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Teacher/Parent Conference F/F


TMF Poster
Jun 29, 2001
Teacher/Parent Conference
By Masked_Tickler_2001

Julianne Carston was the Art teacher for Mayfield High School, She had been the teacher there for 4 years now and was in charge of teaching the advanced students. These students were the more gifted and showed great promise in the art field. However, Erin Markson was one of these gifted students that lately was becoming rather difficult in the classroom. Her work was not the greatest and she often would disrupt the class with her out bursts and tantrums. Her grades all around were falling and Julianne felt it necessary to call a conference with Erin’s mother to discuss Erin and her problems.

Julianne was a 37 year old female, she had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. There was no telling how long her hair was since she kept it in a tight bun, she also wore these very unflattering glasses that made her look much older and unattractive than she really was. She had graduated with Honors from the University and was always considered a likable teacher by the other students. She would dress conservatively, with a simple skirt and cotton blouse and low heel pumps.

Julianne called and spoke with Mrs. Markson and explained that she was concerned about Erin and her conduct in class. She asked Mrs. Markson to meet with her after class on Friday to see if there was something that could be done. Mrs. Markson agreed to meet, but was rather irate with Julianne about Erin’s work and conduct. Basically, Erin was spoiled and in her mother’s eyes could do no wrong. Julianne was happy to end the call, but was a little weary about a face to face meeting with Mrs. Markson; She gathered her papers and notes on Erin and put them in a folder to show Mrs. Markson when they met.

Friday came and went without any problems especially from Erin. Julianne picked up around the classroom and put away the brushes, rulers, pencils and other art supplies that were left out. Around 4:00 she was sitting at her desk going over the latest drawings from the class and grading them. Julianne had one of the Schools oldest wooden desks. It was a large desk with drawers on both sides and an open space in the middle for a chair. The front of the desk was all one piece of wood, and the desk set just off the ground on it’s four legs leaving a gap just underneath. The last time she redecorated the room it took 4 janitors to pick up and move the desk. Needless to say she was asked NOT to redecorate anymore.

Julianne stopped and looked up at the clock, it was now 4:15 and Mrs. Markson should have been there 45 minutes ago. She went back to her papers and just then the door opened and in walked Mrs. Markson. She was an attractive woman, around 40ish, dark auburn red hair. She wore a white silk blouse and black slacks with a pair of high heel black leather pumps. Julianne stood and greeted her with a cheerful smile.

“Mrs. Markson? Please do come in and have a seat. I’m so glad you could come.” Julianne said as she pulled a chair up in front of the desk.

Mrs. Markson took the chair and sat down, “Well, I am in a hurry so let’s please get on with this.”

Her tone was rather abrupt and Julianne could tell that this was not going to be a cooperative meeting, but she kept her hopes up and remained as calm and charming as possible.

Julianne began, “I’m a little concerned with Erin, she’s normally a very good student and has exceptional talent as an artist, but lately she’s become more and more disruptive and her work is lacking.”

“Listen, Erin is a very good student and I don’t see how she could be disruptive. I have spoken with her about this and she seems to feel that YOU have something against her and are picking on her in class.”

“Mrs. Markson, I can assure you that I don NOT pick on any of my students, unless they are disturbing the rest of the class from doing their work. Erin, as I said has been a good student, but something has happened to cause her to lose focus. I have spoken with her other teachers and they too have seen the change.” Julianne replies

Mrs. Markson begins to get further frustrated with Julianne; she refuses to think that her little girl could be a troublemaker. She continues her attack on Julianne blaming her for the problems and NOT Erin.

“I see, you have discussed this with others have you? You know, I think YOU have a problem with Erin and you are just trying to get support from others. Erin is a good girl and she has confided in me that YOU are always singling her out and making her feel picked on. I think you must get a Kick out of this. Ms. Carston, you are probably not aware, but my husband has several influential friends on the school board. I think that Erin’s problems might be solved best if you were removed from your position!”

Julianne had just about had enough of Mrs. Markson with that last statement. She was trying her best to help out Erin, but when she is made out to be the bad guy and threatened by some rich snob, then the line had been crossed.

“Mrs. Markson, I have tried my very best to be patient, but I am here to help these students become productive. I have done everything in my power to help Erin. Now, I asked you here to hopefully get some assistance, but you seem very unwilling to cooperate. I really don’t think that having your husband go to the school board and having me fired will prove anything. I’m sure that we can calmly work this out in some way.” Julianne said maintaining her frustration.

“Ms Carston, You have done nothing but belittle my daughter and I cannot sit here and believe that she is that much of a troublemaker. This meeting is Over, You will be hearing from the school Board!” She says as she quickly stands and turns to walk out.

As Mrs. Markson turns to walk out she slips and her ankle slips under the opening in the desk. Julianne holds back a laugh, but becomes quickly concerned when she sees that Mrs. Markson has become stuck. Mrs. Markson realizing the situation begins to threaten a law suit against the school and Julianne. Julianne though quite upset with Mrs. Markson and her attitude, feels that she had better help her get out so that the grounds for the lawsuit will not be so strong. She steps around the desk to see Mrs. Markson laying on the floor with her left foot under the desk, as she curses trying to pull it free.

“Get this desk Off of me NOW!” she screams at Julianne

“Please, calm down and let me see what we can do.” Julianne replies.

“You had better get me out of here NOW, or else!” Mrs. Markson demands

Having had enough of Mrs. Markson’s attitude, Julianne tried one last time to calm her down. She knew there was no way to lift the desk alone and would have to get some help.

“I will get you out, just calm down and quit threatening me. This is a very heavy desk and I will have to get some help to try and lift it. Just relax and stop squirming around.”

Julianne walks out of the classroom to look for a custodian or someone to help. Unfortunately, it’s Friday and everyone has left for the weekend. She returns to the room a few minutes later and sees that Mrs. Markson has managed to kick the front panel of the desk off. Now they have a clear view of the opening in the desk and the large 2 by 4 that’s holding her ankle in place. The Principal would not be very happy if this desk were broken, and with the panel kicked out Julianne would have some explaining to do. Mrs. Markson sat on the floor pulling at her trapped ankle.

“What have you done? That desk is very old and part of school property. If you would just be patient I might have been able to help you out. However, there isn’t anyone around right now so instead of lifting the desk we are going to have to try and push your foot out from the other side.” Julianne said

Julianne went around the desk and crawled under to get a closer look at how Mrs. Markson’s foot was caught. She could see that the foot was all the way through and the wooden beam was right on top of the ankle holding it in place. She tried to turn the foot and slide it out the way it came in, but this did nothing but make Mrs. Markson more irate.

“Ooouuch! What are you trying to do break My Leg? You are Incompetent! How did you ever become a Teacher? She yells

“Mrs. Markson, I am trying my best to get you loose. I am afraid that I will need to remove your shoe and then you should be able to pull your foot out.” Julianne replies as she takes and removes Mrs. Markson’s shoe.

Julianne removes the shoe, in all of the struggling Mrs. Markson’s’ foot had become rather sweaty inside the Italian leather shoe. The sweaty leather smell filled the space under the desk, Mrs. Markson wiggled her toes a little having been removed from the confining shoe. Taking note of the burgundy nail polish, and attempting to be cute Julianne takes and wiggles Mrs. Markson’s little toe.

“Oh what nice nail polish you have.”

Mrs. Markson jumps and wiggles her foot frantically. “AH! Don’t touch my toes! I can’t stand having my feet played with!”

“Oh really? And why is that, they are such cute little feet.” Julianne continues

“No! Stop that I don’t like it cause it tickles! Stop!” She demands

With that comment the wheels begin turning in Julianne’s mind. This woman has been nothing but a pain since she came in and she could definitely use an attitude adjustment. Julianne continues to tease the toes, making Mrs. Markson jump and twitch. Julianne then stands up and moves towards the classroom door.

“Hey!? What are you doing? Get me out! Get a hammer, a saw or something and get this desk off!” she yells.

Julianne turns towards her, “Oh I’ll get you out, just hold on a minute.”

Julianne reaches the door and locks it, then takes a sheet of black paper and tapes it over the window of the door. She then strolls over and closed the window and pulls the blind down covering it. Knowing that there is no one around she confronts the captive Mrs. Markson.

“You know, you have been nothing but rude to me and I am doing everything I can to help you and your daughter. I think you should be a little kinder when you speak to me. It’s not easy putting up with 30 Kids everyday, and then have to put up with your abuse is more than one person can take.” Julianne says as she takes a paintbrush and a pen and crawls back under the desk.

Slightly confused, Mrs. Markson questions Julianne, “What are you doing? What are those for? You aren’t going to…no you wouldn’t do that, that would be torture!”

With an evil grin Julianne takes the paintbrush and starts brushing back and forth across the toes. Mrs. Markson jumps and starts to beg.

“AAAAAh! No Don’t Please! AHAHA Stoooop don’t tickle MY Foooot!”

“Oh, I’ll stop alright…when I think you’ve calmed down.” Julianne replies as she brushes down the sole from the base of the toes to the heel.

“OK AHAAAHHAHA OK I’ve had enough! STOP AAHAHAHAHAH.” Mrs. Markson laughs

“ehehe, I’ll be the judge of when enough is enough.” Julianne says

Julianne keeps brushing up and down as Mrs. Markson wiggles her toes and giggles. Julianne takes her free hand and starts wiggling her fingers between the sweaty toes. This only drives her wild, Mrs. Markson falls back and starts pounding her fists on the ground as she laughs. Julianne loves teasing her foot and making her laugh, after all the mean things she said it’s the best form of payback.

“Alright, Let’s recap the days events. You have been rude, you’ve threatened to have me fired and don’t think your daughter has a problem. Is that bout right?” She asks

Between laughs Mrs. Markson responds, “AHAHAH I I I’m Sorry, Really AHHAHAHAHaH Just Stop tickling me! AHAHAHHAHAA.”

“Oh, Saying I’m sorry I don’t think is good enough. People like you often have to learn a lesson. Since I’m a Teacher I guess I get to be the one to teach you that lesson.” Julianne replies

She takes the pen and starts drawing on the bottom of Mrs. Markson’s foot, first little circles and then wiggly lines up and down. Mrs. Markson can only laugh, she tries to force the desk off with her other foot, but can’t. Julianne gets up and comes around to the front of the desk. She quickly grabs the free leg and holds it up.

“Let’s get one thing straight, there will be NO kicking with this foot! I don’t want you to break the desk anymore than you already have.” She says as she flips the shoe off

Mrs. Markson’s eyes widen, one foot is trapped and the other one is now vulnerable. She hopes that Julianne doesn’t decide to tickle it as well. Unfortunately, she is wrong as Julianne takes and runs her nails up and down the foot tickling like crazy. Julianne leans herself back and sits on the edge of the desk as she plays with the captive foot.

“I never knew tickling could be such fun…did you?” she asks


“Oh of course it is! See Tickle tickle tickle” she says taping her nails up the soft sole.

“NOoooooooooooahhahahahahhHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHhahhehhehehehehehehe STOooooooop HAHAHAHAHHAHA NO More AHHAHA It’s NOT FUN AHHAHAHA.”

Looking around the room Julianne sees a scarf hanging on the coat rack. She let’s the foot drop back to the floor and takes the scarf. Before Mrs. Markson knows what’s happening, Julianne has taken the scarf and tied the loose foot to the bottom of the desk right next to the foot that is stuck.

Taking a feather quill pen from an antique ink well on her desk Julianne crawls back under the desk.

“Now, it seems that you are in a little more cooperative mood than before. Let’s see if we have learned anything.”

Lesson One, we are not going to threaten the teacher again are we? She says as she stokes the feather up and down the right foot. Mrs. Markson’s toes curl and twitches her captive foot trying not to laugh.

“I can’t hear you?” Julianne says flicking the feather faster.

Mrs. Markson can hold out no longer, she let’s a giggle pass her lips and that’s all it takes to get her laughing full force again as she replies.


Julianne keeps tickling and then takes the foot holding the top and starts to nibble and suck the toes as the tip of the feather twirls around the arch.

“Mmm Good. Now Lesson Two, We are going to have a talk with Erin about her conduct in the classroom and see to it that she changes and becomes a model student from now on right?”

Mrs. Markson lays on the floor pounding her fists and bouncing her legs on the floor as the nibbling and sucking exact their torment.


“Hehehehe, Good. I’m glad we had this little chat. I think we’ve come to a good understanding of the situation. Don’t You?” Julianne says.as she tickles the bound foot with her nails.


“Well, Since you are so willing to do anything. I want you to come back here the same time next week for a follow up meeting and if Erin hasn’t shown some change then we may have to teach you these lessons over again.” Julianne says


Julianne reluctantly stops the tickling and unties the one foot from the desk. She then takes the wooden wedge doorstop and places it under the front leg of the desk, then she hits it with the chair leg forcing it under the leg. The desk lifts up just enough for Mrs. Markson to tun her foot and pull it free. She grabs her shoes and puts them on quickly.

“Ooooooh, that was terrible, I hate being tickled, but I will see what can be done about Erin and we’ll meet again next week.” Mrs. Markson says, knowing that next week the shoe just may have to come off the other foot as a little payback.

Julianne unlocks the door and leads Mrs. Markson out to her car.

“See you next week.” She says as Mrs. Markson drives off.

The end
(Tickling) Teachers rule!

What a fun, wicked tale! I can only assume that, given the perfect pitch of this revenge fantasy, you daily experience being, or share the war stories of, a public school teacher, ill-rewarded for much hard work. I can only admire the teacher's restraint in dealing with that hard-hearted parent, and love her surrender to playful persuasion. Her
justified triumph notwithstanding, I rather hope you act
upon the delicious hints you planted, and grant the chastened parent
an opportunity to shake loose that tightly-wound bun. OK, time to
clap erasers!
Great story masked tickler! But man what a tease with the part about her almost peeing! God knows I love a good wetting accident and women who can't control their bodily functions when tickled! Great story noe the less though!
I am currently working on Part 2 The Revenge portion of this story. I think it will definitley meet with approval. Will Post it once I've completed it.

and as always thank you for yer support
Great story

Fantastic - you have to love good prevailing over evil in a tickling story!!


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I'm wicked impressed man, nice story. How many times i've wanted to tickle a teacher. I actually called my 8th grade french teacher and said that i had a survey for health class and it was about nerves and why they respond to tickling (i recommend that to anyone that needs a good cover) and found out here feet are ticklish and where preciscely on her foot she was ticklish, how's that for a dream come true??? good story man, keep it up
such good stories are harldy visible nowadays in the forum
am very glad you like it, can't believe its been 11 years since I posted it. Sadly, I no longer dabble in the written word. I've since moved into 3D illustrations that can be viewed at Deviantart.com under my ID Boreas Slade.
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