4th Level Orange Feather
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Just throwing this out there. Been a while since I been on here. (I hope this is the right section) I wanna know what you guys think. Advice will be taken into consideration and tips appreciated. I am not asking what I should do just what your thought are.
I used to work with a girl who is 21 now I believe. (I am 29) We are both single now and I really like her. But we are still fresh broken up and she just got baptized and we had a lunch to discuss some things that had recently happened to us. Lunch was fun and innocent and almost professional and it was delightful to have a mature conversation with a new friend.
Now I asked her once if she was ticklish back when we worked together but never tried because she was seeing someone. And, I once did the "you have something on your shirt..." ZING gag and when I flicked my finger up I nicked her nose. When I lightly touched her nose: she FREAKED! She says she has space issues with people she doesn't know/trust. She didn't like me putting on her rubber gloves; she nearly had a panic attack. So I keep my distance even more so Than I do out of respect for the fact that she is a lady. (I am a sap)
But... I am who I am.
When we got to her car I asked, "Are you still ticklish?" Then, I ever so lightly touched her side. She gave me a look of slack-jawed, eye-popping shock and awe. She very sternly said, "(Gasp) Don't you dare tickle me!" She then put her purse in her car (which she easily could have entered/escaped from me). And then cracked a faint grin and, without looking at me, half snickered, "I hate to be tickled!" Only it sounded like "tyk-kuuled."*
I responded, 'well thats too bad.' and she chuckled a few times and I began a light assault on her sides and tummy. She said 'no you don't tickle me' and 'stop that David.' and I playfully continued. but she may have shyed away but never fled. Then she put up an offense with a pointing finger proclaiming, "I'm gonna get you!" Then we squared off in the parking lot fingers pointing. A withdrew and playfully came back and she had a stern stare in her eyes and a wide smile begging to break free of a quivering pursed lips. I could hear little giggles escaping her nose that she was desperately trying to hold in. so we picked up and finished our conversation. she got in her car, and as she did I gave her sides a slight pinch and she laugh/gasped and flopped down into her seat. No scowl nor approval, just a bit of a blush.
I know you weren't there, but.......
Did I go to far? Did she enjoy it or am I fooling myself? I'd really like to get her more and I think she genuinly wants to get me back. I plan to ask if I went to far on FB. If she says no, I plan to get her again. Bad move? your thoughts?
I know this sounds very very middle school "Help guys! I like a girl! what do I do?" But maybe this is something I just need to get off my chest.
*Note all things in quotation marks are direct verbatim
I used to work with a girl who is 21 now I believe. (I am 29) We are both single now and I really like her. But we are still fresh broken up and she just got baptized and we had a lunch to discuss some things that had recently happened to us. Lunch was fun and innocent and almost professional and it was delightful to have a mature conversation with a new friend.
Now I asked her once if she was ticklish back when we worked together but never tried because she was seeing someone. And, I once did the "you have something on your shirt..." ZING gag and when I flicked my finger up I nicked her nose. When I lightly touched her nose: she FREAKED! She says she has space issues with people she doesn't know/trust. She didn't like me putting on her rubber gloves; she nearly had a panic attack. So I keep my distance even more so Than I do out of respect for the fact that she is a lady. (I am a sap)
But... I am who I am.
When we got to her car I asked, "Are you still ticklish?" Then, I ever so lightly touched her side. She gave me a look of slack-jawed, eye-popping shock and awe. She very sternly said, "(Gasp) Don't you dare tickle me!" She then put her purse in her car (which she easily could have entered/escaped from me). And then cracked a faint grin and, without looking at me, half snickered, "I hate to be tickled!" Only it sounded like "tyk-kuuled."*
I responded, 'well thats too bad.' and she chuckled a few times and I began a light assault on her sides and tummy. She said 'no you don't tickle me' and 'stop that David.' and I playfully continued. but she may have shyed away but never fled. Then she put up an offense with a pointing finger proclaiming, "I'm gonna get you!" Then we squared off in the parking lot fingers pointing. A withdrew and playfully came back and she had a stern stare in her eyes and a wide smile begging to break free of a quivering pursed lips. I could hear little giggles escaping her nose that she was desperately trying to hold in. so we picked up and finished our conversation. she got in her car, and as she did I gave her sides a slight pinch and she laugh/gasped and flopped down into her seat. No scowl nor approval, just a bit of a blush.
I know you weren't there, but.......
Did I go to far? Did she enjoy it or am I fooling myself? I'd really like to get her more and I think she genuinly wants to get me back. I plan to ask if I went to far on FB. If she says no, I plan to get her again. Bad move? your thoughts?
I know this sounds very very middle school "Help guys! I like a girl! what do I do?" But maybe this is something I just need to get off my chest.
*Note all things in quotation marks are direct verbatim