Hey everyone, I've been a member of this forum for a long time. I recently had the urge to start sharing my experiences (past/present) in no particular order.
Me, my good friend Sam, and a mutual friend of ours, Holly, were all 25 at the time. We've only known Holly for a few years and she was a friend that we would typically see at parties, events, nights out, etc. She was about 5'7" and had a full body type of build, I would guess about 150 lbs. She was very outgoing, friendly, pretty confident, and usually one of the high energy people in a group. Holly's college friends, Jackie and Jaya, were visiting for the weekend so she tried to plan a night out on Saturday but my friend Sam and I were the only people down to go out that night. We were both single and always down to meet new girls.
We meet the girls at a club around midnight. I immediately noticed Jaya was really attractive. Indian, skin a little on the darker side, about 5'2", body like she worked out but not super athletic, long dark hair that went almost down to her waist, and a really pretty face. She was wearing a sleeveless fitted black dress (not skin tight) that went down to about mid thigh, and purple closed toe heels that were maybe 5 inches. She had a manicure with purple nail polish that almost matched her shoes.
We had all been drinking so everyone feels good but nobody is trashed and everyone is getting along. Throughout the night we are all talking and dancing but Jaya is definitely more reserved than everyone else. I could tell she was happy to be there though because she was smiling almost the whole time and didn't look bored. I later learned she's not a big partier so the club environment is a little intimidating for her. Sam leaves right before the club closes, then Holly suggests we order food and have more drinks at her place.
We get to Holly's apartment and Jaya starts to get comfortable on the air mattress that is set up on the floor. She takes her shoes off and lies face down on the air mattress and immediately pulls out her phone. I check out her feet and they are really pretty; TINY, the pedicure matches the manicure, the bottoms are slightly lighter than the tops, and they look smooth.
Holly, Jackie, and I go to the kitchen to make drinks. Holly asks us "Where is Jaya?", and we tell her Jaya is on her phone in the other room. Holly shouts to her "Jaya, get off your phone and come get a drink!". Jaya doesn't respond. Holly gets a shocked but playful expression on her face, like she is offended but not truly. She lowers her voice and says to us with a smirk, "she'll regret ignoring me, follow my lead". I'm a little drunk and having a good time, Jaya is really cute, so I'm happy to see what Holly has in mind but I had no idea it would involve tickling.
We follow her into the other room and Jaya is in the same position. Holly lays down almost perpendicular to Jaya, facing the same direction. Her side/torso is laying across Jaya's upper back but not crushing her or causing Jaya any concern, and she's propped up on her elbow. Holly says "Hey friend, watcha doing, why didn't you answer me?" Jaya responds "sorry, I'm just tired". Holly says "aww let me wake you up" and starts digging into her armpits. Jaya squeals out the cutest "heyyyyy" and starts bucking a bit but is way too small compared to Holly and has no leverage in her position. Holly is tickling her for only a few seconds before Jackie runs to her feet. I don't want to miss out so I straddle the back of Jaya's knees. Holly stops but Jaya quickly realizes what is happening and pleads "please no, i'm up, i'm up". No one acknowledges her plead and now she's getting tickled in her armpits, on her feet, and I start squeezing her sides and hips. She is giggling non stop with some loud laughs here and there, mixed with the occasional "OMG stop".
The way the weight is distributed on the air mattress, Jaya's butt is kind of propped up. Mix that with the moving and bucking, and her dress starts to ride up her thighs to just below her butt cheeks. She tries reaching it the best she can yelling "Holly my dress!". I knew Holly was a little "wild" but I didn't expect what happened next. Holly says "Oh I got it..." and pulls Jaya's dress all the way up past her ass with one hand and continues tickling her armpit with the other. Jaya lets out a screech.
Now I have the perfect view of this cute Indian girl's ass bouncing around in a red thong, and I barely know the girl. We all keep tickling for maybe another 30 seconds while Jaya is in shock just giggling and squirming. Holly reaches back and slaps Jaya's ass and gets off her. I take that as my cue to stop and also get off, Jackie follows. Jaya rolls over and her face is beat red as she pulls her dress down. She says while catching her breathe and with a defeated smile "I can't believe you guys".
There was some banter back and forth between the girls and ultimately Jaya was embarrassed but let it go as gracefully as she could. I have one more story about her that I'll post another time.
Me, my good friend Sam, and a mutual friend of ours, Holly, were all 25 at the time. We've only known Holly for a few years and she was a friend that we would typically see at parties, events, nights out, etc. She was about 5'7" and had a full body type of build, I would guess about 150 lbs. She was very outgoing, friendly, pretty confident, and usually one of the high energy people in a group. Holly's college friends, Jackie and Jaya, were visiting for the weekend so she tried to plan a night out on Saturday but my friend Sam and I were the only people down to go out that night. We were both single and always down to meet new girls.
We meet the girls at a club around midnight. I immediately noticed Jaya was really attractive. Indian, skin a little on the darker side, about 5'2", body like she worked out but not super athletic, long dark hair that went almost down to her waist, and a really pretty face. She was wearing a sleeveless fitted black dress (not skin tight) that went down to about mid thigh, and purple closed toe heels that were maybe 5 inches. She had a manicure with purple nail polish that almost matched her shoes.
We had all been drinking so everyone feels good but nobody is trashed and everyone is getting along. Throughout the night we are all talking and dancing but Jaya is definitely more reserved than everyone else. I could tell she was happy to be there though because she was smiling almost the whole time and didn't look bored. I later learned she's not a big partier so the club environment is a little intimidating for her. Sam leaves right before the club closes, then Holly suggests we order food and have more drinks at her place.
We get to Holly's apartment and Jaya starts to get comfortable on the air mattress that is set up on the floor. She takes her shoes off and lies face down on the air mattress and immediately pulls out her phone. I check out her feet and they are really pretty; TINY, the pedicure matches the manicure, the bottoms are slightly lighter than the tops, and they look smooth.
Holly, Jackie, and I go to the kitchen to make drinks. Holly asks us "Where is Jaya?", and we tell her Jaya is on her phone in the other room. Holly shouts to her "Jaya, get off your phone and come get a drink!". Jaya doesn't respond. Holly gets a shocked but playful expression on her face, like she is offended but not truly. She lowers her voice and says to us with a smirk, "she'll regret ignoring me, follow my lead". I'm a little drunk and having a good time, Jaya is really cute, so I'm happy to see what Holly has in mind but I had no idea it would involve tickling.
We follow her into the other room and Jaya is in the same position. Holly lays down almost perpendicular to Jaya, facing the same direction. Her side/torso is laying across Jaya's upper back but not crushing her or causing Jaya any concern, and she's propped up on her elbow. Holly says "Hey friend, watcha doing, why didn't you answer me?" Jaya responds "sorry, I'm just tired". Holly says "aww let me wake you up" and starts digging into her armpits. Jaya squeals out the cutest "heyyyyy" and starts bucking a bit but is way too small compared to Holly and has no leverage in her position. Holly is tickling her for only a few seconds before Jackie runs to her feet. I don't want to miss out so I straddle the back of Jaya's knees. Holly stops but Jaya quickly realizes what is happening and pleads "please no, i'm up, i'm up". No one acknowledges her plead and now she's getting tickled in her armpits, on her feet, and I start squeezing her sides and hips. She is giggling non stop with some loud laughs here and there, mixed with the occasional "OMG stop".
The way the weight is distributed on the air mattress, Jaya's butt is kind of propped up. Mix that with the moving and bucking, and her dress starts to ride up her thighs to just below her butt cheeks. She tries reaching it the best she can yelling "Holly my dress!". I knew Holly was a little "wild" but I didn't expect what happened next. Holly says "Oh I got it..." and pulls Jaya's dress all the way up past her ass with one hand and continues tickling her armpit with the other. Jaya lets out a screech.
Now I have the perfect view of this cute Indian girl's ass bouncing around in a red thong, and I barely know the girl. We all keep tickling for maybe another 30 seconds while Jaya is in shock just giggling and squirming. Holly reaches back and slaps Jaya's ass and gets off her. I take that as my cue to stop and also get off, Jackie follows. Jaya rolls over and her face is beat red as she pulls her dress down. She says while catching her breathe and with a defeated smile "I can't believe you guys".
There was some banter back and forth between the girls and ultimately Jaya was embarrassed but let it go as gracefully as she could. I have one more story about her that I'll post another time.