These past few weeks I’ve spent in California have been the best of my life. I got to meet her parents, who love me. I met my favorite magician, and got to help him
perform an act. I got over my fear of heights, all with the help of a beautiful woman.
Krista is the love of a lifetime. We met months ago in college, both of us afraid to make that first move. But we’ve been together since Christmas Eve and it’s only gotten better with every day.
Besides being completely crazy in love with each other, we’ve also discovered a mutual love for tickling and being tickled. It’s a thing that we feel is just between us, and it’s our thing.
While we were at the beach last week, somebody left tickets to a Haunted Maze on our blanket. Since it wouldn’t cost anything, we decided to go.
Her parents had just left on a grocery shopping run, and since we had a little time before leaving to see the maze, I decided on a little fun.
We were snuggling together watching tv, my legs open, leaning against the corner of the couch. She leaned into me, her back was against my chest. My arms were around her, just above her waist. She looked so cute in today’s outfit that I just couldn’t wait to get her. A baby blue t-shirt, tied tight on the left with a scrunchie, razor cut faded blue jeans, with suntan hose under them, and soft white socks.
I gave her tummy a little squeeze, she giggled and snuggled closer to me. Slowly I worked my hand up the edge of her shirt and went for her tummy again.
“*giggle* Billy... come on... *giggle*” She then turned on her side, and nuzzled against my chest. I loved when she acted cute like this, my hand still under her shirt, I made my way up her side, tickling her ribs. She responded by amping up the cute.
“*giggle* Biiiillllyyyyy!” She whined, so I gave her a little break. Her response was rubbing the bottom of her foot on my leg. My response was pulling my hand free of her shirt and tickling her thigh through her jeans.
She let out a squeal, and kicked her legs. I kept going, loving every second of that angelic laughter. I let up when she had enough.
“Hahahahaha... okay... okay I’m trying to watch this tiger.”
“You’re just too cute sometimes.” I said, leaning in for a kiss.
She sat up and kissed back. “It’s easy when I’m with you.”
I could have spent forever with her just like this, but we both wanted to check out that maze. The tickets didn’t list a closing time, but it would be a lot easier not having to find our way out in the dark.
When we got there, Krista hugged herself and shivered a bit. “This place gives me the creeps. But I guess it’s supposed to huh?”
“You’re with the maze master angel, you’ll be okay.” I took her hand, and we deposited our tickets into a dragon’s mouth. It’s eyes flashed and the wall opened. “Here we go!” I said excitedly.
A lot about this maze was pretty hokey. Puppet skeletons rattled as we passed, walls were adorned with knock off paintings of horror movie icons. There was the occasional ghost noise as well, but there wasn’t much more than that. I’d have us to the center and on our way out in no time.
** (Little did our young lovers know that they were being watched. In the castle at the center inside the control room, two of the staff eyed their every twist and turn.) **
“These kids are pretty good Frankie. *yawn* They’re the last visitors we’re allowing today, I’ll be glad when they’re out.”
“They are good Brian, they shouldn’t be long. Look man, if you want to knock off early, I’ll take care of our guests.”
“You sure Frankie?” The older man stood up, and stretched. It had been a long day and he was sure the rookie could handle it. He just wanted confirmation.
“All right, just make sure they’re out by dark.” He clapped Frankie on the shoulder, and with that, he left.
“Oh yeah old man... I’ll take goood care of these two.” He hissed after Brian was out of earshot. He grabbed a demonic looking mask, and pulled it over his head. Before he left the control room, he flipped a few switches. “Let’s see how you like dead ends.”
“I don’t get it,” I said scratching my head in confusion. “this should have been one of the last turns before we hit the center.
“It’s ok Billy, mistakes happen. Let’s just retrace our step...mmmmph!”
I spun around at the sound of her muffled yelp, fists raised. I felt sick at the sight of some jerk in a red devil mask holding a switchblade to her throat, his hand over her mouth. I had Marco’s trick gun in my back pocket, and the fire gloves in the other,but I couldn’t get to this scum without him hurting her.
“Let her go, this isn’t funny man!” I growled, gritting my teeth. Krista was scared, I could see it in her eyes, if only I hadn’t let her out of my sight.
He came back with a threat of his own. “Call the cops, or anyone, and she dies... walk away and she lives. Either way she’s mine.” There was something oddly familiar about that voice, but I was too angry to sort that out right now.
There was no way I could reach him before he cut her throat, I had to do this his way until I thought of a plan. Banking that he wasn’t watching my hands, I flashed the “I love you” sign to Krista. She blinked twice, I can only hope she’d be ok until I found her.
“Turn around, and don’t try anything. There’s cameras all over the place, I’ll know if you come after me.” He sneered, but there was a cowardly undertone to his voice, as if he were afraid of something.
I obliged and turned around, putting my brain to work. Krista, God bless her, was keeping her cool. I waited until I thought it was safe, and turned around. Since I didn’t hear footsteps down the maze path, there must have been a passage in the wall.
“Hang on angel, I’m coming...” I said out loud, “and he’s going to pay.”
Back in the control room, a trap door in the floor opened. “Get up there bitch, and don’t try anything or I’ll cut you!”
Krista whimpered, but obeyed. Frankie came up after her, then kicked it shut. He then pointed at a bench with stocks at the end. Krista shook her head, until he waved the knife at her.
“Why are you doing this? Who are you?” Krista asked, an angry tone in her voice was replacing her fear. He placed her arms in a cross frame behind her back, she couldn’t pull free. He locked her ankles next, then pulled off his mask.
“Long time no see, I couldn’t believe you were all the way out here.”
“Justin!?” She cried out in disbelief, “How dare you! When I said we were through, I meant it. Now let me g...” She was silenced by the blade near her throat again.
“Now you keep this up and you’re going to ruin our reunion. And don’t think lover boy is going to save you.” He moved to the end of the bench, and started to unlace her shoes. Krista wiggled her feet away from his grip the best she could.
“That trap door is the only way in, and if he’s stupid enough to come looking for you, he’s dead.”
“Bastard! Don’t you hurt him!” Krista spit at Justin, and began to thrash, trying to get free to no avail.
Justin wiped the spit off, then stood up. “You think you’re so hot huh? I’ll show you what hot is.” He wheeled a table over to her, and sat a space heater on top. He flicked the switch, and the soles of Krista’s keds were bathed in a soft red glow.
“You stick son of a... Let me go!” Krista shouted, kicking her legs as much as the stocks would allow. Her feet weren’t getting hot yet, but they would be.
“Such language, did you pick that up from him? He’s trash, I’m not surprised. Now let’s have some fun while you warm up to me a little.” Justin walked behind her, and began tickling her sides as poor Krista screamed with laughter.
“Nnnnnooaaaaa hahahahaha! Stop! Staaaahahahahapppp!” She wailed, Justin was poking at her sides roughly. It tickled, but stung a little.
Back in the maze, Billy was hoping whoever her kidnapper could be, he was too busy to watch the cameras. He felt along the wall, and found the hidden switch. The secret door opened, revealing a ladder down to a series of tunnels.
“Hang on angel, tiger’s coming.” Billy began to run as he prayed that he wasn’t too late.
Krista began to feel heat bloom through the soles of her keds as they got hotter. Her socks and hose wouldn’t offer her much protection as the heat mounted. The only relief she would get would be from asking him to take them off, but that would essentially be an invitation to tickle her more.
Tears began to stream down her cheeks as Justin’s unrelenting tickle hungry hands made their way to her underarms.
End Part One
perform an act. I got over my fear of heights, all with the help of a beautiful woman.
Krista is the love of a lifetime. We met months ago in college, both of us afraid to make that first move. But we’ve been together since Christmas Eve and it’s only gotten better with every day.
Besides being completely crazy in love with each other, we’ve also discovered a mutual love for tickling and being tickled. It’s a thing that we feel is just between us, and it’s our thing.
While we were at the beach last week, somebody left tickets to a Haunted Maze on our blanket. Since it wouldn’t cost anything, we decided to go.
Her parents had just left on a grocery shopping run, and since we had a little time before leaving to see the maze, I decided on a little fun.
We were snuggling together watching tv, my legs open, leaning against the corner of the couch. She leaned into me, her back was against my chest. My arms were around her, just above her waist. She looked so cute in today’s outfit that I just couldn’t wait to get her. A baby blue t-shirt, tied tight on the left with a scrunchie, razor cut faded blue jeans, with suntan hose under them, and soft white socks.
I gave her tummy a little squeeze, she giggled and snuggled closer to me. Slowly I worked my hand up the edge of her shirt and went for her tummy again.
“*giggle* Billy... come on... *giggle*” She then turned on her side, and nuzzled against my chest. I loved when she acted cute like this, my hand still under her shirt, I made my way up her side, tickling her ribs. She responded by amping up the cute.
“*giggle* Biiiillllyyyyy!” She whined, so I gave her a little break. Her response was rubbing the bottom of her foot on my leg. My response was pulling my hand free of her shirt and tickling her thigh through her jeans.
She let out a squeal, and kicked her legs. I kept going, loving every second of that angelic laughter. I let up when she had enough.
“Hahahahaha... okay... okay I’m trying to watch this tiger.”
“You’re just too cute sometimes.” I said, leaning in for a kiss.
She sat up and kissed back. “It’s easy when I’m with you.”
I could have spent forever with her just like this, but we both wanted to check out that maze. The tickets didn’t list a closing time, but it would be a lot easier not having to find our way out in the dark.
When we got there, Krista hugged herself and shivered a bit. “This place gives me the creeps. But I guess it’s supposed to huh?”
“You’re with the maze master angel, you’ll be okay.” I took her hand, and we deposited our tickets into a dragon’s mouth. It’s eyes flashed and the wall opened. “Here we go!” I said excitedly.
A lot about this maze was pretty hokey. Puppet skeletons rattled as we passed, walls were adorned with knock off paintings of horror movie icons. There was the occasional ghost noise as well, but there wasn’t much more than that. I’d have us to the center and on our way out in no time.
** (Little did our young lovers know that they were being watched. In the castle at the center inside the control room, two of the staff eyed their every twist and turn.) **
“These kids are pretty good Frankie. *yawn* They’re the last visitors we’re allowing today, I’ll be glad when they’re out.”
“They are good Brian, they shouldn’t be long. Look man, if you want to knock off early, I’ll take care of our guests.”
“You sure Frankie?” The older man stood up, and stretched. It had been a long day and he was sure the rookie could handle it. He just wanted confirmation.
“All right, just make sure they’re out by dark.” He clapped Frankie on the shoulder, and with that, he left.
“Oh yeah old man... I’ll take goood care of these two.” He hissed after Brian was out of earshot. He grabbed a demonic looking mask, and pulled it over his head. Before he left the control room, he flipped a few switches. “Let’s see how you like dead ends.”
“I don’t get it,” I said scratching my head in confusion. “this should have been one of the last turns before we hit the center.
“It’s ok Billy, mistakes happen. Let’s just retrace our step...mmmmph!”
I spun around at the sound of her muffled yelp, fists raised. I felt sick at the sight of some jerk in a red devil mask holding a switchblade to her throat, his hand over her mouth. I had Marco’s trick gun in my back pocket, and the fire gloves in the other,but I couldn’t get to this scum without him hurting her.
“Let her go, this isn’t funny man!” I growled, gritting my teeth. Krista was scared, I could see it in her eyes, if only I hadn’t let her out of my sight.
He came back with a threat of his own. “Call the cops, or anyone, and she dies... walk away and she lives. Either way she’s mine.” There was something oddly familiar about that voice, but I was too angry to sort that out right now.
There was no way I could reach him before he cut her throat, I had to do this his way until I thought of a plan. Banking that he wasn’t watching my hands, I flashed the “I love you” sign to Krista. She blinked twice, I can only hope she’d be ok until I found her.
“Turn around, and don’t try anything. There’s cameras all over the place, I’ll know if you come after me.” He sneered, but there was a cowardly undertone to his voice, as if he were afraid of something.
I obliged and turned around, putting my brain to work. Krista, God bless her, was keeping her cool. I waited until I thought it was safe, and turned around. Since I didn’t hear footsteps down the maze path, there must have been a passage in the wall.
“Hang on angel, I’m coming...” I said out loud, “and he’s going to pay.”
Back in the control room, a trap door in the floor opened. “Get up there bitch, and don’t try anything or I’ll cut you!”
Krista whimpered, but obeyed. Frankie came up after her, then kicked it shut. He then pointed at a bench with stocks at the end. Krista shook her head, until he waved the knife at her.
“Why are you doing this? Who are you?” Krista asked, an angry tone in her voice was replacing her fear. He placed her arms in a cross frame behind her back, she couldn’t pull free. He locked her ankles next, then pulled off his mask.
“Long time no see, I couldn’t believe you were all the way out here.”
“Justin!?” She cried out in disbelief, “How dare you! When I said we were through, I meant it. Now let me g...” She was silenced by the blade near her throat again.
“Now you keep this up and you’re going to ruin our reunion. And don’t think lover boy is going to save you.” He moved to the end of the bench, and started to unlace her shoes. Krista wiggled her feet away from his grip the best she could.
“That trap door is the only way in, and if he’s stupid enough to come looking for you, he’s dead.”
“Bastard! Don’t you hurt him!” Krista spit at Justin, and began to thrash, trying to get free to no avail.
Justin wiped the spit off, then stood up. “You think you’re so hot huh? I’ll show you what hot is.” He wheeled a table over to her, and sat a space heater on top. He flicked the switch, and the soles of Krista’s keds were bathed in a soft red glow.
“You stick son of a... Let me go!” Krista shouted, kicking her legs as much as the stocks would allow. Her feet weren’t getting hot yet, but they would be.
“Such language, did you pick that up from him? He’s trash, I’m not surprised. Now let’s have some fun while you warm up to me a little.” Justin walked behind her, and began tickling her sides as poor Krista screamed with laughter.
“Nnnnnooaaaaa hahahahaha! Stop! Staaaahahahahapppp!” She wailed, Justin was poking at her sides roughly. It tickled, but stung a little.
Back in the maze, Billy was hoping whoever her kidnapper could be, he was too busy to watch the cameras. He felt along the wall, and found the hidden switch. The secret door opened, revealing a ladder down to a series of tunnels.
“Hang on angel, tiger’s coming.” Billy began to run as he prayed that he wasn’t too late.
Krista began to feel heat bloom through the soles of her keds as they got hotter. Her socks and hose wouldn’t offer her much protection as the heat mounted. The only relief she would get would be from asking him to take them off, but that would essentially be an invitation to tickle her more.
Tears began to stream down her cheeks as Justin’s unrelenting tickle hungry hands made their way to her underarms.
End Part One