dragged Lily away from the trail. She skillfully squeezed Lily’s hips, her knees, and her sides, eliticing plenty of girlish laughter. Plenty enough laughter for most. But it wasn’t enough for Jordan. She had been enjoying this form of bullying more and more. In fact, lately, Jordan craved the opportunity to REALLY tickle someone.
“I bet you are a ribcage girl, aren’t you?”
“AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!” Lily’s laughter went up a couple of notches as the evil Jordan clawed skillfully at the little witch’s rib cage and underarms.
“Man I love it when it’s the rib cage!”
“WWWAAAAHAHAA!!! NO!!! AAAHAHAA!!!” Lily screamed, as Jordan’s hands slid their way up her shirt, tickling her bare ribs.
Fifteen minutes later, Lily was exhausted, wailing with laughter. So exhausted that Jordan didn’t even have to hold her down and wrestle her anymore. In fact, she just really had to sit on the little witches hands as she tickled her bare ribs with her shirt pulled up high.
“And another one bites the dust!” Jordan laughed to herself.
Lily lay exhausted, gently laughing the afterlaughs of the ticklish, even though Jordan had stopped tickling.
Jordan was pleased. She loved the opportunity to tickle until their energy to move was gone.
“Back to the trail with you,” Jordan said, as she began to try to roll the exhausted Lily along the ground. Realized how exhausting this was, she grabbed her and tried to drag her.
Lily sprang back to life.
“AAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHA!!!” Lily gave a high pitched scream and deep guffawing laughter, beginning to thrash!
Jordan grabbed her, holding the smaller girl down.
“What was that?!?” smiled Jordan, looking excited.
Lily had a terrified look in her eyes.
“Where else are you ticklish, witch?”
The look of crazed tickle-excitement had returned to Jordan’s hungry eyes.
Jordan began to test more tickle spots with her wicked fingernails.
“HAhahahahahhahaah!!” Lily’s laughter began anew.
“No, that’s not it… No, not there! Dang it, what made you shriek, witch girl?! Ooo, maybe under your knees!”
Jordan grabbed Lily’s foot and lifted her leg to get to the back of her knees.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAnononNONONNOOO!!! AAAAA!!!” Lily freaked out and flailed like a fish.
“Yess!! The knees are the jackpot! Wait no! Dangit!!! Where?” Jordan looked like a feral animal, clawing at different spots angrily.
“Oh my gosh! Is it your feet???!!!” Jordan shouted, looking so excited it frightened Lily “Did I seriously just accidentally tickle you through your boots?”
Lily’s eyes were terrified as she shook her head no, unable to speak from fear.
Jordan grabbed Lily’s thick leather boots, trying to pull them off.
Lily erupted!
Lily gave out a laughing scream that threatened to bring the whole city to see what was happening.
Jordan’s eyes flashed like a cat ready to pounce.
“You are ticklish THROUGH your boots?!?!”
She began to try to untie the triple knotted laces on Lily’s tall boots.
“I should have known! Look at these knots!”
Lily fought like an animal fearing for its life as she kicked, screamed and laughed.
“AAAHAHAAA!!!!” she shrieked.
“But, I’m only touching your boots, drama queen!! Just wait ‘til I take them off.”
Lily swung a branch, hitting Jordan in the forehead.
Jordan lost her grip and Lily shot up and sprinted away, faster than Jordan had expected.
“Dang it!” Jordan shouted.
The wild laughter brought a few people over to see what was happening.
“What?” Jordan bellowed. “Mind your own business!!”
“I have to find that girl!” Jordan said. “I could tickle her into tomorrow and back!”
“Jeez,” said Ashlyn, Jordan’s loyal friend. “Is this girl really that ticklish? I’ve never seen you so hungry.”
“I didn’t get a chance to fully see!”
“I thought you said you tickled the hell out of her.”
“I did! She was so ticklish it only took 15 mins to get her to how I had you when we first met.”
Ashlyn blushed.
“And you say she loves being tickled?”
“Oh yeah. And her damn feet! I accidentally touched her boots, and she freaked out!”
“Her boots? Are her feet really that ticklish?”
“Yep. She lost it! Then she ran off like lightning!”
“What does she look like? Did you get to see her feet?” prodded Ashlyn, her eyes lighting up.
“Calm down there fetish girl. I didn’t see them. She looks like a little witch. She wears mostly black. Lace. Cute little thing. High laced boots. And she knots them like triple or quad knotted or something! Like fort knox! That alone should have given it away!”
“Oh my gosh! Her spot is her feet? Are they sexy?” said Ashlyn, smiling.
“I told you I don’t know about that stuff,” growled Jordan.
“Why did she run?”
“That’s our game. It was her idea. I hunt her down and tickle her until she begs. She pretends to hate it,” lied Jordan.
“Oh, ok. That seems like a fun kind of game.”
“Hey so if you help me find her and hold her down and stuff you will get to see her feet. Are you in?”
“I’m totally in.”
The semester was winding down. Most students had taken their finals. The campus was emptying out quickly, and people were excitedly leaving campus.
Lily was happy, She was home free. She smiled as she walked through the grove between the dorms and campus. She had carefully been taking different paths to her dorm each night, she switched dorms with a friend on another level of the building. In two more days she would take her last final exam and she could leave campus for a well deserved long break. And maybe by then Jordan would forget. Or maybe she could switch schools. Her grades were good enough to apply to another University.
“Hi, I’m Ashlyn”
A beautiful girl with a kind face approached Lily.
“Oh, hi!” replied Lily, smiling. “You said in your email that you needed help before a Calculus final?”
“Yeah. Thankfully it’s on the last day of Finals Week, so I get a little extra time to prepare.”
“Do you want to do it here on this bench just off the path?”
“Yeah, that’s perfect. Here, let me text a friend really quick, and we can get started,” said Ashlyn, pulling out her phone.
“So where do you tend to have trouble?”
“I feel a lot more prepared, thanks!”
“No problem!” Lily smiled.
“One more thing Lily. A friend of mine told me about your little game.”
“Pardon?” Lily asked, genuinely confused.
“It sounds like fun. I hope I can make it fun for you.”
“Ok, I’m pretty confused.”
Rumor has it,” Ashlyn leaned in to whisper. “That you have ticklish feet.”
As Ashlyn whispered those words, Lily’s heart sunk deep into her stomach. A smiling Jordan was walking up the path, hands on her hips, along with a woman whom she had never met.
She turned to run, but they immediately caught up to her dragging her to the ground.
“Gotcha now, witchy girl. And there is no one around on campus to stop us.”
“So this is the feet girl you’ve been obsessed with?” asked Alex, the tall blonde friend.
“This is the one. I swear, the most ticklish feet you’ll ever see!”
“I love tickling the feet!” said Alex, with her beautiful German accent.
“Nononnoo Please!!! I can do things! I can give you what you want!” pleaded Lily, desperation in her voice.
“Wow, that got weird fast!” said Ashlyn.
“No I will cast a spell to make you smarter and richer and everything please!!!””
“A spell? She does think that she’s a witch! Ha ha!!” Jordan cackled.
With that, she pulled out a pocket knife and cut the laces off of Lily’s boots and pulled them off!
Jordan couldn’t wait, and began tickling the socked feet before her.
Lily thrashed and screamed with laughter the moment the girls’ horrible nails made contact through her wool socks. PLEAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
“YESSSS!!!! I told you!! Didn’t I tell you?? Super ticklish feet! I told you!”
The girl’s fingers dug into the poor thrashing girls thick wool socks as she screamed. Within a minute, the hypersensitive Lily passed out from laughter.
“Well, that was a surprise!” said Ashlyn. “I think she might be too ticklish. I didn’t know someone could pass out.”
“It’s her thing. She loves it,” said Jordan. “Wasn’t it fun feeling her despereation as she laughed?” asked Jordan, with a serious look in her dark eyes.
“Wow girl, you are serious about a good tickle, aren’t you?” replied a surprised Ashlyn. “She must be too if she likes to be tickled ‘til passing out.”
Alex smiled. “When she wakes up, we can tickle again.”
“I’m glad we brought you, Alex!”
“What I think we should do…”
“Hold up!” said Jordan, cutting off Alex. “I have waited too long for this. I am too amped up! We’ll do your stuff later. I gotta get her my way more!”
“Let’s get her socks off!” said Ashlyn, feeling for the top of the passed out Lily’s sock.
“Not yet, I wanna see her eyes as we pull them off!” said Jordan!
Ashlyn smiled broadly and clapped with glee at the idea.
“Ooo, she’s waking up.”
“Oh no, please, please!” begged Lily, coming quickly to her senses.
“Alex, pull off her socks!” commanded Jordan.
Jordan and Ashlyn leaned over Lily’s terrified face as her socks were slowly removed.
Lily’s eyes were wide with terror, letting out tiny short shrieks and stifling laughter as she felt her sock being pulled off.
Jordan looked puzzled.
“Two pairs?! You are wearing TWO PAIRS of thick wool socks?”
Lily looked back shrugging sheepishly. “W-w-well it’s cause I, because I...”
“Hahaha!! We all know why little witch!” said Jordan.
She tore off the second pair of socks to find the softest, sexiest, most delicate pair of feet anyone had ever seen.
“Woah, look at those!” said Ashlyn, who was open about her huge foot fetish.
“Exchange pedicure tips later Ashlyn!” said Jordan, as she began to tickle the poor perfect feet with abandon.
Lily immediately exploded into thrashing laughter as the long nails of the wild-eye brunette Jordan glided carefully over the soft skin of her feet.
Within 10 seconds, the woman was deep into silent laughter, fighting, kicking, bucking and slamming her fists on the ground.
Within 10 more seconds of that, the girl’s face mouthed beautiful laughter breathlessly. Flailing, she passed out, her brain turning the lights out, so it could get the oxygen it needed.
“Wow!” said the cute redheaded Ashlyn. “She might be the most ticklish woman alive. And with the sexiest feet on the planet!”
“Calm down Ashlyn. I want to tickle her in more than 20 second bursts! Geez! She passed out like immediately!”
Alex piped up. “We go gentle. Very light, like the caress of a feather. Like trying to be nice.”
Jordan furrowed her brow in thought. A big evil smile spread over her face, her dark eyes flashing with excitement. Ashlyn had a huge gleeful smile.
“Come on Jordan. Let’s go slow and gentle, and see how long she can last.”
“Come on this is taking forever!” exclaimed an impatient Jordan. It had only been a few minutes.
Lily rubbed her eyes, and then snapped back to reality.
The three women immediately started to stroke and caress the poor gentle woman’s feet, starting off just as gently as they could.
Within 10 seconds of this, giggling had become near hysterics.
Lightly, they stroked, using careful finger pad movements as they lightly tickled the soft skin of the hysterical young woman. If they involved their fingernails at all, they had to be ever so gentle. Even then, at the hint of fingernails, Lily’s laughter would grow wild.
Five minutes later, the laughter grew more desperate, no matter how lightly they tickled. The poor girl passed out again.
“That was much more satisfying!” said Ashlyn.
“Yeah, she can’t handle it. It’s amazing. What a wimp!” said Jordan proudly.
“Well, almost everyone is ticklish, to be fair,” said Ashlyn. “You’re just special.”
“Damn right!” Said Jordan, proudly. “Not ticklish at all.”
“I can make it tickle more,” said the blonde German woman. “And longer.”
“Really? How?” said Jordan with aggression and desperation in her voice.
“With the tongue. Also teeth. It can make even non-ticklish people wail with laughter.”
“Ok but we just made her pass out from our fingertips. If that’s true she’ll pass out immediately.”
“She’ll last longer because there is a fear element. Something about someone's teeth and mouth on their feet is terrifying. The fear, adrenaline and screaming makes it harder for the girl to pass out.”
“You are like a tickle genius!” exclaimed Ashlyn.
“Shut up Ashlyn. You just want to put your face on them. This is new territory for me, Alex.” Said Jordan. “Why don’t you show me how it’s done?”
The large blonde grinned broadly in approval.
In a few minutes, poor Lily had awoken.
“Oh please! Please hear me out! I can give you what you want! I’ll cast a spell to make you have whatever you want!”
“Shhhh!” Alex shushed her as she put a finger in Lily’s face. “Give your feet and toes to me.”
Alex pulled Lily’s delicate foot near her face. Lily could feel her warm breath on her soft skin.
Alex slowly licked the perfect foot, starting at the heel.
Terror swept across Lily’s face, turning to wild laughter.
“AHAHAHahhahahah….!! NOAAAAAHHhhhh!!”
Her face transitioned from laughter to terror any time the woman stopped to reposition her teeth and tongue or stopped to breathe.
The sadistic Jordan loved how stark the difference was between the sweet cute face made during her laughter, and the fear the moment the tickling stopped.
“My turn!” said Jordan.
She was a quick study as she used her tongue to gently squirm into the worst spots it could find.
“You too, Ashlyn!” said Jordan, gleefully.
Both women licking and nibbling made Lily lose momentary control.
“AAAAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! NO STOAAAAHHH!!” Lily screamed with laughter as both women licked and sucked on her precious feet. When they reached her toes, Lily leaned forward and slapped and tugged on the vicious ticklers as they worked.
The moment they stopped to breathe, Lily pleaded for forgiveness.
“Oh I’m so sorry I hit you! I don’t know what came over me! I’m so sorAAAAAAHHHAHAHAAA!!!”
The tickling started anew, and so did Lily’s slapping and fighting.
“This is hilarious!” laughed Jordan and Ashlyn, finding it hysterical that Jordan apologised so sincerely for hitting them in between every tickle.
“Ok Jordan. Please, please, let me try something?” pleaded the beautiful redheaded Ashlyn.
“She is mine!” snapped the angry brunette.
“Please! I helped you find her, and her feet are a dream. Please! Look, you and Alex can hold her, and you can watch her face as she laughs. Wouldn’t you like that?” begged Ashlyn.
“Fine. That does sound fun,” smiled Jordan.
“What are you gonna do?” asked a frightened Lily.
Ashlyn flashed a seductive smile at the helpless witch as she got into position.
Lily turned to Jordan and repeated. “What is she gonna do?”
“AHAHAhahahaha!!! Ahahahah!!”
Sweet giggles poured out of Lily. Ashlyn was gently sucking and playing with the delicate witchy toes in her mouth.
This time her laughter was sweet and giggly.
The obviously excited Ashlyn played carefully with each of the witch’s bewitching toes with her lips.
“Hahahahhahahhaaaa I’m too ticklish for this please! Hahaaaaaa!”
“No, no you aren’t,” said Ashlyn, grinning. “You are too ticklish for... THIS!”
Ashlyn then began to lick vigorously, and claw her heel with her long nails.
“AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” Lily threw her head back. “AHAHHAAAAAAAaaaa…” She shrieked, her laughter going up in pitch a notch.
“No more please!!! AAAAAAHHHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! That one is the worst one!!!” she bellowed.
“HEY!” Jordan bellowed out. “No way she’s gonna make you laugh harder than me! No way!!”
Jordan was pissed. She marched up and shoved Ashlyn out of the way.
Lily saw her chance and began to run. Alex gave chase, and, without shoes, Lily didn’t get very far.
“Damn it Ashlyn! This is on you!” growled the furious woman.
Alex carried the kicking Lily in one arm back to the arguing women.
“Ok Jordan, it’s clear you want to be the one who gets her the worst. I can help with that,” Alex said calmly.
“Spit it out, Alex!” Snapped Jordan.
“We’ll need some nylon stockings.”
“What? Why?” asked Jordan.
“We’ll put them on her, and it’ll make her feet more ticklish. But this time I’ll watch her, and I’ll tell you when she’s close to passing out.”
“Yeah ok,” said Jordan.
“I’ll do you one better,” Ashlyn chimed in. “We mermaid tickle her.”
Jordan and Alex looked puzzled.
“We put both her legs into one leg of the nylons so she’s trapped more. Looks kinda like a mermaid.”
“Yeah good, let’s do it. You’ve reedemed yourself. Let’s use your nylons.”
Ashlyn sat on the ground and untied her white shoes. She pulled off her shoes to reveal a beautiful pair of well cared for feet, with white toenail polish.
Pull off those stupid nylon stockings, you show off. Let’s get this show on the road.
Ashlyn pulled them off, and quickly put her sneakers back on.
With some serious effort, the women had shoved both of the little witch’s feet and calves in one stocking.
“AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! AAAHAHAA!!!! AAAAHAHAA!!! [size=+2]AAAA OH MY GOSH!!!”[/size]
Lily’s laughter reached a level and pitch that made all her other reactions seem tame.
Jordan’s dark eyes flashed with glee, as the witch pleaded for mercy.
“Who is the best tickler??” Jordan bellowed.
“YOU!!! YOU!!! AAAAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!!!”
“Hold up,” said Alex. Leaning forward, she pierced a hole in the stockings near where Lily’s arches met. “Insert fingers and watch out!”
Alex adjusted herself so she could brace Lily’s midsection. “This is gonna be wild. Ashlyn help me hold her.”
Jordan inserted her fingers into the hole in the stockings and began to tickle.
“WWWHHHHHHAAAAhAHAHhh [size=+2]AHAAHTTT IS THAT AHAAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! It’s too ticklish that wayyyyyy AHHHHAAA!!!!!”[/size]
Lily thrashed like a marlin, totally wild.
“Alright, Lily looks like she needs a break,” Ashlyn said.
“A break? No way!” snapped Jordan.
“Yeah Jordan, she has reached her limit.”
“Yes, I agree. This girl is too ticklish on her feet. It’s only fun when the ticklish one is having fun,” confirmed Alex.
“What is wrong with you two?” Jordan snapped. “I am having fun, she is getting punished for crossing me. She’s not supposed to be having fun. The more ticklish the better. Hold on, I’m gonna make this worse somehow. Hold her down for me.”
“Crossing you?” said Ashlyn, angrily. “You said it was a game that was her idea!”
“I don’t even know her,” said Lily breathing hard.
“What the hell? We need to let her go! You tricked me! Even if she was enjoying it, she’s just too ticklish on her feet to take any more,” pushed Ashlyn.
“Fine, I’ll do it myself!” snapped Jordan, as she sat on the exhausted Lily, effectively holding her down.
“What are you doing?” asked Ashlyn.
“I’m looking up the most ticklish thing you can do to feet on my phone. I don’t really tickle people’s feet that often. The internet seems to agree that… Ooo a hair brush? That’s wicked!”
“Woah woah woah!!! No! You can’t do that!”
“Yeah that’s too much!” the two women agreed.
“Look, a hair brush will make a mildly ticklish person beg and scream in seconds! You can’t do it to a woman who is this ticklish. It’s cruel,” explained Alex.
“You mean you two idiots knew the hairbrush thing the whole time and we didn’t start with a that?” asked Jordan, genuinely surprised.
“I’m out of here,” said Alex. “If you are gonna push past the point of fun, I’m done.”
“Alex, come on!” shouted Ashlyn. “Help me! I can’t stop her alone!”
Ashlyn paced, back and forth. She was getting worried. She had experienced a hair brush before. On her reasonably ticklish feet, it took about 15 seconds to reduce her to absolute hysterics. It was fun for her, because her friend was going easy, and carefully making sure that she was having fun. Jordan was sure to make it torturous.
She spotted Lily’s phone on the ground. Quickly, while Jordan was watching videos to figure out how to destroy a foot with a hairbrush, she sifted through Lily’s contact list. She sent a message to any family member or friend of Lily’s she could find.
[size=+2]“AHAHAHhaha!!!! WHAT IS THAT THING??!!! AHAHHAAH!![/size]
Ashlyn heard an explosion of laughter louder than any of the laughter she’s heard yet!
Jordan was sitting on Lily’s calves and was stroking a hairbrush she had pulled out of her bag across Lily’s helpless feet.
“Oh my gosh!” Ashlyn said, as she grabbed Jordan’s hand pulling it away from the defenseless feet.
“Hey!” shouted Jordan, yanking her arm back and going straight back to brushing.
[size=+3]“Hahaha HELP!!! HAHAAA!!! AAAA!!!”[/size]
Ashlyn jumped back trying to wrestle the brush out of Jordan’s hands.
About 15 minutes of this back and forth passed, with an exhausted still Ashlyn fighting to save the little witch's trapped feet. As time passed, Ashlyn’s strength weakened. However, the tugging and flailing of the woman in her clutches and her wild laughter seemed to give Jordan strength, as she soaked up the laughter. The last 5 or so minutes Jordan had gotten the best of the exchange, and Ashlyn knew Lily’s feet couldn’t take another second.
Suddenly, there was a deep rumble. Ashlyn couldn’t move. Jordan was frozen in place, a look of terror on her face.
A tall, powerful looking woman with long black hair stood 30 yards away.
She slowly approached, a look of rage on her face. She flicked her wrist, tossing Ashlyn aside with her magical power. With another movement, Lily’s limp body was lifted gently into the air and laid carefully aside, out of harm’s way.
Upon approaching Jordan, the powerful witch grasped her by the throat, staring deeply into her terrified eyes.
The witch shook with rage, as the rumbing grew louder.
“Auntie no!” Cried a weak voice. Lily sat up, trying to stand.
The powerful witch released Jordan’s throat and ran over to scoop up her niece. Jordan took the opportunity to run.
“She’s getting away!” Ashlyn called out, still frozen in place.
With a wave of her powerful hand, Jordan froze mid stride, and fell over.
“My sweet niece,” said the witch, with her powerful, but gentle voice. Gently untying her own leather boots, the witch pulled them off of her own feet. She carefully slid the nylons off of Lily, slipped her own socks over her niece’s delicate feet as well as the boots.
“You two will SUFFER!!” screamed the witch in a voice that shook the ground and rustled the leaves on the trees.
“Wait,” said Lily, again, weakly.
The terrifying aunt kneeled down and leaned forward, so she could hear her exhausted niece.
Ashlyn starred in terror, frozen. She awaited the verdict from the witch. True to form, however, the redhead’s foot fetish wouldn’t allow her to ignore the incredibly soft and beautiful feet of Lily’s powerful aunt. She had long sexy toes, with shapely beautiful feet that were among the most sexy she’d ever seen.
When the witch turned around, her countenance had changed. She looked at Ashlyn and nodded. Suddenly, Ashlyn could move again. Walking over to the still frozen Jordan, she stood towering over her. With a quick hand movement, Jordan’s limbs were magically pulled taught, her body spread eagle.
With her arms high in the air, the powerful witch uttered phrases in an unrecognizable language. A purple glow enveloped the area, glowing most brightly near Jordan.
With that, the witch cackled with wicked laughter. “You won’t be a problem to any witch ever again. Or anyone at all, for that matter, kitten.”
Smiling as she finished her spell, she turned back to tend to her niece. The witch walked gingerly and carefully over to her niece, looking down at every footfall, placing her gorgeous feet very carefully with every step.
Finally, it hit Ashlyn.
“Oh!” she thought to herself. “Super sensitive feet must be a family thing. Oh or even a witch thing!”
She sat on the ground, and removed her own shoes. Slowly and humbly, she approached Lily’s aunt and offered them to her.
The witch smiled kindly, and pulled the shoes onto her breathtaking feet. She waved her hand, and a green glow, accompanied by a warm feeling washed over Ashlyn.
The pair of witches left, with Lily gaining a little strength as they went.
Ashlyn stayed with Jordan. Partly to make sure she wasn’t dead, and partly out of sheer curiosity. Would she look weird? Grown horns? Lose her mind? What had the witch done?
Jordan finally awoke with a groan.
Ashlyn, trying not to shout, said “What on earth is wrong with you?! You almost got us killed!”
“Who was that? What happened?” Jordan said.
“Lily is a real witch! From a family of real witches! And her aunt is a total badass! She almost killed us!”
“You are the idiot that called her! I saw you with her phone!”
“Yeah, cause you went way too far!”
“Hey we survived right? I don’t think she could have killed us! I mean she tried and here we are still standing!”
“You idiot! Lily stepped in! Trust me she could have killed us in a second! She whispered something to the aunt lady and she stopped! Instead, she did some kind of spell to you!”
“I’m fine! It was theatrics!”
“You are ridiculous. We are through as friends! I only stuck around to see if you were alive!”
“Fine, Ashlyn! Screw you!”
With that, Jordan stood up, and took a few wobbly steps. She stopped, and took a couple more, equally as wobbly.
“What’s wrong? Why are you walking weird?”
“Shut up! I was just unconscious! I’m not gonna pop up and skip on home! Sheesh!”
Jordan wobbled off, looking like a baby deer on ice.
“Hey Lily,” said Ashlyn, sheepishly.
“Oh! Uh, wow! Hi… Um...” said a surprised Lily.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a few months,” explained the tentative redhead. “I just wanted to apologise for, um well… You know what I did.”
“I honestly thought we were all having fun at first. I hadn’t really known Jordan for very long at that point. And well, I have a really big foot fetish. So when she told me she liked to tickle girls and wanted to do it together with me. She said that it was a mutually fun arrangement, and that you were into it. I said no until she mentioned you and your feet. So when I joined in, I thought…”
“So,” interrupted Lily. “you thought it was something her and I arranged?”
“Yeah… Sorry.”
“So you... like feet?” asked Lily.
“Yeah. Ever since forever. Not sure why, it’s just how I’m wired. I really should have realized that you weren’t in on it earlier, but, um, when I saw your feet… I don’t know what came over me. They are really pretty.”
“They are?” asked Lily.
“The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I was kind of… blinded by… desire, I guess you could say?”
“Ok. Well, thanks for the apology. I really wasn’t having fun.”
“Yeah, I know that now,” Ashlyn responded quietly. She began to walk away slowly.
Lily grabbed Ashlyn’s arm and leaned in to whisper, “Except for your foot nibbles!”
With that, Lily skittered away covering an embarrassed smile with her hand as she escaped. Ashlyn looked puzzled, then blushed and smiled broadly.
“NOAHAHAAA!!!! Not me!!! Please!!!”
Poor Jason roared with laughter as Jordan clawed her victim’s ribs and stomach, as he doubled over with screaming laughter.
“Next time you see me, don’t look me in the eyes,”
Jordan loved to bully and torment her fellow students at her college. As a freshman she had discovered that tickling was a great way to do that. After having gotten into a bit of legal trouble, she wanted a new way to torment people. She had a tendency to tease, annoy, cyberbully, and physically bully anyone that was vulnerable.
She let him go, and he tried to look cool as he walked away as quickly as he could without full-on running.
“Boy I love it when people fear me appropriately,” thought Jordan as she smiled, walking with her head held high.
“Hey girl!” said Alex. “I heard that sound. Did you corner Jason again?!” smiling widely.
“Yep. What a wuss. It’s just so easy, I love it.”
“Next time let me in on it! You know I’m always down!”
“Ooo! Yes! I love it when someone holds them down for me!”
Jordan grumbled as she looked down at her exam.
“A C?! Where does she get off?!”
Jordan angrily walked out of the classroom, her high heels clacking hard on the floor.
“Well, I could help,” said a small voice.
Lily was a small young woman. Cute, with a kind face, she looked hopefully up at the taller Jordan.
“What did you say to me?” Jordan snapped.
Timidly, Lily said, “Well Calculus is one of my strong suits. I’d be happy to help you out if you want help studying for the next exam.”
“Oh you are so going to regret this, you little witch!” Jordan said, a little too loudly and aggressively. She looked around and realized she was making a bit of a scene. She stumbled, as she tried to maintain herself and walked away briskly. Jordan did not deal with disappointment well, and she tended to take out her frustration through her bullying.
“Is everything ok, Lily?” asked a kind voice.
It was Skye.
“Oh yeah, it’s fine. I’m ok.”
“What happened?”
“I saw that that girl was upset about her grade, so I offered to study with her…”
“Oh,” said Skye, looking concerned. “You may not want to do that. That’s Jordan. I’ve known her for a long time. She’s the biggest bully I’ve ever met.”
“Oh, I see. Yeah, I’ll be careful.”
“Yeah, she always used to pick on me,” admitted Skye.
“We’ll come to think of it,” said Lily. “She always calls me “little witch.” I don’t even know her.”
“That’s not nice, I love your style, Lily!”
“Thanks. I actually don’t mind being called a witch. It shouldn’t be considered an insult. Witchcraft really only uses natural elements to make life better for people, like any scientist. Maybe Jordan just needs someone to be nice to her.”
“Oh no. No, no. Maybe that’s true with some people, but not her. She used to push me around, tease, cyberbully me. And last semester was the worst.”
“What happened?” inquired Lily, looking concerned.
“Well, I don’t typically tell people this, but I’m, um…” Skye squirmed. “I’ve always been like… like really ticklish.”
Lily furrowed her brow inquisitively. “So what happened?”
“Last semester, she cornered me in the dorms, and well…”
“She tickled you?”
“Yeah. I guess Jordan could just tell. She just looked at me, and smiled, and… she just knew. And once she found my ummm… my most ticklish spots, she wouldn’t let me up! I was laughing so hard I couldn’t talk! She just kept tickling even though I was laughing so hard. I am just too ticklish. And the look in her eyes! She was excited! She wanted to torment me! She was like a horror movie monster with fingernails.”
“Yeah,” said Skye, shuddering. “And she was about to pull off my shoe and my socks when a security guard came.”
“Wait what? Your shoes and socks!” with fear in her eyes. “That is way over the line! You can’t take off... That’s totally… uh… I didn’t think…” Lily stuttered. “How could she?”
“Yeah, well it would actually have been ok. My feet aren’t too ticklish, thankfully.” said Skye.
“Oh right, of course,” Lily said, sheepishly.
“So steer clear of that girl. Trust me. She bullies a lot of people, not just me. She’ll go after people for anything. She’s mean in a lot of ways, but tickling is a big favorite of hers.”
“Yeah, yeah, no, I will. Uh, she seemed really mad. Would you, um,” Lily looked down sheepishly and crossed her feet. “Could you walk me to my dorm?”
“Yeah, of course.”
It was a nice cool afternoon as Lily walked to her dorm. It was a pretty decent walk from the main campus to the dorms. One of the features the school always bragged about was the beautiful grove of trees that lay between the dorms and the classrooms. It was cooler, with plenty of shade, with some areas where you couldn't see any sunlight. It was a nice way to clear your mind after a tough class or long study session. As she followed the trail she ran into Jordan.
“Hey witch!” said Jordan, grabbing the smaller Lily from behind under the arms and dragging her into position. “Why do you always dress like a little witch, huh?”
Jordan inserted her wicked claws under Lily’s arms.
“HEhehhEHh hey that’s not fair! hahahahahHAHahHAH!!” Lily giggled and squirmed as Jordan tickled her underarms.
Jordan worked her way toward Lily’s sides and stomach.
“Ahahahahh!!! Hahhahhaaa, come on, let me go!”
Lily reached around and tickled Jordan back!
“You dumb little witch! I’m not ticklish! I’m not ticklish because I’m not weak, like you!”
“AHahhahahhahahah!!!! Let me go!”
“Don’t you worry, little witch, I’ll find your little ticklish spots. You’re not laughing nearly hard enough for my taste.”
Jordan dragged Lily away from the trail. She skillfully squeezed Lily’s hips, her knees, and her sides, eliticing plenty of girlish laughter. Plenty enough laughter for most. But it wasn’t enough for Jordan. She had been enjoying this form of bullying more and more. In fact, lately, Jordan craved the opportunity to REALLY tickle someone.
“I bet you are a ribcage girl, aren’t you?”
“AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!” Lily’s laughter went up a couple of notches as the evil Jordan clawed skillfully at the little witch’s rib cage and underarms.
“Man I love it when it’s the rib cage!”
“WWWAAAAHAHAA!!! NO!!! AAAHAHAA!!!” Lily screamed, as Jordan’s hands slid their way up her shirt, tickling her bare ribs.
Fifteen minutes later, Lily was exhausted, wailing with laughter. So exhausted that Jordan didn’t even have to hold her down and wrestle her anymore. In fact, she just really had to sit on the little witches hands as she tickled her bare ribs with her shirt pulled up high.
“And another one bites the dust!” Jordan laughed to herself.
Lily lay exhausted, gently laughing the afterlaughs of the ticklish, even though Jordan had stopped tickling.
Jordan was pleased. She loved the opportunity to tickle until their energy to move was gone.
“Back to the trail with you,” Jordan said, as she began to try to roll the exhausted Lily along the ground. Realized how exhausting this was, she grabbed her and tried to drag her.
Lily sprang back to life.
“AAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHA!!!” Lily gave a high pitched scream and deep guffawing laughter, beginning to thrash!
Jordan grabbed her, holding the smaller girl down.
“What was that?!?” smiled Jordan, looking excited.
Lily had a terrified look in her eyes.
“Where else are you ticklish, witch?”
The look of crazed tickle-excitement had returned to Jordan’s hungry eyes.
Jordan began to test more tickle spots with her wicked fingernails.
“HAhahahahahhahaah!!” Lily’s laughter began anew.
“No, that’s not it… No, not there! Dang it, what made you shriek, witch girl?! Ooo, maybe under your knees!”
Jordan grabbed Lily’s foot and lifted her leg to get to the back of her knees.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAnononNONONNOOO!!! AAAAA!!!” Lily freaked out and flailed like a fish.
“Yess!! The knees are the jackpot! Wait no! Dangit!!! Where?” Jordan looked like a feral animal, clawing at different spots angrily.
“Oh my gosh! Is it your feet???!!!” Jordan shouted, looking so excited it frightened Lily “Did I seriously just accidentally tickle you through your boots?”
Lily’s eyes were terrified as she shook her head no, unable to speak from fear.
Jordan grabbed Lily’s thick leather boots, trying to pull them off.
Lily erupted!
Lily gave out a laughing scream that threatened to bring the whole city to see what was happening.
Jordan’s eyes flashed like a cat ready to pounce.
“You are ticklish THROUGH your boots?!?!”
She began to try to untie the triple knotted laces on Lily’s tall boots.
“I should have known! Look at these knots!”
Lily fought like an animal fearing for its life as she kicked, screamed and laughed.
“AAAHAHAAA!!!!” she shrieked.
“But, I’m only touching your boots, drama queen!! Just wait ‘til I take them off.”
Lily swung a branch, hitting Jordan in the forehead.
Jordan lost her grip and Lily shot up and sprinted away, faster than Jordan had expected.
“Dang it!” Jordan shouted.
The wild laughter brought a few people over to see what was happening.
“What?” Jordan bellowed. “Mind your own business!!”
“I have to find that girl!” Jordan said. “I could tickle her into tomorrow and back!”
“Jeez,” said Ashlyn, Jordan’s loyal friend. “Is this girl really that ticklish? I’ve never seen you so hungry.”
“I didn’t get a chance to fully see!”
“I thought you said you tickled the hell out of her.”
“I did! She was so ticklish it only took 15 mins to get her to how I had you when we first met.”
Ashlyn blushed.
“And you say she loves being tickled?”
“Oh yeah. And her damn feet! I accidentally touched her boots, and she freaked out!”
“Her boots? Are her feet really that ticklish?”
“Yep. She lost it! Then she ran off like lightning!”
“What does she look like? Did you get to see her feet?” prodded Ashlyn, her eyes lighting up.
“Calm down there fetish girl. I didn’t see them. She looks like a little witch. She wears mostly black. Lace. Cute little thing. High laced boots. And she knots them like triple or quad knotted or something! Like fort knox! That alone should have given it away!”
“Oh my gosh! Her spot is her feet? Are they sexy?” said Ashlyn, smiling.
“I told you I don’t know about that stuff,” growled Jordan.
“Why did she run?”
“That’s our game. It was her idea. I hunt her down and tickle her until she begs. She pretends to hate it,” lied Jordan.
“Oh, ok. That seems like a fun kind of game.”
“Hey so if you help me find her and hold her down and stuff you will get to see her feet. Are you in?”
“I’m totally in.”
The semester was winding down. Most students had taken their finals. The campus was emptying out quickly, and people were excitedly leaving campus.
Lily was happy, She was home free. She smiled as she walked through the grove between the dorms and campus. She had carefully been taking different paths to her dorm each night, she switched dorms with a friend on another level of the building. In two more days she would take her last final exam and she could leave campus for a well deserved long break. And maybe by then Jordan would forget. Or maybe she could switch schools. Her grades were good enough to apply to another University.
“Hi, I’m Ashlyn”
A beautiful girl with a kind face approached Lily.
“Oh, hi!” replied Lily, smiling. “You said in your email that you needed help before a Calculus final?”
“Yeah. Thankfully it’s on the last day of Finals Week, so I get a little extra time to prepare.”
“Do you want to do it here on this bench just off the path?”
“Yeah, that’s perfect. Here, let me text a friend really quick, and we can get started,” said Ashlyn, pulling out her phone.
“So where do you tend to have trouble?”
“I feel a lot more prepared, thanks!”
“No problem!” Lily smiled.
“One more thing Lily. A friend of mine told me about your little game.”
“Pardon?” Lily asked, genuinely confused.
“It sounds like fun. I hope I can make it fun for you.”
“Ok, I’m pretty confused.”
Rumor has it,” Ashlyn leaned in to whisper. “That you have ticklish feet.”
As Ashlyn whispered those words, Lily’s heart sunk deep into her stomach. A smiling Jordan was walking up the path, hands on her hips, along with a woman whom she had never met.
She turned to run, but they immediately caught up to her dragging her to the ground.
“Gotcha now, witchy girl. And there is no one around on campus to stop us.”
“So this is the feet girl you’ve been obsessed with?” asked Alex, the tall blonde friend.
“This is the one. I swear, the most ticklish feet you’ll ever see!”
“I love tickling the feet!” said Alex, with her beautiful German accent.
“Nononnoo Please!!! I can do things! I can give you what you want!” pleaded Lily, desperation in her voice.
“Wow, that got weird fast!” said Ashlyn.
“No I will cast a spell to make you smarter and richer and everything please!!!””
“A spell? She does think that she’s a witch! Ha ha!!” Jordan cackled.
With that, she pulled out a pocket knife and cut the laces off of Lily’s boots and pulled them off!
Jordan couldn’t wait, and began tickling the socked feet before her.
Lily thrashed and screamed with laughter the moment the girls’ horrible nails made contact through her wool socks. PLEAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
“YESSSS!!!! I told you!! Didn’t I tell you?? Super ticklish feet! I told you!”
The girl’s fingers dug into the poor thrashing girls thick wool socks as she screamed. Within a minute, the hypersensitive Lily passed out from laughter.
“Well, that was a surprise!” said Ashlyn. “I think she might be too ticklish. I didn’t know someone could pass out.”
“It’s her thing. She loves it,” said Jordan. “Wasn’t it fun feeling her despereation as she laughed?” asked Jordan, with a serious look in her dark eyes.
“Wow girl, you are serious about a good tickle, aren’t you?” replied a surprised Ashlyn. “She must be too if she likes to be tickled ‘til passing out.”
Alex smiled. “When she wakes up, we can tickle again.”
“I’m glad we brought you, Alex!”
“What I think we should do…”
“Hold up!” said Jordan, cutting off Alex. “I have waited too long for this. I am too amped up! We’ll do your stuff later. I gotta get her my way more!”
“Let’s get her socks off!” said Ashlyn, feeling for the top of the passed out Lily’s sock.
“Not yet, I wanna see her eyes as we pull them off!” said Jordan!
Ashlyn smiled broadly and clapped with glee at the idea.
“Ooo, she’s waking up.”
“Oh no, please, please!” begged Lily, coming quickly to her senses.
“Alex, pull off her socks!” commanded Jordan.
Jordan and Ashlyn leaned over Lily’s terrified face as her socks were slowly removed.
Lily’s eyes were wide with terror, letting out tiny short shrieks and stifling laughter as she felt her sock being pulled off.
Jordan looked puzzled.
“Two pairs?! You are wearing TWO PAIRS of thick wool socks?”
Lily looked back shrugging sheepishly. “W-w-well it’s cause I, because I...”
“Hahaha!! We all know why little witch!” said Jordan.
She tore off the second pair of socks to find the softest, sexiest, most delicate pair of feet anyone had ever seen.
“Woah, look at those!” said Ashlyn, who was open about her huge foot fetish.
“Exchange pedicure tips later Ashlyn!” said Jordan, as she began to tickle the poor perfect feet with abandon.
Lily immediately exploded into thrashing laughter as the long nails of the wild-eye brunette Jordan glided carefully over the soft skin of her feet.
Within 10 seconds, the woman was deep into silent laughter, fighting, kicking, bucking and slamming her fists on the ground.
Within 10 more seconds of that, the girl’s face mouthed beautiful laughter breathlessly. Flailing, she passed out, her brain turning the lights out, so it could get the oxygen it needed.
“Wow!” said the cute redheaded Ashlyn. “She might be the most ticklish woman alive. And with the sexiest feet on the planet!”
“Calm down Ashlyn. I want to tickle her in more than 20 second bursts! Geez! She passed out like immediately!”
Alex piped up. “We go gentle. Very light, like the caress of a feather. Like trying to be nice.”
Jordan furrowed her brow in thought. A big evil smile spread over her face, her dark eyes flashing with excitement. Ashlyn had a huge gleeful smile.
“Come on Jordan. Let’s go slow and gentle, and see how long she can last.”
“Come on this is taking forever!” exclaimed an impatient Jordan. It had only been a few minutes.
Lily rubbed her eyes, and then snapped back to reality.
The three women immediately started to stroke and caress the poor gentle woman’s feet, starting off just as gently as they could.
Within 10 seconds of this, giggling had become near hysterics.
Lightly, they stroked, using careful finger pad movements as they lightly tickled the soft skin of the hysterical young woman. If they involved their fingernails at all, they had to be ever so gentle. Even then, at the hint of fingernails, Lily’s laughter would grow wild.
Five minutes later, the laughter grew more desperate, no matter how lightly they tickled. The poor girl passed out again.
“That was much more satisfying!” said Ashlyn.
“Yeah, she can’t handle it. It’s amazing. What a wimp!” said Jordan proudly.
“Well, almost everyone is ticklish, to be fair,” said Ashlyn. “You’re just special.”
“Damn right!” Said Jordan, proudly. “Not ticklish at all.”
“I can make it tickle more,” said the blonde German woman. “And longer.”
“Really? How?” said Jordan with aggression and desperation in her voice.
“With the tongue. Also teeth. It can make even non-ticklish people wail with laughter.”
“Ok but we just made her pass out from our fingertips. If that’s true she’ll pass out immediately.”
“She’ll last longer because there is a fear element. Something about someone's teeth and mouth on their feet is terrifying. The fear, adrenaline and screaming makes it harder for the girl to pass out.”
“You are like a tickle genius!” exclaimed Ashlyn.
“Shut up Ashlyn. You just want to put your face on them. This is new territory for me, Alex.” Said Jordan. “Why don’t you show me how it’s done?”
The large blonde grinned broadly in approval.
In a few minutes, poor Lily had awoken.
“Oh please! Please hear me out! I can give you what you want! I’ll cast a spell to make you have whatever you want!”
“Shhhh!” Alex shushed her as she put a finger in Lily’s face. “Give your feet and toes to me.”
Alex pulled Lily’s delicate foot near her face. Lily could feel her warm breath on her soft skin.
Alex slowly licked the perfect foot, starting at the heel.
Terror swept across Lily’s face, turning to wild laughter.
“AHAHAHahhahahah….!! NOAAAAAHHhhhh!!”
Her face transitioned from laughter to terror any time the woman stopped to reposition her teeth and tongue or stopped to breathe.
The sadistic Jordan loved how stark the difference was between the sweet cute face made during her laughter, and the fear the moment the tickling stopped.
“My turn!” said Jordan.
She was a quick study as she used her tongue to gently squirm into the worst spots it could find.
“You too, Ashlyn!” said Jordan, gleefully.
Both women licking and nibbling made Lily lose momentary control.
“AAAAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! NO STOAAAAHHH!!” Lily screamed with laughter as both women licked and sucked on her precious feet. When they reached her toes, Lily leaned forward and slapped and tugged on the vicious ticklers as they worked.
The moment they stopped to breathe, Lily pleaded for forgiveness.
“Oh I’m so sorry I hit you! I don’t know what came over me! I’m so sorAAAAAAHHHAHAHAAA!!!”
The tickling started anew, and so did Lily’s slapping and fighting.
“This is hilarious!” laughed Jordan and Ashlyn, finding it hysterical that Jordan apologised so sincerely for hitting them in between every tickle.
“Ok Jordan. Please, please, let me try something?” pleaded the beautiful redheaded Ashlyn.
“She is mine!” snapped the angry brunette.
“Please! I helped you find her, and her feet are a dream. Please! Look, you and Alex can hold her, and you can watch her face as she laughs. Wouldn’t you like that?” begged Ashlyn.
“Fine. That does sound fun,” smiled Jordan.
“What are you gonna do?” asked a frightened Lily.
Ashlyn flashed a seductive smile at the helpless witch as she got into position.
Lily turned to Jordan and repeated. “What is she gonna do?”
“AHAHAhahahaha!!! Ahahahah!!”
Sweet giggles poured out of Lily. Ashlyn was gently sucking and playing with the delicate witchy toes in her mouth.
This time her laughter was sweet and giggly.
The obviously excited Ashlyn played carefully with each of the witch’s bewitching toes with her lips.
“Hahahahhahahhaaaa I’m too ticklish for this please! Hahaaaaaa!”
“No, no you aren’t,” said Ashlyn, grinning. “You are too ticklish for... THIS!”
Ashlyn then began to lick vigorously, and claw her heel with her long nails.
“AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” Lily threw her head back. “AHAHHAAAAAAAaaaa…” She shrieked, her laughter going up in pitch a notch.
“No more please!!! AAAAAAHHHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! That one is the worst one!!!” she bellowed.
“HEY!” Jordan bellowed out. “No way she’s gonna make you laugh harder than me! No way!!”
Jordan was pissed. She marched up and shoved Ashlyn out of the way.
Lily saw her chance and began to run. Alex gave chase, and, without shoes, Lily didn’t get very far.
“Damn it Ashlyn! This is on you!” growled the furious woman.
Alex carried the kicking Lily in one arm back to the arguing women.
“Ok Jordan, it’s clear you want to be the one who gets her the worst. I can help with that,” Alex said calmly.
“Spit it out, Alex!” Snapped Jordan.
“We’ll need some nylon stockings.”
“What? Why?” asked Jordan.
“We’ll put them on her, and it’ll make her feet more ticklish. But this time I’ll watch her, and I’ll tell you when she’s close to passing out.”
“Yeah ok,” said Jordan.
“I’ll do you one better,” Ashlyn chimed in. “We mermaid tickle her.”
Jordan and Alex looked puzzled.
“We put both her legs into one leg of the nylons so she’s trapped more. Looks kinda like a mermaid.”
“Yeah good, let’s do it. You’ve reedemed yourself. Let’s use your nylons.”
Ashlyn sat on the ground and untied her white shoes. She pulled off her shoes to reveal a beautiful pair of well cared for feet, with white toenail polish.
Pull off those stupid nylon stockings, you show off. Let’s get this show on the road.
Ashlyn pulled them off, and quickly put her sneakers back on.
With some serious effort, the women had shoved both of the little witch’s feet and calves in one stocking.
“AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! AAAHAHAA!!!! AAAAHAHAA!!! [size=+2]AAAA OH MY GOSH!!!”[/size]
Lily’s laughter reached a level and pitch that made all her other reactions seem tame.
Jordan’s dark eyes flashed with glee, as the witch pleaded for mercy.
“Who is the best tickler??” Jordan bellowed.
“YOU!!! YOU!!! AAAAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!!!”
“Hold up,” said Alex. Leaning forward, she pierced a hole in the stockings near where Lily’s arches met. “Insert fingers and watch out!”
Alex adjusted herself so she could brace Lily’s midsection. “This is gonna be wild. Ashlyn help me hold her.”
Jordan inserted her fingers into the hole in the stockings and began to tickle.
“WWWHHHHHHAAAAhAHAHhh [size=+2]AHAAHTTT IS THAT AHAAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! It’s too ticklish that wayyyyyy AHHHHAAA!!!!!”[/size]
Lily thrashed like a marlin, totally wild.
“Alright, Lily looks like she needs a break,” Ashlyn said.
“A break? No way!” snapped Jordan.
“Yeah Jordan, she has reached her limit.”
“Yes, I agree. This girl is too ticklish on her feet. It’s only fun when the ticklish one is having fun,” confirmed Alex.
“What is wrong with you two?” Jordan snapped. “I am having fun, she is getting punished for crossing me. She’s not supposed to be having fun. The more ticklish the better. Hold on, I’m gonna make this worse somehow. Hold her down for me.”
“Crossing you?” said Ashlyn, angrily. “You said it was a game that was her idea!”
“I don’t even know her,” said Lily breathing hard.
“What the hell? We need to let her go! You tricked me! Even if she was enjoying it, she’s just too ticklish on her feet to take any more,” pushed Ashlyn.
“Fine, I’ll do it myself!” snapped Jordan, as she sat on the exhausted Lily, effectively holding her down.
“What are you doing?” asked Ashlyn.
“I’m looking up the most ticklish thing you can do to feet on my phone. I don’t really tickle people’s feet that often. The internet seems to agree that… Ooo a hair brush? That’s wicked!”
“Woah woah woah!!! No! You can’t do that!”
“Yeah that’s too much!” the two women agreed.
“Look, a hair brush will make a mildly ticklish person beg and scream in seconds! You can’t do it to a woman who is this ticklish. It’s cruel,” explained Alex.
“You mean you two idiots knew the hairbrush thing the whole time and we didn’t start with a that?” asked Jordan, genuinely surprised.
“I’m out of here,” said Alex. “If you are gonna push past the point of fun, I’m done.”
“Alex, come on!” shouted Ashlyn. “Help me! I can’t stop her alone!”
Ashlyn paced, back and forth. She was getting worried. She had experienced a hair brush before. On her reasonably ticklish feet, it took about 15 seconds to reduce her to absolute hysterics. It was fun for her, because her friend was going easy, and carefully making sure that she was having fun. Jordan was sure to make it torturous.
She spotted Lily’s phone on the ground. Quickly, while Jordan was watching videos to figure out how to destroy a foot with a hairbrush, she sifted through Lily’s contact list. She sent a message to any family member or friend of Lily’s she could find.
[size=+2]“AHAHAHhaha!!!! WHAT IS THAT THING??!!! AHAHHAAH!![/size]
Ashlyn heard an explosion of laughter louder than any of the laughter she’s heard yet!
Jordan was sitting on Lily’s calves and was stroking a hairbrush she had pulled out of her bag across Lily’s helpless feet.
“Oh my gosh!” Ashlyn said, as she grabbed Jordan’s hand pulling it away from the defenseless feet.
“Hey!” shouted Jordan, yanking her arm back and going straight back to brushing.
[size=+3]“Hahaha HELP!!! HAHAAA!!! AAAA!!!”[/size]
Ashlyn jumped back trying to wrestle the brush out of Jordan’s hands.
About 15 minutes of this back and forth passed, with an exhausted still Ashlyn fighting to save the little witch's trapped feet. As time passed, Ashlyn’s strength weakened. However, the tugging and flailing of the woman in her clutches and her wild laughter seemed to give Jordan strength, as she soaked up the laughter. The last 5 or so minutes Jordan had gotten the best of the exchange, and Ashlyn knew Lily’s feet couldn’t take another second.
Suddenly, there was a deep rumble. Ashlyn couldn’t move. Jordan was frozen in place, a look of terror on her face.
A tall, powerful looking woman with long black hair stood 30 yards away.
She slowly approached, a look of rage on her face. She flicked her wrist, tossing Ashlyn aside with her magical power. With another movement, Lily’s limp body was lifted gently into the air and laid carefully aside, out of harm’s way.
Upon approaching Jordan, the powerful witch grasped her by the throat, staring deeply into her terrified eyes.
The witch shook with rage, as the rumbing grew louder.
“Auntie no!” Cried a weak voice. Lily sat up, trying to stand.
The powerful witch released Jordan’s throat and ran over to scoop up her niece. Jordan took the opportunity to run.
“She’s getting away!” Ashlyn called out, still frozen in place.
With a wave of her powerful hand, Jordan froze mid stride, and fell over.
“My sweet niece,” said the witch, with her powerful, but gentle voice. Gently untying her own leather boots, the witch pulled them off of her own feet. She carefully slid the nylons off of Lily, slipped her own socks over her niece’s delicate feet as well as the boots.
“You two will SUFFER!!” screamed the witch in a voice that shook the ground and rustled the leaves on the trees.
“Wait,” said Lily, again, weakly.
The terrifying aunt kneeled down and leaned forward, so she could hear her exhausted niece.
Ashlyn starred in terror, frozen. She awaited the verdict from the witch. True to form, however, the redhead’s foot fetish wouldn’t allow her to ignore the incredibly soft and beautiful feet of Lily’s powerful aunt. She had long sexy toes, with shapely beautiful feet that were among the most sexy she’d ever seen.
When the witch turned around, her countenance had changed. She looked at Ashlyn and nodded. Suddenly, Ashlyn could move again. Walking over to the still frozen Jordan, she stood towering over her. With a quick hand movement, Jordan’s limbs were magically pulled taught, her body spread eagle.
With her arms high in the air, the powerful witch uttered phrases in an unrecognizable language. A purple glow enveloped the area, glowing most brightly near Jordan.
With that, the witch cackled with wicked laughter. “You won’t be a problem to any witch ever again. Or anyone at all, for that matter, kitten.”
Smiling as she finished her spell, she turned back to tend to her niece. The witch walked gingerly and carefully over to her niece, looking down at every footfall, placing her gorgeous feet very carefully with every step.
Finally, it hit Ashlyn.
“Oh!” she thought to herself. “Super sensitive feet must be a family thing. Oh or even a witch thing!”
She sat on the ground, and removed her own shoes. Slowly and humbly, she approached Lily’s aunt and offered them to her.
The witch smiled kindly, and pulled the shoes onto her breathtaking feet. She waved her hand, and a green glow, accompanied by a warm feeling washed over Ashlyn.
The pair of witches left, with Lily gaining a little strength as they went.
Ashlyn stayed with Jordan. Partly to make sure she wasn’t dead, and partly out of sheer curiosity. Would she look weird? Grown horns? Lose her mind? What had the witch done?
Jordan finally awoke with a groan.
Ashlyn, trying not to shout, said “What on earth is wrong with you?! You almost got us killed!”
“Who was that? What happened?” Jordan said.
“Lily is a real witch! From a family of real witches! And her aunt is a total badass! She almost killed us!”
“You are the idiot that called her! I saw you with her phone!”
“Yeah, cause you went way too far!”
“Hey we survived right? I don’t think she could have killed us! I mean she tried and here we are still standing!”
“You idiot! Lily stepped in! Trust me she could have killed us in a second! She whispered something to the aunt lady and she stopped! Instead, she did some kind of spell to you!”
“I’m fine! It was theatrics!”
“You are ridiculous. We are through as friends! I only stuck around to see if you were alive!”
“Fine, Ashlyn! Screw you!”
With that, Jordan stood up, and took a few wobbly steps. She stopped, and took a couple more, equally as wobbly.
“What’s wrong? Why are you walking weird?”
“Shut up! I was just unconscious! I’m not gonna pop up and skip on home! Sheesh!”
Jordan wobbled off, looking like a baby deer on ice.
“Hey Lily,” said Ashlyn, sheepishly.
“Oh! Uh, wow! Hi… Um...” said a surprised Lily.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a few months,” explained the tentative redhead. “I just wanted to apologise for, um well… You know what I did.”
“I honestly thought we were all having fun at first. I hadn’t really known Jordan for very long at that point. And well, I have a really big foot fetish. So when she told me she liked to tickle girls and wanted to do it together with me. She said that it was a mutually fun arrangement, and that you were into it. I said no until she mentioned you and your feet. So when I joined in, I thought…”
“So,” interrupted Lily. “you thought it was something her and I arranged?”
“Yeah… Sorry.”
“So you... like feet?” asked Lily.
“Yeah. Ever since forever. Not sure why, it’s just how I’m wired. I really should have realized that you weren’t in on it earlier, but, um, when I saw your feet… I don’t know what came over me. They are really pretty.”
“They are?” asked Lily.
“The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I was kind of… blinded by… desire, I guess you could say?”
“Ok. Well, thanks for the apology. I really wasn’t having fun.”
“Yeah, I know that now,” Ashlyn responded quietly. She began to walk away slowly.
Lily grabbed Ashlyn’s arm and leaned in to whisper, “Except for your foot nibbles!”
With that, Lily skittered away covering an embarrassed smile with her hand as she escaped. Ashlyn looked puzzled, then blushed and smiled broadly.