I think the mood does effect the end result how many times do you find two people wanting to do the same thing, in the same way, at the same time, and to the same degree, and in complete harmony and unison.
Now this could be going for a meal, going to a show, having sex, having a tickle fight, almost anything.
Sometimes actions can influence and change a mood sometimes not.
If the lee has been thinking about you tickling them all day and you have had the same thoughts, you can't wait for the fun to start,sometimes this eager situation will vanish like a damp firework a sort of anticlimax, another time it will explode into a harmonic exctasy of blissful tickling.
Lers look after the lee and the lee will look after you the ler may be dominant and the lee submissive, but you still need to be compatable and on the same wave length to obtain the ultimate goal.
I don't think the mood influences the sense of feeling in the person inso much as a person would not be ticklish, but the mood could and often does effect wither or not the tickle is a good or bad event,in other words their still as ticklish as ever, but the result of the tickling has not brought this to the fore because they are in a worried, sad, or angry mood.
Sometimes the planned events don't go off as well as the suprise on the spurr of the moment impromtu tickles.