Quick but gratifying tickle experience. Was hanging out with my good friend Jane (name changed): 27yo, 5'7", 125lbs, shoulder length dirty blond, mesmerizing blue eyes, guys go crazy for her and while I find her very attractive, she's a little too crazy for a relationship. She's very open-minded though, which is an appealing trait.
We were sitting on the couch and talking about about my tickle/foot fetish, which she's known about for a while. To my surprise she randomly volunteers some key info I'd never heard before: "Wanna hear a secret? My most ticklish spot, and I mean BY FAR, is my belly button." She then proceeds to pull up her shirt to reveal her attractive belly (firm, but still soft and womanly, y'know?) with her cute inney belly button. "You touch it and I'll go through the roof. But I know you gotta take it for a test drive, so just don't go overboard."
I just gave a shrug and a "Fine by me" look and proceeded to insert my pinky finger right in that fleshy hole. Her back arched like a current was running through her and she yelped and then guffawed loudly! I was only applying light pressure with my pinky, rotating back and forth at a moderate pace, but still she was laughing her head off.
After a quick 15 seconds of that she yelled, "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH!" I stopped and gave her a smirk. "My God, you weren't kidding," I smiled at her.
"Shit, I know! You can have my feet anytime! Just stay away from my f***ing belly button!" She graciously proceeded to place her bare feet in my lap. Size 7, dark blue nail polish.
"Wow," I commented, "if I knew the path to your feet ran through your belly button, I would have gone through that route a long time ago." I proceeded to lightly caress her smooth pink soles and to lightly tickle her feet with long soft strokes and by running my fingers between her toes. This went on for about 3 minutes. Jane does not have the same tickle fetish that I do, but she enjoys it from time to time and loves getting a rise out of me. I made sure that it was as enjoyable for her as it was for me.
We were sitting on the couch and talking about about my tickle/foot fetish, which she's known about for a while. To my surprise she randomly volunteers some key info I'd never heard before: "Wanna hear a secret? My most ticklish spot, and I mean BY FAR, is my belly button." She then proceeds to pull up her shirt to reveal her attractive belly (firm, but still soft and womanly, y'know?) with her cute inney belly button. "You touch it and I'll go through the roof. But I know you gotta take it for a test drive, so just don't go overboard."
I just gave a shrug and a "Fine by me" look and proceeded to insert my pinky finger right in that fleshy hole. Her back arched like a current was running through her and she yelped and then guffawed loudly! I was only applying light pressure with my pinky, rotating back and forth at a moderate pace, but still she was laughing her head off.
After a quick 15 seconds of that she yelled, "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH!" I stopped and gave her a smirk. "My God, you weren't kidding," I smiled at her.
"Shit, I know! You can have my feet anytime! Just stay away from my f***ing belly button!" She graciously proceeded to place her bare feet in my lap. Size 7, dark blue nail polish.
"Wow," I commented, "if I knew the path to your feet ran through your belly button, I would have gone through that route a long time ago." I proceeded to lightly caress her smooth pink soles and to lightly tickle her feet with long soft strokes and by running my fingers between her toes. This went on for about 3 minutes. Jane does not have the same tickle fetish that I do, but she enjoys it from time to time and loves getting a rise out of me. I made sure that it was as enjoyable for her as it was for me.