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Orgasmic Feet. Scientific Analysis Needed.


Nov 15, 2005
This query is directed at those of us who have a good deal of knowledge about science, the human body, and/or psychology.

I have a fairly unusual condition.

In a few words, it's that I have somehow acquired the ability to have what I call "feetgasms". Orgasms caused solely (no pun intended) by tickling and other stimulation of the feet and with absolutely NO touching above the ankles.

I've discovered, by chatting to some of the ladies and gents of the TMF about it, that it is rare even among ticklephiles.

You may well ask why I'm even fussing about something that most here would deem a blessing, but I do have a tendency to hyper-analyze everything.

A bit of "medical" history:

I definitely did not always have this "condition". I first found out that I could climax without direct genital stimulation about 1 1/2 years ago. However, in all the instances where this occurred, there was quite a lot of activity surrounding it- tickling all over, kissing, play wrestling, spanking, etc etc, all leading up to the Sacred Act of Wuvs, so I was always in a fairly erotically charged state when it happened. It was therefore impossible to pinpoint the direct triggers.

About 6 weeks ago, Libertine and I were sitting on the sofa and he was giving me a footrub. Not a sexy footrub, just a nice relaxing one because my feet hurt. I was sprawling around in my kimono, and as I can recall, my Lady Bits were visible from where he was sitting.

At one point, he started rubbing a certain spot on my foot a bit more gently for no particular reason, and I found myself getting rather excited. It was the bit right below the ball of the foot, where the arch begins. He noticed that my little purrs of contentment had taken on a slightly different tone, and looked down at my Lady Bits.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" he asked.

"Doing what"? I murmured.

"It's twitching"

He continued stroking that spot on my foot, and examining my Nether Regions. To make a long story short, the twitching continued, and as one might expect when shown activity in that area, the predictable happened. Repeatedly. With NO stimulation aside from the bottoms of my feet. Until I implored him to take it to the next level, during which my feet got tickled some more.

But what finally wound up happening is neither here nor there. The point is that we had not initially been in a naughty mood (though I admit it's very easy to put me in one) and that nothing was done aside from foot rubbing, stroking, and tickling.

I must digress and mention that in my experience there are different types or orgasms- the clitoral, the G-spot one, and cervical, or a combination of 2 or 3of them. And the extreme G-spot one, which is rather messy. There's also the sort of full body one, from tickling or spanking or suchlike. The "feetgasms" seem different from all of the above. They don't involve the full body, and definitely do somehow involve the genitals. They don't totally wear me out the way the really deep combination ones do, and generally act as more of a prelude to a shag than a stand alone event, but there are times when feetgasms are all I need, depending on my mood.

So here's my scientific question: It's physically impossible for the feet and the bits to be connected, but in me they seem to have somehow become so.

I know there's a strong psychological element, because it wouldn't work if anyone but Libertine tried it, and it doesn't really work if I'm too tense.

So- any explanations for this? And has anyone else either witnessed this or experienced it?

Constructive input welcomed. And the rest of you, please keep both hands on the keyboard. This is meant to be serious.
He haf(several) ways to make you..................................

After your post how can the government deny trillions for cloning now? I would guess there has been some major conditioned response ( ie tickle/foot fetish) to having your feet massaged and tickled by your husband. The fetish alllows you to (sometimes) get a sexual response and release from the usually vanilla foot rub. Given the variables of your mood, his exact spots and techniques with the massage and your feedback mechanism( oh look a new phrase for....) the planets were aligned and bam! supernova!! The precise spot(s) on your foot, exact pressure, your mood, his mood etc. can sometimes work magic. If it's an off day and you just bond over a tender foot massage, you can still brag about it. ;)
Surprisingly easy explanation, actually.

The sensory receptors in the human brain for the feet and those for the genitalia share a cerebral wall. They are literally right next to each other, and therefore, if in your brain they share a couple of extra synapses (connections), a specific type of sensation on the feet such as tickling could trigger a direct stimulation of that part of your brain. Everyone's brain is wired a little bit differently. You got lucky.

Although there is no actual touching going on, your brain is being fooled into thinking that there is, and it react accordingly.

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Throwing In A Woman's POV--

The feet have an extreme concentration of nerve endings, of course, and have long been viewed as being one of the original erogenous zones, even though most people overlook that in vanilla sexual activities.

My feet aren't ticklish in the everyday sense, not really, so I can't give an experience of sexual arousal from tickling them. However, during some recent worship activity, I noticed that I was attaining a pretty strong level of arousal as a result of two particular toes on my right foot being sucked. Only there and only them, but it was still intense. I'd not experienced it before, but there was a definite connection between the ped stimulation and the excitement.

I think that the "twitching" you described is what's bringing you to such a high state and can actually lead to climax. You're contracting your muscles down there, whether or not it's voluntary (like with Kegels), in response to whatever physical activity is taking place that's arousing you initially. It's been proven that that can provide enough clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm without touching it directly--the hood moving back and forth over the clitoris is sometimes all it takes, which is what happens during those contractions.

Hope that helps a bit... ;)

Mistress Aura :justlips:
There is definitely a connection with the soles of the feet and having an orgasm albeit more of a mental connection than physical one. My wife isn't a true ticklee, however, she does enjoy having her feet tickled lightly. When I do lightly tickle her feet it makes her wet down there. This only happens when I tickle the feet and no other part of her body. She has never been tickled to orgasm (we never go that far with the tickling) but I'd love to see if I can get her there someday. <<<<----
A friend, not a ticklephile, has had orgasms through touching/massaging her feet. It's not limited to ticklephiles and no, it's not just you. :)

Snail Shell

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this already…but it’s all reflexology.

Every part of the body is directly related to other parts of the body, the foot is a good example. Every organ, muscle and function has a point on the foot which can activate it. The same can be done with hands and even the back.

As you were describing which part was being rubbed I recall remembering that around that area is the part that stimulates the genital areas.

Of course I am not trained in this area (but I have been told I am VERY good at massages {comes with having to learn martial arts to relax muscles:bubble:}) but I’m sure if you just Google reflexology you will find all the information you could want.:imouttahe

DJ Tickler
Viper beat me to it, I've seen that chart before. I suspect your previous activities have strengthened the connections between the feet's nerual receptors and the gentials' neural receptors. How great for you (and for your husband). :D
YES, absolutely....

This query is directed at those of us who have a good deal of knowledge about science, the human body, and/or psychology.

I have a fairly unusual condition.

In a few words, it's that I have somehow acquired the ability to have what I call "feetgasms". Orgasms caused solely (no pun intended) by tickling and other stimulation of the feet and with absolutely NO touching above the ankles.

I've discovered, by chatting to some of the ladies and gents of the TMF about it, that it is rare even among ticklephiles.

You may well ask why I'm even fussing about something that most here would deem a blessing, but I do have a tendency to hyper-analyze everything.

A bit of "medical" history:

I definitely did not always have this "condition". I first found out that I could climax without direct genital stimulation about 1 1/2 years ago. However, in all the instances where this occurred, there was quite a lot of activity surrounding it- tickling all over, kissing, play wrestling, spanking, etc etc, all leading up to the Sacred Act of Wuvs, so I was always in a fairly erotically charged state when it happened. It was therefore impossible to pinpoint the direct triggers.

About 6 weeks ago, Libertine and I were sitting on the sofa and he was giving me a footrub. Not a sexy footrub, just a nice relaxing one because my feet hurt. I was sprawling around in my kimono, and as I can recall, my Lady Bits were visible from where he was sitting.

At one point, he started rubbing a certain spot on my foot a bit more gently for no particular reason, and I found myself getting rather excited. It was the bit right below the ball of the foot, where the arch begins. He noticed that my little purrs of contentment had taken on a slightly different tone, and looked down at my Lady Bits.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" he asked.

"Doing what"? I murmured.

"It's twitching"

He continued stroking that spot on my foot, and examining my Nether Regions. To make a long story short, the twitching continued, and as one might expect when shown activity in that area, the predictable happened. Repeatedly. With NO stimulation aside from the bottoms of my feet. Until I implored him to take it to the next level, during which my feet got tickled some more.

But what finally wound up happening is neither here nor there. The point is that we had not initially been in a naughty mood (though I admit it's very easy to put me in one) and that nothing was done aside from foot rubbing, stroking, and tickling.

I must digress and mention that in my experience there are different types or orgasms- the clitoral, the G-spot one, and cervical, or a combination of 2 or 3of them. And the extreme G-spot one, which is rather messy. There's also the sort of full body one, from tickling or spanking or suchlike. The "feetgasms" seem different from all of the above. They don't involve the full body, and definitely do somehow involve the genitals. They don't totally wear me out the way the really deep combination ones do, and generally act as more of a prelude to a shag than a stand alone event, but there are times when feetgasms are all I need, depending on my mood.

So here's my scientific question: It's physically impossible for the feet and the bits to be connected, but in me they seem to have somehow become so.

I know there's a strong psychological element, because it wouldn't work if anyone but Libertine tried it, and it doesn't really work if I'm too tense.

So- any explanations for this? And has anyone else either witnessed this or experienced it?

Constructive input welcomed. And the rest of you, please keep both hands on the keyboard. This is meant to be serious.

I can absolutely climax from having my feet touched, sucked, tickled, especially if accompanied by some very erotic language / dialogue because it is all so mental / psychological. Saying for example ""Lea loves her feet tickled, don't you?" can send me into orbit, and orgasm if a guy is teasing my toes and soles.

The old "I'm going to tickle you until you cum" works wonders too... assumes a guy has done so before, of course.

YES, it happens. It's wonderful.... and like Kitten this leads to greater sex and more tickling.

What a great thread,

Wow... interesting concept. I can imagine it must be quite a special 'gift' (if one can call it that) however and not something that is common. Very lucky ladies.
Never fear, KittenToes!

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this already…but it’s all reflexology....As you were describing which part was being rubbed I recall remembering that around that area is the part that stimulates the genital areas....
DJ Tickler

The reflexological dynamic is definitely a key to understanding the relationship between feet and sexual stimulation. The actual reflex points of the genital/sexual organs are just below the ankles on the inside and outside of the feet, not on the bottom...that's why a foot rub or, more specifically, an ankle rub, can bring about "stimulation" of said sexy bits.

Aside from that direct wiring, the indirect/direct wiring through the brain is not to be underestimated or missed/miscalculated. The brain IS the primary or most potent sexual organ...all them there parts gets directed by its impulses and referential data. Da brain is da bomb as Viper pointed out (thank you!)....Another graphic showed the genitals, hands and, gloriously, the feet as being sensed most powerfully by the brain...go figure....that, by itself, bodes well for us footie/tickle people! We're maximizing the sexual matrix, if you will...amping up the sensations along the channels most capable of transmitting/receiving the data! Nice!

"The human foot is rich with such "sexual nerves". The foot is a primary sense organ and hence by nature a sensual one. Kinsey cites the soles and toes "as areas which may be erotically sensitive under tactile stimulation". This tactile sensitivity of the foot may actually be greater than for any other part of the body, including the fingertips." (pg. 22)

"Many women respond sensually to manual massage or manipulation of their feet by a male. I know of one woman who several times a year visited a podiatrist solely to have her feet "professionally" massaged. Each time she unfailingly had an orgasm in the process, enduring the greatest restraint to avoid revealing her ecstatic spell to the doctor." (pg. 24)

"Foot-tickling as an erotic stimulus is age-old and universal. "The sophisticated lover," says Renbourn, "knows that many women get intense erotic pleasure when the feet are gently stroked - like having the ear loves nibbled." Paintings of foot-tickling can be seen in the Louvre as well as in the Museum of Pius Clementia in Rome. They're aslo commonly found in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut (1600 B.C.) used to prepare for her lovers with exquisite podocosmetic foot care. First the skin of her feet was rubbed and scented with oil of ani until it glowed as though coated with gold. Then as she reclined on a luxurious lounge, palace eunuchs tickled the bottoms of her feet with peacock feathers "to bring her to a pitch of sexual readiness."" (pg. 26)

Rossi, William A., The Sex Life of the Foot and Shoe, The Saturday Review Press/E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1976

Rossi lays it out very clearly, openly and plainly....the foot is a sexual and sensual part of the body. It's connection to sexual arousal, pleasure and climax/orgasm is strong, if not even one of the primary pathways to this process. Rossi speaks also of the historical nature of the foot-sex relationship, citing the sexual nature of the shoe and its design even in antiquity, instances when breasts were deemed less sexually charged when bare in public than feet (even strippers said they weren't completely naked until they took off their shoes...some areas forebade the shoes coming off as that would signal blatant, point-of-no-return, open sexual display!) and the predominance of foot partialism/fetishism among men and many women.

Rossi finishes the chapter, "the Foot's 'Sexual Nerves'", by stating the following:

"It is no mere coincidence, as cited earlier, that the foot possesses such an abundance of sensory spots. This is clearly evident by the common erotic responses to such acts as foot-tickling, foot-massaging, foot-biting, toe-sucking, foot-kissing, etc. Sensual response to such actions is inevitable because first, we are dealing with a naturally erogenous part, and second, because all such actions involve touch, the most "sexual" of all the senses." (pg. 27)

Even if your response to manual touch of your feet is rare amongst your/our tickle/foot buddies, it is well documented and historical and powerful. I would imagine, since the brain is so powerful in sexual situations, that if we deny or are ignorant of the foot/sex relationship, we may be shutting down a pathway or bogging it down enough to make it ineffective/insensitive....I'd suggest we open our minds and join you in your experience, figuratively. I don't think women are the only ones who can experience this either. The large presence of foot-dominated ID pics on myspace and other sites points to a heavy sexual loading for the foot in the minds and gonads of men and women everywhere.

My personal experiences have alot of resonance with your experience, the writings of Rossi and the strong, long history of the sexuality of the foot.

KittenToes, show us the way! ;) ...and thanks for the post! Your openness is liberating! You go, "podosexual" girl!:D
Many years ago, I had a lengthy correspondence with a Scottish professor of neurology (one of the few scientists who research tickling), and he confirmed this. It's definitely rare, but not unnormal in any way. I even worked this knowledge into two of my stories, "A Ticklish Topic" and "Space Ticklers".

Reflexology certainly plays a role, too. Experienced Shiatsu massagers are often known to be able to give extreme sexual pleasure to their clients, some have even specialized on that.

So, enjoy your special talent, and don't worry about it! :cool2:
I know a girl who has had an orgasm from only having her toes sucked (unfortunately, I wasn't involved) I have never in my life met anyone that gets as much pleasure as she does from having their feet played. It's crazy. I did a tickling session with her, and while she definitely laughed while her feet were tickled, the laughter soon turned into moans of intense pleasure. It was pretty awesome. Nothing could have prepared me for how into it she was. I'm like, "this is supposed to be torture!" It's still pretty hot though.
I also orgasm from intensive tickling of my feet -- under the right circumstances.

According to my Husband, who has a Masters in Psychology, orgasms can occur from intense mental stimulation as well as from physical stimulation.
Hmmmm...I must say I have also have never have experienced this happening personally to be honest. I mean I have heard that the feet have very sensitive and very erotic and sensual sexual nerve endings in the feet. But I have heard that it is indeed very true and very scientifically proven that the feet being tickled, caressed, massaged, and loved and nibbled on can be very "orgasmic" for many women out there.

I don't doubt that, for many women I am sure this is the case. I must say though there must be a very strong connection to the reflexology and the connection of having feet physically stimulated and co-relation to achieving orgasm.

The reason I say this I must say that many times when I have been sent to "tickle orbit" by my hubby ticklebear 2 when he has tickled me playfully without mercy, tickling my sides, ribs, tummy, legs, and especially my feet- when he has tickled me big time when I have been restrained and when I have not been restrained.
When I have been tickled by my hubby-I find whenever I get real excited and turned on-many times I feel the fire and heat escalade and shoot through my whole entire body-tends to dwell and shoot straight down to my feet. My feet get hot and feels like my feet are on fire-from my feet up to my legs.

So I must say I definitely have to say-guess there most definitely has to be a strong co-rrelation to a woman having her feet being tickled and stimulated physically either by touch of fingertips, chop stick, feather, pulsar toothbrush, spin brush electric toothbrush, or lips or tongue caressing and loving on the foot, or foot being massaged-leading to ecstacy-orgasm. So guessing there has to be some major truth to that-the feet having big time sexual nerve endings in them.

All I know is that when my feet are being tickled, caressed and massaged and rubbed, just feels fantastic and feels so good, so soothing and wonderful-very relaxing yet exciting and really good, I love it, so whatever it is, don't care just bring in on, keep the feet rubs sent my way.:bunny: same goes for having my legs
and calves and back of my legs rubbed/massaged love it, love these places being massaged-these places rock, finding I love these places being massaged that i love the best/second major favorite second to having back of my neck, earlobes, and shoulders and back and lower back being massaged... can you say mmmmm life is sweet when getting a massage, being massaged and tickled and being loved rocks!!! Bring on the tickles and bring on the massages-espec feet and legs ones-neck and back ones love them!!!
This query is directed at those of us who have a good deal of knowledge about science, the human body, and/or psychology.

I have a fairly unusual condition.

In a few words, it's that I have somehow acquired the ability to have what I call "feetgasms". Orgasms caused solely (no pun intended) by tickling and other stimulation of the feet and with absolutely NO touching above the ankles ... So- any explanations for this? And has anyone else either witnessed this or experienced it? Constructive input welcomed. And the rest of you, please keep both hands on the keyboard. This is meant to be serious.

Witnessed, and have on tape. :) My friend Heather experiences this after being tickled on her left foot for long intense periods of time -- with her right foot, she's just off-the-charts ticklish. At the time, she was in a D/s relationship (Dom/sub) and had to ask permission any time she came. This translated over to this session -- at the time, I didn't know what the "question" was to which she was asking/whispering, "please??" Her dom told me later. :)

Here's the bit of video, attached.

Ticklish receptors linked to erotic responses

Tickling is most assuredly a brain related activity. Your feet have many nerve receptors that can be linked to other parts of the body. Reflexology studies are one place to search, but also examine the ages-old technique of acupuncture. There are nerves in your body, everyone's body, that are strangely connected to other parts of the internal machine even outside the brain. A needle stuck into the nerve in your foot can stimulate the liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, and many other places.

That being said, the massaging of a foot stimulates many nerves that are connected to other parts of your body. If the person doing it is someone you are already attracted to, a simple touch on almost any area of your body stimulates the pleasure center of your brain. Remember, the brain is the most sexually charged portion of your body. It releases endorphins into your body which create a heightened sense of awareness, and pleasure. When your brain's pleasure center erupts with chemical reactions based on feelings you know are delightful, your body is flooded with certain chemicals that increase your libido and enhance the pleasure receptors common to sexual contact.

Think of it this way, if it makes sense. Your brain is wired to love contact made to your feet. This contact is like a really fast fuse that burns up your body into your brain. Your brain recognizes this contact as pleasure, so the pleasure center emits signals to your pleasure organs. Your heart gets warm because of the increased flow of blood. Your stomach gets oogy because of the endorphins running through your blood, and the stomach is almost constantly trying to digest things so it draws blood into it. You may feel tingling in your hands, and it's highly possible that you would feel it going up the back of your neck. This is an area where the flow of blood is strong but it's near the surface so the endorphins are likely affecting the nerve endings set close to your skin.

All of these pleasurable feelings are telling your body that you are experiencing sexual pleasure, and when your brain receives so many indications that you are being sexually stimulated, it naturally begins to lubricate your sexual organs and make them highly susceptible to sexual stimulation. Even if you aren't touched in those places, your brain can make you think you are, and it will react by igniting the nerve endings there which become incredibly receptive to any movement, activity, or even sexual thoughts which can mimic sexual activity. The more tickling you receive on your feet, the more your brain will pump out these chemical, sexual reactions which inevitably lead to such intense arousal that your body must release those feelings. You become a living powder-keg of sexual tension, and continued stimulation on your feet is the flint that strikes the tinder you are creating. Hence, an explosion must occur, delightful as it may be, it is simply a base reaction to a series of events that your own mind has linked your body to the charge.
my ex wife hated to be tickled. Too bad for me.

However. There was an exception. When I had oral sex with her, she actually liked having her feet tickled. She easily reached climax that way.

But otherwise, she did not like being tickled anywhere..at all.
I've never really bought into reflexology, your-feet-are-connected-to-everything-else theories...although from some of these stories, maybe there is something to it...

I think you've managed to condition yourself to associate tickling and contact with your feet as erotic. And the conditioning is strong enough that you can now have orgasms from it. And I think that's a pretty awesome talent you have. :)

More research is needed; schedule some alone time with Libertine and really explore your new ability. :)
Anyone that has ever had a wet dream has climaxed with no physical stimulation at all.

I have played with hypnosis and found that a receptive subject can climax from just saying a trigger word. So maybe we make orgasm a lot more complicated than it should be.

I think this new found ability combined with some of the sexiest feet ever to post on this forum make us all want to tell your hubby how lucky he is!
I hada girlfriend who had the samething that is being described here as a
feetgasm", except on the palms of her hands. For some reason the nerve endings in the palms of her hands were somehow directly linked to her getting aroused. It was actually quite fun, because something as innocent as holding hands could get her going lol.
I personally love tickling, and would love to tickle a ladies feet until she had an orgasm just from the tickling alone without any other stimulation. If I find a really ticklish lady I can tickle her feet for hours and hours. If someone is not very ticklish I lose interest in tickling her. I know this is not an analysis but its just my point of view on tickling female feet.

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