4th Level Green Feather
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Night Of The Centaur
Stamosia Kingdom was quiet at this time of day. The stars were still out, twinkling high above. Though slowly saying goodbye as the sun was about to peak. Mischievous Lady Cielle was running back towards the Kingdom in a fast dash. Before her father, the King awoke. For years this was her nightly adventure. Far, far out into the wilds of nature and beyond. Lady Cielle paused for a moment... on the cold, stone steps, leading her back into the castle. “Back to my boring life.” Grimacing, she jogged up the stairs.
Beyond the Kingdom she could find her solitude. Her peace. To read the scandalous writings of the educated. Or run, roll, and skip about as much as she had liked. To discover the world’s greatest and simplest of treasures: A beautiful rock. A lonely, bubbling stream. Even to just fantasize for a while. Here layeth her TRUE Kingdom. A lantern being her only guide.
Lady Cielle for years now, experienced her deepest passions at night. The sun only rekindled her frustration and lackluster normalcy. She wanted more from this world. Yet untouched from mankind still... she understood the cries of the roaming creatures.. This countryside of seemingly unending nature was the definition of her heart and soul.
Her long, wavy red hair was endlessly talked about in jealous circles. They thought she, dare sayeth,MUST BE A WITCH. But, being a Royal Princess, she escaped becoming an outcast. And executed outright. The fates of so many women deemed that label… were not so lucky.
Green eyes, dimpled cheeks and a dazzling smile made her the top prize amongst the men. And of course being the King’s beloved daughter secured her safety. But at the old age of 22… building pressure for her to marry was becoming vicious. Being unmarried this long, and the whispers of her treks to the woods… black magic must be at work! She was risking being attacked by an angry mob now… Every single time she left the Kingdom. But she didn’t care.
A royal array of suitors streamed in to Stamosia for years now. She was given indeed, quite respectable choices. But none of these men she found she could EVER be in love with. Arrogant, or weak… too old or too rich to suit her tastes. But she knew one day she would find her true love. A man who would escape with her… to frolic and read with. To swim in the streams together… NUDE. She giggled at her naughty thought. Until then… she would continue to fantasize... and go about her many whimsical desires alone. Even if that meant her untimely death.
Her father, the King, had had quite enough of his daughters nonsense. She REFUSED to listen to him. Her nightly walks, what she ate, how she dressed, and refusal of every Royal Suitor! “OH!” He KNEW the time had come to act. Without her consent… he would get her married IMMEDIATELY. And so… only his Queen and The Royal Sea Crew knew of where he intended to set sail that morning. And after 3 days and nights on the treacherous seas they had arrived at their destination. The exhausted crew BEGGED the King to turn back. But the King was steadfast in his decision.
Narrowly having avoided execution themselves… a trio of outcast WITCHES resided here. The King looked through his long spyglass upon their grounds. Their lair was dark, musky, and barren of life. He could smell the rot of their home from his where he stood. High up on the cliff the King would have to climb for hours, risking his own, Royal life. But the King was silent as he began the dangerous trek alone. He was adamant. And out of options. Unbelievably the King reached the top without falling.
With their old, failing eyes they saw the man who had drove them from their home. They were SHOCKED to see him. But they were not angry… only curious and still VERY hopeful they would be invited to return to Stamosia one day. There they could find the book they accidentally had left behind. The one that would return their beauty and youth to them. This must be the day they could go home!! Here now was their chance to be welcomed back into the King’s grace. They welcomed him with open arms.
The King was repulsed by them. But acted kind. They hobbled into the dark cave behind him as he strode on ahead. Putting on his bravest and strongest front…. he would do anything to help his daughter. Even talk to these wretched, wicked women whom he KNEW had tried to have him poisoned long ago.
The 3 Witches listened to him intently. A pathetic plea to help his daughter find a suitor. He wanted them to place a spell upon her. To fall in love with the next suitor that came calling. But… the only thing he offered them in return was a small bag of gold, food, and their continued safe harbor. They had been lucky they hadn’t been put to death… but as the King had no real evidence… nor witnesses… he let them live. Putting on a mask of smiles all around… they asked to be returned home instead. The King denied them. They swallowed their anger and took his offerings with faux gratitude. They told him they would grant his wish and thanked him for his kindness. As he climbed back down the rocks… he knew this was a giant mistake. But… it was too late. The deal had been made. He hoped for the best. Maybe he WOULD let them come back one day...
Long after the King set sail back to the Kingdom…. the Witches took to work and grabbed their spell books with contempt and RAGE. As they flipped eagerily through their books… they screamed and cried for revenge. One of the Witches stood up and limped over to her magic, crystal ball. Her cruel mind searched for what could hurt the King the most. And then it hit her. Lady Cielle. “Of COURSE! AHHHH HAHAHAHAAAAA!”
She was jealous of her immediately. Her beauty... her FREEDOM most of all. And so as the night churned on… they all decided to look for the perfect spell. Though no singular Witch could cast a spell on their own. Each of them... one by one… cast their own unique, black magic. And together...they created a twisted and dark spell. But they wouldn't know the results until it was done. They cackled and laughed maniacally as the spell floated away to the Kingdom. They gathered around their crystal ball to enjoy every minute of their spell’s outcome.
A week passed. The King was finally home again and had not yet seen his daughter leave for the night. He had heard that no suitors had come since his journey. “They must have given up. Just ONE more!” As he looked out the window, he was thankful to finally see Lady Cielle skipping down the stone steps. Then running out of the Kingdom’s grounds for yet another long night of ridiculous adventure seeking. The King saw what she was wearing then and almost lost it. He should command his guards to stop her… but instead retired to his bedroom with a wave of finality. She would soon be married… whether she liked it or not. “Why not let her enjoy these last days? She was going to anyway with or without his consent. “Even if she IS dressed like a harlot to go out” He clenched his jaw, and shook his head as he finally went to his chambers to rest. He slammed the door waking nearly the entire Kingdom.
As she ran into the night… a warm and breezy summer night greeted her. Lady Cielle decided to keep on her long, pink, silk nightgown. No one would see her of course. She would be back anyway before anyone arose. As usual. Bringing along a book to read and a blanket to lay on… she traipsed past the enormous garden and out onto the path of her beloved, wild wilderness. The glowing red, lantern lead the way for her.
She walked until she could no longer. A fog swirled around her in the darkness. Lady Cielle felt uneasy for the first time. Something felt off. But she couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe it was her exhaustion from walking this far. Miles away, she finally picked a spot and spread out her blanket. She laid down and looked up into the dark sky. With the trees above her, her ears were wide open to the nightly songs of the wild. The owl’s hoots. The crickets. Even the occasional howl of the wolf. She had never been uneasy till tonight. Why was she? Instead of letting it bother her, she passed away the thought and picked up her book. Meanwhile the 3 Witches watched her in their crystal bal;. They clasped their hands together. And leaned in as they watched their spell about to unfold.
The pages began to flip wildly as the breeze kicked up ten fold. It startled her. But she wanted to sleep now as she was suddenly very tired. Weak. Her hair started to dance and fly about in the cool wind. The ground began to rumble underneath her. She opened her eyes and listened intently as the sound grew louder. The earth trembled more and more underneath her blanket. She sat up frightened. Her insides began to quiver as her drowsy hands reached out and gripped the tree beside her. Leaves began to fall around her. The rumbling and shaking grew in intensity. And grew so loud she covered her ears. Lady Cielle became frozen in terror as she watched SOMETHING unearth itself before her. She gasped and shrieked as the ground rose like a burgeoning volcano. Her slippers bounced off the rising ground near her. She hid her bare feet underneath her nightgown. Gripping the fabric with her toes as if it was a shield.
Lightning struck the ground as she saw a huge, dark HAND in the blue, white light. Breaking through towards the sky. It clasped it’s dirty hand into the earth to pull itself out. Behind it followed another hand. And ANOTHER… and ANOTHER. The spurting, crumbling ground started to unveil the figure of a man. A DISFIGURED man. He rose from the ground and breathed in the night air. Lady Cielle saw his long, sharp teeth as he sucked in the air. When he had his fill and could breath evenly… he caught sight of the *thing* beneath him. He rose from the earth snarling at her. Like only the dead ever could. Just like the books she had read! Death rising once more.
Soon a horses body came through the ground… it’s legs pushed itself onto the earth until the entire “man horse” stood tall above her. It was not a man… nor horse. It was a CENTAUR. One with 4 long and mighty arms. His long black tail whipped at the ground. And his long mane rode onto the fierce breeze… the hair touching lightly at her skin. The shadows of the trees played and washed over him. He smiled darkly at her as the lightning lit up the entirety of what stood before her. The Centaur raised all of his arms in triumph. AND POWER.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEaaaaaahhhhHHHHH!!!” She screamed. Lady Cielle got immediately on her knees to crawl away. Her body felt heavy still with exhaustion. She was far too slow moving forward. The Centaur easily caught her ankle and dragged her back towards him. All 4 hands grabbed a hold of her. Each of her limbs were within in his grasp. Picking her up… he swung her up straight into the air, caught her, and forced her down onto her back. The hit to the ground further weakened her… the air forcefully taken from her lungs.
The Centaur stabled itself into the dirt for a fight. But the smell of her fear lingered in the air. He realized then... this was just a human. A human WOMAN. A weaker species than that of a human man. His father had told him of this species long ago. So… he didn’t need to put all of its strength forward. Cielle’s screams continued to PIERCE the night… and the creature’s ears. The Centaur didn’t like the sound at ALL. It maneuvered it’s body quickly, down onto it’s massive horse legs. One of his hands reached over onto her face and covered her mouth. As the lightning lit them both up for the witches to see in their glass ball. They screamed with delight and maniacal joy.
The Centaur grabbed at her wrists and torso to hold her down. Her feet slowly kicked at the creature weakly. His secondary set of hands pushed her knees to the ground with just a trace of effort. The massive and strong Centaur dug it’s legs into the ground. It loomed in closely to the human woman. The Centaur’s mind could never be one or the other for long. The mind of both a man AND horse. combined for a unique but sometimes deadly combination. Fleeting periods of man’s intelligence. And the horse’s instincts to trample and crush. The horse mind could be loyal still… or completely unhinged.
Cielle continued to scream underneath the grip of hand… so he lowered his human chest down further until they were practically nose to nose. It’s eye’s were red and lit with madness. It was rearing to go…
The scent of Cielle’s fear intensified fully. The Centaur studied the woman. It looked at every inch of her. Soon… it wanted to see the entirety of this human woman. As he never crossed paths with one before.
In a deep, growling voice the Centaur spoke. IN HER LANGUAGE!
“You are my prisoner… surrender to me NOW… or DEATH WILL COME… WOMAN”.
One of secondary hands reached up from her torso... his long, black nails traced down her right underarm with fierce curiosity. Her screams became different underneath his hand. The pulse of her voice tapped against it with an obscure rhythm. Now squirming faintly beneath him… it growled at this change in response. The Centaur had no idea what the human was doing. He took his other hand from her waist and once again trailed down her other, pale left arm in wonder. The touch invoked a deeper, greater laugh beneath his pressing hand. The Centaur still did not understand what she was doing… but he liked the feel and growing sound. It removed it’s massive, clawed hand from her face ineptly. Cielle took in as much air as she could. The Centaur watched her for moment and tilted it’s head to the side. With his jaw he pushed her head to the side and sniffed at her… It couldn't understand what was going on. But it would find out...
Even with 4 arms and 4 hands the Centaur wanted more movement and control. He reached behind him and took the lasso from his chains. The chains that had bound him for so long in Purgatory. He took his time winding the rope around her wrists. With his mighty speer from his back...he grabbed it and stabbed the ground above her head. He quickly tied her wrists to it. His secondary hands pressed against her upper legs to keep them down. When he was finished… he lleaned back down and licked at her face. This wasn’t like anything he had tasted before. He leaned over to her underarms and licked again. “THAT SOUND” it thought. Cielle began giggling from the Centaur’s warm, tickling stroke. He continued to flick and stroke at the soft flesh of her underarm. The Cnetaur could feel the woman trembling and the sound was growing. He leaned back and tilted his head again.
Unable to control his curiosity his human hands reached out to her underarms yet again… poking lightly… then moving his fingernails with quick, short strides. As if he were fluffing her hair as her ladies in service would do to relax her. Lady Cielle’s giggles turned into a full, hearty laugh. “No... no not again!” She thought weakly as the tickling continued. “EHEHEheheheHHAHAHHAAHAAAA!!!”
She was afraid he would kill her if she laughed too much. But was powerless to stop it. All 10 of his dirty fingers traced and tickled at her sensitive armpits. Now and then he would move his fingers like the spiders he had watched move towards their prey. Slow and steady. One nail after the other. Sliding down… and again… and again. The sounds she made were becoming extremely pleasurable to his ears. His eyes closed as he listened to the melody being evoked from her.
Lady Cielle was VERY ticklish. And only knew so because of the grass that would touch her bare feet when the wind kicked up. And the one time a suitor poked her a few times against her ribs to get her attention. But she was too afraid of this gigantic beast to tell it to stop. How could she? He could kill her! And even if she wanted to tell him to stop… her ticklishness was overriding any control she had left. But every once in awhile through her sweet giggling… the rising waves and falls of being tickled into a frenzy… she was able to eek out. “No… NO… no MORE… eheheheheHAHHA No.. NO… NOOOOO MORAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA AAAHHHHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHA!!!!”
The Centaur looked at her with an ever growing curiosity. Her head began thrashing from side to side. Her chest moved up and down at such a fast pace… that alone kept his attention for awhile. Her naked breasts heaved and bounced fitfully. But… where the sound was coming from always grabbed his attention back. Her mouth. With one of his hands he took hold of her pretty face to steady it from rocking. He brought himself closer to her mouth so he could hear that sound even better. As he tickled at her left underarm… he turned his ear towards her mouth. But quickly retreated back as the sound was far too loud to be that close to. The Centaur let out an odd laugh himself. Though he didn’t know what it was he was actually doing. To the ears of Cielle it was the most quizzical, yet evil laugh she had ever heard.
His eyes looked into hers as they opened. His huge red eyes gleamed with delight. A smile opened his mouth showing again those sharp teeth. And just then… the spell hit… and came over them both. The Witches magic entered the final phase. The Centaur kept tickling at Cielle’s underarms absentmindedly as his brain was gripped by the magic. He heard voices. “You love her…” Over and over again”. “Listen to her love for you… fall in love with her. Do to her as you so wish. She is yours. Love her… love her…”
Whatever sound she was making would be the attraction. It could have been a scream… or a cry… but it was the laughter that consumed him now. And would forever more. The witches faces dropped when they realized Lady Cielle would not be killed. The Centaur whose sole intent was to kill any creature that got in his way… now had vanished with this one human. “I...I… love yoooou.” It growled softy. Not of his usual instinct. One he had never had before. The Centaur kissed the sound breaking from her lips. And his secondary hands moved up to waist from her knees. Could he make more sounds like that? Is that sound love? “As long as I do this... “ As the thoughts ravaged his mind….The black nails wiggled spastically down her delicate sides. She broke the kiss then as laughter rang loudly into his pointy ears. The woman loved him back! He pressed his lips again to hers to feel the sound of love continue onto his mouth. No matter which way her head turned he followed her lips and pressed his against them. The Centaurs dark heart began to beat for that sound. The only darkness he felt NOW… was against ANYONE that would dare take this woman away from him. He realized through the trance he would never live without it again.
Lady Cielle’s hips squirmed and tried to struggle away from the tickling hands. She moved in such a way that while in his trance… he stopped tickling her side. The top of his hand accidentally touched her private place He shook his head to regain control and tickled at it gently waiting for that sound again. But her laughter subsided for a moment and another sound took over. He didn't know what THIS sound was but… he soon realized through his instincts it was that of desire. All of his hands doubled their efforts tickling at her all over. Especially THERE. Her underarms… her side… and now her most private place. Moans and laughter combined swirled into his ears and took over his heart completely. The sounds she made were like a beautiful song. Just as love had taken over this human hybrid... lust was growing now too… but he would NEVER consummate his passion with this species. He WOULD though love her thoroughly. She would please him endlessly with these wondrous sounds. A love he had never known.
“MINE….” His growly voice smoldered over her. “I LOVE YOU”.
Cielle’s own trance began as soon as the Centaur’s had. As tears of laughter melted down her face… she quickly realized through the haze this was “the one”. She would do anything now for the beast. She fell in love with it’s every ticklish touch. His expression of love to her was too the magic she had been waiting for. Enraptured by how his nails tickled her and where… she never understood how ticklish she could be till then. Madly ticklish yes… but… this was another level entirely. She LOVED IT. And when he touched her most private place… and kept tickling at it… she grew closer and closer to her first orgasm. She felt mad with delight. Crazy. But in the throws of an all consuming love. And she adored feeling helpless. Vulnerable. Held down by such strong and mighty hands.
“Forget your freedom… love him and the world is yours Cielle. Love him… love him.” The words played over and over again.
The Centaur continued tickling at her entire upper body and sides… back and forth. While the 4th hand swayed back and forth gently in the spot that made her produce a sound he had never experienced with a human. But the pheromone drove itself into his more primal of instincts. He couldn't stop himself. The tickling went on as his fingers tickled at her womanhood. Suddenly her body shook and she was willed into the orgasm. The Centaur understood.
It stopped it’s tickling at her body. And as the sounds began to quiet… he looked up for a moment. The Centaur realized daylight was quickly approaching. This was the time he had to escape back into the darkness. It must find safety! He snapped up the rope and speer holding her wrists and stood up. Untying her easily. Like a puppet he reached down to pick her up and placed her onto his long back. He took her wrists and placed them around his long torso, retying her wrists together. The Centaur began to run away from the daylight… deeper and deeper into the woods. Hundreds of miles were placed between them and the Kingdom. Where no one would be able to find her. He galloped away as fast as he could. Cielle held onto him snuggly, laying her face against his human back. His long mane wrapped against her.. causing her to giggle now and then… remembering what the Centaur had done to her. How he had loved her. Shown her... what love is.
As the sun rose the King awakened from a nightmare. In his dream Cielle was in trouble. He became highly worried about her and rushed to her room. She was not yet back! She ALWAYS was back before the sun rose. He sent out his royal army to search for her. But by nightfall they returned empty handed. The King wrung his hands with desperation. He sent them back out to keep searching… they HAD to find her.
“What have I done…” The King collapsed on his throne and wept for the unknown fate of his daughter.
Meanwhile the Witches sat around their cauldron talking nervously about what had occured. Where had their spell gone wrong? The Centaur SHOULD have killed her but… one of the witches had cast a spell of love. They soon concluded that… as long as the Centaur kept her hidden… the King would DIE never knowing what had happened to his beloved Lady Cielle. The misery of what he himself had started would drive him into an early grave. And for that… their spell was deemed a success. They laughed with a wicked glee as they watched the Centaur run far, far away from the Kingdom with Cielle. Back into the darkness of their wild world.
The End.
P.s This was based from an ACTUAL DREAM I had a few weeks ago. I literally was tickled by a 4 armed Centaur. Now... while I occassionally read mythology - I haven't read about Centaurs in a zillion years. So... where this came from Idk but... I HAD to create a story around my dream. So... no I don't fanatsize about Centaurs... but apparantly I dream about them LOL.
P.P.S In my dream I was laying on the dirt. Blackness surrounded me. And The Centaur came up and out of the ground. It tickled me EVERYWHERE. Underarms, sides, feet, you name it. And it kept dragging my naked body back towards him. He was still halfway in the ground but I could see the top of his waist which told me in my dream it was a Centaur. And I have to say... I loved the dream. I was really turned on when I woke up. Being manhandled (Centaurhandled? lol ) like that and tickled alll over... so out of control... truly helpless... was amazing.
If you would like a part 2 I may be able to conjure one. But this seems pretty perfect as is. I hope you enjoyed it... as weird as you may find this to be lol. I never would have thought of something like this if I hadn't dreamed it.
Stamosia Kingdom was quiet at this time of day. The stars were still out, twinkling high above. Though slowly saying goodbye as the sun was about to peak. Mischievous Lady Cielle was running back towards the Kingdom in a fast dash. Before her father, the King awoke. For years this was her nightly adventure. Far, far out into the wilds of nature and beyond. Lady Cielle paused for a moment... on the cold, stone steps, leading her back into the castle. “Back to my boring life.” Grimacing, she jogged up the stairs.
Beyond the Kingdom she could find her solitude. Her peace. To read the scandalous writings of the educated. Or run, roll, and skip about as much as she had liked. To discover the world’s greatest and simplest of treasures: A beautiful rock. A lonely, bubbling stream. Even to just fantasize for a while. Here layeth her TRUE Kingdom. A lantern being her only guide.
Lady Cielle for years now, experienced her deepest passions at night. The sun only rekindled her frustration and lackluster normalcy. She wanted more from this world. Yet untouched from mankind still... she understood the cries of the roaming creatures.. This countryside of seemingly unending nature was the definition of her heart and soul.
Her long, wavy red hair was endlessly talked about in jealous circles. They thought she, dare sayeth,MUST BE A WITCH. But, being a Royal Princess, she escaped becoming an outcast. And executed outright. The fates of so many women deemed that label… were not so lucky.
Green eyes, dimpled cheeks and a dazzling smile made her the top prize amongst the men. And of course being the King’s beloved daughter secured her safety. But at the old age of 22… building pressure for her to marry was becoming vicious. Being unmarried this long, and the whispers of her treks to the woods… black magic must be at work! She was risking being attacked by an angry mob now… Every single time she left the Kingdom. But she didn’t care.
A royal array of suitors streamed in to Stamosia for years now. She was given indeed, quite respectable choices. But none of these men she found she could EVER be in love with. Arrogant, or weak… too old or too rich to suit her tastes. But she knew one day she would find her true love. A man who would escape with her… to frolic and read with. To swim in the streams together… NUDE. She giggled at her naughty thought. Until then… she would continue to fantasize... and go about her many whimsical desires alone. Even if that meant her untimely death.
Her father, the King, had had quite enough of his daughters nonsense. She REFUSED to listen to him. Her nightly walks, what she ate, how she dressed, and refusal of every Royal Suitor! “OH!” He KNEW the time had come to act. Without her consent… he would get her married IMMEDIATELY. And so… only his Queen and The Royal Sea Crew knew of where he intended to set sail that morning. And after 3 days and nights on the treacherous seas they had arrived at their destination. The exhausted crew BEGGED the King to turn back. But the King was steadfast in his decision.
Narrowly having avoided execution themselves… a trio of outcast WITCHES resided here. The King looked through his long spyglass upon their grounds. Their lair was dark, musky, and barren of life. He could smell the rot of their home from his where he stood. High up on the cliff the King would have to climb for hours, risking his own, Royal life. But the King was silent as he began the dangerous trek alone. He was adamant. And out of options. Unbelievably the King reached the top without falling.
With their old, failing eyes they saw the man who had drove them from their home. They were SHOCKED to see him. But they were not angry… only curious and still VERY hopeful they would be invited to return to Stamosia one day. There they could find the book they accidentally had left behind. The one that would return their beauty and youth to them. This must be the day they could go home!! Here now was their chance to be welcomed back into the King’s grace. They welcomed him with open arms.
The King was repulsed by them. But acted kind. They hobbled into the dark cave behind him as he strode on ahead. Putting on his bravest and strongest front…. he would do anything to help his daughter. Even talk to these wretched, wicked women whom he KNEW had tried to have him poisoned long ago.
The 3 Witches listened to him intently. A pathetic plea to help his daughter find a suitor. He wanted them to place a spell upon her. To fall in love with the next suitor that came calling. But… the only thing he offered them in return was a small bag of gold, food, and their continued safe harbor. They had been lucky they hadn’t been put to death… but as the King had no real evidence… nor witnesses… he let them live. Putting on a mask of smiles all around… they asked to be returned home instead. The King denied them. They swallowed their anger and took his offerings with faux gratitude. They told him they would grant his wish and thanked him for his kindness. As he climbed back down the rocks… he knew this was a giant mistake. But… it was too late. The deal had been made. He hoped for the best. Maybe he WOULD let them come back one day...
Long after the King set sail back to the Kingdom…. the Witches took to work and grabbed their spell books with contempt and RAGE. As they flipped eagerily through their books… they screamed and cried for revenge. One of the Witches stood up and limped over to her magic, crystal ball. Her cruel mind searched for what could hurt the King the most. And then it hit her. Lady Cielle. “Of COURSE! AHHHH HAHAHAHAAAAA!”
She was jealous of her immediately. Her beauty... her FREEDOM most of all. And so as the night churned on… they all decided to look for the perfect spell. Though no singular Witch could cast a spell on their own. Each of them... one by one… cast their own unique, black magic. And together...they created a twisted and dark spell. But they wouldn't know the results until it was done. They cackled and laughed maniacally as the spell floated away to the Kingdom. They gathered around their crystal ball to enjoy every minute of their spell’s outcome.
A week passed. The King was finally home again and had not yet seen his daughter leave for the night. He had heard that no suitors had come since his journey. “They must have given up. Just ONE more!” As he looked out the window, he was thankful to finally see Lady Cielle skipping down the stone steps. Then running out of the Kingdom’s grounds for yet another long night of ridiculous adventure seeking. The King saw what she was wearing then and almost lost it. He should command his guards to stop her… but instead retired to his bedroom with a wave of finality. She would soon be married… whether she liked it or not. “Why not let her enjoy these last days? She was going to anyway with or without his consent. “Even if she IS dressed like a harlot to go out” He clenched his jaw, and shook his head as he finally went to his chambers to rest. He slammed the door waking nearly the entire Kingdom.
As she ran into the night… a warm and breezy summer night greeted her. Lady Cielle decided to keep on her long, pink, silk nightgown. No one would see her of course. She would be back anyway before anyone arose. As usual. Bringing along a book to read and a blanket to lay on… she traipsed past the enormous garden and out onto the path of her beloved, wild wilderness. The glowing red, lantern lead the way for her.
She walked until she could no longer. A fog swirled around her in the darkness. Lady Cielle felt uneasy for the first time. Something felt off. But she couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe it was her exhaustion from walking this far. Miles away, she finally picked a spot and spread out her blanket. She laid down and looked up into the dark sky. With the trees above her, her ears were wide open to the nightly songs of the wild. The owl’s hoots. The crickets. Even the occasional howl of the wolf. She had never been uneasy till tonight. Why was she? Instead of letting it bother her, she passed away the thought and picked up her book. Meanwhile the 3 Witches watched her in their crystal bal;. They clasped their hands together. And leaned in as they watched their spell about to unfold.
The pages began to flip wildly as the breeze kicked up ten fold. It startled her. But she wanted to sleep now as she was suddenly very tired. Weak. Her hair started to dance and fly about in the cool wind. The ground began to rumble underneath her. She opened her eyes and listened intently as the sound grew louder. The earth trembled more and more underneath her blanket. She sat up frightened. Her insides began to quiver as her drowsy hands reached out and gripped the tree beside her. Leaves began to fall around her. The rumbling and shaking grew in intensity. And grew so loud she covered her ears. Lady Cielle became frozen in terror as she watched SOMETHING unearth itself before her. She gasped and shrieked as the ground rose like a burgeoning volcano. Her slippers bounced off the rising ground near her. She hid her bare feet underneath her nightgown. Gripping the fabric with her toes as if it was a shield.
Lightning struck the ground as she saw a huge, dark HAND in the blue, white light. Breaking through towards the sky. It clasped it’s dirty hand into the earth to pull itself out. Behind it followed another hand. And ANOTHER… and ANOTHER. The spurting, crumbling ground started to unveil the figure of a man. A DISFIGURED man. He rose from the ground and breathed in the night air. Lady Cielle saw his long, sharp teeth as he sucked in the air. When he had his fill and could breath evenly… he caught sight of the *thing* beneath him. He rose from the earth snarling at her. Like only the dead ever could. Just like the books she had read! Death rising once more.
Soon a horses body came through the ground… it’s legs pushed itself onto the earth until the entire “man horse” stood tall above her. It was not a man… nor horse. It was a CENTAUR. One with 4 long and mighty arms. His long black tail whipped at the ground. And his long mane rode onto the fierce breeze… the hair touching lightly at her skin. The shadows of the trees played and washed over him. He smiled darkly at her as the lightning lit up the entirety of what stood before her. The Centaur raised all of his arms in triumph. AND POWER.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEaaaaaahhhhHHHHH!!!” She screamed. Lady Cielle got immediately on her knees to crawl away. Her body felt heavy still with exhaustion. She was far too slow moving forward. The Centaur easily caught her ankle and dragged her back towards him. All 4 hands grabbed a hold of her. Each of her limbs were within in his grasp. Picking her up… he swung her up straight into the air, caught her, and forced her down onto her back. The hit to the ground further weakened her… the air forcefully taken from her lungs.
The Centaur stabled itself into the dirt for a fight. But the smell of her fear lingered in the air. He realized then... this was just a human. A human WOMAN. A weaker species than that of a human man. His father had told him of this species long ago. So… he didn’t need to put all of its strength forward. Cielle’s screams continued to PIERCE the night… and the creature’s ears. The Centaur didn’t like the sound at ALL. It maneuvered it’s body quickly, down onto it’s massive horse legs. One of his hands reached over onto her face and covered her mouth. As the lightning lit them both up for the witches to see in their glass ball. They screamed with delight and maniacal joy.
The Centaur grabbed at her wrists and torso to hold her down. Her feet slowly kicked at the creature weakly. His secondary set of hands pushed her knees to the ground with just a trace of effort. The massive and strong Centaur dug it’s legs into the ground. It loomed in closely to the human woman. The Centaur’s mind could never be one or the other for long. The mind of both a man AND horse. combined for a unique but sometimes deadly combination. Fleeting periods of man’s intelligence. And the horse’s instincts to trample and crush. The horse mind could be loyal still… or completely unhinged.
Cielle continued to scream underneath the grip of hand… so he lowered his human chest down further until they were practically nose to nose. It’s eye’s were red and lit with madness. It was rearing to go…
The scent of Cielle’s fear intensified fully. The Centaur studied the woman. It looked at every inch of her. Soon… it wanted to see the entirety of this human woman. As he never crossed paths with one before.
In a deep, growling voice the Centaur spoke. IN HER LANGUAGE!
“You are my prisoner… surrender to me NOW… or DEATH WILL COME… WOMAN”.
One of secondary hands reached up from her torso... his long, black nails traced down her right underarm with fierce curiosity. Her screams became different underneath his hand. The pulse of her voice tapped against it with an obscure rhythm. Now squirming faintly beneath him… it growled at this change in response. The Centaur had no idea what the human was doing. He took his other hand from her waist and once again trailed down her other, pale left arm in wonder. The touch invoked a deeper, greater laugh beneath his pressing hand. The Centaur still did not understand what she was doing… but he liked the feel and growing sound. It removed it’s massive, clawed hand from her face ineptly. Cielle took in as much air as she could. The Centaur watched her for moment and tilted it’s head to the side. With his jaw he pushed her head to the side and sniffed at her… It couldn't understand what was going on. But it would find out...
Even with 4 arms and 4 hands the Centaur wanted more movement and control. He reached behind him and took the lasso from his chains. The chains that had bound him for so long in Purgatory. He took his time winding the rope around her wrists. With his mighty speer from his back...he grabbed it and stabbed the ground above her head. He quickly tied her wrists to it. His secondary hands pressed against her upper legs to keep them down. When he was finished… he lleaned back down and licked at her face. This wasn’t like anything he had tasted before. He leaned over to her underarms and licked again. “THAT SOUND” it thought. Cielle began giggling from the Centaur’s warm, tickling stroke. He continued to flick and stroke at the soft flesh of her underarm. The Cnetaur could feel the woman trembling and the sound was growing. He leaned back and tilted his head again.
Unable to control his curiosity his human hands reached out to her underarms yet again… poking lightly… then moving his fingernails with quick, short strides. As if he were fluffing her hair as her ladies in service would do to relax her. Lady Cielle’s giggles turned into a full, hearty laugh. “No... no not again!” She thought weakly as the tickling continued. “EHEHEheheheHHAHAHHAAHAAAA!!!”
She was afraid he would kill her if she laughed too much. But was powerless to stop it. All 10 of his dirty fingers traced and tickled at her sensitive armpits. Now and then he would move his fingers like the spiders he had watched move towards their prey. Slow and steady. One nail after the other. Sliding down… and again… and again. The sounds she made were becoming extremely pleasurable to his ears. His eyes closed as he listened to the melody being evoked from her.
Lady Cielle was VERY ticklish. And only knew so because of the grass that would touch her bare feet when the wind kicked up. And the one time a suitor poked her a few times against her ribs to get her attention. But she was too afraid of this gigantic beast to tell it to stop. How could she? He could kill her! And even if she wanted to tell him to stop… her ticklishness was overriding any control she had left. But every once in awhile through her sweet giggling… the rising waves and falls of being tickled into a frenzy… she was able to eek out. “No… NO… no MORE… eheheheheHAHHA No.. NO… NOOOOO MORAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA AAAHHHHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHA!!!!”
The Centaur looked at her with an ever growing curiosity. Her head began thrashing from side to side. Her chest moved up and down at such a fast pace… that alone kept his attention for awhile. Her naked breasts heaved and bounced fitfully. But… where the sound was coming from always grabbed his attention back. Her mouth. With one of his hands he took hold of her pretty face to steady it from rocking. He brought himself closer to her mouth so he could hear that sound even better. As he tickled at her left underarm… he turned his ear towards her mouth. But quickly retreated back as the sound was far too loud to be that close to. The Centaur let out an odd laugh himself. Though he didn’t know what it was he was actually doing. To the ears of Cielle it was the most quizzical, yet evil laugh she had ever heard.
His eyes looked into hers as they opened. His huge red eyes gleamed with delight. A smile opened his mouth showing again those sharp teeth. And just then… the spell hit… and came over them both. The Witches magic entered the final phase. The Centaur kept tickling at Cielle’s underarms absentmindedly as his brain was gripped by the magic. He heard voices. “You love her…” Over and over again”. “Listen to her love for you… fall in love with her. Do to her as you so wish. She is yours. Love her… love her…”
Whatever sound she was making would be the attraction. It could have been a scream… or a cry… but it was the laughter that consumed him now. And would forever more. The witches faces dropped when they realized Lady Cielle would not be killed. The Centaur whose sole intent was to kill any creature that got in his way… now had vanished with this one human. “I...I… love yoooou.” It growled softy. Not of his usual instinct. One he had never had before. The Centaur kissed the sound breaking from her lips. And his secondary hands moved up to waist from her knees. Could he make more sounds like that? Is that sound love? “As long as I do this... “ As the thoughts ravaged his mind….The black nails wiggled spastically down her delicate sides. She broke the kiss then as laughter rang loudly into his pointy ears. The woman loved him back! He pressed his lips again to hers to feel the sound of love continue onto his mouth. No matter which way her head turned he followed her lips and pressed his against them. The Centaurs dark heart began to beat for that sound. The only darkness he felt NOW… was against ANYONE that would dare take this woman away from him. He realized through the trance he would never live without it again.
Lady Cielle’s hips squirmed and tried to struggle away from the tickling hands. She moved in such a way that while in his trance… he stopped tickling her side. The top of his hand accidentally touched her private place He shook his head to regain control and tickled at it gently waiting for that sound again. But her laughter subsided for a moment and another sound took over. He didn't know what THIS sound was but… he soon realized through his instincts it was that of desire. All of his hands doubled their efforts tickling at her all over. Especially THERE. Her underarms… her side… and now her most private place. Moans and laughter combined swirled into his ears and took over his heart completely. The sounds she made were like a beautiful song. Just as love had taken over this human hybrid... lust was growing now too… but he would NEVER consummate his passion with this species. He WOULD though love her thoroughly. She would please him endlessly with these wondrous sounds. A love he had never known.
“MINE….” His growly voice smoldered over her. “I LOVE YOU”.
Cielle’s own trance began as soon as the Centaur’s had. As tears of laughter melted down her face… she quickly realized through the haze this was “the one”. She would do anything now for the beast. She fell in love with it’s every ticklish touch. His expression of love to her was too the magic she had been waiting for. Enraptured by how his nails tickled her and where… she never understood how ticklish she could be till then. Madly ticklish yes… but… this was another level entirely. She LOVED IT. And when he touched her most private place… and kept tickling at it… she grew closer and closer to her first orgasm. She felt mad with delight. Crazy. But in the throws of an all consuming love. And she adored feeling helpless. Vulnerable. Held down by such strong and mighty hands.
“Forget your freedom… love him and the world is yours Cielle. Love him… love him.” The words played over and over again.
The Centaur continued tickling at her entire upper body and sides… back and forth. While the 4th hand swayed back and forth gently in the spot that made her produce a sound he had never experienced with a human. But the pheromone drove itself into his more primal of instincts. He couldn't stop himself. The tickling went on as his fingers tickled at her womanhood. Suddenly her body shook and she was willed into the orgasm. The Centaur understood.
It stopped it’s tickling at her body. And as the sounds began to quiet… he looked up for a moment. The Centaur realized daylight was quickly approaching. This was the time he had to escape back into the darkness. It must find safety! He snapped up the rope and speer holding her wrists and stood up. Untying her easily. Like a puppet he reached down to pick her up and placed her onto his long back. He took her wrists and placed them around his long torso, retying her wrists together. The Centaur began to run away from the daylight… deeper and deeper into the woods. Hundreds of miles were placed between them and the Kingdom. Where no one would be able to find her. He galloped away as fast as he could. Cielle held onto him snuggly, laying her face against his human back. His long mane wrapped against her.. causing her to giggle now and then… remembering what the Centaur had done to her. How he had loved her. Shown her... what love is.
As the sun rose the King awakened from a nightmare. In his dream Cielle was in trouble. He became highly worried about her and rushed to her room. She was not yet back! She ALWAYS was back before the sun rose. He sent out his royal army to search for her. But by nightfall they returned empty handed. The King wrung his hands with desperation. He sent them back out to keep searching… they HAD to find her.
“What have I done…” The King collapsed on his throne and wept for the unknown fate of his daughter.
Meanwhile the Witches sat around their cauldron talking nervously about what had occured. Where had their spell gone wrong? The Centaur SHOULD have killed her but… one of the witches had cast a spell of love. They soon concluded that… as long as the Centaur kept her hidden… the King would DIE never knowing what had happened to his beloved Lady Cielle. The misery of what he himself had started would drive him into an early grave. And for that… their spell was deemed a success. They laughed with a wicked glee as they watched the Centaur run far, far away from the Kingdom with Cielle. Back into the darkness of their wild world.
The End.
P.s This was based from an ACTUAL DREAM I had a few weeks ago. I literally was tickled by a 4 armed Centaur. Now... while I occassionally read mythology - I haven't read about Centaurs in a zillion years. So... where this came from Idk but... I HAD to create a story around my dream. So... no I don't fanatsize about Centaurs... but apparantly I dream about them LOL.
P.P.S In my dream I was laying on the dirt. Blackness surrounded me. And The Centaur came up and out of the ground. It tickled me EVERYWHERE. Underarms, sides, feet, you name it. And it kept dragging my naked body back towards him. He was still halfway in the ground but I could see the top of his waist which told me in my dream it was a Centaur. And I have to say... I loved the dream. I was really turned on when I woke up. Being manhandled (Centaurhandled? lol ) like that and tickled alll over... so out of control... truly helpless... was amazing.
If you would like a part 2 I may be able to conjure one. But this seems pretty perfect as is. I hope you enjoyed it... as weird as you may find this to be lol. I never would have thought of something like this if I hadn't dreamed it.