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State of the forum regarding the tech issues we've been having

TMF Jeff

TMF owner and co-founder
Apr 2, 2001
Hi everyone,

Most of you have probably noticed that we've been having some technical difficulties in the forum over the last couple of months. The basic problem is that the forum has been around for a long time and there really isn't any kind of budget for updating and fixing things. We've gotten along for a long time without having to address that, but when you ignore a problem it only grows, and now it's too big to ignore and we're experiencing problems that can't be fixed with scotch tape and chewing gum.

We've managed to get things to about 99% functional as far as I can tell. Some people are still having problems, but it seems like most people are able to use the forum as normal.

And I think that's going to have to be the status quo until mid-late November, when I'll be able to free up some money and upgrade the forum. Unless a wealthy benefactor comes along, that's the best I can do.

BUT I do feel very confident that not only will that solve the problem, but it will allow us to modernize in some other useful ways and present a much better TMF for you guys.

So thank you for being so patient and believe me when I say I hate this. I hate having anyone be unable to use the TMF.

And to the people who find it just completely unusable, you can post here or contact me privately and I'll try to help you find some kind of workaround at least.

And be assured that this is temporary - we might have to limp along for a couple of months, but that's it. We'll upgrade the forum to one of the more modern options and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

You're appreciated more than words can express! Thank you for all you do!
Thank you Jeff. It is irritating at times, but I understand it is not an easy fix. I am sure you are doing everything you can to get this all fixed. You are truly appreciated.
I don't know what we'd do without your efforts! But do know that your diligence to keeping this site running as well as it has for so long is appreciated more than you can imagine!
Do we have a price range for this? How much we looking at? Couple thousand? Was a money donation thing ever opened up for the forum? I do feel like there was a donation thing a while back, but I can't quite remember.

I'm sure if you started a "fix the TMF" donation thing, quite a few members would step up and donate. This is really honestly the only fetish site I use besides DeviantArt for tickling and I used to use Patreon, so if there's a way to fix it I would try to help out.

Though I have been living paycheck to paycheck for a couple years now so I can't give too much.
I actually do not know what the cost of doing it would be. I haven't tried to get a number because until November, unless it's essentially nothing, it's not going to matter.

But since you guys are asking, I'm going to reach out to the person who's been helping us and ask if he has a sense of what it would cost, and I'll try to get some kind of number.

We do have a patreon here - https://www.patreon.com/TMFJeff
We have 142,037 members! If we all gave 5 bucks a month like I do, that would give them $710,185 a month to make this site amazing! Of course that'll never happen, but if even 4200 did, that's $21,000 a month. Doesn't take much people! If I can afford $5.00 a month, it seems like a lot of you could too!
I'm in. I was just saying earlier that I've made a fair amount in clip store profits over the years that I'd never have seen without free use of the TMF. Glad to give some back.
Jeff.. you owe us nothing but still give everything!! We love you for everything you do for us daily!!
Thank you
Thanks for your work, my friend...

If it wasn't for you, TMF wouldn't be the best tickling forum on internet. Thank you very much for that...
I owe this site more than $5 a month, undeniably. Jeff is good and great, one if not both.
Thanks for everything you'e been doing, Jeff! I've been meaning to for a while, but this just reminded me to bump up my Patreon sub by a couple of tiers.

Considering I visit this site daily (even though I'm not an active poster), this is the least I could do to help.
Thank you more than words can express. I wish I could be that wealthy benefactor for all the years TMF has been around for people like me who'd have no sense of community otherwise. All I can do is express sincere appreciation and support clips4sale from time-to-time as you've asked in your tagline, which I've done many times over the years. Thank you for your efforts to keep the forum alive because a lot of people would have no common ground without it.
Ah popularity both good and bad, more people is more fun but yeah it often requires upgrades. Thanks for all your hard work Jeff over the years I have been lurking on this forum for a really long time and it was always nice to know that there is a place for people who love tickling to gather together on the internet 🙂.

Is there a way for a one time donation? I looked at https://www.patreon.com/TMFJeff briefly and everything is a monthly subscription. As someone who used to be married and got divorced commitment is not my thing lol 🙂.

For now I just signed up for a monthly and then cancelled to give a one time donation hopefully this does not cause any issues.
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For now I just signed up for a monthly and then cancelled to give a one time donation hopefully this does not cause any issues.

That's exactly what I would have suggested. Thanks very much!

And thanks for the positive feedback. You guys being so quick to throw out all the support and encouragement really helps get me through these rough patches.
Thanks Jeff for the explanation. When I try to answer answer a private message, I get logged out where previouslyI had logged in, hopefully this will get resolved soon.
Hello Jeff, i am new here and i have read your article. So i belief in you too.You are doing everything you can to solve the problems.
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