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The Deputy and The Outlaw: Reunited Part 9 (F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
Ok fans, time for the next chapter in this saga! Thank you for the comments on the last part. I know it was heavy story, but transition is important to me as I have to show how the path changes. This next chapter, well, let's just say it is something many of you wanted to see happen. I hope you enjoy it as the saga is nearing an end. I see it as a 12 part series, so we are 3 quarters done. These last 4 chapters, hopefully you enjoy what takes place. Now, it is time for the next chapter in this saga. As always, your comments are most welcomed. They fuel me to bring you the best I can bring.


Cheyenne was happy watching all the other girls getting their clothes put back on while in the closet. The energy was high as each woman found her clothes, took off their haysacks and started to put their clothes on. She could see their nakedness, but it didn’t bother her as everyone was so happy. She did notice that each woman had their pussy hairs shaved off, a distinct “branding” of Helga. When the women were almost done, she addressed the group. “I will be right back! Let me go help my friend free the rest of you. We are SO close to getting out of here!” she said and the women in the closet all had huge smiles. They were so close to freedom!

Cheyenne then left the closet and as she approached the hidden door in the wall, she thought she heard what sounded like….laughter. Her eyes caught a door that was slightly opened and she just had to go look. She wondered who could be possibly laughing right now. She made it to the door and slightly opened it a little more. She looked inside and what she saw shocked her! She saw Helga on a bed, sitting on top of someone and holding the person down. She could tell the person on the bottom was a woman and she saw Helga face first into the woman’s belly. The laughter was loud, and Cheyenne was fixated on the sight. She was surprised to see Helga here and then she recognized who the woman was that was getting tongue tickled. It was Darby!!! Cheyenne’s eyes popped wide open as she heard the tortured laughter. She then carefully backed up and headed towards the hidden door. “I got to find La Diabla to help Darby!” she said to herself as she opened up the door….

La Diabla was walking through the second story tunnel and was looking for the cages to unlock. She was excited that she was going to free these women and get them out of this horrible place. It was a weird feeling for her because as part of El Guapo’s gang, they would also kidnap women and hold them against their wills as sex slaves. She just wanted to do the right thing for Darby and Cheyenne, so she was going to free the women. She then paused in the tunnel as she thought she heard something. She turned around and then immediately ducked as she saw a fist coming her way! Her quick reflexes were on display, and she laid eyes on the person trying to take a swing at her. It was Svetlana!

Svetlana tried to sneak up on La Diabla in the tunnel and was disappointed she didn’t connect on her punch. After returning with Helga, she discovered that the sex slaves were freed, and she had to put a stop to it. When she entered into this tunnel, she saw La Diabla walking free, and she had to do something. She did enjoy watching La Diabla suffering at the hands of Priscilla and Helga earlier, and now she wanted to make sure that woman did not escape. “So, you got free huh? I am going to take you out!” she warned.

La Diabla’s lips turned into a snarl as she wanted to go after Svetlana. That woman prevented her from using her gun when she was about to battle Helga, but she was not going to miss that opportunity now. When she tried to reach for her gun, Svetlana moved quickly and tackled her! The two women started to wrestle on the ground, and it was a true struggle. La Diabla managed to turn onto her back so she could use her legs to keep Svetlana from smothering her, but the Russian was very skilled in “mat wrestling”, so she was able to maintain some leverage. La Diabla then waited for the Russian to move a little and she managed to get her legs under her and managed to get her opponent off of her and now both women got to their feet. She then took a swing at Svetlana’s head, who ducked that punch and managed to bear hug La Diabla from behind.

Svetlana then tried to wrap her arms around La Diabla’s arms to pin them to the sides, but the outlaw managed to keep them free, so she had to do something. Her right hand, trying to wrap around the torso then landed on the ribcage and she reflexively dug her fingers into that spot. She noticed that La Diabla’s legs buckled a little. Then it dawned on her, this woman was tickled tortured which broke her so why not use it now? She then placed each hand on the ribcage and squeezed.

La Diabla was surprised by the ticklish sensations coursing through her body as she felt those fingers tickling her ribs! She never was tickled in an actual physical confrontation, so she was definitely not prepared for this kind of attack. Her legs started to buckle and that was not a good sign because she used her legs for leverage and balance during a fight. “Hey!! W-what are you heheehehehe doing???” she giggled.

“Ah yes, you have a weakness! Let’s see how you survive this giggly girl….” Svetlana teased as her fingers continued to probe the ribs. She then used her strength to force La Diabla to her knees and she leaned into her back. She then moved her hands to the ribs and sides, squeezing and tickling her opponent. Now she heard a steady stream of giggles and she knew she was in control. “That’s right you bitch, laugh for Svetlana like you laughed for Helga!” she said with delight.

“Hey!!! Hahahahahahahaha Y-You’re tickling hahahahahahahaha *squeal* during a hahahahahahahaha FIGHT???!!! YOU HAHAHAHAHA BITCH!!!” La Diabla squealed as she felt the hands tickling her very sensitive sides. Her body was more sensitive from the torture earlier so this tickling was actually getting to her. Her mind knew she had to do something, or she would be reduced into a helpless state. A feeling of embarrassment once again washed over her as she felt her body getting weaker. Now it was a matter of just getting away from the tickling, not winning the fight!

“That’s right! Keep laughing as I tickle you! Maybe I do what Helga did to you and get you naked so I can make you that helpless bitch again. You will submit to me because you are no longer a strong woman..hehehehehe” Svetlana teased. She now had La Diabla crouching on her knees and her body weight was pressing onto the back. Her head was now next to the outlaw’s and wanted to continue to tease her. “That’s right weak woman, laugh for me. Maybe I will take your boots off and tickle those tender feet of yours. Soon you will be submissive to me because that is who you truly are….” she taunted.

La Diabla heard the tickle threats, particularly to her overly sensitive feet at this point and panicked. If the Russian took off her boots, she knew she was done for. She then took the point of her right elbow and swung it upwards from her position and nailed the attacker in her ribs. She then leaned her head sideways then forcefully swung it back and use the top of her head to hit Svetlana on the side of her head. This managed to dislodge the woman from being on top of her and she heard a yelp of pain. Now it was her opportunity to get upright again, but when she tried, she felt a sharp knee crashing into the small of her back and she hit the ground in pain. She grunted in pain and rolled over onto her back, her arm and hand reaching behind her clutching the hurting area and then she looked up. She saw Svetlana standing above her, and now holding a gun!

“Ow you stupid bitch!!! You have a hard head!” Svetlana screamed. After getting hit in the head, her own body’s reaction was to stand up. Her natural reaction was to grab her weapon, which she did and now she pointed it at La Diabla. “I tried to be nice to you! I was just going to tickle your feet until you begged me, but you want to play rough? Well, I think you are too much of a nuisance. Not worth bringing back to Siberia! But, I will give you a chance. Take off your boots or I will kill you…. Not only will I tickle your feet, but Ms. Montenegro wants your boots as her trophies.” she threatened.

La Diabla froze in place. She was not in an advantageous position anymore as she laid on her back and had a gun pointing at her. Svetlana’s body was far enough away so she couldn’t kick out with her legs. She was trapped and could be shot at any moment! She heard Svetlana’s commands and she gulped. She knew what was going to happen if she removed her boots, but she could be shot instead. It did bother her that Priscilla wanted her boots as trophies, a tactic she used often with her victims. It was a sign of dominance over the victim taking their boots as trophies. Thinking correctly that foot tickling would be better than getting shot in the head, she then sat up and sighed. “Ok, I will take off my boots…” she said in exasperation. She then bent her knee so she could start to pull off her boot. She placed her hand on the heel and then paused. She really did not want her feet tickled or her boots taken.

Svetlana saw the hesitation and anger flowed in her body. She then cocked her gun and aimed. “Take them off you bitch! Hurry up or I will….*UGH*!!!” she tried to say before feeling a very sharp pain on the back of her head and staggered a bit, which made her lower her gun.

La Diabla saw the opening and got to her feet quickly. She then threw a hard right cross and nailed Svetlana against the jaw which made the woman fall backwards and dropping the weapon. In a rage, La Diabla then grabbed Svetlana’s head and then rammed it hard against the cavern wall, effectively knocking the Russian woman out. She watched the woman fall to the ground in a heap and was out cold. A surge of adrenaline flowed through her body as she escaped a very dangerous situation. Her mind was racing and then she looked over to her side and saw what may have caused this opportunity. She saw Cheyenne standing there, with a large rock in her hands. “Cheyenne? Is that you???” she asked in shock.

Cheyenne looked like she was in shock as she stood there. She let the rock drop out of her hand and she made eyes contact with La Diabla. “Y-yeah it’s me….” she stammered. Her adrenaline was flowing as she struck Svetlana in the back of the head with that same rock. “Are you ok?” she asked.

La Diabla approached her and had a smile. “Yes, yes I am. Did you really hit her in the back of the head with that rock?” she asked, still surprised that Cheyenne stunned Svetlana long enough for her to knock her out.

“Yeah, I did. I really did that??” Cheyenne said as she looked at the knocked out form of Svetlana on the ground. “I saw her pointing that gun at you. She was about to hurt you, so I had to do something…”

La Diabla then reached forward and hugged Cheyenne tightly. This young woman just saved her life. “Thank you Cheyenne! You saved me! You are so brave…” she said then broke the hug and looked at Cheyenne with a very proud look.

“I had to help you! Wow, I really did that.” Cheyenne said as she started to smile.

“Is everything ok with the others? I am on my way to free the remaining women..” La Diabla told her.

“Yeah they’re fine. They are putting their clothes on…” Cheyenne started, then her eyes bugged open as she remembered why she came back into the cavern in the first place. “OH!!!! Darby is in danger!! Helga has her!!” she shouted.

La Diabla’s eyes popped open as she heard Helga had Darby in her clutches! She knew she had to go help immediately. “I have to go help her! Here, take this key and get the rest of the women out of their cages. Take them to get their clothes and then wait for me and Darby! Can you do it?” La Diabla asked.

Cheyenne saw the key being handed to her and she took it in her hand. “I can do it! I will get them free!” she said with excitement in her voice. This was a big responsibility for her as she had to lead these women out of this hellish place. She wanted to prove she could be a leader in this situation.

“I know you can! I believe in you Cheyenne. Now, I am about to help Darby!” La Diabla said then started to run down the tunnel. She knew she had to get to Darby fast. She made it to the staircase and then ran up the stairs and out of the hidden door, ready to go find Darby to help her.

Helga continued to lick the belly button of Darby. She loved how her tongue would slide around the button and would get stronger giggles when the tongue reached the lower part of the navel. Then she moved her tongue inside the navel and twirled it around. “Mmmmmmm you taste so good…..” she cooed as her tongue continued its ticklish devastation.

Darby continued to giggle uncontrollably as she felt that moist tongue ravishing her sensitive navel. She continued to try to kick her legs or squirm her body, but with Helga’s weight, her strength and the tickling wearing her down, she felt so helpless. “hahahahahaha you got to s-stop!!! This tickles! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!” she squealed. Her eyes shut tight, and she felt tingles in her spine as the tongue continued.

Helga then lifted her head and stared at the wet belly button. Her eyes then moved up the torso and could see Darby’s breasts covered by the shirt and now visions of a naked Darby really started to get her excited. “I love your ticklish giggle..I can’t wait to get you naked! In fact, I will capture your friend and strip her naked too! Then I will tie both of you together, completely naked and I will tickle you both all over! Imagine me tickling hers and your feet together! Mmmmmm..” Helga teased then started to lick all around the belly, trying to drive Darby insane.

Darby shrieked as her belly was being tickled by a tongue again. She was amazed how badly that tongue would stimulate her ticklish nerves. The thought of her being naked scared her, but her body seemed to like the idea. Especially the thought of her and La Diabla bound together naked and getting tickled. Her mind thought about how the soles of her feet and La Diabla’s would be tickled together and both of them would laugh hysterically. The feeling of La Diabla’s naked body rubbing against hers would be an amazing feeling, but then she broke her concentration as the tickling was getting to her. She grew concerned as her body was getting weaker and she wouldn’t be able to stop this strong woman from having her way with her.

Helga then sensed Darby was weakening and now she lifted her upper body and used her weight to hold down Darby’s arms still as she was now over Darby’s upper body. She looked down on her as though she was looking down on her prey. She waited for Darby to calm down from the tickling and when her eyes opened, Helga smiled. “Now, it is time for me to get the jeans off of you. I want to taste that pussy of yours. Priscilla made you cum, now it is my turn. Then when I make you cum, I will find your friend and I will ravish- UGH!!!!!” Helga cried out as she felt a very sharp pain on her back and on the back of her head.

La Diabla felt her adrenaline flowing as she held what remained of a chair. She swung a wooden chair that was in the room and crashed it on the backside of Helga, shattering the chair. She saw the big Russian roll off of Darby and fell to the ground. She then tossed the remains of the chair and then did a swift kick to Helga’s ribs. “NOW I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS, YOU BIG BITCH!” she screamed. Her rage was on high as she wanted her revenge against her humiliating defeat earlier. She was waiting for this moment and wanted to inflict some serious retaliation on a woman who broke her will.

Helga slowly stood up as she grabbed the back of her head to make sure she wasn’t bleeding. Once she got to her feet, she looked down at the woman who dared to assault her. A look of rage formed on her face as her anger surged through her body. “How DARE you do that!!!! You are going to PAY for hitting me! I guess you didn’t learn your lesson after all. This time, I will make you suffer and when you are once again broken, I will put that cream inside your pussy to destroy you….” she sneered.

La Diabla felt her own anger rise, but she also had a streak of fear going through her mind. The last time she was in a physical confrontation with Helga, she was beaten soundly and very quickly. It was the worst physical loss of her life. It led to her being completely humiliated as she was stripped naked, bound in chains while Helga and Priscilla tickled her, beat her soles and even applied a special itching cream to her body where she literally begged for mercy. She even admitted that Priscilla was superior to her, and she even kissed the feet and sucked the toes of Priscilla as she was a crying, broken mess of a woman. Now, she had a chance of redemption, or another round of humiliating torture. This was her moment of truth. “Not this time bitch!” she said, trying to sound confident.

Helga then lunged towards La Diabla and missed the smaller woman and then she swung her arm in a backswing, hoping to connect with La Diabla because she ducked. She missed again, then felt kicks to her legs. This frustrated her and now she faced La Diabla again. “So, you still want to fight me huh? You learned a little from the first time we met. But I will get you again little woman and when I get you, you will be naked, I WILL tickle you and I will make sure you suffer every day in Siberia!” she threatened. She then saw La Diabla trying to kick her, and she caught her ankle. She held the right booted foot in her hand and she wanted to twist the ankle which would render her opponent powerless. Right when she wanted to twist the ankle, she was surprised when La Diabla did a roundhouse kick with her left foot across the jaw. She let go of the right foot and winced in pain.

La Diabla felt her confidence surging as she made contact with Helga’s face, stunning the taller woman. She was surprised she was able to go that high with her legs, but she managed to kick the woman and still land on her feet. “COME ON YOU BITCH! TIME FOR YOU TO PAY!!” she screamed, then lunged towards Helga. She then felt a massive hand on her throat and felt her breath leave her body as she was getting choked.

Helga had a look of rage in her eyes as she had La Diabla by the throat. She wanted to choke the woman unconscious so she could have her way with her. She felt a thrill as she saw La Diabla trying to swat at her arm, trying to free herself and to breathe. She could see her face turning red and it would be moments before she would be rendered helpless, and she could have some fun. Now the vision of stripping her and Darby naked filled her mind. She imagined their naked bodies tied together and now imagined their soles tied together. The pinkish soles of La Diabla to the deep pink soles of Darby and both women screaming and laughing as she tickled them without any mercy. A smile formed on her face as her hand squeezed harder. Then suddenly, she felt the back of her knees getting bent as something crashed into the back of her legs! She let go of La Diabla and fell to the ground.

Darby managed to get off the bed as she witnessed the fight between La Diabla and Helga and knew she had to help! La Diabla was getting choked so she got off the bed and since Helga was not facing her, she dove her own tall body into the back of the legs, clipping the tall Russian and she fell to the ground onto her back. From there, she wrapped her arms around Helga’s strong legs and held onto them, to keep the Russian on the ground, taking away her height advantage. “Ger her!!!” Darby screamed towards La Diabla.

La Diabla took a deep breath as she was finally released from the chokehold. She regained her bearings and saw Helga on the ground wincing in pain and saw Darby wrapping her arms around the Russian’s legs. This was her chance to help take care of Helga! She then reared her right leg back and with a swift motion, she kicked the Russian on the side of her head which completely stunned Helga. Then she straddled Helga’s stomach and then she cocked her right fist back and stared at Helga’s face. “GOOD NIGHT BITCH!!!!” she shouted, then swung her fist directly to the jaw and that nearly knocked Helga out!!!! La Diabla heard her groan and then her body slumped. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she won this fight!

Darby was still holding Helga’s legs and could see the back of La Diabla as she straddled powerful Helga. “Is she out?” she asked.

La Diabla had a satisfied sneer on her face and let out an evil sounding chuckle. This felt tremendously good as she now had the woman who tormented her, the woman who helped break her will and made her very submissive and meek, now under her control. She could see Helga slightly moving and now she thought about possibly ending her. Her anger has now returned, and she truly wanted to take this woman out. “Yeah, she’s out….I want…I want to end her…” she said while breathing heavily, her adrenaline surging even more.

Darby heard those words and her eyes popped open. As much as she cared about La Diabla, and understood exactly how she was feeling right now, she could not let her kill Helga. That would be murder at this point because Helga was incapacitated right now, so it would no longer be self defense. She saw La Diabla’s right hand starting to move towards the gun in her holster and she stood up. “Hey…Salem. Put your hand down…She is not worth what you are thinking.” she said in a soothing voice.

“S-she…she hurt me Darby….She….she completely HUMILIATED me! I can’t let her get away with that. S-she attacked Cheyenne! She attacked YOU! She deserves to DIE!!!” La Diabla said with great anger in her voice. She could feel her eyes water up in sheer anger as she remembered what this woman has done to her and to the people she cared about.

Darby slowly knelt down behind La Diabla, to the left side of Helga’s body and reached her right hand forward to touch La Diabla’s arm that was now resting on the butt of her gun. “Listen to me Salem…you don’t want to do it. I know how much she hurt you. I understand how upset you are that she went after the people you care about. But, she is not worth it. I need you to calm down. We got her, she won’t ever do it again…” she said, then she carefully wrapped her arms around La Diabla’s upperbody, embracing her with a soft hug.

La Diabla felt Darby hugging her from behind and she started to shake. Her sheer desire for revenge was now conflicting with the emotion she had about Darby. She could feel herself about to cry out in anger and sadness, but she tried to calm herself. It was taking her a great effort, but she was starting to calm herself down. “Damn you…..why won’t you let me do what I do best???!!!” she groaned.

“Because….I don’t want you to make a mistake that could cost you your own life. Killing her will not be worth it.” Darby whispered in her ear. She hugged her a little tighter and could feel the outlaw starting to calm down. “It will be ok. I have you. Come on, let’s go. Let’s get out of here….” she whispered.

“I WANT REVENGE!! UGH!!!” La Diabla groaned in anger. She still felt anger, but Darby hugging her was having a calming effect.

“We will have our revenge. She will no longer ever hurt another woman again. I know you want revenge after what she did……to…….us……” Darby started to say, then an idea hit her. “Hey, you know, I have an idea! Why don’t we do to her, what she did to us?” she said with a gleam in her eye.

La Diabla cocked her head and listened to Darby’s words. With Svetlana knocked out and now Helga incapacitated, they were in control of the situation. Her mind then thought about what Darby said. “Do to Helga what she did to us.” The thought of torturing Helga with the same method! “Do you think she is even ticklish???” she said, with a smile now forming on her face.

“Only one way to find out! Let’s get her tied up so WE can have some fun…..” Darby said as she released her hug. She stood up and saw La Diabla stand up as well. “Let’s get her on the bed and get her tied down! Then, we can see if she can receive as good as she gives!”

“I like that. Let’s do it!” La Diabla said with excitement. The thought of reducing Helga to a laughing victim made her feel tremendously excited. She then looked down at Helga’s massive body and it was going to take the both of them to even lift her off the floor. “Get her legs, I got her upper body….” she instructed. She then knelt down and managed to lift Helga’s head and upper body off the floor and put her arms under Helga’s. She saw Darby grabbing the legs and both women used a lot of their combined strength to lift the woman from the floor and put her on the bed. “She is HEAVY!!!” she laughed as both women were tired from that effort.

“Yes she is!!! Hahaha” Darby laughed. She then took a deep breath and stretched her own body. “Ok, let me find the shackles. She told me she was going to use them on me!” she said then walked over to what appeared to be a dresser. She started to rummage through the drawers and eventually found the shackles and even some ropes! “Found them!” she said with excitement. She then walked back over to the bed and tossed some rope to La Diabla.

La Diabla took the rope and started to wrap some of it around the knees of Helga. She kept the legs together and wrapped the rope around the top of the knees, across the knee itself and under the knee. She wanted to prevent Helga from having the ability to bend her legs to gain leverage. After tying the knees, she then wrapped more rope around the thighs to prevent her from spreading her legs wide open above the knee. Now she started to think about what they were about to do. If Helga was ticklish, this would be the ultimate revenge! To reduce this strikingly powerful woman down to a giggling mess would destroy the Russian’s ego, just like her own was destroyed. Her eyes then looked up and saw Darby placing the shackles on each large wrist and then attached it to the iron headboard of the bed, raising the arms above the head. “This is going to be………FUN!!!”

Darby took a deep breath as she saw Helga now tied down on the bed and helpless. Now she felt an excitement in her own body as she was about to have a little fun herself on Helga’s body. She saw the look on La Diabla’s face and she knew that look very well. It was the look of a “tickle lust”!!! She then sat on the edge of the bed on Helga’s right side and giggled. ”Ok, where do we even start? Is she ticklish?” she asked smiling.

La Diabla then straddled Helga’s body, sitting on the groin and looking down at her fallen foe. She could see Helga starting to stir. “Welcome back to the land of consciousness you bitch…” she grinned.

Helga started to come back to consciousness and felt a weight on her body. “W-where am I?” she groaned as her eyes were now fully opening. Then her eyes popped wide open as she saw La Diabla straddling her body and staring back down at her! She then noticed that Darby was just off to her right side and also staring back down at her. She tried to pull her arms down so she could defend herself and realized they were shackled iron headboard, then she tried to move her legs and she couldn’t! She was trapped. Anger flowed through her body as these two women captured her! “LET ME GO YOU BITCHES!!!!” she hissed.

La Diabla let out a chuckle, a long, defined chuckle as she felt power surging through her. This was a moment that she was going to remember forever! In her mind, she was grateful that Darby stopped her from killing Helga. Now, she had a chance to completely humiliate and destroy Helga. She had an evil sneer on her face and chuckled. “hehehehehe you’re not going to be let go you stupid bitch! Now, YOU are under MY control! Now, YOU will suffer. YOU will be humiliated. YOU will be a broken bitch when I am done. Oh, this is just…..TOO…….SWWWWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTT!!!!!” she shouted, then broke out into evil laughter.

Helga was now concerned about her own safety as she saw La Diabla laughing and threatening her. This was a shock to her as she was beaten in a fight and now, she was under someone else’s control. For the first time in her bounty hunter life, she felt a slight bit of fear. She tried to pull her arms down, but knew she was in trouble because the shackles she used, they were industrial strength, so she was not going to break them. She also realized that La Diabla and Darby must have been rope experts because they knew exactly how to tie her legs to prevent her from gaining any kind of leverage and being able to buck the outlaw from her hips. “Listen to me! If you let me go and you get back in your cage, I promise I will treat you fairly when we are in Siberia! This is the only time I make this offer!”

La Diabla heard the feeble threat and laughed. A deep evil laugh as she then rubbed her hands together. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!! I am just going to let you go and I go back into a cage? You know that’s not how this works. I am not one of the weak women you captured and tormented. My name is La Diabla! The most feared woman in these parts and I am going to make you SUFFER!!! I am going to make you suffer the SAME way you made us suffer…..” she said. She then looked at Helga’s form fitting cotton shirt. She cocked her head to the right side and then using both of her hands, she grabbed the hem of the shirt and started to lift it up and upwards, exposing the stomach of Helga. La Diabla saw the stomach and was impressed. This woman had a very defined “six pack” abs and very muscular.

Darby saw the stomach as well and she could not believe it. She never saw a stomach that well defined on a woman before! “Wow, she is like cut from granite!” she laughed. Darby was starting to feel an excitement. She was about to help another woman tickle a trapped victim. She remembered her time with Gertrude Billington and when they tickled Mandy. She remembered even her sessions with Bessie when Gloria and her played with that sexy body. Now, she was with a woman who truly was an expert in tickle torture. She felt like an assistant and was about to enjoy a master at her craft.

“Why are you lifting my shirt??!! Put it back down! I swear I will get you back for this!” Helga shouted as she knew La Diabla was up to no good.

“Why wouldn’t you want to show off these abs of yours? Wow, these look rock hard! Mind if I touch them? Hehehe” La Diabla giggled. She then took the tips of her fingers and started to touch the stomach. She was amazed on how firm the stomach was and pressed into the skin. She felt the muscles contract in self defense and she had a sly smile. She wanted to explore the skin to find the weakness. She knew that a woman like her was not used to being touched like this and being in bondage would make a body a lot more vulnerable. “I wonder….I wonder how your skin likes to be touched. You know I am an expert on touching women. I know you are too…so, it makes me wonder if your skin is similar to mine and to hers…” she teased.

Helga felt La Diabla’s fingers pressing into her strong abdominal muscles and tighten them. She was getting even more angry as she realized that these two women were intent on trying to humiliate her. She could see the devilish look on La Diabla’s face, and she tried to buck her hips, but La Diabla prevented her from gaining any leverage. She couldn’t bend her knees so she could plant her feet on the bed and lift. “Stop touching me you little bitch! I swear I am going to destroy you!” she threatened.

“Oh? You really want me to stop touching you? But why? I thought we were getting closer since you were touching me all over MY body…” La Diabla teased as she now started to lightly run her fingers over the surface of the skin. She felt the muscles trembling and she felt that surge of confidence. Helga didn’t react much, but the way the muscles twitched, she knew they were very responsive to her touch. She thought about the position she was in. She was in control of this woman. The Russian was nearly a foot taller than she was, and definitely heavier. Now she had to ability to torment this woman. She then looked over at Darby. “Hey Darby, I think she doesn’t like me touching her. I don’t know why as she has very….nice….skin. I bet she likes being touched by the both of us, don’t you agree?” she said with a wink.

Darby smiled as she listened to La Diabla. This was getting exciting for Darby as she now had an opportunity to dish out some tickle torture. “I think you are right! I think she would LOVE being touched by us…” she said grinning. She then looked at Helga’s trapped body and she was still amazed that they had her in this position. She saw La Diabla fondling the stomach muscles and she needed to find her a spot to torment. Darby then looked at the exposed right armpit and decided that’s where she would try to have some fun. The armpit was still covered by the shirt, so she reached forward, grabbed the edge of the short sleeve and rolled it down and over the shoulder, exposing the armpit. The armpit was pretty expansive which make sense to her as Helga was such a large human being. She then got onto her knees so she could kneel over the bed and then took her left index fingers she gently pressed into the flesh. She saw Helga’s head whip around to look at her and that face did not look happy!

“W-what are you doing?!!! Don’t you dare touch me! Don’t be stupid Red! This bitch is in deep trouble! Don’t you get yourself in trouble too!” Helga warned as she felt the finger now circling in her armpit.

“I guess you forgot you were tickling muh body just moments earlier….” Darby teased as her finger continued to make large circling motions on the skin. This fascinated her because as brutal as Helga is, how tough her demeanor is along with her very powerful physique, the armpit skin was actually very soft. She was using the pad of her finger and it glided across the skin and she also noticed the armpit was shaven and very smooth. “No wonder she likes to shave us gals. She is probably shaved everywhere herself…” Darby thought to herself. She noticed that even though Helga’s face showed complete anger, she felt a small twitch of the muscles. Darby thought that maybe, just maybe this brute of a woman was indeed ticklish.

La Diabla watched Darby stroking her finger inside the armpit and she loved that sight. There was something mesmerizing about seeing that finger sliding across the smooth skin. She started to think that perhaps Darby had some talent at tickling someone. She always loved tickling Darby and never thought the deputy would be able to retaliate with tickling. But now, as she watched Darby stroking that armpit, her admiration grew. She felt somewhat proud that Darby might be able to inflict enough tickle torture to help her drive Helga insane. Now her eyes went back to Helga’s stomach, and she lightly stroked her fingers on both hands over that muscular skin. She could feel the very small twitches under her fingertips and knew that it will just be a moment before she gets a much stronger ticklish reaction. “Wow….can you imagine the great, powerful Helga is probably very……ticklish? I mean she knows how to dish out very ruthless tickle torture, so it makes you wonder if she is ticklish herself? She is SO big and strong but is probably just a ticklish little girl! Are you ticklish Helga?” La Diabla teased.

Helga felt the finger in her right armpit and could feel La Diabla’s fingers on her belly. She could hear the teasing words and she just could not admit anything to that woman! The light touching on those spots did cause her body to react, but she focused on never giving La Diabla any sign of weakness. “I suggest you both stop what you are doing! I am NOT ticklish! I am not weak like you two. When I get out of here, I promise you will suffer, as I will never stop tickling you! NEVER!!! Her big pink feet and your small pink feet will suffer my wrath!” she said in defiance.

“Awww….someone is getting mad isn’t she? You said you are not ticklish? I think you’re lying to me. I think you are very ticklish…..” La Diabla teased as she had a small evil grin. Her fingers continued to stroke across the skin with a very light touch and the more she did it, the more the muscles were twitching and now a small quiver came out. She knew that even with the strongest muscles, the skin was going to be very responsive to touch. Helga was not made of steel. She was made of flesh and the tremors under her fingers proved that it was just a matter of time. Now she took the tip of her nail and started to slowly stroke it along the outer edges of the belly button. “Come on…it is ok to admit you are actually a ticklish little girl!” she continued to tease.

“Yeah, it is ok to admit you are ticklish….” Darby teased as she was following La Diabla’s lead. She knew probably better than anyone, that teasing tickle talk can make the sensations much worse. She was now starting to get into this situation because she wanted to know what it felt like to break someone by tickling them. Her tickle moments of others were in such a playful setting, now she wanted to see what it was like to break someone with it. She had been a victim so many times of women breaking her with tickling, now she could have some fun! She now continued to circle her finger in the smooth armpit and started to move it towards the center. Her eyes then popped open as she thought she heard a small grunt and a quiver of the skin. “Hey La Diabla, I think I agree with you. I think Helga IS a ticklish little girl. I know she wants to giggle….” Darby teased.

Helga’s frustration started to grow as both women kept taunting her and moving their fingers across her skin. The nail on her belly button was now having an effect on her. Her bellybutton, actually her body, wasn’t usually touched a lot. Even when she had a lover in her arms, she would tease their bodies instead of her receiving the touch in response. A few of them massaged her, but never really touched her stomach. She could feel the sensations starting to increase and now she was a little concerned. She could see the sadistic grin on La Diabla’s face when she looked towards her stomach, and then saw the grin on Darby’s face. This bothered her because both women were anxious to see her crack and she was determined to not let that happen! “You both are going to….*grunt* PAY for this!” she said with a small grunt.

La Diabla heard the grunt and she smiled. She knew that grunt meant that the slow teasing was starting to break down the Russian. “What was that? We’re going to pay? You sound a little uncomfortable. Is everything ok?” she teased as her fingernail in the belly button. Now, the button started to quiver a little more and she felt a thrill go through her.

Helga now glared at La Diabla. She felt that fingernail teasing her navel still and she had to hold firm. The nail was touching nerves that weren’t touched much and she snarled. “S-stop touching me! You both are wasting your time! I am NOT ticklish! I swear I will *ooooh** get you both for this!” she said with a quick moan in her voice.

Darby’s eyes lit up as she heard the moan. Now she was truly understanding the art of tickle torture. Looking for signs of weakness as your fingers teased the skin. “You know La Diabla, I think Helga here is a fibber! I think she wants us to think she is not ticklish, but we know she IS!!! I mean, if this was happening to me right now, I would be laughing and screaming. Remember when that happened to me Helga? Remember when you and Gloria were tickling my armpit, just like this….” Darby teased as her finger now moved at a faster pace over the skin. Darby understood why La Diabla was so effective in tickle torture. The teasing words usually got someone to start breaking. She would know, it always happened to her!

La Diabla couldn’t help but smile as she listened to Darby starting to use teasing words to help break down the Russian. It made her feel proud that someone she tortured in the past was now willing to inflict tickle torture as well. “I think you’re right Deputy! I think Helga here is really a ticklish widdle girl! I think she wants to laugh, but she is trying to hold it in….I think if I keep moving my finger around just like this……..” she smiled as her finger now started to move around the navel faster, touching the outer edges of the button. “….she will be a giggly girl REALLY soon!”

Helga started to twist her body, trying to move away from Darby’s finger in her armpit and La Diabla’s finger in her bellybutton. She absolutely under no circumstance could start laughing to these two previous victims. Her mind was dead set against it; however, her body started to respond. Since she was having her skin teased in two different places, she couldn’t focus on one spot and now the second tickle spot, whether it was the navel or armpit would be the distracting element. Her eyes focused in on La Diabla. To her, that was the one woman she definitely did not want to give the satisfaction of making her laugh. She saw the sadistic smile and it only fueled her anger. “You will NOT break me! I am…I am……I am *grunt* NOT….not…..tick……” she grunted. Now she was on the verge of letting a giggle out so she could not say the word “ticklish”. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had to focus on not breaking.

Darby made eye contact with La Diabla and couldn’t help but smile. She could hear the change in Helga’s voice and was thrilled that this simple teasing was breaking down a woman that was stronger than the both of them combined. She gave La Diabla a wink and then she looked down at the armpit she was tickling. She then decided to bring in her right index finger and now used both of her index fingers to start stroking in the pit. The method she wanted to use was to slide down her right index finger across the pit and when it got to the bottom of the pit, she then used the left index finger to slide down the pit. She continued this same method and then used the tips of her fingernails. “I know you want to laugh Helga…It is ok. You can let it aaaaalllllllllllllll out!” she teased.

La Diabla chuckled as she heard Darby’s voice teasing Helga. She couldn’t help but look over at Darby’s tickling style and it was impressive. She could feel Helga’s body started to twist and turn and now it was her turn to do some teasing. She lowered her head and stuck out her tongue. “Come on Helga….You can laugh….Laugh for the deputy and the outlaw!” she said then started to lick around the belly button, making sure the tip of her tongue tantalized the outer rim of the navel.

Helga felt those two fingers in her right armpit and the sensations were starting to increase. Her arm started to tremble as she continued to fight the feeling, then she let out a loud gasp when she felt that tongue now circling in her bellybutton! “W-what are you *grunt* doing! S-s-stop doing *grunt* hehehe THAT!!!” she barked even though a small giggle came out.

La Diabla’s entire body lit up with happiness when she heard the small giggle. Now, it was time for her revenge! Making Helga suffer like how she suffered was truly going to be a rewarding experience. Probably one of the greatest experiences in her life! After suffering a horrendous tickling torture by Priscilla and Helga, her will was broken and she actually submitted. It was the most humiliating experience in her life. Now, she was about to make Helga submit to something as simple as being tickled. She knew the Russian, like her, had a tremendous ego and a tremendous will, so having her break would absolutely destroy her. Her tongue started to lick faster, as it swirled deeper and deeper into the bellybutton. She wanted Helga to start laughing. She had a desire to see that fear on Helga’s face when she realizes she will be tortured. Her eyes looked up as she licked the navel and could see the face of agony between those massive breasts.

Helga felt the licking increasing and now she started to have doubts. She let a giggle slip out!! She was starting to lose this battle of wills and knew if she started to laugh, these two women would never stop torturing her. She now started to twist her body, trying to do anything to get them to stop. She didn’t even want to shout at them because if she opened her mouth, more giggles would come out. She closed her eyes again and did her best to hold her mouth close and twist her body. She started to grunt as the ticklish sensations started to increase within her body.

“I think Helga really IS a ticklish girl! I can see you wanting to laugh. I can see you trying to hold it all in, but you know you just want to let it out. Go ahead Helga, it is ok to laugh! It is just us women here and we want to make you happy. Just let it out….” Darby teased as her fingers increased their motion. She surprised herself on how easy she was able to pick up the taunting nature of tickle torture. She had some fun with Bessie’s body and even with Mandy’s back in Plotsville, but there was something very exciting about making this particular woman laugh. She could see the look of determination on Helga’s face, but it didn’t deter her. Darby also started to remember how this same monstrous woman tormented her own body twice. That feeling of total helplessness she felt as her body was tickle ravaged. Now, she was in a position to make this woman suffer. Her fingers now started to focus on the middle of the armpit and she saw Helga’s head turn towards her. Darby could see the look of rage in the eyes and she simply smiled. “Something the matter? Something you want to tell me? You can simply…laugh…it out for me….” she teased.

Helga almost let out a laugh as she heard Darby teasing her and now the nails were tickling the center of her helpless armpit. She hated the fact that Darby was tickling her too. She may have been a deputy, but she didn’t seem as strong willed as La Diabla. The fact that this woman she did not have any fear for was trying to tickle her made her feel not only anger, but humiliation too. She then turned her head and stared at the ceiling. She had to stop thinking about the ever so increasing feelings of tickles coursing through her body. She wanted to curse her out, but if she opened her mouth, she knew she would start laughing.

“Come on Helga…..I know you want to laugh! Let it all out…You know you *slurp* want to *slurp slurp* laugh! Come on ticklish widdle girl….ah kitchy kitchy koo!!! AH KITCHY KITCHY KOO!!!” La Diabla teased playfully as her tongue swirled in the navel, then she reached her hands forward and started to trace softly along the rib cage. Now, Helga’s ribs, navel and underarm was getting tickled.

Helga heard the taunts and teases and she could feel La Diabla’s nails on her ribs, her tongue in her navel and now Darby’s fingers were really moving faster in her delicate armpit. “Niet….niet…….NIET NIET NIET NIET *giggle* Niiiiiieeeeeeetttttt!!!!” she grunted in her native tongue as the ticklish feelings were now getting stronger and she was barely holding on. The touches were deliberate and those child like taunts were finally getting her to crack.

“Kitchy kitchy koo!!! Helga is a ticklish girl!! Yes she is! Yes she is!!! Kitchy kitchy koo!! I tickle you!!!” Darby teased and then started to press her fingertips into the hollow and finally, success!!

“hahahahahahahahahahaha NIET!!! STOP THIS!!! STOP THIS NOW!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha” Helga started to laugh. Once she got her mouth open, now the ticklish sensation grew even stronger, and she could no longer resist. Her will to hold back laughter was falling apart and now she started to thrash in her bonds.

La Diabla couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she could hear Helga’s laughter starting to come out. This was definitely a great moment of success, as she finally got the woman to laugh. Now she drilled the tip of her tongue deeper into the navel and now started to press her fingers into the ribcage which caused the Russian’s laughter to get stronger. She was amazed, but not totally surprised the ribcage was covered by very strong muscles, but to her, every woman’s skin was sensitive. She then stopped her tongue drilling and lifted her head so she could focus on tweaking and tickling those ribs. “That’s right you ticklish widdle girl, just let it allllllllllllll out!! You are such a good girl! Laugh for the Deputy and the Outlaw!” she taunted.

Darby was enjoying the teasing that La Diabla was doing, and she loved that title. “The Deputy and the Outlaw” had a nice ring to it. They were a team at this moment and now it was time to finally get back on the same woman that tickle ravaged both of them. She then looked at the hairless skin and she continued to press her fingers deep into the hollow. She noticed that Helga’s body was twitching more and more and the laughter was starting to free more freely. Now, she moved her fingers to the skin right above the armpit and headed towards the bicep muscle. She figured a soft touch on the skin would be effective. Since Helga was laughing, she would probably start to giggle at any touch. “Are you ticklish here??” she teased.

Helga felt fingers now stroking her arm muscle and it surprised her that it actually tickled! She looked over at Darby with shock in her eyes as she felt that touch really start to tickle her. This entire moment was surprising to her as she was tickled as a child, but she thought she grew out of it. But this was proving her wrong and now she was trapped. The shackles that held her wrists were made of steel, ones she used because she knew they were unbreakable. Her body was completely defenseless and even though she wasn’t showing it, fear started to come into the back of her mind as these two women were intent on not only torturing her but humiliating her at the same time. “HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!! STOP YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BITCHES!!!!”

“Bitches? Bitches? That’s not nice to say ticklish widdle girl……” La Diabla teased. She then started to squeeze the bottoms of the ribcages, trying to find that one spot on the ribs that would force more powerful laughter from Helga. When her thumbs went slightly above the lowest rib bone and into the crevice before it made it to the next upper rib, she felt Helga’s hips starting to buck stronger. “Ooooooooh!!! Did I find a good spot???” she laughed.

Helga started to thrash and then clamped her lips. La Diabla did in fact find a very sensitive spot on her ribs. She was now using her strength to try and twist her body side to side, trying to throw La Diabla off of her. But the fingers continued to probe the rib area and now her giggles started to come out. Her lips were starting to part, and she couldn’t stop from allowing it to happen as the ticklish sensations were growing stronger and stronger. “I-I-I hehehehehehehe HATE y-y-you hehehehehehahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” she started to roar. Then she clamped her lips again trying to not show the torture was getting to her.

Darby laughed as she saw Helga doing everything she can to not laugh. It was really funny to her when she exploded in laughter, then clamped her lips. This woman was doing her best to not totally lose it. She did like the feeling of the skin on her fingertips. The muscles were so solid, but the skin was actually really smooth. For a bounty hunter, Helga seemed to have really good skin. Darby continued to stroke her fingers across the bicep then slowly started to move them back to the armpit. “Here comes my fingers! They are going to take a walk right into your armpit….I know that is such a ticklish spot on your body. You’re just going to laugh and laugh and laugh for me….” she teased. She did have to admit, this was getting to be really fun!


Cheyenne was walking back through the tunnel and headed towards the staircase. Behind her were 10 women all dressed in haysacks and wearing slippers. She managed to get them all free from their cages and was now leading this group of women back to the closet so they could wear their normal clothes. Cheyenne was feeling really good right now. She was helping leading these women to safety. She got to the staircase and looked back at the group of women. They were all young, and they were different heights and body shapes. They were multi-ethnic as well as this ring wanted a wide variety of women for buyers to choose from. “Ok girls, let’s go up these stairs! We are going to get your regular clothes, so you don’t have to wear those sacks anymore. Follow me!” she declared as she headed up the stairs.

“Thank you!” a woman called out from behind.

Cheyenne turned around and saw the woman who said it. It was a small white woman with dirty blond hair, and she had a smile of gratitude on her face. “You are welcome! Now, we are close to freedom! My friends are getting us out of here!” she smiled. She then made it to the top of the stairs and opened the hidden door. She then pointed to the closet right across from the door and told them to go in there and get their clothes. She smiled as she saw the girls all running towards the closet and when they mingled with the other women, there was an excitement. Cheyenne then started to head towards closet then stopped when she heard some laughter. She was curious as to whose laughter that was and headed in that direction. She made it to the door and peeked her head in. What she saw surprised her as she saw La Diabla and Darby tickling the muscular Russian tormentor, Helga! She couldn’t help but giggle as it was a great sight to see that woman finally getting hers. As she started to take her head back outside of that room, she turned around and saw someone! It looked like one of the caretaker women who was walking towards the closet. She saw the woman peer into the room and then heard a cry.

“HEY!!!! GET HER!!!!” some voices screamed.

Cheyenne watched the woman turn around and tried to start running, but a sea of hands came out and grabbed the woman from behind and started to drag her back into the closet!! The woman had a shocked look on her face and made eye contact with Cheyenne. Cheyenne could see the fear and then the woman disappeared into the room! Cheyenne then started to walk towards the room to see what all those women were up to. When she crossed the hallway, she turned her head to the right and saw another caretaker standing there at the edge of the hallway. She had a shocked look on her face as she saw her friend get dragged into the room. Cheyenne then noticed that woman made eye contact with her and then she ran. She figured that woman did not want to be a part of that. She also knew that woman was going to go tell someone, so there wasn’t a lot of time.

“NOOOOO!!! DON’T TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF!!! PLEASE!!! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!!!!” the caretaker inside the closet screamed.

Cheyenne made it to the closet and looked in. Her eyes went wide with surprise as she saw all the formerly captured women grabbing the caretaker and the one that La Diabla knocked out earlier and stripping them of their clothes! She was in awe as the women were stripped naked then placed down on the floor of the closet. There were former slaves holding their arms above their head and others that held their ankles into the air. The caretakers were screaming for mercy and then a few of the women then descended upon their naked forms and started to tickle them! Cheyenne watched as she saw hands reaching for and squeezing the rib cages and stomach of the helpless caretakers.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE DIDN’T ATTACK HAHAHAHA YOU!!!!” one of the caretakers screamed out.


Cheyenne had to giggle a little as she saw these formerly trapped women get their tickle revenge on someone. Each and every one of them were tickle tortured in front of each other by Helga and were completely humiliated. Each of them had been stripped naked, had their pubic hair shaved off and endured the most brutal tickle torture of their lives. Now, they wanted to lash out. They wanted to get some small measure of revenge and their dignity back. Cheyenne understood this, so she watched. She watched with great amusement as these women were tickling the helpless caretakers without mercy. They were tickling ribs, they were tickling the belly button, they were tickling their armpits, they tickled everywhere. Her eyes then looked over and now saw a total of four women approach the naked and helpless soles that were in the air.



Cheyenne watched with great interest as she saw the four women by the naked feet form their hands into “claws” and then saw them running their nails all over the bottoms of those feet. The nails were moving at a dizzying pace, and she couldn’t help but giggle as she heard the loud, desperate screams. The nails were all over the place. Each former slave tickled each foot differently. One of them was raking her nails directly on the arch, another was using the tips of her fingertips to slowly stroke the foot from the base of the toes, through the arch, and off the heel. Another focused on the ball of the of the foot, clawing away at it and the last woman focused on the helpless toes. Cheyenne could only shake her head with surprise and glee as she watched these former slaves go after the women that helped keep them captive.



Cheyenne started to giggle and then she approached one of the soles. She looked at one of the women doing the tickling and smiled. This woman was tickling a foot from the base of the toes and down the rest of the foot. She nodded towards Cheyenne who then reached her right index finger forward and started to stroke it in a small circle in the arch. She loved how soft the foot was and the response to her nail tickling the arch was fun. The foot was shaking, and the screaming laughter continued. She was happy she was not in this position, and it was her own feet getting tormented. She then giggled and then stopped her tickling to allow the former slave to have some more foot tickling fun! She then stepped away and just enjoyed the view. The women holding the limbs would then allow others to hold them, so they could get a turn. It was a very amusing sight as these 20 former slaves were getting their revenge!

A caretaker ran as fast as she could after spotting her fellow caretaker get dragged into that closet. She wanted to avoid the same fate for herself, and she burst into the study room where Pricilla and Gloria were sitting, having a meeting. She could see the surprised looks on their faces as she came barreling into the room. She also saw Bessie pouring them some tea and she stopped to gather herself as her heart was beating very fast.

“What the hell???!!” Priscilla exclaimed as she saw this woman come barging into their meeting.

“What is it???” Gloria said, also stunned that this woman came into the room. She knew it was one of the caretakers and the woman looked absolutely in a panic.

“Madams!!! W-we got to get out of here!!!” the caretaker huffed as she tried to calm herself.

“Get out of here? What are you talking about? Get out of where?” Priscilla asked with a look of disgust on her face. This woman interrupted an important financial meeting she was having with Gloria.

“Yes, what are you talking about?! Explain yourself!!” Gloria demanded. She was not pleased with this unexpected interruption.

“W-what I am trying to say….” the caretaker said with heavy breathing. “The slaves!! THEY’RE FREE!!!! THEY’RE FREE!!”

Priscilla’s face went flush when she heard the news. She was in absolute shock! “W-what? What do you mean they are free?!!!”

Gloria’s heart nearly stopped with this news. She felt her breath leave her body and she blinked her eyes several times and then gathered herself. She stood up from her chair and approached the frightened caretaker. “What do you mean they’re free?? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!” she demanded.

“They were in the closet!!! I saw them!! They took one of us and dragged her in there!! They are loose! I even saw the small Native American one as she headed over there!!! THEY HAVE ESCAPED!!!!” the caretaker screamed out.

Bessie looked at the caretaker in mock surprise as she was thrilled that the slaves were free! The escape plan was working and now those poor women had a chance. She looked at how pale both Priscilla and Gloria looked as they heard this caretaker tell them what she saw. The caretaker even mentioned that Helga and Svetlana went into the cavern, but now the slaves were all free. Bessie felt good because it must have meant that Helga and Svetlana were no longer in control of the situation. Now she could see the sheer fright in both Gloria and Priscilla.

“WHAT??? HELGA WENT IN THERE AND NOW SHE IS NOT FOUND???!!!!” Priscilla yelled as the realization that if the Russian bounty hunter was incapacitated somehow, then her own personal safety was in jeopardy!

Gloria sat back down in her chair in shock as she realized that if Helga and Svetlana were captured, killed or incapacitated somehow, then there was no one to help protect them from the wrath of the former slaves. “Oh dear! T-this can’t be happening…W-we got to get out of here!” she said with great concern in her voice.

“Yes, we do!!!! Where do we go????!!” Priscilla asked, now starting to feel a panic. She didn’t bring any of her own personal bodyguards from Julio’s gang because Helga had complete control over everything. She knew that if those slaves got a hold of her, they would probably kill her! Then it dawned on her. If this caretaker saw Cheyenne, that means……La Diabla was free as well. Now her blood pressure spiked with this realization. She had to leave, and she had to leave fast! “WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! NOW!!!” she yelled at Gloria.

Gloria saw the fear in Priscilla’s eyes, and she realized that this was going to be a very tough situation for the both of them. “Ok!! We will go out the back kitchen door! If they are all in Granger hallway, then they will be near the front door, and we could be captured! Let’s get out of here! Bessie?!” Gloria said as she then looked at her maid. She stood up from her chair and started to walk towards the study room’s door. “Get some of my things. We got to leave and leave immediately. Get some of my belongings from my bedroom and meet me outside. We will have to leave to my other secret residence. They won’t find us there! Hurry!!” she instructed.

Bessie then saw both Priscilla and Gloria leave the study room in a great hurry, and she had to get some of Gloria’s things. She left the study room and started to run towards the stairs. She knew Gloria and Priscilla were about to escape and it frustrated her that they won’t meet their fates with those slaves, or La Diabla, Darby and Cheyenne. If they made it to a secret residence, then they would probably sneak out of town later. She went up the stairs and headed towards the bedroom. She felt she should just abandon her boss, but then she would get away with all of this. Bessie decided she would remain with Gloria and would put out some clues to help her new friends find Gloria and Priscilla. She did not know where the secret residence was, but she planned to leave a note for her friends to find to let them know they will still be in the city. She gathered some of Gloria’s items and stashed them in a suitcase. She then went over to the drawer and found some paper. After locating a pen, she started to write down a clue for hopefully Darby to find. After writing the note, she put it inside the top drawer, and hoped it would be found. Bessie then left the bedroom and then went into her quarters to grab a few items of hers. She grabbed her own suitcase, threw some items in there and then left. She hurried down the hallway and then down the stairs. Making her way to the back door, she saw Priscilla and Gloria waiting for her.

“Ah! There she is!! Good job! Now, let’s get out of here!!” Gloria said then started to move quickly from the house as she exited the back door and into the backyard that overlooked the ocean.

Priscilla was in a hurry herself and she had to leave her own belongings behind as her room was in Granger Hallway. She then looked at the caretaker who was attempting to leave with them. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“I-I was leaving with you..” the woman replied.

“That might be a good idea. In case I need a sacrificial lamb. Ok, come along with me. Your friends are doomed, and you know we are escaping!!! I can’t let you tell them we are headed to a secret location!” Priscilla demanded.

The caretaker breathed a sigh of relief as she was going to leave with the boss women. She felt horrified that her fellow comrades were being tormented but it was better than her. She then moved quickly and caught up with the women. They were escaping just in the nick of time.

As Gloria was hurrying away, she looked at Priscilla. “W-what about the buyer? He has NO idea this is happening!” she asked.

Priscilla looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. “Who cares at this point. He is on his own! We have to get away!” she said as they continued to scurry away. She knew that if they were caught, she was going to prison and not even her husband Julio would be able to save her.

La Diabla was enjoying herself as she fingers continued to probe the ribs of Helga and she could now hear the bounty hunter starting to lose control of her laughter. This was truly a wonderful moment for her as she could feel her own confidence returning. She was in control once again and now it was time to humiliate this woman. She then took the tips of the fingers and placed it in that crevice on the lowest part of the ribcage and started to rub them back and forth rapidly, producing a horrific ticklish sensation throughout Helga’s body. She could tell it was effective because of how strongly the body beneath her was trying to buck her off of it. “Someone is REALLY ticklish in this spot, isn’t she? Such a ticklish widdle girl, aren’t you?? Awwwww….what’s the matter? Your ribbies are ticklish? Well, let’s see how much they are!” she taunted.

Helga tried her best to buck the woman off of her, but the outlaw had the leverage to maintain her position. With her legs tied at the knees, she couldn’t bend them so she could use her booted feet to lift. The ticklish sensations were now really starting to break her down. Her worst fear was happening as being tickled was making her own muscles betray her. She just could not show weakness, and now she was frustrated because if this continued, she would have to start begging. Her mind started to think she would rather die than beg, but the tickling was forcing her body to lose its control.

Darby was having fun ticking Helga’s armpit. She was amazed that this woman was still fighting the sensations, but she also understood. She was a victim multiple times and she knew how badly a victim wanted to resist giving in. She was now going to see if she could get Helga to really crack. She saw La Diabla was wearing her down, now it was her turn to supplement that. She stopped her armpit tickling and then leaned her head into Helga’s ear. “You know, listening to you laugh is really, really exciting. I know you want to fight it. I know you don’t want to admit you are so ticklish. I understand, it can be completely humiliating. Remember when you tickled me? You had me laughing and screaming. You had me begging, I mean……..begging…….for mercy. You don’t want that to happen to you. I get it. But here is the thing. My friend and I, well, we want to see how much we can make you laugh. We are going to make you lose all control. Just let it out…..Enjoy yourself because you know we will….” she whispered into the ear.

Helga heard the teasing whisper and she started to grunt in defiance. She could still feel La Diabla’s fingers invading her ribcage and she couldn’t help but let some stronger giggles come from her mouth. Now with Darby’s hot breath whispering in her ear, it made her feel more vulnerable and unable to resist the torture. “G-G-Get out of my ear!! Hehehehehehehe STOP!!! Both of you hehehehehe STOP!!!” she squealed. She was feeling more nervous now because these two women were not stopping and La Diabla’s fingers continued to press into her ribs. Then it stopped! Helga took a moment to stop giggling and take in some deep breaths so she could prepare herself for the next round.

La Diabla watched Darby whispering in Helga’s ear and she had to admit later, it looked really sexy. She was starting to see a different side of Darby. A more devious side. She was loving that! She stopped her rib tickling and then looked at Helga’s body. She had a smirk on her face and then looked at the deputy. “You know Darby, Helga here has too much shirt covering her! I think we should get this shirt off of her so we can have a LOT more access to her ticklish skin. What do you think?” she said with glee.

“Ya know, I think you have a good point. Besides, her shirt gets in the way. Let’s take it off so the fabric can no longer protect her. I will go find some scissors!” Darby said then got off the bed. She then walked over to the dresser to hopefully find something to cut the fabric off. The shirt was made of a durable flannel, so she had to find something really sharp.

La Diabla now stared at Helga’s face and could see that she was starting to sweat. This made her feel good because it meant the tickling and teasing was actually wearing her down. “Wow, how things change huh? It was not long ago when you had me trapped. You stripped me naked, and you had fun with my body. It is only fair I return the favor. Who knows, by the time we are done, you will be completely naked…..” she taunted.

Helga stared at La Diabla with very evil intentions. She hated that she was in this position and now that woman was taunting her. “Listen to me and listen to me good. You dare strip me naked, I will get severe revenge….I mean it. You know I will find you and I will get you. You will be naked again and next time, I am going to ravage your pussy. You will be begging me to let you cum, but I won’t let you. I will tickle you all over your body. I know your weak spots. I know all of them! From your ribs to those sweet toes of yours. So let me go, and we call it even.” Helga threatened.

Darby reached inside one of the drawers and found something. It wasn’t scissors; it was a pocketknife. That would have to do. When she took it out, she also noticed two small bottles. She picked up one of them and it had a label on it. It read: “Danger: Cream”. Darby’s eyes popped wide open as this must have been that special itching cream that she saw applied to La Diabla. She then looked at the other bottle and it read “Aloe solution”. This was the ointment to soothe the evil cream. “Hey La Diabla, I think I found something very interesting!! Looks like we know have possession of…….The Cream…” she said with a sinister tone.

La Diabla turned her head and body to try and see Darby who was behind her. When she heard what Darby found, she turned back around and looked at Helga with a devious look. “Did you hear that? We found some of that cream that you put on me. Well, well, well…..looks like we are going to have some REAL fun!!! Hehehehe” she said with an evil laugh.

Helga’s eyes popped open when she heard that Darby found The Cream! Now she felt nervous because she knew exactly what that Cream does. Not even her own powerful muscles would be able to fend off that cream. It would be severe torture. She started to sweat and for the first time, she felt fear. “Niet!!! Now, come on ladies, let’s not play around with that stuff. It is very dangerous!” she said with a slight panic in her voice.

La Diabla sensed the fear, and this was the moment she was truly waiting for. For Helga to have FEAR. Once a victim had fear, the torture would be a lot easier and more effective. “Leave the Cream over there for now Darby. Come on over, it is time we have some real fun….” she said with great delight in her voice. Her head turned as she saw Darby walk over to the bed holding a pocketknife, then she looked at Helga again. “I know exactly how you feel right now. I also know how horrible that cream is! Remember when you put it on my body? On my armpits? On my toes? On MY NIPPLES??!!! It was pure agony. I mean, it was pure hell, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Now, you are going to do everything I say or that cream will make its way to YOUR body. Understand me?” she threatened.

Helga looked at the evil gleam in La Diabla’s eyes and knew this woman meant business. She could hear the evil intent, and even the emotional hurt in her voice and she swallowed hard. “Da, I will do what you say. Do NOT put that cream on me…” she said. Helga started to feel a little humiliation as she realized that she was not in a good position. She was still angry, but she also did not want them to use that substance on her. It would be hell on earth.

“Good girl! Now, I want you to tell us to get your shirt off and expose your breasts. Go ahead, tell us..” La Diabla said with a sneer. She loved the power she had over Helga right now.

Helga’s face started to turn red as she heard the command. Her body trembled in anger as she was going to be forced into things she would never agree to. She looked at Darby who flashed a sweet smile at her, then looked over at La Diabla who had a sadistic smile. She closed her eyes and started to utter the command. “Take my shirt off…expose my breasts…” she whispered.

“What was that? I didn’t hear you….” La Diabla teased, obviously enjoying this.

“Take off my shirt. Expose my breasts. Happy?” Helga said with a very angry tone in her voice.

“Now, was that so hard? Good girl!” La Diabla said with a happy smile. Then she looked over at Darby. “Ok Darby, you can cut off her shirt. If she has any bra, you can cut that off too. Let’s see those tits of hers and have some fun, shall we?” she smiled.

Darby was very surprised that they got Helga to be more compliant. She felt a surge of power flowing through her body. This was getting to be really fun for her! She then took the pocketknife and started to cut away at the fabric. She started to cut away at the rolled up right sleeve and then down the seam. She lowered the tucked up shirt to cover the belly and ribs so she could finish cutting the seam. Once she did that, she reached over to the other side and started to cut away at the left seam. She felt happy when she heard the fabric shredding and once she cut away the left seam, including the left sleeve, she then pulled away at the top of the shirt which then exposed Helga’s upperbody There, she saw the bra covering the breasts. “Wow, she has some big ones, doesn’t she?” Darby said as she stared at the covered mounds.

“Why yes she does! Wow, what size are they? C? D? I can’t wait to see what is underneath that bra of yours. After all, you saw my tits and hers. So, it is only fair we see yours….” La Diabla teased.

Helga could feel her face turning red as her shirt was cutoff and now these two women were planning on revealing her breasts. The simple fact that she was about to be humiliated in the same way she would humiliate the slaves made her upset. She continued to look at the ceiling as she did not want to see the looks on their faces. She heard their taunts, and she could hear the joy in their voices. Then she felt the bra strap being cut. It was going to be mere moments before her chest was exposed.

Darby started to cut away at the bra strap and she felt a little nervous. She was about to expose another woman’s breasts that was not a lover. This was usually something La Diabla, Helga, Madam Olivia and others would do. Humiliate their victims beyond recognition. But Darby was getting caught up in dishing out tickle revenge. She went through an absolute horrendous ordeal in this place so getting revenge felt nice. She wanted to feel what it was like to do the humiliating. Now she understood why someone would do something like this. Sheer feeling of absolute dominance. The strap was cut and then she looked over at La Diabla. With a sly smile, she reached her fingers forward and slowly removed the right bra cup, and then the left. Darby gasped as she now saw the exposed breasts of Helga! They were large, a size C bordering on a D, but they fit with the rest of her body. Helga was a very muscular person, and her breasts were also very firm and in a nice round shape. The pink nipples were large, and Darby thought she could probably grasp them. “Wow! You have some huge breasts!” she said with shock in her voice.

La Diabla looked at the large mammaries and was impressed. They had a good size, but they were definitely not out of the ordinary considering Helga is 6’4” tall. “Look at those babies!! Wow Helga, you are just large EVERYWHERE, aren’t you? It will definitely take the both of us to move those things around. Hehehehe” she teased. She then reached her left hand forward and with the index fingers, she poked the right breast. The breast was firm, but the skin was quite soft. She then poked it again. “It is like they are made of stone but covered with velvet. Hahahaha” she laughed.

Helga lifted her head and had a scowl on her face. Now her anger returned as these women were examining her chest. “Don’t you DARE touch my breasts! Just because they are more impressive than yours, doesn’t mean you can mock mine!” she said with anger in her voice.

“Awwww….someone doesn’t want us making fun of her breasts! Well, I am not making fun of them, I actually like them. In fact, I think me, and Darby can have a lot of fun with them. Who knows, you may even like it too….” La Diabla teased as she started to lightly stroke her fingers over the right breast. She noticed that Helga’s body flinched when she did it. She then took her index finger and started to lightly stroke the side of the breast and it started to shake. “Darby, could it be? Could Helga’s tit be…..ticklish?” she said as her eyes were wide open.

Darby looked down at the breast and she could see Helga’s body starting to squirm as La Diabla’s finger continued to stroke that skin on the side of the breast. “I think you’re right. I think she is ticklish there. Are you ticklish there Helga? Does La Diabla’s finger bother you?” she teased.

Helga remained quiet as she could feel that finger stroking the side of her breast. She couldn’t help but twitch around as her breasts were very sensitive to touch. Whenever she had a lover suckle her breasts, she had to be careful because she was sensitive there. Now she could feel giggles building up within her body and she really did not want to give them that satisfaction. That soft touch, however, was driving her absolutely crazy. “S-Stop touching my breast…” she said calmly.

“Why? I like doing this. In fact, I love the way this huge thing is starting to wobble around…” La Diabla teased as she used both her index finger and middle finger to tease the side of the breasts. The skin was very responsive and now it was time to push Helga further into the world of humiliation. “Helga dear…can you ask us to tickle your breasts? I want you to ask us to tickle your breasts. If you refuse, then I think we will get that cream and slather it all over your breasts instead. So, it is up to you. Either you ask me and Darby to tickle your tits, or The Cream will hehehehe…” she taunted.

Helga sighed heavily as she heard the threat. She knew that if that substance was placed on her breasts, she would suffer a great deal. Her anger grew as did her humiliation. She had no choice but to give in to what La Diabla wanted. “Can you….can you both….tickle my breasts…” she mumbled.

“What was that? We couldn’t hear you…” La Diabla said with an evil grin. She knew this had to be completely humiliating for the massive Russian.

“I said, can you both tickle my breasts?! Damn you…I hate you…” Helga spat. Her face turned red, and she looked at the ceiling again. She started thinking of a way to get out of this predicament but with the threat of that cream being there, she had no choice. In the back of her mind, she had a feeling they may use the cream anyway, but she didn’t want them to use it now.

“Good widdle girl!!! Just think Darby, we thought this tall bitch was going to be so mean and disobedient to us! Now, she is asking us to tickle her tits! I will get the left one and you get the right one!” La Diabla said with a lot of joy in her voice. She was curious if Darby would actually tickle another woman’s breast. This was going to be a big step for her as she was going to enter the world of tickle torture.

Darby looked over at La Diabla and saw that smile. She had to admit, La Diabla definitely knew how to tease a woman in tickle torture. She was definitely a victim of that and now it was fun to see if used on someone else. She remembered when she watched La Diabla tickle destroy Madam Olivia and it was one of the greatest sights ever. But now, this woman they had trapped was far stronger than Madam Olivia and to see her under tickle control was really exciting. Now it was her turn to tickle this woman’s breast. She reached her left hand forward and then poked the side of the breast. It was very firm, yet the skin so soft. It surprised her as she was now touching a very personal spot on a woman. She felt a tingle in her body as her fingers continued to touch the mammary. She now started to run her fingers along the circumference of the mound, and she saw it tremble under her touch. She bit her bottom lip and now started stroking a little faster, causing it to shake even more.

Helga clamped her lips tight as she felt Darby’s touch on her breast. It was really starting to tickle her and she fought that urge to laugh. Then she gasped as she felt fingers now stroking her left breast! She looked over to her left mound and saw La Diabla’s fingers tickling around the circumference of it. Now both of her breasts were getting touched and she felt like she was going to burst. She never had both tits tickled at the same time and now she started to squirm her body. This only encouraged her captors and now the sensations started to grow. Then she felt it. That uncontrollable urge to laugh. She clenched her fists, she tightened her back, she closed her eyes and clenched her lips, but it was no use. The tickling on the sides of her breasts finally got to her and she let it all out! “NIET!! NNNHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA STOP!! IT TICKLES!!!!” she screamed.

“I know it does hehehehe remember when you did it to me?” La Diabla joked. She was enjoying listening to Helga screaming in laughter. Her fingers loved stroking that breast skin and she wanted to really torture this woman. “Listen to the tickle widdle girl! Awwww, she has ticklish titties!! Tickle tickle! Hahahahahaha” she teased.

Darby found herself smiling and giggling as she heard Helga explode in laughter. She could see the right breasts squirming and jiggling as her fingers tickled the sides of the breast. She still could not believe that she was actually doing this, but it was definitely becoming fun. She then slid her fingers to the underside of the breast and saw Helga look at her and had a look of ticklish panic in her eyes. “Oh, did I touch a very ticklish spot?” she teased.

Helga felt those fingers of Darby now touching the underside of her breast and it tickled! The amount of ticklish energy through that touch was driving her wild! She stared at Darby’s face and was surprised that she was doing this. She remembered torturing Darby before, and the red head did not seem the type to inflict torture. She was a deputy after all and would show mercy. Instead, she was now inflicting torture on her, and she felt some embarrassment. Between the two women, she thought Darby was the easier of the two since Darby was supposed to represent honor and justice, which in her eyes made her weak. La Diabla is a criminal so she knew the outlaw would be definitely into torture. Helga decided she needed to appeal to Darby’s sense of honor. “HAHAHAHAHAH STOP!!! YOU MUST STOP!!!! YOU ARE A DEPUTY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS TORTURE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I WANT MEEEEEERRRRCCCCCCYYY!!!!! HELP MEEEEE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” she screamed as she kept shaking her breasts, even though the fingers never stopped. She wanted to make it seem even worse than what she was feeling.

Darby looked up at Helga’s eyes and heard the words she screamed. It was true, she is indeed a deputy. That meant she is supposed to uphold the law and be a champion of justice. There was a small thought going through her mind that maybe Helga was right. This was a fun moment, but she was technically torturing a suspect. If this was anyone else, she wouldn’t torture them, she would arrest them and take them to jail. Then, another thought came to her mind. She has been a victim of tickle torture. The criminals have used her own ticklish weakness against her with reckless abandon, including the woman who she was tickling. She watched this same woman torture La Diabla right before her very eyes. This situation was different. Helga had pushed both women to the brink of their sanity and had no problem humiliating them. Darby thought that this was a well deserved revenge and for the first time in her life, she decided that this form of justice was needed. This was not about her job. This was about regaining her own self esteem as she was tormented so much. Besides, who would believe her? “I am giving you mercy. I am not letting muh friend use that cream on you. Well, so far…..” she said coolly.

La Diabla listened to Helga try to appeal to Darby’s sense of honor by saying she was being tortured. What surprised her was the fact that Darby was not falling for it. In fact, Darby seemed to enjoy inflicting the torture. She was delighted to see that Darby was still going through with everything. Being honest with herself, she would have stop torturing Helga if Darby asked her too, but since she didn’t, she was going to make Helga pay for even trying to tempt Darby. She moved her fingers to the undersides of the left breast and used her nails to touch that delicate skin. “There is no escape ticklish widdle girl….” She teased.

Helga’s eyes bugged out as her attempt of trying to get Darby to stop failed. Now she felt fingers under both of her breasts and now she started to laugh harder. Knowing that prolonged tickling only made a victim laugh more, it wore them down. It was now happening to her. She started to shake her head side to side, trying to block out the feelings she had coursing through her body. Now, she started to use her strength and tried to pull on the shackles, hoping that somehow, she could break free. If she could do that, then she would punish these two beyond their limits. To help her focus on revenge, she imagined what she told Darby earlier. Having both Darby and La Diabla tied together naked face to face, and she tickled their feet. She imagined them laughing and begging for mercy as her fingers slid all over their soles. Those big pink soles of Darby’s and those cute now pinkish soles of La Diabla. Then her image was dashed as she felt something on her nipple! She lifted her head and saw La Diabla touching her left nipple and she could feel strong sensations coursing through her body.

“Looks like someone has a ticklish nipple too….” La Diabla teased as she used her nails to circle around the pink bud. She noticed that the nipple responded to her touch by getting very stiff. This was an interesting development indeed. “Well, well, well. Looks like someone likes having their nipples touched. I am going to enjoy this….” she smiled.

Darby looked at the gleam in La Diabla’s eyes as she started to play with the nipple. She could see the right breast’s nipple also started to swell. “It does look like she enjoys this…” she giggled to herself. She started to wonder if she should join in. Her mind started to race as she wondered if she should touch this woman’s nipple. She reached her right hand forward and put her palm on the nipple. She could feel how hard it was and she looked at La Diabla who was now looking at her.

“Go ahead….have some fun….” La Diabla winked. She was enjoying watching Darby partake in this kind of torture.

Darby started to rotate her palm on the nipple in a circular motion. She could feel the nipple stroking against her palm and it tickled her a little. She let out a small giggle but continued to rub her palm on the large pink nipple. She was trying to determine if this would tickle Helga or get her aroused. Again, learning from her own experiences, when she was aroused, she would be a lot more ticklish. Now her hand was moving at a faster pace and could feel Helga’s body starting to squirm more. “How does this feel?” she asked to her victim.

Helga felt La Diabla’s nails on one nipple and now the other was being rubbed. Feelings of arousal started to fill her body as she loved when her nipples were played with. She wanted to resist, but the feeling of that hand rubbing on her felt incredible. The mixture of the nail tickling, along with the rubbing was making her body crave more. “Hehehehehe you hehehehe both *moan* have to hehehehe stop. Please *moan* stop touching hehehehe me…” she said with a mixture of giggles and moans.

La Diabla smiled as she heard Helga’s sounds coming from her mouth. This was working after all. Slowly but surely, she and Darby was wearing this woman down. Now, they had her arousal going and it was time to really wear her down to make her a lot more vulnerable. La Diabla had a plan she wanted to do, and it was time to start breaking Helga down. She stopped her nail tickling and now used the pad of her right thumb to now flicker and rub across the nipple. Her thumb moved with deliberate slowness. She felt the nipple slowly sliding against her thumbpad, watching it bend under then when her thumb finished its path, the nipple sprang back up in its upright position. She continued to flicker her thumb against the bud, then she lowered her head close to the nipple. Once her thumb flicked the nipple, she would gently blow on the nipple. The sounds of Helga’s moans got stronger, and the outlaw grinned knowing her plan was working.

Helga felt the very soft blowing on her nipple and now fear crossed into her mind. She felt herself getting aroused as these women, both of them attractive to her, were paying attention to her nipples and it drove her crazy. She wanted to fight this, but she was slowly coming undone and wanting to surrender to the lust she was starting to feel. “Niet…Niet…..stop *oooooh* playing with my nipples…” she moaned, her resistance starting to weaken as she felt the strong pangs of arousal.

“It is ok Helga…I can tell this must feel really good. You know when you and Gloria played with my nipples, it turned me on too. I didn’t want it to happen, but my body loved it. I bet your body is loving it too. So, just enjoy the feeling. You are a woman too, so let it all go…” Darby teased. She then started to realize she was getting good at this teasing. It was so much of a different feeling when she was in control. She didn’t know how she was saying these things, but it felt good doing it. She continued to rub her palm on that nipple and even let out a little giggle. “Your nipple tickles my hand. Hehehe”.

Helga closed her eyes and started to groan when she heard Darby’s soft giggle. Her body now craved the arousal and wanted it to continue even though she knew what they were trying to do to her. They wanted to break her spirit and make her cave in, but she still fought that desire. It was weakening her, but she did not want to succumb to her own lust. If she was going to do that, she wanted to have both La Diabla and Darby under her control and ravishing their bodies.

La Diabla could see Helga’s body was starting to surrender to the feelings of arousal. She could see it in her facial expressions. Now, it was time to really put things into overdrive. “I bet you would love to feel my tongue on your nipple, wouldn’t you?” she teased. She then leaned her head forward, closer to the nipple and then stuck out her tongue. She gave that large pink nipple a quick lick and she could feel the strong pangs of arousal in Helga’s body.

“ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh….” Helga groaned as she felt that warm tongue lick her nipples. That sensation really got her going as the tongue started to continue to lick her bud. Her mind knew what was happening, but her body started to override her will. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs and now she started to shake her chest, trying to get her nipples away. “Stop *ooh* doing this to me…” she gasped.

La Diabla couldn’t help but grin. She could feel the Russian starting to surrender to the feelings of arousal. Now, it was time to have more fun! She lifted her head and sat upright. She looked over at Darby and smiled. “Hey Darby, do you think this ticklish widdle girl has……ticklish feet?” she grinned.

Darby looked back at La Diabla and smiled. The thought of tickling Helga’s feet was very exciting. She reflected on how Helga tormented her feet in the hidden closet, and also in the cavern. Now, this was a moment where she could tickle some feet in revenge. “I think so….shall we find out?” she winked.

La Diabla then simply turned around on Helga’s body and was now facing her feet, as she sat on the woman’s thighs. She could see the long leather boots that were up to Helga’s knees. She felt a thrill coursing through her body as now it was some payback time. She wondered if the Russian’s feet were as sensitive as the victim’s she tortured. “Wow, she does have some big feet! Let’s see how big they are…” she smiled.

Darby got off the bed and started to walk towards the foot of the bed. Once she made it there, she could see Helga’s booted feet hanging slightly off the edge of the bed. She then sat down on her knees and ankles and now could see the soles of the boots. She did notice that the feet were rather large and wondered if they were bigger than her own. Her eyes then looked up and saw La Diabla staring back at her. “You want me to take these boots off now?” she smiled.

“Yes my friend, take off her boots….” La Diabla said playfully. She wanted Darby to have the honor of doing the initial foot tickling. She wanted to have the last crack at them, so she could push Helga completely over the edge.

Helga heard the threats towards her feet and her eyes bugged out. NO ONE touches her feet but her! Her feet were very private to her, and no one would be able to touch them. She has let people see them naked before, but that is because she either had a lover, or she bathed with her partner Svetlana. Now she had to endure the humiliation of having her feet bared to these two women. This did not sit well with her. She was already embarrassed enough that they tickled her and even made her get turned on with erotic lust, but touching her feet was going too far. “Listen to me!!! Do NOT TAKE OFF MY BOOTS! NIET!!! Do not take them off!! DO NOT TOUCH MY FEET!!!!” she demanded.

“Sounds like someone is a bit worried…” Darby teased as she reached her hands forward and grabbed a hold of the right boot. Placing her left palm on the achilles part of the boot, and her right hand covered the sole, she started to pull at it and felt the boot starting to slide off. She could feel nervous anticipation as the boot slid down the leg and when it got to the heel, it popped off and now it came off the foot! She stared at the white cotton sock and was in awe. Now Darby understood why her own tormentors loved removing her boots. There was a sense of power that came with it. “Wow! She has some big feet…” she murmured, then she looked at the inside of the boot. She could see the size imprinted on the pad inside the boot. It read “13”. Darby chuckled a little as this woman’s foot was bigger than hers! “She is a size 13!!! Wow…”

La Diabla grinned as she heard that bit of information. “Wow, this bitch has some BIG FUCKING FEET!!!” she said with much emphasis. She then turned her head and upperbody to look behind her and she could see the look on Helga’s face. A rush of excitement flowed through her. She loved moments like this.

Helga felt her boot come off then she heard Darby and La Diabla mock the size of her feet. She felt her face turning red with humiliation as her feet were completely helpless. With La Diabla sitting on her thighs, and her knees bound, she could not move away from this situation. She had never been debooted in her entire life and she felt anger and embarrassment. Being debooted by your foe was an ultimate sign of defeat. Now her feet were going to be bared and there was nothing she could do about it. “Leave my feet alone…” was the only thing she could say at this moment.

“Look at that HUGE foot!!! Wow!!! I never seen feet so big!!!” La Diabla kept teasing, making sure Helga knew her feet were in jeopardy and being made fun of. She then looked at Darby and winked. “I know YOU have some big feet yourself, but have you ever seen feet that LARGE on a woman before? Size 13?????? That is incredible. Big footed bitch…..” she teased.

Darby blushed a little as she heard what La Diabla said. She had big feet herself, a size 11, but it did feel nice that someone else had larger feet. She was always self-conscious about her own large feet, which is why she always felt so humiliated that tormentors focused on them. She completely understood what Helga was going through and that knowledge was going to make this a lot more fun. “I have never seen feet this big before hehehehe. I thought I had big feet, but she is two sizes larger. That is so unbelievable. Now, let’s take off the other one.” she said. She then reached forward with her right hand and placed it under the achilles portion of the boot and using her left hand, she started to tug the left boot off. The boot slid off easily and now she stared at the two socked soles.

La Diabla was truly enjoying herself. Watching Darby deboot Helga was very exciting for her and she even felt a tingle of arousal going through her body. She was looking forward to seeing Darby have some fun with Helga’s feet before she got to them. “Take off her socks, let’s see what her feet looks like…”

Helga felt her face get even redder than it already was as the moment of truth was here. Her feet were going to be stripped naked and these two women were going to have some fun with them. “Leave my socks on….please…” she murmured. Now she felt humiliation as she resorted to using the word “please”.

Darby heard the pleading, and she couldn’t help but smile. This tickle torture and teasing was working! Helga was being broken down and now she was excited to have a little fun. Tickling feet could be a lot of fun as she discovered when she tickled Mandy’s feet at Gertrude Billington’s home, and Bessie’s feet at the Wellington mansion. Now she took her fingers and was able to reach inside the pants leg, looking for the top of the right sock. She found it and her heart started to beat a little faster in anticipation. Never in her wildest dreams would she think she would be taking a look at Helga’s feet. The sock started to slowly peel down the leg and soon, it bunched around the around the ankle and then she moved it further down and it came off the heel! Darby’s eyes popped open, and she saw the skin of the heel. It was mainly pale but had some pink color to it.

“Go ahead, take it off…let’s see those monster feet of hers….” La Diabla teased as she saw Darby slowly peeling that sock off. In a way she was a bit jealous because she always loved peeling socks off a ticklish victim.

Darby looked up at La Diabla and saw that look of pride. She felt like she was a tickle torture student, and her teacher was giving her approval. Now, she started to peel the sock up off the sole and she saw the full heel, then the arch, then the ball of the foot and finally when it got to the toes, she took a deep breath and then pulled the sock free and tossed it over her shoulder. Her eyes then looked at the barefoot before her. The naked foot was indeed quite large, even to the naked eye without seeing the shoe size. It was a meaty foot and quite wide. The arch was average size, not too high or too low. The ball of the foot was expansive and prominent, and the toes were long, but very thick. The big toe was large and the index, middle and ring toe were just about the same length as the big toe and then then baby toe was shorter. The skin was largely pale with slight pink on the heel and ball of the foot, along with the toes. The top of the foot was very pale, and it was obvious that Helga did not go barefoot much, if at all. “Wow….her feet are big….” she murmured as she was in awe. She had a feeling this is how people may have felt when they saw her own feet.

“Yes, they are BIG!!!! I think we finally found the mythical creature BIGFOOT! Hahahaha Its real name is HELGA!!!” La Diabla taunted. She couldn’t help but laugh at her description as she knew it was going to anger Helga and probably embarrass her. “Oh, my mistake, this is a shaven BIGFOOT! Probably the mother of the beast! Makes sense, as Helga is a true beast of a woman. I never would have thought that BIGFOOT was from Siberia….hahahahahaha” she continued to mock.

Helga felt her barefoot exposed and she felt another wave of humiliation wash over her as she also heard La Diabla’s taunts. She truly wished she could break her arms out of these shackles so she could reach up and start choking that evil bitch out, then tickle whatever is left of her. She could see the long black hair of La Diabla flowing down her back and she looked down and saw the top of her rear end. She thought about the different ways she would violate her ass as she remembered how ticklish it was. Then her eyes looked down and she could see the soles of her boots. The way she was sitting on her body, her soles were upturned, and Helga stared at those boots. She remembered taking those boots off a knocked out outlaw and took off those socks. She thought about how much fun she had tickling and abusing those sweet feet. Her desire to touch them again grew as she wished she could get her hands on those very boots and slide them off. Tickling La Diabla’s feet would definitely be a true pleasure and it would feel good to hear her screaming for mercy, just like she did in the cavern. Then she lost her concentration as she felt something touch her foot! Panic started to set in as now her foot was touched!

Darby poked the index finger of her left hand into the massive sole and was delighted to see that the foot was not hardened in callouses. The skin was a bit soft, and warm from being in those boots and socks. She reached her finger forward again, like a child examining a new toy and touched the foot again, right there on the ball of the foot. The foot wiggled a little and she had a smile on her face. Then she took the tip of that index finger and quickly stroked it across the ball of the foot. The foot flinched in response and a smile formed on Darby’s face. She never felt this way before. She could feel the desire to torment that foot through tickling grow. “I think Helga’s foot is ticklish……” she said, almost in a shocked trance.

“Oh, she is?? You mean to tell me that Helga, the large Russian BIGFOOT, the same woman who tickled tortured and harmed so many helpless women has…..ticklish feet? Did I hear that right?” La Diabla teased with a sadistic grin.

“Yeah, that’s what I am saying my friend. Helga has some ticklish feet! Let me make sure, because I could be wrong…” Darby smiled back feeling the strong sense of power. She then started to swipe her finger back and forth across the ball of the foot and the foot started to tremble more. Then she saw the left foot cover the right one, trying to protect it. “Yep!!! She DOES have ticklish feet! Hehehe I have to admit, I kinda like this….” she said with great delight.

“She is doing the foot protection thing huh? Well, I guess we have to take off the other sock then, then I have an idea….” La Diabla said then she turned her head and saw the look on Helga’s face. She could see the concern on the face of the Russian and it was time to have some fun. “Something the matter Helga? You got ticklish feet huh? Well, if you do, then you are going to hate us because we are going to torture those feet of yours. We will both get turns since you had so much fun tormenting our feet. How does it feel to be a tickle bitch?” she sneered.

Helga felt absolutely anger as she heard La Diabla’s taunts. She truly could not believe she was in this position. She knew her feet had some ticklishness in them but didn’t really know how much considering no one ever touched her feet. Embarrassment washed over her as she felt the left sock getting peeled off. The sock left her heel, and peeling up her foot and then finally, she felt the toes getting exposed. Now, she was completely barefoot and she was going to be tortured. It was bad enough these women tormented her armpit, her belly and ribs, exposed her breasts and even sexually stimulated them, now they were going after a part of her body that she feared may be more ticklish than even she thought. Just based on Darby’s touch, it tickled her a great deal as her feet were flinching around, sensitive to that touch. What would happen if they really tickled her? Helga had a lot of different emotions going on in her body and now her mind was in trouble. She had arousal, anger, humiliation and now fear all running together. “Don’t touch my feet…..please.” she murmured. Even saying that made her feel humiliated.

La Diabla looked at the naked feet and could see the paleness of the skin and the unpolished nails. It was time for some fun. “Darby, find something like twine or a shoelace. We will tie her big toes together so she can’t move her feet around much…..” she instructed.

Darby’s eyes lit up in glee as she heard that instruction. If she was going to learn feet tickle torture, then learning from her “teacher” was going to be rewarding. She stood up and went over to the dresser, trying to find some kind of string. She then located a shoelace, probably from a victim and then walked back over to the helpless feet. She then placed the strong in the toe crevice of the big toe and index toe of the left foot, then wrapped it around the big toe of the right foot and tightened the slack. She saw the two big toes get pushed together and once she tied off the shoelace, the feet were bound together. She watched her handiwork as the feet tried to wiggle free and even tried to cover each other, but it was no use. The soles were locked side by side and no wiggle room. “Wow, that worked!” she said.

“Oh yes! Now, her feet, which are the same size as Siberia itself, are COMPLETELY helpless. So, have at them. Tickle those feet, Darby. Tickle them like she tickled yours! Have some fun!” La Diabla told her as she watched her “student” have the eyes of excitement.

Characters featured in this part:

01.-DARBY--LOW-RES[8260].png 02.-LA-DIABLA-LOW-RES[8264].png 07.-HELGA-LOW-RES[8267].png 03.-CHEYENNE-LOW-RES[8262].png 05.-GLORIA-LOW-RES[8263].png 06.-PRISCILLA-LOW-RES[8265].png 04.-BESSIE-LOW-RES[8261].png 08.-SVETLANA-LOW-RES[8266].png

UP NEXT: The mountain crumbles

Ok fans, how did you like this part? Finally, retribution is happening! The dawn has arrived. Your comments are definitely welcomed.
I love your storytelling so no need to apologize for the build up! Great work as always:) Can't wait for part 10 my man:)
Awwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, it's Helga's turn!!! Darby go and give those 13's a ticklish thrashing, give them some hearty licks and make this big Russian b***h cum against her will!!!!

This is the most hype the story has gotten
Thanks for the comments fellas! Yes, big Helga is getting her just desserts for being so brutal. You can see how our favorites are starting to come out of their tickle hell. I hope you enjoy the next 3 chapters as the dawn has arrived!
Thanks for the comments fellas! Yes, big Helga is getting her just desserts for being so brutal. You can see how our favorites are starting to come out of their tickle hell. I hope you enjoy the next 3 chapters as the dawn has arrived!

i'm waiting for pricilla
Been waiting for Helga’s big feet to get it. I hope she begs for mercy.
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