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Special Note To Those Who Never Or Hardly Ever Post On This Forum


TMF Poster
Apr 19, 2001
First a story; then some questions.


When the TMF had 2450 registered members, here was the approximate breakdown:

100+ Posts – 50 people (2%)
10-99 Posts – 300 people (12%)
2-9 Posts – 550 people (22%)
1 Post – 250 people (10%)
0 Posts – 1300 people (52%)

These numbers tell us that a fairly small percentage of members (14%) are fairly participative, using 10 posts as a subjective measure.

The really interesting numbers are for the 0-posters and the 1-posters, because both of those are categories require a behavioral shift. To go from lurking to posting is a huge step, one that 52% of members have not been able to make. It’s also a big step to go from one post to making a second post–10% of the members are stuck in that 1-poster category.

Why should we care? Because the robustness and vitality of the community depends on the conversion of lurkers to participants. If only 14% of the people do all the talking, we will soon get bored with each other. Plus, we are not leveraging the ideas, experiences, hopes, dreams and foibles of 86% of our comrades in feathers. That’s a huge waste. There are too few of us out there on the planet in the first place. We cannot afford to miss out on the potential contributions of 86% of our colleagues.


To the 0-Posters: What will it take to shed your lurker status? The board is anonymous–nobody will ever find out who you really are unless you tell them. It’s relatively flame-free and participants and virtually always kind and helpful to First-Posters. There’s clearly no IQ standard here–most of us aren’t geniuses, not even those who think they are. Tickling experience isn’t required–there are plenty of places where people with zero experience can contribute. Articulateness isn’t a requirement–some of our prolific people clearly speak English as a second language. Diego, for example, doesn’t appear to be a native English speaker, but I’ve never seen anyone complain about the occasional off-kilter word choice in his tickling stories–the content is too damn good to care about perfect English grammar. So, what do we need to do to convert you? I’d be very interested in seeing some 0-posters lose their digital virginity right here and give us some guidance on why you’ve hesitated. The learning may help us make the TMF more attractive to new people in the future.

To the 1-Posters: OK, you took the leap and then stopped. Why? Was something about the experience unpleasant? Did someone jump all over you? Was your comment ignored? Do you just get bored quickly? I’d be interested in hearing from some 1-posters about the obstacles to speaking up a second time and about what the rest of us could do to remove them.

Now's the time to speak up, folks.

Why not speak from your own experience? You may have a lot to share with these people who may be afraid to post. I see that you joined in April of this year and have posted 16 times since. What was your reason for holding back?
I, for one am very interested in why someone feels the need to just lurk. Not that lurking is bad, mind you. We all learn in different ways.
I'm sure that there are plenty of folk here who wished I was just a lurker. LOL

Imoral minority?

Hey lets hear it for us two percenters!!!
Being one of those people that, while not at 0 or 1 posts, has just recently started posting, I figured I'd put in my two cents.

For me, the main reason that I was a lurker was that I didn't feel comfortable with the idea that I had a tickling fetish. Or more to the point, I understood it internally, but actually stepping forward and admitting it aloud. I think of it kind of like going to an AA meeting. "Hi, I'm Mykal, and I have a tickling fetish." The main difference being that instead of trying to get over it, the goal is to be better able to accept it and enjoy it.

The cool thing is that after making that first step, my perspective has changed greatly. While I'm still not completely comfortable with with my fetish, it is due more to a lack of understanding it rather than not accepting that I have it. If that makes any sense.

Also, as for what it would take to get more people to post, I think aside form discomfort at coming out of the closet, if you will, it is a matter of finding some topic that one can share one's opinion on.


Hmm...I and some other "ancient" members have been working on understanding and living with this fascination for nearly 50 years, most of that time without the benefit of the Net and a forum such as this! It appears to be similar to doing water sculpture...nearly impossible to achieve except in VERY short bursts..lol! Lemme know if you figure out why we're wired like this, although I personally wouldn't switch given the chance. From what I've been able to ascertain over the last five decades, we seem to have a "passion" level that the "normal" people that are wired for their version of stimulation can't come close to matching.... might make for an interesting thread...think I'll go post it. BTW, what the heck % are the chatterboxes such as myself in? And i consider myself a fairly "shy" person with a bit of an introverted streak! Q
Top Ten Poster Stats

It's an interesting question as to what impact the most digitally verbal have on the TMF. In fact, the top ten posters are responsible for 5,756 posts out of 24,381. That's about 23% of the total.

It's good to have those Seinfeldian often-talkers to keep things going. It would also be good if a few new voices would check in about . . . just about anything.
I've only been a member for a week or so, but I'm already up to 22 posts (this makes 23). I was a lurker for awhile without registering, so how do you count that?

The good news is I've gotten a taste for writing stories, so hopefully you'll be hearing a lot from me.

I can tell you why I'm posting more now even though I've been a member since back in April or May.... I've grown tired of the hostilities on AMT. That's quite sad since that was the first NG I ever encountered. I still review it and sometimes reply but not as often as I used to.

Besides... I like it here! It's comfy!
Hmm...let's see if I can add my perspective on this. It took me many months to actually get my first post out there. I think a lot has to do with getting comfortable about expressing your own ideas in public. Depending on the crowd I'm in, I'm more or less reluctant to join in on the conversation.

I think more of it also has to do with mykal said about finding something you can relate to. Granted that, yes, everyone here has one thing in common, the style of this thing varies from person to person. So most of the time I just have to find the right thing I want to express an opinion on, such as this thread.

And finally, I think part of my reluctance comes from being one of the younger members. The majority of this forum is understanding and can carry on discussions. But there is always the thought in the back of my mind that my opinions will not be given any validity because of my age. It happens with people I interact with in real life so it may just be that I don't want to deal with it here. I know that for the most part everyone's word here is valid and taken with a certain understanding. This is just an obstacle I have to overcome with time. Hope this gives some glimpse into what causes lurking. If not well then you can look at me and think, "What is he talking about?" :p But I know that won't happen. :D
My two cents...

I dont know about anyone else, but I personally only write something when I feel strongly about a certain topic or if I really appreciate the post. Some people throw in their opinions on everything, and thats great, because it inspires thought and, quite possibly, debate. However, I also understand that some people just have nothing to say.
Hi, all:

Since you ask...

Been lurking here and elsewhere for a long time, almost never post.

My head 'knows' there's nothing wrong with 'this' as long as in real life it's consensual (fiction, of course, is another matter), but the Recovering Catholic part of me is afraid to be 'out' about it. I had been with my SO for around 25 years before I told *her,* and even then I did it indirectly. I know it's irrational.

For me, partly it's that I'm in a high-profile line of work, and though I know the chances are very small that I'd be recognized, my intuition is that it would be bad if I were. That's probably irrational too, though does anyone remember the scorn heaped on Dick Morris when it came out what he was into? (Anybody remember Dick Morris?)

Another factor: I'm a straight male who's seriously into F/m as about the most intense form of erotic foreplay I can imagine (I'd gladly switch if my lady would allow it, but she's adamant), and I've only recently noticed a growing acceptance of 'people like me.' Time was you were risking exposure to a lot of wrath, being into F/m.

Anyway... since you asked...

BTW this is my second post in a couple of weeks. Am I being seduced...?
Granddog, two posts in a week? Sounds like you started down that slippery slope. Better be careful or else you'll find yourself being a regular poster before you know it. :D


Yup...that's how it starts..lol. Yes, I and quite a few other memebers remember Dick Morris, BTW. We also understand that it IS possible to be identified from your Net activity by a sophisticated tracker or a lucky amateur. Some of us are also slightly high profile, at least in our own little burgs, anyway! But....it feels so good to chat about these things with people that understand what the intensity level and emotions of this fascination are about that we just literally have said.."So be it". We're not breaking laws or being bizarre beyond belief, even by a mainstream definition. As for your preferences about f/m, I think it may be a higher % than you think...many of us indulge in it at some point, because it's exciting and a change, but we don't all admit it as readily, for reasons similar to many of the ones previously discussed for "lurking".

Anyway, check out some of the threads and poke your nose into ones that interest you...you may be suprised how it eases the burden and stimulates the creativity within the TK side of yourself! Hi... Q
I post quite a bit now, but I didn't at first was because...

A.) sitting in front of a computer for a long period simply doesn't excite me. That's why I'm so rarely in chats to this day - and I know I'm missing out, too. What a double-edged cutting thing that is!

B). For the longest time I couldn't figure how to register, or log in, or I wasn't registered, or I was but not with this e-mail, or I was knowcked off ...or.. something. Simply put, I wanted to post, but forgot to do some vital important step when originlly registering so I could do nothing. Only now that the club has been revamped am I a full "member". Others may be having some kind of technical problem like that....


I have actually sat down and started typing a response to two or three of the hot threads, and then ended up deleting. I was afraid that they weren't witty, intelligent or logical enough to take up bandwidth.

And I haven't felt that I would contribute anything to these lengthy threads that had not already been said.

So here's a first post with more to come.

cynicschoice, welcome to the world of the delurked! :D

Just curiouse, but when you say posts, do you mean the posting of material like clips and pics, or do you mean just posting to say ones views on subjects and such?
I lurked for a very long time here, afraid to come out for much the same reason Cynicschoice mentioned.
Facing reality, I am not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.....I would look at a lot of these posters' responses, thinking just how I could ever even THINK about joining threads. While I do have some tickling experience, I sadly do not possess the eloquence of speech, the depth of thought, or in many cases the tickle GATHERING experience, that many of you do. It was (and still is) pretty intimidating.
I have been in a situation (not here in TMF) where a couple of 'philes looked down their nose at me for those very reasons, and I was not eager to repeat that experience.

But as the cliche goes....had to get back on the horse. I found that one cannot progress as the silent wallflower....so I registered, and here I sit before you. I am who and what I am....and people will just have to accept that, as I already have.

I am sure there are so many others who feel this way, which is what is keeping them out on the fringes.
To those people I say....give it the ole college try. The people you will meet here are fun, friendly, and supportive...and most importantly, non-judgemental.

When you feel you are ready, please do come on in. It simply just ain't a party without all of you.

My rambling is done. Just do it.

Peace everyone~~~~

I used to post farily regularly untill my trip to europe this summer. I was closing in on 50 posts or so (a lot of them in "original Artwork") but when I returned my post count had been reset to zero!

That was Myriads way of punishing you for going to Europe and not bringing back any souvenirs, bub!;) Q
Re: My two cents...

chtkl34 said:
I dont know about anyone else, but I personally only write something when I feel strongly about a certain topic or if I really appreciate the post. Some people throw in their opinions on everything, and that's great, because it inspires thought and, quite possibly, debate. However, I also understand that some people just have nothing to say.

I agree with chtkl34 totally on this issue. I have to feel strongly about a thread before I will take the time to write anything. Since there are few things I feel strongly about these days, I don't place a lot of posts. Also, as I grow older (I may be one of the oldest members here), I find that my interest in tickling and this entire forum sometimes wanes for a month or two.

There are also some logistic reasons for not posting, as a previous post in this thread mentioned. When we transferred from the old forum, it took me a while to get registered, after which I still could not post for a while because of a "case sensitive" problem with my login.

There is also, for some members, a competitive aspect to posting many messages. I'm very non-competitive, and therefore feel no need to post just to rack up numbers. Some members, however, seem to post even when they have nothing special to say. I suppose that's no problem, but it tends to obscure any statistical analysis of the posting tendencies of members.

The ability to "lurk" is part of the appeal of the Internet itself and probably an appeal to most forum-type sites. Many people are so accustomed to being passive spectators (I guess we have TV to thank for that) that they often just want to sit out there in their secure anonymity and watch others interact.

Each time I log on, I also take note that there are usually five to six times the number of "guests" using the forum as there are logged on members. This says to me that we have two varieties of lurkers - members who lurk and guests who are so "lurkish" that they aren't even registered.
I find myself reiterating many of the views that people have already expressed in this thread. I was a lurker for around 5 months, although a fair amount of that time was spent just familiarizing myself with the Internet. Because nobody is aware of my fetish, I feared that I might be making a mistake in ‘coming out.’ I also didn’t want to find myself spending more time on the web.

I live and work in N.Y.C., and felt an urge to join the TMF when I found posts here about the Trade Center Attack on and after September 11th. I thought it was so cool that people were concerned about other forum members, and I had an urge to share my experiences. Ironically, by the time I was fully registered, the attack was not nearly so current, and I no longer had any wish to post about it. When I was lurking, though, I always wanted to contribute. It felt good to do so after taking so much from this Forum.

On a note for all lurkers out there, posting and being involved in discussions was, for me, very cathartic. It amazes me that up until two months ago, I had never discussed or talked about tickling save for fleeting discussions with non-ticklephiles. It’s a good feeling to be able to talk about it.
QB, I'm with you.....I was hesitant to post here, after lurking for a while, and even MORE afraid of AMT, where I have only ever posted ONCE, too clique-ish and mean spirited in there for lovers of tickling... :confused: I feel comfortable here and like I belong, which is quite reassuring.

In Appreciation of Lurkers. Some of our best leaders were Lurkers. George Washington was one of the greatest Lurkers in our Nation's History. Can someone produce a video that would encompass both Lurkers and ticklers?
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