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The Clinic of Last Resort Part 1 FF/M

Smiling Ivy

Registered User
Feb 16, 2008
“Um, excuse me,” said a nervous looking young man in a sweater vest, “We’re here for an appointment with Dr. Mallory.”

The receptionist smiled at the young couple and asked, “Are you the Kinseys?”

“We are. This is Kevin and I’m Ellie” replied the young woman clearly as nervous as her husband.

“There is no reason for either of you to be apprehensive,” said the receptionist kindly. “Dr. Mallory is fantastic and has helped lots of people. In fact, she once helped me and I was so impressed that I asked her if I could work for her. I’ve been here for five years and seen her help even the most hopeless of cases.”

Ellie seemed to relax a little but Kevin blushed to the tips of his ears. The receptionist was very beautiful and her sympathetic smiles only accentuated the fullness of her lips. In fact, there wasn’t anywhere on the woman that wasn’t stunning. He noticed her breasts straining against the fabric of her sweater and blushed an even deeper shade of red.

The receptionist politely ignored the poor man’s reaction and directed the couple’s attention to two clipboards with paperwork on them.

“Before you see the doctor, I need you each to fill out these forms. I’m going to put you into separate rooms until you finish them.”

Ellie looked startled.

“Why do we have to be separated?” she asked frowning.

“It is important that you answer these questions as truthfully as you can so that the doctor has the most accurate picture of the problem. People are sometimes influenced when they think their partner could look over and see their answers. It is a perfectly normal reaction. Putting you in separate rooms minimizes that tendency enormously. Once you are done with the paperwork, you can both go in a see the doctor together.”

“It’s OK, Ellie,” said Kevin. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

“OK,” said Ellie and hugged him.

The receptionist noticed that Kevin jumped as soon as Ellie touched him and then gently removed her arms from around his waist. The sadness on both of their faces touched the receptionist’s heart. She hoped the doctor could help this sweet couple.

She showed each of them to a small room with a desk and chair.

When Ellie sat down at her desk and read the first page of questions, her eyes got as big as saucers.

“These questions are a little personal, aren’t they? I mean, does the doctor really need to know all of this?”

“I know that some of these questions may seem invasive but I promise that they are necessary for the doctor to develop a treatment program for you and your husband that has the best chance of working. Be honest and thorough even if it feels uncomfortable. You won’t let a little embarrassment stop you? I think you are stronger than you think you are,” said the receptionist with a kind smile. “Just come out when you are finished. My name is Amanda. Call me if you need anything,” she said as she closed the door.


After collecting their paperwork, Amanda showed Ellie and Kevin into the doctor’s office half an hour later. Dr. Mallory was reading the pages with focused interest. After a few minutes, Dr. Mallory directed her attention to the couple.

“Thank you, Amanda. Please hold all of my calls. I don’t want to be disturbed while I talk to Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey.”

“Of course,” said Amanda as she let herself out of the office and closed the door.

“OK, Mr. Kinsey. May I call you Kevin?”

Kevin nodded and blushed. Though Dr. Mallory’s blond hair was swept up into a severe looking bun, she was even more beautiful than her receptionist. When she took off her reading glasses, Kevin’s breath caught in his throat leaving him unable to verbally answer her question. He had always been very nervous around beautiful women – except Ellie. He looked at his wife and felt more at ease. Ellie was beautiful in a sweet and innocent way. She rarely wore make-up and she didn’t wear revealing clothes because she didn’t like the attention it brought her. Kevin loved this about his wife. She made him feel safe.

“OK, Kevin, can you tell me in your own words why you are here today?”

Kevin coughed.

“Ellie and I have been married for almost six months and we still haven’t made love to each other! I am so ashamed because it is all my fault!” said Kevin getting more and more upset.

“Please Kevin,” urged Dr. Mallory, “Calm down and don’t assign blame to anyone. Your problem is only an obstacle to be overcome. Please finish telling me your story.”

Kevin took a deep breath and continued.

“Since we are both virgins, we agreed to wait to have sex until we were married because we both wanted it to be special. On the night of our wedding we tried to make love but I was too ticklish to be touched. I always knew I was ticklish but somehow trying to make love made it even worse! Every time Ellie put so much as a hand on me, I pulled away and giggled like a little girl. It was humiliating. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t stand to be touched by my own wife. I feel like a failure as a husband and a man.”

Ellie’s eyes welled up with tears.

“I can see that you are upset Ellie. Why don’t you tell me how you feel about all of this?”

“I feel so bad because Kevin blames himself. I know that we are going to be able to work this out – I mean, I hope you can help us. I love him so much. I want us to be happy and have a family but how can we do that if he can’t even stand for me to touch him!”

Dr. Mallory handed Ellie a tissue and waited for the young woman to calm down.

“I have gone over your answers on these forms and I think that I can help you if you are willing to work hard and stick to the program that I prescribe. It won’t be easy and there may be times that you are tempted to give up. I need to know that you are both committed to seeing this to the end. Are you willing to agree to sticking with it?”

Both Ellie and Kevin said, “Yes!”

Their love for each other was evident in the way they looked at each other.

“Excellent,” said Dr. Mallory, “I believe that Kevin needs to be admitted to my facility for rehabilitation immediately for no less than six weeks.”

Kevin shook his head and protested.

“Six weeks! Even using all of my vacation time and medical leave, I only have 3 weeks of leave for the entire year. I would lose my job!”

Dr. Mallory frowned.

“I don’t want you to lose your job Kevin, but I am afraid that your condition needs extensive attention. On the other hand, I understand that not everyone has the luxury of taking six weeks off from work. Let me think for a moment.”

Ellie sniffed and her eyes began to overflow with tears again.

“Please don’t cry Ellie,” said Dr. Mallory, “I believe that I can accommodate both your need to work and your need for therapy but you are going to have to follow all of my instructions to the letter. Normally, Kevin would be under my staff’s constant supervision while in treatment. Since that won’t be possible when you are at home for the first few weeks, I am going to need both of you to be extra committed to this therapy. Are you willing to do that?”

Kevin got a determined look on his face and said, “I am willing to do whatever it takes.”

Dr. Mallory smiled and said, “Kevin, I was really hoping you would say that.”

The doctor pushed a button the intercom.

“Amanda, please escort the Kinseys to examination room 1.”

The lovely receptionist entered the room and motioned for the couple to follow her. Her shapely bottom swayed back and forth as she lead them down the hall. Kevin grew more and more nervous by the minute.


Amanda ushered them into the examination room and told Kevin to strip down to his underwear.

Kevin started to protest but Ellie shook her head silently begging him to go along with whatever the doctor wanted. Blushing the deepest red ever, Kevin began to take off his clothes for the first time in front of a woman not his wife or his mother. Even though Amanda was politely averting her eyes, Kevin was almost hyperventilating from embarrassment.

When he was down to only his tighty-whities, Amanda motioned for him to lie on the examination table.

“Please lie here on your back with your arms up over your head and your legs slightly apart.”

Kevin’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. That position would make him so vulnerable! His belly tightened reflexively with fear. He took several deep breaths before he could will his body to move to the table. As he lay down on the bed, the white paper crinkled under his bottom. Slowly he raised his arms over his head, exposing his sensitive underarms to the chilly, sterilized air.

As soon as his hands were at the top of the table, Kevin felt the nylon straps being tightened around his wrist and fastened down.

“Whaaa?” Kevin gasped in shock.

“Please don’t be alarmed. You are being held down for your own safety. You have indicated yourself that you have no control over your body when you are touched. The restraints are to make sure that you can get through the entire physical examination without hurting yourself or anyone else,” said Amanda reassuringly.

“Please, Kev,” said Ellie. “Just do it. For me?”

Kevin sighed and tried not to think about being tickled while Amanda tugged on the ankle restraints, making sure they were very tight.

“He actually looks pretty cute like that, don’t you think Ellie?” laughed Amanda.

Kevin frowned as Ellie giggled shyly but said nothing. He was feeling pretty humiliated enough and was about to demand that he be released when the doctor came into the room.

“Very good, Amanda. I hope that you are not too uncomfortable, Kevin. This won’t take long.”

Kevin said nothing but nodded. His body felt as tight as piano wire but he wanted so badly to make Ellie happy. He would grin and bear it.

“Kevin, I am going to perform a few baseline tests and Amanda is going to record your responses. This will take approximately 30 minutes. I will be video recording this examination for review later. Do you agree to this examination? If so, please look into the camera and say so.”

Kevin then noticed the video camera on the desk to his left. He looked into the lens and said, “I agree to this exam.”

“Excellent!” said Dr. Mallory, “Let’s begin. Ellie, I want to you pay close attention to what I am doing because you will be expected to repeat it exactly over the next few weeks.”

Dr. Mallory went to a tray of instruments and picked up an odd looking metal object. It was a stainless steel handle with a small wheel at the end of it. The wheel had many small, metal prongs along the edge. Dr. Mallory took her index finger and spun the spiky wheel around.

“This instrument is used to test neurological reactions on the body. The nerves react to being stimulated by the tiny prongs. They may look sharp but I assure you that with the proper touch, there is no pain whatsoever. I will now demonstrate.”

Dr. Mallory brought the wheel to Kevin’s hip bone and lightly rolled it up his side, stopping just short of his armpit.


Dr. Mallory smiled sympathetically.

“I know this is very difficult for you Kevin, but you have to hang in there. The reason that I made sure that you agreed to this test on camera is because at some point you are going to tell me to stop this exam. You are probably going to beg me to stop. These are all normal reaction to this exam and I am going to ignore them. You feel free to laugh, scream, curse – whatever you need to do while I complete my exam. I promise you that nothing you say will hurt my feelings. I’ve heard it all. Please ready yourself as we must continue.”

Before Kevin could say anything, Dr. Mallory was rolling the instrument back down his side to his hip bones where she sawed back and forth over the smooth skin of his soft belly.

“NOOhooohooHOOO, pullllleeeeez, pleeeeeeeeAAAAse, su, su, su, stopppp. I, caaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa, caaaaaaaaaaaan’t taaaaaaaaake iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHA.”

Finally Dr. Mallory stopped her ministrations. Kevin was giggling and sucking in his breaths. His skin was red and blotchy.

“Amanda, please record Kevin as being a 10 for sensitivity. Honestly, I think we are going to have to create a new scale for you! You might be the most ticklish patient we have ever had. No worries though. I still believe we can help you. Now onto the second phase of our test. Ellie please come here.”

Ellie nervously walked over to Kevin’s shaking body. She was feeling a little guilty because part of her was enjoying seeing Kevin’s reaction to the exam. Actually, she was feeling a lot guilty. There were butterflies of excitement in her belly as she hoped that the doctor was going to let her use the wheel on her trussed up husband. She was very disappointed when the doctor put down the wheeled instrument. She felt especially guilty about that!

“Ellie, you have tried to make love to Kevin several times since your honeymoon, correct? Can you tell me what happens?”

Ellie’s voice got quiet and low.

“Well, every time we try…”

“I’m sorry Ellie, I can’t hear you. Can you speak up?”

Ellie fidgeted a little before complying.

“Well,” she said louder, “There are times when we have both been really excited and wanted to make love…”

The doctor interrupted again.

“So, by excited you mean that Kevin had an erection and you were wet with lubrication?”

“Um, yeah,” continued Ellie, blushing, “We both were pretty frustrated with the whole situation and wanted to make love finally. But, every time I touched him he pushed my hands away in a panic and then lost all interest in sex.”

“You mean he lost his erection?”

“Yeah, that is what I mean,” said Ellie sadly.

Dr. Mallory turned to Kevin now.

“Is that true Kevin? Did you lose all interest in sex or did you just lose your erection?”

“I – I am not sure what you mean?” said Kevin honestly puzzled.

“I am trying to determine if part of your problem is low sex drive. Answer me this, how many time a week do you masturbate?”

Kevin turned bright pink and looked from the doctor to Ellie and back. He caught Amanda trying to hide her smile and felt a thousand times worse.

“Feeling a little self-conscious? No matter, I have your questionnaire right here. Let’s see…two to three times a day? My, my, Kevin. Low sex drive is definitely not your problem!” said Dr. Mallory smiling a little. “Ellie? You look surprised. Didn’t you know Kevin masturbated this much?”

“NO!” Ellie said, visibly upset, “I had no idea. For the past three months, Kevin has told me that he ‘just wasn’t in the mood’ whenever I suggested that we try having sex again. I even asked him not to touch himself to sort of build things up so that maybe his sex drive would overcome his ticklishness. He said he was doing everything he could. I guess he was lying.”

The look on Ellie’s face broke Kevin’s heart.

“No, Ellie, I did try! I did what you asked me to for a whole week and it still didn’t work. So after that, I just gave in. You are so beautiful and you do turn me on. I just wish that you could touch me. I just wish that I could satisfy you as a man.”

Dr. Mallory gently put her arm around Ellie.

“You both have worked very hard and none of this is anyone’s fault. You love each other and this is what is going to get you through these next few weeks. Don’t start questioning that. Ellie, you instincts were 100 percent correct. We are going to have to make Kevin’s sexual drive overcome his ticklish nature through a system of desensitization and temporary sexual denial. And Kevin, I applaud your initial efforts. It is clear that you while you did try, one week was simply not long enough. Do you love Ellie enough to do whatever is necessary to make this work, no matter what?”

Kevin was so overcome with emotion that he could barely speak.

“Dr. Mallory, I will do anything to make love to my wife.”


“OK, Ellie, please step over to Kevin next to me. I am going to instruct you how to systematically desensitize Kevin over the next 3 weeks. You will need to perform this procedure every night for at least 30 minutes no matter what. Kevin will most likely have very strong reactions to this treatment. He may get upset with you, even call you hurtful terrible names. Please don’t get upset over this. In this case he really will not be in control of his actions. You have to be the strong partner in this therapy for a while. Do you think you can handle this responsibility?”

“I think so, Dr. Mallory,” Ellie said, nodding her head slowly.

Kevin meanwhile was starting to sweat as he heard Dr. Mallory’s words. He should have known that tickling would be a part of this therapy process but somehow his brain had refused to allow him to consider the possibility. He had hoped there would be a pill that he could take to make him less sensitive. Now he realized that his worst nightmare was the only way to save his marriage. He couldn’t help twitching in his restraints as his beloved wife got closer and closer to the table.

“Ellie, I am going to have you perform the next part of the exam. I need you to touch Kevin in the places that are listed on this worksheet. There are 20 spots in total that you will need to stimulate for one minute each. When you are finished with these 20 spots, you will need to go back and stimulate the 5 most sensitive areas again for 2 minutes each. You will have specific instructions for each day of the week indicating the intensity of the stimulation for each area of the body. There will be 3 levels of stimulation – Light, Moderate and Strong. I am going to teach you what each of these means right now. Please pay close attention.”

Dr. Mallory approached Kevin and smiled. Kevin gulped and tried to prepare himself for what was coming next.

“I am going to begin with the Moderate level of stimulation here on Kevin’s ribs. For this you will need to bring your fingers to the skin and press firmly but gently as you move over the assigned area. Like this….”

As soon as Dr. Mallory touched Kevin he went crazy with laughter. The tension had been too much for him. Knowing that the tickling was coming made it so much worse. Her strong fingers pushed into his soft flesh until they connected with his sensitive ribs. She moved them up and down his left side.


At the end of a minute, a little stop watch beeped in Dr. Mallory’s pocket and she stopped tickling poor Kevin. Kevin gulped and gasped for air. If it wasn’t for the restraints he would have run screaming from the clinic. He was starting to feel panicky.

“Ellie, I need to you go to the other side of Kevin and do exactly what I did. Can you do that?”

Ellie nodded and got into place.

“Be strong, Baby,” she said as her fingers dug softly into Kevin’s right side.

If anything, Ellie’s fingers were worse that the doctor’s because they were smaller and had long nails. As soon as she hit the first rib, Kevin screamed and giggled the highest pitched squeals yet. Ellie’s fingers diligently scribbled up and down his ribs and side. She was completely silent but her eyes were wide open. Dr. Mallory noted that Ellie’s pupils had dilated considerably after a few seconds of tickling her husband. There were other subtle signs of arousal that Dr. Mallory found encouraging. Meanwhile, Kevin was in hysterics.


Ellie almost didn’t notice when the beeping of the timer indicated that a minute had already gone by. Feeling terribly guilty but also exhilarated, Ellie did not move away from Kevin but could not meet his eyes. Kevin barely noticed his wife’s behavior as he tried to calm himself down. His whole body was covered in a thin layer of sweat and he was shaking.

Dr. Mallory praised Ellie and Kevin.

“Good job both of you! On to the next stimulation level. This is what we call Light stimulation. You can use your fingers for this part of the treatment, just more lightly than you did it before. Like so….”

Dr. Mallory moved to the bottom of the table near Kevin’s strapped down feet. Kevin started to pull on the straps as the doctor’s fingers grew nearer to his tender soles. Just as it seemed inevitable that her fingers would make contact, Kevin shouted.


Dr. Mallory arched an eyebrow, “Yes, Kevin?”

“Please, Dr. Mallory. I am begging you. Please do not tickle my feet. I couldn’t take it. It is too much. Please, please, please don’t do this,” Kevin begged as his toes wiggled in dreaded anticipation.

“Kevin, I am sorry but you will have to follow my program exactly. I cannot have you picking and choosing which exercises you will and won’t do. It is all or nothing, I’m afraid. Your feet will have to be stimulated at some point. I need you to agree to this for me to continue.”

“I do. I do agree and understand. Just not now. Please. Anywhere else, just not my feet right now.” Kevin was nodding like a lunatic hoping that Dr. Mallory would take pity on him, even temporarily.

“Very well, Kevin. I will not tickle your feet today since you agree that they must get tickled at some point.”

“Oh thank you, doctor,” was all Kevin could say as Dr. Mallory put her finger tips to his armpits and began making light circles.

It was as if Kevin had been shot through with electricity. He started jumping in his bonds, pulling and straining to escape the light, teasing touches.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHAAAAAHHH, heeee, heeeee, heeeeeee, heeee, hoooooooo, hoooooooo, uh, huh, HAAAAAAHAAAAAAA…”

The fingers probed gently ever his delicate underarm skin. Kevin was not very hairy and his skin was very smooth and soft. The doctor’s fingers swirled and whirled until finally the timer beeped again. Kevin thought he had never heard a more beautiful sound.

“So, you see that the light touch can be done with the fingertips, Ellie. However, I find that the use of a few instruments can be helpful especially if your fingers start to get tired.”

Kevin wanted to protest! He was exhausted and the doctor was worried that Ellie’s FINGERS would get tired. It was so unfair. Kevin was starting to feel very sorry for himself. Kevin had been so distracted by momentary self-pity that he had not noticed the doctor getting the new “instruments.” Before he knew it, Dr. Mallory was approaching his other side with a stiff, pointed, white feather!

“You are crazy,” he yelled, “Get away from me with that thing!”

Dr. Mallory ignored him and addressed Ellie only.

“You see, we are getting to the point in the therapy that I mentioned when Kevin’s cooperation is waning. It isn’t his fault of course but it is very important that you ignore his pleas and threats. He loves you greatly and knows that this is what is best for him.”

“NO, I do NOT,” yelled Kevin even louder, “I mean it. Let up right NOW. Ellie, let me out of here. I demand that you let me go this MINUTE!”

Ellie looked at the doctor and at her struggling husband. She didn’t know what to do so she started to cry. As soon as he saw her tears, Kevin calmed down.

“Please baby, just let me go, OK?” Kevin begged.

Dr. Mallory frowned.

“Kevin, can’t you see what your demands are doing to your wife? You agreed to this therapy because you want to be able to make her happy. Do you think your behavior right now is making her happy?”

“No but…”

“I am going to give you one chance right now to leave. I will untie you and you may never come back here. Chances are you will never be able to make love to your wife and you may even end up divorced. Would it be fair to ask Ellie to live with a man who could not make love to her or father children with her? Look at your wife, Kevin and make up your mind. Honestly, I am losing my patience with you.”

Kevin was stung by the doctor’s sharp words. He felt guilty that he wasn’t stronger. He knew he couldn’t live without Ellie and he did want very badly to make her happy.

“I’m sorry. Please keep going. I’ll be good,” Kevin said contritely.

Ellie’s smile could have lit up the night sky. She sniffed and wiped away her tears.

“Oh Kev, thank you! This is going to work. I just know it will.”

If it doesn’t kill me first, thought Kevin but kept quiet.

“Are you ready to begin again, Kevin?” asked Dr. Mallory.

Kevin took a deep breath and nodded.

“OK, Ellie, come over to where I am and try the Light touching technique with your fingers in Kevin’s underarm area.”

Just the words alone were enough to send Kevin’s heart racing. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears as he tried to master the fear that was threatening to eat away at his resolve to finish the treatment. It took all of his willpower not to beg Ellie to forget everything and just go home.

Ellie stood beside her husband and took in the scene for a moment. Although she had always been shy when it came to sex and boys as a teenager, Ellie had started to pursue her sexual feelings more and more since getting married. It was a little embarrassing that she found herself getting wet and aroused looking at Kevin in this vulnerable position. She knew it wasn’t fair but part of her blamed Kevin for not being able to perform sexually – especially since he admitted that he had been “cheating” by masturbating 2-3 times a day! If he could have controlled himself maybe they could have solved the problem on their own and he wouldn’t be in this position now. And with that final thought her guilt was greatly lessened and Ellie brought her fingertips to the underarm of her beloved husband – for his own good of course!

Kevin felt Ellie’s fingertips connect with his skin but they didn’t move. Ellie looked to Dr. Mallory for guidance.

“Don’t worry, Ellie. Just keep your touch gentle and light. Other than that you can’t do anything wrong. It is important that you develop your own style. Go on, try it.”

Experimentally, Ellie took the tip of her index finger and traced a line from the top to the bottom of Kevin’s underarm. It cause Kevin to flinch and but was almost tolerable. Then Ellie began to lightly scratch at his skin with her fingernails with increasing speed. It went from tolerable to torture in seconds. Kevin burst out laughing.

“HAHAHAHAHAhahahaHAHAHAHAHhahahaha, heeeeheeeeeheeeeheeeee, HAHAHAHA, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Ellie lightened her touch and Kevin calmed down slightly but it was only a momentary reprieve. Her fingers began working his flesh in a light spiral pattern for a few seconds and then she drummed her fingers in the hollow of his armpit’s most sensitive area before going back to the spirals. For a moment their eyes met and Kevin wasn’t sure he liked what he saw. Ellie was actually enjoying herself!

“Very good Ellie! You have a real knack for this therapy. Kevin you are very lucky to have such a dedicated partner. Why don’t you choose one of these instruments and I can guide you through the rest of the Light touch exercises.”

Ellie looked at the tray of implements. Kevin couldn’t see from where he was strapped down but there were several small paintbrushes, an electric toothbrush and an ostrich feather among other things. When Ellie approached Kevin with her choice he could hardly believe his eyes. She was holding the same pointy white feather that Dr. Mallory had almost used on him earlier.

“I’m sorry, Kev, but the doctor said that you would have to get used to this anyway.”

Kevin’s reserve of calm was completely depleted. He tugged on the restraints like a wild animal.

“Kevin! This will not do at all,” snapped Dr. Mallory. “You will calm down at once.”

“I caa-caan’t,” wailed Kevin. “Please, you can’t do this to me.”

“Ellie, I am sorry that Kevin can’t be stronger for you but I guess that is why you are here, isn’t it? Pay no attention to his cries for mercy. You are going to have to have enough resolve for the both of you. Come here to the end of the table.”

Kevin’s kicking doubled in intensity.

“NO! Nonononononono! You promised! You said you wouldn’t tickle my feet. You said!” Kevin screamed and pouted like a child.

“Kevin, I am not going to tickle your feet. Ellie is. So I did not lie. I did tell you that it would happen eventually and you said you understood.”

“You BITCH! You fucking bitch,” growled Kevin.

“Let it out, Kevin. It is healthy to get all of that negative energy out. I want you to know that I don’t take it personally. I’ve heard far worse than you can even imagine,” smiled Dr. Mallory. “We are going to move on. Feel free to keep cursing though.”

Kevin snarled and desperately pulled at his restraints.

“Ellie, I need you to begin using the feathers on Kevin’s feet. You can be much more precise with the feathers than you can with your fingers. I think you will see a big difference in Kevin’s reactions as well.”

“Are you sure, Dr. Mallory? I mean, he is freaking out,” asked Ellie really worried.

“Quit acting like you care, Elle. I can see that you are enjoying yourself. You can barely keep the smile from your face!” cried Kevin, clearly hurt, and turned his face away from her.

Ellie was shocked. She was hurt and felt guilty because it was true! The part of her that was enjoying herself was growing bigger and bigger. Up until Kevin had shouted at her, her clit had been throbbing. But now it was like a bucket of cold water had been thrown on her. She was about to give into Kevin’s pleas when she remembered all the times that she begged him to have sex with her and he had already taken his pleasure alone. He never once offered to try to satisfy her needs even if he couldn’t be touched in return. The months of frustration and disappointment boiled to the surface of Ellie’s psyche.

“Oh Baby,” she said sweetly, “I know that isn’t you really talking. I forgive you. I’m going to be strong for both of us, just like Dr. Mallory told us. I just want you to know that I am dong this for you, for us.”

“No, Ellie, no,” cried Kevin, “I’m sorry. Really and truly sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. Please don’t tickle my feet. It is too much. This has to stop. You can’t do this to me!”

Ellie didn’t seem to be listening. She contemplated where she would put the tip of the feather first. She decided that Kevin’s arches where the first place she would try. Starting near the heel, she drew a line to the ball of the foot ever so lightly dragging the stiff tip of the feather against his skin.

Tears began to leak from Kevin’s clenched eyes. He was laughing hysterically and couldn’t form words at all.


Ellie dragged the tip of the feather more quickly up and down Kevin’s sole. Up and down, up and down. The madness in Kevin grew with every stroke. His laughing devolved into a desperate keening.


Ellie had never felt more powerful and alive. Her heart was pumping and her panties were slick with moisture. She changed tactics and began stroking the feather between Kevin’s toes, sawing back and forth. Kevin’s butt jumped off the table and he thrashed his head from one side to the other. His mouth was open but no sound came out. When the timer beeped finally, all he could do was collapse weakly onto the table and shake with silent giggles.

“You have both exceeded my expectations. I am very proud of you, especially, Ellie but I think we need to give Kevin a small break,” said Dr. Mallory, “before you get started on his other foot.”

Dr. Mallory might have said something after that but Kevin didn’t hear it. He had fainted dead away.
Erotic, well written, original and very 'feelgood' i like it! :happyfloa Keep it up!
One of the most well-written and storyline devoted stories I've read. Great job!
Smiling Ivy, this story is <I>amazing.</I> I don't know what else to say right now, except that I sincerely hope that you merely paused in the middle of the story.
Thank you all for your kind comments! I am putting the finishing touches on the next installment. Should be ready in a day or two. :)
Sweet cause that first part was awesome can't wait for the next to be done
This is beyone words.....but I'll start with AWESOME!!!
I can't wait to see part 2, part 3 etc.
Great story, wonderful descriptions of them tickling him. :D
Looking forward to part two. :triangle:
Smiling Ivy,

I am really enjoying this story. For me nothing is more compelling than when the victim is subjected to tickle torture for their own good. It is such a delightful sinister plot devise, and it is flawlessly executed in this story.

Bravo! Great job!

I enjoy your work and invite you to PM me if you are ever interested in writing F/M tickling fiction for MTJ Publishing.

MTJ Publishing

I highly recommend this series if you are a fan of F/M tickling fiction.

The Clinic of Last Resort Part 1 FF/M

The Clinic of Last Resort Part 2 FF/M
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Pic of the Week
Pic of the Week
Congratulations to
*** brad1701 ***
The winner of our weekly Trivia, held every Sunday night at 11PM EST in our Chat Room