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THE TALE OF SIR RICHARD AND LADY KATHERINE an erotic, medieval romance tale m/f


1st Level Red Feather
Oct 25, 2002
As a nod to my screen name, and my love of Arthurian literature, here's my latest story. It's a little light on the tickling, but heavy on romance. And by that I mean classic romance; knightly deeds, quests, righting wrongs. This story isn't based in any real historical era. It's more along the lines of Aurthurian myth. Enjoy!

by Knight


It was the 26th year of the reign of King Ballor. Ballor was a fair, just king. Under his stewardship, his realm had enjoyed a generation of prosperity unmatched in its historical chronicles. There were battles, and even wars, but Ballor was wise and cunning, and always he protected his people; always he kept his realm’s enemies at bay. His legion of knights were well trained, and were symbols of Ballor’s devotion to his people’s well being.

Even Ballor and his knights could not stave off disaster. Five years past, a plague had struck the realm. Eventually it ran its course, but not before claiming the lives of hundreds of people, including Ballor’s beloved queen, Evelyn. Ballor, and his people, had been devastated by her loss, for the queen was kind, gentle, and well loved. A heaviness had settled over the land. But over the last year, joy began to creep back into the kingdom. Winter had been mild and wet, and as a result, the early spring crops had been bountiful.. The summer crops promised to be even more plentiful. The sound of newborns multiplied. Even Ballor had begun to smile and laugh more. One day, Ballor made it known that he was thinking of taking a wife again. His people rejoiced to hear the news. They had all loved the queen, but their king had been melancholy these five years past, and the thought of joy returning to his life filled his people with hope for the future. Naturally, many of the lords of the land offered the hands of their daughters to the king; hoping to build a relationship with the king. Ballor, however, was looking for a woman he could love, and a woman who would love him - not as a king, but as a man. He knew that it could take a long time, but Ballor was patient. Although one maiden had caught his eye: the Lady Katherine.

Katherine was the daughter of Lord James of Willow Downs, a land located on the eastern edge of the realm. James and Ballor were old friends; James had fought at Ballor’s side in many battles. Thus, James and his family were frequent visitors of the king. James still provided valuable council and friendship to the king. Katherine was well known and liked in Ballor’s court, and many of the ladies commented as she grew that she would be a beautiful young woman. They were right. Katherine was slender and strong - one needed to be because life in the east was rugged. But as she grew, the lean muscles of her girlhood changed to the lithe, shapely figure she possessed now. Her skin was fair, her hair long and golden. Her eyes were her most striking feature; they were emerald green. As she entered her womanhood, she had caught the eye and attention of many of the men, both in her homeland, and in Ballor’s court. But the eye she caught first and foremost was that of Richard.

Richard was one of Ballor’s most loyal knights. He had been brought to Ballor’s court as a small boy; his family were weavers, and had been killed in a border skirmish. Richard was raised in Ballor’s court. He had started working in the kitchens, and as he grew older, he spent years in the stables tending to the horses. Richard showed a real knack with horses. One day, Stephen, Ballor’s first knight, decided to train Richard as his squire. Richard took to the training like a fish to water. The scrawny lad he had been grew quickly into a warrior. Richard’s dark brown eyes were quick and sharp. His hair was jet black. His scrawny frame grew into a tall, lean, powerful figure. But his face was kind, and spoke of his innate gentleness. But he had a gift for the skills of a knight. He mastered the sword, the quarterstaff, the lance, and of course excelled at horsemanship. The day he had been knighted had been the proudest day of his young life, and he fervently pledged his service to Ballor, feeling it was his duty to repay his king for raising him in his court. In two major campaigns against raiders from the north, Richard had proven his prowess, his cunning, and his bravery. And as he grew, he watched Katherine from afar.

The two had met years ago when they were children. Richard had saddled a horse for her, and was instantly smitten with this golden haired maiden from the east. Usually assured and confident, Richard always found himself stammering and clumsy in Katherine’s presence. Katherine always found him charming and funny. Unbeknownst to him, she asked that he always be the one to saddle her horse. She found she enjoyed the company of this warm, gentle, funny boy. Her affection for him only deepened as the years went by.

The day Richard had been accepted as Sir Stephen’s squire, Richard was so happy, he quite forgot himself. He joyfully told Katherine the news, and lifted her bodily off the ground and spun her around. He blushed a deep crimson when he came to his senses. He set her down gently, and hung his head. Katherine was the daughter of a lord. He was an orphan working in the king’s stables. It had not been his place. But Katherine was happy for him, and rewarded him with a kiss on his cheek. She also gave him something else. She had asked one of the castle maids to place in Richard’s room a token. One of her kerchiefs, golden with white roses embroidered in each corner. Richard found it, and a note that said only “A token of my favor.” He never knew who had sent it to him. The two saw less of each other over the next few years. Katherine spent much time in her homeland while Richard trained to be a knight. They caught glimpses of each other only a high court functions, but gone were the days when he could saddle her horse and share a few words. Nevertheless, Katherine’s affection grew. She was happy for him when news of his knighting reached her. She worried when battles fell upon the land, and Richard went to war. She was beside herself when news of fatalities on the front lines reached the Willow Downs, and relieved when news of his safe return was brought. But for four years, they had not seen each other.

Fall turned to winter, winter turned to spring, and spring turned into summer. The time of the king’s annual summer feast drew near. James and his family traveled to Ballor’s court. James was hoping Katherine would catch the king’s eye, and his old friend might wish to take his daughter to wed. The land was at peace, and many of the king’s knights were at the castle for the feast. It was amidst the festivities leading up to the high feast that Richard and Katherine finally saw each other again. Katherine’s breath caught in her chest. Gone was the scrawny lad who had saddled her horse. In his place was a handsome, great knight, clad in the ceremonial armor of Ballor’s court. Richard also lost his breath. He beheld not the skinny, bold girl he once knew, but a beautiful, graceful young woman. Get a hold of yourself, Richard, he told himself. She’s the daughter of a lord. You’re a mere knight in service to the king. She’s not for the likes of you. But he found himself stealing glances in her direction for the rest of the night.

The next day, the day of the feast, the lords formally approached the king to renew their pledges of loyalty, and to present their families for the king’s blessing. To no one’s surprise, the grown daughters of many of Ballor’s lords were presented formally to the king. Many beautiful maidens stepped forth that day. Ballor was flanked by his most loyal knights. Richard stood at the king’s right hand. When Sir James approached the throne, his eyes stole over to Katherine. He tried very hard to keep looking ahead, at the king, at anything but the beautiful Katherine. But he couldn’t help himself.

“My lord and King,” Sir James said.

“James, my old friend,” Ballor clapped his old friend on the back.

“May I present my family?” Ballor took the hand of James’ wife, the Lady Marie, and kissed it gallantly.

“Yes, I know you all so well. Welcome!”

“An, my lord,” continued James, “My oldest daughter, Katherine?” The golden-haired beauty stepped forward. Her green eyes sparkled. She smiled at the man who had been like an uncle to her throughout her life. Katherine knew full well her father hoped Ballor would take her for wife. She knew not whether the king would want her, but she would at least do her duty for her father and her king. But she couldn’t help but steal a glance at the tall, dark-haired knight standing at the king’s side.

“Ah, yes. Young Katherine.” Ballor kissed her hand as well. “I remember you well. Many times your laughter and your wit have graced these halls.” Katherine blushed. She had been rather a handful when she was younger.

“May I say, you have grown into a fine, beautiful young woman.”

“My lord is gracious,” Katherine replied, curtseying. Sir James saw how the king smiled. He was hopeful. But the king noticed something else entirely. He saw how Katherine’s eyes slid sideways. The king glanced at his knights, and noticed how Richard returned Katherine’s glance. Richard’s face was inscrutable, and Katherine had already turned away. But there was no mistaking the burning in his young knight’s eyes. An old, unfamiliar emotion stirred in the king’s breast. He would have to watch them closely.

The high feast was the greatest in recent memory. The halls rang with laughter. The smell of cooking meat filled the air. Cheeses, berries, breads, salted pork, fish fresh from the river, butter, ale, and the finest wines all flowed freely throughout the castle. When all had eaten and drank their fill, the kings bards came out. Song and music sounded. Out in the courtyard, the people sang and danced, whirling figures among the torches that lit the festive night.

Katherine danced in the courtyard. Her face shone with sweat, and was as golden as her hair in the firelight. Richard watched the festivities. He was dressed in his finest clothes. Some of the maids of the court dragged him into the courtyard to dance. He decided not to disappoint. He whirled and danced, allowing the festive mood to take him. Katherine watched him. She smiled, thinking of his arms around her waist, his hand in hers, the feel of his body. Boldly, she strode over to him.

“Would my lord care to join me in the dance?” Richard turned, and was surprised to see Katherine standing before him, her face golden and smiling. His heart thundered in his chest. But he bowed his head, humbly.

“It would be unseemly, my lady. I am no lord.” Katherine only smiled the wider.

“You are one of the king’s knights!”

“I have no noble blood. I am just a warrior.” Katherine tugged at his arm, pulling him into the dance.

“Then I challenge your courage, my knight!” Bold Katherine would not be denied. The two joined in the dance. Richard’s reluctance soon melted against Katherine’s fierce joy. He took her hand, and whirled her about, his arm around her waist. Katherine laughed, secretly loving the feel of his arm, his hand. Richard smiled; he found he loved Katherine’s laughter, Katherine’s smile. And he loved the feel of her waist.

From the edge of the courtyard, the king stood, watching his people. His eyes caught Katherine and Richard dancing. The feeling filled his chest again. The two were denying it, but the wise king could plainly see they were in love. Well, he sighed to himself. We shall have to do something about that.

Hours later, the festivities were finally winding down. Many had gone to their beds. Katherine had finished tucking in her brothers, and was readying herself for bed as well. But she returned to the courtyard for a breath of fresh air one more time. Only a few hours ago, Richard had danced with her there. She closed her eyes and could still feel his arm around her waist. She wondered what his lips felt like. Suddenly, a clatter sounded behind her. Katherine turned, and gasped. Galloping toward her was a monstrous figure atop a jet black horse. Shrieking in alarm, Katherine turned to run, but the figure scooped her up, and threw her over his saddle.

Richard was also still up. He had been wandering the castle, thinking of Katherine. He had loved dancing with her, but knew he shouldn’t, couldn’t feel this way. She was a lady of noble birth, he was an old stable hand fortunate enough to have earned his place as a knight. He owed his king his loyalty and duty. He was beneath Katherine. His wanderings took him to the courtyard, and on the opposite side he spied Katherine. He hung back in the doorway so as not to be seen. She was beautiful. Then he heard a clatter. Hooves. He stepped into the courtyard, and saw a giant figure on a black horse. The horse was heading straight for Katherine! Without thinking, Richard tore across the yard, screaming warning.

“Attack! Attack in the castle!” A few figures stirred. The giant grabbed Katherine, and swung her over his saddle. He turned his horse, and the giant spied Richard approaching, running full tilt. The giant pulled an enormous sword from its scabbard on the saddle. Richard reached his sword, and realized he didn’t have it on. He ran anyway.

“Katherine!” The giant swung the blade, knocking Richard aside with the flat of the sword. Richard crumpled to the ground. Katherine screamed.

“Richard! Nooooo!” The giant swung the horse around again. The king’s guard had been roused by Richard’s cry, and they now streamed into the courtyard. The horse barreled forward, scattering the men. Katherine tried to pull herself upright, but a casual swat of the giant’s gauntlet, and Katherine slumped over unconscious. The black horse burst from the castle, and disappeared into the night.

“It was the Black Knight!” shouted one courtier.

“The Black Knight is a fable!” Another retorted. It was an hour later. The castle had been roused. Upon investigating, the king found several of his guards dead at their posts, and the gate wide open. Richard was found, slowly coming to in the courtyard. He recounted what he had seen before the giant knocked him out. The king and his councillors were debating what to do now.

“Richard,” Sir James faced the young knight. “Did you get a good look at him?”

“Yes, my lord. It was the largest man I have ever seen. He was dressed all in black, and rode a midnight black stallion.”

“Like I said, the Black Knight!”

“I tell you, there is no such man! He’s a bedtime fable, something to scare little children...”

“He’s no myth.” The king spoke at last. Ballor rose from his seat. “In my youth, I met this giant in black. He is no fable. He is real.” Ballor began to pace the room. “I was but a youth when I met him. We fought, and I barely escaped with my life. His power was incredible. Still, I managed to wound him. He hasn’t been seen since.” He turned back to his councillors.

“I believed I had driven him off. Maybe even have killed him. But it seems I am mistaken. It may not even be possible to kill him.” The hall was deathly silent. Ballor resumed his seat.

“He is a demon. He is undying. This is what the legends say; legends of terror which stretch back centuries. Whether he really is a demon, whether this is the same man I fought, or another, the fact of the matter is, he gained this castle, and killed several guards. He is no one to make light of.” His feuding councillors lowered their heads.

“Sire,” James approached his old friend. He leaned his head in close. “Ballor, he has my daughter.” James’ eyes were full of pleading. Ballor nodded.

“Assemble the knights. We will hunt down this demon, and we will bring the lady Katherine home.”

“No, my lord!” Richard was on his feet now. A hush fell over the room. One of the knights took Richard’s arm.

“Richard...” but he fell silent as the king raised his hand.

“Let him speak.”

“Thank you, my lord. A full war party would be a mistake. This Black Knight will be watching for that. Lady Katherine will be dead before we ever gained his stronghold.”

“What do you propose, my son?” Ballor asked. He was sure he knew the answer.

“Ready the war party. But send one man ahead. One man may gain the advantage of surprise. One man may be able to free the lady. Then, the war party may strike.”

“Who would this man be, then?” Ballor asked. He had correctly guessed Richard’s plan, and was now certain of the answer of his next question.

“Send me, my lord. I let the giant escape with the lady Katherine. I am honor bound to free her.” The room was still while Ballor pondered this plan. Finally, he nodded.

“It shall be so.”

Richard prepared himself. He donned his chain mail armor, which was dazzlingly white. He strapped his scabbard to his waist, and sheathed his sword. He would need to travel light and fast. Richard suddenly stiffened. A realization had just hit him. He drew from beneath his tunic a small kerchief. It was golden with white roses embroidered on each corner. He tied the kerchief around his right arm. Then, Richard headed for the stables. His horse had ben saddled, and he strapped his shield to the saddle. The king was waiting for him in the stable.

“You have two days, Richard. Then we shall follow.” Richard nodded.

“I will find Sir James’ daughter, my leige. I pledge it.” Ballor nodded. Richard mounted his horse, and they burst from the stable. Ballor watched the young knight as he dwindled in the distance.

“Godspeed, son.”

Katherine slowly came to. She found she couldn’t move her arms. She shook her head gently to clear it. She found herself with her arms bound about the wrist, and hanging from the ceiling. Her dress, she saw, was lying in a heap in the corner. She was stark naked. Her legs were bound at the ankle, and pulled wide. She was raised slightly off the floor. She tried to look around, but her position made this impossible. But she could still hear, and she now heard someone entering the room.

“Who’s there?” In response, a large figure walked around to face her. It was the largest man she had ever seen. He was dressed entirely in black. Even his face was obscured by a black hood. Only his hands were bare. Katherine stared wide-eyed in horror. This was a figure from her nightmares: the Black Knight! Katherine was struck dumb. She even forgot about the fact that she was nude.

“Wh-what do you want?” she trembled. The Black Knight leaned closer to her.

“You,” he said in a raspy whisper. He reached a hand over, and lightly stroked her upper arm. Katherine jerked in her restraints. The Black Knight paused a moment, then traced his fingers down her underarms. Katherine tried to pull away. She twisted helplessly, biting back her laughter. It tickled immensely. Katherine had discovered she was ticklish when she was a girl. Now, it seemed the Black Knight had also discovered this fact. The Black Knight faced her again, and Katherine fancied she could see a smile under his hood. Two hands now reached over, and lightly caressed her underarms, and her sides. Katherine bit her lip, and tried again to pull away. But she was well bound. The Black Knight crossed behind her, and began to tickle her in earnest. Katherine could no longer hold back her laughter.

“Nooo! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Katherine twisted and wriggled. Her giggles echoed off the walls. Suddenly, he stopped tickling, and the room went black. He had blindfolded her. Katherine gasped for air. She could hear him, pacing around her. Where would he strike next. She was vulnerable; there was no place he couldn’t reach her. She held her breath, waiting.

Richard rode hard. The Black Knight’s trail had quickly grown cold, but he found along the way people who had seen a black rider in the night. Richard rode further and further west. He dispatched word back to the king by carrier falcon of his progress. And he rode ever on, slowly making his way to a place he had long ago dismissed as legend; the western stronghold of the Black Knight.

“I’m coming, Katherine,” he muttered as he rode. “Hold on.”


The Black Knight ignored Katherine’s pleas. He had been tormenting her, tickling her, for hours now. Katherine was sweating and gasping for air. She was flushed pink, and exhausted. But her tormentor showed no mercy. His fingers teased and tickled her ribs, her hips, even her breasts. Katherine had no time to be indignant, she was too busy laughing. Tears rolled down her face. She struggled against her bonds, but to no avail. Now, he bent down, and began to turn his attention to her feet.

“NO PLEASE! NOT MY FEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!” The Black Knight’s fingers traced circles around her arches, up the balls of her feet, even into her toes. How so large a man could tickle her relatively tiny toes, Katherine didn’t know, but she had no time to think about it.

“HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!” His fingers began to travel up her legs.

“NO PLEASE! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! STOP!” Katherine struggled harder than ever. She didn’t want this monster to touch her most private place. Truth be told, there was a part of her that was enjoying the feeling, but that was mingled with disgust at her predicament. She kept turning her thoughts to a dark-haired knight. She tried to imagine it was Ricahrd touching her, Richard teasing her. But Richard would never be so cruel. Richard would be gentle, would be kind. No matter how hard she tried, she knew it was this monster from her nightmares. Suddenly, amazingly, the Black Knight stopped. She gasped when she felt his breath close to her ear.

“No one is coming. No one knows you’re here,” his voice rasped in her ear. He had been doing this for hours. Taunting her, saying she was trapped here forever. She told herself no, that Ballor and her father would come for her. But she kept seeing Richard fall in the courtyard.

“Someone will come,” she replied, breathing heavily.

“Such as?” He ran his fingers up her underarm. She jumped. “The king? I fought him once. He fought bravely, but he is an old man now.” He tickled her sides again. She giggled, struggling fiercely. “Your father? He doesn’t even believe in me. He dismisses me as a fable. I am no fable.” He grasped her breasts. “Perhaps the boy in the courtyard? I dealt with him already.” Katherine’s hear plummeted.

“No,” she whispered. She jumped again as his fingers again began to tickle her legs, slowly moving up.

“You’re alone. Alone with me.” His fingers traveled ever higher.

The door burst open, and a figure hurtled into the room. Katherine couldn’t see, but she felt the Black Knight pulled away from her.


Richard heaved with all of his strength, hurling the massive knight away from Katherine. The Black Knight collided with the wall. Richard placed himself squarely between Katherine and her captor. The Black Knight stood, and from within his robes, drew an immense black sword. Richard drew his own shimmering white blade in response. The two faced off for a moment, then the Black Knight lunged. Richard parried his blow, staggering under the massive brute’s sheer strength. He returned a blow of his own, but it was also blocked. They traded blows, swords clanging and clashing. Katherine strained to hear a voice, hoping she could identify whoever had broken in. Was it her father? Ballor? All she heard was the clash of swords, and the grunts of the combatants. She had no idea that Richard had come for her.

The Black Knight drove Richard back against the wall. He barely ducked a blow aimed at his neck. Richard quickly changed his tactics. He realized he couldn’t best the Black Knight with sheer strength, so he relied on his speed. The Black Knight’s ebony blade sliced the air as he struck again and again at his foe. Richard ducked, parried, and dodged. His own white blade whirled and flashed as he struck.

Back and forth the two dueled in the cramped space. By now, Richard was turned completely around. Seeing an advantage, his enemy changed his own tactics. The Black Knight suddenly broke off, and lunged for Katherine’s helpless form.

“NOOOOO!” Richard hurled himself forward. He crashed into the giant, dropping his sword as he did. He managed to grasp the Black Knight’s wrist, and grappled with him for his sword. The Black Knight forced Richard back. Richard spied Katherine behind his foe. He had burst in so quickly, he had not noticed her condition. She was bound, naked and helpless. Horrible images flitted through his mind, tortures the Black Knight had visited on his dear Katherine. His face grew dark. He gritted his teeth, tightened his grip, and a terrible fury seized him. He would make this monster pay! He dug his heel in, stopped the Black Knight’s advance, straining every muscle in his body. The Black Knight continued to push, but Richard would not be moved. A battle frenzy had settled upon him, and he drew on it for power. Drawing on his fury, Richard forced the giant back a step. Two. The Black Knight’s eyes grew wide. In all his years, no one had ever forced him back. With a roar, Richard stepped back, pivoting, and flipped the giant over his hip, slamming him onto the floor. He ripped the ebony sword from the giants hand and, directing the ebony blade down, drove its tip directly into the Black Knight’s chest. The giant made no sound, but sagged. Richard twisted the blade. The giant, amazingly, rose to his knees. Then, the Black Knight swatted Richard aside, pulled the blade out, and ran at the wall. Richard expected him to collide with it, and was astounded to see him disappear through the wall. Only the ebony blade remained, lying on the floor.

Richard retrieved his sword, and easily cut Katherine’s bonds, and then pulled off the blindfold. Katherine blinked. She half expected to see the massive black figure looming over her. Instead she beheld a dark-haired knight, dressed in dazzling white. She saw his face. Her heart leapt!

“Richard?” she whispered, hardly daring to believe it. Richard pulled off his cloak, wrapping it around her shoulders.

“Richard!” tears of joy welled up in her eyes. She threw herself into his arms, weeping. Richard wrapped his powerful arms around her, and held her close.

“Katherine! Are you alright?” She looked up at him.

“I thought he had killed you!” Richard smiled and shook his head.

“You came for me!” Katherine trembled with joy.

“Always, I’ll come for you.” He gathered her in his arms again, holding her while she wept. Finally, Richard swept her into his arms, and carried her out of the room, out of the gloomy stronghold, and out into the rising sun.

Richard retrieved Katherine’s dress, and the two began to make their way east, back to Ballor’s castle. Katherine told Richard about what the Black Knight had done. The fact that she could speak so plainly about it, with no fear, made Richard admire her strength all the more. Not wanting to tax her after her ordeal, her made sure they stopped after a few hours travel to rest and eat. After they had eaten, Katherine crawled over to him and nestled against his chest. He drew an arm over her. They sat like that for several minutes, not moving or speaking. Katherine could hear and feel Richard’s heart beat. Finally she sat up, facing him.

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

“You’re welcome, my lady.” Katherine’s gaze rested on the kerchief he had tied around his arm. The kerchief she had given him so many years ago. Richard followed her gaze to it, then looked back at her, smiling.

“Someone gave me this. The day I was knighted.”

“Oh? Who?” Katherine put on her most innocent face. Richard took her face in his hands.

“You did, Katherine.” He smiled at her, at the look of surprise on her face.

“How did you...”

“I never knew who had left it for me. But today, somehow I just knew it was from you. I have carried it with me always. Thank you.”

“I wanted you to have a token of a lady’s favor.” Her emerald green eyes found his deep brown ones.

“Do I have it?” Their faces drew closer.

“Oh, yes, my knight. You have it.” Richard pulled her face to him, and kissed her. Katherine melted in his arms. They kissed for long minutes, finally expressing a deep passion both had tried to deny all their lives. They wrapped arms around each other. Richard gently eased her down onto the grass. Katherine pulled him to her, kissing him again. When his eyes met hers, he saw the longing, a longing that matched his own. But a deep instinct rose to the surface.

“We shouldn’t. I’m just a soldier. You’re noble born.” He wanted her so badly. But he also knew his duty. Katherine saw the struggle in his eyes. But Katherine also saw the longing in his eyes. She took his face in her hands.

“Nobility cannot be given, it is earned. You are a knight of the realm. You are my champion. You have earned my favor. And you have won my heart, Richard. Take the rest of me, as well.” Finally, his resistance melted. He smiled at her.

“As you wish.” He rose, pulling her to her feet as well. He helped her remove her dress. He flushed with desire when he saw her body. Katherine helped Richard remove his armor, his boots, and the rest of his clothing. The pair embraced, pressing close together. Their kisses were deep and passionate. Katherine’s breathing grew heavy with desire. Richard spread his cloak on the ground, and lay her down upon it. He lightly caressed her body. As his fingers traced up her sides, she giggled lightly.

“Mmmmph. Hee-hee-hee! That tickles!” Richard pulled back.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize...” Katherine took his hand, laying a finger across his lips to hush him.

“Shhh. It’s alright. I want you to.” His brow wrinkled in confusion.

“Want me to what?”

“I want you to tickle me.” She lay back down again. Richard was no stranger to carnal pleasures. He’d had lovers before. He had even discovered that he liked to tickle his lovers. But none of them had ever touched his heart. As Katherine recounted what the Black Knight had done, he had briefly envisioned himself doing the same thing. He had thought of tickling Katherine for years. But he never thought he would ever have the chance. Especially at her request. He smiled again.

“As you wish.” Richard lay alongside Katherine. She raised her arms over her head. Richard held her wrists with one hand, and the other began to trace lightly down her underarms. Katherine giggled lightly, and squirmed a little bit. Her reaction emboldened him further. Her traced back up, and again caressed down, drawing little circles on her skin. Katherine arched her back slightly, and began to laugh.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Mmmmmm. Mmmmaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Her sweet laugh rang through the glade. Richard wrapped one leg over her body, to better pin her in place. He switched sides, and began to tickle her other side.

“Eeeeeeep! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!”

“Do you like that, my lady?” Katherine nodded, biting her lip as his fingers traced around her breast. Memories of the Black Knight melted away from her memory, replaced with her knight’s touch. During her torture, she had tried so hard to imagine it was him. Now it was him, and it was wonderful. Richard’s fingers traveled over her chest, circling her breasts. They bounced slightly, invitingly, as she laughed. He then caressed down her stomach. Katherine laughed harder, raising her hips off the ground in response. He traced his fingers to her hips, and found them wonderfully ticklish. She bucked her hips, swivelling them around under his touch.


“Well, it’s supposed to!” He broke off, shifting his position. He lifted on of her feet into his lap. Katherine leaned up on her elbows. Her skin was pink and flushed, but she had an eager look on her face. She had dreamed of Richard’s touch for years. He was gentle, but firm. She wiggled her toes invitingly. He drew his fingers across her soles. She began to giggle again. He held her ankle tightly, and stroked her foot. He teased her wiggling toes, caressed the balls of her feet, but found her soft, smooth arches to be the most ticklish. He teased and tickled them eagerly.

“HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!” Katherine pulled and squirmed, but Richard had her feet held tightly. She felt the sensation run right up her legs. She was beginning to feel a wetness gather between her legs. Richard finally released her feet, but his tickling fingers traveled up to her calves. Katherine giggled gleefully, glorying in his touch. He tickled so well, it was almost unbearable. But for his touch, Katherine would bear anything. She felt his fingers move slowly up her legs, and she parted them, allowing him access to her upper thighs. He teased and tickled, enjoying the sound of her laughter, and the sight of her writhing body. He saw she was aroused. He returned his tickling to her hips.

“OH NO! NOT AGAIN! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!” Richard tickled her hips, sliding his fingers over her beautiful body. He was aware he was also aroused. He wanted her so badly. Katherine looked at Richard.

“T-take me hee-hee-hee-hee!” Richard stopped tickling her.

“I’m yours, my knight,” she said breathlessly. Richard slid between her legs. He pressed his swollen manhood against the entrance to her moist passage. Slowly, gently, he eased into her. Katherine arched her back, gasping as he entered her.

“Oooooohhhhhh, yes!” Katherine wrapped her legs around his waist as he puled back, and pulled him towards her as he thrust.

“Ohhhh, Richard. Yesssssss!” Richard slowly thrust deep into her, burying himself fully inside her. She pulled him down onto her, and kissed him deeply. He continued to slowly thrust into her. He gently took her breasts in his hands, caressing and lightly squeezing them. Katherine felt his shaft rubbing deep inside her, felt an unusual pressure building inside her. She clutched his body close to her as the pressure built in intensity. His body was warm, and she could feel his strength, the firm muscles of his chest, his arms, his hands. Yet he was so gentle. She gasped and moaned, pleasure flooding her. Finally, the pressure came to a crescendo, and she felt herself tensing. A powerful wave of inexpressible ecstacy surged through her.

“OOHHHH YESSSSS!” Katherine’s orgasm surged for several long, blissful seconds, then faded. She lay back, panting. She opened her eyes, and saw Richard looking at her. She smiled, and kissed him. He began to thrust into her again. She whimpered as he kissed her.

“Mmmmmph! Mmmmmoooohhhhh. Oh Richard! OHHHH YESSSS!”

Richard raised her arms, holding her wrists with one hand. As he thrust into her, his other hand began to again trace light circles in her underarms. She writhed at this unexpected stimulation, giggling and moaning.

“OHHHH! OHH HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! OHHH MY! OH NO!” Katherine tensed again, as another climax pounded through her. Richard thrust into her and tickled her as she came, and the combination served to intensify her orgasm. She came harder than before, and lay back, groaning as he continued to make love to her. Katherine gasped out one word as her orgasm faded.



“More. More more more more!” She pulled him closer with her legs, and arched her back as he tickled her sides while he thrust. Long buried passion exploded to the surface. The lovers moved as one. Katherine clutched Richard close to her as a third climax seized her. Richard ceased thrusting, giving her a moment to catch her breath. Then, he pulled out, and rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Katherine caught on to what he was doing, and raised her hips. He positioned himself under her, and she lowered herself onto his shaft. When he was fully inside her, she swivelled her hips. She gasped as she felt him rub deep inside her. She slowly raised herself up along his length, then slowly lowered herself, allowing him deep inside again. Richard reached up, and pulled out the pins she had used to secure her hair. Golden tresses spilled over her shoulders. At that moment, the sun shone into the glade, right behind her. Richard gasped as he beheld his lover, lit by the sun, shining like an angel. Her hair shimmered bright golden, like a halo. A gentle summer breeze wound through the glade, and ruffled her hair, turning it into a rippling curtain of gold. The smell of flowers filled the air. Her emerald eyes looked down on him with desire, her face filled with pleasure. She had arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward him. He reached up, cupping them, gently stroking her hard, pink nipples. Slowly, Katherine continued to raise and lower herself along his shaft. That wonderful pressure was building again. She felt it build to its crescendo, and just as the climax claimed her, Richard again tickled her sides. She gasped as he did so, and he thrust deeper into her. Her orgasm thundered through her body. Katherine froze, riding the wave of pleasure. Richard grabbed her hips, and raised her himself, thrusting into her with abandon. Katherine immediately came again. She leaned in and bit his shoulder, groaning with the intensity of the pleasure flooding her, firing every nerve in her body. Richard surrendered to his desire, thrusting deep into his lover with total abandon. He felt his own need rising. It built up, demanding release. He felt Katherine tense and grind against him as she orgasmed yet again.


“OH RICHARD!” The lovers climaxed together. Katherine trembled as she came, and she felt Richard erupt deep inside her, finally giving vent to a volcanic release. The feel of him climaxing inside her intensified her own orgasm. Their cries of passion rang through the glade. Finally, Katherine collapsed against him, panting from the exertion and the release. Richard slowly pulled out, and rolled her gently beside him. He wrapped his arms around her, and she settled against his chest.

“Oh, Richard. That was...” but she had no words to describe it.

“Yes, it was. Katherine...” He paused. She looked up at him, emerald eyes meeting deep brown ones.

“Yes, Richard?”

“I love you.” As he said it, a great weight lifted from his chest. All his life he had wanted to say that. Katherine smiled, her eyes watering.

“I love you too, my knight.” She settled against him again, and was soon fast asleep. Richard remained awake, watching over her.

Ballor and his men had readied themselves. It was the end of the second day, and he would wait no longer. He had promised James his daughter’s safe return, and he meant to keep that promise. As his knights finished preparations, and readied themselves to ride, a sentry dashed to the king’s side.

“Sire! Sire! News from the western tower! A rider approaches!” The knights dashed to the western gates. Richard was leading his horse on foot. Seated in the saddle was the Lady Katherine. The knights sent up a joyous shout.


Richard helped Katherine down, and stepped aside as her father swept her into his arms, weeping for joy.

“Oh my daughter! I feared I would never see your face again!”

Ballor strode over to Richard.

“Well done, my brave knight.”

“My lord.” Richard replied.

News of the Lady Katherine’s safe return spread through the castle. A feast of celebration was hastily prepared. As the servants scurried through the castle, Ballor sought out Richard. He found him alone in he west tower, looking at the setting sun.

“Something troubles you, Richard?” Richard turned, and bowed to his king.

“No, my lord.”

“Rise.” Richard rose. Ballor looked him in the eye. “Something, I think.” Richard said nothing. “If you’ll forgive an old man’s babbling, I think you are in love with the Lady Katherine.” Richard’s head came up, astonishment clearly written on his face.

“And I think you are torn by this love because she is the daughter of one of your king’s oldest friends, a woman of noble birth, and you are an orphan with no noble blood to speak of.” Richard lowered his head again.

“Yes, Sire.” Ballor nodded, pulling at his graying beard.

“Hmmmm. What to do. What to do.”

“There’s nothing to do, my lord. I am no noble. I am a soldier. My duty is to you.” Ballor took Richard by the shoulders.

“Richard, nobility cannot be granted. Not by blood, nor even by king. It is earned. And you, son, have earned it.” Richard looked at his king. Katherine’s same words to him echoed in his memory.

“You lack not for nobility. All you lack is a title. But, I wouldn’t be much of a king if I couldn’t rectify that.” Ballor drew his sword. “Kneel.” Richard knelt.

“For thy bravery, thy courage, thy loyalty, not just to the Lady Katherine, but to the whole of the land, I grant thee the title of Sir Richard, lord of the Westernesse.” Ballor laid his sword on each shoulder.

“Rise, Sir Richard.” Richard rose. Ballor smiled, his eyes twinkled. He had seen how much Richard and Katherine loved each other. And his heart had filled with an emotion he had not felt for five years. Love. Love for his brave, loyal knight, and for his old friend’s daughter.

“Now, Sir Richard, let us seek out Sir James. I believe you have something to ask him and his daughter.”

If it was possible, the feast that night was more joyous than the summer feast. For that night, the Lady Katherine was wed to Sir Richard, newly named as Ballor’s first knight, his right hand man, and chosen heir. The couple were dressed in brilliant white; Katherine in a flowing dress with flowers woven into her golden hair, Richard in his finest white armor. Song and dance filled the hall, and the surrounding land. James and Marie rejoiced to see their daughter so very happy. Ballor smiled and laughed as he used to. Happiness filled the castle.

After hours of dancing, of greeting guests, of festive rejoicing, Katherine pulled her husband away from the party for a few minutes.

“Kathermmmmmph!” She silenced him with a fierce kiss. Richard happily returned it, gathering his wife into his arms.

“Let’s away from here!” Katherine said. Richard saw the look in her eyes. He knew that disagreeing with this wonderful, passionate, determined woman would be a bad idea. He cupped her face in his hands.

“Soon, my love.”

“But...” he laid a finger across her lips. She kissed it. He smiled.

“I am yours. Forever yours. And soon, you’ll have me all to yourself. But just for a little while longer, we belong with everyone else out there. It’s our duty.” Katherine hit him playfully on the chest.

“Do you think of nothing but dutmmmmph!” Richard silenced his fierce bride with another fierce kiss.

“No, of you. Always of you. Just a little longer, and I promise you a wedding night you will remember forever.” He teased her ribs lightly. Katherine giggled, and saw the deep longing in her husband’s eyes. She nodded. He had changed. Once, Richard had been uncomfortable and clumsy around her, then stiff and unsure. But gone was all of that. Now, he was comfortable, at ease, as if he had found all the best parts of himself. He wrapped his arms around her; arms she knew would always be there for her, would always protect her, would always come for her. Then, Richard pulled Katherine back to the hall, back to the warm circle of joy. He pulled her back into the dance.

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o how i love happy endings. this had all the intensity, passion, and tickling i could ask for in a story. and romance also. ahh but you gave away his reward in the title.. Sir Richard. very well written and so descriptive, and i loved how the white knight so to speak over powered the black knight. but will the black knight return? i notice he wasn't killed but disappeared. great job knight. as always. :wub: :twohugs:
isabeau said:
o how i love happy endings. this had all the intensity, passion, and tickling i could ask for in a story. and romance also. ahh but you gave away his reward in the title.. Sir Richard. very well written and so descriptive, and i loved how the white knight so to speak over powered the black knight. but will the black knight return? i notice he wasn't killed but disappeared. great job knight. as always. :wub: :twohugs:

Yeah, I did kinda give it away in the title, didn't I? I just now saw that. Still, I'm glad you like it, Melly. I know I can always count on you to post first on my stories, and to always have kind words and praise. Thank you. And though I don't have any specific ideas right now, I'm sure the Black Knight will return.
I've edited the story a bit, taking Sablesword's advice, and spacing the paragraphs. It should be easier to read now. I also found and corrected a few grammatical mistakes.
I liked this one knight, I enjoy the mythic/fantasy style a lot. I wonder who Ballor will end up choosing? and if the black knight will return... lots of room to write sequels to this story, very good job :)
siamese dream said:
I liked this one knight, I enjoy the mythic/fantasy style a lot. I wonder who Ballor will end up choosing? and if the black knight will return... lots of room to write sequels to this story, very good job :)

Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, I have a soft spot for the mythic settings as well. I do have plans for at least a sequel. The Black Knight will most likely make a return. Not sure what will happen with Ballor, though. But he seems to be in a much better place than he was. Appreciate it, Siamese Dream!
This was awesome. But is it wrong that I wonder more about the Black Knight then anything? What is he? Will he return? Is he really into tickling or was it just a weakness he wanted to exploit? Where can I find him? LOL
TicklishLurker said:
This was awesome. But is it wrong that I wonder more about the Black Knight then anything? What is he? Will he return? Is he really into tickling or was it just a weakness he wanted to exploit? Where can I find him? LOL

Thanks, Jami. I'm glad you liked it. And no, it's not wrong to wonder about the Black Knight. I left him mysterious so as to give me a route to return to this story. I plan to, and to reveal more about him. But I have a couple of other stories I want to get to first. Thanks again!
knight said:
And no, it's not wrong to wonder about the Black Knight.

Is it wrong then I want to have a face off/be tickled by him? LOL Just to find out his modivation, of course. ;)
TicklishLurker said:
Is it wrong then I want to have a face off/be tickled by him? LOL Just to find out his modivation, of course. ;)

Hmmmm, nah, nothing wrong with that either. Maybe you can find out how his huge fingers were able to tickle Katherine's tiny little toes. But be ye warned! Make sure you have a Knight handy to fend him off if it gets too intense!
knight said:
Hmmmm, nah, nothing wrong with that either. Maybe you can find out how his huge fingers were able to tickle Katherine's tiny little toes. But be ye warned! Make sure you have a Knight handy to fend him off if it gets too intense!

Eh, I have three older brothers. I ain't the best fighter, but I'm not afraid to defend myself against him. Though if I'd want to is another question.... LOL What does the bad guy do when his victim is enjoying it?
TicklishLurker said:
Eh, I have three older brothers. I ain't the best fighter, but I'm not afraid to defend myself against him. Though if I'd want to is another question.... LOL What does the bad guy do when his victim is enjoying it?

Well, if I were the bad guy, I'd tease and torment to my heart's content.
knight said:
Well, if I were the bad guy, I'd tease and torment to my heart's content.

ahh knight.. i know that you can be a bad guy... both a white and black knight combined.. which i soooo love... :wub: :twohugs:
isabeau said:
ahh knight.. i know that you can be a bad guy... both a white and black knight combined.. which i soooo love... :wub: :twohugs:

Yes I can, Melanie. Beware! My fingers approach! But will I tease or torment?
This has got to be one of my favorite tickle stories...EVER! Awesome job, and I adore happy endings. Please write another like this! :happyfloa
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