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"The Facts of Tickling" featuring The Facts of Life Girls


TMF Master
Apr 21, 2001

(A ticklish celebrity fiction request)


THE Facts of Life GIRLS


All characters depicted are the copyrighted property of

their respectful owners and no infringement is intended.

Blair, Tootie, Natalie, and Mrs. Garrett were driving through the forest landscape of a winding upstate New York highway. The four Eastland School girls and their nutritionist had planned a weekend campout and Blair had just gotten over her breakup with Brad, a boy from another school that she’d been dating for two months. Jo, the girls’ rebel tomboy peer, was coming up later on her motorcycle.

“Blair, you’ve been teasing your hair for almost an hour,” said Tootie. “We’re just going camping, not a photo shoot for Cosmopolitan.”

“Tootie, my dear,” said Blair in her typical, self-important manner, “you do have a lot to learn. A girl must always look her cover girl best because you never know when you’re going to meet the hunk of your dreams.”

“Boys, boys boys,” said Natalie. “All we ever talk about is boys. We don’t need a bunch of loud, obnoxious, conniving, heart-breaking boys around to have a good time. Right, Mrs. Garrett?”

“You said it, Natalie” said the mother figure, glancing at the pleasingly plump girl in her rearview mirror.

The campground was now in view and the eager foursome couldn’t wait to get settled and have some fun. They parked at a choice spot on the grounds where they had an excellent view of the lake, and started unloading the car. Then Tootie and Blair got to work pitching the tents. Natalie came along huffing and puffing with hers arms full of camping gear.

“I can’t believe one person needs so much stuff for a weekend camping trip.” wheezed Natalie. “What do you have in here, Blair, your entire wardrobe?”

“Just a few things, my makeup table, my hair dryer, my seaweed wraps, my shampoos, my skin creams, my nail polish bottles...you know, the basics.”

Tootie noticed that down the way from where they had set up camp that there were two very good-looking college-age boys who were pitching their tents as well. She made eye contact with one of the boys, a muscular young black man who lobbed a subtle G.Q. smile at Tootie, making her tingle all over with giddiness. “He’s cute,” said Tootie; then the others stopped to look in the direction she was grinning and donned approving smiles of their own at the eye candy not too far away.

“Oh! Now I see why they call it the great outdoors,” joked Mrs. Garrett. “But like Natalie says gang, we don’t need boys to have a good time. We’ve got our smores, and when it gets dark we can sit around the campfire and tell ghost stories. We’ve got...” she broke off when she heard the loud grumble of Jo’s motorcycle coming towards the campsite. The tough, street-kid beauty shut off her engine and hit the kickstand on her bike. She pulled off her helmet, letting her lovely brown her fall, and pulled off her shades, revealing her pretty blue eyes.

“Jo, you made it,” greeted the girls.

“I got the bait, Mrs. Garrett,” shouted Jo with a grin on her face as she grabbed her gear from the back of her bike and joined the rest of the gang. “Did you remember to bring the fishing poles?”

“Oh yeah, we brought ‘em, even though we had to struggle to make room for them amongst Blair’s portable beauty salon,” joked Natalie.

“Terrific,” said Jo and then opened up her backpack and pulled out a bag full of earthworms. “Now it’s officially camping.”

“Yech,” said Blair, grossed out by Jo’s bait. “You’re not actually going to try and catch fish with those, are you?”

“Yeah, Blair. The bait store ran out of filet mignon and pheasant under glass,” mocked Jo.


Blair, Tootie, Natalie, Jo, and Mrs. Garrett took their little rowboat out on the lake. It was a snug fit for the five women, but they somehow managed to create a little elbow room. All of them had their fishing poles in hand, with Blair slipping on a pair of latex gloves just to stick her hand in the bag of worms and pull out one of the slimy creatures to stick on her hook.

They waited and waited for a bite to come, all the while swatting themselves in the neck and arms from the pesky mosquitoes all around them. SMACK! went Blair, slapping Jo on the back of her neck.

“Hey!” shouted Jo.

“Mosquito.” Blair explained.

Suddenly, Tootie felt a strong tugging on her line. The excited girl’s eyebrows raised and she gripped her fishing pole tighter.

“Hey, I got one! I really got one! It‘s a big one, too,” said Tootie, as the tugging became more aggressive causing the girl to increase her efforts in tugging back or she surely would’ve been pulled right out of the rowboat. Her friend Natalie helped Tootie out by grabbing onto the pole and tugging along with her.

“Oh boy, Tootie, we better call the Coast Guard for this one ‘cause this baby ain’t goin’ down for no ten count.” said Natalie.

The others cheered them on as Tootie and Natalie finally pulled the fish out of the water; it was a good size bass that wiggled and squirmed about the whole time the girls were trying to unhook it and set it down in the boat.

“Wow Tootie, that’s one of the biggest bass I ever seen. You really lucked out this time, kiddo.” said Jo.

“Way to go, girls.” cheered Mrs. Garrett.

“Mrs. Garrett, I just had another one of my brilliant ideas,” boasted Blair. “Let’s use that French cooking sherry in your Edna’s Edibles sample bag, you know, to marinade the fish.”

“Great idea, Blair. That’s one of our best-selling items at the store. It‘ll go great with the fish.” said Mrs. Garrett


Nightfall was approaching and everyone was sitting around the campfire having finished the last of their marinated bass and getting ready for the smores Mrs. Garrett had promised. Blair, Tootie, Natalie, and Jo watched their school mom stack the delectable layers of marshmallow and chocolate between two graham crackers.

“Mrs. Garrett, your smores are always the best,” said Tootie.

Then the sudden hooting of a night owl startled Natalie. “What was that?” she asked.

“Just an owl.” said Jo. “They do kinda live here, ya know.”

“Yeah, all kinds of animals live in the woods.” said Tootie. “Deer, Rabbits, Wolves, Bears...”

“Wolves!?! Bears!?!” shouted Natalie in alarm.

“Relax, Natalie. There aren’t any wild animals in this area to be afraid of.” said Mrs. Garrett.

“Well, that’s good to know. I don’t wanna go from just having dinner to being dinner, if you know what I mean.”


Mrs. Garrett and the girls were ready to turn in for the night. Blair, Tootie, and Jo slept together in one tent while Natalie and Mrs. Garrett shared the other which they had furnished with two plush jet-air mattresses. Ironically, the tent that the two full-figured women were in had just the right amount of room, yet the tent that the other three girls crammed into didn’t even have enough room to cover their feet that stuck out unbecomingly under the canvas door.

“Ouch! Jo, you’re on my hair.” said Blair.

“Okay! I’ll turn the other way.” groaned Jo.

“Ouch! Blair, you just jabbed me in the eye with your elbow.” shouted Tootie.

“Sorry, Tootie. Just trying to get comfortable here” said Blair.


The five women were all asleep in their respective lodgings. The moon was a shiny aspirin in the clear night sky, softly illuminating the rows of pine trees below. The campsite was as tranquil as the lake it surrounded with only the rhythmic song of crickets as its soundtrack, and walking quietly along the dirt path of the grounds were two boys.

Shane and Cameron were students from the Westmoreland School for Boys, and had a group camped out on the other side of the lake. The two were just out to look at the stars when they noticed the three pairs of sock-clad female feet sticking invitingly out of a compact tent.

Shane figured the feet belong to the three chicks he saw out on the lake earlier, and invited his friend to have a little fun with the girls; Cameron agreed and the two boys later came back with a few pieces of thin rope and metal tent spikes in hand. They tentatively approached the girls’ tent. Cautiously, they tied each girl’s feet together at the ankles, leaving one end of the ropes to be tied to a spike and then firmly planted in the ground.

Once they were satisfied with the security of the girls’ ankles, Cameron and Shane then pulled off Blair’s, Jo’s, and Tootie’s socks, again slowly and guardedly as not to awaken them. All three of them had nice, soft feet, with Blair having a shiny red polish on her toenails. Shane gently grabbed Blair’s big toes and used a shorter piece of rope to tie them together; the beautiful girl shifted a little in her slept and for a moment the mischievous boy backed off then went back to what he was doing.

Cameron had did the same with Jo’s big toes and the stern beauty groaned something unintelligible in her slumber, making the playful boy work with even more subtly. When the two guys were finished, Blair’s, Jo’s, and Tootie’s feet were bound and helplessly sticking out of their tent, exposed and vulnerable. Shane and Cameron began to run their index fingers up the soles of the girls’ bare feet.

The light touch registered in their brains, making Blair and Jo shift in their sleep while Tootie moaned. Again, the two boys dragged their determined fingers along the girls’ accessible soles. Shane could hear Tootie fidgeting inside the tent, but still asleep, while Blair moaned in irritation. Jo’s feet shifted a little in her binds when Cameron stroked her left sole and a provoked groan again escaped her.

Cameron and Shane repeatedly teased the slumbering girls exposed peds with a single digit method along the sole, causing Blair, Tootie, and Jo to become more restless in their sleep with each consecutive stroke. A slight titter came from Tootie and another muffled protest came from Jo. The boys could feel Blair moving her body about agitatedly beyond the canvas tent door. The tickling continued, each touch more ticklish than its predecessor and one by one the three Eastland darlings were startled awake.

Blair gasped. She realized that someone had tied up her feet and she couldn’t pull them back inside the tent. “What in the world!?!” she shouted, then Shane began to gently scrape the balls of Blair’s right foot with two-fingered scratching. “Oh my god, what‘s going on? Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! Hey! Who’s tickling my feet!”

At the same time, Shane was also scratching the heels and arches of Tootie’s left foot. “Hey! Who‘s doing that!?! Stop it! Heeheeheeheeheehahahahahahahaha!”

“Hahahahahahahaha! Hey! Who’s the wise guy! Stop tickling my feet!” shouted Jo when Cameron’s fingers danced vigorously in the vale of her tender arches.

“Who’s hahahahaha w-w-who’s doing that!?! Heeeheee! Aaaaaah!” giggled Blair.

“Hey! Hahahahahahahahaha! Cut it out!” scolded Jo.

“Aaaaaaaah! Heeheeheeheehee! Who’s out there? Heeheeheehahahaha! Please! Stop tickling my feet! I’m really ticklish!” laughed Tootie.

The two boys watched as the three ticklish pairs of feet, peeking out from under the tent door, tugged against the ropes to evade their tickling fingers, and looking like hand puppets dancing on stage. Shane and Cameron especially enjoyed teasing Blair and Tootie, who seemed to be a little more ticklish on their feet than their friend Jo and had the cutest reactions.

Blair: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeee! Please! Oh! Oh! Heeheehahahahahahahahaha! Stop tickling my feet, whoever you are! Heehee! I’m gonna pee on myself! Stop! Hahahahahahahaha! Aaaaaahhhh!”

Tootie: “Aaaaaaahhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I can’t take it! Heeheehahahahahahahaha! Blair, help me!”

Blair: “I’m hahahahahahaha sorry, Tootie, I can’t hahahahahahahahahaha help you heeheeheehee! Oh please, Mister, this is torture! Let us go! Haha! Aaaaaaaaah! We’re really ticklish on our feet! Hahahaha!”

The girls could hear the two practical jokers outside their tent, snickering at their calamity, but they would not answer their pleas. Tickling Blair, Jo, and Tootie on their feet was like playing with newly unwrapped Christmas toys. Shane took much pleasure in using his digits in the ultra ticklish spaces between Blair’s velvety toes; Cameron scraped the sides and heels of Tootie’s feet, driving the poor girl insane.

Jo cackled like a madwoman when the boys each took a foot in their grasp and deftly poked all over the bottom of her feet like someone hunting and pecking on a typewriter’s keyboard. Tootie, Jo, and Blair thought this tickling nightmare would never end, but then Cameron and Shane saw a flashlight being turned on in the tent where Mrs. Garrett and Natalie were.

The school mom and the stout girl were awakened by all the noise the other three were making in their nearby abode, and the unseen tickle fiends were scared away from the scene. The exhausted and befuddled trio were left to recuperate from their unexpected ordeal as Mrs. Garrett and Natalie came curiously to investigate; Blair, Jo, and Tootie had absolutely no idea that their weekend excursion would end up turning into an unforgettable lesson in the facts of tickling.

Very nice story! I wasnt into tickling at the time "Facts" was on the air, but it certainly would have been great to tickle Blair's feet, thinking about it now. I really liked this story.

Awesome story!!...congrats! :)

I know Lisa Whelchel is very ticklish (at least around her waist/ tummy)...I read an interview about her in a Christian-related magazine several years ago; along with several photos of Lisa and her hubby, including one in which he was tickling her around the waist from behind, and Lisa laughing uncontrollaby. :)
Hey, Rockauthor here! Thanx, I appreciate that! This was a request that was made a long time ago, and I finally got to it. BTW, KoocheeKoo, thanks for the info on Lisa Welchel's ticklishness. I always wanted to know if she was really ticklish.:)
Re: I'm sure this has come up before....

britman23 said:
Does anyone else remember the episode of Facts of Life when a squirrel got into their room and in Blair's bed? She started laughing and wanted to know which of the other girls was tickling her feet... I was only a lad at the time, but boy did my attention perk up!

Hearing Lisa Welchel laugh as if her feet were being tickled...that's a good mainstream tickling memory fo sho.

Thanks for the story!


A year or so ago I caught that scene on tape...and now I can't find it! When I do I now have the equipment to make a clip.

~ toyou
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