Posted this on fetlife, but don't think I shared here.
Over the years, I've come up with, overheard, and stolen a bunch of words that stand for various tickle spots / techniques that didnt really have any term that would accurately describe what I was trying to say. Or if they did, the words themselves were gross sounding. Here's some.
Babybacks - The back of the ribcage, like either side of your spine.
The Grinder- When someone makes their hand into a rigid claw-shape and vibrates their fingers along your ribs. Usually followed by cackles, asphyxiation, and death.
The Drill- Similar to The Grinder, but only one finger, usually the index, is used. Just as awful, though.
Quickle- Quick tickle that usually startles the shit out of you.
Squeaklish - Yeah, I dont think I made this one up. That word is kinda barf and self explanatory. Next!
Cords- The adductor muscles / tendons that attach your legs to your body (sometimes referred to as "pockets"). Worst muscle ever. Tendon. Whatever, it sucks.
Knee-knobs - The knee-caps (mine are more knob-like than cap-like lol)
Soup Bones - The collar-bone
The Typewriter - An effective means of attacking Soup Bones by mimicking typing on them with one's fingers. Add in the sound effects of the keys and carriage return if you are feeling extra retarded.
Elf Parts- The top of the ear where, if you were an elf, they would be pointed. I wish mine were pointed...dangerously sharp and pointed....
Two-Tone Giggles - When a ler moves from one ticklish spot to another - way more ticklish - spot, causing your laugh to jump a few octaves... and the rest of you to want to jump off a cliff.
Hidden Ribs - The ribs that are right under your boobs, thus hidden. And they are hidden for a reason, OK MUHFUCKA?!
Bread Basket - Upper stomach, where if you were hit there, you'd probably have the wind knocked out of you, which really doesnt sound so bad in comparison lol
Blast Off - When a ler puts their fingers around the boob(s), where it connects to the body, lightly drags them along towards the nipple, where they lightly pinch and tug / "blast off!" lolol
Tickle-Seeking Behavior (TSB) - Basically being a brat until someone retaliates with tickles.
Freezing - When someone touches your bare skin with something super cold, causing much yelping.
Over the years, I've come up with, overheard, and stolen a bunch of words that stand for various tickle spots / techniques that didnt really have any term that would accurately describe what I was trying to say. Or if they did, the words themselves were gross sounding. Here's some.
Babybacks - The back of the ribcage, like either side of your spine.
The Grinder- When someone makes their hand into a rigid claw-shape and vibrates their fingers along your ribs. Usually followed by cackles, asphyxiation, and death.
The Drill- Similar to The Grinder, but only one finger, usually the index, is used. Just as awful, though.
Quickle- Quick tickle that usually startles the shit out of you.
Squeaklish - Yeah, I dont think I made this one up. That word is kinda barf and self explanatory. Next!
Cords- The adductor muscles / tendons that attach your legs to your body (sometimes referred to as "pockets"). Worst muscle ever. Tendon. Whatever, it sucks.
Knee-knobs - The knee-caps (mine are more knob-like than cap-like lol)
Soup Bones - The collar-bone
The Typewriter - An effective means of attacking Soup Bones by mimicking typing on them with one's fingers. Add in the sound effects of the keys and carriage return if you are feeling extra retarded.
Elf Parts- The top of the ear where, if you were an elf, they would be pointed. I wish mine were pointed...dangerously sharp and pointed....
Two-Tone Giggles - When a ler moves from one ticklish spot to another - way more ticklish - spot, causing your laugh to jump a few octaves... and the rest of you to want to jump off a cliff.
Hidden Ribs - The ribs that are right under your boobs, thus hidden. And they are hidden for a reason, OK MUHFUCKA?!
Bread Basket - Upper stomach, where if you were hit there, you'd probably have the wind knocked out of you, which really doesnt sound so bad in comparison lol
Blast Off - When a ler puts their fingers around the boob(s), where it connects to the body, lightly drags them along towards the nipple, where they lightly pinch and tug / "blast off!" lolol
Tickle-Seeking Behavior (TSB) - Basically being a brat until someone retaliates with tickles.
Freezing - When someone touches your bare skin with something super cold, causing much yelping.
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