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The Fight For Transylvania - Part Two


Registered User
Jan 25, 2011
Took a bit longer to finish this chapter than I originally planned. I ended up scrapping some ideas and expanding on a few. The original ending for this chapter didn't have such an elaborate tickling scene, but I added it in because I thought it provided good insight onto a major factor in the next chapter. Can't say I'm too disappointed with anything here; I particularly like the length of the entry, and I think I'll try to keep every chapter near this amount. Until next time. :redstar: :feather:

Also, for anyone wondering, the chapter names are a searchable tag; thus making it easier to find this series if looking for a read of sorts. Not that it's any good per-say, but I can't tell you how many times I tried looking for an old story on here to no avail.

That's it; I'm done now, really. Enjoy

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Chapter Two: "The Awakening"
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The last trickles of sunlight streamed across from the horizon, cascading over the rolling hills and dimly illuminating the sky as it continued to fall. The wind... yes, the wind was a gently rolling breeze.

A woman continued to climb to the top of the hillside, she basked in the warm, orange glow of the still setting sun. “Truely a marvel of God, if there ever was such a thing.” She warmly thought, reaching the top of the hill overlooking her village. Kneeling down, she sat on the dew strewn grass and watched as another day ended in her small village. “I sure will miss this place..” she sighed, leaning down to pick a flower puff. With a gentle blow, she scattered it's contents to the wind, watching them trail up and away.

“...If only my life could have been that easy. No worries. No responsibilities. Master of my own destiny.” pausing a second to run her fingers along the dewy grass; “I am the master of my own destiny.” she whispered aloud.

“Don't even try to fool yourself. You are a pawn to the church just as much as the other hunters are.” she remembered, frowning and getting back to her feet.

As she turned and begun to walk towards the forest, she threw the stem of the flower on the ground, bitterly. “You're a strong woman; you just must have faith in yourself Alexandria!” a voice cut into her mind, stirring her from her trance. Her mothers... warm and encouraging, just as Alexandria had remembered. “Whatever you do, know that I'll always be watching over you in spirit . I know it's not much, but here, take this.” Alexandria touched her fingers to the silver pendant hanging limply from her neck. “It was your father's; it's the only thing I had to remember him by when the other hunters told me what had happened to him... all those years ago.”
- -
Still but a child, her father had been assigned a mission to investigate strange occurences from an area known as “Arrun”; not more than a day's travel from her village. He left with several of his closest allies and friends, all of whom were as experienced as he was in these sorts of things. She could scarecly remember his face, what with her being so young back then.

“Daddy, are you going to be ok?” she asked, running up to her father before he mounted his horse. The only things she remembered were his warm embrace; strong and comforting; and the words he uttered before his departure. “I promise sweetie; whatever happens, I'll return. You can count on it.” With those last words, he mounted his horse and begun the ride with his companions. That would be the last time Alexandria ever saw her father.

A month had passsed and his compatriots returned, their heads hung with sorrow and shame.

No... it can't be.... You lie!!” she heard her mother screaming from the other side of the door. “Ruby... please... we know these are the words you don't want to hear, but you have to accept it.” One of the men spoke, placing his hand on her shoulder as she wept in her chair. Alexandria by this point had cracked the door open; the adults unaware she was awake and listening. “Julian... Julian's gone Ruby.” he uttered, and Alexandria could feel a sharp pang in her heart, like being stabbed. Alexandria's eyes widened as she not only fought tears back, but the urge to run out to her mother as well. “We were taking turns standing guard while we made camp; right outside the main gate leading up towards the old castle near Arrun. We were suddenly attacked and scattered from one another. Fighting off these... these beasts, we slayed many and narrowly escaped harm...” he turned, walking over in front of the fireplace. “.... When the dust had settled, everyone was still there save for Julian.” We searched for him for the rest of the night, and into the following morning. The only thing we found of him was his pendant, and his sword, near the bridge past the gate.”

At this point, Alexandria couldn't hold back the tears any longer as she silently wept for her father. Her mother looked up towards the man, tears still cascading down her pale cheeks; “....What happened to him James? You never found... a... a body..?” she uttered, finding the strength to join him at the fireplace. “No Ruby... we never did find his body...” he whispered, leaning against the mantleplace with an arm as he embraced her. Upon hearing this, she wept again; pleaded to God as to why her husband of all people had to join him in Heaven.

Alexandria could take no more; silently shutting the door and shuffling to bed. Words could not describe how the little girl felt. She felt naught but crushing sadness. Crying into her pillows as the darkness swallowed her; for the first time, she felt truly and utterly alone.

Alexandria now fought the urge to cry, wiping her eyes as she felt tears welling up from the memories long since buried. “Father... I'll find whoever struck you down. I swear to it!” she uttered, gripping the pendant tightly as she mounted her horse and began to ride off towards Arrun.

- - - - -
Silence gripped the forest as a shallow fog began to set in. Carrie layed in her bedroll and slightly shifted back and forth, in an uneasy sleep. “...No... please... my parents... aren't... she muttered, quickly snapping awake and sitting up.

“... A dream... it w.. was only a dream...”

Beads of sweat visible on her face as she took a deep breath and gazed upon her surroundings. “... Seems as though fortune is not on my side this morning...” For the first time since her arrival, she noted just how truly alone she felt in this forboding place. The morning sun was masked behind clouds as the fog began to slowly ebb its way towards her “encapement”. She began to dress once more as she secured the straps of her boots to her legs. Rolling up her bedroll into her traveling pack, she placed it upon her shoulders once more, dawning her cloak around her self. She left the hood down though, as to be more aware of her surroundings. “Well, I suppose I should investigate the old gate then.” she thought, silently strolling towards it.

Upon reaching it, she noticed something seemed.... wrong? The gate seemed in much worse shape than it had last night before she made camp. “Trick of the weather.... No...? I had to have been tired. That's the only explanation.” she muttered, squinting closer to read something sprawled into the wood, rather crudely. “Return to Arrun, foolish travelers, for before you starts the land of the Dark Lord. Ye who traverse these woods further shall come to revell in his coupe against humanity and become children of the night!”

“Riiight....” came a sarcastic retort. “Definitely not the warm greeting I was.... expe....” her thoughts fleeing, as Carrie noticed something else was pressed into the wood. Giant slash marks, not like any she had ever encountered. Tracing her fingers along the rather large gashes in the wood, they pulled away as one finger found a nice piece of splintered wood. “Ow!” came a cry, as she painfully removed the splinter rather hastily. “These were definitely NOT here last night when I made camp.” she thought, as her brow furrowed slightly, looking back upon the gate. “.... Yes; I'm quite certain of it. Not any of the villagers; I would have been woken up. A wild animal?" Perhaps-- "Or perhaps you don't want to admit what it really is." echoed a response from her subconscious.

Grimicing, she brushed herself off and opened the gate, determined to prove to herself that it was pure coincidence and mindtricks. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. As she pushed through the gate, she could feel a change in the air surrounding her. Almost as if an... omnipotent presence was watching her through the fog.. Looking towards the sky, a lonely sigh was heard as she trudged on; determined to get out of this forest before dawn tomorrow.

….The light footsteps on the soft ground continued for another hour, as her quest continued. Passing the same trees, and the same rocks. It was beginning to grain on her nerves; as there was barely a chirp or any other sort of audible sound from the few animals still inhabiting these woods. Aside from the occasional howl, there was literally nothing to distract her from her thoughts; which were as silent and empty as the woods she was traversing through.

Carrie found a nearby tree to rest under. “All this walking is starting to get to me. Am I not near the clearing yet?” The air seemed more constricting now, she noted. The fog also seemed to be growing; never leaving her side, as if it were bound to her by some, invisible, etheral force. She paused, cocking her ear up as she faintly heard a noise off in the underbrush, almost like a footstep--- and as quickly as she heard it, it seemed to vanish.

“.... Funny” she muttered. “Maybe it's just me. There couldn't---”

---and there it was again.


Too fast for a human to make.

Quickly she rose; taking a battle ring in each hand, as she assumed a fighting stance. “Alright, I have to be on my toes. No telling what sort of foul beast this could be.”

As she slowly made her way towards the direction of the sound-- a scream.

“H..Huh... Help!!” came the cry; almost as if the person was right behind her. She turned and ran towards the sound, ignoring the... sound, in the bushes.

“Hold on, I'm coming to you!” she yelled back, trying to figure out who would be this far into the woods. She crossed her arms in front of her as she dove through the treeline, feeling the branches scrape against her arms and ribcage.

She came out in a small clearing, no bigger than a small pond, as she watched what was transpiring before her. “G.. Get off of me, you hellish nightmare!” a young man cried out; swinging his ax towards a group of 3 skeletons approaching towards him. She noticed the man had three strange earrings on his right ear. The bottom one had some sort of gem at the end.

“The fool.” she thought, gripping her rings tighter. She ran towards the group, raising her right arm and slashing the ring down upon the neck of the closest demon. The head dropped to the ground, clattering, as the rest of the body did as well. The other two skeletons took notice of the new prey and turned, running towards her with clubs raised. She dodge-rolled out of their way as she threw the rings towards the second one, slicing cleanly through it's spine.

“Ha! Easy tar--” she exclaimed, hearing something coming towards her.



Behind her!

“What the...” she turned around too late.

The last thing she saw was a thick leg coming at her. There wasn't any time to react; darkness took hold as the kick connected with side of her head, sending her sprawling across the ground in a crupled heap.

The man dispatched the final skeleton with a smirk. He began walking towards Carrie. He began to change. His colored skin began to change into a greyish hue; his irises began to turn a dark shade of red; his canine teeth began to sharpen to a point, as they began growing.


Rrrr... not bad, fang face.” snorted the werewolf. “Didn't think you still had it in you.”

“Silence, worm. You doubted the abiltity of one of his servants?” came the reply. The vampire eyed the werewolf with slight disdain; more annoyance than anything really.

He bent down next to Carrie, cradling her head in his arm; “Just because I'm nearing 100, doesn't mean I've lost the moves I used to have, Reon.” he added, taking in her good looks. “Right....” Reon snarled; crouching down next to them, he continued. “So... who is she, Vayne?”

“No clue. Though... something about her...” he muttered, looking at her bluish hair. “Something seems so familiar here.. but... what--”

“Come on Vayne. We haven't got all day; you can look at her later.” he snarled, picking the girl up with relative ease.

“I see that your patience still hasn't gotten any better after all these years, Reon. As you will. Just remember, don't hurt her. The Count needs these girls in top form if his plan is going to come to fruition.” he replied, turning and walking deeper into the forest.

“.... Yeah, whatever. Geez.” he replied. Hearing the all-to-familiar sound of a bat flying away. “Now...” he muttered, looking down upon Carrie's stoic face. “What to--” he stopped, realizing just who the girl finally was.

“Oh.. this can't be real...” he smiled, revealing sharp pointed fangs. “This should be fun.” and with that, he scooped up her, along with her gear, and took off; taking her back to his dwelling.

- - - -

“Uh.... uhhnn.... my... my head.. wha...? Wh.. where am...? came the groggy moans. Carrie's eyes took a second to adjust to the darkness surrounding her. “Uhn... wha...?” she stammered, looking around at the inside of the... cave she found herself in. Aside from her head pounding she seemed alright. She could faintly see the remnants of sunlight trickling in, not more than 20 feet away from where she was.

She went to raise her hand to her head, but found she could not. She tried moving her arms, but found them tied to some sort of chains above her. She wriggled her toes in her boots, glad to know that her body was still intact. “What the..? What is this?” she whispered; trying not to let her frustration show. “I remember... Uhn... I remember the villager. Skeletons. Yes! Skeletons... and... and something else-- “

The leg that almost kicked her head off.

“-- That's right.” she thought, feeling the throbbing of her head.

... Must have blacked out right after. But... where am I, and why am I... bound like this?” she muttered. Something else was amiss here; she finally noticed that she had been undressed. The only thing she was wearing was her undershirt and boots. She also noticed that her legs were stretched out in a V, tied down at the thighs to a padded seat; almost a bench of sorts....

Suddenly, a torch lit off to her left. She winced and squinted, the light too bright for her eyes. “Who's there!?” she yelled, still sounding a bit out of it. “Hmph.” came the reply. Didn't think you'd wake up this soon, girl.” Still barely able to see, she closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again, finally adjusting to the light. Whoever it was that spoke was gone, she couldn't see him at all.

“Show yourself!” she yelled again, looking around for him.

Another torch lit up, then another; until finally, the cave was shining in the soft glow of torchlight. Carrie didn't know what was going on. She closed her eyes and tried to regain her focus.

Unbeknownst to her, Reon leaned down.. directly next to her; “Didn't your parents ever warn you to stay out of the woods?” he whispered. She jumped, as much as her bonds would allow, letting out a yelp and craning her neck around to see him.

“...No...” she faintly whispered.

“No... I must be dreaming.” she said again. He could see the color begin to drain from her face.

“What's the matter--” he replied; “-- Never seen a Werewolf before, girl?” he smirked; crossing his arms, he stepped around, into the light so she could look at him.

He was tall. Maybe around 6'3. His muscular frame was covered in a light-greyish fur. He wore what seemed to be buccaneer pants with shin-high black boots. What startled her the most was his face. It was lean. It wasn't as startling as she originally thought it would be. What fascinated her most of all though were his eyes. A glowing yellow-- not a bright hue, but not a pale, sickly yellow like she had thought his type would have either. Something about his eyes-- she couldn't place it, but there was something strange about them...

“Untie me... now.” she muttered angrily; struggling to pull her arms free. “Struggling will get you nowhere, girl.” he laughed, pulling up a chair in front of her to watch his handiwork in motion. “You aren't going anywhere until I say so, I'm afraid.” he added, patting her booted leg.

“Hah; that's what you think. What do you want with me then? Surely you aren't keeping me here for your own benefit of company?” she quipped. He ran his clawed hand through the fur on his head. “Sadly, as much as it pains me to tell you this--” stopping for a second to flash her a grin; “--that's not why you find yourself in my very... “humble” abode.” Carrie frowned, showing her disdain. “Hmmph. I thought as much. Well--”

“You aren't an ordinary woman, are you girl?” he asked, cutting her off.

“Carrie.” she replied.

“... What--”

My name. It's Carrie.” she duly noted; avoiding his gaze.

Getting up from his seat, he took one of her rings in his hand and began to twirl it around from finger to finger. “So then, Carrie. You can't simply be some girl from Arrun who got lost in the woods. Why are you here?” It came out harshly; maybe more than he wanted, but harsh nonetheless.

She continued gazing at the wall, ignoring him entirely. He continued on; “Nifty little contraptions you have here--” as he spun it around on one finger, taking care not to cut himself with it. “--blessed by a holyman no doubt.” he added; his gaze returning to study her. Again, silence.

"Why me?"

"Why must I have to sit here and subject myself to--”

--something cut the air in front of her face.

Startled, she jumped again, as the ring hit the wall behind her with a solid “Kuhchnk”.

She turned back, returning the gaze, visibly startled. “I asked you a question. Or am I not interesting enough to keep your attention?” he snarled, pulling his seat right next to where she was sitting. She could see his eyes begin to glow brighter, no doubt connected to his emotions, moreso, his anger.

“I... I... no. I'm not from Arrun.” the silence was finally broken, as she began to speak. “In fact, I'm not from this area at all. I'm from Beriana... I--”


"I came to these woods looking for someone dear to me. A childhood friend of mine. She disappeared very recently... and with the rumors circulating the countryside..” she trailed off, lowering her head as she closed her eyes.

“If he doesn't believe me, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble.” she thought, hoping to play up the “Hopeless Heroin” schtick. Reon narrowed his eyes at her, as she tried to seem sincere by meeting his gaze. “Hmm...” he rose, clasping his hands behind his back. He walked around her, eyeing her as he continued. “So, if you came to these woods looking for a...friend--” he stopped, directly behind her.

Leaning down, he added, “....What's her name then?”


Carrie's eyes widened as she tried to think of something.

“I... I mean... her...” her thoughts came in pieces.

She couldn't think of anything to say.

She knew her number was up.

“...My thoughts exactly.” he snarled. If only the girl could see his smile.

“Pity. I tried to give you a chance to be honest with me; but it seems I'll have to find some other way to get that information out of you...” crouching while he spoke; he brought his hands near her sides and continued.

“Tell me something Carrie--” his breath hot on her ear and neck.

“--Are you by chance... ticklish?”

If her eyes could widen any more, they would have practically fallen from their sockets.

“What kind.. uh.. of silly question is that?” she stammered, suddenly feeling a cold chill run down her spine. “Of course I'm not!” she added, trying to show her toughness. “Right. Well then--” he retracted his claws in slightly, so as not to cut the girl. They began to scratch at the shirt hanging limply at her sides, mere inches from her ribs. “--You wouldn't be the least bit bothered by this?” his fingers connected with her sides. She jumped in her restraints, as if she had sat on a tack.

The reaction was instantaneous; no amount of smooth-talking could get her out of this. She simply clenched her teeth together and tried to prepare herself. “What's the matter?” he asked, fully aware he had her number. “Surely a proud girl such as yourself can withstand such a childish game, no?” as he trailed his fingertips up... and down her sides.

Tickling. Of cohohorse it had to behehee tihihickling!!” her mind was on fire with thoughts. She could feel the laughter bubbling up from the recesses of her taut stomach. She was visibly shaking now; “I hahahave to... hahahaavee tohoo get out of heereree!” as she tried to concentrate her magical powers into her most potent spell. However, the energy that would usually appear in her palms was nowhere to be found.

Whahahaat!? Come on! Cohhoncentrahaate!”

She tried, but again, there was nothing. It wasn't even due to the fact that she was laughing too much to concentrate.

Reon could feel the slight shock in his clawed fingertips as she tried to use her magic. “So... you're a witch then? Now we're getting somewhere, Carrie.” he said, stopping his attack on her sides. “I can feel the magic eminating from you when you try to use a spell. Now that I know you aren't some ordinary girl, we can get down to the real business at hand here.” he dryly added, beginning to rip her shirt until it fell; leaving her in nothing but her undergarments.

With a flick of his claws, her bra suffered the same fate. “You wretched beast! How dare you!! she yelled, feeling her face become flush with embarassment. “Oh please; call me Reon. It's so much nicer than “Beast”.” he mocked, pulling his chair around to behind her. “Now, where were we? Oh yes...” --as he began to feverently scratch just inside the smooth hollows of her arms.

Caught so off guard, the laughter she had been valliantly holding back proceeded forth from her mouth like a river overflowing from behind a dam. “HAHAAHAA!!! NAWHAHAT THERE!” she screamed, thrashing about in her bondage. “What's wrong? I thought you told me you weren't ticklish? Were we lying again, Carrie?” he cooed, changing tactics as he began to trace his fingers up and down her sides once more.

Rebelling in his victims agony, Reon couldn't help but smile. Her skin was as smooth as silk. The girl acted like she had ice poured down her back; with how her back arched as he trailed his fingers up and down her sides. Her breasts slightly jiggled as he tickled her. He made careful note to tickle the spot where her bosom met her ribs. At this, she began laughing harder; her smile growing so large that you could see her pearly white teeth. She clenched her eyes shut, trying to shut out the sensations emanating from her ticklish sides; but it was no use. Her captor was too skilled in the ways of tickling; though how, remained a complete mystery. She danced to his fingers. Like a puppeteer, he controlled which way she writhed, and how hard she laughed by merely increasing his tempo, or by applying more pressure to her sensitive areas. Much to her dismay, he found a particularly sensitive spot just underneath her belly button. "AHAHAHAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" she screamed, completely rising off the bench and settling back down as she began to thrash even harder to get him away from that spot. "My my...." he cooed-- "Such a ticklish woman you are, Carrie. I bet you're sorry you ever step foot into these woods, aren't you?" he added, listening to her scream with laughter. "NOHOOHOHO! I'm nahahawt sorhorry!!!" came the response. Reon smiled at this and decided to go back to tickling her underarms instead.

“Rehaayohon, plehehese!” she cried; her laughter was heavenly music to his ears. It sounded pleasant, like she was almost enjoying herself moreso than writhing in agony. He continued to tickle her in the same spot under her arms. Though, while she was laughing, she seemed to almost intentionally pull forward, causing his fingers to tickle another particularly bad spot just below her hollows. Again, her laughter renewed as he began to work over the newfound spot; noticing tears began forming at the corners of her eyes as she howled with laughter. At this time, he also noticed her nipples start to become slightly erect. "Hmm... I wonder if..." he thought, smirking slightly.

“What's the matter Carrie? It doesn't seem like you really want me to stop...” his teased, as he began scratching along the sides and front of her stomach again. All Carrie could do was sit there and laugh. Her flowing blue hair fell forth, over her face, as she threw her head back and continued, trying to get away from his writhing, torturous claws....

Yes... that's it Carrie. Enjoy it and laugh for me.. he whispered into her ear; even his fur tickled her as he spoke, causing her laughter to cascade throughout the cave, and into the silent woods....
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