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Christina looked herself over in the mirror in her Cancun resort suite. She smiled and liked what she saw as she twirled around. She looked stunning in a small bright red string bikini. She paused and tugged at her swim suit bottom near her right butt cheek. Her perfect round ass did not want to stay covered by the small piece of polyester. She decided a little extra ass wouldn’t be a bad thing and finished her self inspection. Her large perky breasts were barely covered by the triangle bikini top. She pulled at the edges for more side coverage and watched as her breasts softly bounced with the tug.
She was one of the few girls who were blessed with a petite frame but size D breasts. She was proud to not have had an ounce of plastic surgery. Not that she needed it at only 23 years of age. Her shapely chest and rear were contrasted by her thin waist. She stood slightly tall at 5’8” but had always thought it complemented her figure. Her physique had been shaped by being active for most of her life through various sports, her favorite had been soccer. She was muscular but didn’t overdue it. Her legs were long and lean with a flat stomach and muscles only slightly visible beneath her tanned skin. Her light brown hair hung freely down her back, about 2 inches below her shoulders.
She had graduated college with a sales degree and was hired immediately by a wealthy bank CEO to be his “assistant.” It took only a few days before he had started hitting on her and shortly after unsuccessfully tried hooking up with her in his office. Unfortunately for the CEO, Christina’s mom was a lawyer and had quickly set up a sexual assault lawsuit. Christina barely had to speak a word before she had received a check from the company for $250,000.
Before taking the promotion that was also quickly offered, Christina had obviously gone on a few vacations. She was not camera shy and loved posting photos on social media. It wasn’t long before Christina received a few small offers to pose in clothing for small companies. She would have the clothing sent to her and then simply take photos and get to keep the clothing. Eventually she started receiving money offers to promote certain things in her photos. Christina realized that she had a real shot at making a career out of social media.
She decided to turn down the job offer and had instead focused on her social media image. She used the lawsuit money to visit various destinations and spent her time smiling and posing in the sunshine. She had been a bit conservative at first, posting photos mostly clothed and trying to use funny captions and scenery to get attention. She was actually somewhat of a reserved person growing up and had never flaunted herself very much.
Eventually Christina found that her method wasn’t enough to keep up with the other woman who were willing to show more skin. She started wearing crop tops and more revealing outfits and sure enough her “likes” and clothing sponsors increased. Her first big deal was with a swim suit company that supplied dozens of beautiful swim suits along with a small percentage of profits from those suit sales.
She had progressed to where she stood now, wearing a tiny string bikini that barely covered anything. Her full vacation and entire wardrobe for the week had been paid for by various sponsors. The next goal she had set her sights on was to earn a profit from her monthly vacations on top of having them paid for.
Christina grabbed her smart phone and snapped a few photos of herself in different poses. She was trying to edit the lighting when she heard a knock on the door. She ignored the sound and continued editing the photo. The knock came again along with a voice saying “room service.”
Christina rolled her eyes and walked over to the door. She wrapped her sheer cover up around her and looked through the eye hole. She saw a dark skinned woman in her mid 30s wearing the resort’s green colored uniform. She opened the door and the woman greeted her with a smile. The woman opened her mouth to speak but Christina cut her off.
“I don’t need anything right now.” She said flatly. The woman’s smile momentarily fluttered but then plastered back in place. The woman just nodded politely and turned to leave.
Christina shut the door and then suddenly remembered she had wanted a memory foam pillow. She thought about calling the front desk but decided it would be quicker to just ask the worker who had bothered her. She opened her door and looked down the hall to see the woman standing in front of the doorway to the next room.
“Hey!” Christina yelled down the hall. The woman glanced over at her but then looked back at the door. Seriously? Christina thought. “Hello! I need something down here!” She yelled again. The woman looked at her this time with an eye brow raised in annoyance. Christina couldn’t believe it... the lady just came and knocked on her door but now wasn’t going to help her? “Well whenever you are free I need a pillow..... PILL - LOW” she over emphasized loudly.
The worker didn’t respond and turned and said something towards the doorway she was standing at. An older woman stuck her head out the doorway and glanced at Christina.
“Try learning some manners young lady... MAN - NERS.” The old lady scolded.
“Uh... Just put a memory foam pillow in my room please.” Christina said back, a touch embarrassed. She didn’t know the worker had been helping another guest. She thought about apologizing but then decided she didn’t care... she was on vacation! She shut the door and finished editing her photos. She posted two selfies of her posing in the mirror, one smiling and the other making a kissy face. She hadn’t even turned off the app yet when she saw her first “like” appear.
Christina grabbed her beach bag and then slid her size 7 feet into her flip flops. She grabbed her designer sunglasses and then quickly snapped another photo, making a yelling face at the camera. She quickly added a hashtag with the brand name of the free sunglasses and then walked out the door.
The bright sun warmed her skin as she walked along the path to the resort pool. It was almost 10 o clock and most of the resort guests were already out enjoying the sunshine. She walked past a few of the cabanas and saw lingering looks from many of the guests as she walked by. One particular chubby man was harshly elbowed by his wife as she caught him staring a bit too long. Christina turned to look at the man and didn’t try to hide her smile. She got a glaring look in return from the wife.
Christina approached the bar and saw that her partner in crime was already flirting with the bartenders. She had met Lisa at a resort in Jamaica two months ago. The two were the same age and had kicked it off immediately. Lisa had also just graduated college but had no plans to work as her graduation had been her only requirement to stay on her rich father’s payroll. He was a wealthy doctor who owned his own clinic or something. Lisa enjoyed keeping an active social media presence but didn’t rely on it for anything like Christina did. As fun as her own life was, Christina couldn’t help but envy her friend.
“About time you woke up bitch!” Lisa said, already in party mode. She got off her chair and approached Christina with a colored beverage in a clear plastic cup. She was wearing a small black bikini similar to Christina’s. She was a couple inches shorter than Christina and had not been blessed with the same “assets” that Christina had. Lisa was thin due to genetics but had a little bit of party pudge to her. Her jet black hair was cut about shoulder length and was in a pony tail.
Christina took the drink and looked at it trying to figure out what was in it. Lisa was not shy about asking for extra booze in her drinks.
“Don’t ask questions, just drink.” Lisa said and laughed at herself.
“I hope it’s not as strong as whatever you’re having.” Christina took a drink and found it was deliciously fruity. She couldn’t blame Lisa for enjoying it so much.
“Did you hear who is staying at the resort today?” Lisa asked, clearly excited.
“I didn’t, who is it?”
“You are never going to believe it.... this morning they are shooting a scene from the movie ‘Jagged Edge’ like two miles from here.”
Christina immediately recognized the name of the years hottest tv show. Everyone was going crazy over the new series but even more so about the breakout actor. John Dollert was a new actor who had gained fame after a shirtless scene in the opening episode. He quickly turned into one of the most popular people on social media. Everyone in Hollywood was trying to get him on board for their new projects.
“No way Dollert is staying here,” Christina said in disbelief.
“You’re damn right he is!” Lisa relied. “Sergio here is saying that the shoot was supposed to be completed an hour ago. He should be checking in any minute!” The bartender smiled nervously at Lisa and held a finger up to his lips as he looked around. The staff must have been trying to keep it quiet.
They quickly finished their drinks and then grabbed another from Sergio. Lisa bothered Christina for several minutes about being late and needing to catch up so Christina offered to take a shot to make up for it. Sergio mixed a shot up quickly and handed it to Christina. Christina had Lisa take a quick photo of her holding up the shot glass before swallowing it in one gulp. Just like all the other drinks, it tasted delicious and went down smooth.
“Serge you haven’t been holding out on me have you? I think I need one of those!” Lisa exclaimed when she saw Christina lick her lips. Sergio quickly poured another shot and then held it up to Lisa. He was obviously enjoying the company of the attractive girls. Lisa took the glass but then paused for a moment. “I feel like this deserves something special... a body shot!” She turned her gaze to Christina with a playful grin and nodded her head towards the bar table.
“Oh I don’t know about that,” Christina laughed back. Surprisingly she had never had a body shot taken off her. She wasn’t much for the party crowd in her college years but had seen them done before. She looked over at the bar table and thought that it did look pretty clean.
“Oh come on party pooper, Sergio can take a picture of it.” Lisa replied.
Christina thought about this and then sighed as she handed her phone to Sergio. It would make for a good photo, she thought. She turned around and lifted her butt over the edge and sat on the bar table.
“That’s what I’m talking about girl! Are we on vacation or what!!!” Lisa exclaimed. The wide eyed expression of Sergio and a few other workers showed this was clearly not a normal occurrence.
The wooden bar top was warm on Christina’s skin as she pressed her arms down and turned so she was facing the length of the table. She straightened her long tan legs along the table and let her feet dangle off the end. Her bright red toenail polish matched the red flip flops dangling from her toes. She then unlaced her sheer cover up and pulled it apart at her navel, exposing her oval innie belly button. The sheer material didn’t hide much but she felt a bit weird laying on the bar in front of everyone. She left the material lay open a few inches on either side of her bellybutton, feeling that was enough. She barely had moved her hands when Lisa reached forward and pulled the coverup apart, exposing fully her tan upper body and breasts that were busy fighting against the small top.
“What the heck you bitch!” Christina said half annoyed. Sergio fumbled the phone as he stared at the body laying in front of him and nearly dropped it. “Woah watch it please!” Christina barked, concerned about the phone.
“Oh stop it you babe, if I had your body I’d probably be walking around nude all day.” Lisa replied. Christina rolled her eyes and laid all the way down on her back. She turned to look at Sergio who had begun trying to get her midriff in frame.
“Make sure you get myeeeeeeee!” Christina yelped as the colder-than-it-looked liquid was poured in her navel. Her tummy flexed and pulled inward away from the sensation, causing her ribs to protrude. “Wow thanks for the warning.” She watched her tummy quiver and fought back the urge to draw her legs in.
“Ready cameraman?” Lisa asked loudly. Sergio gave a thumbs up and stared intently through the phone.
Christina held her breath and steadied her abs as Lisa lowered her head. She felt a strong tingling sensation as her friends lips touched around her bellybutton. She then felt a sucking feeling as Lisa slurped up the liquid. Christina’s hips jerked in surprise as her friends lips brushed and pulled at her skin. It tickled horribly but Christina fought to stay still.
Lisa sucked in a second time and this time did it more slowly and the tickling intensified, causing giggles to bubble up. Lisa was now playing for the camera and purposely took her time gently sucking on her friends belly button. The sensation became too much to ignore and Christina snorted trying to hold in a burst of giggles. She turned red in embarrassment at the snort and then felt Lisa’s tongue wiggle into her belly button searching for the last bit of liquid.
“Heeeesnnrkhehe ok ok that’s good,” Another snort followed by giggles escaped Christina as her legs jerked to her chest and she clumsily rolled to her side.
“Geeze girl what the hell!” Lisa said as she barely missed getting kneed in the face.
“Sorry... it just felt weird.” Christina replied. Lisa stared at her for a moment then a sly smile appeared on her face.
“Well we better try again I doubt Serge got a good photo.” Lisa replied back.
Christina opened her mouth to object but was cut off.
“Not good! Get off the table! Please Now!”
Christina turned to see the same female worker from her room earlier hurrying towards her. As she looked around she noticed that nearly every guest within eyesight of the bar had been watching them.
“Hey Lady I think Serge has it handled here,” Lisa snapped back. She turned to see Sergio looking down with a sheepish look on his face holding out the phone. Christina took the phone and saw the horrid out of focus photo of a creamy blob on the table.
“Geeze Sergio have you never used a smart phone?” Christina asked. She was beginning to spin around when the woman again scolded her.
“Please Please get down this is not ok.” The woman reached out as if to assist Christina.
“Yes we get it I’m getting down.” Christina said as she leaned away from the worker and hopped off the table. She was still embarrassed from snorting out loud and now realized everyone had heard it. “I don’t suppose you got me my pillow before you ran out here to yell at us?” Christina said, more harshly then she meant.
The worker did not say anything but scowled at Sergio and then stomped away.
“Geeze what is her deal Serge?” Lisa asked sarcastically.
“She is the shift manager, she doesn’t like fun.” Sergio said shrugging his shoulders.
“Well I’m ready for another shot, and we do like fun! How about we let Sergio redeem himself as a photographer.” Lisa said putting her arm around Christina. Sergio poured another two shots and then took a photo of the two of them touching glasses. This one turned out perfect and Christina quickly uploaded it and tagged her friend.
The two then left the bar and started walking towards the beach area. The booze had begun to affect Christina and she forgot about the snorting body shot embarrassment from before. She sipped her drink as she walked and wrapped her arm around Lisa who was cat calling and pointing at an elderly man who looked back in confusion.
Christina was still thinking about the fact that a real celebrity was going to be at the same resort she was staying at. She found him as dreamy as every other girl who was watching the show. She was so busy picturing the shirtless scene in her head that she didn’t realize Lisa was talking.
“I swear this resort has so many old people... it looks nothing like the photos!” Lisa was right, the photos were full of attractive people but in reality they were surrounded by mostly retirement age adults.
“I hope Dollert doesn’t go somewhere else,” Christina said. She thought about the millions of “likes” she could potentially get if she were to get a few pictures with him.
“Hey, where are all the young people in this place?” Lisa had actually drunkenly grabbed one of the passing workers. Christina realized it was the same woman who had just kicked them off the bar and had to cover her mouth while fighting back a chuckle. The woman looked at Lisa in surprise then down at her arm where Lisa was still holding her sleeve. The surprise quickly turned to annoyance as she looked back at them.
“I am sorry miss, we usually do not have large amounts of the party crowd.” The worker said with forced politeness. She glanced over at Christina and her eyes paused for a moment. Christina put her hand down from her mouth and tried smiling politely. Christina saw that her name tag read “Maria.”
“Well geeeeeze talk about false advertising!” Lisa interrupted their awkward eye contact.
“I put your extra pillow in your room ma’am,” Maria said. Christina was hoping the woman wouldn't recognize her but she had obviously made an impression. Christina was going to say thank you when Lisa again interrupted.
“Thank you for doing your job lady, can you go get us a Cabana bed?!”
Christina could tell Maria was getting annoyed by her friend... who was still holding her shirt. She looked down at her arm and Lisa smirked and then let go.
“I would love to, please this way.” Maria said and escorted them to the far side of the beach area. She got about halfway there when she suddenly stopped and almost caused the two to walk into her.
“What the -“ Lisa asked as she spilled what was left of her drink on Maria’s back. “Oh come on!”
Maria turned around and didn’t seem bothered by the spilled drink. She pointed to an empty Cabana that was in between two beds taken up by couples in their 70s.
“Please let me set up this cabana for the two of you.” She said with a small sense of urgency in her voice.
“And how about get us another drink while you are at it!” Lisa snapped.
Christina was too busy looking past the three empty cabanas to an occupied one at the end of the row. There was a younger guy laying in the cabana all by himself. He was wearing sunglasses and a hat but that wasn’t what had caught Christina’s attention. The guy clearly had a chiseled 6 pack that was visible even when he was laying down. Christina felt her heart jump up into her throat as she realized who was laying in the cabana bed.
“Seriously, I can fix the damn towels. Go get me another long island!” Lisa was almost shouting at Maria. The commotion drew the attention of the guy in the cabana and he turned his head. He noticed the two bikini clad girls and then sat up and looked over while tipping his sunglasses down.
There was no doubt in her mind now... it was John Dollert. Christina couldn’t take her eyes off him and reached over and elbowed Lisa. Lisa had been rearranging the towels and turned to look at Christina.
“What,” she said. Lisa followed her gaze and then her jaw dropped. “Oh my god...” Lisa stood up straight and looked harder at the man who was still checking them out. She nudged Christina, “that’s him! Let’s go!”
Before Christina could reply Lisa had grabbed her hand and started towards the lone cabana. They were halted in their tracks as Maria stepped in front of them.
“Please, I have set up this cabana for you here.” She said motioning behind them.
“Are you kidding me? Move our stuff over there.” Lisa said and stepped around her. Maria moved to block her way but stopped when a male voice interjected.
“It’s ok Maria, I could use some company.” John said pleasantly. Maria nodded at him and moved out of their way.
Christina and Lisa walked over like giggling school girls and couldn’t believe who was in front of them. John stood up and almost seemed to be glowing as his chiseled abs and square pecs were in full view.
“Just one rule ladies, no phones.” John said as they got closer. Lisa and Christina both stopped and then turned to see Maria holding out her hand defiantly.
“Are you joking?” Christina asked. Her whole life revolved around her phone. What use was hanging out with him if she didn’t have photos to prove it!
“Don’t worry, you will get them back after I get to know you. It’s my rule, I’m still getting used to all this celebrity stuff.”
Lisa gave her phone to Maria and Christina grabbed her phone out of her bag but held it in her hand. She looked at John’s beautiful face and then at Maria, who almost seemed to be grinning. She reluctantly turned her phone over.
“Well I guess I’ll take another drink as well.” Christina said as Maria turned to walk away. Maria stopped and then after a moment turned and nodded before walking away.
John turned out to be a very nice guy. He was definitely confident, but that was to be expected. Maria did not come back but was replaced by another worker named Alexandria. They definitely made the poor girl work as she was constantly bringing them drinks. He was surprisingly open about sharing details of the show. After a few hours and about half a dozen drinks he had even told them how the show was going to end.
“I’m glad you two showed up, I was afraid I’d have to hang out with these old people all night!” John said as he took another drink. They were now all three laying in the Cabana bed with John in the middle.
Christina tried talking to John about where he grew up and how he got into acting but the conversation seemed to always go back to Lisa raving about how hot he was and how good he was in the show. She was complementing him on his muscles while she felt his flexed bicep.
Christina could tell that Lisa was doing everything in her power to seduce him. She had guided him to play with her breasts and even tried to put a hand under his shorts but was brushed away by John. To Christina’s surprise, despite Lisa’s efforts John seemed more interested in her. She had caught him staring at her chest several times and he had even looked at her as if requesting permission to explore. Christina had just smiled politely and rubbed his leg with her pedicured foot.
Christina had never been one to use her body to get things but she could see John was mostly interested in the physical attention being given to him. Lisa rubbed his chest seductively and Christina realized she needed to do more to keep his interest. She sat up and stretched and purposely aimed her chest at John. It produced the desired result and he turned his gaze to her breasts. He only looked at her for a moment before Lisa literally climbed on top of him and kissed him.
Christina watched this for another moment and considered what was at stake. From what she had seen the two of them were about his only options for the night. Christina wasn’t a virgin and what harm could a one night stand really do? Plus in the morning if she had a chance to get photos with him it would be totally worth it.
Having committed, she lay down beside him and pulled his hand off Lisa’s breast. She pulled the slightly resisting hand towards her stomach and set it on the warm flat skin of her belly. His hand immediately relaxed and he slowly moved his hand around, exploring her midriff. She had worked out for years making sure her abs were perfect and it was paying off. He dipped a finger in her belly button, causing Christina to emit a soft squeak as her midriff slightly twitched. He then ran his hand over to her side and felt the soft contour of her obliques and then her ribs. The light touch along her side tickled more than she was ready for, she clenched her mouth shut but her upperbody softly arched against his touch. He slowed a bit but then ran his hand up her side towards her breasts. He paused and gently slipped a finger under her strap. He hesitated so she grabbed his hand and moved it over her breast.
She was surprised that she had gotten a little excited from the sensation of his hand rubbing her tummy. His hand slipped over her erect nipple and a soft squeak emitted from her mouth. John turned and looked at her as he fingered her nipple. The sensation was amazing and she unconsciously pressed her body into his. Lisa saw what was happening and reached down towards the bulge in his pants.
“Excuse me, this is extremely inappropriate!” Christina was jerked out of her trance and looked up to see Maria standing with a scowl on her face.
“Holy shit lady, are you the fun patrol or what?” Lisa complained.
“I think we need another drink, don’t you guys?” Christina said. She agreed that it was inappropriate but her inebriated state made her not really care. John removed his hands and adjusted his shorts.
“I apologize Maria, you are right. We will behave.” John said with a smile. Maria scowled at them for another few seconds and then turned to go get drinks.
“How about you and me take this back to my room for the evening?” Lisa said playfully.
“What? What about me?” Christina asked, surprised by the sudden betrayal.
“Oh I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Lisa said, staring lustfully at John. To Christina’s dismay she could see John was considering her offer.
Christina ran the scenario through her head and knew the importance of what happened next. Getting photos of her and John could skyrocket her social media profile! She was drunk enough that her idea made too much sense.
She leaned in close to his ear and said softly, “if you take me back to your room right now just the two of us I will let you do WHATEVER you want to me. Right now, I promise this isn’t an offer you’ll get again.”
John turned and looked at her with a surprised look on his face but it was quickly replaced by a hungry one. He grabbed her hand and quickly got up.
“What the hell? What did you say?” Lisa demanded.
“Sorry babe, I think your friend wins tonight.” John said as he grabbed his beach bag.
“At least take me too... I promise you’ll want me there whatever you are doing.” Lisa said almost begging.
“Maybe tomorrow babe.” Was his only response. With that John led Christina past the cabanas and past the pool. Christina turned to look at Lisa’s shocked face as they walked away.
John was strangely silent as they walked into the main resort building and then took the elevator up to the top floor.
“Do you want another drink?” he asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Yes I would,” Christina replied as they arrived at the end of the hallway. She was feeling nervous about what she had just promised so more booze was clearly needed.
John opened the door and led Christina into the presidential suite. Her jaw dropped in amazement at the room. Nearly the entire wall was a window overlooking the ocean and there was a wraparound balcony with a jacuzzi outside. The room was very neat besides a few pieces of luggage. In the middle of the room was a king size four post bed.
She turned just as John was approaching her with shot glasses full of clear liquid which she guessed was vodka. He held one out to her.
“Oh...” she said, a little surprised.
“Figure it would take a while to get a mixed drink.” He said simply.
She took it and after an awkward “cheers” they both took a shot. The shot was very strong and made her cough as it went down. He took the glass from her and set it down on a table next to the bed.
“Just one more thing I need you to do,” John said as he handed her a packet of paper.
“What is this?” Christina asked, looking at what had to be at least 10 pages of fine print.
“It’s called a Mutual Consent Waiver, my agent says I need to have it signed before I have any.... fun.” John explained.
“You want me to sign it?” Christina asked as she flipped through the pages. Each page looked like its own book written in tiny lettering.
“Trust me it’s a bunch of meaningless legal garbage, basically says you are here because you want to be and that you agree to not sue me.”
“Have you read all of this?” Christina asked feeling confused. She tried to read the writing but had a hard time focusing in her tipsy state. She made it a few words but then came across a large word with too many syllables to understand.
“It was explained to me by an attorney. Basically protects me from scam artists who want to try and get money out of situations like this. I’m not trying to trick you, all it says is that you want to be here with me tonight and I didn’t force you to come here. That is what you are signing.”
“Why is it so long?” Christina asked again, not able to shake the uneasy feeling. Her mom had always said that the longer legal documents were, the more important it was to read them completely.
“Look, I told you what it says. You aren’t the first person I’ve had this conversation with. I’ve read through it before and quite honestly I’m not interested in wasting the next 3 hours. I can tell you aren’t totally committed to what you said so I will make it easier. You sign the waiver and hold up your promise and I will go to breakfast with you. You can take a few photos of us if you want.”
Christina perked up when she heard that and almost immediately felt better.
“You have yourself a deal.” She said reluctantly. John handed her a pen and she signed the back page. She handed the papers back to John and he placed them in a folder. He then sat on the huge bed facing her.
“Alright, please take your swim suit off.” John said, leaning back on his elbows.
Christina stood still for a moment caught off guard. Well what did you expect to happen.. a cuddle session? She reached behind her back and felt around until she found a tie and slowly pulled the string. Her perky breasts were exposed as the bikini top fell to the ground at her feet. She looked up to see John looking at her intently. She awkwardly put her hands down at her sides.
“And the bottoms,” he said.
Christina slipped her thumbs under the strings at her hips and slid the bikini bottoms down to her feet. She stood up straight, revealing her shaved pussy.
She watched as John looked her over and then stood up. He couldn’t hid his boyish grin as he walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and led her over to the bed. She crawled on the bed and was directed to lay on her back. She did so and John sat down near her right shoulder. He grabbed her wrist and then pulled it upwards and out, away from her body. She looked over to see what he was doing and then felt a leather strap wrap around her wrist.
“What are you doing!?” Christina jerked her wrist back and bolted into a sitting position. John let go of her wrist and calmly turned to her.
“Let’s not forget the original deal that YOU made here babe. I have a thing for bondage, that’s it. I promise I’m not going to hurt you and it’s just sex. If it’s too much just say so right now and you can leave if you want. You can take me to your friend, something tells me she won’t mind.”
Christina clutched her arm to her naked chest with a shocked look on her face. She had never even had a one night stand before... bondage!??!! No way you are letting him tie you to the bed, she thought in disbelief. This was quickly getting out of hand. She could see an impatient look wash over John’s face. He looked at his watch and then raised his eyebrows at her. You are already sitting on his bed naked... She had come this far already, what a waste to have played along until now for nothing. Just get it over with... she said to herself. She took a deep breath and then held her arm out to him.
“Ok..... but this is it. You’re either in or you’re out. No more complaints.” He said staring at her.
“I’m in.” She said. Christina laid down and closed her eyes, picturing all the millions of likes she was going to get on her photos.
John took her arm and then stretched it out diagonally away from her. She felt the strap again wrap around her wrist and tighten. John then reached over to the corner of the bed and adjusted something. She felt her wrist pulled away from her and stretched almost to the point of being uncomfortable. John did the same thing to her other arm and secured it stretched out away from her body. She realized her arms were both stretched to their limits and she could hardly move them. John moved down to the base of the bed and did the same thing to her ankles. As he tightened each set of straps she was forced into a spread eagle position. The tightening of her ankle straps actually pulled on her arms even more. She then felt him clip something else on her wrists and then move to the top of the bed. He began adjusting something near the top of the bed and her wrists were pulled upwards towards the top of the bed above her head. She felt him pull once more and her wrists were tugged again towards the top of the bed. Her arms were now a few inches away from her ears, pulled above her head and angled out slightly. She tried to adjust herself to be more comfortable but literally couldn’t move an inch.
Christina tugged on her arms and then both legs and realized she was basically immobile. She could wiggle her hands and feet but that was it. Whatever her wrist and ankle straps were tied to had stretched her arms and legs completely taut. She looked down at her naked helpless body and suddenly felt extremely vulnerable. Fuck this... she thought. Lisa probably likes this shit anyways. She turned to tell John that she changed her mind but as she opened her mouth he shoved a ball gag in.
She shook her head no and tried to push the gag out with her tongue but he pushed the straps down on either side of her mouth. She tried yelling but all that came out was a muffled shout.
“Sorry babe, I can’t hear what your saying.” John responded with a grin. He wrapped the straps around her head and fastened them behind her.
John stood up to admire his work. He had to admit, he had been with plenty of models but this one probably had the sexiest body of any of them. He watched as she struggled and mumbled angrily into her gag and couldn’t believe how hot she looked. Her large breasts wobbled around slightly and he could faintly see her ab muscles as she contorted her body trying to get free. Her ribs slightly protruded as she arched her back trying to gain any bit of movement.
“Unfortunately I forgot my blindfold in my limo... I promise I’ll be back.” He said as he turned to walk away. He then paused for a moment and turned and grabbed a folded bed sheet off the floor. He shook the bed cover sheet in the air over the bed and let it settle on her naked body. “Don’t want you freezing on me,” he said winking.
Christina screamed at him through her gag but only muffled noise came out. She watched him grab his hotel key and then open the door and walk out. No FUCKING way! You are NOT leaving me here!!! Christina screamed again into the gag in frustration and slammed her head back onto the bed.
John adjusted his raging erection and then opened the door and walked out. He carefully shut the door behind him and then turned and was almost tackled by Lisa. She shoved him up against the door and grabbed both his hands and pulled them into her bathrobe. He found that she was completely naked underneath. He was already too horny to deal with this and gave in to her breasts as she pressed her lips to his. She reached inside his waistband and squeezed his erection. He let out a gasp as she began stroking him.
“Good I’m glad she couldn’t take care of you... take me in.” Lisa said as she motioned towards the door. He thought about it for a second but decided better of it.
“Take me to your room,” he said back. Lisa grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall.
Christina heard a thud on the door and waited for it to open but it never did. She went back to tugging on her wrist and ankle straps but was getting nowhere. She screamed in muffled frustration again at what she had let happen. How stupid could she be!
She spent the next few minutes switching off from pulling on her arms and legs to trying to reach the straps with her fingers. She could feel the buckles of the straps but couldn’t get enough leverage to move them. Both were hopeless and she still could barely move. Despite how tightly she was bound the padding actually made the straps painless. At least it was warm in the room. She had actually broke a tiny sweat from struggling.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Why would he knock? A few more seconds and there was another knock. This time a familiar voice followed the knock.
“Mr. Dollert I have the young ladies phones.” Maria’s voice came through the door.
Christina’s eyes blew wide open. OH MY GAWD. This is not happening. She thought of what to say but realized she had a gag. Please go away please go away please go away.
“Mr. Dollert?” Maria’s voice was louder this time. Christina realized she was checking to see if anyone was in the room. OMGOMGOMGOMG NONONONONO
Christina heard the sound of the keycard lock opening and the handle turning. She thought about screaming but instead decided to remain silent. She imagined herself sinking into the bed and tried to remain perfectly still... maybe she won’t see me. The sheet was covering all of her except one foot, her hands and her head.
She watched Maria peek her head in and look around quickly. Maria then walked in with the two phones in her hand. She walked over to the end table right by the door and set the phones down. Christina watched her completely still with just her eyes. Maria glanced around and noticed the empty shot glasses and booze bottle. She shook her head and to Christina’s dismay walked over to pick them up. Christina watched as Maria got about halfway across the room and then looked up at the bed and froze.
Christina didn’t know what to do as Maria noticed her bare foot at the end of the bed. She then looked up towards the top of the bed and made eye contact with Christina. Maria’s eyes widened and she quickly looked around the room.
“Mr. Dollert?” She said looking around. She scanned the room and then returned her gaze to the bed. She looked up at Christina’s shocked face and then raised an eyebrow. She clearly remembered the drunk party girl. She noticed the gag and her gaze lingered for another moment.
“My apologies ma’am, I thought the room was empty.” Maria nodded her head and then turned to leave.
Christina realized possibly her last chance to get out of this was walking away. She tried asking Maria to please stop and help her but it came out “mmmphmmphppppmmmpphhhhhphhm.”
Maria turned and glanced back with an annoyed look on her face but continued walking towards the door.
Christina couldn’t take it anymore, she tried to scream “hello I need your help!” But it came out as “MMMMPPHHHHHMMMPHHHHMMPPPPHHHM!” She shook her arms and legs as much as she could under the sheet but only managed to uncover the strap around her ankle.
The angry shout caused Maria to stop and turn around, not bothering to hide her annoyed look. She turned in time to see Christina wiggling her bound hands and feet and then noticed the strap around her ankle. Maria looked at the strap for a second and Christina’s restricted movement and realized the girl was tied to the bed. A surprised chuckle built up inside Maria and now it was her fighting back laughter.
Yes I am tied to the bed, har har har.” Christina thought in slight embarrassment. She opened her eyes wide and wiggled her hands around in a silent plea. Please untie me...
Maria walked to the end of the bed looking intently at the bound foot sticking out from under the sheet. Christina’s tan skin contrasted nicely with her red polish and the slightly lighter soft skin of her soles. Her toes were slender and perfectly shaped.
Christina sighed in relief and allowed herself to relax a little. This is perfect, I’ll tell John she came in and untied me and made me leave.
Maria stopped at the end of the bed and stood silently for a moment before reaching into her pocket. She pulled out some sort of smart pad and clicked on the screen a couple times. She looked up at Christina for a moment and then back down on the pad.
Seriously lady??? Get me out of here, Christina thought as she was getting impatient. She grunted again through her gag at Maria
After about 10 seconds passed the screen lit up and Christina could see that Maria was reading something. She finished what she was reading then looked back up at Christina.
Maria didn’t respond and placed the smartpad back in her pocket. She finally walked over and sat down next to Christina’s bound left foot. She reached down and gently tugged on the ankle straps. About damn time... Christina thought and closed her eyes in relief. She waited a few seconds but didn’t feel the straps loosening. She looked down and saw Maria staring at her foot.
Christina was getting annoyed now and wiggled her foot back and forth and gave a muffled grunt. Maria didn’t respond and then reached out with a finger and scratched the bottom of Christina’s left foot.
Christina’s foot jerked in reaction to the touch. She tried to pull her foot away but the ankle strap held it in place. She stared down at Maria in disbelief. Maria looked up at Christina’s shocked face and a smile creased her lips.
Maria reached out again and this time ran two long nails down the bottom of Christina’s foot. Christina tried to move her foot away but could only manage to swing the top a few inches in any direction. Maria’s fingers followed her twitching foot and continued scratching at her sole. Christina let out a muffled grunt in displeasure as she battled to keep her foot away from the fingers. Christina had noticed that all the workers had pretty looking nails but now realized they had been trimmed into a pointy rounded tip. They sent a jolt of ticklish sensation across her sole every time they made contact.
You’ve got to be kidding me...she can’t seriously be tickling me? She hadn’t been tickled since she was a child but could only remember being deathly ticklish. She thought about her completely naked body and realized her situation was worse than she had thought.
She shook her head back and forth at Maria and tried yelling at the worker to let her out. “Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhehe!” She tried to sound angry but the muffled shout was interrupted by giggles and came out mostly pleading. Maria maintained her same polite smile and then began scratching all her nails repeatedly up and down Christina’s sole.
Christina tugged on her leg with all her might to get away from the nails but the straps held. A flood of muffled giggles burst from her mouth. She shifted her foot side to side but Maria just followed her foot with her scratching nails.
“Mmmmphhheheheheh!” Christina giggled helplessly as Maria attacked her trapped sole. She jerked her leg but again realized she couldn’t move it at all. She resorted to pointing the end of her foot different directions trying to avoid the scratching nails. Maria had no problem following the twerking foot and maintained her contact with the soft skin.
Maria couldn't believe her luck. This young lady had been one of the most rude customers she had dealt with in a while. She had spent the last several years serving spoiled brats and entitled vacationers and barely surviving on pitiful tips. It was a gift too good to pass up to walk in and see this brat bound helplessly to the bed.
She had checked with the other staff and verified that Mr. Dollert was seen entering the room of the other girl. She had positioned a worker there under the guise of asking for drinks when they were done. She was going to teach this young lady some manners and be gone before anyone knew. She figured no one would believe anything this girl said after witnessing her running around drunk at the resort.
The best part was that this girl was obviously very ticklish. Even better, Maria was no stranger to tickling. She grew up in a large family with 7 girls. She was the 4th oldest. She had grown up getting tickle tortured by her big sisters and had learned in almost survival fashion how to be a good tickler. She had tortured her younger sisters into submission many times and gotten so good at it they had grown up like little angels. She almost felt bad for the helpless girl...almost.
Christina had given up on tugging on her leg and could no longer maneuver the top of her foot. Maria had scooted her hip right next to the inside of Christina’s bound foot and then gently placed the palm of her other hand against the outside. Maria continued scratching her nails up and down Christina’s soles and now she couldn’t do anything but lay there.
“Mmmmmphhhehehemmmphahahaha!” Christina laughed helplessly into her gag. Maria danced her fingers up into the soft skin below her toes and this got another shriek followed by muffled laughter. Christina weakly tried pulling her toes away from the nails but Maria gently held her foot still and continued attacking the fresh skin. Christina curled her toes and Maria simply danced her fingers down into the middle of her sole.
Christina let out a loud frustrated moan through the gag followed by a cough and then burst into giggles as she felt the nails go back under her toes. She didn’t know what was worse, the fact that she was completely helpless and Maria was FUCKING TICKLING HER or the fact that the simple tickling was actually driving her crazy. It was so frustrating and unfair that Maria was sitting on the bed simply teasing her with finger nails but the sensation was overwhelming her. The whole situation was messing with her mind and making everything worse.
The tickling stopped and Christina let out a sigh and tried gasping for air around the gag and then through her nose when her breathing slowed. Christina felt Maria’s weight shift and then felt cold air on her right foot as Maria pulled the sheet off her other foot. She looked down at Maria with wide eyes as she snorted through her gag.
Please don’t! I’m sorry I was a bitch but please please don’t tickle me any more! Christina shook her head back and forth desperately with pleading eyes. Maria watched her expression with a pleased look on her face and then started running nails across the sole of her right foot.
“Mmmpphhooooohohahahsha phaahahap!” Christina had regained a little strength and tried tugging on her ankle but sadly realized it was just as immobile as the other one. She maneuvered her foot as best she could away from the tickling fingers but soon Maria had it pinned against her side.
Maria scratched her nails across the heel of Christina’s foot and then up into her arched sole. The heels were ticklish but her soles were definitely worse. Maria stayed there and gracefully ran her nails up and down the trapped soles. Christina rolled her head back and forth laughing, not able to handle the sensations running across her soles.
Maria stayed there for another moment then moved up just under Christina’s slender toes. This was rewarded with a muffled shout and more giggles before Christina curled her toes. Maria moved back down to her soles and smiled as Christina tried pulling her foot away desperately.
Maria moved so she was seated between the two legs while still scratching along her right sole. Christina felt the extra hand leave her foot and began shifting her foot away from the ticking fingers. She was grateful for the small victory and lifted her head up hopeful that the ordeal was going to end. She looked down just in time to see Maria reach down and begin ticking her left foot as well.
“Mphhhmmmphhhahahahaha!” Christina tugged with both her legs and then threw her head back in another frustrated moan that turned to helpless laughter. She weakly tried waving her feet around to get away from Maria’s nails but the woman was easily able to follow the trapped soles and continue her attack.
Maria smiled to herself and almost laughed out loud at the girls feeble attempts to avoid her nails. The poor girl could move the top of her foot slightly but not enough to get away from all of Maria’s fingers. Maria moved down her sole towards her heel and found Christina’s foot was nearly immobile near the heel. She could tickle there without needing to move her hands.
Maria could tell this didn’t tickle quite as much but the fact Christina couldn’t move her heels away made up for it. Maria scratched her nails against the girl’s heels continuously and watched her giggling through the gag. Her eyes were closed in some tiny measure of defiance and she was pressing the side of her head into the bed. She was almost able to fight back her giggles as the tickling was restricted to her heels.
Maria found she was really enjoying this. She had always enjoyed being the bigger sister for sibling tickle sessions but this new sense of power from tickling the helpless girl was something deeper. She slowly moved her tickling fingers upwards away from Christina’s heels onto the bottom of her soles.
“Mmmpheeeehehemhhphhhhehrhe!” Christina choked through the gag as she felt the nails traveling up her foot. The tickling on her heel had almost been bearable but as she felt it move back onto her soles the sensation grew and overcame her again.
The further into her soles Maria got the more frantically the girl’s feet began shifting around. Maria moved up to just below the middle of Christina’s sole and stopped. Christina was waving the ends of her feet around like mad but where the nails had settled her soles only had about an inch of wiggle.
Maria expected the girls feet to be well kept from the obvious concerns over her appearance. She was still surprised at how soft and smooth her feet bottoms were, the girl obviously took good care of them. Maria applied a little more pressure on her nails into the soft flesh and was rewarded with a muffled shriek.
“MMMMPHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEhehehehehehe!” Christina cried. She tugged again at her bondage and couldn't believe they hadn’t loosened at all. She fanned her feet around as much as she could but Maria’s nails continued wiggling into her soft soles. She laid her head down defeated and laughed into the gag.
Maria quickly grabbed the toes of Christina’s left foot and after pressing them back with one hand began tickling the soft skin under her toes. Christina’s body tensed and her head jerked forward as she screamed into the gag.
“MMMPHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNPHhahahaha!” Her leg muscles flexed against the attack desperately trying to pull her foot to safety. Her head remained elevated as she looked at her helpless foot through teary eyes.
OH MY GAWD I SERIOUSLY CANT TAKE THIS!! Why is she doing this to me?!?!? Christina asked herself. She was starting to have a hard time breathing through the gag. She wanted to take a deep breath but Maria moved her fingers and used her new technique to dig her nails into the skin between Christina’s toes.
“HhhhhhppMMMPHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Christina got a small sip of air before she slammed her head back into the mattress and expelled any remaining air in a gale of laughter. Her lungs were actually burning from trying to get air in through the gag.
Maria watched, pleased at the obvious distress of her victim. She saw Christina wheezing through the gag for breath and stopped her attack. She didn’t want the girl to pass out. She was so distracted that she didn’t see the faint light from the screen of her smart pad had been lighting up with notifications.
Christina’s body relaxed and her chest heaved in big breaths of air. She realized she was sweating and felt a couple strands of hair sticking to her forehead. She blinked through her teary eyes and looked down at Maria as she drew in another deep breath. Please.... no more she silently begged through her tears.
“Don’t worry Ma’am I am almost done, I will make sure you get nothing but the highest level of service today.” Maria mocked as she looked at Christina’s other foot.
Christina started whimpering through the gag and shook her head back and forth weakly. She watched helplessly as Maria reached over and grabbed the toes of her right foot and pressed them back.
Nooooo nooooo noooo no more, Christina cried silently as she took a deep breath and held it.
She waited for the nails to touch her skin but instead heard a CLICK followed by the sound of someone fumbling with the door handle.
Maria let go of her foot in shock and glanced down at her smart pad. She saw that she had missed several warnings about Mr. Dollert leaving the other room and making his way back. Oh No, she thought silently cursing herself. She stood up and looked around frantically as the doorknob twisted and opened. She didn’t know what to do so she stood silently at the base of the bed as the door opened.
“Welllll I hope your suuuuprise is assss good as miiiiine.” A slurred female voice said from the other side of the door.
She was one of the few girls who were blessed with a petite frame but size D breasts. She was proud to not have had an ounce of plastic surgery. Not that she needed it at only 23 years of age. Her shapely chest and rear were contrasted by her thin waist. She stood slightly tall at 5’8” but had always thought it complemented her figure. Her physique had been shaped by being active for most of her life through various sports, her favorite had been soccer. She was muscular but didn’t overdue it. Her legs were long and lean with a flat stomach and muscles only slightly visible beneath her tanned skin. Her light brown hair hung freely down her back, about 2 inches below her shoulders.
She had graduated college with a sales degree and was hired immediately by a wealthy bank CEO to be his “assistant.” It took only a few days before he had started hitting on her and shortly after unsuccessfully tried hooking up with her in his office. Unfortunately for the CEO, Christina’s mom was a lawyer and had quickly set up a sexual assault lawsuit. Christina barely had to speak a word before she had received a check from the company for $250,000.
Before taking the promotion that was also quickly offered, Christina had obviously gone on a few vacations. She was not camera shy and loved posting photos on social media. It wasn’t long before Christina received a few small offers to pose in clothing for small companies. She would have the clothing sent to her and then simply take photos and get to keep the clothing. Eventually she started receiving money offers to promote certain things in her photos. Christina realized that she had a real shot at making a career out of social media.
She decided to turn down the job offer and had instead focused on her social media image. She used the lawsuit money to visit various destinations and spent her time smiling and posing in the sunshine. She had been a bit conservative at first, posting photos mostly clothed and trying to use funny captions and scenery to get attention. She was actually somewhat of a reserved person growing up and had never flaunted herself very much.
Eventually Christina found that her method wasn’t enough to keep up with the other woman who were willing to show more skin. She started wearing crop tops and more revealing outfits and sure enough her “likes” and clothing sponsors increased. Her first big deal was with a swim suit company that supplied dozens of beautiful swim suits along with a small percentage of profits from those suit sales.
She had progressed to where she stood now, wearing a tiny string bikini that barely covered anything. Her full vacation and entire wardrobe for the week had been paid for by various sponsors. The next goal she had set her sights on was to earn a profit from her monthly vacations on top of having them paid for.
Christina grabbed her smart phone and snapped a few photos of herself in different poses. She was trying to edit the lighting when she heard a knock on the door. She ignored the sound and continued editing the photo. The knock came again along with a voice saying “room service.”
Christina rolled her eyes and walked over to the door. She wrapped her sheer cover up around her and looked through the eye hole. She saw a dark skinned woman in her mid 30s wearing the resort’s green colored uniform. She opened the door and the woman greeted her with a smile. The woman opened her mouth to speak but Christina cut her off.
“I don’t need anything right now.” She said flatly. The woman’s smile momentarily fluttered but then plastered back in place. The woman just nodded politely and turned to leave.
Christina shut the door and then suddenly remembered she had wanted a memory foam pillow. She thought about calling the front desk but decided it would be quicker to just ask the worker who had bothered her. She opened her door and looked down the hall to see the woman standing in front of the doorway to the next room.
“Hey!” Christina yelled down the hall. The woman glanced over at her but then looked back at the door. Seriously? Christina thought. “Hello! I need something down here!” She yelled again. The woman looked at her this time with an eye brow raised in annoyance. Christina couldn’t believe it... the lady just came and knocked on her door but now wasn’t going to help her? “Well whenever you are free I need a pillow..... PILL - LOW” she over emphasized loudly.
The worker didn’t respond and turned and said something towards the doorway she was standing at. An older woman stuck her head out the doorway and glanced at Christina.
“Try learning some manners young lady... MAN - NERS.” The old lady scolded.
“Uh... Just put a memory foam pillow in my room please.” Christina said back, a touch embarrassed. She didn’t know the worker had been helping another guest. She thought about apologizing but then decided she didn’t care... she was on vacation! She shut the door and finished editing her photos. She posted two selfies of her posing in the mirror, one smiling and the other making a kissy face. She hadn’t even turned off the app yet when she saw her first “like” appear.
Christina grabbed her beach bag and then slid her size 7 feet into her flip flops. She grabbed her designer sunglasses and then quickly snapped another photo, making a yelling face at the camera. She quickly added a hashtag with the brand name of the free sunglasses and then walked out the door.
The bright sun warmed her skin as she walked along the path to the resort pool. It was almost 10 o clock and most of the resort guests were already out enjoying the sunshine. She walked past a few of the cabanas and saw lingering looks from many of the guests as she walked by. One particular chubby man was harshly elbowed by his wife as she caught him staring a bit too long. Christina turned to look at the man and didn’t try to hide her smile. She got a glaring look in return from the wife.
Christina approached the bar and saw that her partner in crime was already flirting with the bartenders. She had met Lisa at a resort in Jamaica two months ago. The two were the same age and had kicked it off immediately. Lisa had also just graduated college but had no plans to work as her graduation had been her only requirement to stay on her rich father’s payroll. He was a wealthy doctor who owned his own clinic or something. Lisa enjoyed keeping an active social media presence but didn’t rely on it for anything like Christina did. As fun as her own life was, Christina couldn’t help but envy her friend.
“About time you woke up bitch!” Lisa said, already in party mode. She got off her chair and approached Christina with a colored beverage in a clear plastic cup. She was wearing a small black bikini similar to Christina’s. She was a couple inches shorter than Christina and had not been blessed with the same “assets” that Christina had. Lisa was thin due to genetics but had a little bit of party pudge to her. Her jet black hair was cut about shoulder length and was in a pony tail.
Christina took the drink and looked at it trying to figure out what was in it. Lisa was not shy about asking for extra booze in her drinks.
“Don’t ask questions, just drink.” Lisa said and laughed at herself.
“I hope it’s not as strong as whatever you’re having.” Christina took a drink and found it was deliciously fruity. She couldn’t blame Lisa for enjoying it so much.
“Did you hear who is staying at the resort today?” Lisa asked, clearly excited.
“I didn’t, who is it?”
“You are never going to believe it.... this morning they are shooting a scene from the movie ‘Jagged Edge’ like two miles from here.”
Christina immediately recognized the name of the years hottest tv show. Everyone was going crazy over the new series but even more so about the breakout actor. John Dollert was a new actor who had gained fame after a shirtless scene in the opening episode. He quickly turned into one of the most popular people on social media. Everyone in Hollywood was trying to get him on board for their new projects.
“No way Dollert is staying here,” Christina said in disbelief.
“You’re damn right he is!” Lisa relied. “Sergio here is saying that the shoot was supposed to be completed an hour ago. He should be checking in any minute!” The bartender smiled nervously at Lisa and held a finger up to his lips as he looked around. The staff must have been trying to keep it quiet.
They quickly finished their drinks and then grabbed another from Sergio. Lisa bothered Christina for several minutes about being late and needing to catch up so Christina offered to take a shot to make up for it. Sergio mixed a shot up quickly and handed it to Christina. Christina had Lisa take a quick photo of her holding up the shot glass before swallowing it in one gulp. Just like all the other drinks, it tasted delicious and went down smooth.
“Serge you haven’t been holding out on me have you? I think I need one of those!” Lisa exclaimed when she saw Christina lick her lips. Sergio quickly poured another shot and then held it up to Lisa. He was obviously enjoying the company of the attractive girls. Lisa took the glass but then paused for a moment. “I feel like this deserves something special... a body shot!” She turned her gaze to Christina with a playful grin and nodded her head towards the bar table.
“Oh I don’t know about that,” Christina laughed back. Surprisingly she had never had a body shot taken off her. She wasn’t much for the party crowd in her college years but had seen them done before. She looked over at the bar table and thought that it did look pretty clean.
“Oh come on party pooper, Sergio can take a picture of it.” Lisa replied.
Christina thought about this and then sighed as she handed her phone to Sergio. It would make for a good photo, she thought. She turned around and lifted her butt over the edge and sat on the bar table.
“That’s what I’m talking about girl! Are we on vacation or what!!!” Lisa exclaimed. The wide eyed expression of Sergio and a few other workers showed this was clearly not a normal occurrence.
The wooden bar top was warm on Christina’s skin as she pressed her arms down and turned so she was facing the length of the table. She straightened her long tan legs along the table and let her feet dangle off the end. Her bright red toenail polish matched the red flip flops dangling from her toes. She then unlaced her sheer cover up and pulled it apart at her navel, exposing her oval innie belly button. The sheer material didn’t hide much but she felt a bit weird laying on the bar in front of everyone. She left the material lay open a few inches on either side of her bellybutton, feeling that was enough. She barely had moved her hands when Lisa reached forward and pulled the coverup apart, exposing fully her tan upper body and breasts that were busy fighting against the small top.
“What the heck you bitch!” Christina said half annoyed. Sergio fumbled the phone as he stared at the body laying in front of him and nearly dropped it. “Woah watch it please!” Christina barked, concerned about the phone.
“Oh stop it you babe, if I had your body I’d probably be walking around nude all day.” Lisa replied. Christina rolled her eyes and laid all the way down on her back. She turned to look at Sergio who had begun trying to get her midriff in frame.
“Make sure you get myeeeeeeee!” Christina yelped as the colder-than-it-looked liquid was poured in her navel. Her tummy flexed and pulled inward away from the sensation, causing her ribs to protrude. “Wow thanks for the warning.” She watched her tummy quiver and fought back the urge to draw her legs in.
“Ready cameraman?” Lisa asked loudly. Sergio gave a thumbs up and stared intently through the phone.
Christina held her breath and steadied her abs as Lisa lowered her head. She felt a strong tingling sensation as her friends lips touched around her bellybutton. She then felt a sucking feeling as Lisa slurped up the liquid. Christina’s hips jerked in surprise as her friends lips brushed and pulled at her skin. It tickled horribly but Christina fought to stay still.
Lisa sucked in a second time and this time did it more slowly and the tickling intensified, causing giggles to bubble up. Lisa was now playing for the camera and purposely took her time gently sucking on her friends belly button. The sensation became too much to ignore and Christina snorted trying to hold in a burst of giggles. She turned red in embarrassment at the snort and then felt Lisa’s tongue wiggle into her belly button searching for the last bit of liquid.
“Heeeesnnrkhehe ok ok that’s good,” Another snort followed by giggles escaped Christina as her legs jerked to her chest and she clumsily rolled to her side.
“Geeze girl what the hell!” Lisa said as she barely missed getting kneed in the face.
“Sorry... it just felt weird.” Christina replied. Lisa stared at her for a moment then a sly smile appeared on her face.
“Well we better try again I doubt Serge got a good photo.” Lisa replied back.
Christina opened her mouth to object but was cut off.
“Not good! Get off the table! Please Now!”
Christina turned to see the same female worker from her room earlier hurrying towards her. As she looked around she noticed that nearly every guest within eyesight of the bar had been watching them.
“Hey Lady I think Serge has it handled here,” Lisa snapped back. She turned to see Sergio looking down with a sheepish look on his face holding out the phone. Christina took the phone and saw the horrid out of focus photo of a creamy blob on the table.
“Geeze Sergio have you never used a smart phone?” Christina asked. She was beginning to spin around when the woman again scolded her.
“Please Please get down this is not ok.” The woman reached out as if to assist Christina.
“Yes we get it I’m getting down.” Christina said as she leaned away from the worker and hopped off the table. She was still embarrassed from snorting out loud and now realized everyone had heard it. “I don’t suppose you got me my pillow before you ran out here to yell at us?” Christina said, more harshly then she meant.
The worker did not say anything but scowled at Sergio and then stomped away.
“Geeze what is her deal Serge?” Lisa asked sarcastically.
“She is the shift manager, she doesn’t like fun.” Sergio said shrugging his shoulders.
“Well I’m ready for another shot, and we do like fun! How about we let Sergio redeem himself as a photographer.” Lisa said putting her arm around Christina. Sergio poured another two shots and then took a photo of the two of them touching glasses. This one turned out perfect and Christina quickly uploaded it and tagged her friend.
The two then left the bar and started walking towards the beach area. The booze had begun to affect Christina and she forgot about the snorting body shot embarrassment from before. She sipped her drink as she walked and wrapped her arm around Lisa who was cat calling and pointing at an elderly man who looked back in confusion.
Christina was still thinking about the fact that a real celebrity was going to be at the same resort she was staying at. She found him as dreamy as every other girl who was watching the show. She was so busy picturing the shirtless scene in her head that she didn’t realize Lisa was talking.
“I swear this resort has so many old people... it looks nothing like the photos!” Lisa was right, the photos were full of attractive people but in reality they were surrounded by mostly retirement age adults.
“I hope Dollert doesn’t go somewhere else,” Christina said. She thought about the millions of “likes” she could potentially get if she were to get a few pictures with him.
“Hey, where are all the young people in this place?” Lisa had actually drunkenly grabbed one of the passing workers. Christina realized it was the same woman who had just kicked them off the bar and had to cover her mouth while fighting back a chuckle. The woman looked at Lisa in surprise then down at her arm where Lisa was still holding her sleeve. The surprise quickly turned to annoyance as she looked back at them.
“I am sorry miss, we usually do not have large amounts of the party crowd.” The worker said with forced politeness. She glanced over at Christina and her eyes paused for a moment. Christina put her hand down from her mouth and tried smiling politely. Christina saw that her name tag read “Maria.”
“Well geeeeeze talk about false advertising!” Lisa interrupted their awkward eye contact.
“I put your extra pillow in your room ma’am,” Maria said. Christina was hoping the woman wouldn't recognize her but she had obviously made an impression. Christina was going to say thank you when Lisa again interrupted.
“Thank you for doing your job lady, can you go get us a Cabana bed?!”
Christina could tell Maria was getting annoyed by her friend... who was still holding her shirt. She looked down at her arm and Lisa smirked and then let go.
“I would love to, please this way.” Maria said and escorted them to the far side of the beach area. She got about halfway there when she suddenly stopped and almost caused the two to walk into her.
“What the -“ Lisa asked as she spilled what was left of her drink on Maria’s back. “Oh come on!”
Maria turned around and didn’t seem bothered by the spilled drink. She pointed to an empty Cabana that was in between two beds taken up by couples in their 70s.
“Please let me set up this cabana for the two of you.” She said with a small sense of urgency in her voice.
“And how about get us another drink while you are at it!” Lisa snapped.
Christina was too busy looking past the three empty cabanas to an occupied one at the end of the row. There was a younger guy laying in the cabana all by himself. He was wearing sunglasses and a hat but that wasn’t what had caught Christina’s attention. The guy clearly had a chiseled 6 pack that was visible even when he was laying down. Christina felt her heart jump up into her throat as she realized who was laying in the cabana bed.
“Seriously, I can fix the damn towels. Go get me another long island!” Lisa was almost shouting at Maria. The commotion drew the attention of the guy in the cabana and he turned his head. He noticed the two bikini clad girls and then sat up and looked over while tipping his sunglasses down.
There was no doubt in her mind now... it was John Dollert. Christina couldn’t take her eyes off him and reached over and elbowed Lisa. Lisa had been rearranging the towels and turned to look at Christina.
“What,” she said. Lisa followed her gaze and then her jaw dropped. “Oh my god...” Lisa stood up straight and looked harder at the man who was still checking them out. She nudged Christina, “that’s him! Let’s go!”
Before Christina could reply Lisa had grabbed her hand and started towards the lone cabana. They were halted in their tracks as Maria stepped in front of them.
“Please, I have set up this cabana for you here.” She said motioning behind them.
“Are you kidding me? Move our stuff over there.” Lisa said and stepped around her. Maria moved to block her way but stopped when a male voice interjected.
“It’s ok Maria, I could use some company.” John said pleasantly. Maria nodded at him and moved out of their way.
Christina and Lisa walked over like giggling school girls and couldn’t believe who was in front of them. John stood up and almost seemed to be glowing as his chiseled abs and square pecs were in full view.
“Just one rule ladies, no phones.” John said as they got closer. Lisa and Christina both stopped and then turned to see Maria holding out her hand defiantly.
“Are you joking?” Christina asked. Her whole life revolved around her phone. What use was hanging out with him if she didn’t have photos to prove it!
“Don’t worry, you will get them back after I get to know you. It’s my rule, I’m still getting used to all this celebrity stuff.”
Lisa gave her phone to Maria and Christina grabbed her phone out of her bag but held it in her hand. She looked at John’s beautiful face and then at Maria, who almost seemed to be grinning. She reluctantly turned her phone over.
“Well I guess I’ll take another drink as well.” Christina said as Maria turned to walk away. Maria stopped and then after a moment turned and nodded before walking away.
John turned out to be a very nice guy. He was definitely confident, but that was to be expected. Maria did not come back but was replaced by another worker named Alexandria. They definitely made the poor girl work as she was constantly bringing them drinks. He was surprisingly open about sharing details of the show. After a few hours and about half a dozen drinks he had even told them how the show was going to end.
“I’m glad you two showed up, I was afraid I’d have to hang out with these old people all night!” John said as he took another drink. They were now all three laying in the Cabana bed with John in the middle.
Christina tried talking to John about where he grew up and how he got into acting but the conversation seemed to always go back to Lisa raving about how hot he was and how good he was in the show. She was complementing him on his muscles while she felt his flexed bicep.
Christina could tell that Lisa was doing everything in her power to seduce him. She had guided him to play with her breasts and even tried to put a hand under his shorts but was brushed away by John. To Christina’s surprise, despite Lisa’s efforts John seemed more interested in her. She had caught him staring at her chest several times and he had even looked at her as if requesting permission to explore. Christina had just smiled politely and rubbed his leg with her pedicured foot.
Christina had never been one to use her body to get things but she could see John was mostly interested in the physical attention being given to him. Lisa rubbed his chest seductively and Christina realized she needed to do more to keep his interest. She sat up and stretched and purposely aimed her chest at John. It produced the desired result and he turned his gaze to her breasts. He only looked at her for a moment before Lisa literally climbed on top of him and kissed him.
Christina watched this for another moment and considered what was at stake. From what she had seen the two of them were about his only options for the night. Christina wasn’t a virgin and what harm could a one night stand really do? Plus in the morning if she had a chance to get photos with him it would be totally worth it.
Having committed, she lay down beside him and pulled his hand off Lisa’s breast. She pulled the slightly resisting hand towards her stomach and set it on the warm flat skin of her belly. His hand immediately relaxed and he slowly moved his hand around, exploring her midriff. She had worked out for years making sure her abs were perfect and it was paying off. He dipped a finger in her belly button, causing Christina to emit a soft squeak as her midriff slightly twitched. He then ran his hand over to her side and felt the soft contour of her obliques and then her ribs. The light touch along her side tickled more than she was ready for, she clenched her mouth shut but her upperbody softly arched against his touch. He slowed a bit but then ran his hand up her side towards her breasts. He paused and gently slipped a finger under her strap. He hesitated so she grabbed his hand and moved it over her breast.
She was surprised that she had gotten a little excited from the sensation of his hand rubbing her tummy. His hand slipped over her erect nipple and a soft squeak emitted from her mouth. John turned and looked at her as he fingered her nipple. The sensation was amazing and she unconsciously pressed her body into his. Lisa saw what was happening and reached down towards the bulge in his pants.
“Excuse me, this is extremely inappropriate!” Christina was jerked out of her trance and looked up to see Maria standing with a scowl on her face.
“Holy shit lady, are you the fun patrol or what?” Lisa complained.
“I think we need another drink, don’t you guys?” Christina said. She agreed that it was inappropriate but her inebriated state made her not really care. John removed his hands and adjusted his shorts.
“I apologize Maria, you are right. We will behave.” John said with a smile. Maria scowled at them for another few seconds and then turned to go get drinks.
“How about you and me take this back to my room for the evening?” Lisa said playfully.
“What? What about me?” Christina asked, surprised by the sudden betrayal.
“Oh I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Lisa said, staring lustfully at John. To Christina’s dismay she could see John was considering her offer.
Christina ran the scenario through her head and knew the importance of what happened next. Getting photos of her and John could skyrocket her social media profile! She was drunk enough that her idea made too much sense.
She leaned in close to his ear and said softly, “if you take me back to your room right now just the two of us I will let you do WHATEVER you want to me. Right now, I promise this isn’t an offer you’ll get again.”
John turned and looked at her with a surprised look on his face but it was quickly replaced by a hungry one. He grabbed her hand and quickly got up.
“What the hell? What did you say?” Lisa demanded.
“Sorry babe, I think your friend wins tonight.” John said as he grabbed his beach bag.
“At least take me too... I promise you’ll want me there whatever you are doing.” Lisa said almost begging.
“Maybe tomorrow babe.” Was his only response. With that John led Christina past the cabanas and past the pool. Christina turned to look at Lisa’s shocked face as they walked away.
John was strangely silent as they walked into the main resort building and then took the elevator up to the top floor.
“Do you want another drink?” he asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Yes I would,” Christina replied as they arrived at the end of the hallway. She was feeling nervous about what she had just promised so more booze was clearly needed.
John opened the door and led Christina into the presidential suite. Her jaw dropped in amazement at the room. Nearly the entire wall was a window overlooking the ocean and there was a wraparound balcony with a jacuzzi outside. The room was very neat besides a few pieces of luggage. In the middle of the room was a king size four post bed.
She turned just as John was approaching her with shot glasses full of clear liquid which she guessed was vodka. He held one out to her.
“Oh...” she said, a little surprised.
“Figure it would take a while to get a mixed drink.” He said simply.
She took it and after an awkward “cheers” they both took a shot. The shot was very strong and made her cough as it went down. He took the glass from her and set it down on a table next to the bed.
“Just one more thing I need you to do,” John said as he handed her a packet of paper.
“What is this?” Christina asked, looking at what had to be at least 10 pages of fine print.
“It’s called a Mutual Consent Waiver, my agent says I need to have it signed before I have any.... fun.” John explained.
“You want me to sign it?” Christina asked as she flipped through the pages. Each page looked like its own book written in tiny lettering.
“Trust me it’s a bunch of meaningless legal garbage, basically says you are here because you want to be and that you agree to not sue me.”
“Have you read all of this?” Christina asked feeling confused. She tried to read the writing but had a hard time focusing in her tipsy state. She made it a few words but then came across a large word with too many syllables to understand.
“It was explained to me by an attorney. Basically protects me from scam artists who want to try and get money out of situations like this. I’m not trying to trick you, all it says is that you want to be here with me tonight and I didn’t force you to come here. That is what you are signing.”
“Why is it so long?” Christina asked again, not able to shake the uneasy feeling. Her mom had always said that the longer legal documents were, the more important it was to read them completely.
“Look, I told you what it says. You aren’t the first person I’ve had this conversation with. I’ve read through it before and quite honestly I’m not interested in wasting the next 3 hours. I can tell you aren’t totally committed to what you said so I will make it easier. You sign the waiver and hold up your promise and I will go to breakfast with you. You can take a few photos of us if you want.”
Christina perked up when she heard that and almost immediately felt better.
“You have yourself a deal.” She said reluctantly. John handed her a pen and she signed the back page. She handed the papers back to John and he placed them in a folder. He then sat on the huge bed facing her.
“Alright, please take your swim suit off.” John said, leaning back on his elbows.
Christina stood still for a moment caught off guard. Well what did you expect to happen.. a cuddle session? She reached behind her back and felt around until she found a tie and slowly pulled the string. Her perky breasts were exposed as the bikini top fell to the ground at her feet. She looked up to see John looking at her intently. She awkwardly put her hands down at her sides.
“And the bottoms,” he said.
Christina slipped her thumbs under the strings at her hips and slid the bikini bottoms down to her feet. She stood up straight, revealing her shaved pussy.
She watched as John looked her over and then stood up. He couldn’t hid his boyish grin as he walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and led her over to the bed. She crawled on the bed and was directed to lay on her back. She did so and John sat down near her right shoulder. He grabbed her wrist and then pulled it upwards and out, away from her body. She looked over to see what he was doing and then felt a leather strap wrap around her wrist.
“What are you doing!?” Christina jerked her wrist back and bolted into a sitting position. John let go of her wrist and calmly turned to her.
“Let’s not forget the original deal that YOU made here babe. I have a thing for bondage, that’s it. I promise I’m not going to hurt you and it’s just sex. If it’s too much just say so right now and you can leave if you want. You can take me to your friend, something tells me she won’t mind.”
Christina clutched her arm to her naked chest with a shocked look on her face. She had never even had a one night stand before... bondage!??!! No way you are letting him tie you to the bed, she thought in disbelief. This was quickly getting out of hand. She could see an impatient look wash over John’s face. He looked at his watch and then raised his eyebrows at her. You are already sitting on his bed naked... She had come this far already, what a waste to have played along until now for nothing. Just get it over with... she said to herself. She took a deep breath and then held her arm out to him.
“Ok..... but this is it. You’re either in or you’re out. No more complaints.” He said staring at her.
“I’m in.” She said. Christina laid down and closed her eyes, picturing all the millions of likes she was going to get on her photos.
John took her arm and then stretched it out diagonally away from her. She felt the strap again wrap around her wrist and tighten. John then reached over to the corner of the bed and adjusted something. She felt her wrist pulled away from her and stretched almost to the point of being uncomfortable. John did the same thing to her other arm and secured it stretched out away from her body. She realized her arms were both stretched to their limits and she could hardly move them. John moved down to the base of the bed and did the same thing to her ankles. As he tightened each set of straps she was forced into a spread eagle position. The tightening of her ankle straps actually pulled on her arms even more. She then felt him clip something else on her wrists and then move to the top of the bed. He began adjusting something near the top of the bed and her wrists were pulled upwards towards the top of the bed above her head. She felt him pull once more and her wrists were tugged again towards the top of the bed. Her arms were now a few inches away from her ears, pulled above her head and angled out slightly. She tried to adjust herself to be more comfortable but literally couldn’t move an inch.
Christina tugged on her arms and then both legs and realized she was basically immobile. She could wiggle her hands and feet but that was it. Whatever her wrist and ankle straps were tied to had stretched her arms and legs completely taut. She looked down at her naked helpless body and suddenly felt extremely vulnerable. Fuck this... she thought. Lisa probably likes this shit anyways. She turned to tell John that she changed her mind but as she opened her mouth he shoved a ball gag in.
She shook her head no and tried to push the gag out with her tongue but he pushed the straps down on either side of her mouth. She tried yelling but all that came out was a muffled shout.
“Sorry babe, I can’t hear what your saying.” John responded with a grin. He wrapped the straps around her head and fastened them behind her.
John stood up to admire his work. He had to admit, he had been with plenty of models but this one probably had the sexiest body of any of them. He watched as she struggled and mumbled angrily into her gag and couldn’t believe how hot she looked. Her large breasts wobbled around slightly and he could faintly see her ab muscles as she contorted her body trying to get free. Her ribs slightly protruded as she arched her back trying to gain any bit of movement.
“Unfortunately I forgot my blindfold in my limo... I promise I’ll be back.” He said as he turned to walk away. He then paused for a moment and turned and grabbed a folded bed sheet off the floor. He shook the bed cover sheet in the air over the bed and let it settle on her naked body. “Don’t want you freezing on me,” he said winking.
Christina screamed at him through her gag but only muffled noise came out. She watched him grab his hotel key and then open the door and walk out. No FUCKING way! You are NOT leaving me here!!! Christina screamed again into the gag in frustration and slammed her head back onto the bed.
John adjusted his raging erection and then opened the door and walked out. He carefully shut the door behind him and then turned and was almost tackled by Lisa. She shoved him up against the door and grabbed both his hands and pulled them into her bathrobe. He found that she was completely naked underneath. He was already too horny to deal with this and gave in to her breasts as she pressed her lips to his. She reached inside his waistband and squeezed his erection. He let out a gasp as she began stroking him.
“Good I’m glad she couldn’t take care of you... take me in.” Lisa said as she motioned towards the door. He thought about it for a second but decided better of it.
“Take me to your room,” he said back. Lisa grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall.
Christina heard a thud on the door and waited for it to open but it never did. She went back to tugging on her wrist and ankle straps but was getting nowhere. She screamed in muffled frustration again at what she had let happen. How stupid could she be!
She spent the next few minutes switching off from pulling on her arms and legs to trying to reach the straps with her fingers. She could feel the buckles of the straps but couldn’t get enough leverage to move them. Both were hopeless and she still could barely move. Despite how tightly she was bound the padding actually made the straps painless. At least it was warm in the room. She had actually broke a tiny sweat from struggling.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Why would he knock? A few more seconds and there was another knock. This time a familiar voice followed the knock.
“Mr. Dollert I have the young ladies phones.” Maria’s voice came through the door.
Christina’s eyes blew wide open. OH MY GAWD. This is not happening. She thought of what to say but realized she had a gag. Please go away please go away please go away.
“Mr. Dollert?” Maria’s voice was louder this time. Christina realized she was checking to see if anyone was in the room. OMGOMGOMGOMG NONONONONO
Christina heard the sound of the keycard lock opening and the handle turning. She thought about screaming but instead decided to remain silent. She imagined herself sinking into the bed and tried to remain perfectly still... maybe she won’t see me. The sheet was covering all of her except one foot, her hands and her head.
She watched Maria peek her head in and look around quickly. Maria then walked in with the two phones in her hand. She walked over to the end table right by the door and set the phones down. Christina watched her completely still with just her eyes. Maria glanced around and noticed the empty shot glasses and booze bottle. She shook her head and to Christina’s dismay walked over to pick them up. Christina watched as Maria got about halfway across the room and then looked up at the bed and froze.
Christina didn’t know what to do as Maria noticed her bare foot at the end of the bed. She then looked up towards the top of the bed and made eye contact with Christina. Maria’s eyes widened and she quickly looked around the room.
“Mr. Dollert?” She said looking around. She scanned the room and then returned her gaze to the bed. She looked up at Christina’s shocked face and then raised an eyebrow. She clearly remembered the drunk party girl. She noticed the gag and her gaze lingered for another moment.
“My apologies ma’am, I thought the room was empty.” Maria nodded her head and then turned to leave.
Christina realized possibly her last chance to get out of this was walking away. She tried asking Maria to please stop and help her but it came out “mmmphmmphppppmmmpphhhhhphhm.”
Maria turned and glanced back with an annoyed look on her face but continued walking towards the door.
Christina couldn’t take it anymore, she tried to scream “hello I need your help!” But it came out as “MMMMPPHHHHHMMMPHHHHMMPPPPHHHM!” She shook her arms and legs as much as she could under the sheet but only managed to uncover the strap around her ankle.
The angry shout caused Maria to stop and turn around, not bothering to hide her annoyed look. She turned in time to see Christina wiggling her bound hands and feet and then noticed the strap around her ankle. Maria looked at the strap for a second and Christina’s restricted movement and realized the girl was tied to the bed. A surprised chuckle built up inside Maria and now it was her fighting back laughter.
Yes I am tied to the bed, har har har.” Christina thought in slight embarrassment. She opened her eyes wide and wiggled her hands around in a silent plea. Please untie me...
Maria walked to the end of the bed looking intently at the bound foot sticking out from under the sheet. Christina’s tan skin contrasted nicely with her red polish and the slightly lighter soft skin of her soles. Her toes were slender and perfectly shaped.
Christina sighed in relief and allowed herself to relax a little. This is perfect, I’ll tell John she came in and untied me and made me leave.
Maria stopped at the end of the bed and stood silently for a moment before reaching into her pocket. She pulled out some sort of smart pad and clicked on the screen a couple times. She looked up at Christina for a moment and then back down on the pad.
Seriously lady??? Get me out of here, Christina thought as she was getting impatient. She grunted again through her gag at Maria
After about 10 seconds passed the screen lit up and Christina could see that Maria was reading something. She finished what she was reading then looked back up at Christina.
Maria didn’t respond and placed the smartpad back in her pocket. She finally walked over and sat down next to Christina’s bound left foot. She reached down and gently tugged on the ankle straps. About damn time... Christina thought and closed her eyes in relief. She waited a few seconds but didn’t feel the straps loosening. She looked down and saw Maria staring at her foot.
Christina was getting annoyed now and wiggled her foot back and forth and gave a muffled grunt. Maria didn’t respond and then reached out with a finger and scratched the bottom of Christina’s left foot.
Christina’s foot jerked in reaction to the touch. She tried to pull her foot away but the ankle strap held it in place. She stared down at Maria in disbelief. Maria looked up at Christina’s shocked face and a smile creased her lips.
Maria reached out again and this time ran two long nails down the bottom of Christina’s foot. Christina tried to move her foot away but could only manage to swing the top a few inches in any direction. Maria’s fingers followed her twitching foot and continued scratching at her sole. Christina let out a muffled grunt in displeasure as she battled to keep her foot away from the fingers. Christina had noticed that all the workers had pretty looking nails but now realized they had been trimmed into a pointy rounded tip. They sent a jolt of ticklish sensation across her sole every time they made contact.
You’ve got to be kidding me...she can’t seriously be tickling me? She hadn’t been tickled since she was a child but could only remember being deathly ticklish. She thought about her completely naked body and realized her situation was worse than she had thought.
She shook her head back and forth at Maria and tried yelling at the worker to let her out. “Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhehe!” She tried to sound angry but the muffled shout was interrupted by giggles and came out mostly pleading. Maria maintained her same polite smile and then began scratching all her nails repeatedly up and down Christina’s sole.
Christina tugged on her leg with all her might to get away from the nails but the straps held. A flood of muffled giggles burst from her mouth. She shifted her foot side to side but Maria just followed her foot with her scratching nails.
“Mmmmphhheheheheh!” Christina giggled helplessly as Maria attacked her trapped sole. She jerked her leg but again realized she couldn’t move it at all. She resorted to pointing the end of her foot different directions trying to avoid the scratching nails. Maria had no problem following the twerking foot and maintained her contact with the soft skin.
Maria couldn't believe her luck. This young lady had been one of the most rude customers she had dealt with in a while. She had spent the last several years serving spoiled brats and entitled vacationers and barely surviving on pitiful tips. It was a gift too good to pass up to walk in and see this brat bound helplessly to the bed.
She had checked with the other staff and verified that Mr. Dollert was seen entering the room of the other girl. She had positioned a worker there under the guise of asking for drinks when they were done. She was going to teach this young lady some manners and be gone before anyone knew. She figured no one would believe anything this girl said after witnessing her running around drunk at the resort.
The best part was that this girl was obviously very ticklish. Even better, Maria was no stranger to tickling. She grew up in a large family with 7 girls. She was the 4th oldest. She had grown up getting tickle tortured by her big sisters and had learned in almost survival fashion how to be a good tickler. She had tortured her younger sisters into submission many times and gotten so good at it they had grown up like little angels. She almost felt bad for the helpless girl...almost.
Christina had given up on tugging on her leg and could no longer maneuver the top of her foot. Maria had scooted her hip right next to the inside of Christina’s bound foot and then gently placed the palm of her other hand against the outside. Maria continued scratching her nails up and down Christina’s soles and now she couldn’t do anything but lay there.
“Mmmmmphhhehehemmmphahahaha!” Christina laughed helplessly into her gag. Maria danced her fingers up into the soft skin below her toes and this got another shriek followed by muffled laughter. Christina weakly tried pulling her toes away from the nails but Maria gently held her foot still and continued attacking the fresh skin. Christina curled her toes and Maria simply danced her fingers down into the middle of her sole.
Christina let out a loud frustrated moan through the gag followed by a cough and then burst into giggles as she felt the nails go back under her toes. She didn’t know what was worse, the fact that she was completely helpless and Maria was FUCKING TICKLING HER or the fact that the simple tickling was actually driving her crazy. It was so frustrating and unfair that Maria was sitting on the bed simply teasing her with finger nails but the sensation was overwhelming her. The whole situation was messing with her mind and making everything worse.
The tickling stopped and Christina let out a sigh and tried gasping for air around the gag and then through her nose when her breathing slowed. Christina felt Maria’s weight shift and then felt cold air on her right foot as Maria pulled the sheet off her other foot. She looked down at Maria with wide eyes as she snorted through her gag.
Please don’t! I’m sorry I was a bitch but please please don’t tickle me any more! Christina shook her head back and forth desperately with pleading eyes. Maria watched her expression with a pleased look on her face and then started running nails across the sole of her right foot.
“Mmmpphhooooohohahahsha phaahahap!” Christina had regained a little strength and tried tugging on her ankle but sadly realized it was just as immobile as the other one. She maneuvered her foot as best she could away from the tickling fingers but soon Maria had it pinned against her side.
Maria scratched her nails across the heel of Christina’s foot and then up into her arched sole. The heels were ticklish but her soles were definitely worse. Maria stayed there and gracefully ran her nails up and down the trapped soles. Christina rolled her head back and forth laughing, not able to handle the sensations running across her soles.
Maria stayed there for another moment then moved up just under Christina’s slender toes. This was rewarded with a muffled shout and more giggles before Christina curled her toes. Maria moved back down to her soles and smiled as Christina tried pulling her foot away desperately.
Maria moved so she was seated between the two legs while still scratching along her right sole. Christina felt the extra hand leave her foot and began shifting her foot away from the ticking fingers. She was grateful for the small victory and lifted her head up hopeful that the ordeal was going to end. She looked down just in time to see Maria reach down and begin ticking her left foot as well.
“Mphhhmmmphhhahahahaha!” Christina tugged with both her legs and then threw her head back in another frustrated moan that turned to helpless laughter. She weakly tried waving her feet around to get away from Maria’s nails but the woman was easily able to follow the trapped soles and continue her attack.
Maria smiled to herself and almost laughed out loud at the girls feeble attempts to avoid her nails. The poor girl could move the top of her foot slightly but not enough to get away from all of Maria’s fingers. Maria moved down her sole towards her heel and found Christina’s foot was nearly immobile near the heel. She could tickle there without needing to move her hands.
Maria could tell this didn’t tickle quite as much but the fact Christina couldn’t move her heels away made up for it. Maria scratched her nails against the girl’s heels continuously and watched her giggling through the gag. Her eyes were closed in some tiny measure of defiance and she was pressing the side of her head into the bed. She was almost able to fight back her giggles as the tickling was restricted to her heels.
Maria found she was really enjoying this. She had always enjoyed being the bigger sister for sibling tickle sessions but this new sense of power from tickling the helpless girl was something deeper. She slowly moved her tickling fingers upwards away from Christina’s heels onto the bottom of her soles.
“Mmmpheeeehehemhhphhhhehrhe!” Christina choked through the gag as she felt the nails traveling up her foot. The tickling on her heel had almost been bearable but as she felt it move back onto her soles the sensation grew and overcame her again.
The further into her soles Maria got the more frantically the girl’s feet began shifting around. Maria moved up to just below the middle of Christina’s sole and stopped. Christina was waving the ends of her feet around like mad but where the nails had settled her soles only had about an inch of wiggle.
Maria expected the girls feet to be well kept from the obvious concerns over her appearance. She was still surprised at how soft and smooth her feet bottoms were, the girl obviously took good care of them. Maria applied a little more pressure on her nails into the soft flesh and was rewarded with a muffled shriek.
“MMMMPHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEhehehehehehe!” Christina cried. She tugged again at her bondage and couldn't believe they hadn’t loosened at all. She fanned her feet around as much as she could but Maria’s nails continued wiggling into her soft soles. She laid her head down defeated and laughed into the gag.
Maria quickly grabbed the toes of Christina’s left foot and after pressing them back with one hand began tickling the soft skin under her toes. Christina’s body tensed and her head jerked forward as she screamed into the gag.
“MMMPHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNPHhahahaha!” Her leg muscles flexed against the attack desperately trying to pull her foot to safety. Her head remained elevated as she looked at her helpless foot through teary eyes.
OH MY GAWD I SERIOUSLY CANT TAKE THIS!! Why is she doing this to me?!?!? Christina asked herself. She was starting to have a hard time breathing through the gag. She wanted to take a deep breath but Maria moved her fingers and used her new technique to dig her nails into the skin between Christina’s toes.
“HhhhhhppMMMPHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Christina got a small sip of air before she slammed her head back into the mattress and expelled any remaining air in a gale of laughter. Her lungs were actually burning from trying to get air in through the gag.
Maria watched, pleased at the obvious distress of her victim. She saw Christina wheezing through the gag for breath and stopped her attack. She didn’t want the girl to pass out. She was so distracted that she didn’t see the faint light from the screen of her smart pad had been lighting up with notifications.
Christina’s body relaxed and her chest heaved in big breaths of air. She realized she was sweating and felt a couple strands of hair sticking to her forehead. She blinked through her teary eyes and looked down at Maria as she drew in another deep breath. Please.... no more she silently begged through her tears.
“Don’t worry Ma’am I am almost done, I will make sure you get nothing but the highest level of service today.” Maria mocked as she looked at Christina’s other foot.
Christina started whimpering through the gag and shook her head back and forth weakly. She watched helplessly as Maria reached over and grabbed the toes of her right foot and pressed them back.
Nooooo nooooo noooo no more, Christina cried silently as she took a deep breath and held it.
She waited for the nails to touch her skin but instead heard a CLICK followed by the sound of someone fumbling with the door handle.
Maria let go of her foot in shock and glanced down at her smart pad. She saw that she had missed several warnings about Mr. Dollert leaving the other room and making his way back. Oh No, she thought silently cursing herself. She stood up and looked around frantically as the doorknob twisted and opened. She didn’t know what to do so she stood silently at the base of the bed as the door opened.
“Welllll I hope your suuuuprise is assss good as miiiiine.” A slurred female voice said from the other side of the door.
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