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The Breeding Grounds
Chapter 5: The Enemy's Doorstep
Moving through the jungle on their newly pedicured feet had been slow progress. With every step it seemed there was a clump of soft grass to brush against their hypersensitized soles, or a bed of sharp pebbles to gently press into the soft flesh of their feet. Their progress slowed to a crawl as they took every step with the utmost caution, and even then a trail of barely suppressed giggles marked their passage as they went. But their perseverance had paid off. They had arrived.
The facility itself had been hidden under the tree cover, so neither Kara nor Zoe had known what to expect. A metal factory, perhaps, with gleaming chrome machinery proclaiming its industry. Or maybe an imposing power plant, with tall, stately cooling towers. But what stood before them was none of these. Towering above them was an enormous mansion: a tall, gaudy vanity palace which was the epitome of bad taste.
The entire five-story structure was built of gleaming synthetic marble, so white that it hurt the eyes to look at it. The front of it was decked with garish Corinthian columns that supported nothing, with ostentatious capitals topped with carvings of grape bunches. The front of the house was covered in fake ivy forged from gold leaf, which was all the more egregious since there was plenty of real ivy in the surrounding forest. Huge windows offered an immodest view into the lavishly decorated rooms inside. And at the very pinnacle of the palace was no ordinary roof, but a massive glass dome that gleamed like crystal in the sunlight. There was no aspect of this building that was not painstakingly crafted to appear expensive. The entire effect was as though the architect had read about mansions, but never actually seen one. Kara knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had finally arrived at the dwelling of Calysta.
“My god. It’s where taste goes to die,” muttered Kara.
“Honestly, if I ever get this rich, I want you to kill me,” said Zoe with a nod and a shudder.
“Beginning the re-think the idea of a higher salary?” asked Kara, her eyes still glued to the mansion like a train wreck.
“No,” answered Zoe, “I just think I could find better uses for money. Like burning it for warmth.”
Dr. Kim appeared equally disapproving of the design choices, but discreetly opted to remain silent on the matter. “Well, this is it,” she said, gesturing towards the towering behemoth. “Calysta’s living quarters make up most of the upper levels, and the research portions are mainly below-ground. I could try to get you in through the front…”
“No,” interrupted Kara, “we’ll never make it if we just charge in where she can see us coming a mile away. We need another way in.”
Dr. Kim hesitated for a moment, as though weighing the pros and cons of speaking up at that moment. However, Kara and Zoe were quick to pick up on her nonverbal cues. With both of them moving close to her, glowering down at her from their massive height, the doctor was suddenly reminded of what might happen if she were judged uncooperative.
“There’s another way in,” she said quickly. “Just around back, there’s a ventilation shaft that leads to the manufacturing levels. It’s overgrown with vines, so almost nobody knows about it. It isn’t even guarded; you can slip right in without being detected.”
Kara nodded approvingly. “Now that’s more like it.”
“But really, that’s all I know!” insisted Dr. Kim. “I don’t even know the layout of the lower floors; Calysta keeps us in our designated areas, and even when we leave it’s almost always under escort! I swear, I wouldn’t be able to help you anymore!”
“She has a point,” said Zoe, with a thin but purposeful smile. “Perhaps she can’t help us anymore.”
“Then you’ll…let me go?” asked Dr. Kim with trepidation.
The Doctor’s answer came ominously and unmistakably. Both girls turned and eyed each other slyly, nodding conspiratorially with broad grins of anticipation. Dr. Kim looked up at their intimidating, muscular bodies towering above her. And she swallowed hard.
The wild, muffled laughter that echoed throughout the ventilation shaft had finally faded to a distant but recognizable murmur as the end of the shaft came within sight. At least the Doctor had been truthful with them; but of course, if she hadn’t, they knew exactly where to find her.
“I wonder if the gag will be enough to keep the Doctor quiet?” asked Zoe mischievously, crawling single-file behind Kara.
“Oh, I think so,” said Kara, and although Zoe could not see it, she was smiling just as broadly as her companion. The metal walls of the shaft would have provided ample room to smaller-built infiltrators, but with Kara and Zoe’s muscular statures, they were lucky to squeeze through the passage. “Besides, we had to keep her busy somehow. At least now we know exactly where she is, and that she’s too busy to cause trouble.”
“Busy’s one word for it,” grinned Zoe. “It was quite a lucky break finding one of those plants with the pollen.”
Kara had been the one to find it, recognizing it from her ordeal earlier on the planet. With a surgeon’s touch, she had managed to fit a cloth bag over one of the pods and carefully harvest its glittery pollen. While Zoe tied down the Doctor with vines, Kara had covered every inch of her skin with the tickly pollen, causing her to go insane with laughter while they watched with voyeuristic satisfaction. They had no idea how long the pollen would continue tickling without being washed off, but they did know the Doctor would be kept occupied for a long time.
“I was almost hoping you got some pollen on you again,” giggled Zoe behind Kara.
“Oh, don’t you worry about me. I think I could handle it,” smirked Kara with as much bravado as she could muster.
“Even on your big soft feet?” taunted Zoe. “You mean to say they’re not…ticklish?” And she punctuated the last word by pressing down her fingernail into the center of Kara’s upturned sole in front of her.
“EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!” squealed Kara, caught off guard by the sneak attack. As she giggled, she leapt up and banged against the ceiling of the shaft: unhurt, but still within full reach of Zoe behind her, and with no room to turn around.
“You mean to say you don’t mind when I…touch them? Like this?” Zoe gleefully pressed her fingertips into Kara’s ticklish arches, letting them sink into the soft skin as Kara squealed twice more on cue. With her newly pedicured feet, Kara was twice as responsive as ever, and the baby-soft skin was no match for Zoe’s eager fingernails.
“STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPP!!!” cried Kara, crawling as fast as she could in an attempt to outrace Zoe’s tickling fingers. She dragged herself at full speed towards the end of the shaft, where she would have the room to defend herself again, but Zoe was hot on her tail. Crawling just as quickly, Zoe brought her fingers down on Kara’s helpless feet, tickling her fleeing quarry with delight.
“Koochie koochie koo! What’s the matter? Not running away from a little tickling, are you?” Zoe delightedly called after her, following those tall, tempting feet with single-minded desire.
Kara, for her part, was ruing the decision to enter the shaft first. Laughing, she scrambled down the narrow metal shaft, fleeing the tickling that she could not see but could most definitely feel. Again and again, Zoe’s sharp fingernails came down on her tender arches, sliding backwards over the balls of her feet before she did it again. The faster Kara crawled forwards, the more Zoe kept up: pressing those fingers of hers into Kara’s defenseless soles. She could see the end now, getting closer and closer, making her last sprint towards freedom as Zoe teased and tickled her from behind, until…
With a gasp of relief, Kara popped out of the ventilation shaft, falling on her back as she twisted free from the ticklish confines. She was followed by Zoe a moment later, landing on top of her and looking down with a grin. For a moment they said nothing, their lab coats both draped open, providing an enticing view to their partner’s roving eye. It was only after some time that they realized that they were in public, somewhere, and both of them giggled self-consciously.
“Next time, you go first,” Kara said, smiling.
“Well, if it’s for you, I suppose it’s only fair,” answered Zoe coyly. She smiled as she saw Kara gazing down momentarily at her exposed, pink soles: targets rife for payback.
As the two of them got to their feet, they began to take a look around at where they had emerged. In the immediate vicinity, there was not much to see. They had come out on a small ledge, large enough to hold the two of them and not much else. But over the railing, there was a far more impressive sight to be seen.
From their vantage point on the ledge, the two of them could see an entire factory floor spread out beneath them. It was obvious that this was no amateurish operation: this was a full-scale production facility. The pristine, gleaming floors and walls bespoke an environment so clean that humans must rarely, if ever, come here. The floor was abuzz with the movement of machinery: mechanical arms on wheels spun around enormous hydroponics bays that held hundreds of species of plant life: vines, grasses, flowers, everything they had seen outside on the planet and more. The plants were carefully separated, and a constant flow of robotic arms came up to water them, fertilize them, and toss the carnivorous ones a snack. The robots spun and twirled around each other in a complex ballet of mechanical precision, each one attending to its duties without interfering with its dozens of neighbors. In other corners, the arms would harvest seeds from the plants, which almost looked as though they were giving them up willingly. The seeds were taken to assembly-line conveyor belts, where they were systematically packed into crates and sealed. It was an impressive panorama to behold: a fusion of the organic and the robotic working together.
“Even I didn’t know how large-scale this was,” murmured Zoe with suppressed awe. “Just imagine how much all of this is worth.”
“Quite a bit, I’d say,” answered Kara, without the enthusiasm of her companion. Profit was all good and well, but she was here in the lair of her enemy for strictly personal reasons.
“So where to now?” asked Zoe. “It’s too far down to jump.”
Kara pointed across the room. On the far side of this cavernous hall was another ledge, like the one they were standing on: a ledge with a doorway leading deeper into the facility. They had no way of knowing where it led, but if they were going to go anywhere, their options were limited.
But fortune had given them a way to traverse the gap between the ledges. A long, thick industrial cable ran between the two walls, hanging just above their heads. Both of them looked at it, thinking the same thing.
“Do you think it’ll hold our weight?” asked Zoe.
“Only one way to find out,” answered Kara.
The two of them reached up and grabbed the cable, and after giving it a sharp pull to verify that it would hold them, swung hand-over-hand across the expanse. It was several hundred meters to the other side, but neither Kara nor Zoe were concerned: after a career of arduous physical activity, this was light exercise to them. Below them, the gentle hum of well-oiled machinery continued unabated, with neither the plants nor the robotic arms aware that anything was occurring right above them. The girls’ short lab coats rustled as they swung across, and if there had been anyone below looking upwards, the two of them would be in a rather compromising position. But modesty had to take a back seat to necessity right now.
The two of them were halfway across when it approached. At a distance, neither of them could tell what it was, only that it was a small flying robot of some kind. It puttered about seemingly undirected, as though it did not particularly care where it was going. But then it turned, and saw the two girls hanging from the cable. It hovered in place for a moment, as though deciding what to do next. And then, it approached them. Slowly but determinedly, it flew right up to Kara.
Kara’s hands gripped the cable even more tightly as she stared back at the hovering mechanism appraising her. It was comprised of a central camera which looked unsettlingly like an enormous eye, looking her over. It was flanked on either side by small, round appendages, each about the size of a fist: perhaps batteries of some sort. As she hung in front of it, Kara was increasingly aware that her lab coat did an embarrassingly poor job of covering her body: it hung open from her shoulders, fully revealing her firm, enormous breasts and her taut stomach. And even though it barely covered her ass in back, in front her coat effectively covered nothing from the waist down. Kara looked back at her companion: another hovering probe had approached Zoe and was watching her, who was in a similar state of undress. If anyone was watching this footage, they were getting quite an eyeful.
“What are they doing? Are they going to attack us?” asked Zoe through gritted teeth.
But before the girls could speculate further, it became suddenly and terribly obvious why the probes’ appendages were the size of fists. Each probe uncoiled their appendages into a pair of human-sized hands, sitting on either side of their mechanical eye with fingertips outstretched. The hands were covered with synthetic skin, and ominously, each of them sported long, ceramic fingernails filed to a perfectly rounded point. The purpose of these terror-inducing talons was all too clear.
Both Kara and Zoe could only hang from the cable overhead, dangling helplessly. They swallowed hard.
The probes approached cautiously at first, as if sizing up these girls as a possible threat. But they moved in, and with their mechanical hands they squeezed the girls’ sides through the thin fabric of their lab coats.
Even with the coats’ protection, Kara and Zoe could feel the fingernails pressing into their supple flesh at the first touch. Both girls gritted their teeth, fighting to hold back the titters of laughter that welled up inside them. But playing tough did not fool the probes. They began to knead the girls’ ribs and stomachs, moving up and down in slow, determined motions while Kara and Zoe fought for control.
“Mmmmmppphhhh!” A giggle spilled out from Kara’s lips as the fingernails dug into a sensitive spot halfway up her sides. She redoubled her efforts to fight back, but she could feel herself slipping.
Zoe made not a sound, but her face was turning red from holding her breath, and her body trembled as her sides were squeezed more and more vigorously. She, too, had unfortunately ticklish sides that the probes were quickly learning to take advantage of.
And then, the probes decided it was time to up the ante. They slipped their fingers effortlessly underneath the girls’ lab coats, and planted a fingertip into their underarms.
The laughter was instantaneous. Neither of them could fight it for a moment: the moment those long, sharp fingernails pressed into their ticklish underarms, both Kara and Zoe exploded into high-pitched shrieks that echoed throughout the room.
“DON’T TICKLE MEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE!!!” squealed Kara, as she felt the first press into her tender hollows. She squirmed and twisted wildly to escape its touch, with her long, muscular legs kicking reflexively at empty air. She clutched the cable even tighter, trying to hold on, but what made it harder was knowing that her assailant was barely trying.
“PLEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEAAASE NOT THEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERRRE!!!” laughed Zoe, whose underarms were every bit as ticklish as her companion’s. Her legs pedaled the air in a mocking pantomime of running away, but her hyper-sensitive body remained just where it was to receive its punishment. Her chest quaked with laughter, and her firm, flawless tits bounced up and down in the exposed air.
And it appeared that the security probes were just getting started. They dug all of their fingers into the girls’ underarms, coaxing forth hysterical hoots and screams from the dangling intruders. The fingertips slowly walked up and down the smooth, flawless curvatures, leaving a bright pink mark at every spot where they pressed into the hopelessly sensitive flesh. Kara and Zoe screamed louder with every gentle prod, their knuckles turning white as they hung on to the cable for dear life.
“GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!!” Zoe howled. Both girls tried desperately to shake off their ticklers, gyrating their ample hips and twisting their torsos left and right, their jiggling breasts following a half-second behind. But the flying probes were not deterred for a moment: with superhuman speed and precision, they matched every movement the girls made, ensuring that their mechanical fingers remained buried in ticklish girlflesh without a single interruption. Whatever the girls could do, the hands were always one step ahead.
Kara’s eyes flew open and she gave an unbroken, ear-piercing scream: the diabolical hands had just discovered what they could do by pressing into the soft spots in the exact centers of her underarms. She no longer cared about stealth or remaining undetected: all that mattered was the unbearable, mind-blowing tickling. It took all her strength to remain holding on to the cable, but even as she did, she wondered if she could let go and risk the fall. It was a long way to the ground, but almost anything would be better than hanging here helpless while these merciless hands tickle-tortured her senseless. As the thought crossed her mind, she felt her fingers slip.
“HAHAHAHAHANG ON!!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” cried Zoe as she saw Kara’s grip start to give way. But she was barely hanging on herself.
As though sensing their resolve, however, the probes began to pick up the pace of their assault. Their fingernails slid more quickly up and down the ticklish hollows, one after the other, like a harpist playing the strings of her instrument. But the music they produced was the cacophony of hysterical laughter. Tears streamed down the girls’ faces as they fought for self-control.
“CAN’T—HOLD ON!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!!” screamed Kara; she felt her hands slipping as her strength ebbed away. Her fists loosened, and only her fingers hooked around the cable supported her. Every second felt like an eternity as the probes exploited her vulnerable position. The floor suddenly looked much farther away.
And then, as she looked at the floor, something appeared just above it. It was a safety net, drawn up as though explicitly to catch the two girls as they fell. But she could immediately see that this net was not benign. Its cords crackled with electricity: anyone who fell into it would be shocked into unconsciousness. Kara had seen these before, but mostly in net-guns designed to capture prey and stun them. Someone was expecting them.
“My, my,” said a voice from the darkness below. “Fashionably late as usual, I see.”
Kara gritted her teeth as white-hot fury overtook her. She knew that voice. It was a voice burned into her psyche with the fiery heat of an infernal, blazing sun.
She looked down, and a figure walked calmly out onto the floor below, her high heels echoing with each footstep. She wore a crimson silk kimono, decorated with ornate gold patterns that fluttered gently about her as she walked. It was cut high enough to reveal a shapely pair of calves, and fastened in front to reveal a plunging neckline and a copious amount of cleavage. The very edges of her breasts could be seen: without a bra, they bounced gently as she strode forwards. Behind her was a head of long, blonde hair, fastened with a jeweled barrette that held her hair back in a long ponytail falling to her waist. But above all, Kara noticed the face: proud, confident, manipulatively cruel, and seductively beautiful. It was Calysta.
Calysta walked onto the floor as she looked up at Kara and Zoe, laughing furiously as the probes tickled their underarms. “I’ve been expecting you for quite a while,” she said, her every word oozing self-satisfaction. “So pleased to see you could make it.”
Kara summoned up every last ounce of strength she had. She couldn’t be beaten by Calysta. Not this way. She would hold on…
But her body had other ideas. With every ticklish touch to her underarms, Kara’s laughter reached new heights, and she felt her fingers slip from the able ever so slightly. She looked down at Calysta, calmly surveying the two hanging girls as they laughed and struggled furiously. All Kara’s rage and contempt flew through the air like sparks, and she could almost believe that Calysta could feel the heat of her passionate rage like an arc of electricity. But for all her passion, she was powerless to stop the tickling: she felt her fingers slip away, further and further, until…
At the same moment, both Kara and Zoe could take no more. The relentless assault on their underarms was too much to bear. Their heroic grip on the cable at last gave way, and both of them, in a torrent of laughter, plummeted through the air, screaming as they fell. For several terrifying seconds, there was only free-fall, and time seemed to stand still. And then, both of them hit the net beneath them. But there was no gentle landing in store for them. The moment their fall had been broken, a current of electricity from the net passed over them, and with a final cry both Kara and Zoe were instantly shocked into unconsciousness.
The Breeding Grounds
Chapter 5: The Enemy's Doorstep
Moving through the jungle on their newly pedicured feet had been slow progress. With every step it seemed there was a clump of soft grass to brush against their hypersensitized soles, or a bed of sharp pebbles to gently press into the soft flesh of their feet. Their progress slowed to a crawl as they took every step with the utmost caution, and even then a trail of barely suppressed giggles marked their passage as they went. But their perseverance had paid off. They had arrived.
The facility itself had been hidden under the tree cover, so neither Kara nor Zoe had known what to expect. A metal factory, perhaps, with gleaming chrome machinery proclaiming its industry. Or maybe an imposing power plant, with tall, stately cooling towers. But what stood before them was none of these. Towering above them was an enormous mansion: a tall, gaudy vanity palace which was the epitome of bad taste.
The entire five-story structure was built of gleaming synthetic marble, so white that it hurt the eyes to look at it. The front of it was decked with garish Corinthian columns that supported nothing, with ostentatious capitals topped with carvings of grape bunches. The front of the house was covered in fake ivy forged from gold leaf, which was all the more egregious since there was plenty of real ivy in the surrounding forest. Huge windows offered an immodest view into the lavishly decorated rooms inside. And at the very pinnacle of the palace was no ordinary roof, but a massive glass dome that gleamed like crystal in the sunlight. There was no aspect of this building that was not painstakingly crafted to appear expensive. The entire effect was as though the architect had read about mansions, but never actually seen one. Kara knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had finally arrived at the dwelling of Calysta.
“My god. It’s where taste goes to die,” muttered Kara.
“Honestly, if I ever get this rich, I want you to kill me,” said Zoe with a nod and a shudder.
“Beginning the re-think the idea of a higher salary?” asked Kara, her eyes still glued to the mansion like a train wreck.
“No,” answered Zoe, “I just think I could find better uses for money. Like burning it for warmth.”
Dr. Kim appeared equally disapproving of the design choices, but discreetly opted to remain silent on the matter. “Well, this is it,” she said, gesturing towards the towering behemoth. “Calysta’s living quarters make up most of the upper levels, and the research portions are mainly below-ground. I could try to get you in through the front…”
“No,” interrupted Kara, “we’ll never make it if we just charge in where she can see us coming a mile away. We need another way in.”
Dr. Kim hesitated for a moment, as though weighing the pros and cons of speaking up at that moment. However, Kara and Zoe were quick to pick up on her nonverbal cues. With both of them moving close to her, glowering down at her from their massive height, the doctor was suddenly reminded of what might happen if she were judged uncooperative.
“There’s another way in,” she said quickly. “Just around back, there’s a ventilation shaft that leads to the manufacturing levels. It’s overgrown with vines, so almost nobody knows about it. It isn’t even guarded; you can slip right in without being detected.”
Kara nodded approvingly. “Now that’s more like it.”
“But really, that’s all I know!” insisted Dr. Kim. “I don’t even know the layout of the lower floors; Calysta keeps us in our designated areas, and even when we leave it’s almost always under escort! I swear, I wouldn’t be able to help you anymore!”
“She has a point,” said Zoe, with a thin but purposeful smile. “Perhaps she can’t help us anymore.”
“Then you’ll…let me go?” asked Dr. Kim with trepidation.
The Doctor’s answer came ominously and unmistakably. Both girls turned and eyed each other slyly, nodding conspiratorially with broad grins of anticipation. Dr. Kim looked up at their intimidating, muscular bodies towering above her. And she swallowed hard.
* * * * *
The wild, muffled laughter that echoed throughout the ventilation shaft had finally faded to a distant but recognizable murmur as the end of the shaft came within sight. At least the Doctor had been truthful with them; but of course, if she hadn’t, they knew exactly where to find her.
“I wonder if the gag will be enough to keep the Doctor quiet?” asked Zoe mischievously, crawling single-file behind Kara.
“Oh, I think so,” said Kara, and although Zoe could not see it, she was smiling just as broadly as her companion. The metal walls of the shaft would have provided ample room to smaller-built infiltrators, but with Kara and Zoe’s muscular statures, they were lucky to squeeze through the passage. “Besides, we had to keep her busy somehow. At least now we know exactly where she is, and that she’s too busy to cause trouble.”
“Busy’s one word for it,” grinned Zoe. “It was quite a lucky break finding one of those plants with the pollen.”
Kara had been the one to find it, recognizing it from her ordeal earlier on the planet. With a surgeon’s touch, she had managed to fit a cloth bag over one of the pods and carefully harvest its glittery pollen. While Zoe tied down the Doctor with vines, Kara had covered every inch of her skin with the tickly pollen, causing her to go insane with laughter while they watched with voyeuristic satisfaction. They had no idea how long the pollen would continue tickling without being washed off, but they did know the Doctor would be kept occupied for a long time.
“I was almost hoping you got some pollen on you again,” giggled Zoe behind Kara.
“Oh, don’t you worry about me. I think I could handle it,” smirked Kara with as much bravado as she could muster.
“Even on your big soft feet?” taunted Zoe. “You mean to say they’re not…ticklish?” And she punctuated the last word by pressing down her fingernail into the center of Kara’s upturned sole in front of her.
“EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!” squealed Kara, caught off guard by the sneak attack. As she giggled, she leapt up and banged against the ceiling of the shaft: unhurt, but still within full reach of Zoe behind her, and with no room to turn around.
“You mean to say you don’t mind when I…touch them? Like this?” Zoe gleefully pressed her fingertips into Kara’s ticklish arches, letting them sink into the soft skin as Kara squealed twice more on cue. With her newly pedicured feet, Kara was twice as responsive as ever, and the baby-soft skin was no match for Zoe’s eager fingernails.
“STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPP!!!” cried Kara, crawling as fast as she could in an attempt to outrace Zoe’s tickling fingers. She dragged herself at full speed towards the end of the shaft, where she would have the room to defend herself again, but Zoe was hot on her tail. Crawling just as quickly, Zoe brought her fingers down on Kara’s helpless feet, tickling her fleeing quarry with delight.
“Koochie koochie koo! What’s the matter? Not running away from a little tickling, are you?” Zoe delightedly called after her, following those tall, tempting feet with single-minded desire.
Kara, for her part, was ruing the decision to enter the shaft first. Laughing, she scrambled down the narrow metal shaft, fleeing the tickling that she could not see but could most definitely feel. Again and again, Zoe’s sharp fingernails came down on her tender arches, sliding backwards over the balls of her feet before she did it again. The faster Kara crawled forwards, the more Zoe kept up: pressing those fingers of hers into Kara’s defenseless soles. She could see the end now, getting closer and closer, making her last sprint towards freedom as Zoe teased and tickled her from behind, until…
With a gasp of relief, Kara popped out of the ventilation shaft, falling on her back as she twisted free from the ticklish confines. She was followed by Zoe a moment later, landing on top of her and looking down with a grin. For a moment they said nothing, their lab coats both draped open, providing an enticing view to their partner’s roving eye. It was only after some time that they realized that they were in public, somewhere, and both of them giggled self-consciously.
“Next time, you go first,” Kara said, smiling.
“Well, if it’s for you, I suppose it’s only fair,” answered Zoe coyly. She smiled as she saw Kara gazing down momentarily at her exposed, pink soles: targets rife for payback.
As the two of them got to their feet, they began to take a look around at where they had emerged. In the immediate vicinity, there was not much to see. They had come out on a small ledge, large enough to hold the two of them and not much else. But over the railing, there was a far more impressive sight to be seen.
From their vantage point on the ledge, the two of them could see an entire factory floor spread out beneath them. It was obvious that this was no amateurish operation: this was a full-scale production facility. The pristine, gleaming floors and walls bespoke an environment so clean that humans must rarely, if ever, come here. The floor was abuzz with the movement of machinery: mechanical arms on wheels spun around enormous hydroponics bays that held hundreds of species of plant life: vines, grasses, flowers, everything they had seen outside on the planet and more. The plants were carefully separated, and a constant flow of robotic arms came up to water them, fertilize them, and toss the carnivorous ones a snack. The robots spun and twirled around each other in a complex ballet of mechanical precision, each one attending to its duties without interfering with its dozens of neighbors. In other corners, the arms would harvest seeds from the plants, which almost looked as though they were giving them up willingly. The seeds were taken to assembly-line conveyor belts, where they were systematically packed into crates and sealed. It was an impressive panorama to behold: a fusion of the organic and the robotic working together.
“Even I didn’t know how large-scale this was,” murmured Zoe with suppressed awe. “Just imagine how much all of this is worth.”
“Quite a bit, I’d say,” answered Kara, without the enthusiasm of her companion. Profit was all good and well, but she was here in the lair of her enemy for strictly personal reasons.
“So where to now?” asked Zoe. “It’s too far down to jump.”
Kara pointed across the room. On the far side of this cavernous hall was another ledge, like the one they were standing on: a ledge with a doorway leading deeper into the facility. They had no way of knowing where it led, but if they were going to go anywhere, their options were limited.
But fortune had given them a way to traverse the gap between the ledges. A long, thick industrial cable ran between the two walls, hanging just above their heads. Both of them looked at it, thinking the same thing.
“Do you think it’ll hold our weight?” asked Zoe.
“Only one way to find out,” answered Kara.
The two of them reached up and grabbed the cable, and after giving it a sharp pull to verify that it would hold them, swung hand-over-hand across the expanse. It was several hundred meters to the other side, but neither Kara nor Zoe were concerned: after a career of arduous physical activity, this was light exercise to them. Below them, the gentle hum of well-oiled machinery continued unabated, with neither the plants nor the robotic arms aware that anything was occurring right above them. The girls’ short lab coats rustled as they swung across, and if there had been anyone below looking upwards, the two of them would be in a rather compromising position. But modesty had to take a back seat to necessity right now.
The two of them were halfway across when it approached. At a distance, neither of them could tell what it was, only that it was a small flying robot of some kind. It puttered about seemingly undirected, as though it did not particularly care where it was going. But then it turned, and saw the two girls hanging from the cable. It hovered in place for a moment, as though deciding what to do next. And then, it approached them. Slowly but determinedly, it flew right up to Kara.
Kara’s hands gripped the cable even more tightly as she stared back at the hovering mechanism appraising her. It was comprised of a central camera which looked unsettlingly like an enormous eye, looking her over. It was flanked on either side by small, round appendages, each about the size of a fist: perhaps batteries of some sort. As she hung in front of it, Kara was increasingly aware that her lab coat did an embarrassingly poor job of covering her body: it hung open from her shoulders, fully revealing her firm, enormous breasts and her taut stomach. And even though it barely covered her ass in back, in front her coat effectively covered nothing from the waist down. Kara looked back at her companion: another hovering probe had approached Zoe and was watching her, who was in a similar state of undress. If anyone was watching this footage, they were getting quite an eyeful.
“What are they doing? Are they going to attack us?” asked Zoe through gritted teeth.
But before the girls could speculate further, it became suddenly and terribly obvious why the probes’ appendages were the size of fists. Each probe uncoiled their appendages into a pair of human-sized hands, sitting on either side of their mechanical eye with fingertips outstretched. The hands were covered with synthetic skin, and ominously, each of them sported long, ceramic fingernails filed to a perfectly rounded point. The purpose of these terror-inducing talons was all too clear.
Both Kara and Zoe could only hang from the cable overhead, dangling helplessly. They swallowed hard.
The probes approached cautiously at first, as if sizing up these girls as a possible threat. But they moved in, and with their mechanical hands they squeezed the girls’ sides through the thin fabric of their lab coats.
Even with the coats’ protection, Kara and Zoe could feel the fingernails pressing into their supple flesh at the first touch. Both girls gritted their teeth, fighting to hold back the titters of laughter that welled up inside them. But playing tough did not fool the probes. They began to knead the girls’ ribs and stomachs, moving up and down in slow, determined motions while Kara and Zoe fought for control.
“Mmmmmppphhhh!” A giggle spilled out from Kara’s lips as the fingernails dug into a sensitive spot halfway up her sides. She redoubled her efforts to fight back, but she could feel herself slipping.
Zoe made not a sound, but her face was turning red from holding her breath, and her body trembled as her sides were squeezed more and more vigorously. She, too, had unfortunately ticklish sides that the probes were quickly learning to take advantage of.
And then, the probes decided it was time to up the ante. They slipped their fingers effortlessly underneath the girls’ lab coats, and planted a fingertip into their underarms.
The laughter was instantaneous. Neither of them could fight it for a moment: the moment those long, sharp fingernails pressed into their ticklish underarms, both Kara and Zoe exploded into high-pitched shrieks that echoed throughout the room.
“DON’T TICKLE MEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE!!!” squealed Kara, as she felt the first press into her tender hollows. She squirmed and twisted wildly to escape its touch, with her long, muscular legs kicking reflexively at empty air. She clutched the cable even tighter, trying to hold on, but what made it harder was knowing that her assailant was barely trying.
“PLEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEAAASE NOT THEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERRRE!!!” laughed Zoe, whose underarms were every bit as ticklish as her companion’s. Her legs pedaled the air in a mocking pantomime of running away, but her hyper-sensitive body remained just where it was to receive its punishment. Her chest quaked with laughter, and her firm, flawless tits bounced up and down in the exposed air.
And it appeared that the security probes were just getting started. They dug all of their fingers into the girls’ underarms, coaxing forth hysterical hoots and screams from the dangling intruders. The fingertips slowly walked up and down the smooth, flawless curvatures, leaving a bright pink mark at every spot where they pressed into the hopelessly sensitive flesh. Kara and Zoe screamed louder with every gentle prod, their knuckles turning white as they hung on to the cable for dear life.
“GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!!” Zoe howled. Both girls tried desperately to shake off their ticklers, gyrating their ample hips and twisting their torsos left and right, their jiggling breasts following a half-second behind. But the flying probes were not deterred for a moment: with superhuman speed and precision, they matched every movement the girls made, ensuring that their mechanical fingers remained buried in ticklish girlflesh without a single interruption. Whatever the girls could do, the hands were always one step ahead.
Kara’s eyes flew open and she gave an unbroken, ear-piercing scream: the diabolical hands had just discovered what they could do by pressing into the soft spots in the exact centers of her underarms. She no longer cared about stealth or remaining undetected: all that mattered was the unbearable, mind-blowing tickling. It took all her strength to remain holding on to the cable, but even as she did, she wondered if she could let go and risk the fall. It was a long way to the ground, but almost anything would be better than hanging here helpless while these merciless hands tickle-tortured her senseless. As the thought crossed her mind, she felt her fingers slip.
“HAHAHAHAHANG ON!!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” cried Zoe as she saw Kara’s grip start to give way. But she was barely hanging on herself.
As though sensing their resolve, however, the probes began to pick up the pace of their assault. Their fingernails slid more quickly up and down the ticklish hollows, one after the other, like a harpist playing the strings of her instrument. But the music they produced was the cacophony of hysterical laughter. Tears streamed down the girls’ faces as they fought for self-control.
“CAN’T—HOLD ON!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!!” screamed Kara; she felt her hands slipping as her strength ebbed away. Her fists loosened, and only her fingers hooked around the cable supported her. Every second felt like an eternity as the probes exploited her vulnerable position. The floor suddenly looked much farther away.
And then, as she looked at the floor, something appeared just above it. It was a safety net, drawn up as though explicitly to catch the two girls as they fell. But she could immediately see that this net was not benign. Its cords crackled with electricity: anyone who fell into it would be shocked into unconsciousness. Kara had seen these before, but mostly in net-guns designed to capture prey and stun them. Someone was expecting them.
“My, my,” said a voice from the darkness below. “Fashionably late as usual, I see.”
Kara gritted her teeth as white-hot fury overtook her. She knew that voice. It was a voice burned into her psyche with the fiery heat of an infernal, blazing sun.
She looked down, and a figure walked calmly out onto the floor below, her high heels echoing with each footstep. She wore a crimson silk kimono, decorated with ornate gold patterns that fluttered gently about her as she walked. It was cut high enough to reveal a shapely pair of calves, and fastened in front to reveal a plunging neckline and a copious amount of cleavage. The very edges of her breasts could be seen: without a bra, they bounced gently as she strode forwards. Behind her was a head of long, blonde hair, fastened with a jeweled barrette that held her hair back in a long ponytail falling to her waist. But above all, Kara noticed the face: proud, confident, manipulatively cruel, and seductively beautiful. It was Calysta.
Calysta walked onto the floor as she looked up at Kara and Zoe, laughing furiously as the probes tickled their underarms. “I’ve been expecting you for quite a while,” she said, her every word oozing self-satisfaction. “So pleased to see you could make it.”
Kara summoned up every last ounce of strength she had. She couldn’t be beaten by Calysta. Not this way. She would hold on…
But her body had other ideas. With every ticklish touch to her underarms, Kara’s laughter reached new heights, and she felt her fingers slip from the able ever so slightly. She looked down at Calysta, calmly surveying the two hanging girls as they laughed and struggled furiously. All Kara’s rage and contempt flew through the air like sparks, and she could almost believe that Calysta could feel the heat of her passionate rage like an arc of electricity. But for all her passion, she was powerless to stop the tickling: she felt her fingers slip away, further and further, until…
At the same moment, both Kara and Zoe could take no more. The relentless assault on their underarms was too much to bear. Their heroic grip on the cable at last gave way, and both of them, in a torrent of laughter, plummeted through the air, screaming as they fell. For several terrifying seconds, there was only free-fall, and time seemed to stand still. And then, both of them hit the net beneath them. But there was no gentle landing in store for them. The moment their fall had been broken, a current of electricity from the net passed over them, and with a final cry both Kara and Zoe were instantly shocked into unconsciousness.