She hadn’t felt good lately so I offered to shave and lotion her legs. Every time I do this it comes with a bonus foot massage so she’s happy to let me do it.
I prefer to use my electric razor on her. Not only is it easier, but it’s faster. Tonight I found it had a fun side effect.
As I’m moving it up and down her leg, she starts to twitch. I wasn’t sure why until she smiled and said “It tickles!” It’s not often that she’ll go along with being tickled so I don’t push it.
Sure enough, when I started on her other leg it had the same result. More twitching followed by “That tickles!”
After that I made sure to use lots of lotion on her feet followed by putting on her aloe socks.
I prefer to use my electric razor on her. Not only is it easier, but it’s faster. Tonight I found it had a fun side effect.
As I’m moving it up and down her leg, she starts to twitch. I wasn’t sure why until she smiled and said “It tickles!” It’s not often that she’ll go along with being tickled so I don’t push it.
Sure enough, when I started on her other leg it had the same result. More twitching followed by “That tickles!”
After that I made sure to use lots of lotion on her feet followed by putting on her aloe socks.