I love this stuff. Sue me.
1639. Richard Fairbank's tavern in Boston becomes the first repository for overseas mail.
1775. Benjamin Franklin appointed first Postmaster General.
1825. The Dead Letter Office is established.
1847. First postage stamps issued.
1860. The Pony Express is established in Joplin, Missouri. It lasts only 18 months.
1916. Postal Inspectors solve the last known stagecoach robbery in America.
1918. Expermental airmail service begins.
1924. Regular transcontinental airmail service begins.
1942. The V-Mail program created for WWII.
You can read more here. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blmailustimeline.htm
1639. Richard Fairbank's tavern in Boston becomes the first repository for overseas mail.
1775. Benjamin Franklin appointed first Postmaster General.
1825. The Dead Letter Office is established.
1847. First postage stamps issued.
1860. The Pony Express is established in Joplin, Missouri. It lasts only 18 months.
1916. Postal Inspectors solve the last known stagecoach robbery in America.
1918. Expermental airmail service begins.
1924. Regular transcontinental airmail service begins.
1942. The V-Mail program created for WWII.
You can read more here. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blmailustimeline.htm
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