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Piltover's Finest - League of Legends F/F


TMF Poster
Dec 23, 2010
So about... little under a year ago, I made this fic for a good buddy of mine, AnimeWatcher. Featuring Caitlyn and Vi form the game League of Legends. They share a rather playful relationship, and this was born as a result.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy my first foray into the world of story making. Lemme know what you think of it!


In Piltover, there were two names that truly struck fear into any wrongdoer's heart, those names were Caitlyn and Vi: The sheriff and enforcer of Piltover. The pair of lovely women held the mass of villains and ruffians in check with incredible ease, something the people were truly grateful for. However, with their job so well done, it lead to one problem with which they had no power over.

The days when villains learned their lesson, if only for a brief moment.

Vi, the young robber turned cop, clicked her tongue in irritation over such a fact, her all time favorite past-time being the act of wailing on any bad guys that found themselves in her clutches. In the building the pair used as a homestead, she sat upon a rather ragged loveseat, a furniture piece from when she ran with the group of robbers that she just could not let go of. Not too far from her was Caitlyn, tinkering away at a collection of parts for...

“Hey, cupcake!” Vi began, her pet name for the sheriff making Caitlyn's ear perk ever so slightly. “Why don't you stop tinkerin' so we can go out and trounce some bad guys!” Vi stand up, a proud grin as she turned to face the sheriff, pressing her knuckles together to draw out a series of loud cracks and pops. Caitlyn continued to tinker, her eyes unblinking and unshaken from her project. “Vi... If we're needed, we'll get a call.” Was her monotone reply, “Besides, I won't go out and harass the people just so you can beat up random people.” Caitlyn shifted the nearby lamp around her project, nodding as she noted various parts, all of which were unknown to her comrade in law.

Again, Vi clicked her tongue, falling back with a huff onto the couch. She sat, staring at the wall, preying some idiot would get ballsy and try to rob a bank or something. Yet, as the time ticked away, no call came, no random person bursting through the door to scream about a hostage situation or anything like it. Just a long, uneventful day spent with Caitlyn. Nothing to do while she tinkered with her toys or whatever they were.

Vi chanced a glance at the other woman, observing her as she worked. If there was one thing Vi had gained by running with the dastardly group of robbers, it was her appreciation of the female form. Her former group was made up of men only, and even with her presence, they still chose to use any money acquired the old fashioned way: At a brothel or strip joint. Such exposure gave rise to Vi's eye to the beauty of other women, and while she could enjoy a well sculpted guy, her former life’s hard lifestyle made her truly love the softness that a woman’s form provided.

Unknown to Caitlyn, Vi admired her partner with greedy eyes. She followed her long legs, shapely and toned from her work. Hips that went perfectly with her bosom, giving her that hourglass figure that drove all the men, and some women, mad with lust. Long, brown hair, so silky and smooth no matter how rough and tumble the job got. While being able to freely clobber the scum of the city was one perk that drew her to the job, the fact she could be so near to such a pretty thing was just the icing on the cake.

Vi was drawn from her oogling by a triumphant “hmmph!” from the object of her affection. Curiosity saw Vi stand, moving over the her partner to see just what she was so happy over. “So cupcake, wanna tell me what this things for?” She questioned, a fine eyebrow raised at the... beartrap?

Caitlyn smiled radiantly, holding up her new device to fully examine it. “It's a trap.” She answered bluntly, “I cannot keep using those bear traps on criminals, I'd like for them to learn their lesson in jail, not come back for revenge due to lost limbs.” Her answer made Vi scoff, pouring over the device again. Indeed, it did appear to look akin to a beartrap. However, the base was far wider, shoulder length even, with the teeth replaced with cushions on both sides. “Hey, if they don't wanna get hurt, don't do the crime.” Vi flicked the metal of the device nonchalantly, Caitlyn reeling the device away in protest. “Vi... our job is to serve and protect! I do this job in hopes that criminals will learn their lesson and return to a life of law.”

“Tch! And how is this thing supposed to change them?” Vi asked, reaching for the device despit Cailtyn's protests. After a moment of childish bickering, Vi backed away as Caitlyn sighed. “If you must know, it will pin the law breakers feet between the cushions, making them immobile without maiming them like a normal bear trap would.” Her answer confused Vi, her having been brought up on the “if it ain't break, don't fix it” mentality. As confused as she was, she did like the sound of it, for far different reasons than keeping the peace.

“Heh, then why don't we... test it out!” Caitlyn turned to answer, just on time for her partner to tackle her to the ground, wrenching the device from her hands in record time. Stunned, Caitlyn was confused when Vi disappeared from her field of vision. The sudden metal sound of her trap drawing her gaze down south, to see a grinning Vi, and her boot clad feet caught between the cushions. “Vi! Let me out! Now!” She cried, reaching down to try and release herself, playing into the pink haired girls hands, quite literally, as Vi snapped her up by the wrists.

Vi felt herself growing eager with the situation. Already her beauteous partner was left unable to run, and her superior strength even without the gauntlets she was known for allowed her to keep Caitlyn from moving her arms or escaping, no matter how much she squirmed. Vi searched their home stead for someplace to keep the sheriff. She could only grin, as a hook on the wall held Caitlyn's notorious “fuzzy cuffs”not too far from them. It was a quick trip that ended with Caitlyn being hand cuffed with her arms overhead, her feet still trapped in the heavy trap that kept her legs still.

“VI!” Caitlyn roared, wriggling still as a faint blush of embarrassment crept to her cheeks. “You let me go right this instant!” Vi could only laugh, pressing in close to her partner, her grin turning truly sinister. “C'mon cupcake, you need to loosen up! Learn to laugh a little!” Vi's eyes crept along Caitlyn's form, wondering how best to play with her. The laugh bit and the sheriffs underarms made Vi consider a different option than she would have normally done. Caitlyn shivered, catching a glimpse of the glint in her comrades eyes.

Caitlyn opened her mouth to speak, and in that moment, Vi decided on her course of action. In a flash, Vi's fingers skittered into Caitlyn's smooth pits, something that sent the young woman tittering in surprise. For several moments, Vi tickled at her pits, nails scraping a her ticklish flesh, drawing from Caitlyn a mass of giggles and guffaws, slowly turning to laughter as she continued. “Vi!” She cried through her bouts of hysterics, her arms straining to break free from the cuffs to cover herself. “S-Stop this! Right now!”

She received no answer. Instead, Vi switched to raking her nails across her bare skin, an action that tickled Caitlyn even more than the skittering. She bucked, her attempts to remain silent useless as wicked nails tickled her more than she thought possible, her abused skin turning a faint pink as she laughed still. Her torturer was all smiles, a faint blush of her own on her cheeks, her nails playing with such flawless flesh.
“Damn, cupcake! You really need to build some muscle! If you did, this wouldn't be nearly as bad~” Vi cooed to her partner, easing her tickling just a bit by working her nails up Caitlyn's arms to her elbows. Still, Caitlyn giggled and wriggled like a fish on a hook, her arm muscles straining against the pair of cuffs. “Vi... This isn't funny...!” Caitlyn growled, or tried to. Any menacing nature it carried was muted by the few giggles that escaped her lips.

“If its not funny, then why're you laughing, cupcake~” The space between the two became shorter, Vi inexplicably drawn closer to her victim. She drew her nails back down again, passing by her pits entirely to her midsection, pushing away the frilly top Caitlyn wore to expose her belly, taut and toned, and as the pair found out, VERY ticklish, as she worked her magic against the dips of her sides.

“VI!” She screamed, jumping straight to laughter without a moments notice. It surprised her how much worse it was when compared to her pits, the light fluttering of her tormenters nails across her midriff sending waves of ticklish agony throughout her being. Wriggling, bucking, it all did nothing, Vi following and tickling each movement with ease, perhaps ramping up the tickling as well, as Caitlyn's bellows of forced glee grew in pitch with each moment.

“Hmhm, see? You gotta be enjoying this, huh? It's good for ya to laugh every once in awhile~” Vi murmured into her ear, breath hot on her partners neck. Caitlyn shivered, the heat flushing her skin, and making her nerves feel... confused over the switch from torturous to pleasant. So close to the beautiful woman, Vi looked back to her previous spot of torture, her underarms still as tantalizing as before. A wicked idea into her head, one that made her let out a perverse giggle.

Caitlyn's own giggling drowned out her partners. She wanted to fire off some many things at her tickler, but her hysterics overcame any chance to do so. She whipped her head, her brown hair whipping about as she tried to ignore the sensations that rocked her body. It was only when one hand eased its tickling that she was able to regain some of her composure. But its next target and a warm, wet feeling on her pit destroyed it just a quickly.

“Aha?!” Came a high pitched squeak, her quivering lips taken between her teeth as the horrible hand now groped at her teat, squeezing the sizable globe with all the care needed to almost make the tickling irrelevant. Almost. “Vi... What are you...?” She managed, the laughter catching up as Vi's tongue lapped at her pit, drawing the flesh upward in a long, torturous lick. She laughed again, though between them, a moan sneaked itself in, Vi's hand trekking towards a small, pink nipple.

A hand on her belly, tickling away at the ticklish expanse, another at her teat, rolling and pinching an ever hardening nipple, and a tongue at her pit, poking and rolling into the flesh there, made up Caitlyn's torment. She continued to buck, to moan and laugh, as Vi happily tickled and pleaured her partner. Vi herself was growing aroused at an incredible pace, the object of affection being every bit as delectable as she envisioned. Already, the gap between them became nothing, Vi pressing herself into her victim, a leg brought up to press against her clothed nether regions.

Moaning, laughing, and heavy breathing continued on, for what felt like hours. Caitlyn felt a great amount of pressure build up in her loins, the stimulation of her breast reaching its literal climax thanks to her ticklish predicament. Her moans began beating out laughter, her cheeks flushed, her legs quivering, she rolled her head back as waves of pleasure seared through her body, a very welcome change from the tickling. As she came down from her high, she hung weakly in her cuffs, her tickler strangely stopping her tickling as well.

Vi had stepped back to watch, the sight of her partner's afterglow something that she would never forget. Vi admired her even more, Caitlyn's brown hair, messy and disheveled. A small sheen of sweat, with a musky odor the clouded her mind, at small parts of her body. The tickling and pleasure had left Caitlyn weaker than she had ever been, and as Vi's eyes roamed down, she caught a glimpse of her boot clad feet, and she grinned again.

In her stupor, Caitlyn felt the trap at her feet open, the pressure the cushions forced upon her easing. Despite this, her time spent at the mercy of the other woman had drained her fully, to the point that even the feeling of her boots being pulled free was not enough to jar her from her exhaustion. Caitlyn could only be still as Vi lift her cuffs from the wall hook, placing her hands behind her back, her bum now firmly planted on the floor. With her last foot now bare, Vi replaced the device, Caitlyn's bare feet perfectly immobile and helpless, side by side, no less.

“Vi...” She began weakly, trying to work her way free of her bindings. “P-Please...” She was shushed by her tormenter, Vi's own lusty gaze and blush silencing her as her feet were brought up to the other woman's face. Vi took a long, deep whiff of her feet, sighing as she realized they were just a perfect as she had thought. Smooth, without a single flaw, trimmed nails and with an odor that stung her nostrils; not due to a bad smell, but due to how wondrous it was.

Caitlyn's face went red, her embarrassment reaching its peak as her feet were stared at so closely. She opened her mouth to protest yet again, but was cut off by Vi's tongue licking along her smooth sole. One long, torturous lap that sent a wave of tickling along her legs, her laughter again prominently filled the homestead. Vi licked til she reached her toes, then enveloping her big toe to suckle and lick upon, her hands lightly teasing her soles with fluttering nails to draw further laughter from her.

The feeling of her toe being so thoroughly ravaged felt oddly pleasant to Caitlyn. Pleasant enough that again, moans began to sneak in between her laughter. Vi drank in all the sounds her victim made, loving it most when a sweet moan mixed lovingly with a titter. The sound made her feel drunk almost, and in order to hear it more, she extended her own leg outward, towards Caitlyn's crotch.

Amidst the horrible tickling that racked her nerves, the feeling of a pressure at her groin made her moan loudly. She looked down to find Vi's foot, pressing against her clothed cunny in a rough, yet pleasant manner. When she pressed further, she felt her hips grown numb, pressing her own flower in her teasing foot to draw yet more pleasure from the wayward foot. Vi's nails scraped at her sole ever more, drawing more laughter to mix with her moans; something that was quickly driving the brunette mad.

Suckling at her big toe still, Vi finally released it, giving it a big kiss goodbye, before moving over to the woman's smaller toes. She took them into her mouth too, suckling and licking, one hand moving to tickle between the toes upon her neglected foot whilst her other still worked along her sole. Vi felt her foot being pressed upon Caitlyn's groin grow wetter and wetter, urging her to press harder, to press more and more and more...

All the tickling and all the pleasure turned Caitlyn's mind to mush. Amid horrible tickling and wonderful pleasure, she felt her second orgasm rock her body to its core. For several moments, she spasm-ed and cried out in ecstasy before slumping back against the wall, her breath ragged and face red as a cherry. And her eyes gleaming with sexual gratification.

Caitlyn closed her eyes for a bit, her head slumped as she preyed Vi would... continue? Stop? She was unsure what she wanted, the tickling and pleasure having melded together during the torture. She was brought back by the feeling of her head tilted upward. She opened her eyes to see Vi, the pink haired girl baring a lusty smile as she locked lips with her, her tongue worming into her mouth. Caitlyn kissed back, her own tongue knotting and dancing with hers as the worked away small bits of remaining lust.

They only pulled back wheh their lungs cried out for oxygen, only a few inches away, a trail of saliva connecting them. Caitlyn began to speak, but Vi silenced her with her finger. “Shhh... Save it, Cupcake. We still have a long way to go...” She whispered, how breath hot and husky as she moved back down to Caitlyn's bound feet, bringing them back up to her face, her tongue extending slowly...

Caitlyn offered no resistance for the coming hours of tickling and sexual bliss.
Did you consider writing second part, maybe poor Caitlyn deserves revenge on her tormentor? ;)
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