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The Great Outdoors


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
Where to start? I've tried at least a dozen different ways to write this down but none of them seem to work somehow. I guess the whole thing kicked off about a month ago when a mate of mine asked if I fancied spending the summer weekends camping out with him and his girlfriend. This quickly developed into a group of about a dozen people who wanted to go and some rapid planning for such seemingly simple things as transport, tent sharing, food and the like.

Anyway, for most of us the last time we spent a night under canvas was at least fifteen years ago and things had moved on a bit since then. Out of thirteen people only four actually owned their own tents, the rest of us had to pretty much start from scratch. As a gentle introduction to the art of camping (also known as 'who put that &**(!!! rope there?) we decided to make use of my mates garden for a weekend, pitch up all the new stuff and have a 'dry run' to get used to a ceiling barely four feet high.

After all the transport and scheduling problems were sorted out, eight of us ended up at his place for the weekend, including him and his girlfriend. As we were going to be a bit short of space they'd sleep indoors, the rest of us would be 'roughing it' outside. In addition to myself there was two girls and one guy I'd known since university, and two of my workmates. And that, really is where the problem started.

Do the math, something I managed to overlook, and us blokes were going to be outnumbered two to one, and with this crowd I should have known that would mean trouble. But I'm getting ahead of myself, we all met up as arranged in London and drove the two and a bit hours to my mates place in Bristol. The sheer chaos that followed trying to get three brand new tents up in a space that was barely big enough to take them had to be seen to be believed, in fact I wish I'd taped it as it would have been a guaranteed prize winner on one of those home video shows.

Both myself and the other guy had bought our own tents as we preferred something small enough to put up on our own if the need ever arose. He'd got a small, two man dome tent, I'd gone for a larger three man model with a main sleeping area and a separate 'porch' that had a door on either side, both of which could be tied back to provide a covered, but open, area to sit or cook. The girls on the other hand had gone in together and had bought something that resembled a palace more than a tent. Technically it was a 12 person tent, four self-contained inner tents in a 'x' shape, with the centre of the x being a huge communal area over six foot high and big enough for all eight of us to sit under quite comfortably.

Once we'd got everything up, and the buzz of battery powered pumps inflating six air beds had died away we fired up the barbecue and spent a very pleasant evening making a sizable dent in our hosts food and alcohol stores. It was a beautiful night, clear sky and warm, with a gentle crisp breeze flowing over the garden. As midnight passed our hosts excused themselves and headed indoors, as the rest of us started to eye our own beds and sleeping bags. We stayed up for another twenty minutes or so before we left the girls talking amongst themselves and retreated to our own tents.

It was barely two minutes before I heard considerable, and quite impressive, swearing issuing from the other small tent. His air mattress was defective and as soon as he laid himself down every seam on one side had let go at once. As we didn't have any spares he decided that, with a spare bed available in the house he wasn't going to wreck his back sleeping on the ground. I couldn't really argue with his logic and lent a hand moving his kit into the house. Finished I headed back outside and, as I passed the girls tent noticed low voices coming from one of the sleeping compartments. As the two university girls were still chatting outside, it had to be my workmates having the conference.

I have to admit, I was a little hesitant at first about inviting those two, partially because they would be the only ones that didn't know anyone else there (other than me of course) and partially because, well, I was more than slightly afraid. One, Laura, I'd known for almost five years, and I still remember seeing her for the first time and thinking 'wow'. If anything the years had improved her looks, adding to her curves nicely and at five foot four without an ounce of fat on her body she always attracted admiring glances from everyone who came to the office. Frankly, at one time I'd entertained thoughts in that direction myself, but for reasons far too lengthy and boring to go into here, she'd needed me as a friend far more than a lover, and I'd happily taken on that role.

The other one was the problem though, mainly because the first time I'd seen her, barely three months ago now, I hadn't thought 'wow', or anything at all for that matter as my brain simply seemed to switch off. Danielle was taller than Laura and was simply gorgeous. A figure that should be gracing the front of magazines, long dark red hair spilling down her back with a slight natural curl, perfect skin and emerald green eyes that seemed to look right into my soul. I knew, if I was being honest with myself at least, she was so far out of my league it wasn't even the same sport anymore, but somehow the heart wouldn't take the hint. At least I'd gotten over my initial bout of brain failure and could now hold a real conversation with her, but I was being very careful about how much I drank, otherwise I might just do something stupid, like ask her out on an honest-to-god date.

I'd obviously hadn't been quite as careful as I should have been, otherwise I might have recognised the looks I got as I walked past the other girls for something more than a friendly goodnight, but oblivious I headed back to my own tent and settled down. I'd had to replace my trusty sleeping bag after it had literally disintegrated through overuse, and now had a brand new double bag ready to try out. Exhausted from the day I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow...

And awoke slowly, confused as hell and more than a little slow on the uptake. The unfamiliar surroundings, coupled with the lingering heat and the effects of the alcohol all seemed to hit at once and for a while I lay still, drifting as my mind tried to put together what it was hearing. I wish I could write down what exactly went through my mind, but I suspect it wouldn't make a lot of sense without some very illegal substances to help the reader's comprehension, so I'll use what I put together after the event.

There was a faint sound of a zipper being pulled back, and a vague shape appeared beyond the door of the inner tent. Then another, much louder zipper as the inner door was opened and the shape moved quickly in and down, sliding down into my sleeping bag and sealing the door behind it as it moved. It was the feeling of Danielle's skin pressed up against my own that finally snapped me out of my trance, and I turned over to face her, my mouth opening to ask what was going on, a question she silenced with a long kiss, full of heat and passion. Her naked body rolled over me, her legs wrapping around mine and forcing me onto my back, her hair falling over both of us like a shimmering curtain, those dazzling green eyes locked on me.

The kiss seemed to go on forever, and when she finally pulled away we looked at each other in silence for a second or two until I reached up, wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down into another kiss, passion that had been denied for far too long let loose at last as I felt her moan softly into my mouth. Once more she broke the kiss, this time slowly moving down my face from my lips, over my chin and down my neck. I shuddered, as her body seemed to flow over mine, my now erect cock pressed against her belly, then her breasts as she worked her way down. Finally she reached my hips and for one brief, glorious moment she sucked my dick deep into her mouth and ran her tongue down the length of my shaft. She glanced up at me and I felt her lips curl in a smile around my cock as she resumed her journey, out to my right hip and up my side with her mouth, setting every nerve on fire as she worked her mouth skillfully over my flesh.

By now I felt like I was floating, my mind awash with pleasure as she slowly turned me over so I was lying on my left side, her legs wrapped firmly around my waist as her mouth continued up to my armpit. Suddenly she reached up and grabbed my arms, forcing them up and away from my body, holding them there as best she could as she grabbed my belt from where I’d left it on top of my rucksack and wrapped it tightly around my wrists, securing my hands in front of me and on top of the sleeping bag. Then she locked her lips onto my skin and started to blow onto my flesh, her tongue flicking rapidly over the exposed hollow of my armpit, her lips just loose enough to vibrate with each exhale. She caught me completely by surprise and I burst into laughter, the ticklish sensations she was causing damn near paralyzing me as she set to work.

Her hands raced over my body, moving quickly and without any obvious pattern over every ticklish spot between my neck and waist, exploring my reactions as she poked, prodded, scratched and kneaded me into a helpless laughing wreck underneath her. Add in the erotic sensations her gorgeous, naked body was causing as it rubbed against me and my mind was simply overloaded, not knowing quite how to react from one moment to the next.

She started to move her mouth down my body again, this time curving around and over my chest, her lips, tongue and teeth tormenting me with gentle but persistent tickles even as her hands moved to my armpits and started a much more aggressive tickling motion. It was taking every bit of effort I had to manage to draw breath around my laughter as I tried desperately to squirm away from her. Finally her mouth arrived at my belly button and she repeated her earlier tactics, locking her mouth around the sensitive skin and delving deep with her tongue, lapping at the virgin skin hidden within.

I’d never known, or even guessed I was that ticklish anywhere, but the instant I felt that hot, wet tongue thrashing around, poking and prodding at that previously unexplored area I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt every muscle tense at once, and much to my surprise felt the leather belt fall away from my wrists, obviously loosened during my struggles. Quickly I brought my hands down and inside the sleeping bag, hooking my fingers into her silky smooth armpits and tried to dish out a little of what I’d been taking. For a moment I thought I was out of luck and that she wasn’t ticklish, then I felt her lips move against my body and realized she was trying desperately to hold back her giggles, not wanting to react but really having no choice. That small break in her concentration, that slight lessening of the onslaught was all I needed and I twisted, pulling my body (somewhat reluctantly I admit) out from underneath her and sliding round her until I was almost lying on her back, my legs wrapped around hers tightly to keep her beneath me.

I shifted my hands down her body to her ribs and started raking my fingers across and around her skin, trying to repeat the tactics she’d used on me earlier, never giving her a chance to get used to a particular motion or predict exactly where the next touch would come. The reaction was incredible as she bucked and writhed underneath me, trying everything to get me off her, to at least get to a position where she could fight back. Her laughter was intoxicating, possibly the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I’ve heard laughter described as musical before but had never really understood the reference. Now I did, as the sound reached up and caressed me, surrounded me, starting low and deep, rising to a high, frantic giggle as smoothly as an opera singer performs a simple scale, and something else mixed in, something that spoke to the subconscious, something that was more erotic than anything I’d ever heard.

Desperate to hear more I shifted my target, running my hands down her sides to her hips, then round and onto her perfect ass. She squealed as my fingers caressed her and her head thrashed frantically as she begged out loud, pleaded with me not to tickle her there. Unfortunately, for her at least, her begging simply increased my desires and I started running my fingers over that smooth skin as fast as I possible could, over her cheeks and down to the very top of her thighs, round to graze the outer limits of her pussy then back up to her ass to start all over again.

Suddenly she let out a noise that was halfway between a gasp and a sob and I reailsed just how hard I was tickling her, while I didn’t know how long I’d been doing it her body was shaking, she was barely able to catch her breath and I immediately let her go, sliding off to lie next to her. She caught her breath then rolled over onto her back and to my shock and delight, put her arms above her head, wrists crossed and said “No, more, please, tickle me more!”.

I didn’t need any more encouragement and jumped back on top of this ticklish beauty, and brought my fingers down to her flat stomach. Gently I swirled my fingers across her belly, and almost jumped out of my skin as a hand wrapped firmly around my dick. She guided me in to her and slid her legs around me, preventing me moving more than about a half-inch or so. She brought her hands up and around me, pulling my head down to hers and as we kissed I resumed my ticklish ministrations, moving up her body slightly to her breasts, teasing and tantalizing them with the most delicate touches I could, then shooting back down her body to assault her belly button and hips, digging my fingers in and making her squeal with laughter. Every time I did she would writhe and buck trying to get away, effectively fucking me at the same time as she howled in ticklish heaven. Over and over I repeated this pattern, never keeping up the hard tickling for more than a few seconds, while lingering over the gentle touches to her breasts for up to two minutes. Every time I used those light, tender caresses I could see her fighting the temptation to give in and find her own release, her own pleasure.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, it was too much for her to handle and she roughly flipped me over so I was lying on my back with her above me. Even silhouetted by the faint light filtering through the tent’s canvas she looked beautiful as she sat above me, the sleeping bag unzipped and falling away from her as she started to ride me as hard as she could. It only took a few seconds for us both to climax, Danielle collapsing on top of me as she did so as I did my best to add to her pleasure with my mouth, hands, anything I could think of.

Afterwards we just lay there for a while, luxuriating in each other’s company, reflecting on what had just happened until, gradually, we drifted off to sleep. When the sun finally rose high enough to wake me I thought for one horrible, terrifying moment that it had all been a dream, then felt the reassuring warmth of her body next to me. I looked up into her smiling face, those green eyes dancing as she watched me. Where this would go next I didn’t know, or for that matter, if there even was a next to consider. But then, for that one moment, all was right with the world as she pressed her lips to mine.

It’d had only been a couple of weeks since Danielle and I had first spent the night together and we were still in that ‘can’t think of anyone but them’ stage that all couples seem to go through. We’d talked a little about what had happened, and perhaps most importantly, why it’d happened that night, and it turned out that she’d had the same sort of feelings for me as I had for her, and just like me, hadn’t been able to talk to me about them. Mary had picked up on what was going on though, and had, with the aid of a bit of alcohol admittedly, had talked her into acting on her desires. We both agreed that we’d have to repay her for that bit of matchmaking, though neither of us knew quite how to do that.

We’d loaded up the cars on Friday night and spent a long five hours in the early hours of Saturday morning driving to a campsite I knew on the welsh coast about half-an-hour’s walk from the town where I grew up. It wasn’t the normal, tourist-orientated campsite, it was too far off the main roads for that and it was mainly used by locals who wanted to get away from the town for a while. We had the place to ourselves that weekend, and the reaction on the other’s faces when we arrived was worth the two hundred plus mile trip to get there.

The campsite itself was a small field on top of a hill, one rough dirt road leading up to it, barely big enough to drive along. The field was circled by a ring of trees, the tops of which were just below eye-line when you sat on the rich grass. To the north and south were rolling fields leading up to towering cliffs, behind us to the east the valley stretched into the distance and in front of us was a small sandy cove leading to the sea. It was the sort of setting you’d expect to find in a novel, but it was real and for the next two days it was all ours.

We pitched up the tents in a square, one tent on each corner with a big gazebo in the middle as a communal area. Once we were sure nothing was going to take off, we headed out onto the cliff path and walked the four miles or so to the small seaside village to the north, then on to the sand dunes beyond. I’d spent a lot of time here when I was young, and for that matter when I was going to university, but never had I felt a greater sense of peace, of freedom, as I did that day as I finally had someone to share this place with.

We arrived back at camp just as the sun started to dip towards the horizon, casting purple and orange streaks over the sky and backlighting the few wispy clouds that hung in the dusk sky. Heading over to the boot of my car, Danielle, Tim, Mary and myself opened the coolers I’d had built into the boot and grabbed what we’d need for the night, including one of those instant barbeque kits most supermarkets sell once the summer months roll round. Soon the food was sizzling over the charcoal and the alcohol was flowing freely, though none of us went overboard as we knew we had a long day ahead of us.

As the night closed in the temperature dropped to a point just the right side of cool, a slight breeze rustling the trees all around us and blowing the smell of the ocean over our campsite. As midnight approached we all started yawning, the activity of the day seeming to hit everyone at once and eventually we made our way to bed. The sleeping arrangements were simple enough, and mainly followed the same pattern as the practice night had used with Tim and his girlfriend sleeping in their tent, Tony sleeping alone in his, Mary, Helen and Sally each taking one room of their massive four bedroom tent and Danielle and me sharing mine.

One of the strange things about camping is the thought and effort that goes into even the most simple of exercises, and getting ready for bed is probably the most obvious example. Any light inside the tent will tend to backlight the people within, leading to a kind of striptease shadow show being projected onto the tent walls. The usual result is either you get undressed inside your sleeping bag, or you give your eyes a moment to adjust and use what natural light to see by. I usually go for option one, and almost without thinking I slid into the big double sleeping bag, rolled all the way over to the back of the tent and stripped down, storing my clothes between the edge of the air mattress and the wall of the tent. Realising Danielle hadn’t done the same I turned over to see what was going on.

And stared transfixed as, outlined by the dim light, Danielle put on a private show that almost blew my mind. She’d already shucked her footwear and slowly rolled her trousers down those perfect legs before stepping out of them completely and crawling on her hands and knees to where I lay transfixed. The starlight that managed to filter through the tent was only enough to make out outlines and shapes, not texture or any fine detail, so to the eye she looked little different than she had before she started to disrobe. Kneeling on the sleeping bag, pulling it tight over my chest and effectively trapping me inside she gently pulled my arm out from inside the bag and guided my fingers up her smooth thighs to her waist, then down again. It took two passes before my stunned mind registered what I was, or rather, wasn’t feeling as there was no fabric looped over her hips to interrupt my fingers and I found myself wondering just how long she’d been without underwear today.

She shifted sideways slightly, loosening the cover slightly and tucked my hand back inside before pulling the bag tighter than ever. She slowly peeled up her t-shirt, turning slightly to let me watch from the side as she stripped away the last of her clothing and knelt above me, glorious to behold, a vision come to life before me. My eyes were finally starting to adjust to the light and I could just make out her face twitch with a devilish grin as she lent down to kiss me, throwing her right leg over my body, straddling me on top of the sleeping bag, the cloth allowing me to feel her weight, her presence without the luxury of actually touching her flesh.

She stayed in that position for at least ten minutes as we kissed, my hands roaming under the material, caressing her as best I could, determined to give some of this frustration, this teasing back to her. Eventually she relented and slid inside the sleeping bag herself, wrapping those long legs around me again as we both fought to keep control on our lust. Gradually we became aware of a soft, almost inaudible noise, almost beyond the point of hearing, filtering through the canvas. We paused for a moment as we both tried to work out exactly what the sound could be, but we came up blank. Curious I reluctantly slid out of Danielle’s embrace and grabbed a t-shirt and jogging pants from my pack. Years of going on paintball days had gotten me in the habit of moving damn near silently on any terrain, and barefoot over close cut grass proved to be no challenge at all.

I slipped out of our tent and paused, crouched in the shadows next to it as I tried to pick up the sound again. It seemed to stop and start at irregular intervals, but after a minute or two I was sure it was coming from one of the bedrooms of the palatial tent the rest of the girls were using. It seemed to be the room closest to our tent, which was probably why we’d heard it and no one else had. Carefully, not wanting to get caught up in a guy rope I moved over to the canvas wall and dropped to my stomach, trying to see under the flysheet. The angle was awful, all I could really see was the outline of someone, I wasn’t sure who but I thought it was Mary, sitting or kneeling down with her arms stretched out in front. The noise was slightly clearer but I couldn’t quite make that out properly either. I moved cautiously round to the transparent mesh covering the air vent in the side of the tent, and knelt on the grass to get a decent look. It took a minute for the scene inside, lit as it was only by starlight, to resolve itself and then I moved away, knowing Danielle would want to see this.

Soon both of us were kneeling in front of the vent, being careful not to touch the tent itself of course. Inside Mary was straddling a bound and thrashing Helen, her hands running over her victims’ body with obvious glee as Helen squealed and laughed into a makeshift gag. Both women were wearing only their underwear, and from our vantage point it looked like both were enjoying themselves. I think we both felt more than a little guilty for watching this scene unfold before us, but there was also no way either of us could turn away now. Danielle nudged me gently and pointed to Helen’s wrists. It took me a moment or two to work out what she was trying to draw my attention to, then finally I noticed the rope holding her down was tied loosely, loosely enough that if she wanted this to stop she could easily move her hands down and out of her bondage.

This was obviously something that they both wanted to try, and as we watched that impression was reinforced as both women seemed to be struggling for breath at times, eyes drifting closed in pleasure as a touch landed at just the right place on their bodies, their passions tempting them to abandon their game and give into their desires. Mary lent forward and, after a slight pause, kissed Helen with the sort of passion I thought only really happened in the movies. The kiss lasted a long time, Mary’s hands exploring her prisoners’ body, moving up from her waist to her breasts, then on up her arms to her wrists. I must admit I presumed that she was going to free her victim from the ropes and give in to the desire raging through her body.

Instead she took hold of the end of the rope and gave a quick yank, tightening the knot and trapping Helen for real. Swiftly climbing off her the now helpless brunette, Mary rummaged in the bottom of her rucksack and brought out a small black tin about the size of a CD case but a lot deeper. Helen’s eyes were moving quickly now, wide with what looked to us like fear as Mary cracked the box open and removed what seemed to be a pepper shaker, the same sort of thing you’d expect to find on most dining tables. It was obviously something more though, as Helen immediately started screaming into her gag, her head thrashing from side to side as she clawed at the knots that held her trying desperately to get away.

It was all to no avail as Mary jumped back on top of her, holding Helen down with her legs as she reached down with peppershaker. She tapped it twice on each armpit, several times over the belly and then, with slow teasing motions she pulled each bra cup down slightly, exposing Helen’s large breasts one at a time, shook the thing over each one several times then replaced the bra. Once she was finished she sat back, worked her way down and to the side of Helen’s squirming body until she could comfortably trap her bound ankles between her legs and watch as whatever had been in that shaker started to take effect.

Helen’s gyrations increased quickly, to the point where I started to wonder if the tent would stand up to the assault. Her upper body and thighs were thrashing in all directions, looking for some form of escape from whatever had been done to her. I was transfixed by the image in front of me and almost jumped a mile as Danielle put her lips to my ear and whispered “Itching Powder”. Yeah, that made sense, if fact it made perfect sense considering Helen’s terrified reaction to that shaker if she’d experienced this before somewhere. Danielle nudged me again and I made my second bad assumption of the night. I had assumed she was going to say enough and get us both out of there. Instead she started signalling a much more daring plan than I’d have ever dreamed off.

Slowly, carefully, we made our way round to the communal bit of the big tent and crouched outside the door. Only the outer door was closed, the inner was tied back to try and get some airflow through the tent and I crouched to the left of the door, one hand on the zipper while Danielle knelt on the right. She nodded and in one motion I ran the zipper all the way round the edge of the door, opening the tent to the outside world. As soon as the door was open Danielle dived in, landing square on Mary’s stomach and catching her completely by surprise. I paused a second to make sure I wasn’t going to land on anyone, as I’m heavy enough to hurt if I did, and threw myself over the two battling girls in the front of the tent to land in a heap next to Helen’s head and arms. Reaching up I yanked the straps off her wrists, leaving them attached to the tent. A flash of movement caught my eye as I saw Danielle wrestle Mary round and move her hands close enough for me to catch in my own. It really wasn’t a fair fight, even without me being there. Danielle was at least four inches taller, was far stronger and had the element of surprise on her side. But hey, who said life was fair?

I quickly secured Mary’s wrists to the tent, then before she had really grasped what was happening had pulled the gag from Helen’s mouth and applied it to Mary. In the meantime Danielle had grabbed a t-shirt and had tied Mary’s ankles together, pulling her feet down to the still open door. Placing her ankles on the zipper she pulled the double zip closed so that Mary’s feet where held securely in the door, the t-shirt not only holding her ankles together but making sure that the teeth of the zipper didn’t hurt her as Danielle pulled the gap as tight as she could before looping a boot lace through the two zips and tying it off.

The whole thing had taken less than thirty seconds and the end results were everything we could have hoped for. Imagine a beautiful, young, ticklish blonde, stretched out and helpless, her wrists tied above her head, her ankles secured and her feet trapped helplessly out of her sight, her body clad only in silk underwear as every muscle and inch of skin is pulled tight and vulnerable to your wildest fantasies. That’s what we had in front of us, and we were determined to make the most of it.

Outside the door Danielle started to tickle Mary’s helpless soles and the reaction was electric. It’s one of the strangest experiences I’ve ever had, seeing this blond stunner writhing and thrashing in ticklish agony, but with no obvious source for the motion. Of course I had no idea what Danielle was doing but whatever it was there was no doubt it was incredibly effective. Mary was howling into her gag, eyes closed tight one moment, open wide and pleading the next. I sat and watched, ignoring the occasional twitches in my hands as I imagined getting my hands on this enticing woman.

Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder and I looked up startled to see Helen staring down at me, a questioning look in her eyes as she glanced hungrily towards her tormenter, now tied and helpless before her. I grinned and nodded, moving to the door of the tent and tapped gently on the fabric. There was the sound of a zip being opened and Danielle slid into the tent, securing the door back around Mary’s ankles as she did so. She sat down next to me as we moved back slightly to allow Helen some room to work.

Helen swung her leg over Mary and sat down just above her knees, hands held behind her back. Mary’s head came up and she gave Helen a look that was half longing and half fear, knowing that she was going to have to pay for her earlier actions. With a truly evil smile Helen brought the peppershaker out from behind her back. She started to tease the captive beauty under her by moving the shaker over her ribs, underarms, belly, breasts neck and thighs, tipping it over to the point that the powder inside was resting on the edge of the holes but not quite falling onto that vulnerable, taut, ticklish skin, then moving on to a new area and repeating the process. Mary was going out of her mind, begging with her tormenter not to do it, although her efforts may have been more successful if the gag didn’t turn even the most elegant plea into a muffled yelp. Almost subconsciously I slid an arm around Danielle as we once again settled back to watch the show and I felt her slide her legs over mine in response.

Meanwhile Helen was building up to a truly show stopping number. Reaching down she pulled Mary’s panties away from her body, pulling the waistband down so the front formed a cloth cup. Slowly she poured a more than generous helping of the itching powder into this cup and then placed the shaker down beside her. Mary was thrashing her head from side to side, her eyes open wide as she watched Helen gradually move her panties back towards her body, pushing them tight against the curve of her flesh before finally flipping the ‘cup’ back round the right way, coating Mary’s pussy with the powder while, at virtually the same instant Helen darted her fingers up to Mary’s armpits and dug in for all she was worth.

I’d never seen such a reaction before as I saw when that powder touched Mary’s skin. Every muscle seemed to tense at once, lifting her body clear off the ground as she arched backwards, her mouth opening wide, her eyes screwed shut, fingers grasping out behind her. She actually managed to pick up Helen as well, and for a moment they stayed frozen like that, Helen seemingly too stunned at what was happening to do much about it. Then it all seemed to come crashing back for Mary and she collapsed writhing and howling to the ground again, a motion that got faster and more desperate the instant Helen started her assault on the armpits.

Suddenly I was pushed down onto my side, Danielle wrapping her body around me and holding me down as our lips met. This was no tender kiss, but one born of passions and desires denied too long, neither of us were looking to hold back now and the scene beside us seemed to fade into the background as Danielle became the focus of my world. I felt hands tearing at my t-shirt and I quickly returned the favour,

Danielle’s perfect body leaving me stunned as always as my hands caressed that silky smooth skin, those endless curves. I tried for a moment to slide round, flip her over so that I was on top, but she was having none of it this time. The instant we were both naked again she slid her body up mine and in one smooth motion slid my cock up inside her.

Alongside us Helen and Mary were lost in their own world of tickles and pleasures, but as the effects of the itching powder faded slightly from their previous unbearable highs both women noticed the show we were now putting on for them. Grinning Helen reached up and untied Mary’s hands, removed the gag from her mouth and helped her remove the rest of her clothes. Once both of the girls were naked they slid around us, making a point of not touching us, not wishing to disturb us just yet. Once they were in place they reached out and both grabbed a foot. Mary got Danielle’s right, sole under her hands Helen got mine and they both dug in, raking their fingers across the sensitive skin, delighting in the sensations they caused.

Immediately both of us broke out into laughter, the attack was unexpected and under the circumstances added an extra layer of eroticism that I didn’t think was possible. We’d been on the point of release anyway, and the extra sensations were almost enough to put us both over the edge immediately. The only thing that really stopped us was the loss of rhythm as our regular pumping turned into uncoordinated thrashing under the girls not so tender mercies. They kept us on the edge for what felt like an eternity but with the last fraction of our self control we played along with their game, both of us begging for them to let us come, to give that last bit of stimulation, rather than trying to find it ourselves. Eventually they relented as they lent down and swapped their fingers for the soft, warm and wet feelings of their tongues. It was a totally new experience for me, though I’d worshipped Danielle’s feet once before and it was more than enough to push us both over the edge. We climaxed together, Danielle’s legs squeezing me so tightly I couldn’t breathe, spots dancing behind my eyes as I called her name, hearing her scream mine before she dropped forward, hair splashing over my chest, both of us totally spent.

By the time we’d recovered enough to move and look around Mary and Helen were busy with their own pleasures. I opened my eyes to look into those dazzling green eyes only a few inches from mine and once again wondered if the last two weeks had been some sort of wonderful, cruel dream and if this was the night I would be forced to wake from it. Gradually I realised that Danielle was casting very significant glances back over my shoulder and I turned slightly to get a good look at what had caught her attention.

Mary was stretched out on the ground again, though this time she wasn’t bound. Helen was above her, the girls engaged in a very frantic sixty-nine as their own passions overcame them. Grinning I turned back to Danielle and tilted my head slightly. She returned my grin and nodded, slid off me slightly then moved with a speed that startled me over to Mary’s feet. I took Helen’s and we both started to return what had been done to us a few minutes earlier with interest.

The girls thrashed as we dug our fingers into their soles, gently fluttered the tips of those fingers up and down the length of their feet, dug in between the toes anything we could think of to cause them to giggle and squirm. The sounds we were getting from them were incredible, a mix of gentle but high pitched laughter combining with low, throaty moans and sighs as they tried to concentrate on the others pleasure. We kept this teasing going for a good fifteen, twenty minutes, then decided to give them the same erotic push they’d bestowed on us. The problem was that repeating the trick would only cause the girls to squirm more, and they unfortunately needed to be able to concentrate on what they were doing, if only for a few seconds. I looked around and had an idea, which I quickly signed as best I could to Danielle so as not to ruin the surprise for our victims.

Moving quickly away from their feet both of us moved up until we were sitting right alongside their thighs and in one motion rolled the ball of trembling flesh over onto it’s side. With a glance to get our timing sorted we both started to gently spank the girls, our hands meeting their sensitive flesh almost in unison, and causing a couple of small moans of protest before they relaxed into this new sensation and actually started wriggling their asses in encouragement after each blow. Not that that lasted long, it only took five strokes to push Mary over the edge, and Helen followed on the very next paddle. Watching the two of them release got both of us turned on all over again, and we realised it was time to bail out. We headed back to our own tent, pausing only to snick a small padlock over the zips of the door to prevent any revenge attacks that night before diving into the waiting sleeping bag, setting a new world record for undressing on the way. After that all we knew was each other until we were woken early the next day by the dawn light lighting the tent and the smell of fried bacon wafting across our small campsite.

The events of the previous night had left both of us feeling almost overloaded with desire, to the point that I know I heard Danielle moan as she was slid her t-shirt over her bare skin, and I had to admit I was having trouble ignoring the seemingly innocent stimulation that even the slightest contact was causing.

As we ate breakfast, we decided it would be for the best if we spent some time away from the others that day, wanting to get some distance to work things over in our own heads and try to absorb what still seemed like a dream. I grabbed a map from my kit bag and refreshed my memory, wanting to make sure I knew exactly where we were going as getting lost in what was, technically anyway, my back yard would be more than a little embarrassing.

We set out towards a small wood about two miles away, nestled on the lower slopes of the western edge of the valley. We had intended to take the path straight there, but when we reached the river we found the bridge had been removed, a sign pointing us on an alternative route upstream to a crossing point just above a small waterfall. The sun was partially hidden behind a bank of cloud and a gentle breeze seemed to follow the course of the river towards the sea, keeping us cool as we walked.

The climb up the side of the waterfall proved a minor problem, I’d grown up around here and knew what to watch for in terms of loose rock and safe holds for feet and hands. Danielle on the other hand had never lived outside of London and had certainly never come across terrain like this before. As it happened this was the perfect introduction, the cliff cut into what looked like giant stone steps, each about eight feet high and bone dry, aside from the edge next to the waterfall itself, and was ideal for teaching her how to climb without presenting any serious danger. She had a natural ability for it too, her body moving with catlike grace over the rock, doing with style and flexibility what I had to do with power and sheer bloody-mindedness.

I’d climb up first, checking for anything that looked like it wouldn’t support her weight, point out anything I found then let her find her own way up. Even though I’d only known her for a few weeks, I was well aware of her fierce independence, and had no desire for her to think I had anything less than complete confidence in her abilities. We reached the top far more quickly than I’d thought we would and sat on the edge of the cliff, maybe sixty or so feet off the ground and gazed down the river towards the sea. I felt her arm slide around me, and instinctively returned the gesture as she lent her head over onto my shoulder. The surrounding countryside was absolutely silent, the only noise the lapping of the water as it fell into the pool below as I felt her snuggle closer to me, her body soft against mine.

How long we stayed like that I don’t know, but I’d never been as much at peace with the world, with myself as I was then. The stress and strain of the years dropped away and I found myself lost in wonder at the thought that someone like this, someone so beautiful, so strong, so perfect would choose to share this moment with someone like me. I’d asked that question of myself many times before, more in the last two weeks than at any other time in my life, but now for the first time I found the answer didn’t matter. I was content to know she was here, and that was enough, whether it ended tomorrow, next week, next year or in a century I didn’t care, as I knew this memory, this moment would stay in my heart, in my soul, forever.

Eventually, reluctantly, we got to our feet and headed across the narrow wooden bridge and headed on towards the hill. The sun was high overhead as we reached the trees and their branches provided a welcome relief from the heat. The forest itself was young, the trees reaching up to seemingly impossible distances on thin trunks, their canopy spread wide letting shafts of sunlight pour down into the shady depths. The ground was dry and crisp, making for easy going as we headed deeper into the woods. Danielle slipped an arm around me as we walked, trusting me to guide her as she looked around, eyes wide as she tried to take in everything at once. Growing up here I’d long since grown accustomed to such sights, and seeing it’s effect on someone who’d never had the chance to walk in such a natural place was like rediscovering its beauty all over again.

Finally we arrived at the clearing. I’d come across it about five years ago, and had been amazed that such a place could exist without at least some maintenance but apparently it was all natural, a masterpiece of landscaping by whoever had planted this wood. The trees stopped in almost a perfect circle, maybe forty foot across. A layer of grass covered the ground; so green it looked like it had been painted on. In the middle of the clearing was what I thought was a type of willow tree, spindly branches falling almost to the ground like a curtain, unbroken save in one place where a natural tunnel had formed between the branches. Pulling Danielle forward I guided her through the gap, both of us bent almost double to fit, and into the heart of the tree.

Here there was a gap between the tips of the branches and the tree trunk wide enough to accommodate the large checked blanket I pulled from my pack. Laying it down I dropped my pack on top of it and sat down myself. Danielle smiled down at me, and for a moment she was backlit by the sun as it passed through the branches, a halo seeming to form around her body and I felt my breath catch in my throat as she lowered herself down towards me. She glided onto the blanket and ended up lying across me, her head in my lap as she gazed up, her mind obviously elsewhere, I suspected lost in similar thoughts to those I’d had earlier.

The weight of her head in my lap was, reassuring, comforting, and I felt her breathing slow as she relaxed and started to fall asleep. I found my breathing matching hers and gradually I felt myself falling into sleep as well.

I awoke to a strange sensation; the weight in my lap and on my thighs was gone, replaced with something crawling under my t-shirt. Whatever it was had a light touch, and I chuckled under my breath as it moved over my stomach. It came back, slightly stronger this time and again the chuckle escaped me, this time accompanied by a slight twitch as my body tried to move away from that ticklish feeling. A third time it swept back, hard enough to make me laugh and I opened my eyes to find Danielle leaning over me, her hands and arms hidden beneath my t-shirt as she gazed at me, judging my reactions to her teasing touch. A grin spread across her face as she saw me focus on her, and she gently moved round, sitting on my thighs the sliding her legs down until she was lying full length on top of me, her head resting on my chest and still looking straight at me.

“I was wondering if I could ask a favour?” she asked, with a slight scratch at my ribs to make sure she had my attention. I grinned and squirmed under her touch, raising an eyebrow in response to her question.

“I was talking to Mary a few days ago and she let slip something about you writing for a hobby?” Again I stayed where I was, letting her speak at her own pace, wondering exactly where she was going with this.

“She mentioned something about you making stuff up on the spot, spur of the moment poetry I think she called it and I was wondering if you could do one for me?”

“While I’d be honoured to do that for you my love, I’m not sure if I can. You have a tendency to stop me thinking clearly, or at all, at the best of times and I don’t know if I could do you justice.”

She grinned playfully, increasing her tickling against my sides. “Oh come on, I won’t be critical, I promise.”

I wriggled under her touch, fighting back laughter as she scratched my ribs with her nails.

“It’s not too much to ask is it?” She asked, the grin getting bigger as she goosed my stomach. A choked laugh escaped my lips and I tried to pull away from those probing fingers, knowing where she was going next.

“Or am I not inspiring enough for you?” She pouted, the effect both spoiled and increased by the smile that she couldn’t stop reaching her eyes as a finger delved into my navel, swirling around the second most ticklish spot on my body. I gave up trying to hold back and started laughing, a low rumbling laugh that seemed to surround us

“Now I know you’re not that ticklish, I mean it’s not like I’m doing this…” She said, fingers reaching up under my t-shirt, pushing the fabric up and trapping my arms as she started to probe my armpits with those long nails. Any pretence at control vanished and I started thrashing underneath her, my resistance crumbling.

“Last chance lover, you know what I can do to you, the sweet torment I can inflict if I want.” Her hands dropped down again, wrapping around my hips and kneading the skin. As much as I knew I’d enjoy what she had in mind, I suddenly knew what I wanted to say to her and, gasping slightly for air, panted my surrender.

She slid up my body and kissed me, once, tenderly, a kiss that seemed to swallow my world, my soul, as she became my world, my reason, my life. If the moment on the cliff had been a moment of peace, this was almost the opposite as my body shook, a physical wave passing through me as she opened herself to me in a way I never though possible. In that instant I saw the future stretched out, a line of pearls against the velvet blackness of infinity and knew we would be together the rest of our lives.

Finally the kiss ended, Danielle sliding down alongside me and I’d never seen such a vision of peace, of total trust on another persons face before. I reached over and brushed her hair back from her face, wanting to see her clearly now. A thousand cliché’s passed through my mind as I tried to put into words what was I knew to be true in my heart, my soul and in an instant I rejected them all. Taking a deep breath I threw caution to the wind and trusted to my feelings, my love for this woman.

“Language may have built this world, but it does not define it. Some things are greater than words, impossible to tie down with the bonds of concept and reason, yet they walk this world, vast and timeless. Until I met you I thought love was an object, something that could be defined, reasoned, created and thrown away when needed. Never have I been so glad to be so wrong. Now and forever, for as long as you want me, I’m yours.”

Danielle opened her mouth, struggling, as I was, for the right words. I reached over and placed a finger gently against her lips. “Shh, let me finish” I whispered, gently guiding her down to her back. My hands rested on her shoulders and I felt her tremble through her t-shirt. It was as if I’d been asleep for the last twenty-five years, and only now was I waking up. I could feel every detail of the cloth beneath my hands, feel her skin beneath as her pulse quickened. With a touch more delicate than anything I could have conceived of before I started to move my hands over her body, over her shoulders and down her sides, over her flat stomach and on down her legs, the fabric seemingly no obstacle to my touch.

She gasped as the motion was at once feather light and yet, somehow, incredibly strong, moving the tension and pressures of the world from her body as my hands passed over her. This was something I’d never experienced before, something I had no idea how I was doing. It was as if touch had replaced language, the harsh rhyme and rhythm of poetry replaced with soft curves and sweeps of motion, her body a blank page for me, completely receptive in a way I’d never even imagined existed.

I reached her feet and applied a very gentle pressure to the side of her sole. In a motion that was almost liquid in it’s smoothness she rolled over onto her front, my hands resuming their journey up the backs of her legs and on over her spine. A grace I’d never known I possessed seemed to come into my movements, my hands splitting and travelling seemingly of their own volition, one moving to her shoulders the other gliding over her lower back.

Danielle seemed to be experiencing her own slice of heaven, her body limp as she moaned in delight, her head turned to one side, her eyes closed. My hands moved together once more, sliding down her spine, curving round her hips as my body moulded to hers. My arms wrapped around her in an embrace and I felt her heart beat pulsing through her body. There, under the bows of the forest we stayed for what seemed an eternity, totally relaxed, at peace not only with each other but also with ourselves for the first time in our lives. Both of us looking out on what lay ahead, at a world of possibilities that we had eternity to explore.
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