Bruno McQueen from Fife in Scotland had been speaking to me on line a week and had told me he wanted to experience being tickled by another guy but was embarassed by this as he was straight and married five years and father to his 3 yr old son and was hesitant to follow through his fantasy but fighting it was getting to him and now In New York on business had called me from his hotel and wanted to meet. Bruno agreed to come straight from his business meeting and arrived at 5pm and reminded me of a young Sean Connery and told me his mother's side of the family originally from Italy had moved to Scotland in the early 1940's and his father Scottish. The 36 yr old 6' and slim guy was decidedly nervous as I fixed us both a drink and I asked him where his fantasy came from and he told me his cousin had tickled him a little as teens so maybe it was that but was not sure. I told him that as he knew I was a 'Tickle-Top' so hoped he could take it and he smiling said he hoped so too.
I took him to the playroom and he stripped off his suit and lay face down on the playtable as told to keep his socks and underwear on and secured I then replaced his zip up ankle boots, black soft leather and size 13's and then gagged and blindfold him and whispered in his ear that fantasy was about to be reality. I told him his boots on as I wanted his feet very warm, very sensitive and he flinched as I said whispering that I was pretty much obsessed with guy's feet and if he couldn't handle this that it was pretty much his problem not mine and reminded him that in our on line communications I remembered him saying he gave his feet a 10/10 on the tickle scale so had put in brackets to go easy on them; be nice but now told him I don't do nice!
I then went to the end of the playtable and unzipped each boot and easing them off gave them a sniff whilst looking at the businessman's black socked soles seeing the contours of his feet through them and telling him his boots smelled awesome and he had a great pair of feet and both secured tight side by side and his toes wiggled. Their aroma was intensely pungent and musky and the thin black fabric of his socks damp with sweat from his wearing the boots all day. I leaned closer to them seeing his toes wiggling from nervousness and lightly tapped each black socked sole so his feet fliched and his toes curled in his socks
"Hmmm Bruno seems I'm looking at two very ticklish feet and feet I'm gonna take my time having a lot of fun with!" I said
I told him not to worry their smell might put me off, to the contrary sealing his ticklish fate and then reminded him he was a straight guy told him that his feet even socked were teasing me and then licked very slowly the black socked sole of his right foot which he'd not been expecting, not been discussed and he heard me sniffing his socked left foot sole and feeling me fondling his foot while licking his other foot as he moaned so switched feet breaking to tell him that the tickling torment would begin when I was ready and his socked feet tasted amazing!
I continued alternating from foot to foot so moistened by his natural sweat and my saliva his socked feet smelled like feet and rich and strong as I like feet being, soapy and clean smelling of coconut or peppermint oil is perfect if you want me going nowhere near your feet guys! The feel of my tongue on Bruno's socked soles was unnerving him but I heard his muffled reaction and I examined the foot-sweat and saliva soaked socks with my fingers just the pads but up n' down and back and forth on each socked sole seeing his feet flinch and smiling as each socked sole was teased!
"It sure does Bruno and this is just the beginning but can tell you have really smooth feet and like I have told you Bruno I have a real predilection for guy's feet and straight guy's sweaty feet more so and no holds barred so I guess you could say your feet are gonna be raped as the soles will be licked, every toe licked between, each and every toe sucked and a variety of tools used on them so the feather, electric toothbrush, the metal finger tips as well as my fingers and tongue but your fantasy realised in ways you never imagined happening, experienced and expert I am gonna wake up every nerve ending in these feet like you'd never believe!"
I slowly peeled the socks down his ankles and inch by inch exposed the soles of two ticklish bare feet. Curling his toes Bruno had tried instictively to keep his socks on and so I lightly stroked the centre of both soles telling him to shake them off his toes but his socks were coming off and he knew a useless fight splayed his toes as I slowly removed them. Then licked across the balls of each of his feet and pulling his toes apart licked in between them one by one and then took each toe in my mouth and sucked on them so the other toes rubbed by my face as I sucked and licked his wiggling toes for a while as I told him not to tickle so much as to humilate him as his moans indicating another man orally enjoying his feet did not seem to be a sensation he enjoyed but he wasn't here to enjoy himself, he was here for me to enjoy myself!
Ignoring his moans I continued the licking of both soles and licking and sucking on his toes and in between them! Bruno futilely trying to kick out and stop me, making me all the more determined to continue and I did and making comments that he needed to wait for the tickles even though I could see and hear my lickling was doing the trick but relishing him clearly not liking a tongue on his delicious feet lubricated with his sweat and now my saliva and a single finger drawing circles in the centre of both defenseless and sweaty soles and stroking along his arches. I stroked my fingers over the soles of Bruno's smelly feet and slurping his wriggling toes.
"I'm gonna tickle your feet and you're going to lie there and take it Bruno and when I say tickle I do mean tickle and right now giving them a lickle and Mmmm your feet taste incredible and guess you've never had another guy drooling over your feet and feasting on them, keep wiggling your toes as I take a mouthful!"
Bruno gasped as all five toes of his right foot were swallowed by me and wiggled inside my mouth so my tongue slid in between them all and then immediately his left foot getting the same oral attention as he moaned enticing me all the more to enjoy them. My warm and wet tongue sliding all over both of Bruno's feet was unbearable for him and loved nibbling his arches and licking every inch of his sweaty soles to his toes! the arch of his sweaty soles all the way to his toes and burying my nose under them all taking deep sniffs of his masculne scent, the smell of his feet and the flavour of his foot sweat intense.
Then suddenly my fingers stroked his ultra ticklish soles and he wriggled frantically to escape as his head twisted from side to side of the playtable as the pressure and speed of my teasing fingers intensified! I drew my fingers the full length of both sweaty feet from both heels to under his toes relentlessly and then stroked the balls of his feet and along both arches making him laugh much harder as now he was being tickled and stroking his insteps and the outer edges of his feet increased the teasing torment tenfold! The sweat of his feet making the tickling worse so soon he was overwhelmed by wave after wave of tickles drowning him in an ocean of ticklishness! Ungagged Bruno would have been heard laughing then howling and then screaming but gagged as I didn't want his reactions putting me off my stride as I tickled all across his arches and along the siles of both feet as his toes curled and wiggled frantically to escape the torture!
I relented though and ungagged him and he immediately yelled
"Oh yeah you sure are that Bruno and being tickled like nothing you ever felt before!" I said as I pulled back his toes on each foot in turn to keep the sole of each foot taut and spider tickled up n' down the soles and raked my fingers along the arches of his feet and loved hearing his hysterical screaming and howling.
I then gave them a slower tickling allowing Bruno to regain some breath and ignoring him begging me to release him saying that he wanted tickle torture and that's what he was getting and the torturer deciding when he'd had enough and maintained a slow stroking over both Bruno's feet as I sniffed them and indulged in more tongue work as I told him that licking guy's feet really a buzz for me but especially ticklish or licklish feet and more so straight guys knowing unlikely their girlfriends or wives went near their feet so usually virgin territory. I told him about the 22 yr old marine who had enjoyed his feet tickled and massaged but hated them licked but had come to a 'Top' and so had dealt with it happening saying in the dorm he having had his feet tickled in horseplay but not licked. I told Bruno I enjoyed the marine's feet orally a full hour of the two hour session! I then vigorously tickled up n' down the soles of Bruno's feet as he fought to pull away but failed doing so kept laughing hysterically by me as his toes wiggled encouraging and inviting me to suck, lick and nibble them!
What a reaction to the quill of the feather drawn the length of the soles of his feet which was driving Bruno berserk provoking reactions from him as if his feet were being electrocuted as I drew it along each sole in turn and held back his toes to stroke along the bridges under them all and then licked his soles and licked under and in between his toes and saliva lubed soles the quill dragged more teasingly along the soles of his feet. This now was pure torture for Bruno so his fantasy being realised but I told him learning the lesson that some things best kept as a fantasy but too late now and tickled his feet determined to drive him wild as he laughed, giggled, howled and screamed in hysteria according to the intensity of the tickling given and whether with the feather qulll, the feather end sawn in between his toes, my finger or my tongue!
"I love these high arches Bruno and your feet really have an amazing taste thanks to Momma and the pasta!" I teased him ignoring him begging me not to tickle his feet anymore!
I stopping and looking at them and sniffing them and telling him to wiggle his toes under my nose or more tickles and he reluctantly followed instructions. Others followed so he had to clench his toes and splay his toes, rub his feet together and beg me to not tickle his feet! He told me his cousin had only tickled his feet briefly but it having left a lasting impression but agreeing his feet too ticklish to ever make fantasy his reality again! I made him beg me to stop tickling his feet and responded to him
"Now that's what I like to hear Bruno, I really love the begging, it makes tickle torturing them all the more fun and the more you beg me not to tickle them the more I will and for longer and longer and I then began spider tickling the soles of both feet simultaneously as Bruno's laugh became desperate, fingers tickling up n' down both soles mercilessly. It was unbearable and pulling his toes back and stroking under them all only intensified things for him as Bruno horribly tickling in between and under his toes especially!
"How can you stand this Bruno? Living out your fantasy like this, your level of tickling endurance being tested to the max, is is really torture huh, I mean really tickling you, does the reality live up to the fantasy as I sure hope so as I want to give you what you wanted and Mmmmm these feet smell great and guess you know I'll be tasting them again soon but your fault Bruno having such delicious soles to lick and toes to suck on!" I smirked as tickling Bruno's feet was most enjoyable as he now hated it!
Bruno's long toes so vulnerable and the electric toothbrush activated and the revolving bristles slipping under and between the his ticklish toes had him laughing so hard that he was gasping for air! Rather than stroking up and down and back and forth along the soles of his feet I was using it employing soft quick strokes and then longer slower strokes and worked it over the bals of each of his feet and under his toes, then drew ticklish circles in the centre of both sloes and ran the bristles across the arches of both feet and loved seeing his toes wriggle as he desperately tried pulling his feet away. He went ballistic when I then quit using the feather and my fingers with the metal tips on ran lightly up n' down both soles and drew circles in the centre of both soles of Bruno's feet unmercifully scraping his toes, insteps and heels as he gasped, shrieked, thrashed and bounced up and down on the playtable.
I then resumed tickling the soles of both of his as his head shook from side to side on the playtable and I indulged then in giving both of his feet a thorough tongue bath making sure I nibbled his arches and toes which made him go crazy as my lickling and nibbling over stimulated all the nerves in his sweaty feet and I relished the taste of both sweaty soles and his toes which were wriggling flexing and curling to try to avoid my tickling tongue lickling him!
“Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Stop stopYou can’t! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!HAHAHA! HA! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIt tickles!IT TIIICKLESSStopitstopitstopitstopit! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!I can’t stahahahahahnd it!Hehehehehehehehehehe!"
Bruno was completely powerless as I maintained assaulting his bare feet, spidering my ten fingers over the soles, up the arches and under the base of his toes driving him wild! I indulged in orally attacking his toes sliding fingers and then my tongue in between each toe and pulling his toes back and scratching my fingers frantically under them all as Bruno screamed and I toned down my tickling to just lightly stroking his soles and sniffing his pungent feet which really got me horny as a man's feet smelling like a man does! Bruno begged the torture to stop laughter pouring from him as shocking waves of tickles tormented all over his super sensitive feet. He was in ticklish hell and I couldn't resist and dragged my nails up n' down both bare soles of his feet saying the intensity of the tickling torment seemed to be getting to him!
"You know Bruno you have such big tender feet had I been your cousin I'd have secured them in socks asnd played with them so licked all over your socked soles and sucked the sweat from your socked toes and slid an electric toothbrush inside a sock to hold it in place while sniffing and fondling the other socked foot and alternated feet and then peeled off both socks and tongue bathed both bare feet, licked soles, sucked toes and got off on the smell of them and admired the look of them both and you know what reckon on doing all this soon enough as you're going nowhere anytime soon and more significantly nor are your feet!"
I then leaned closer to his feet and licked both soles hungrily.
Bruno clenched his toes desperately and tried to pull his his feet away but I told him to save his energy for fighting against the tickling torture and then alternated between using the feather, the electric toothbrush, my tongue and my fingers which I loved inserting between his manly musky smelling toes and running the feather tip over them all and each toe individually and dusting his soles with it before sadistically raking the quill over his sweaty and ultra-ticklish soles before darting my tongue in between them whilst simultaneously spider tickling his soles as the ticklish sensations shot through his nerve endings. I tickled the arches of his feet with my fast moving fingers loving seeing Bruno trying to escape but the feather drawn in and out between his toes drove him crazy and was fun to see them wriggling violently reacting to them being tortuously teased!
Then feather substituted for my fingers and dragging each of my fingers up n' down the length of his feet hearing him giggling his head off enduring an endless nightmare of ticklishness exploited so that he would leave knowing reality from fantasy and telling him this having activated the heat lamp and replaced his sweaty black socks and leaving him a few minutes for his feet to warm up even more as I told him soon the electric toothbrush would be inside his left sock and left him with that thought whilst I went to get some iced water for us both as ice tickles up n' down soles of feet and under toes is a killer too! 3 hours later after an enforced foot massage, Bruno a tickled mess, called a cab as he had a flight home to catch that night!
I took him to the playroom and he stripped off his suit and lay face down on the playtable as told to keep his socks and underwear on and secured I then replaced his zip up ankle boots, black soft leather and size 13's and then gagged and blindfold him and whispered in his ear that fantasy was about to be reality. I told him his boots on as I wanted his feet very warm, very sensitive and he flinched as I said whispering that I was pretty much obsessed with guy's feet and if he couldn't handle this that it was pretty much his problem not mine and reminded him that in our on line communications I remembered him saying he gave his feet a 10/10 on the tickle scale so had put in brackets to go easy on them; be nice but now told him I don't do nice!
I then went to the end of the playtable and unzipped each boot and easing them off gave them a sniff whilst looking at the businessman's black socked soles seeing the contours of his feet through them and telling him his boots smelled awesome and he had a great pair of feet and both secured tight side by side and his toes wiggled. Their aroma was intensely pungent and musky and the thin black fabric of his socks damp with sweat from his wearing the boots all day. I leaned closer to them seeing his toes wiggling from nervousness and lightly tapped each black socked sole so his feet fliched and his toes curled in his socks
"Hmmm Bruno seems I'm looking at two very ticklish feet and feet I'm gonna take my time having a lot of fun with!" I said
I told him not to worry their smell might put me off, to the contrary sealing his ticklish fate and then reminded him he was a straight guy told him that his feet even socked were teasing me and then licked very slowly the black socked sole of his right foot which he'd not been expecting, not been discussed and he heard me sniffing his socked left foot sole and feeling me fondling his foot while licking his other foot as he moaned so switched feet breaking to tell him that the tickling torment would begin when I was ready and his socked feet tasted amazing!
I continued alternating from foot to foot so moistened by his natural sweat and my saliva his socked feet smelled like feet and rich and strong as I like feet being, soapy and clean smelling of coconut or peppermint oil is perfect if you want me going nowhere near your feet guys! The feel of my tongue on Bruno's socked soles was unnerving him but I heard his muffled reaction and I examined the foot-sweat and saliva soaked socks with my fingers just the pads but up n' down and back and forth on each socked sole seeing his feet flinch and smiling as each socked sole was teased!
"It sure does Bruno and this is just the beginning but can tell you have really smooth feet and like I have told you Bruno I have a real predilection for guy's feet and straight guy's sweaty feet more so and no holds barred so I guess you could say your feet are gonna be raped as the soles will be licked, every toe licked between, each and every toe sucked and a variety of tools used on them so the feather, electric toothbrush, the metal finger tips as well as my fingers and tongue but your fantasy realised in ways you never imagined happening, experienced and expert I am gonna wake up every nerve ending in these feet like you'd never believe!"
I slowly peeled the socks down his ankles and inch by inch exposed the soles of two ticklish bare feet. Curling his toes Bruno had tried instictively to keep his socks on and so I lightly stroked the centre of both soles telling him to shake them off his toes but his socks were coming off and he knew a useless fight splayed his toes as I slowly removed them. Then licked across the balls of each of his feet and pulling his toes apart licked in between them one by one and then took each toe in my mouth and sucked on them so the other toes rubbed by my face as I sucked and licked his wiggling toes for a while as I told him not to tickle so much as to humilate him as his moans indicating another man orally enjoying his feet did not seem to be a sensation he enjoyed but he wasn't here to enjoy himself, he was here for me to enjoy myself!
Ignoring his moans I continued the licking of both soles and licking and sucking on his toes and in between them! Bruno futilely trying to kick out and stop me, making me all the more determined to continue and I did and making comments that he needed to wait for the tickles even though I could see and hear my lickling was doing the trick but relishing him clearly not liking a tongue on his delicious feet lubricated with his sweat and now my saliva and a single finger drawing circles in the centre of both defenseless and sweaty soles and stroking along his arches. I stroked my fingers over the soles of Bruno's smelly feet and slurping his wriggling toes.
"I'm gonna tickle your feet and you're going to lie there and take it Bruno and when I say tickle I do mean tickle and right now giving them a lickle and Mmmm your feet taste incredible and guess you've never had another guy drooling over your feet and feasting on them, keep wiggling your toes as I take a mouthful!"
Bruno gasped as all five toes of his right foot were swallowed by me and wiggled inside my mouth so my tongue slid in between them all and then immediately his left foot getting the same oral attention as he moaned enticing me all the more to enjoy them. My warm and wet tongue sliding all over both of Bruno's feet was unbearable for him and loved nibbling his arches and licking every inch of his sweaty soles to his toes! the arch of his sweaty soles all the way to his toes and burying my nose under them all taking deep sniffs of his masculne scent, the smell of his feet and the flavour of his foot sweat intense.
Then suddenly my fingers stroked his ultra ticklish soles and he wriggled frantically to escape as his head twisted from side to side of the playtable as the pressure and speed of my teasing fingers intensified! I drew my fingers the full length of both sweaty feet from both heels to under his toes relentlessly and then stroked the balls of his feet and along both arches making him laugh much harder as now he was being tickled and stroking his insteps and the outer edges of his feet increased the teasing torment tenfold! The sweat of his feet making the tickling worse so soon he was overwhelmed by wave after wave of tickles drowning him in an ocean of ticklishness! Ungagged Bruno would have been heard laughing then howling and then screaming but gagged as I didn't want his reactions putting me off my stride as I tickled all across his arches and along the siles of both feet as his toes curled and wiggled frantically to escape the torture!
I relented though and ungagged him and he immediately yelled
"Oh yeah you sure are that Bruno and being tickled like nothing you ever felt before!" I said as I pulled back his toes on each foot in turn to keep the sole of each foot taut and spider tickled up n' down the soles and raked my fingers along the arches of his feet and loved hearing his hysterical screaming and howling.
I then gave them a slower tickling allowing Bruno to regain some breath and ignoring him begging me to release him saying that he wanted tickle torture and that's what he was getting and the torturer deciding when he'd had enough and maintained a slow stroking over both Bruno's feet as I sniffed them and indulged in more tongue work as I told him that licking guy's feet really a buzz for me but especially ticklish or licklish feet and more so straight guys knowing unlikely their girlfriends or wives went near their feet so usually virgin territory. I told him about the 22 yr old marine who had enjoyed his feet tickled and massaged but hated them licked but had come to a 'Top' and so had dealt with it happening saying in the dorm he having had his feet tickled in horseplay but not licked. I told Bruno I enjoyed the marine's feet orally a full hour of the two hour session! I then vigorously tickled up n' down the soles of Bruno's feet as he fought to pull away but failed doing so kept laughing hysterically by me as his toes wiggled encouraging and inviting me to suck, lick and nibble them!
What a reaction to the quill of the feather drawn the length of the soles of his feet which was driving Bruno berserk provoking reactions from him as if his feet were being electrocuted as I drew it along each sole in turn and held back his toes to stroke along the bridges under them all and then licked his soles and licked under and in between his toes and saliva lubed soles the quill dragged more teasingly along the soles of his feet. This now was pure torture for Bruno so his fantasy being realised but I told him learning the lesson that some things best kept as a fantasy but too late now and tickled his feet determined to drive him wild as he laughed, giggled, howled and screamed in hysteria according to the intensity of the tickling given and whether with the feather qulll, the feather end sawn in between his toes, my finger or my tongue!
"I love these high arches Bruno and your feet really have an amazing taste thanks to Momma and the pasta!" I teased him ignoring him begging me not to tickle his feet anymore!
I stopping and looking at them and sniffing them and telling him to wiggle his toes under my nose or more tickles and he reluctantly followed instructions. Others followed so he had to clench his toes and splay his toes, rub his feet together and beg me to not tickle his feet! He told me his cousin had only tickled his feet briefly but it having left a lasting impression but agreeing his feet too ticklish to ever make fantasy his reality again! I made him beg me to stop tickling his feet and responded to him
"Now that's what I like to hear Bruno, I really love the begging, it makes tickle torturing them all the more fun and the more you beg me not to tickle them the more I will and for longer and longer and I then began spider tickling the soles of both feet simultaneously as Bruno's laugh became desperate, fingers tickling up n' down both soles mercilessly. It was unbearable and pulling his toes back and stroking under them all only intensified things for him as Bruno horribly tickling in between and under his toes especially!
"How can you stand this Bruno? Living out your fantasy like this, your level of tickling endurance being tested to the max, is is really torture huh, I mean really tickling you, does the reality live up to the fantasy as I sure hope so as I want to give you what you wanted and Mmmmm these feet smell great and guess you know I'll be tasting them again soon but your fault Bruno having such delicious soles to lick and toes to suck on!" I smirked as tickling Bruno's feet was most enjoyable as he now hated it!
Bruno's long toes so vulnerable and the electric toothbrush activated and the revolving bristles slipping under and between the his ticklish toes had him laughing so hard that he was gasping for air! Rather than stroking up and down and back and forth along the soles of his feet I was using it employing soft quick strokes and then longer slower strokes and worked it over the bals of each of his feet and under his toes, then drew ticklish circles in the centre of both sloes and ran the bristles across the arches of both feet and loved seeing his toes wriggle as he desperately tried pulling his feet away. He went ballistic when I then quit using the feather and my fingers with the metal tips on ran lightly up n' down both soles and drew circles in the centre of both soles of Bruno's feet unmercifully scraping his toes, insteps and heels as he gasped, shrieked, thrashed and bounced up and down on the playtable.
I then resumed tickling the soles of both of his as his head shook from side to side on the playtable and I indulged then in giving both of his feet a thorough tongue bath making sure I nibbled his arches and toes which made him go crazy as my lickling and nibbling over stimulated all the nerves in his sweaty feet and I relished the taste of both sweaty soles and his toes which were wriggling flexing and curling to try to avoid my tickling tongue lickling him!
“Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Stop stopYou can’t! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!HAHAHA! HA! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIt tickles!IT TIIICKLESSStopitstopitstopitstopit! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!I can’t stahahahahahnd it!Hehehehehehehehehehe!"
Bruno was completely powerless as I maintained assaulting his bare feet, spidering my ten fingers over the soles, up the arches and under the base of his toes driving him wild! I indulged in orally attacking his toes sliding fingers and then my tongue in between each toe and pulling his toes back and scratching my fingers frantically under them all as Bruno screamed and I toned down my tickling to just lightly stroking his soles and sniffing his pungent feet which really got me horny as a man's feet smelling like a man does! Bruno begged the torture to stop laughter pouring from him as shocking waves of tickles tormented all over his super sensitive feet. He was in ticklish hell and I couldn't resist and dragged my nails up n' down both bare soles of his feet saying the intensity of the tickling torment seemed to be getting to him!
"You know Bruno you have such big tender feet had I been your cousin I'd have secured them in socks asnd played with them so licked all over your socked soles and sucked the sweat from your socked toes and slid an electric toothbrush inside a sock to hold it in place while sniffing and fondling the other socked foot and alternated feet and then peeled off both socks and tongue bathed both bare feet, licked soles, sucked toes and got off on the smell of them and admired the look of them both and you know what reckon on doing all this soon enough as you're going nowhere anytime soon and more significantly nor are your feet!"
I then leaned closer to his feet and licked both soles hungrily.
Bruno clenched his toes desperately and tried to pull his his feet away but I told him to save his energy for fighting against the tickling torture and then alternated between using the feather, the electric toothbrush, my tongue and my fingers which I loved inserting between his manly musky smelling toes and running the feather tip over them all and each toe individually and dusting his soles with it before sadistically raking the quill over his sweaty and ultra-ticklish soles before darting my tongue in between them whilst simultaneously spider tickling his soles as the ticklish sensations shot through his nerve endings. I tickled the arches of his feet with my fast moving fingers loving seeing Bruno trying to escape but the feather drawn in and out between his toes drove him crazy and was fun to see them wriggling violently reacting to them being tortuously teased!
Then feather substituted for my fingers and dragging each of my fingers up n' down the length of his feet hearing him giggling his head off enduring an endless nightmare of ticklishness exploited so that he would leave knowing reality from fantasy and telling him this having activated the heat lamp and replaced his sweaty black socks and leaving him a few minutes for his feet to warm up even more as I told him soon the electric toothbrush would be inside his left sock and left him with that thought whilst I went to get some iced water for us both as ice tickles up n' down soles of feet and under toes is a killer too! 3 hours later after an enforced foot massage, Bruno a tickled mess, called a cab as he had a flight home to catch that night!