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Ten Questions With Dave: Mairead (Ticklishgiggle)


Level of Cherry Feather
Apr 17, 2001
Greetings, fellow ticklephiles! Due to recent health and time issues, it's been quite awhile since TQWD went on hiatus. So, to celebrate the feature's return, I decided to step out of the box and do something different. This interview is with one of the Forum's rising personalities, someone who has made her indelible mark in a relatively short period of time. She and I spend a lot of time in IM's, so I decided not to do my usual routine of sending someone ten questions and then posting the responses. This interview was done in real-time, live in an IM session. It is transcribed here exactly as it happened.

So, without further ado, here is the live interview with our very own Mairead!

Dave2112: Question 1) You've been active in the community for a relatively short time. What have you learned about yourself regarding your fetish in that time?

Mairead: Well, I have to admit, when I first signed up I'd never heard of a tickle-fetish, and I didn't even know that was what I had, but over time, I realized, you know, there are people into a lot crazier stuff, and I've been more open as of late. It's proved to be a good thing. Albeit, I still can't say the word "tickle" out loud without getting embarrassed, but whatever.

Dave2112: LOL
Dave2112: We all get there in time
Mairead: lol

Dave2112: Ok, Question 2) What was the best thing you took away from your first NEST gathering?

Mairead: It's going to sound cheesy, but I felt like I was leaving behind a family. People that cared about me, who I could be myself around. It's really a shame that it's only once a year. People should feel that way everyday.
Dave2112: I completely understand. I felt the exact same way after my first gathering.
Dave2112: Kind of like finding a village after wandering in the desert?
Mairead: Yeah, I cried when I left.
Mairead: And a few times in the days after
Dave2112: Yeah, I was a tad on the weepy side myself.
Dave2112: Just don't tell anyone other than the couple hundred people who are reading this!
Mairead: lol
Mairead: Pinkie promise
Dave2112: *link-up* :D
Mairead: lol Nerd

Dave2112: Question 3) You are only the second female I've interviewed in the community. Given that you are young and attractive on a male-dominated Forum, what have been the pros and cons of your gender status?

Mairead: I think it's different for everyone, but while I do get IMed everyday from people who say things like "wut syze R ur feet?!" and stuff, there are a lot of people dedicated to making sure that the women on this forum feel safe. I'm not scared or creeped out really anymore. If I was, I wouldn't post so many pictures of myself, or go to gatherings. Besides, I get a lot less IMs now that a lot of people think I'm a bitch lol

Dave2112: HA!
Dave2112: Now that's the Mairead I know....
Mairead: Yep 0:)
Dave2112: While we're on the subject...

Dave2112: Question 4) We know that some curious females do get scared away quickly, what advice would you give to any women interested in checking out the Forum and getting involved in the community?

Mairead: Well, you have to expect that any girl on the forum is going to get hounded with IMs, especially if they post a lot and if they have their picture up, but they shouldn't get discouraged. There's a block button for a reason, and for every 10 creepy bastards, there's 1 really awesome member that you'll end up becoming awesome friends with. And I think that's worth it. I almost left too once, and there seemed to be more people ready to show me out than ask me to stay. Part of me stayed out of spite, but another part of me stayed because a lot of people here are just way too awesome, and I want to know all of them.

Dave2112: Very honest answer, thank you.
Mairead: Maybe I should use the word "awesome" again, just to get my point across.
Mairead: ...
Dave2112: That wouldn't hurt
Dave2112: It would be awesome
Dave2112: :D
Mairead: Fer sure
Dave2112: Totally
Dave2112: Ok, moving on....
Dave2112: One last Forum question before the personal and bizzare...

Dave2112: Question 5) Which, say, three people on the Forum would you like to spend a day with and why?

Mairead: Can I pick you?
Dave2112: Sure, why not?
Mairead: Ok, good.
Dave2112: ("Shucks" Factor 9 on the ol' Jedi Master here....)
Mairead: You, because I've known you for a while and we'd only probably have like the best day ever.
Dave2112: True that
Mairead: And Scottish people are hot
Mairead: Almost as hot as Irish people
Dave2112: Damn, you are pretty bright...
Mairead: AffectionateDan, I regret not hanging out with him more at NEST, but he's a pretty funny guy, and I could tell people I know a giant.
Dave2112: He'll love that
Mairead: and Mimi. We've exchanged lots of PMs over the years and I really look up to her. Every girl that signs up should talk to Mimi, she's great.
Dave2112: I completely agree on that one!
Dave2112: Ok, let's switch up the same question

Dave2112: Question 6) You can have dinner with any three people from any point in history. Who do you invite?

Mairead: Oh jeez...
Mairead: The Dalai Lama, John Lennon, and... Hemingway
Dave2112: Ernest or Mariel?
Mairead: Who the hell is Mariel?
Dave2112: Ha! Oh jeeeez.....
Dave2112: lol
Dave2112: I'm assuming Ernest, then...
Dave2112: Mariel's the one who did a couple shitty movies in the '80's
Dave2112: Sorry, couldn't resist....
Mairead: Yeah, that's a negative.
Dave2112: Not an official question here, but what was your favorite Hemmingway novel?
Mairead: A Farewell To Arms
Dave2112: One of mine as well
Dave2112: Good call
Mairead: I know. I'm cool like that.
Dave2112: Celtic minds think alike, I suppose
Mairead: lol

Dave2112: Question 7) People must know! What does Mairead like to do with her time...things not tickling or fetish related?

Mairead: I write, constantly. I have two blogs, I've always got book ideas floating around in my head, and I'm a pretty shitty poet. I had some things published at my school last year, which was awesome. It's basically what I want to do with my life. I read, a lot. I have stacks of books piling up next to my bed that need to be finished before I'm overwhelmed with schoolwork. I play my guitar and dazzle my friends with my talent, sort of. And Woody Allen movies. I love his stuff. Some of it...
Dave2112: Like anything from Annie Hall back, you mean?
Mairead: Yeah
Mairead: Husbands and Wives, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Life and Death, Hannah and Her Sisters.
Mairead: I don't know what came before, what came after.
Dave2112: Well, the one with Mira Sorvino wasn't too bad, but then again I have a huge thing for Mira. But, this about you, not moi.
Dave2112: he he he
Dave2112: Moving on...

Dave2112: Question 8) I ask this of everyone I interview. If you could live in any foreign country, which would it be and why?

Mairead: Hm. I usually say Ireland, but after hanging out with my dad for a while I'm not sure about that one. Scottish people have the hottest accents, but I don't know if I'd want to live there either. If I had to pick one, not counting America since that's where all my friends are, it'd probably be Italy.
Dave2112: Why Italy?
Mairead: I took 5 years of Italian, not just the language, but the culture, and it's a place I plan on visiting one of these days. Just seems like it'd be a lot of fun and really beautiful. Plus, I hear there's a lot of ticklephiles there.

Dave2112: Question 9) You have inhereted 10 million dollars, with the stipulation that you donate at least half of it to the charity of your choice. Where does the money go?

Mairead: As in what kind of charity?
Dave2112: Exactly
Mairead: Ah, that's a difficult one. A question that needs more than a few seconds thought to answer, but I'd have to say I'd probably donate it to help people my age go to college, who otherwise might not be able to.
Dave2112: Very nice
Dave2112: I mean, donating a large amount to cure a disease might not actually get anything done, but getting some bright people to college might allow them to do it.
Dave2112: Something like that
Mairead: Exactly. And education is the most important thing to me right now, it sucks how much it costs.
Dave2112: Yes, without a doubt!
Dave2112: Ok, follow-up to that question...
Dave2112: Out of the remaining money, after loans and bills and such...what one big, self-indulgent "Gift for Mairead" do you splurge on?
Mairead: Oh wow, I don't know. I'd probably buy myself a really awesome condo or some such in the city. Having my own place, ugh, I can't wait.
Dave2112: Ok, let's think a moment for our last question....
Dave2112: Hmmm...

Dave2112: ok, Question 10) You've been dubbed the latest and best of the SAMs (Smart Assed Masochist)...
Mairead: lol
Mairead: yes?
Dave2112: How does that fit into your fetish as opposed to being the opposite, the meek obedient submissive? I mean, how do you see being a SAM as working better for you when exploring your fetish?
Mairead: It's better that way, because it probably works more often. No one wants to tickle the nice sweet girl within an inch of her life. Everyone wants to see if they can get the (seemingly) hard-ass chick begging for mercy. Just my opinioin. ;)
Mairead: Makes the 'lers job more fun, I think.
Dave2112: A lot more of the verbal back-and-forth?
Mairead: Yeah, that's hot.
Dave2112: I agree completely.
Mairead: Tickling is just as much psychological as it is physical in my opinion.
Dave2112: Yeah, we really should spend that day together sometime soon, methinks.....
Dave2112: :D
Mairead: It's a date! :D

Dave2112: Thank you so much for doing this, it was a trip, Embryo!
Mairead: Ditto, Methusaleh


My very sincere thanks to Mairead for taking the time to do this interview! Hopefully, we all got to know the Forum's most outlandish SAM just a little better. :triangle:

Click Here for Previous TQWD Interviews!
Great interview....having had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lass and also the pleasure of reading her blogs, I think this interview gives good insight to the person behind the "personality".....

Well done......... :cool:

(but next time ask about the sippy cup) :smilelove
Last edited:
Nicely done as always. I like the casual style as well. I'll bring juice for the sippy cup when next we meet. :p
Thanks :)

This thing was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback.

PS. I think I lost the sippycup

Nice interview, the Ten Questions thing is a cool idea, it lets you get to know everyone better and what not.
That is a very interesting interview and fun reading. Well done, both of you and makes me look forward to meeting you one day. Thanks for sharing.
great interview!
giggles, you are wise beyond your years. any mother would be proud to call you her own, you rock babe :redheart:
bratgirl365(aka Trixie) said:
great interview!
giggles, you are wise beyond your years. any mother would be proud to call you her own, you rock babe :redheart:

Wow, that's probably one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me.

You should give my mother a call and let her know what she's taking for granted lol

Thanks Brat.
ticklishgiggle said:
Wow, that's probably one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me.

You should give my mother a call and let her know what she's taking for granted lol

Thanks Brat.

your welcome giggle. your an inspiration to all people.
i'm sure your mother knows that as well, maybe to you it doesn't seem so but no doubt she does, hang in there! :Kiss2:
Another kick ass interview!! I personally found this one very entertaining to read as it was not so formal, with the 10 straight questions and long thought out answers. It was all very casual and spontaneous and light hearted. We probably saw a lot more sincere and honest answers because of it. Super f'n cool.

And I literally melted in my chair when I was named as one of the three you'd like to meet, gigs. I'm flattered beyond belief. You're such a bright and well spoken young lady, who is FAR wise beyond her years...and I often find myself in admiration of YOU and your intelligence and well balanced view of many things. It's truly an honor to be named as one you carry a higher opinion of. Thanks love. :twohugs:
Mimi said:
Another kick ass interview!! I personally found this one very entertaining to read as it was not so formal, with the 10 straight questions and long thought out answers. It was all very casual and spontaneous and light hearted. We probably saw a lot more sincere and honest answers because of it. Super f'n cool.

And I literally melted in my chair when I was named as one of the three you'd like to meet, gigs. I'm flattered beyond belief. You're such a bright and well spoken young lady, who is FAR wise beyond her years...and I often find myself in admiration of YOU and your intelligence and well balanced view of many things. It's truly an honor to be named as one you carry a higher opinion of. Thanks love. :twohugs:

When I meet you, remind me to give you an extra-tight hug.

A Well done interview on one of the more interesting people on the forum. Good stuff. I think you should do all the interviews in this format in future.
Great interview...I always love an intelligent, no-nonsense gal with a sense of humor. Mairead makes this a more interesting and fun place with her presence and I'm very glad she's with us!
unit5610 said:
Great interview...I always love an intelligent, no-nonsense gal with a sense of humor. Mairead makes this a more interesting and fun place with her presence and I'm very glad she's with us!

Thanks Unit! It's really great knowing there are people that enjoy my posts, conversations, or just the fact that I'm a part of the community at all.

Thanks to everyone who helped make me feel welcomed.

Great idea to do interviews with TMF members. I hope it continues. Mairead was a great subject, articulate and funny, as always.

Good job!

Good one....

Good one, Mairead...thoroughly entertaining, as usual. *grin* Hey, everybody....! Mairead also saved someone from choking once, too! *wink* So she really DOES have a soft side! *ROTFL!*

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