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The Look


TMF Expert
Aug 3, 2009
Do you pay attention to your Lee's facial reactions? Have you ever seen the look on a lees face when they give up and submit to the tickling. Just curious how many others look at their reactions and have achieved that look.
When I saw your thread title I immediately thought of the look a first time vanilla ticklee gets once they're tied up and the reality suddenly sinks in that they're about to be tickled, just before it begins. It's usually accompanied by panicky struggles, which is also cool.

But yeah, for the ones who resist, the look when they break is great as well. I'd also add the look they get while they're resisting at the point they realize they won't be able to hold out.

So now that you mention it, I guess I do pay a lot of attention to facial expressions...
Do you pay attention to your Lee's facial reactions? Have you ever seen the look on a lees face when they give up and submit to the tickling. Just curious how many others look at their reactions and have achieved that look.

That is what I love about tickling my girl, she immediately makes that face as soon as I start tickling her and she is trapped. 😀
yes I use to concentrate deeply on their faces during the tickle torturings and see what they were tryna communicate with their eyes when they realized they couldn’t get any intelligible words out of their mouths- and that look in their eyes when they locked on to my eyes desperate to express how ticklish this was for them in case I didnt realize , their eyes bugging out, mouth in a gaping shriek but soundless, face totally contorted and basically a blubbering mess
Do you pay attention to your Lee's facial reactions? Have you ever seen the look on a lees face when they give up and submit to the tickling. Just curious how many others look at their reactions and have achieved that look.

I know that look very well…

Don’t I Rachel? Jen? <<<<----<<<<----<<<<----:banelvis:
I think it's EXTREMELY SEXY watching my fiancee trying to resist as I slowly tickle her most ticklish spots - feet and underarms, and both hold still and not laugh. I absolutely love resistance games. Her face starts to scrunch up, she squeezes her eyes shut, her lips quiver, toes begin to curl, then I go in for the kill and she explodes with giggles. But usually before that she starts to hum or make noise to distract herself or something. That's how I know I am getting through her defenses.

Man, I would kill to have her tickled by a professional tickle Dom. She's agreed to it too. We just can't find anyone. I bet a professional would be able to drive her up a wall. I'd kill to watch that.

I have tickled others in the past as well and I find the facial expressions right before they crack to be most pleasing. Similar to what I described with my fiancee it's typically eyes squeezing shut, mouth tight lipped until a smile begins to form and suddenly the floodgates open. Haven't had too many lees like that though. It's either straight to giggling or silence and wiggling. Hey, that rhymes.
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