This is long overdue, and I mean that in several ways. That being said, this is only a short addition to the next part of the Stocksvill Series, and I hope those that still enjoy the series enjoy it and look forward to the next part, which will hopefully be posted much sooner then it took me to get this part out there.
“Not my fucking fault my mom doesn’t have keys for her bondage shit.” Gloria grumbled, getting into Rod’s car and turning the engine over. Gloria was a little upset that she was being blamed for the current situation. Granted, she was the one who had come up with the idea of locking Rod in the bondage gear, and not checking to make sure that they had a key that worked on the locks, and not even thinking about the possible alternatives if such an event occurred, but she was pretty damn sure her mom was to blame for this. Well…reasonably sure.
“Ok, no problem though.” Gloria’s voiced picked up as she forced some enthusiasm and good spirit into herself. “I’ll just go find mom, ask her where the keys are, and Rod will be free in a jiffy.” Gloria gave her head a nod in agreement of her idea, as she pulled out into the driveway, and headed for the church.
“Hopefully this shouldn’t take too long.” Gloria said as she pulled into the parking lot. It seemed pretty empty at the moment, though more vehicles than expected. Of course, with the church, you never knew who had appointments for something, or needed to drop by for a last minute confession.
Gloria hopped out of the van, and began walking towards the church. It seemed like a pretty nice day outside, but then the weatherman had said it was going to be a nice day. Birds were chirping, squirrels were barking, the wind was blowing, and…
Gloria stopped about thirty paces from the Church door. She arched her head slightly, tilting her ear to the left of the church. Hearing laughter was nothing new around the church, but usually it was from inside the church, in inaudible from the outside. This was coming from the outside, though it was fairly faint at the moment. It piqued her curiosity, and Gloria admittedly was prone to giving in to her curiosity.
As Gloria walked around the left of the church, towards the expansive open field, she heard the sound of the laughter growing louder. It was definitely male, and definitely young, and it even sounded a little bit familiar. “Who in the…” Gloria began as she walked around the corner of the church.
“Bwa ha ha! You have to be shitting me!” Gloria burst out into laughter when she saw what was going on, though she could hardly believe it.
“Ahahahahhaa please please ahahaha stop!”
“Sorry boys, but this is for your own good.”
“Well, isn’t this a site.” Gloria chuckled, walking towards the spectacle that on the yard of the church. It was something she had never seen before, but in some ways, it was something that made perfect sense here.
It was a site out of something Gloria’s mother would have read on one of her websites. A heavy set of wooden stalks had been set out in the lawn, and currently two young men were sitting in them. Gloria knew them well, as did most of the residents of Stocksvill. They were the McDougal twins. They were twin brothers (though not the type you confused when they were standing beside each other), and known as general troublemakers. They never did anything serious, and the trouble they got into was not the violent type fortunately. Petty vandalism and low-level shoplifting was more up their alley, which Gloria noted with considerable amusement, was exactly what seemed to have placed them here, as a large wooden sign posted besides the stocks had clearly written, “Thieves! Please punish us for stealing.”
“Oh, hello there, Gloria.” Angela said, turning on her folding stool to cast Gloria a friendly look. Her fingers continued to work on auto-pilot, one hand gently scratching two fingers along the left sole of Tyler, the older of the two twins, while her other hand methodically flossed a pipe-cleaner between toes on his right foot. A table had been set up beside Angela, with several tickling tools laid across it.
“Ahahahahahaa stop stop!” The boy laughed, trying to move in the stocks, but like most people, finding it pretty much impossible. The stocks the brothers were situated in were some heavy-duty wooden stocks of the larger variety, which not only held the ankles spread, but the hands as well. Gloria’s mother had once pointed this type of stock out to Gloria, stating that once somebody was good and locked in, they weren’t getting out until they were let out. That certainly seemed to be the case here. Not only were the ankles bound securely, each toe had been spread and tied on the boys, making it impossible for Tyler to even close his toes as the pipe-cleaner worked its way between the digits.
“Oh please, I’ve just started. You’re brother handled it better than this.” Angela said, and Gloria was pretty sure she could hear the slightest bit of sadistic glee in Angela’s voice. Of course, this made sense, as rumor had it that the brothers, three years ago, had toilet-papered and egged her house on Halloween night. Of course, nothing could be proven, but she always seemed to get a bit of a scowl on her face whenever they were around. It seemed that she was taking this time to serve some very cold revenge.
Tyler’s brother, Jonathon, was currently gasping deeply, his eyes streaked with tears from laughing, trying to recover his breath from his ordeal. Both of the brothers were barely eighteen, having turned eighteen just a few monthes prior, and would be graduating with Gloria this year. She knew them, though she wasn’t particularly friends with the brothers, hanging out in different circles of friends. Still, she had worked with Jonathon once on a science project, and while still a troublemaker like his brother, he seemed to her as the lesser of the two evils, and even kind of cute. He was a little smaller and skinnier then his brother, but he also had a more pleasant face, and less of a temper.
“So, what happened here?” Gloria smiled, walking over to get a better look at what Angela was doing. She had to admit, the woman was good, her fingers working with a practiced ease and skill that only a veteran member of the Church would possess.
“Long story short, these two were caught stealing some candybars from the General Store, and their mother decided that an…alternative approach might be a more effective means of punishment.” Angela said, switching the feather to her other hand, and using her nails on the opposite foot, the feather going back to sweeping in between and under the toes of the other foot. “I believe it was your mothers suggestion, actually. She pointed out how judges these days were using more forms of corporal punishment to embarrass the offenders instead of incarcerating them. You can’t really keep good street cred when being locked in stocks and being tickled until you’re laughing like a little girl, can you?” Angela smiled, giving Tyler’s foot a particularly fast and vicious tickle with her hand getting a frantic cry of hysterics before she slowed back down to her more casual pace a moment later.
“It must have been a very convincing argument.” Gloria said, a little surprised that Victoria would sign off on something like this, though not surprised in the least her mother would be part of it. This was right up Dawn’s alley.
“Your mother was surprisingly prepared. She even had statistics and case examples.” Angela said.
“Why does that not surprise me.” Gloria laughed shaking her head.
“I suppose it shouldn’t, though when Victoria assigned the job to me, Dawn looked ready to swear a blue streak, but I think she realized that there are more fish in the sea, and it would be more likely to happen again if she bit her tongue and just let things play out.”
“So, can anybody tickle them or is it just you?” Gloria asked, a wicked grin touching her full lips.
“Oh, they’re free to be tickled by anybody, though I need to monitor their behaviour. Have to make sure nothing inappropriate happens.” Angela said, giving Gloria a smile, and then nodding her head towards a neighboring tree that had a few folding chairs resting against them. “Feel free to jump in.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Gloria smiled, picking up a chair and placing it in front of Johnathon’s bare, exposed, and oh-so vulnerable feet. She could spare a few minutes. After all, this was for the good of the community, not to mention the two boys sitting in front of her. “Hello Jonathon.”
“Please, Gloria, don’t!” Jonthathon pleaded.
“Awww…” Gloria had to admit, if it was Tyler, she would have had much less problem tickling him into a sobbing wreck. She decided she would go easier on Jonathon, but she still planned on tickled him. “It’s just a little tickle, Jonathon. You can take it, can’t you?” Gloria teased, a finger reaching out and beginning to run slowly up and down his left arch. She watched Jonathon’s face instantly screw up as he tried to fight the urge to laugh. “It’s just a few tickles. You can take it, can’t you?” She teased, adding a second index finger to the other foot, tracing her nails from the heels of his feet, up the arch to just under the big toes, and then back down again, making a slow, continuous path for her fingers
“MMMMMPH!” Jonathon was already struggling not to laugh, and Gloria had just started. She had to admit, his feet did seem particularly soft and sensitive. If Gloria had more time, she would have liked to have played with them longer, perhaps try a few tools like a goose feather or a makeup brush. Sadly, she was pressed for time, and if she was going to do any serious tickling, she had to get it done fast.
“Don’t you know it’s rude not to answer somebody when they ask you a question?” Gloria continued to tease. She waited a moment, pulling her fingers back, letting Jonathon think that she had stopped. She saw the strain of trying not to laugh fade from his face, waiting patiently for him to try and take in a steady breath, before her fingers once more lashed out, lightning fast and attacking the soft soles with a flurry of strokes. It was a technique she had seen, and felt, her mother do a hundred times. Had it been one of her friends, they would have seen it coming and not let their guard down, prepared for the intended surprise attack. Unfortunately for Jonathon, he was not, which resulted in the expected reaction.
“Aahahahaahaha no no stop! Gloria ahahaha don’t!” Jonathon burst into laughter.
Gloria noted that his laughter was higher than she expected, though she supposed it wasn’t that surprising. Unlike Tyler, Jonathon had a much more youthful look, and though just eighteen, he probably still could have passed for somebody of sixteen. This, in part, was one of the reasons he was cuter then his brother.
“Stop? You want me to stop?” Gloria asked innocently enough, slowing down her fingers, but not stopping the tickling, still brushing all ten digits up and down the exposed arches.
“Yes ehehehe yes hehehehe please stop!” Jonathon begged through a flurry of giggles and bursts of laughter.
“Now, Jonathon, if I stopped, you wouldn’t learn anything, now would you?” Gloria continued on in her cheerful, perky voice. “This is for your own good.” She teased, taking the time to try wiggling her nails under his toes and getting a fairly good reaction.
“Ahahahahahaha Please ahahahaha I’ll do ahahaha anything!” Jonathon promised, throwing his head back to laugh again as Gloria moved her nails down to focus on his arches. She had to admit, they were higher up then she would have expected, and used all eight of her fingers to make quick, light scraping gestures along them, raking her nails upwards before pulling them back, plunging down and raking back up again.
“Anything? Oh my, making promises already?” Gloria smirked slightly, amused that Jonathon had already gotten to the promising phase in tickling. “Now, what could you do for me?”
“I ahahahahaha don’t know ehehehahahah!”
“Well, that’s not very convincing. If you’re trying to convince somebody to stop tickling you, and you’re willing to offer them anything, you best have at least a few things to offer.” Gloria tsk-ed. Jonathon was obviously a rookie when it came to ticklish negotiations. Well, it was time he got a crash course. “So, what are you going to offer me?” Glory smiled, slowing her tickling down a bit so that Jonathon would be able to think straight and try and answer her.
“Ehehehe I-I’ll ehehehe give you my ahaaha lunch at school.” Jonathon offered, his laughter dropping a bit but still coming from his lips like the steady bubbling of a stream.
Gloria couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that. “I don’t want your lunch, or your lunch money!” Gloria couldn’t help but shake her head as she laughed, almost stopping tickling the young man. Almost. “I’m not some high school bully. What else do you got to offer?”
“I’llhahahahah do-do you’re homework!”
“I do my own homework, and I already have two smart people to help me with it.” Gloria pointed out. “What else?”
“I’ll aehehehehe wash your car!”
“Don’t have one. What else?”
“I ahahahaha don’t ahahah know! Just ahahah stop! Anything ahahaha please!”
“Hmm….” Gloria slowed down the flicking of her nails, giving Jonathon a chance to calm down and breath a bit. She casually reached over and picked up one of the long owl feathers that rested on the table. It was one of the flight feathers, which meant it was a little narrower and stiffer them some of the other feathers, and unlike most other feathers, owl feathers actually had a natural fringe-like comb to them. Apparently it was to help muffle sound, or something. Gloria didn’t really know about that too much, she just knew that when it came to sawing a feather between the toes, owl feathers were particularly efficient in reducing the target to hysterics. This was all information her mother had shared with her over the years. She brought the feather to Jonathon’s toes, but just as she was about to saw them through, she paused, bringing her hand up to her chin in though. She then snapped her fingers.
“I know.” Gloria stopped her tickling, letting Jonathon get his breath back. She waited a half-minute until Jonathon had recovered enough that she was fairly certain he could think straight and would appreciate what she had to…offer.
“What…?” Jonathon blinked the tears of laughter out of his eyes, still breathing heavily, but at least under control and no longer being tickled.
“I know…what you can give me.” As Gloria spoke, she moved forward. In fact, she moved forward so much, that soon her large breasts were pressing against Jonathon’s bare feet. Her voice took on a deep, breathy tone, her breasts staying pressed against Jonathon’s feet, wiggling, so that the full length of both feet got to feel her breasts rubbing against them. Gloria imagined that this was the closest Jonathon had ever came to feeling up a pair of tits, so she definitely made sure his feet were getting a chance to feel every curve, every jiggle, and every heave as she took her breath. Jonathon wasn’t a bad boy, and he deserved to get some boner material from time to time, especially when Gloria was torturing him so.
“You have something to give me…it’s so big.” Gloria slipped past his feet, purring in his ear as she spoke. Her lips were right beside his ear, brushing each time she spoke. “Something to give me…I want it so bad. It’ll fill me to the brim.” Gloria was purring into his ear, her lips buzzing like the wings of a bumble bee, tickling his ear in the way every man wanted his ear to be tickled. The tickle that ran right from the ear, down the torso, and right to his penis. Yes, Gloria had a boyfriend, and she loved him dearly, but the desire to give a man a boner was strong. She had to admit it. She was a natural cock tease.
“I’ll give you anything you want.” Jonathon said, his voice heavy as his pants stretched from the erection in his pants. It was an ok boner. Gloria guessed it at six inches, maybe, and despite what the internet and porn movies suggested, that was a reasonable and average size. Truth be told, Gloria had found that you didn’t have to be anywhere as big as Rod to be good at sex, but just willing to please your lover. Even a guy with a five inch cock could do that. Granted, she did love the fact that her boyfriend had a monster cock. She had to admit that as well.
“What I want is…” Gloria whispered, and then, to her own surprise, her tongue darted out and ran the edge of his ear. “Your laughter!” Gloria didn’t wait a second. As soon as she said those words, she sat back, and her fingers went on the offensive, attacking the exposed soles, scritching and scratching and tickling the bare feet before her.
Jonathon was quick to oblige. He burst into hysterical laughter as Gloria assaulted his soles. Yes, he had an erection ready to burst, and had Gloria been his girlfriend she would have obliged, but as he wasn’t, she left him be, aside from the tickling. There was always the tickling in Stocksvill, and she was happy to oblige. And so her nails flicked against his foot, while the feather darted in between and under his toes. Up and down, in and out, all over, until Jonathon was howling like he had never likely howled before, the ticklish torment consuming him until Gloria finally felt pity enough for him to stop.
“Woo, that was a workout.” Gloria laid the feather down, wiping her brow with the back of her hand, collecting a smile collection of beaded sweat that she quickly deposited on the side of her pants. She got of up from her seat as Jonathon continued to laugh in the after effects of the tickling.
“Well, I best get going now. You boys have fun now.” She said with a smile, giving a little wave and a wink at Jonathon before she headed for the church, the sound of laughter still playing out behind her, almost like background music for the daughter of one of the most skilled ticklers in Stocksvill.
“Not my fucking fault my mom doesn’t have keys for her bondage shit.” Gloria grumbled, getting into Rod’s car and turning the engine over. Gloria was a little upset that she was being blamed for the current situation. Granted, she was the one who had come up with the idea of locking Rod in the bondage gear, and not checking to make sure that they had a key that worked on the locks, and not even thinking about the possible alternatives if such an event occurred, but she was pretty damn sure her mom was to blame for this. Well…reasonably sure.
“Ok, no problem though.” Gloria’s voiced picked up as she forced some enthusiasm and good spirit into herself. “I’ll just go find mom, ask her where the keys are, and Rod will be free in a jiffy.” Gloria gave her head a nod in agreement of her idea, as she pulled out into the driveway, and headed for the church.
“Hopefully this shouldn’t take too long.” Gloria said as she pulled into the parking lot. It seemed pretty empty at the moment, though more vehicles than expected. Of course, with the church, you never knew who had appointments for something, or needed to drop by for a last minute confession.
Gloria hopped out of the van, and began walking towards the church. It seemed like a pretty nice day outside, but then the weatherman had said it was going to be a nice day. Birds were chirping, squirrels were barking, the wind was blowing, and…
Gloria stopped about thirty paces from the Church door. She arched her head slightly, tilting her ear to the left of the church. Hearing laughter was nothing new around the church, but usually it was from inside the church, in inaudible from the outside. This was coming from the outside, though it was fairly faint at the moment. It piqued her curiosity, and Gloria admittedly was prone to giving in to her curiosity.
As Gloria walked around the left of the church, towards the expansive open field, she heard the sound of the laughter growing louder. It was definitely male, and definitely young, and it even sounded a little bit familiar. “Who in the…” Gloria began as she walked around the corner of the church.
“Bwa ha ha! You have to be shitting me!” Gloria burst out into laughter when she saw what was going on, though she could hardly believe it.
“Ahahahahhaa please please ahahaha stop!”
“Sorry boys, but this is for your own good.”
“Well, isn’t this a site.” Gloria chuckled, walking towards the spectacle that on the yard of the church. It was something she had never seen before, but in some ways, it was something that made perfect sense here.
It was a site out of something Gloria’s mother would have read on one of her websites. A heavy set of wooden stalks had been set out in the lawn, and currently two young men were sitting in them. Gloria knew them well, as did most of the residents of Stocksvill. They were the McDougal twins. They were twin brothers (though not the type you confused when they were standing beside each other), and known as general troublemakers. They never did anything serious, and the trouble they got into was not the violent type fortunately. Petty vandalism and low-level shoplifting was more up their alley, which Gloria noted with considerable amusement, was exactly what seemed to have placed them here, as a large wooden sign posted besides the stocks had clearly written, “Thieves! Please punish us for stealing.”
“Oh, hello there, Gloria.” Angela said, turning on her folding stool to cast Gloria a friendly look. Her fingers continued to work on auto-pilot, one hand gently scratching two fingers along the left sole of Tyler, the older of the two twins, while her other hand methodically flossed a pipe-cleaner between toes on his right foot. A table had been set up beside Angela, with several tickling tools laid across it.
“Ahahahahahaa stop stop!” The boy laughed, trying to move in the stocks, but like most people, finding it pretty much impossible. The stocks the brothers were situated in were some heavy-duty wooden stocks of the larger variety, which not only held the ankles spread, but the hands as well. Gloria’s mother had once pointed this type of stock out to Gloria, stating that once somebody was good and locked in, they weren’t getting out until they were let out. That certainly seemed to be the case here. Not only were the ankles bound securely, each toe had been spread and tied on the boys, making it impossible for Tyler to even close his toes as the pipe-cleaner worked its way between the digits.
“Oh please, I’ve just started. You’re brother handled it better than this.” Angela said, and Gloria was pretty sure she could hear the slightest bit of sadistic glee in Angela’s voice. Of course, this made sense, as rumor had it that the brothers, three years ago, had toilet-papered and egged her house on Halloween night. Of course, nothing could be proven, but she always seemed to get a bit of a scowl on her face whenever they were around. It seemed that she was taking this time to serve some very cold revenge.
Tyler’s brother, Jonathon, was currently gasping deeply, his eyes streaked with tears from laughing, trying to recover his breath from his ordeal. Both of the brothers were barely eighteen, having turned eighteen just a few monthes prior, and would be graduating with Gloria this year. She knew them, though she wasn’t particularly friends with the brothers, hanging out in different circles of friends. Still, she had worked with Jonathon once on a science project, and while still a troublemaker like his brother, he seemed to her as the lesser of the two evils, and even kind of cute. He was a little smaller and skinnier then his brother, but he also had a more pleasant face, and less of a temper.
“So, what happened here?” Gloria smiled, walking over to get a better look at what Angela was doing. She had to admit, the woman was good, her fingers working with a practiced ease and skill that only a veteran member of the Church would possess.
“Long story short, these two were caught stealing some candybars from the General Store, and their mother decided that an…alternative approach might be a more effective means of punishment.” Angela said, switching the feather to her other hand, and using her nails on the opposite foot, the feather going back to sweeping in between and under the toes of the other foot. “I believe it was your mothers suggestion, actually. She pointed out how judges these days were using more forms of corporal punishment to embarrass the offenders instead of incarcerating them. You can’t really keep good street cred when being locked in stocks and being tickled until you’re laughing like a little girl, can you?” Angela smiled, giving Tyler’s foot a particularly fast and vicious tickle with her hand getting a frantic cry of hysterics before she slowed back down to her more casual pace a moment later.
“It must have been a very convincing argument.” Gloria said, a little surprised that Victoria would sign off on something like this, though not surprised in the least her mother would be part of it. This was right up Dawn’s alley.
“Your mother was surprisingly prepared. She even had statistics and case examples.” Angela said.
“Why does that not surprise me.” Gloria laughed shaking her head.
“I suppose it shouldn’t, though when Victoria assigned the job to me, Dawn looked ready to swear a blue streak, but I think she realized that there are more fish in the sea, and it would be more likely to happen again if she bit her tongue and just let things play out.”
“So, can anybody tickle them or is it just you?” Gloria asked, a wicked grin touching her full lips.
“Oh, they’re free to be tickled by anybody, though I need to monitor their behaviour. Have to make sure nothing inappropriate happens.” Angela said, giving Gloria a smile, and then nodding her head towards a neighboring tree that had a few folding chairs resting against them. “Feel free to jump in.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Gloria smiled, picking up a chair and placing it in front of Johnathon’s bare, exposed, and oh-so vulnerable feet. She could spare a few minutes. After all, this was for the good of the community, not to mention the two boys sitting in front of her. “Hello Jonathon.”
“Please, Gloria, don’t!” Jonthathon pleaded.
“Awww…” Gloria had to admit, if it was Tyler, she would have had much less problem tickling him into a sobbing wreck. She decided she would go easier on Jonathon, but she still planned on tickled him. “It’s just a little tickle, Jonathon. You can take it, can’t you?” Gloria teased, a finger reaching out and beginning to run slowly up and down his left arch. She watched Jonathon’s face instantly screw up as he tried to fight the urge to laugh. “It’s just a few tickles. You can take it, can’t you?” She teased, adding a second index finger to the other foot, tracing her nails from the heels of his feet, up the arch to just under the big toes, and then back down again, making a slow, continuous path for her fingers
“MMMMMPH!” Jonathon was already struggling not to laugh, and Gloria had just started. She had to admit, his feet did seem particularly soft and sensitive. If Gloria had more time, she would have liked to have played with them longer, perhaps try a few tools like a goose feather or a makeup brush. Sadly, she was pressed for time, and if she was going to do any serious tickling, she had to get it done fast.
“Don’t you know it’s rude not to answer somebody when they ask you a question?” Gloria continued to tease. She waited a moment, pulling her fingers back, letting Jonathon think that she had stopped. She saw the strain of trying not to laugh fade from his face, waiting patiently for him to try and take in a steady breath, before her fingers once more lashed out, lightning fast and attacking the soft soles with a flurry of strokes. It was a technique she had seen, and felt, her mother do a hundred times. Had it been one of her friends, they would have seen it coming and not let their guard down, prepared for the intended surprise attack. Unfortunately for Jonathon, he was not, which resulted in the expected reaction.
“Aahahahaahaha no no stop! Gloria ahahaha don’t!” Jonathon burst into laughter.
Gloria noted that his laughter was higher than she expected, though she supposed it wasn’t that surprising. Unlike Tyler, Jonathon had a much more youthful look, and though just eighteen, he probably still could have passed for somebody of sixteen. This, in part, was one of the reasons he was cuter then his brother.
“Stop? You want me to stop?” Gloria asked innocently enough, slowing down her fingers, but not stopping the tickling, still brushing all ten digits up and down the exposed arches.
“Yes ehehehe yes hehehehe please stop!” Jonathon begged through a flurry of giggles and bursts of laughter.
“Now, Jonathon, if I stopped, you wouldn’t learn anything, now would you?” Gloria continued on in her cheerful, perky voice. “This is for your own good.” She teased, taking the time to try wiggling her nails under his toes and getting a fairly good reaction.
“Ahahahahahaha Please ahahahaha I’ll do ahahaha anything!” Jonathon promised, throwing his head back to laugh again as Gloria moved her nails down to focus on his arches. She had to admit, they were higher up then she would have expected, and used all eight of her fingers to make quick, light scraping gestures along them, raking her nails upwards before pulling them back, plunging down and raking back up again.
“Anything? Oh my, making promises already?” Gloria smirked slightly, amused that Jonathon had already gotten to the promising phase in tickling. “Now, what could you do for me?”
“I ahahahahaha don’t know ehehehahahah!”
“Well, that’s not very convincing. If you’re trying to convince somebody to stop tickling you, and you’re willing to offer them anything, you best have at least a few things to offer.” Gloria tsk-ed. Jonathon was obviously a rookie when it came to ticklish negotiations. Well, it was time he got a crash course. “So, what are you going to offer me?” Glory smiled, slowing her tickling down a bit so that Jonathon would be able to think straight and try and answer her.
“Ehehehe I-I’ll ehehehe give you my ahaaha lunch at school.” Jonathon offered, his laughter dropping a bit but still coming from his lips like the steady bubbling of a stream.
Gloria couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that. “I don’t want your lunch, or your lunch money!” Gloria couldn’t help but shake her head as she laughed, almost stopping tickling the young man. Almost. “I’m not some high school bully. What else do you got to offer?”
“I’llhahahahah do-do you’re homework!”
“I do my own homework, and I already have two smart people to help me with it.” Gloria pointed out. “What else?”
“I’ll aehehehehe wash your car!”
“Don’t have one. What else?”
“I ahahahaha don’t ahahah know! Just ahahah stop! Anything ahahaha please!”
“Hmm….” Gloria slowed down the flicking of her nails, giving Jonathon a chance to calm down and breath a bit. She casually reached over and picked up one of the long owl feathers that rested on the table. It was one of the flight feathers, which meant it was a little narrower and stiffer them some of the other feathers, and unlike most other feathers, owl feathers actually had a natural fringe-like comb to them. Apparently it was to help muffle sound, or something. Gloria didn’t really know about that too much, she just knew that when it came to sawing a feather between the toes, owl feathers were particularly efficient in reducing the target to hysterics. This was all information her mother had shared with her over the years. She brought the feather to Jonathon’s toes, but just as she was about to saw them through, she paused, bringing her hand up to her chin in though. She then snapped her fingers.
“I know.” Gloria stopped her tickling, letting Jonathon get his breath back. She waited a half-minute until Jonathon had recovered enough that she was fairly certain he could think straight and would appreciate what she had to…offer.
“What…?” Jonathon blinked the tears of laughter out of his eyes, still breathing heavily, but at least under control and no longer being tickled.
“I know…what you can give me.” As Gloria spoke, she moved forward. In fact, she moved forward so much, that soon her large breasts were pressing against Jonathon’s bare feet. Her voice took on a deep, breathy tone, her breasts staying pressed against Jonathon’s feet, wiggling, so that the full length of both feet got to feel her breasts rubbing against them. Gloria imagined that this was the closest Jonathon had ever came to feeling up a pair of tits, so she definitely made sure his feet were getting a chance to feel every curve, every jiggle, and every heave as she took her breath. Jonathon wasn’t a bad boy, and he deserved to get some boner material from time to time, especially when Gloria was torturing him so.
“You have something to give me…it’s so big.” Gloria slipped past his feet, purring in his ear as she spoke. Her lips were right beside his ear, brushing each time she spoke. “Something to give me…I want it so bad. It’ll fill me to the brim.” Gloria was purring into his ear, her lips buzzing like the wings of a bumble bee, tickling his ear in the way every man wanted his ear to be tickled. The tickle that ran right from the ear, down the torso, and right to his penis. Yes, Gloria had a boyfriend, and she loved him dearly, but the desire to give a man a boner was strong. She had to admit it. She was a natural cock tease.
“I’ll give you anything you want.” Jonathon said, his voice heavy as his pants stretched from the erection in his pants. It was an ok boner. Gloria guessed it at six inches, maybe, and despite what the internet and porn movies suggested, that was a reasonable and average size. Truth be told, Gloria had found that you didn’t have to be anywhere as big as Rod to be good at sex, but just willing to please your lover. Even a guy with a five inch cock could do that. Granted, she did love the fact that her boyfriend had a monster cock. She had to admit that as well.
“What I want is…” Gloria whispered, and then, to her own surprise, her tongue darted out and ran the edge of his ear. “Your laughter!” Gloria didn’t wait a second. As soon as she said those words, she sat back, and her fingers went on the offensive, attacking the exposed soles, scritching and scratching and tickling the bare feet before her.
Jonathon was quick to oblige. He burst into hysterical laughter as Gloria assaulted his soles. Yes, he had an erection ready to burst, and had Gloria been his girlfriend she would have obliged, but as he wasn’t, she left him be, aside from the tickling. There was always the tickling in Stocksvill, and she was happy to oblige. And so her nails flicked against his foot, while the feather darted in between and under his toes. Up and down, in and out, all over, until Jonathon was howling like he had never likely howled before, the ticklish torment consuming him until Gloria finally felt pity enough for him to stop.
“Woo, that was a workout.” Gloria laid the feather down, wiping her brow with the back of her hand, collecting a smile collection of beaded sweat that she quickly deposited on the side of her pants. She got of up from her seat as Jonathon continued to laugh in the after effects of the tickling.
“Well, I best get going now. You boys have fun now.” She said with a smile, giving a little wave and a wink at Jonathon before she headed for the church, the sound of laughter still playing out behind her, almost like background music for the daughter of one of the most skilled ticklers in Stocksvill.