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One Woman's Journey - Discovery


TMF Regular
Nov 2, 2001
"Shall I open another bottle of wine?" Karen asked, already making for the kitchen.

"Sure," Erica replied. "If we aren't going to be meeting any Prince Charmings tonight, we may as well get drunk!" She heard Karen laughing as she headed down the stairs.

Soon the second bottle was opened, and the two women found themselves drinking and giggling more than they had any reason to. They were surfing the net and laughing at the number of ridiculous porn sites they came across. It wasn't quite an evening on the town on the arm of a handsome playboy, but talking and laughing with one's best friend wasn't the worst way to spend a Friday night either.

"I know, let's check out a chat room! We'll pretend we are lesbians and get all the cyber geeks horny telling them what we are doing to each other!" Karen was always full of good ideas.

"Okay, but which one? There are so many to choose from!"

"Pick something kinky! Let's chat with some freaks!"

"Okay!" Erica rapidly clicked away with the mouse. "What's this BDSM?"

"I think that means bondage. Check it out."

"Ohmygod! Look at all the chat rooms! 'Chicks Who Love Anal', 'Bondage', 'Masters and slaves'!" Erica's eyes were wide in disbelief.

Karen picked up the list. "'The Spanking Room', 'Leather and Lace', 'Pain Sluts'!" She was practically rolling on the floor laughing. "I had no idea there were so many freaks online!"

Erica laughed along with her friend, but one of the room titles had caught her eye, and she hoped Karen hadn't noticed. 'Tied and Tickled' it was called. Erica had always secretly enjoyed being tickled, from as far back as she could remember. She had fond memories from her childhood of her Daddy tickling her until she'd squeal and run off, only to come back moments later for more. Tickling had always been a key element in her flirting with the boys. She'd always had crushes on the boys who had added a bit of tickling to her favorite playground game, Boys Chase the Girls. In high school, as she had gone through her sexual awakening, she discovered how excited being tickled always made her. She made sure she was the girl who always 'accidentally' found herself in ticklish situations, literally. It really hadn't been that hard to manipulate. Most of the boys naturally tickled her when she left her tummy exposed or foolishly allowed her bare feet to fall into precarious situations. In college, she'd found the man she thought was the love of her life, and he had discovered her love of being tickled and tickled her often. But they hadn't lasted, and now, at age 25, she hadn't found a guy since who understood how erotic and exciting being tickled was for her. She still managed to get the occasional date who gave her a quick tickle, but nothing like she craved, deep in her subconscious. Those days of being chased and pinned to the ground and tickled until she nearly wet herself were long gone, and it was funny how she missed them. The rules that came with adulthood didn't allow for such acceptable playfulness anymore. She looked at the chat room title again. 'Tied and Tickled'. She had never been tied and tickled, but flutter in her stomach upon seeing those words made her suspect that she just might like to try it.

Karen spotted the room too. "Hey, 'Tied and Tickled'! That sounds like a good one for you, Erica!" She laughed, and dug her fingers into her friend's unsuspecting ribs.

Erica "eeek'd" and jumped at Karen's ticklish touch. She whirled on her friend, ready to fight off further tickles, but she couldn't hold back her nervous giggles. "What do you mean, that sounds like a good one for me?" Did Karen know about her love of being tickled?

"I just know how ticklish you are, that's all."

"Oh," Erica tried not to show how relieved she felt. Karen did not know about her secret love, and she hoped she hadn't just tipped her friend off by overreacting.

"Okay, let's set you up a profile that will get these tickle freaks drooling over you." Erica hesitated, so Karen took over the keyboard and mouse from her. Erica plopped onto her bed in her tank top and shorts to watch as Karen invented a new identity for her. She lay on her tummy, clutching a pillow and lazily kicking her feet up behind her.

"What shall we call you, hmmmmm?" Karen's eyes wandered over her attractive friend, from her baby soft blonde hair, to her big blue eyes, to her pouty lips, to the cleavage she could just barely see above the pillow. Then she spotted Erica's swinging legs and pampered looking bare feet, and she had her answer. "I know. We'll call you, Tickle_My_Tootsies."

"Karen!" Erica said, bopping her friend with the pillow. "Don't call me that!"

"Too late, I've already entered it."

Erica couldn't hold back the crimson blush that rose into her cheeks. Her 'tootsies' were ridiculously ticklish, and she did love being tickled there, but talk about blatant advertising! Then a nagging thought crept into her brain. Had she sprawled on her tummy, with her feet kicking in the air, intentionally so Karen would notice her feet? This was all just for fun, wasn't it?

Karen was rapidly filling out the rest of the profile information. "Let's see...5'2", 105 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, 25, bisexual, single and looking." So far, everything other than bisexual was accurate. "Likes: Being tickled without mercy while naked and helpless. Dislikes: Men who don't take charge. Favorite quote: Don't stop...I like it!"

"Ohmygod!" Erica laughed in spite of herself. This certainly was a spicy profile they were creating, but how much of it was made up, and how much of it was right on the money?

Karen saved off the profile and headed to click on the chat room. Erica crept forward off the bed, eager to see what was going to happen. A sense of excitement tingled in her chest. The Internet connection from Erica's apartment was a good one, and soon a well designed chat room was opened on the computer screen. Tickle_My_Tootsies made her debut online.

Almost instantaneously, three private message windows popped up on the screen. One said "Hey", one said, "Can I tikl u", and one said "Gotta pic?". The girls tittered with laughter. Karen tried to answer the three messages, but halfway through her first response, two more popped up. And then two more. Soon their screen was covered in private messages. The girls shook their heads, laughing...they had yet to say a word in the room, and already they seemed to be quite popular. Thinking they would never be able to carry on a conversation with all the window interruptions, they found out how to disable private messages and focused on the main chat room.

"Hi everyone!" Karen typed.

A dozen chatters responded hello, all male. They were like hungry wolves, thrown a fresh piece of meat. They fought like hell to capture the attention of Tickle_My_Tootsies, whom they all referred to as Tootsies, not knowing that the two women sitting at the keyboard were getting a good chuckle out of the whole thing. All the girls could imagine was a bunch of horny tickle freaks, sitting at their computers in their underwear, looking for someone to whack off to. A few of the chatters sounded angry that they hadn't answered the private messages, and all of them wanted to know what Tickle_My_Tootsies looked like, and if she had a picture.

"Do you have a picture to show these freaks?" Karen asked.

"No, I don't have a picture online."

Karen, who typed very quickly, told the room full of admirers what Erica looked like, as was stated on the profile, and that she was sorry but did not have a picture available. And she apologized to the room for not answering the private messages, as she wanted to share with the whole room what she and her girlfriend were doing this Friday night. Erica giggled, watching Karen type.

The girls immediately noticed that some of the chatters lost interest in Tickle_My_Tootsies once they found out that she had no picture, and more lost interest once Karen started talking about a lesbian girlfriend. These were the more experienced chatters, who knew better than to fall for bullshit stories. But there were still plenty of chatters, soaking up every word, eager to hear about the lesbian tickle lovers.

Karen started out telling the truth. How she and her girlfriend were in on a Friday night because they had no boys to take them out. How they were sitting around, drinking wine and feeling frisky. She was asked about what the girlfriend looked like, so she described herself truthfully.

In between posts, she and Erica clicked on the profiles of the other chatters. Many did not have pictures, but those that did were scary. They looked pretty much like the girls expected, lonely and desperate and freaky. They all had profiles that mentioned how they liked to tickle ladies, but Karen and Erica questioned what sort of ladies most of these men had ever gotten their freaky paws on.

But there was one chatter, TickleDemon, who had yet to say a word since Tickle_My_Tootsies had come online. The girls clicked on that profile and were stunned to find the picture of a devilishly looking handsome man of 28 years old. His features were dark, but what really stood out were his dark, intense eyes. He looked powerful, and a little dangerous. His profile was nearly void of content, other than his picture and the usual required information. The girls noticed he was close by as well; he was from the city, they lived in the suburbs just outside. They only had his profile up for a moment before refocusing their attention back to the chat room, but Erica couldn't get the image of his face out of her head.

"Let's switch," Karen said. "I'm getting tired of typing, and you are hogging all the wine. Plus, it's hard to keep pretending I'm you."

"Okay," Erica said, a little nervous about taking the wheel, but not wanting it to show. What if she said something that revealed how near and dear tickling was to her? Karen was good at teasing the room, getting the chatters to plead for more detail. With a subject matter so close to her heart, Erica didn't know if she could feign teasing without teasing herself.

One of the other chatters asked if her girlfriend was tickling her yet. Erica was about to reply that she was not when she felt Karen tickling her ribs again. Again she yelped and whirled on her friend, who was standing behind her, smirking.

"Karen! Quit tickling me!" If she hadn't been a little buzzed, or had tickling so on the brain, she might have been angry. As it was, she wasn't sure how sincere she sounded.

"Don't keep your admirers waiting." Karen said, with a gleam in her eye.

Erica scrunched up her face and look at her friend suspiciously, who made a poor attempt at looking innocent. She turned back to the keyboard and typed that yes, her friend wouldn't leave her ribs alone. The question was asked how ticklish her ribs were, and she answered truthfully. "Very!" she typed. Karen tickled her ribs again.

For the third time, she squeaked and jumped in her seat. The questions were coming in quickly, and she found herself wanting to tell this room that Karen kept tickling her from behind. There was something erotic in telling this room full of strangers that her best friend was teasing her sides, making her jump and squirm. She wondered if TickleDemon was paying attention. For some reason, more than anyone else, she wanted him to know, but for all she knew, the man wasn't even watching his computer screen.

She was afraid to reach out and type, leaving her sides exposed to more tickles from Karen. Karen wasn't behind her anymore though, so she freely replied to all the questions, trying her best to make it sound steamy like Karen had been able to do. It was weird. They had started out to have some fun at the expense of some kinky chatters, but so far, they hadn't written anything to the chat room that wasn't the truth. Karen was her girl friend, although not in a sexual way, and she was tickling her. Erica did her best to make the truth sound naughty. She decided there was no reason to lie unless they ran out of truthful things to write about.

Karen must have been thinking the same way, because when she returned to the computer, she knelt down behind Erica and pulled her ankles back. Erica jumped at the initial unexpected contact, but once she felt something being wrapped around her ankles, she knew what Karen was up to.

"My girlfriend is tying my feet up under my chair," Erica typed to the room, and it was the truth. The desk chair was large and made of leather, and underneath, where the wheels were, was a wooden frame. Karen had pulled Erica's ankles through the wooden frame until her feet overlapped the last piece of wood in the back. The room asked what she was being tied up with, and since she did not know, she had to ask Karen herself. "Nylons", was the answer.

The process of letting Karen manipulate her legs and tie her to the chair was a surreal one. What had started out as a bit of fun, a game to kill time, had become reality. Erica could have stopped the game at any time. She could have protested the choice of chat rooms. She could have objected to the profile Karen created for her. She could have put a stop to things once she realized that Karen intended to keep tickling her sides while she typed. But she hadn't, and the game had continued on.

But being tied up added a whole new level to the game. Erica knew that once Karen was done tying her ankles back, she was going to tickle her feet. And there was nothing Erica was going to be able to do about it. The chair was too bulky for her to be able to reach back and defend her feet. Karen was tying her ankles too far apart from each other for her to cover one foot up with the other. She would be helpless, and her ticklish feet would be at Karen's mercy, and she suspected Karen was just drunk enough to put her through hell. Surely, she should have stopped the game now.

But she didn't want to. In fact, she was more excited about what Karen was doing and about to do to her than she would ever dare to admit. Her thoughts kept returning to the face of TickleDemon. She wanted him to hear about how ticklish her feet were, and how helpless she was to stop her friend, and how turned on it made her. It was crazy, but there was no way she was going to put a stop to the events that were taking place.

But there were pretenses to be maintained. "Hey, Karen! What do you think you are doing?" To not say something to Karen about suddenly tying her ankles up would have been like a signal flare that announced just how excited it was making her. The idea was to protest, but not too hard. The game within the game.

Karen was done with Erica's ankles. The little white bare feet with the shiny silver nail polish lay exposed and helpless before her. The tops of Erica's feet were as flush with the wooden frame as her ankles were, so there would be no wiggling once the tickling began. Erica was just a itty bitty little thing of a girl, and her feet reflected that. There were small and petite, like Erica, and her toes looked like little pebbles peeking out over the balls of her feet. Erica's feet were adorable, and Karen couldn't help but say so. "You have such cute lil tootsies, Erica."

Erica blushed and bit her lip, unsure of how to respond to such a compliment. She always made sure to pamper her feet. The secret lover of tickling inside her refused to ever let her feet become neglected or unattractive. For the amount of work that she put into them, it was nice to get a compliment now and then. She just didn't expect the compliment from Karen, not after having just been tied up.

The chatters were desperate to know what was going on. Erica was a bit eager to know herself. The game within the game dictated that she say something at this point. Nothing that sounded too eager, or too reluctant.

"I told the room you were tying my ankles up. They are all worked up about it." That sounded about right. Curious, but not too curious.

"Oh yeah? Tell them what I'm doing now then." Erica's toes were pointed straight down, and the soles of her feet were just begging to be touched. Karen used her wicked fingernails on both hands to dance little patterns on the bottoms of Erica's size 5's, grinning to herself as she did so.

Karen's fingernails were sharp, and she was just flicking them over the smooth surface of Erica's soles. The results were electrifying. Erica gurgled and bounced in the seat. Her little feet wriggled and twisted as much as they could, but Karen hadn't left much room for struggling. She burst out into uncontrollable giggles, and it was all she could do to keep from screaming. The tickling sensations were maddening, and Karen was barely touching her!


"I don't hear any typing," Karen mocked. Erica was reaching back and under the chair, but it was too big and she was too small for her to reach where her feet were prisoner. Karen loved the way Erica's tiny toes seemed to shudder each time she pitterpatted her nails down the entirety of each sole. The skin was creamy soft, almost wrinkle free, and so invitingly ticklish. Karen had no fetish for tickling, nor was she sadistic, but she could easily see herself enjoying toying with Erica's feet for hours and hours. They were so little, so much fun to play with. And so wonderfully ticklish. Erica's giggle was hard not to love too.

Erica was in one of those damned-if-I-do, damned-if-I-don't situations. A part of her was in ticklish agony, desperate to free herself from the tickling sensations coming from her feet and pulsating through her nervous system. Another part of her was enjoying this feeling of being helpless and tickled so much that she dared not do anything to stop it. The game within the game dictated that she keep up the protesting, but not give Karen any cause to show mercy. Plus, she really wanted to type about what was going on, so TickleDemon would know.

"Heeeheeheeheeheee...I'll type!...I'll type!...Heeheehee...but...but...you....aaaeeheeeheehee...you gotta stop!"

"I'm not stopping. Not until you tell those cyber freaks what I'm doing to you." Karen slowed her pace a little. She replaced her ten finger flicker attack with a single slow lazy nail technique that dug just the tiniest of creases in the buttery skin of Erica's soles.

This new torture was equally effective in causing Erica to laugh uncontrollably, but it wasn't intense enough to reduce her to thrashing and struggling. Her feet still protested as much as allowable, but she was able to steady the rest of herself to return to the task of typing. She laughed long and heartily as she typed to the screen, "She tickling me!"

"I told them...I told them!" Her face was flushed from laughter, and she turned to look for Karen to plead for mercy with her eyes.

"Good. Now tell them how much you like it." Karen returned to a more aggressive assault on Erica's soles. She was back to using a ten finger attack, and was also finding hidden tickle spots beneath and between Erica's tightly packed little toes.

Erica could not type. She was slapping the arm rests of the desk chair, and her head whipped from side to side. There was no relief from the nails on her feet. There was no escape from the terrible/wonderful sensations rocketing from her feet, up her legs, along her spine, and to her brain. It was unbearable. It was heavenly. She felt her body betraying her enjoyment. She knew her nipples were pressing hard against the fabric of her tank top, and she suspected she was moistening between her legs.


"Well, you better figure out a way to, cause I ain't stopping until you do."

Erica noticed through eyes that were just starting to tear that chatters were firing questions rapidly at her. They wanted to know where she was being tickled, and with what, and what it felt like and did she like it. Erica couldn't answer any of them. She was powerless to work the keyboard. Her torso shook like she was being electrocuted, her legs trembled violently, and her heart raced with surging adrenaline.

Karen couldn't get over how ticklish and how adorable Erica's feet were. It never occurred to her that Erica might find this torturous. Or enjoyable.

As the desperation within her grew, Erica experienced a momentary stoppage in time, like a person might experience in the seconds before a car crash. For a fleeting moment, the world around her became crystal clear. She was aware of the time on the clock on the desk, of the breeze filtering in through the open window, of the feel of the leather seat against her skin, of the sound of her friend's nails as they scraped along her soles. She drank it all in, this heightened sense of feeling and experiencing. She had no way of knowing that this was just the doorway, until she slipped through it.

Erica gave up trying to talk, gave up trying to type, gave up trying to escape. She surrendered all her defenses and succumbed to the tickling. It was an odd reaction, one which she had never before experienced, in all her years of being tickled. Never before had the tickling been so great, or her inability to stop it so obvious. In every case in her past, she had been able to escape the tickling, or it hadn't been near this intense. But as she sat in her desk chair, with her legs pulled under and her feet being unmercifully tortured, she felt herself being conquered by the sensations. She stopped struggling and squirming; there was no point. She stopped begging and pleading; Karen was in control, and there was nothing to be done about it. She gave up the fight, gave up resisting. She sat back against the chair, arms by her sides, and laughed and laughed. Her laughter flowed like water in a river, strong and unabated. Her laughter filled the room, bounced off the walls, returned to her ears, and resonated out again. Both her body and mind accepted that she was beaten, that the only choice left was to enjoy the moment. To enjoy the helplessness. To enjoy the so much longed for but so rarely found feelings of fingernails tickling her, tickling her past her limits. She was at the mercy of a person she trusted completely, and that person had pushed her to the edge and beyond. It was a wonderful place to discover, like the Garden of Eden in her mind.

Karen noticed the change come over Erica. While she was on the ground, under the chair, focused on tickling Erica's feet, she still could still notice the sudden lack of struggling, and hear the sudden lack of protesting. Even Erica's feet quieted for the most part. They still twitched and curled reflexively, but the fight in them that Karen had enjoyed watching was gone. Only Erica's constant girlish laughter gave Karen any evidence that she hadn't passed out.

Karen figured that Erica had been tickled as much as she could handle for one night. She hadn't typed a thing for the longest time, so the poor chatters they were trying to tease were surely disappointed. Still, even though this was not how she intended to amuse herself on this Friday night, she had to admit, it was fun tickling those helpless little feet.

She stopped her tickling and checked on her friend. Erica was still laughing, even though there were no longer fingernails teasing her flesh. Karen saw the streaks on Erica's cheeks where her tears has spilled, and she instantly felt remorse for taking the game too far. But the look on Erica's face was one of pure ecstasy. Of rapture. Erica looked like she'd just had the best sex of her life.

"You okay, girl?"

Erica just nodded and covered her eyes with one arm. She was still giggling, still coming down off the high. The torturing of her feet was over, but so was her visit to the Nirvana in her head. She was both relieved and disappointed. Satisfied, and somehow more frustrated than ever.

Karen was working the keyboard, typing out quick good-bye and sorry but can't stay messages to the disappointed crowd. They were deprived of their details.

Quickly she untied Erica's ankles, but Erica didn't seem to care one way or the other. She acted like she was in a fog. Her eyes were all glazed over and dreamy looking. Karen grew worried.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired now." Erica caught her friend's look of concern. "I'm not used to laughing like that, that's all," she quickly added.

Karen seemed satisfied with that answer. She also seemed satisfied that they had killed enough of this Friday night that she could now go home. Erica was still in her semi-zombie state as she walked her to the door and they said their good-byes to one another.

No sooner had Erica closed the front door behind Karen than she was racing back up the stairs to the computer. She was logging back onto the chat server even as Karen's car pulled away.

She clicked through the menus until she found the chat room again, 'Tied and Tickled'. Everyone welcomed her back, but one name in particular was missing. TickleDemon was nowhere to be found.

Erica sighed in disappointment. She had really hoped to find him still there, to tell him all about her experience, to find out if it interested him. There were plenty of others who wanted to hear the story, so she took some solace in sharing it with them. There was no point in playing with them or lying to them. The truth was zesty enough for their liking. She told them all how she and her friend had originally logged on as a game, and how it had turned real on them. The crowd thought it was great and encouraged her to talk more. So she did, and the more she chatted, the more comfortable she felt with these people. A few of them had shared their own tickling stories with her, and she found that erotic as well. She found that it felt good to talk with these strangers, therapeutic even, she was happy to discover not all of them were sickos trying to get in her pants. Many of them were married, or in solid relationships. When she realized how 'normal' many of them were, she felt guilty for the trick she and Karen had set out to play on them. They were forgiving, and glad that she decided to come back online to talk. She promised them she would try to get a picture added to her profile for the next time she chatted. It was nearing 3 in the morning before she called it a night.

As she logged off, she wondered what she was doing. Was this chat room, this 'Tied and Tickled' chat room, going to be a regular thing for her now? She had certainly liked all the attention, and they had all seemed to understand her enjoyment of tickling without judgment. She was one of them, a lover of tickling. These were people she could connect with. But somehow it felt 'wrong' to so fragrantly speak of this fetish of hers. That was a new word she had learned tonight. Fetish.

"Who am I kidding?" she thought to herself. "It's him that I want to log on again for. The TickleDemon."

Erica had a restless sleep that night. She wasn't one to masturbate, but the temptation had never been stronger. There were too many new emotions and feelings to analyze and ponder to sleep. What had Karen done to her? More accurately, where had Karen taken her? Would she return to the chat room, where others like herself would encourage her to express this secret hidden side of herself, where she might find the intriguing silent man with the intense eyes, or would a misunderstood guilt at speaking of things that should not be spoken of, with strangers no less, keep her away? One thing she knew for sure...she was a different woman because of tonight.

The End??

Very original and erotic story. I liked it very much.

Laughter, that was a wonderful story. it really struck a chord with me.

almost four years ago I was given a Web TV as a gift. I had never been on the internet and decided to explore. I popped into a chat room called ‘Adult Sexy Tickling Chat’ (or something like that. anyone remember this room?) in Talk City. I told myself it was just because it looked like it would be a fun room, but I think on some level I knew it was more than ‘a fun room’ that had piqued my interest. I had no idea the impact that this simple act would have on me. it clicked. I had found the answer to a need that I thought had no answer. I don’t know if I am making sense... but that’s the only way I can think to describe it.

someone from the room (someone I still consider a very dear friend) showed me the way to a few web sites and after doing a search, I found AMT and from there found TMF. I am still not sure whether my happening upon that chat room was a blessing or a curse lol but either way, I am stuck. it’s kind of like one of those optical illusions. once you see inside the picture... you can never un-see it and the picture is forever changed.

anyhow, another wonderful story and I look forward to part two (if you decide there will be one).
Ayla ny,

Although that wasn't my main focus when writing this story, I thought it might ring familiar with members of this community. In other parts of this Forum, many of us have documented how we realized our love of tickling, or how we came to accept our fetish, or how we discovered the world of information and others like ourselves via the Internet. So, I would expect many readers to see a little of themselves in Erica.

Thanks for sharing your own personal experience. My goal when writing these stories is to entertain, and if I can connect with a reader at the same time, that is just a bonus.

I'm fairly certain that there will be a part II to this story, I'm just not sure when.

That was a very nice story, Laughter. I am always impressed by your character development and settings. Every time I read one of your tales, I know it will be something I haven't seen before. Please continue to contribute to the community the way you have been, you are a boon to us all, especially us writers, now having a new mark to be measured by.:cool:
Excellent story, and not just for the tickling aspects. Well-drawn, nuanced, interesting. Two big thumbs up!
Yup. Another well-written tale, Laughter. This one's my favorite of yours so far. Your verisimilitude is unparalleled (and I'm not being sarcastic here). Your characters are truly alive.

I especially like the foot-tickling scene. Brilliantly executed.

If you were in LA, I'd ask you to join my fiction writing workshop, as your stuff should be seen by many. I'd love to see your non-tk stories as well. I'm sure they're equally as impressive.

Keep it up. For the love of God.

And count me in as part of the fanclub.

Thumbs up!

Hey laughter_n_love this is a great story man! I especially like how Karen kept telling her to type even through she is getting tickled and can barely move. Great job and looking forward to part 2.
love this story laughter

i absolutely love this story all 3 parts...its good reading,good character development. i hope that you continue on with it. throughly enjoyed it...part 3 reminded me of meeting a dear friend of mine that i've unfortunately lost contact with...anyways keep up the amazing work laughter :cool:
what an amazing story...... I really like the way you balanced erica's desireto be tickled with her desire to save face in front of her friend. I think that is something many on here can relate to.....

can't wait for more stories from you.

This will be one of my favs!


This is an incredible story and very well written. It also reminds me
of when I started surfing the web and found chat rooms...yes Ayla I remember the adult tickling chat too....I was there! this story might even be a good thing to share with your mate as an easy way to tell them of your interest. Thank you for this well written, exciting tale....I await for more...

great story!

Good reading, very well written.
Here's an interesting twist... What if she were using a mic and voice-recognition software?:devil:
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