Yeah, as a female lee, I’ll keep it honest as well.
So glad you had an awesome session and the lee enjoyed herself as much as you did tickling her! You sound like an awesome ler. I agree that you could do paid sessions for lees if you are willing to tickle males, but as a female, you can get tickled pretty much anytime you want and/or have skilled lers pay YOU. Unfortunately, there is quite a gender difference in terms of session availability and willingness. I HOPE you prove me wrong though! Get your Ler on, and maybe make a few bucks 😉
I agree however there’s a lot more to being a professional session provider and sex worker to think about then just being able to make a few bucks tickling somebody. You are providing a sexual service even though we do not consider it sexual for not providing anything sexual it’s still considered companion work and sex work so please be aware of this! On top of that there’s a lot of safety issues to consider have you gone through a bondage course? Do you know to have bandage scissors available when tying up a female Lee?
I personally advise you to stay away from personal sessions until you get a lot more experience under your belt! It can be dangerous for all parties involved not to mention if somebody has a bad experience you might taint that person‘s view of purchasing a session in the future
There’s a whole business side to consider there’s money being exchanged so therefore are you gonna keep it under the table? Are you going to try to claim some of it? There’s a lot to consider on the business side of it how are you going to advertise? Do you realize that you have to put your name down on forms with your ID in order to list yourself as a professional on booking sites?
As a professional for the last 15 years Industry has changed it’s not the same our industry is definitely under attack and to start coming into the industry as a new person with little to no experience is not advisable
It’s like somebody that put together a clip on adobe premiere and then thinks they can be hired out for video production and enter Film Festival‘s… It does seem a little pretentious doesn’t it? [emoji2368]
Not to mention you have to have incredibly thick skin if you are sensitive in any type away to what people say or criticize about it will be very difficult to get constant constructive criticism it’s also a part that people don’t consider is the mental aspect that it takes on you
Like if you work at Subway every day and you love sandwiches after a while you’re not going to not want to see a sandwich whatever you love and you end up doing for work sometimes doesn’t have the same passion crossover. Or a better example if you like sports and you play basketball and you’re a goat on the court but all of a sudden doing it professionally loses its mystique for some people if that makes sense...
I started a monthly tickle party and I will have male tickler’s and it’s a good way to start out to see if it’s something that you can do before you inadvertently either waste someone’s time or ccause a negative situation unknowingly so if you can find ways to be able to get more experience through parties and gatherings that would be much more advisable than starting on a professional level
Just my 2 cents
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