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The Wedding Night


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
A thick bank of grey cloud rolled slowly away from the mountain range, leaving behind a smooth, untouched covering of white snow and a brilliant blue sky. The sun was just starting to dip below the horizon and from the west a burst of reds and pinks spread through the dusk sky. Far below, on the single twisting stretch of concrete that wound it’s way round the mountain side the dull diesel thrum of a snowplough echoed in the valley below, it’s driver wondering for the hundredth time that day how he’d got picked to do this job with Christmas only a couple of days away. It’d be just his luck, he figured, if the damn thing broke down and he ended up spending the holidays as a human popsicle out here in the wilds.

It may have been some small comfort to him if he knew how much his actions meant to others, and none were more appreciative at that moment that the couple driving about thirty miles behind him. The bark of the V6 engine under the bonnet of the E-type Jaguar seemed almost joyful at the empty roads and pristine surroundings. With no sign of the 21st century anywhere to be found the car was truly in it’s element as it ate up the miles, it’s driver keeping one eye on the road and the other looking for the turning he’d been assured would be kept clear for him. Despite the conditions though John kept finding his gaze sliding to the beauty in the passenger seat, her slim figure wrapped in a shimmering black dress that gave the impression someone had managed to trap the heavens themselves in the fabric. Well that was appropriate, John thought, after all who but an angel would wear the heavens?

Elizabeth was having a similar problem in keeping her concentration where she wanted it, a combination of nerves and excitement twitching in her stomach every time she glanced at the man behind the wheel, reminding her of Christmas morning when she was still innocent enough to believe in a red-clothed bringer of gifts. She had to admit though, the view through the windows of the car was breathtaking, She’d grown up in the city, most of her childhood spent in a simple two bedroom flat miles from anything that could be called a hill, and in fact this was the first time in her twenty five years that she’d ever seen the mountains. As she watched the snow-covered landscape rush past she found herself wondering if this was really happening, if this could possibly be real after waiting so long.

They’d met almost seven years ago, both about the same age and both working their first job with the same company, At the time they’d been about as low on the office food chain as it was possible to go, John a helpdesk worker for the IT department, while she was working as an administrative assistant in the recruitment team. While they’d seen each other around in the building, it was at the company Christmas party they’d really started to notice each other, mainly as everyone at the event had been with the company long enough to know everyone else and they’d drifted together through that unintentional exile. She’d been surprised to hear he was a ‘country boy’, and in fact it was that difference that drew them close as each seemed fascinated by the other’s stories and experiences.

A ghost of a smile passed over Elizabeth’s lips, wondering for the thousandth time how it had taken so long for them both to realise the obvious. After that first meeting they’d become friends, a friendship that would go on to survive some harrowing times as life played it’s usual cruel tricks and ironies. Still, despite their immediate and lasting comfort with each other it had taken another three years for her to muster up the courage to ask John out as more than just a friend. She could still remember the look on his face, a mix of surprise and delight as he told her he’d been wondering whether to ask the same question ever since he’d met her. The rest, well, the rest was history and the last four years had been some of the happiest she could remember. Sure, they’d had their fights, but no more than any other couple and they’d always blown over pretty quickly. In truth Elizabeth was actually glad for that, as she knew now that they could get over those sorts of difficulties without any permanent problems.

John glanced in the rear view mirror, his eyes sliding over to gaze longingly at her for as long as he dared before returning his attention to the road. Even now after so much time together as both friends and partners she took his breath away without even trying. He could remember clearly the first time he’d seen her, at least fifty yards of car park separating them, and yet still she’d drawn his attention like a moth to a flame. Actually, he thought with a wry grin, that wasn’t a bad analogy; sure as hell he’d been afraid of getting burnt if he ever mentioned his attraction directly to her. Still, it had worked out in the end, and not for the first time he was glad she was as strong as she was, for in his heart he knew that he would never quite have worked up the courage to ask her out himself.

Seven years, had it really been that long? God, he thought, she doesn’t look a day older, if anything she looked better than she had when he’d met her, her confidence so much higher these days than it had been that she positively glowed, at least to his eyes. And now, well, it was official wasn’t it? They had the rest of their lives to look forward to together, the words “Man and Wife” still ringing in his ears several hours after the service had ended. Yet if he were being honest with himself there was another, more immediate thought that kept interjecting itself into his consciousness.

They’d both agreed when they started going out together that, for the time being anyway, they wouldn’t consummate their relationship. That ‘time being’ had lasted from the first date to today and there were times when he’d found it more than a little difficult to honour that agreement. Still, John simply valued this amazing woman that had come into his life far too highly to throw it away on something so fleeting and had perfected the art of the unsexy thought when it was needed. In fact, that enforced celibacy had proven to be a great source of inspiration, with even the smallest of touches, the lightest of kisses becoming highly sexual, charged with the always-building passion they each shared. The last few months particularly had found both of them having to force themselves to stop on more than one occasion, and each, unknown to the other, had some very special plans for tonight.

Elizabeth turned slightly in her seat, sending a long, seductive look John’s way as she slowly passed her gaze up and down his body, her mind playing over what she had planned for this man who’d been so patient, who’d never complained at her wish to wait until this day finally came. The only unknown in her plans for tonight was that she didn’t know exactly where they were going. They’d agreed to stay somewhere up in the mountains, and John had told her he’d found the perfect place, but he’d refused to give her the details, despite her best efforts at persuasion. She purred under her breath as she remembered that particular effort, and how delightfully he’d squirmed under her as she’d dug her fingertips into his ribs and stomach, knowing it wouldn’t be long until she had the chance to repeat the experience.

She was startled out of her thoughts as the car turned left and bounced its way up a narrow gravel drive, a light dusting of snow covering the road as they drove on. The drive twisted to the right and as they rounded the corner Elizabeth gasped as she saw John ‘s idea of a surprise.

The cabin looked like something from a postcard, an image too perfect to be real despite the fact it was barely ten feet from her. A traditional construction, with virtually all of the building work done from either wood or stone it could have been a hundred years old so accurate was the design. John pulled the car to a stop and stepped out, hurrying round to open her door and help her out of the car. She took his hand and let herself be pulled up and out onto her feet, then laughed lightly as John took her in his arms, carrying her to the door and into the main room of the cabin. She looked up at him, and almost without thinking slid her arms up and round his neck, pulling his lips to hers for a tender kiss that seemed to last for eternity. Finally John pulled away and set her down on her feet before heading back to the car for their luggage and Elizabeth turned to view their home for the next few days.

The cabin was obviously intended for a couple, and as such was almost completely an open plan design. The main room was dominated by a stone chimney set against one wall, a fire laid but not yet lit, and surrounding the stone a gigantic picture window that gave a spectacular view over the snow-covered valley below. The floor was polished timber with several thick wool rugs laid out in strategic spots. A spiral staircase led to the upper deck where she could just about make a large four-poster bed and a door leading to what she assumed was the bathroom. To her right there was the kitchen, open to the main room and designed in the same natural colours as the rest of the cabin. A door at the very back of the room seemed to lead outside, and she made a mental note to ask John where it led later on. All the furnishings were a soft white, a large couch set a few feet back from the fireplace with two matching chairs moved aside against one wall, obviously intended only for occasional use. She felt the ghost of a smile pass over her lips as she saw a small pink stuffed bunny sitting in one of the chairs and wondered how exactly John had managed to sneak that out of her bedroom and bring it up here without her noticing. There was a surprising lack of electrical equipment, though there was what an odd display stand mounted on one wall holding what looked like six CD’s one above the other.

There was a pair of dull thuds from behind her, and then John’s arms slipped around her waist, holding her against him and she leant back with a contented sigh, her head resting against his shoulder as his lips played along her shoulder and neck, sending shivers through her body. Slowly she turned to face him, arms sliding up around his neck, unconsciously mirroring the last pose they’d shared at the reception as their eyes met, the full realisation of what the day meant for them both gradually setting in. Elizabeth slid closer still, raising her lips to his and they kissed, Johns hands travelling up her back to gently rub the nape of her neck, even such a simple touch threatening to turn her legs to jelly. How long that kiss lasted neither could say, but it ended as all things must and John guided her down onto the sofa before stepping over to the fireplace. A gentle twist of a hidden control and a small gas burner started the fire, a soft glow spreading over kindling and up to the wood, a slight hint of smoke and cinnamon wafting through the room. Another quick touch of controls and one of the CD’s in the display stand started spinning, followed shortly after by a gentle beat as unseen speakers started to play. Elizabeth recognised the music immediately, a song she had heard only once before when they’d shared their first dance together. The lights dimmed then went out and John stepped to the middle of the floor and extended his hand, an invitation she accepted immediately, flowing into his arms as if she’d been born there.

Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart

She felt his arms slip around her, sliding over the silk of her dress and pulling her close. Her own hands found their way up his back and on to his shoulders, her head nestled against his collarbone and they spun slowly through the room, the only illumination the glow from the fireplace and the last remains of the daylight filtering through the clouds outside.

It’s always a rainy day without you
I’m a prisoner of love inside you
I’m falling apart all around you

He gazed down at the shadow pressed against him, the familiar intoxicating warmth of her body and sweet scent taking over his mind as his world narrowed to focus only on her.

My heart cries out to your heart
I’m lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches out for your hand
I’m cold but you light the fire in me

As one they looked at each other, their eyes meeting and at that moment, the truth became obvious to both of them. It was as if they’d been missing a part of themselves and now, for the first time, each felt complete, felt whole again.

My lips search for your lips
I’m hungry for your touch
There’s so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment, just surrender

Elizabeth smiled up at him, and for a moment John felt a touch of nerves, anticipation rolling in his gut at something he’d never quite seen in her expression before. The open, honest affection was still there, but tempered now by something else, something tempting and frightening at the same time. A challenge almost and he realised then that this night would indeed be something to remember.

And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender
To your love

She kicked off her shoes, worried about landing a hell on his toes and wanting to feel the softness of the rug under her soles. Reaching up she unzipped the dress and let it fall to the floor, stepping and up and out like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Underneath she was wearing lingerie that John had never imagined existed anywhere except in the pages of the highest priced fashion magazines. Blood red, a hue so rich that even in the firelight he could easily make it out, lace and satin combining to form a garment that actually hid a great deal from view, but accented the figure underneath so well the mind could not help but imagine what lay beneath. Black stockings covered her legs and as he watched she reached up to pull the clip from her auburn hair, shaking it out and letting her mane hang loose down her back and around her shoulders. John could do nothing but stare at this vision before him, never had he seen or imagined anything so beautiful.

Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart.

She slinked back towards him, her hands settling easily into place and now she led the dance, allowing her body to touch and rub against his tuxedo for a second or two at a time, always brief enough to seem accidental but more than enough to leave him gasping for more.

It’s always a rainy day without you
I’m a prisoner of love inside you

Now her fingers slid the jacket from his shoulders and found their way back to the buttons of his shirt. To his surprise she left the collar and first button closed, undoing the second and third. Her hand slipped inside the crisp white cotton and traced a slow, wandering pattern over his bare skin, leaving a trail of sparks behind with every touch as she enjoyed the tense-relax-tense-relax motion of muscles as her fingers passed over them.

I’m falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender

As the song finished Elizabeth reached up, her left hand pulling his head down to hers while the right continued to wander over his body. Their lips met and this time there was nothing gentle about the kiss as she met him with all the pent-up passion she’d kept so strictly controlled for so long. He responded and they stood frozen in place, hands wandering freely now, both marvelling in the feel of the other, enjoying the sheer freedom to explore that they’d denied themselves before. Eventually, John broke the kiss, gasping for air as he raised his head.

“Come with me my love, I have a surprise for you.” He whispered, leading her by the hand through the main room to the mysterious door in the back wall. Opening the door and walking through he stepped aside to allow her a good view of what lay beyond, bowing like a conjuror performing a particularly impressive trick and she felt a grin spread across her face even as the cool air hit her barely-clothed body.

There, set slightly beyond the cabin was a large hot tub, the water warm enough to be steaming in the night. Even from ten feet away she could feel the warmth reaching to her, tempting her and she felt something inside her squirm in anticipation. The tub was surrounded on three sides by eight foot high wood walls to protect the occupants from view, the deck leading up to it made of the same dark wood and with an under floor heating system to keep it clear of snow and prevent the water from the tub freezing if it escaped to the decking. There was no roof above the tub though, and a gentle snow shower was just starting to fall, the flakes melting even as they neared the water. Elizabeth stepped forward, eager to try the inviting sight in front of her, then paused and glanced down. She thought for a moment then turned to head back inside.

“I’ll be right back.” She promised, giving John a quick kiss on the way past. “Wait for me, okay?” John simply smiled and nodded, glad that she liked his little surprise, and more than happy to wait as he had to admit the thought of seeing her naked was more than enough motivation to endure the wind brushing against his skin through the still-open shirt. Thinking ahead he bent down and pulled his own shoes and socks off, leaving him clad in shirt and trousers.

There was a rustle from behind him and he turned to see Elizabeth step back out from the cabin clad only in a towel, a truly evil grin on her face as she stepped towards him, the slit of the towel showing a tantalising glimpse of flesh as she walked.

Strutting past, putting everything she had into producing the most provocative display possible she walked around the pool and stood facing him, the same grin plastered on her face as she dipped a toe into the water. It was a simple enough act, yet for some reason John felt a surge of excitement pass through him, and couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. Elizabeth looked down for a moment, and then undid the knot holding the towel closed. John felt his breath catch in his throat as she returned her gaze to his, holding the towel together with her right hand. The left came up slowly, tracing the outline of her body, dipping under the towel occasionally as she worked her way up. She traced the contours of her neck gently, letting the tips of her fingers walk slowly over her flesh, knowing the effect this must be having on her newly-wed husband, bringing those tantalising, teasing fingers up with devastating slowness to her lips. She winked, blew him a kiss and stepped smoothly into the hot water, towel still clasped firmly closed by her right hand. Only once the water came up to her chin did she release the fabric and throw the now soaked towel up to the decking, settling down on the ledge that ran a few feet under the surface, her legs reaching almost to the bottom of deeper central section.

John was speechless for a moment, partially from frustration but more from the sheer sexuality he’d just witnessed, wondering what other depths this woman had that he’d yet to explore. For a moment he thought about repeating the same trick but balked at the thought of merely copying her, realising as he did that this was likely to turn into a game of one-upmanship rather quickly and wondering just how well prepared he was for such a contest. Of course, he thought, loosing probably wouldn’t be so bad either. With that he stepped forward, hands grabbing hold of either side of the shirt collar and pulling, the buttons putting up little real resistance as they fell away, the shirt following them a second later. Sliding his hands under his waist band he quickly slipped both the trousers and briefs he was wearing underneath down, leaving him standing in the cool air naked, only the warmth of the tub easing the chill against his skin.

Elizabeth didn’t try to hide her own feelings at the sight before her, letting a big, hungry grin slide over her face as she took stock of the man prowling towards her. The view was certainly an attractive one, but it was the shift in his attitude that excited her most. She’d caught glimpses of it before, suspected this was hidden somewhere under the surface but to see this almost animalistic side come to the fore made her tremble inside as her mind raced ahead, her imagination focused purely on the bedroom that seemed to be calling her for a moment until she beat the thought back into submission. No, that could wait for now, far more fun to prolong this until neither of them could wait a moment longer.

As John slid into the water Elizabeth slid around the side of the tub, her eyes never leaving his until she was sitting directly opposite him. The tub was large enough for six people and in their current position there was sufficient room for only the very tips of their toes to be touching. Not that she intended for that to be the limit of their contact, but for now it suited her purpose quite nicely. Reaching back she stretched her right arm out of the tub, turning her head to let the water run against her face, her lips open slightly as she posed for him, the water barely high enough to hid her breasts from view. John was spellbound at the sight in front of him, so much so he never saw her fingers scrabbling across the wooden decking for the control box she'd spotted earlier.

Finally, just as she thought she'd miscalculated where it was, her fingertips brushed against the hard, waterproof plastic and pulled the controls closer. Whoever had built them had obviously thought long and hard about what circumstances they may be used in and all the lettering was raised to let someone use the controls without having to actually turn and look at them. She found the dial she wanted and twisted it sharply to the right. Immediately the water erupted as the Jacuzzi jets kicked in, turning what had been a calm pool into a mass of bubbles that effectively cut out any view of what lay beneath the surface.

John gave a yelp and shifted quickly to his left, and a quick glance at the surface showed her why. From the position of the bubbles he must have been sitting right on a jet, not that it had hurt of course, but it was probably a considerable surprise. For his part John was embarrassed by his reaction, the less than manly yelp not really matching the image of raw, untamed sexuality he'd been going for. The grin on Elizabeth's face only fuelled his annoyance, but it was the casual way she leant back in the tub and seemed to relax, completely unconcerned about her naked husband not five feet away from her that made up his mind.

Elizabeth wondered just how well she was hiding her body's reaction and how obvious it was that something deep down in her soul was screaming at her to forget this game and just dive across the tub to the oh-so tempting form in front of her. Somehow though she managed to slam the door on that impulse, leaning back while, under the water and unseen to John she stretched out, searching with her feet for what she knew was so close by.

John nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt her foot slide over his knee and up his thigh. He'd been so lost in planning his revenge he'd never suspected she was searching for him and as her foot travelled slowly up his leg he almost lost all trace of rational thought. God she felt good, the soft skin of her feet (the initial touch had been more than enough for the other foot to find his body and now both were exploring his legs) and the gentle curve of her calves everything he could have imagined. Her touch was devastating, soft yet direct and targeted, a touch that teased and tantalised the senses while applying pressure in all the right places to turn him into a groaning puddle in the tub. Still the memory of that yelp was enough to let him hang on to a fragile grasp on reality, and the image of the soaked towel coming out of the tub, denying him even a glimpse of her gorgeous form, was more than enough to spark him into action.

John didn't even need to move forward, he simply sat straight up and locked his legs around her calves, his right arm winding around her ankles to hold her still. Elizabeth giggled and wiggled her toes against his chest, wondering what exactly he had in mind. She presumed he would move forward, matching his body to hers and sliding her underneath him, her teasing having finally broken down his self-control. Which wasn’t quite what John had in mind…

The first, and only, hint she had that things were not going to go as she had thought was when John’s free hand brushed once, slowly and deliberately down her captive soles. He leant back again, pulling Elizabeth towards him and leaving her stretched out underwater, her head just high enough to stay above the still-raging bubbles. Her eyes opened wide as she realised what he was about to do and she tried to pull herself free from his grip. Even under the best of circumstances that would have been a hard enough task, with John having all the leverage and a cast iron grip on her legs it proved impossible. That didn’t stop her trying though and John grinned as he felt her muscles tense as she tugged futilely against his him, enjoying the feeling of her silky smooth skin under his hands while wondering what the rest of her would feel like. Well, he thought, time enough for that latter, right now it was tickle time.

He hadn’t actually known she was ticklish, though he’d suspected as much for a while. Certainly she’d reacted oddly on more than one occasion when he’d touched her unexpectedly, though she’d always put it down to surprise and he’d let it go. Now he had a real chance to test his theory and he wasn’t about to waste it, especially as he could claim the moral high ground by saying she’d brought it on herself. Planting his fingers on the very edge of her heel he slowly dragged his fingers upwards, getting used to the odd feeling of the water dragging at every motion until he was confident he could set a good pace despite the circumstances. To John’s surprise his beautiful bride didn’t laugh at the touch, or at his next four attempts. Confused, and not a little disappointed he wiggled his nails in random patterns just under her toes, this time watching her face carefully. What he saw left him almost breathless with excitement.

Elizabeth had her arms out of the water, hands grasping the decking above her head tightly enough to turn her knuckles white. Her eyes, for the first time that night, were screwed tightly shut, the look of desperate determination at once comical and unbelievably erotic. Her mouth was a thin line, her normally full, inviting lips virtually vanished as she trembled with the effort not to release the laughter that was building inside her. The tremors were growing even as he watched, moving outwards from her neck and shoulders until first her arms, then her body and finally her legs were shaking with effort. Every ounce of control, every bit of pride and determination she had was focused on a single battle, a single thought: Don’t Laugh. It was a battle that John knew with absolute certainty she couldn’t possible win.

It was a prediction that came true almost immediately as he found a small spot at the very peak of the arch on her right foot. As his fingers travelled over that one particular spot she gasped, her eyes shooting open briefly before closing again as she prayed he hadn’t noticed the telltale reaction. But at that moment John would have noticed if she’d so much as twitched, so intense was his concentration, and the signs of a truly ticklish spot registered immediately. His fingers drifted back up and started flicking rapidly over that small patch of skin, concentrating everything he knew about the ticklish arts into that one area. She stiffened in his grasp, then her eyes flew open, her body gave in and at long last her laughter poured into the crisp winter night.

It was an intoxicating sound, and John couldn’t get enough of it. Crisp, clear and elegant, yet with an underlying... what, he wondered, running his fingers around the ball of her right foot in rapid, sweeping arcs that had Elizabeth’s toes curling as she tried to pull away. He couldn’t put his finger on it, and in an attempt to nail this minor mystery he placed his fingertips between the toes of her right foot, worming into the gaps until his nails met the untouched skin. Again, the response was instant as Elizabeth’s laughter rose in pitch, mixed now with the occasional “No!” and “Stop!” as she tried to find a way, anyway out of this ticklish torment. There, the sound came again, and this time he realised what it was and why it was calling to him so. Laid underneath her increasingly breathless laughter was the occasional, but distinct, low moan. It wasn’t yet enough to hear unless you were listening for it specifically in amongst the rest of the cackles, chuckles and howls being pulled from her sweet body, but it was there nonetheless.

In truth, Elizabeth wasn’t even aware she was making that sound, concerned more with trying to escape, though her own laughter rang in her ears and formed a constant backdrop to every moment. Deep down though a part of her that she normally kept hidden yearned for this to continue, wondered what it would be like to just let go, abandon control and go wherever this man would take her, to give herself, heart, body and soul to him to use as he wished. She found that her previous actions were now working against her, the thick layer of bubbles bursting on the surface of the tub preventing her from seeing what John was doing, or where he might strike next and she was finding that anticipation harder to deal with than the ticklish sensations that were pounding up and out from her helpless feet, travelling through her body like lightning before settling between her thighs.

John grinned as he heard his wife’s moans increase, knowing that she was enjoying this almost as much as he was. Still, time to see if he could finish this little game of one-upmanship once and for all.

“What’s wrong my love?” He asked, voice playful, teasing as he eased back his touch, concentrating now purely on her soles and arches. “Why are you laughing so from a simple foot massage?”

“Foot…foot massage?” Elizabeth gasped in between streams of giggles. “You…oh god…you need to work on your technique if this is suppohohohsed to be a massage.”

“Really, I always thought I was quite good at this.” John replied, putting as much sadness into his voice as he could under the circumstances. “I mean, I always thought this was a pretty enjoyable experience.” His fingers shifted, coming back to that spot on her arch and tapping up and down, nails sweeping left and right to send her into a renewed burst of laughter. “It certainly sounds like you’re enjoying it love, that’s right isn’t it, you are enjoying this?”

“N…no” Elizabeth gasped, mouth stretched wide as she tried to hold back her natural reaction to this ticklish assault. “I…I’m not enjoying it at allll.”

“Oh, well, how about this?” John asked, moving his fingers up and diving back between her toes, sending her into fits of silent laughter, her hands clutching harder than ever at the deck above her head as she thrashed her head in the foamy water. “Hmm, apparently that’s a little better, heck you’re almost speechless with delight aren’t you?” Now he couldn’t hold the grin back, as he watched this fabulous woman writhe and wriggle under his ministrations. Suddenly she slipped a foot out from under his arm and the next thing he knew her toes were rubbing up against his crotch, sending lightning bolts through his nervous system as his eyes fluttered close in pleasure.

God it felt good, he thought, mind floating on a sea of pleasure as his grip around her right leg started to relax. In the nick of time he realised what she was up to and snapped back to reality, closing his grip tight around her once more and growling low in his throat. “Ohhh, that wasn’t bright my dear, not bright at all. Now if you’ve had enough just tell me, okay? All you’ve got to do is agree to, oh, let’s see, finally show me that perfect body as you stand naked under the stars. What do you say?”

Elizabeth’s mind and body reacted together to that statement, though in very different directions. Her mind screamed at her to refuse, wanting to try and keep the upper hand, not wanting to loose this game that she herself had started. Her body on the other hand came alive, the thought of her husband and soon-to-be-lover gazing at her naked body, not to mention the lengths he’d go to in order to get that view, sending shivers of excitement down her spine. She warred within herself for too long though and John decided to give her a little hurry up.

“No? Well, what if Mister Water Jet here had a say in the decision?” He asked, and with that moved her captive foot over to one of the water jets nearest him, planting it just above the outlet and letting the stream of bubbles wash over and around her already tickled pink sole. Elizabeth felt her eyes bug out as a sensation unlike anything she’d imagined possible shot washed through her. It was as if a thousand little fingers had just been unleashed against her skin, all writhing and moving almost at random with only a single purpose, to tickle her into insanity. She knew then that she’d lost, and with all the self-control she had left screamed a simple answer:

“YES! Okay, I’ll do It, stopstopSTOP!”

With a triumphant look John released her and leant forward, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that neither wanted to end. Still, a deal was a deal and Elizabeth found herself immensely excited with the though of what she was about to do, to the point she couldn’t contain herself for long. Pulling back she sent her sultriest look at John and brought her feet up under her till she was crouched on the ledge just below the waterline.

With one fluid motion she hauled herself up and out of the tub, scooting her legs backwards as she did so to end up lying on her stomach facing John. Her skin was almost glowing as the snow fell gently upon her, the sting of the flakes lessened as they were already melting as they reached her body. Placing her hands on the deck she spun gracefully to her feet, her movements almost cat-like as she ended up staring back over her shoulder at her husband, watching him stare with unconcealed admiration and lust at her naked rear. With a quick jerk of her head she threw her hair forward, adding an almost primal element to the moment as she stared at John through her untamed mane, putting everything she could into the moment. Slowly she turned to face him, her arms coming together over her head, fingers intertwined as she stretched her body, giving him the best possible view.

For his part John was speechless. Over the years he’d dreamt of this moment over and over, wondering what she looked like under the silk and cotton, denim, lace and leather. He’d suspected she would be beautiful, but this… this just left him awestruck, his earlier thoughts about an angel coming unbidden to mind. In this case though, a fallen angle, as no heavenly presence could possibly give that look, her eyes almost smouldering as she slowly stalked towards him, seemingly totally at ease with her nakedness in a manner he at once envied and rejoiced in. Unable to contain himself he heaved himself out of the hot tub and walked to meet her, stopping six feet from her and just staring, unable to form words to match his feelings.

Elizabeth celebrated inside her mind, knowing her plan for the rest of the evening would work, knowing that there was no way he was going to be able to wriggle off the hook. She was determined that she would be the one to seduce him, not vice versa, and the tickling attack had only increased her desire to see how this wonderful, gentle man would respond to a more dominant personality than she normally let show. She let him get within two foot, saw his head start to move down towards her and planted a wet hand against his chest.

“Ah ah, sorry stud, you only wanted to see me naked, touching wasn’t part of the deal.” Oh yes, she thought as a look of shock passed over John’s face, this was going to be fun. “Tell you what, I’m getting a little chilly out here, how about we go inside, head upstairs and I’ll take you places you’ve never even dreamed existed.”

John, naturally enough, thought this an excellent suggestion and turned, almost running towards the cabin. It was only when he reached the door when he realised Elizabeth wasn’t following him. He turned, a quizzical look on his face and it took all her self-control not to laugh out loud at his obvious puzzlement.

“I’ve got a little surprise for you.” She said, moving slowly forwards, deliberately making her walk seductive, enticing and full of promise for what was to come. “Do me a favour?”

“Anything my love” John replied immediately.

“Go upstairs, lie face down on the bed and wait for me. I won’t be long and I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

John didn’t have to think about that instruction, indeed he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather do at that moment than what she’d asked. Well, maybe one thing did spring to mind, but he’d waited this long, another few minutes could only add to the moment. He nodded and turned, practically bounding up the spiral staircase to the bedroom.

He followed her instructions precisely, drying off quickly then lying face down on the deep-blue silk sheets, the cool feel of silk against his still tingling skin sending little pinpricks of sensation through his body and only adding to his excitement. After what seemed like hours, but was in truth barely ten minutes, he heard a measured clicking sound on the stairs, footsteps coming closer. He could make out her silhouette against the smoked glass partition that separated the bedroom from the rest of the cabin, then she stepped into view and his heart stopped.

Elizabeth was once again wearing the blood-red teddy, though this time without the stockings. She’d run a towel over her hair, enough to take away the water but still leave it damp as it fell in a wave behind her. She leant up against the edge of the partition, her body silhouetted against the now-moonlit landscape visible through the huge picture window. Her hands were above her head, crossed over each other at the wrists and it didn’t take much imagination for John to picture her lying on the bed underneath him, her hands and ankles bound as her body yearned for him. She seemed to sense his desire, his need and moved with a devastating grace towards him, his eyes locked on her hips, mesmerised as they swayed with every step. Words failed him, thought failed him and all that was left was a force so raw, so powerful he had no idea how to express it. And it was in that moment that Elizabeth struck so subtly it would be days later before John would realise what had happened.

As he stared John had moved up from his horizontal position, gazing longingly at the vision before him as he rested on his side, propped up on one elbow. Elizabeth simply made a single hand gesture, palm facing the floor as she moved her arm down and John immediately followed her direction, and in that one move his fate was sealed. Face down once more he felt her body settle on his, thighs tucking up against his hips and ribs as she sat down on the tops of his thighs, pinning him down quite effectively though this too escaped his notice for the time being. Reaching forwards she slid her hands up his back, starting at a point just above his buttocks, both hands moving up with a sureness and strength that left her husband, and soon to be victim, groaning in delight.

Her hands reached his shoulders and split, moving out to his biceps, guiding his arms out to the side oh so gently, fingers kneading and massaging the muscles one by one and leaving him a quivering heap on the bed. She kept slowly, subtly moving his arms ever outwards until they were almost touching the bedposts. Then she reached out with one hand, the other still rubbing the pad between thumb and forefinger, reaching until she found the silk scarf she’d tied onto the bedpost before heading out to the pool earlier. A quick, smooth motion had the ends around John’s wrist and before he realised it she had his left arm securely fastened in place.

“Hey.. what are you..” John asked, feeling a fresh wave of excitement course through his body as he tugged gently against the restraint.

“Shh, it’s alright my love. I just want to make sure you remember this moment, this night, for the rest of your life. Trust me.” She replied, her lips tracing his skin around his ear, her breath caressing him and sending shivers through his body, a single soft kiss enough to alleviate his fears and return him to his passive state face down on the bed.

Grinning Elizabeth slowly worked her way over his body, her hands retracing their path up his left arm, over his broad, strong shoulders and down his right arm until that too was secured to the bed. She glanced back at the scarves she’d tied to the other pillars at the foot of the bed and decided, reluctantly, not to use them. She could feel her own desire burning inside of her and it was going to be hard enough not to simply skip her moment of revenge and jump straight to the main event as it was, the sight of her man bound and helpless she knew would be too much of a temptation.

Resting her hands on his shoulders she started kneading the muscles beneath her fingers, wanting John totally relaxed for what she had in mind. As it was she doubted the silk would hold him for long once she really got going, and every second she could buy would be one more second she could pay him back for what she still considered a pretty low trick in the tub. Not that it hadn’t felt good of course, she conceded in the privacy of her mind, but it was the principle of the thing.

Slowly, making sure she found every knotted muscle and nerve ending she worked her way down his back, applying pressure in all the right places to turn John’s already fragile grip on conscious thought into a liquid goop as he felt his entire body relax one muscle at a time. She reached the small of his back and ran her fingers out across his skin to his hips, marvelling in the reactions she was causing, revelling in the sheer power she held over her love at that moment and the trust he had placed in her to allow her to exercise that power.

Elizabeth turned, hooking her feet over his arms and resting them alongside his cheeks as she started to run her hands down his legs, the thick muscles of his thighs presenting an especially difficult challenge. Moving at a speed that could only be described as glacial she moved down past John’s knees, leaving him groaning in a mix of anticipation and frustration as she moved further away from his most pressing concern at that moment. That frustration grew as Elizabeth stretched out to reach his calves, then his feet, until she was lying against his legs, the glorious curves of her body pressed against his skin and feeding the passion that was burning brightly within him.

As she reached out for his feet Elizabeth jumped at an unexpected sensation coursing through her body. Turning slightly she gasped at the sight of John literally lapping at her feet, mouth working hard as he performed the only act he could in their respective positions, practically worshiping her toes and soles in an effort to please her. The sight was a hammer blow to her resolve and she felt her own desires rising once more. With a tremendous effort of will she pulled herself upright, returning to her mounted position on top of John’s thighs, facing the head of the bed once more.

”Just one thing my love…” she said, placing her hands on his spine and moving them outwards towards his ribs. “tickling me like that really wasn’t a bright thing to do.”

John didn’t react for a second, his mind too fogged from her massage, then her words sank in and his eyes snapped open. At that very instant Elizabeth’s hands reached his ribcage and dug in, fingers flying over a body that was completely unprepared for such an assault.

Elizabeth suddenly remembered a trip to a carnival a year or so ago, and a friendly wager about who could ride a mechanical bull the longest before getting thrown. She’d beaten him out by a few seconds, and had gloated in a gentle fashion about it for days afterwards. Now it seemed John was determined to get his own back as he thrashed frantically underneath her, trying everything he could to buck her off. Instantly she regretted not tying his legs as he managed to get to his knees and pull her off the bed. She wrapped her thighs around his hips and hung on, hands snaking under his body to take advantage of the newly found access to his flat stomach, a single digit probing into his belly button.

John let out a howl of laughter and collapsed back on the bed, trapping her hands where they were and leaving her little choice but to continue her ticklish attack against what was quickly proving to be a very ticklish area indeed. John’s laughter was deep, booming and powerful, and just as he’d done earlier, she found herself captivated by the sound, her fingers playing against his skin as if he were a Steinway and she a master pianist.

Lowering her body Elizabeth rested her head on John’s shoulders, her breasts brushing against his back as she tried to lower her centre of gravity and stop him trying to buck her off again. She managed to wriggle one hand free from underneath his body and caressed his hip, fingers seeking out the most vulnerable areas with an almost supernatural precision. John’s laughter broke into frantic, high-pitched hysterics at the first touch against his hip bone and she felt him lurch back to his knees. Not wanting to get thrown from such a fun, not to mention attractive, mount as this Elizabeth thought quickly, moving her attentions from John’s stomach and belly button to an equally ticklish target slightly lower down his body. Her hand wrapped around his manhood tightly enough to exert pressure but not enough to hurt and her fingertips brushed his balls gently as she slowly moved her hand up and down his length.

A part of her marvelled at what she was doing, how natural it felt and how she was, much to her surprise, enjoying it. Another part noted the instant reaction in her husband as he worked the mechanics out for himself. With the tickling goddess on his back holding on to a rather intimate, not to mention sensitive, part of his anatomy any attempt to throw her off by force would end in tears. Grudgingly John let his knees move backwards, settling back to the bed as he gathered his strength for one last effort. Elizabeth on the other hand felt a rush of power and desire like nothing else she’d ever experienced as he capitulated, the sheer joy of being able to control him like this, knowing that he’d allow her such domination over his body and mind, was a concept so powerful it physically staggered her, leaving her gasping for air on top of him. She set her lips to his shoulder and kissed him there, using her tongue to lap at the sensitive skin between shoulder and neck.

It was, quite simply, a touch too far for John and he felt all self-control tumble away as a fresh wave of laughter ran through him, the newest sensation of the wet, hot tongue against his skin far too much for him to deal with. The combined erotic and ticklish sensations from that touch coursed through him and collided, giving him a strength and resolve he hadn’t known in his life before, all of it concentrated on the woman above him. With a groan of effort he pulled as hard as he possibly could against his bonds and kept pulling. Elizabeth had done her job well and the knots held, but the material itself simply wasn’t capable of withstanding such a pressure and with a single rip both bonds dropped away.

John twisted underneath her to lie on his back, hands coming up to hold hers away from his body, stomach heaving as he tried to draw air back into his lungs. For a timeless moment they stayed locked in that position, then Elizabeth pulled her legs up underneath her and stood in one single, graceful movement. She towered over him as she quickly pulled the cloth from her body, leaving her gloriously nude as she stared down upon him. Then she collapsed on top of him, folding down as easily and smoothly as she’d risen, kneeling between his spread legs, her eyes never leaving his as she slowly slipped him inside of her and moved her lips to his…

The two figures lay, exhausted in a mass of silk sheets that more closely resembled a nest than bed linen. Elizabeth’s head was pillowed on John’s chest, her arms wrapped around him, her legs entangled in his. His arms came up and enfolded her in an embrace, his lips brushing the crown of her head as he stared at her. Much to his surprise he found himself enraptured now not by her beauty, though that was undeniable, but by the sense of trust, of love she radiated, curling up to him as if she belonged there and always had. For a long moment John fought for the words he knew he had to, needed to say.

“Elizabeth…” he started, his voice a whisper so quiet she wasn’t sure she’d heard him at first. She raised her head, resting her chin on his chest and gazing at him, her eyes bright and locked on his. “I love you.”

She smiled back at him. “If you didn’t I’d be a little upset all things considered.”

John returned her grin. “I know, but I wanted to say it anyway. I love you and I will be damned if I’m ever letting you go.”

Elizabeth moved then, sliding up his body until her lips were practically touching his, her eyes his entire world. “And there’s no way you’re getting away from me.” She breathed the words, letting her head drop the final inch to meet him in a kiss that carried with it a world of possibilities.
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