TMF Master
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Written by
Stephen Lane and Samantha Hatfield
Written by
Stephen Lane and Samantha Hatfield
The rain poured onto the ground and the shields of the men. Lightning danced across the sky, the sound of thunder echoed throughout the land, the stone cold ground was soaked with the water from the rain. On this particular day, it marked the beginning of a war that would go down in history. The men pounded on a large golden door that stood almost two stories high, the markings on it were old and ancient, it was inscribed with a tongue known as Dragonian, the language of the Dragons. These were men, with their leader yelling in their ears on how dragons where evil and must be destroyed, they were determined to destroy them all.
Suddenly a large dragon stepped down in front of them and roared loudly.
"Men! Leave our sacred home! We have not done anything to you." it said. "I am warning you, leave this place!"
The hooded man stepped forward and held an orb in his hand that was glowing red and purple. He held it up and a big burst of energy shot towards the dragon. The dragon roared in pain and slowly began to go down onto his knees. The dragon tried to shoot some fire from its mouth, but nothing worked as the pain got worse and worse for him. The dragon soon became like dust as its body began to slowly disappear into the rain. A smirk could be seen through the cloak of the man, until there was nothing left of the dragon.
"The guardian is down! Now onward to victory!" yelled the hooded man.
"Come on push!" said the dragon nurse to the young girl. The room was bright, doctors surrounding her, her husband stood right beside her, holding her hand and encouraging her. The woman was pale white, her eyes where green, her hair was black with a green stripe on the edge of it; her face was beet red for all the pushing she was doing. Her name was Laura; she was the wife of the dragon next to her and the daughter of a blacksmith. Her father had died years ago and Draco and his grandfather took her under his wing. The two fell in love and were married after knowing each other for two years. Their marriage was difficult for at first the dragons wouldn't accept her for being human. As the years past, the dragons began to like her, and taught her some things about magic, healing, and helping other dragoness out with children and around Dragonia. Laura soon became a mother figure to many dragon babies and friend to many dragonesses.
"Its ok sweetie, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." said her husband Draco. He was a strong dragon warrior who had fallen in love with this human woman after the death of her father. The two had been married for about five years and she was giving birth to their first child. Draco lived in Draconian along with his father Leo. Leo was off to gather troops for the war that was going on outside. Unfortunately, Laura went into labor during the same time the doors were being rammed on.
"Shut up Draco! You ain't dealing with this pain!" Laura screamed. At this point you would think she was the dragon in the family. Laura screamed in pain and the nurse’s eyes popped opened in shock.
"Draco, um, your wife gave birth to an egg?" said the nurse. Everyone stopped and looked at her, as the woman brought out an ebony colored egg. Everyone starred at it and the Dragon doctor put his scalpel to it, a heartbeat was heard.
"Yes, it’s alive! I think it’s a boy." said the Doctor.
Draco took the egg carefully and held it in his hand. A smile started to fill his mouth when the nurse cried out again.
"Hold on! There is a child here!" cried the nurse. Everyone stopped, except for the sudden slam of the door. It was Leo, sweating and breathing hard.
"We have to get out of here, they are almost at the door!" cried Leo panicking. Draco handed Leo the egg and went over to check on his wife. The nurse pulled a crying child, it was a little girl. Everyone looked in awe at the white young child, as her body began to glow a bit. Laura panted heavily and began to pass out, as the nurses quickly rushed to her aide.
"Do not worry, I will watch after her." said a voice from the door. The Counselor of Light stood there watching. "I will watch over the woman. Captain, take the egg and this child to the Cavern of Angels where they will be safe. Put the girl in this magical basket so she will not be harmed, and wrap this egg tight. Do not lose them! Draco, you go to the front line, the humans are at the gate and they need your strength! Nurses, I need some water and some medicine this instant. Don't just stand there, go go go!"
Everyone rushed to their stations. Draco quickly grabbed his sword and armor, and dashed out to the front line, only stopping to quickly kissing his wife and girl. Grandpa Leo quickly put the baby in the basket, to keep her safe and strong during the trip so no harm to her. He grabbed a green blanket and wrapped up the ebony egg and dashed through the back door. He ran to a hidden door behind the hospital, opened it up, and diving inside. As he slide down the stone floor, the torches in the tunnel began to glow as Leo continued to run. The room was filled with jagged rock and secret passages in which the dragons used to slip to their secret caverns beneath the earth. Leo was running as fast as his feet could take them, as the egg rattled in his right harm, and the baby sleeping soundly in the left.
As Leo continued to run, the sound of crashing, shouts, and weapons could be heard above him. Leo ran harder and faster, panting heavily as he ran. Suddenly a crash was heard and three men came crashing into Leo. Leo was in such shock from the impact that he dropped the egg. The egg flew into the ground, cracking on the top and side where a small dragon arm appeared. Leo was in shock and quickly set the baby down. He drew his sword and began to fight off the men. Within five minutes, the heads of the men were lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Without hesitation, he grabbed the basket and egg and dashed at the speed of light until he reached the cavern.
The houses within the stone walls were quiet. The city waited for the heroes of the Dragon/ Human War to come home. Many wives and children waited outside their houses in the middle of the cavern waiting, watching, wondering. Leo waited in the hospital at the end of the cavern. He paced back and forth with a sad, worried look upon his face. Suddenly the door opened and entered Laura and Draco.
"Leo? What’s wrong dad?" asked Laura hugging him. "Are the babies safe?"
"The girl is fine, but the egg..." Leo staggered to say. "I..I dropped it, he has a broken collar bone and a piece of shell punctured his lungs, and his skin is disfigured. He was supposed to be black but he's white, we don't know what’s gonna happen. He hasn't cried since he hatched."
Laura ran to the window with Draco by his side. He nodded at his father showing him that the dragons had chased the humans off. Both of them looked into the big white room where two glass containers appeared. On the left, the small girl with ivory white skin seemed to be sleeping peacefully in her little container. On the right, a young white dragon baby could be seen, struggling to keep alive. He was breathing rapidly, his tiny blue belly was rapidly moving, and the beeping sound of his heart monitor was slow and steady. Suddenly the monitor began to slow down, until it came to a halt and it pronounced the baby dragon boy dead.
Laura's eyes filled with tears, as she cried heavily for her child. Draco pulled her close to his heart and held her tightly in his arms. Leo shed a tear as well, knowing it was his fault that the child had died. If only he hadn't dropped the egg, the child would still be alive. Strangely enough, the small girl rolled over and faced towards the dragon boy. She suddenly began to cry very loudly. Laura, Leo, and Draco watched as the baby continued to cry in the direction of her dead brother. All of a sudden, the heart monitor began to beep again, the dragon baby began to cry, the wounds on his arm, head and the lung restored. The three smiled as the two babies cried together.
"Well looks like these two have some bound huh?" said Laura.
"Gemini Dragon Twins they are. It is a very rare thing in deed, especially for one to be dragon and one human." said Leo.
"They will be special indeed, for their bond has already started" said Counselor of Light, Marshenda, as she entered the room. "Never in my years of being in hospitals have I ever seen such a thing. These two will forever be together and their bond will mean that their destinies are intertwined with each other. What are their names?"
Laura looked at Draco and the two went over to a corner to discuss the names for their children. A nurse came out to Counselor Marshenda and spoke.
"Should we put the twins together?" asked the nurse.
"Yes, let’s see how they react together." said Counselor Marshenda. The nurse bowed and went into the room to put the babies together. Laura and Draco returned from the corner and went to the counselor to give the names of the babies.
"The boy shall be named BlackDragonScars and the girl shall be IvoryDragonScars" said Laura proudly. Just as she said that, the nurse knocked on the window and pointed to the babies in the glass box. Black snuggled over to his sister and their tiny hands touched. He coughed and a small fire ball fell on both of their wrists. Their wrists suddenly began to glow; a yin yang symbol appeared on both them. Everyone awed again as they watched the two Gemini Dragon Twins sleep sounding in the hospital room.
Six long years passed, a peace was felt throughout the land. Not one fight since the leaders of the Dragon/Human War made a treaty to proclaim the ability to live together in harmony. Since that peace treaty was signed, the Dragons and humans lived in harmony. There was peace among the other realms as well, everyone was happy. The world was at ease and much prospered throughout the realms. Not a single fight, not a single disagreement, not a single finger was lifted against one another.
Black and Ivory had grown stronger in the past years. Black was a tall white dragon, standing on both his legs. Black stood like a human although he was a full dragon. His belly was turquoise as well as the crystal on his tail, he stood about four feet tall, and his claws were blue as well but very short. Ivory was skinny with her white skin that glistened like a crystal in the night sky. Her hair was short and black; she was about a foot shorter than her twin brother. Black and Ivory never left each other’s sight; they played together all the time. They got along very well, which made their parents very happy. Draco was worried that Black wouldn't accept Ivory for being human, but they accepted each other right off the spot.
Today, the twins got up just like every other day. They brushed their teeth, ate, and went outside to play. Today they wanted to play tag.
"Hey sis, catch me if you can!" teased Black spreading his small dragon wings and flying off into the distance. Ivory watched her brother and copied the same, spreading her own little white dragon wings and flying after her brother. The two flew like the wind, doing circles and dances as they flew. Unfortunately, they didn't look where they were going and began to fly down to a forest near the ground. Black twisted and flew through the trees, giggling as his little sister followed close behind. She finally caught up with her brother, tackling him to the ground.
"He he got ya bro!" Ivory said smiling. "Looks like your it now!"
"Darn I was hoping you wouldn't learn how to fly so fast little sister." teased Black.
"Hey! I'm the older one! You hatched late!" cried Ivory. She figured since Black was hatched and came out later than she did, that she was the oldest, but that was not the case.
"Ha! You know that I am older than you!" said Black.
"You are not!" shouted Ivory
"Are too!" Black shouted back. The two bickered about it for a while before Black realized that they weren't in Dragonia. "Hey sis, stop for a minute. I don't think we are in Dragonia anymore, or the Cavern." The two looked around at the trees, neither of them could figure out where they were.
"B-black!" said Ivory latching onto her brother.
"It’s okay Ivory we just need to make it out of this forest, then we can fly back home. Just stay close to me, I will protect you." Black said as they started walking through the forest. They continued walking for what seemed like hours, the trees seemed to get thicker and thicker, and the day was getting late.
"Brother, mom and dad will worry if we don't get home soon." said Ivory who was starting to get scared and worried.
"We will be fine sister, don't you worry." said Black. Suddenly a twig was heard snapping on the ground. Black stopped and stood his ground. Three men came out of nowhere and suddenly jumped out of the trees, ropes in hand. They were white men with brown shits, jeans, and brown shoes, smirking widely.
"Well, looky here fellas. We found ourselves a cutie and a dragon, how much you reckon they’re worth?" said the first guy.
"I reckon at least a good gold or two?" said the second guy.
"Then lets grab ‘em and sell ‘em ya’ll!" said the third guy running towards them.
Black stood his ground, as the third guy came towards them, whipping the rope like a lasso. As the man threw the rope at Black, he grabbed it, swinging the guy around and around until he threw him into a nearby tree. The other two stopped and looked at Black, whose blue eyes were focused on the men. The other two came running towards them as well, but Black ran after them. Jumping into the air, Black kicked one square in the jaw, bouncing off that kick to land a punch into the side of the next guy’s head. Both men stumbled back; shocked that such a young dragon was powerful. Black's eyes had now gone from blue to red, still focused on his attackers. Suddenly Black heard a scream, only to see Ivory in ropes, being taken by the third guy.
"Ivory! Don't worry I'm coming to save you!" said Black as he started running towards her. The two men jumped on Black, wrestling him to the ground. Black struggled to get up, watching his sister cry and scream. "Ivory!!!" Black struggled more, getting angrier as he watched his twin sister go into the distance. The men continued to tie Blacks hands, but they suddenly broke as Black's body began to change. Blacks wings grew larger, he was now on all fours as his body grew, and he let out a loud roar looking at his attackers. The men slowly backed away and tried to run, but Black roared and let out an ice beam that froze them both. Stomping the ground they broke into pieces as he began to fly out of the forest.
Black flew in the direction in which his sister was taken, but she was nowhere to be found. He searched high for hours but couldn't find his sister. A bit later, Draco found Black, by a lake, still in dragon form crying.
"Black? Where is Ivory? What are you even doing in the human realm?" asked Draco. Black began to tell his father the story of everything that had happened, crying in tears as he continued to talk. Draco hugged his son, but became extremely angry with him as well. They returned back to the Cavern of Angels, where his mom was waiting. Black had gone and told his mother what had happen. She cried and hugged him knowing he had tried to get her back. His father wasn't so forgiving and walked over to him, grounding him for the next six years for losing his sister and going into the human realm.
For the next six years, Black did nothing but read books. He didn't have many friends at the Dragonian Dragon Academy, he was always an outcast. Being called Black and having white scales didn't get taken well by the students. Another problem occurred when he was trying to do his fire exam. Each elemental fire meant a different element a child would possess. Black had a difficult time for he couldn't create the ice blast he wanted. No matter how much he tried nothing would come out. One day the Counselor of Balance Woden was watching the young dragons do there examinations. Five dragons were before Black, who was extremely nervous now.
"Let the test begin!" said Woden as he walked behind the first dragon. The first dragon blew black fire, showing he was going to be a dark dragon. The second dragon blue an ice beam, showing ice dragon, the third red fire showing she was a fire dragon, the fourth blew a light blast showing she was a light dragon, and the last blue a lightning blast, showing a lightning dragon. Now Woden was standing over Black. Black tried his best to keep his legs from shaking.
"Go on my child is it your turn." Woden said smiling at him. Black looked at his target in front of him and tried countless times. The students laughed at him, making Black put his head down in shame, but Woden put her hand on his shoulder. "Try it again; first concentrate on your strength and magic deep inside the heart. See what you want to do and let it flow like fire!"
Black nodded and closed his eyes. He pictured him and his sister being together, he pictured a life of peace and tranquility. He suddenly saw a golden dragon in front of him and quickly opened his eyes, as he shot a huge fireball at the target. The type of fire that came out, no one knew what it was and everyone was shocked. The fire was gold, the color was shining as bright as the sun, and the heat was so intense it could melt Venus. Woden looked in shock and asked the young dragon boy his name.
"I am BlackDragonScars, my lord. I am the grandson of Commander LeoScars, son of Lieutenant Draco ma’am." replied Black. Woden looked into his soft blue eyes and smiled.
"Well my boy, something special is deep inside of you. Looks like you have a power no other dragon does. I hope to see more of what you can do in the near future young dragon." proclaimed Woden. Black smiled wide and ran home telling his parents what was said. His mom and dad were amazed and yet concerned at the same time that their little boy was talented and spoken so highly of at such a young age. They did not want anything to happen to Black or want him affiliated with a lot of the activities that other dragons did. So his parents joined a cult called Pacumea Knewo which was a peaceful but a very judgmental cult. They worshipped the dragon god Pacem and him alone; they didn't believe in anyone else and talked down upon anyone else who disagreed.
Black tried to do everything his parents wanted to do, but his confidence lead him to wanting to be like other kids. This continued to get him into trouble with his parents, and kept him out of many activities other dragons did. Black hated being an outcast; he felt alone in the world and consumed himself in books and his own world. As he got older, Black became more curious of the other realms including the human realm. One day would change his life forever.
Black was coming home from working in the rock mines one day when he heard a crash. As he walked out of the mine, it collapsed behind him, scaring him a bit. As he looked around him, Black noticed demons running amok. These creatures had red skin, yellow teeth with blood marks on them, long black siths and swords with them, purple armor with black spikes, and were running amok killing everyone. Black quickly ran as fast as he could home. As he ran, a couple of demons came running after him. Without really thinking Black kicked two of them into the nearby walls, and then punched the other two in the guts leaving them on their knees. The cavern started to shake as the rocks around them continued to fall onto the dragons and demons nearby. Blood was everywhere, mostly from dead dragon men, women and children.
Black got to his house and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Black pounded on the door until it broke open. He ran in scared out of his mind hoping his parents were alright.
"Mom! Dad! Grandpa! Is anyone home?!" screamed Black. A cackling could be heard from the kitchen as Black ran towards the sound. When he got there, his father was in a puddle of blood on the floor, limps broken and neck torn off his body. His mother was in a chair as a demon that was ten times bigger than the others stood there glaring at him. He was a darker red than the others, but more muscular, his hair was black; his armor was purple with scales of dead souls glowing in it. He glared at Black for a minute then turned towards him.
"Ah, another victim! Tell me, where is this chosen one? Where is the next Dragon Keeper?!" he asked. Black looked at his mother in confusion on what he was talking about.
"Don't tell him anything Black! Run!" Laura shouted to her son, before being smacked.
"Quiet! When Diabolica speaks, you shut up!" roared Diabolica.
"Hey! Hands off my mother!" said Black, glaring at Diabolica.
"Oh, someone's got a back a backbone huh?" said Diabolica, smacking Black into the wall. "Let’s see how strong you are after you witness your mother dying?" With that, Diabolica grabbed his mother's head and began to squeeze it. Black stumbled to his feet only to see Diabolica squeezing the life out of his mother.
"No! Leave her alone!" cried Black trying to break his grip from her head. Blood flowed down his mother's scalp, his mother gasping with her last breathe, looking into her son's blue eyes with tears.
"Find..your sister..Make the world right again...I believe in you Black..Don’t let him..Win...I" said his mother with her last breath. Black stared at his mother’s now dead body. Diabolica cackled in the background as Black hugged his mom with tears running down his face. Diabolica laughed harder until he finally placed his hand on Black's head.
"Now time for you to die my boy." he said with an evil smile. His hand landed on Black's, trying now to crush his head, but Black grabbed Diabolica's hand and pulled it away from him. Diabolica used all his strength, but Black seemed stronger for some reason. His eyes were now red, and he let out a big dragon roar then threw Diabolica out of the house. His body began to go into a big dragon form, but this one was black. His eyes were blood shot red, his body covered in black scales, his red and black wings spread out as he chased Diabolica outside his house.
"Now you die!" shouted Black in his enraged form. Diabolica stood his ground, looking up at him and jumping to punch him, only to be swiped away like a fly across Black's long tail. Diabolica flew about a hundred feet before hitting a wall. He awoke to see Black, raging and destroying his army, burning his army to ashes with his black fire. Black was out of control, burning and destroying everything in his path. Diabolica called his demons to retreat and they disappeared into the depths of the Demon Realm.
Black flew out of the destroyed cavern, raging with tears in his eyes. He flew until he reached Dragonia, where he finally changed back and fell to the ground. He woke up in the Dragon Hospital, where Grandpa Leo and the Counselor of Light Marshenda stood over him.
"What happened my boy? You fell from the sky and made a decent size crater in the ground, I must say." said Leo. Black told them of the story of Diabolica and the attack on the Cavern of Angels, about the death of his parents, and that he didn't remember anything after that. Leo and Marshenda walked over and talked for a bit trying to figure out what had happened, but neither could put a finger on it. Black stayed in the hospital for a few days before recovering. After he was out of the hospital, Leo enrolled him into the Dragonic Cube Academy, a school that taught arts, language of the different realms, fighting and magical skills. For the next seven years of his life, Black learned how to speak many different languages, was taught by Master Takeda about the ways of the great sword, and taught by Shandwah the Elf in the ways of ice, fire, wind, thunder, and earth magic.
Black excelled beyond their expectations. He graduated with honors and his masters were surprised by his progress. When asked what he would do next, he claimed he would go and find his sister. Everyone wondered what he meant, but he took off before anyone could ask. Grandpa Leo smiled as Black flew into the sky off into the human realm, in search of his sister. It was here that Black began to blend in with the humans, and made many friends. He changed his name from Black to Jamal Shiner, where he was given the nickname by many of his friends Jam. He stayed on earth for twelve years but his looks made him look at least eighteen years old.
During his time on earth, Black encountered a lot of hardships such as racism, bullying, once again his inability to fit in with the humans. There came a point where he wanted to commit suicide. During this time he had met a young rose dragon named Sam Rosepetal, who he had known to love and care for. On this day, they had gotten into an argument and Black ran fearing how badly he had hurt his love. While attempting to commit suicide, Sam made him change his mind by reminding him on how much he was loved and how she cared for him. Black changed his mind and a couple of weeks later they were married. Black built a castle along the coast of a great ocean, where a village was built under it. He also fought off those who sought to do the human realm some harm, he was considered a hero and many looked up to him. Sam and Black had three kids and planned events to all who would come. He still took time to search for his long lost sister, but had no luck, he dreamed of one day finding her so he could have that part of his life back again.
This story is written by Stephen Lane and edited by Samantha Hatfield. no one has permission to change anything unless they consult with me due to copyright law. Thank you