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Pirates (FF/m)


Jan 12, 2002
This story is a nonfiction account of a joint session with Mistress Zara and Mistress Kassandra. The session took place in April 2006. All three of us were over 21 years of age at the time of the session. The story contains extreme FF/m tickle torture, spanking, foot worship, and other forms of F/m domination, some of them extreme. If any of that might offend you, then don't read it.

Added via editing, April 1, 2007:

This story has won the 2006 Golden Feather Award for best nonfiction story of the year. I give my thanks to both Mistress Zara and Mistress Kassandra for that. :bowing: :bowing:

by Milagros317

I enter the dungeon room, remove some of my equipment from my bag, and undress. I lie down on the bondage table. Our roleplay today will require me to be bound there before it begins.

Mistress Zara enters, not yet in character, but in costume. She is going to be the captain of a pirate ship (of all women pirates) for this roleplay. She is wearing a newly purchased costume: Red shirt and red jacket with lace ruffles at the neck and cuffs, black pirate hat with skull and crossbones insignia, black belt, short skirt, red knee-high stockings with ruffles at the top, and black boots.

She puts my hands into leather mitts that have no fingers, and buckles them tight. She attaches both mitts to the top of the bondage table, and also to each other. She puts padded leather cuffs on my ankles, and attaches them to the lower sides of the bondage table, spreading my legs. As she begins to add some elaborate rope bondage, Mistress Kassandra enters the room. Her role is First Mate on Mistress Zara's pirate ship.

Mistress Kassandra is wearing a maroon headscarf, a shirt with horizontal black and white stripes, a shiny red waist-cincher, a short black skirt with petticoats, black stockings, and high black boots with very high heels. Also not yet in character, she looks me in the eye and speaks.

"Somebody is really going to get it today. You are really in for it."

Mistress Zara smiles at this, and both of them have a wonderful sadistic gleam in their eyes. They are clearly going to enjoy what they are about to do to me.

With both of them now adding rope bondage, I am soon barely able to wriggle. Ropes form a large X over my whole body, with the crossing point just above my genitals. Ropes further restrict my arms and legs. My big toes are pulled towards each other with rope, as well as back towards my ankles with more rope. Mistress Kassandra adds the last rope bondage, thinner rope around my pinky toes, tied off to pull them outward.

"With his toes splayed like that, we can really get his feet," she notes.

Mistress Zara adds a leather collar and blindfold to my predicament, and they leave the room.


The two Mistresses re-enter the room, in character.

"Look at this pitiful land-lubber," says Mistress Kassandra. "The crew did a good job of making him helpless after capturing him."

"I'm not a land-lubber," I say, "I'm the captain of a frigate on an important mission. Let me go right now. My crew will be here to rescue me soon anyway."

They both laugh.

"I never saw such a pitiful excuse for a captain," says Mistress Zara. "Why don't you tell him why he won't be seeing his crew?"

"We've made short work of your crew," says Mistress Kassandra. "They've all walked the plank, and they now sleep in Davey Jones' Locker. They made good shark food, I'm sure."
They both laugh again.

"Before we killed them, we made them talk," says Mistress Zara. "We know all about the gold, and we want to know where it is."

"They saw you head north with it, so we think it's near the large waterfall due north of here," says Mistress Kassandra.

"Do you think I'd tell the crew where I was hiding it?" I say. "No, I saw your pirate ship following us, and I decided to bury it myself. It has to be kept safe until I can take it to a certain bank in London, it's my responsibility. I headed north for a bit just to fool my crew, because some of them can't be trusted. Only I know where it is buried, and I'll never tell."

"Never is a long time," says Mistress Zara. "I think that we can make you tell. Your crew told us quite a bit about you, in the hopes that we would spare them."

"We never spare anybody," says Mistress Kassandra, "what we did was cut them up quite a bit before they walked the plank, so their blood would attract the sharks."

"We know that you have a weakness," says Mistress Zara, walking around to the foot of the bondage table, "which will give us a way to torture you without the danger of accidentally killing you before you talk."

She runs one fingernail up the sole of my left foot, and I laugh. She tries tickling my right foot, and I laugh again.

"They told the truth, he is ticklish," she says.

"Yes, quite ticklish, and totally helpless, utterly at our mercy. This should be fun," says Mistress Kassandra.

Mistress Zara now digs into my left sole with all ten fingernails, while Mistress Kassandra tickles my rib cage on both sides. I laugh and laugh, and try to get away. It is soon obvious that I can barely wiggle, they have bound me so well.

Blindfolded, I have no warning that Mistress Kassandra is about to move her attack to under my arms, and I howl and shriek as she tickles there. Soon she picks up two toothbrushes, and tickles under my arms with them.

As Mistress Kassandra continues to prod my armpits, Mistress Zara tickles between my toes, and then moves up to my knees, tickling behind them. She moves up further, tickling my thighs. She gives an occasional tease to my genitals as she keeps tickling my thighs.

"Will you tell us where the gold is?" ask Mistress Zara.

"Never, you brigands, you thieves, you pirates, I'll never tell," I answer.

"We prefer to be called re-distributors," says Mistress Kassandra, now tickling my neck and my collarbones. She digs her fingers under the leather collar to get at my neck, and she knows that my collarbones are extremely ticklish, and keeps going back to them.

"That's right, we redistribute the wealth, to our favorite charity," says Mistress Zara.

"Which happens to be our own pockets," says Mistress Kassandra, "and we want the rich booty that your frigate was carrying. We can tickle you forever if you won't talk."

"Can I take off his blindfold?" she asks. "I want to look into his eyes while I torture him."

"Yes," says Mistress Zara, "let him see how ruthless we are."

Mistress Kassandra jumps up onto the bondage table, and sits on the side of it with both of her fabulous legs over my chest, further pinning me down. She rips off the blindfold looks into my eyes.

Mistress Zara goes and gets a leather gag, and comes to my head.

"Since you don't want to talk yet, I'll gag you so we don't have our ears assaulted by your laughter," she says, inserting the gag.

She returns to the foot of the bondage table, and rakes my soles with her fingernails. I laugh loudly into the gag, and the muffled sound amuses them both.

Mistress Kassandra, still pinning me with her legs and looking into my eyes, digs into my rib cage again on both sides, and taunts me.

"Such a ticklish baby! I can hardly believe that you were a captain. Does that tickle? Does it? Just a little bit? Tickle, tickle, tickle. This is so much fun! Tickle, tickle, tickle. We just may tickle you forever, for the fun of it. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Now I want a turn at your very ticklish feet."

The women change places, Mistress Kassandra standing by my bound feet and Mistress Zara climbing up onto the bondage table.

As Mistress Kassandra tickles my soles, endlessly raking them with her fingernails, Mistress Zara picks up the electric toothbrush and tickles under my arms with it. I am out of breath and howling with laughter, almost ready to give in. Mistress Zara senses this, and removes the gag from my mouth.

"I'll talk, I'll tell where the gold is, just stop tickling me," I say.

They stop and wait expectantly.

"I walked only a tenth of a mile north," I say, "and then turned due east and went seven tenths of a mile. There are two palm trees there, about 100 feet apart. The gold is buried in a blue sack, half way between those trees."

"I know those trees," says Mistress Kassandra, "they're near Milagros Creek."

"Yes, very close to that creek," I say.

"I'll go to dispatch a party to dig up the gold," says Mistress Zara, "meanwhile, you keep tickling him, don't give him a moment's rest."

"That's not fair," I say, "I told you where the gold is."

"Fair?" says Mistress Zara, and they both laugh.

"Not a moment's rest," says Mistress Zara, as she pretends to leave, but really only sits on the couch at the far end of the dungeon room. "Tickle him insane while I'm gone."

Mistress Kassandra debates gagging me again, but decides on a different way to keep the noise down. She takes off one of her boots, and hops up onto the bondage table again.

"I've been wearing these boots for a fortnight," she says, pressing the sole of her foot, now only in a black stocking, into my face, pressing on my nose and mouth. "That should be quite sweaty, but it will keep you quiet."

While I enjoy the fragrance of her lovely foot, she tickles me ferociously under the arms, digging in and wriggling her fingers.

I laugh and laugh, the sound of it muffled by her size 9 foot, as Mistress Zara watches from the couch.

After a minute, Mistress Zara returns and addresses me, as Mistress Kassandra continues to tickle and tickle me without a pause.

"A party of my crew is going to where you said the gold was. We'll amuse ourselves torturing you in different ways until they get back. If the gold isn't where you said, expect to be cut into hundreds of pieces, slowly, and fed to the sharks one piece at a time."

She tickles my feet again, while Mistress Kassandra is still digging into my armpits. I howl and wriggle, but can't escape their attentions. It seems like an eternity of being tickled, but is probably only about five more minutes until they stop. I lie there panting in my bondage, catching my breath.

"He needs some tattoos," says Mistress Zara.

She and Mistress Kassandra take black and red magic markers and give me a break from the tickling as they draw all over my chest, upper arms, belly, and thighs. They draw hearts, a ship, an anchor, and some abstract squiggles. They amuse themselves by tickling me just little as they draw.

Then the tickling starts again in earnest. Mistress Zara digs into my rib cage and underarms, which Mistress Kassandra tickles my feet and knees. They tickle and tickle, until I'm once again breathless and red in the face, laughing uncontrollably. Finally they stop again.

"That's as much tickling as we were going to give you," says Mistress Zara, "but you protested that it wasn't fair that we kept tickling you after you told us about the gold. To teach you a lesson, that we don't understand the word 'fair' here, you now will get ten minutes of the most extreme tickle-torture that we can give, with no safeword allowed and no mercy whatsoever."

Both of them look at me with sadistic glee in their eyes, and prepare for the ten minutes of extra tickling. Mistress Zara decides that I should be gagged again, but with her stockings. She takes off her boots and removes both red knee-high stockings. One is rolled into a ball, inside out so that the portion that was against her lovely foot will be against my tongue, and shoved into my mouth. The other is tied around my head and between my teeth to keep the first one in place.

"Don't utter one single word," Mistress Zara warns me. "Only laughter is permitted. For each word that I hear coming out of that gag, one minute will be added to the ten."

I tremble at this announcement, and brace myself.

Mistress Kassandra remains up on the bondage table, and she digs into my rib cage vigorously, making me howl and scream into my gag. Mistress Zara tickles my feet ferociously, using both hands, concentrating on what she knows is my worst spot, the balls of my feet near the base of my toes.

They are both relentless, tickling without pause, but I manage to just laugh and scream, not saying any words. It is almost too much to bear, and I feel that I'm about to pass out, to actually lose consciousness. Then they stop.

I lie there, exhausted, too weak to move. What I hear next is not reassuring.

"It's time to hoist him up on the yardarm," says Mistress Kassandra, "and play the spanking game."


It takes a while to remove the rope and mitts. This is fortunate, because I have been tickled senseless and need the time to recover a bit. They leave me in the collar and ankle cuffs. I am given baby wipes to wipe off the sweat.

I am led to the hoist, and my hands are locked into the leather wrist cuffs attached to it. Mistress Zara cranks up the hoist until I am taut, arms stretched towards the ceiling, just barely standing flat-footed on the ground. Then she ties my ankles cuffs off to each side, spreading my legs a bit.

Mistress Zara explains to me that they will roll two dice and compute the product of the two numbers, not the sum. I will then have to guess what it was, and be spanked based on my guess. I will have to keep guessing if I'm wrong, being spanked each time. They may or may not tell me if my guess was too high or too low. They may or may not lie to me about it. They laugh at this last bit of information.

They roll two dice, out of my sight, and observe the result. They invite me to guess.

"12," I say. This is one of the two rolls that can happen in four ways, 2x6, 3x4, 4x3, and 6x2.

"Wrong guess," says Mistress Zara, "so you get 120 spanks."

Mistress Kassandra looks surprised at 120.

"Sometimes I add a zero, just to spank him more," explains Mistress Zara.

To me she says, "Count off each ten and say thank you."

Mistress Zara begins, using her hand. She starts fairly gently.

"10. Thank you."

She begins to smack my bare bottom harder.

"20. Thank you."

She turns the job over to Mistress Kassandra, who gives me 20 with her hand. They alternate, 20 each, using a wooden paddle and a ping pong paddle for numbers 41 to 120.

"120. Thank you."

"What's your next guess?" says Mistress Zara.

Since they haven't told me if 12 was too low or too high, I pick the only other number that can occur in four ways, 1x6, 2x3, 3x2, and 6x1.

"Six," I say.

"Wrong," says Mistress Kassandra, "it's higher than 6."

I am glad to have the information. Mistress Zara decides to add a zero, and I soon receive 60 more spanks, some of them quite hard, from a rubber spanking implement. Mistress Zara invites me to guess again.

"20," I say.

"That's too high," says Mistress Zara.

I am happy when she just gives me 20 spanks rather than 200. I thank her sincerely.

"15," I say for my next guess.

The two women whisper to each other. Mistress Zara tells me that 15 is too high also. She smiles at me sweetly, and says that I will now get 150 spanks.

Mistress Kassandra gives the first 60, medium hard, and I saw "oww" a bit as she proceeds. She then leaves the room and returns with a stool. She sits on the stool in front of me, and removes one boot and stocking. She places the sole of her beautiful bare foot over my mouth.

"After each ten, kiss my foot instead of saying 'thank you'," she orders.

Mistress Zara begins to spank me, quite hard with a wooden spatula. I am glad for the distraction of a lovely sole in my face, over my mouth.

"70," I say, and kiss Mistress Kassandra's sole.

Mistress Zara spanks me even harder, and says, "It will get worse until you scream out your safe word."

No hero, I wait only one more spank before screaming "Lavender!!" which is my safeword.

Satisfied that she can force me to beg for mercy, Mistress Zara now spanks me rather gently, just love taps. I continue to kiss the lovely sole in my face gratefully until the 120 are done.

"Lavender," I say, "my hands are falling asleep, I can't feel them."

Mistress Zara cranks down the hoist apparatus by two turns of the handle, and the pressure is off my wrists. I feel circulation returning to my hands.

"Thank you," I say.

"Next guess?" asks Mistress Zara.

"Ten," I say.

"You get 100 spanks," says Mistress Zara, and both women laugh at the look of horror on my face.

Mistress Kassandra takes pity on me, and give me gentle love taps for her half of the hundred, while Mistress Zara sits on the stool and presses a bare foot in my face to kiss after each ten. Mistress Zara gives soft spanks also for a while, but the last ten from her are hard.

"You never guess a prime number," says Mistress Kassandra.

"No," I say, "because all primes above 5 are impossible, they can't be the product of two dice."

"Well," says Mistress Zara, "I think we can make the next guess for him."

"Your next guess is seven," says Mistress Kassandra.

They both laugh, and I wisely keep my mouth shut. Protesting, I believe, will only cause them to change it to 29 or 31.

No longer offering me their beautiful feet to kiss, they spank me reasonably hard for a total of 70 spanks.

They release me from the hoist's wrist cuffs at that point, and never do tell me what the correct product was.

"I wonder what's taking the crew so long to find the gold?" says Mistress Zara.

"Maybe they're digging where he said and it's not there," says Mistress Kassandra.

"We'll just have to think of creative ways to torture him while we wait," says Mistress Zara.


I am ordered to lie on the floor near the couch. Mistress Zara announces that I must be thirsty, and that she will get me some ale. She leaves the room.

Mistress Zara returns with a coffee mug, half full of her urine.

"Take a sip of this ale," she orders.

I sit up, take the cup from her hands, and I do drink a sip, but she isn't satisfied.

"Another sip."

I take another sip, and thank her for the ale.

They both laugh, and order me to lie down again.

Mistress Zara takes two large Band-Aids that I brought, and attaches both firmly to hairy areas of my body, one on my chest and one on my beard. Then she gets a pair of tweezers.

She delights in plucking hairs from various parts of my body, especially the eyebrows and the chest.

She plucks half a dozen, and they laugh at my cries of pain.

Mistress Kassandra squats down over me, hold up her skirt and petticoats, and orders me to kiss her ass. I kiss both her panties and the portion of her bare buttocks that extends beyond them. She orders me to keep kissing, and I do so, happy to kiss her extraordinarily beautiful bottom, over and over again.

She now takes the tweezers and selects a long hair to pluck out from my chest herself.

The women discuss for a while why they like plucking my hairs out so much, and they agree that it's quite a sadistic activity. They come to no conclusion as to why it's so enjoyable for them. Mistress Zara notes that she would like to keep me prisoner for a month and pluck out all of my body hairs, one by one. She laughs at my facial expression when she says that.

Mistress Zara decides that it's time to remove the Band-Aids. She pulls one off slowly, which hurts, but is disappointed at how little hair has stuck to it. She pastes it back on and tries again, but there is again very little hair stuck to it.

Mistress Kassandra pulls off the other Band-Aid, quite slowly, and grins when I say "ouch."

Taking an eyedropper in hand, Mistress Zara now retrieves the coffee cup with her urine in it, and orders me to open my mouth. She feeds me more of it, one eyedropper full at a time, for a few minutes.

Mistress Kassandra, having finished the bottled mineral water that she brought, leaves the room with the empty bottle. She returns with that bottle a quarter full of her urine, and orders me to open my mouth. She pours about half an ounce into my mouth, and orders me to swallow. I do so, and thank her.

She takes the coffee mug and pours the rest of it's contents into the bottle.

"Here's some homework for you," she says. "You must take a sip of our combined piss somewhere in public, where people can see you. Don't worry, it looks like apple juice. Email us where and when you did this. Just one sip, you can dispose of the rest."

I agree to do so, and the now capped bottle is put near my bag to take home.

Both of them now sit on the couch, and use me as a footstool. Mistress Zara rubs her bare feet over my face, and Mistress Kassandra over my thighs and groin. Ignoring me, they talk to each other as they tease me with their incredibly lovely bare feet.

After a while, they change places, Mistress Kassandra's size 9 feet in my face, and Mistress Zara's size 7 feet at my thighs and groin. They chat in character, about previous exploits as pirates, and mostly about men that they have put to death in horrible ways.


"I hear the sound of the digging party returning," says Mistress Zara.

She gets up from the couch and goes to the door of the dungeon room, performing both sides of a conversation there, in her own voice and another voice. Listening, we learn the the sack full of gold was found exactly where I said it would be, and that there were some emeralds in the sack as well. She returns to where I am lying on the floor and Mistress Kassandra is sitting on the couch, and sits down.

"I can never go home now that you've stolen the gold," I say, "because I'm personally responsible for it. Since I can't pay back its value, I would be sent to debtors' prison if I went back to New York."

"There was never any question of your going home," says Mistress Kassandra. "We have never spared a prisoner's life. What we may do is just tie you to a tree on the island, cover you with honey, and watch as the rats and insects eat you alive as the tropical sun burns you."

"Well," says Mistress Zara, "he is rather useless, but all our furniture on board ship is made of wood, and he does make a nice soft footstool for us."

"True," says Mistress Kassandra to her, and then addresses me. "Stick out your tongue!"

I do so, and she continues.

"That tongue could be useful. With a crew of all women, we sometimes need stimulation. I myself could probably make use of that tongue three or four times a week."

"With the whole crew making use of it," says Mistress Zara, "he'll have a sore tongue quite soon."

They both laugh at that thought.

"Alright, we'll keep you as a footstool and personal servant to us," says Mistress Zara, "but if you ever misbehave or refuse to follow an order, then it's the honey, the insects, the rats, and the tropical sun for your fate, understand?"

"Yes," I say, "I will be eager to serve you."

Mistress Zara now orders me to get the foot lotion. It is actually an edible body lotion, flavored with chocolate and coconut.

I bring the lotion over, and also their presents, which they can examine while I massage their lovely feet. I have gotten a book for Mistress Zara from her Amazon wish list, and a movie DVD for Mistress Kassandra from her Amazon wish list.

I massage the lotion into Mistress Zara's lovely feet and ankles. I blissfully massage her feet until she tells me that she has had enough. I then rub the lotion into Mistress Kassandra's feet. I happily massage them until she is satisfied.

I look up at Mistress Zara, hopefully.

"May I please have permission to lick your soles now?" I ask.

"How many spanks did you get, all together?" she asks.


"Then you may have 52 licks, that would be 26 for each of us, 13 for each foot. Wow, it comes out evenly this time."

"Thank you, may I begin?" I ask, picking up Mistress Zara's right foot.

"Yes, you may," she say.

I lick her sole, from the back of her heel to the tip of her toes, 13 times, counting each one. I kiss the ball of her foot and say thank you.

"May I please lick your other sole now?"

"Yes, you may."

I am overjoyed to perform the same service on her left foot.

I turn to Mistress Kassandra and ask, "May I please lick your sole now?"

"Yes, but first kiss each toe," she says, extending her right foot forward.

I kiss each of her toes reverently, and then lick her right sole in the same manner as I did Mistress Zara's. She admonishes me to do it slowly and to savor it. I kiss the ball of her foot and say thank you.

"May I lick your other sole now?" I ask.

Mistress Kassandra gives her permission, and I forget to kiss her toes first. After the second lick, she reminds me, and I stop and kiss each toe reverently. I resume and finish the 13 licks, thanking her again at the end.


I hand two dice to Mistress Zara, as it is now time to roll for my fate. She rolls one die in each hand, and closes both fists. I select her right hand, and she reveals a 4. We both know that this means I will be allowed to masturbate four times until I see her again, in two weeks.

"I have the option to lower that," says Mistress Kassandra. Indeed, Mistress Zara has given her the option to do so at any of our joint sessions.

"I think he deserves one more punishment before I decide," says Mistress Kassandra.

She orders me to my hands and knees, and stands behind me, giving me another spanking with her hand. She is using only moderate force.

"Are you getting a spanking?" asks Mistress Zara.

"Yes," I say, "on my already sore bottom, but fortunately she isn't hitting me very hard."

At that, Mistress Kassandra begins to hit me very hard indeed, until I cry out in pain.

She resumes her seat on the couch, and consults with Mistress Zara. I can't hear what they're saying.

"That was very impudent of you, to presume that you knew what kind of spanking I was giving you," she says. "I am reducing your quota to three."

"Thank you for only reducing it to three," I say.

"When you choose one of the dice, you always get something above zero," says Mistress Kassandra, "because there is no zero on the dice. But keep in mind that I have the right to reduce your quota to any lower number, even to zero."

"Yes, Mistress Kassandra, I acknowledge that, and agree it is fitting that you have such authority," I say.

Mistress Zara smiles at her,and she smiles back, secure in her power, and my fear of her exercising it.

"I've put pebbles in your shoes," says Mistress Zara, "you may take them out when you get home."

The session is now over. I get up, and we all exchange hugs. It will be two weeks before I see my beloved Mistress Zara again, and a couple of months before our next joint session with Mistress Kassandra.


I dress, and there are indeed four or five pebbles in each of my shoes. It hurts a bit to walk. Enduring the discomfort ordered by Mistress Zara, I walk to the subway station nearest the dungeon, and take the train home. I am carrying the bottle of their combined urine in one hand, and my bag of toys in the other hand. It does look like apple juice. When I get to my destination and leave the train, I pause on the subway platform. Dozens of people are walking in all directions around me. Nobody pays any attention as I put down my bag, unscrew the bottle cap, and then take a sip of the yellow liquid from the bottle. I recap the bottle, pick up my bag, and proceed on my way. When I get home, I pour what's left into the toilet and flush.

-the end-
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mils, fantastic yet sadistic story.. and Mistress Kassandra is beautiful, as is Mistress Zara. but ouch, plucking out chest hairs.. aye me matie, a fine tale indeed..

Ohhh Milagros! Terrific story. You write so well, if only you were a ler, or I was a lee I'd have enjoyed it even more!
Brilliant once again, Mils! :D I can only imagine how stunning MZ and MK must have looked in those outfits! Arrrrrrrrrr! :bouncybou

Gotta agree with Mel on the hair plucking... owwwieeee! :wow: And a wooden spatula?! :manicd: hehehe, I'm still envious ;)
The only thing better . . .

The only thing better than reading about a Mistress Kassandra/Mistress Zara session must be participating in one. I am hoping my much-delayed two-mistress sessions with those spectacular ladies will be next month. Thanks for getting my imagination going, Milagros. Sound as though Kassandra and Zara did a great job on you.
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