2nd Level Red Feather
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A week had passed since the audition.
Connie stormed into the dressing room, not stopping to chat with anyone. What would she even say to any of them? She could entirely know for sure if the staff knew what had happened that day under that desk. In the end it really didn’t matter.
“Jane. That bitch!”
Connie’s face went red hot. Even the mention of the head anchor’s name was enough to send shivers down her spine, and up her soles. Every night since Connie’s ticklish ordeal she’s been plagued by wet dreams. All of them starring Jane as she dominated her submissive weather girl in a verity of situations. For some reason her mind was obsessed with what had happened. The pleasure and humiliation Jane was able to make her feel… Clearly her mind had taken the idea and ran with it.
One night Connie would be a naughty schoolgirl missing her homework with Jane as the dominating teacher, disciplining her feet. Some other nights she would be getting interrogated by Jane as a police officer, using her talented feather and tongue to tickle the needed info out of her weak target. There was even one where she was a maid tasked with cleaning Jane’s house, it ended with only her own feet getting the proper sprucing up.
It didn’t matter how many times Connie got her boyfriend Alan to pleasure her before bed. When the lights went out and she was left in the care of her own imagination, she’d wake up gushing. Of course she couldn’t tell Alan any of this. How would he even react? “Sorry honey, you’re doing great, but what I really want is that coworker of mine.” That horrible , bitchy… masochistic.. sexy..~ URGH! What was she even thinking at this point?
It didn’t matter how hard Connie tried to run from the facts of the situation they still remained the same. She in some twisted joke had fallen for Jane, or at least the way she played her so cruelly. Jane’s hooks were deep inside her, and every time Connie remembered her talented mouth on her feet those strings pulled a bit tighter.
Jane herself had continued her week as normal. At least on the surface that is. Behind closed doors she was on cloud nine. God, Connie’s reactions were just as precious as she’d imagined. Every night before she drifted off to sleep Jane would remember the weather girl’s desperate moans and end up fucking herself till she was breathless over and over again. Needless to say last week’s events had greatly affected both ladies and Jane of all people knew that their encounter wouldn’t be the last. That was the aspect that excited her most; the games were only just *beginning, and the prize at the end of it, Connie. Call it confidence in her ability or straight up arrogance, but Jane knew she had already won.
Speak of the devil; Jane’s prize was exactly what she saw walking into the dressing room. Connie was leaning against a makeup desk, no doubt still deep in thought and not hearing the head anchor come in. Jane gave the sexy weather girl an entire glance from head to adorable toes, and then got an evil grin as she wiggled her fingers.
Quietly Jane got directly behind Connie and began to skitter her nails over her unprotected sides. The brunette imminently screamed in shock, the fabric of her dress making the tickling so much worse. It was like if you were tickled while wearing nylon. A cruel sensation.
“Well hello their Connie. I can honestly say that for ONCE I’m tickled pink to see you dear. Tickle tickle tickle! I can see you’re happy too. Aren’t you my ticklish little slut?”
Out of all the scenarios Connie imagined she would have to deal with coming into work today, this was not one of them. She was holding on to the desk for dear life, unable to fight back against the fluttering of nails attacking her sides.
“That’s it Connie. Don’t my nails just tiiiiiiiickle your sides so good? Have you been waiting to feel this since last week? I know I have! Haha!~”
It didn’t matter how loud the weather girl yelled, no one would dare walk in to see what was going on. The last person who had walked into the dressing room while Jane was using it and interrupted her was STILL picking chucks of her heel out of their ass. In a weird way, this place was if not more so private then a bedroom at the moment. So with that Jane was free to play to her heart’s content.
Connie struggled, but made no attempts to make the tickling stop any longer then what she needed to catch her breath. After the weather girl finally collapsed on the floor, they were just rolling around like lovers in heat. It didn’t matter if Jane was pinning or being pinned, her nails never left Connie’s body. She just wanted to explore every inch, see what spots would maker her face an even more adorable shade of red.
She tickled her sides, ribs, even taking great care to stimulate Connie’s thighs in just a way to have the cute brunette sequel as much as she wanted.
“Oh Connie! I think this is the most fun conversation we’ve ever had! Tickle tickle tickle tickle! And you and I are going to have a lot MORE fun. Just like this. Nonstop. What do you think about that my little tickle slave? I bet it makes you want to laugh!~”
Connie’s protests fell on deaf ears, including her own. It was hard to say SHE even believed a single one of her please for the tickling to end. No. On the inside she was white hot. The tickling was thrilling her, pleasing her. The only thing stopping her from giving into Jane’s administrations was the humiliation that it was Jane herself doing this to her. The one who sat back thinking she was so high above everyone else, was basically using her as a thrown at this point. As hot as she was, as deliciously erotic it all was, the fact it was Jane made her want to spit. Not as much as it further aroused her though.
“Can’t? Oh sweet heart, YOU’RE going to tell me what I can andcan’t do? Now you’re going to make ME laugh!” Jane emphasized her snide comment by sliding her hands up Connie’s dress and lobster clawed her bare hips.
“I think Connie needs to learn her place.” Suddenly Jane stopped and got up. She went to her purse while the panting tickle slave caught her breath.
“Wh..wha?… J-ane. We can’t d-do this here. Our jobs, my boyfriend…. It’s… It’-MMMPH!!!” It was just then that she felt a rag be placed in front of her face, the sent, the sensation; she felt she was fading away. Meanwhile she heard Jane’s sweet voice relaxing her even more.
“Just breath love, that stuff is all in the past now. You’re new job is being my sexy little tickle slave.” Jane held the rag tight against Connie’s mouth who was fading quickly. In her last act of defiance the weather girl shook her head no, though the life Jane was talking about was sounding more alluring by the minute.
“No? Well sweetie pie, I’ll just have to convince you…..”
Those were the last words Connie heard before passing out.
When Connie came too she couldn’t move. She felt that her legs were elevated and her wrists were tied behind her back where she laid with only a little pillow under her head. It didn’t take long to figure out just were she was. By the sounds of hectic footsteps, people preparing, questions being asked, it was clear she was on set of Channel B. She was tied under the desk with her ankles bound to the arm rests of Jane’s chair. Her heels were removed and she was left ungagged. The only thing stopping the brunette in distress from calling out for help was the humiliation of being found like this
It was then Jane sat down in her chair. Connie looked up at her with pleading eyes. She wouldn’t. It didn’t matter how hot she was, Connie didn’t want to lose her job for THIS. But Jane only gave a motion to “shush” as her response. The sadistic smile she wore made Connie wet.
“Ok everyone. And we’re rolling in 3. 2…” The cameraman pointed to Jane to start. In that instant her smile turned softer as she addressed the camera.
“Good evening, I’m Jane O’Really and you’re watching Channel B news. Our first story tonight, Local Florida man arrested today after-“
That was all Connie was able to hear before the inevitable happened. As she calmly spoke Jane started to lightly scratch her manicured nails over the bottoms of Connie’s helpless feet. She took great care not too go too hard, yet, as to not immediately blow their cover.
The head anchor delicately walked two fingers up both feet until she had reached the roots of Connie’s toes and began to softly nestle her fingers in-between them. The suffering weather girl bit her bottom lip in order to hold back her laughter. She knew she was getting played wth at this point. If Jane really wanted to she KNEW it wouldn’t take much to make her scream to high heaven. In the end this was just her getting screwed with even more.
Meanwhile Jane continued her job, reading the stories as they appeared on the teleprompter. Anyone watching off set or around the world wouldn’t even know what was transpiring under that desk. They would have no idea how Connie was suffering the worst humiliation of her life while her worst enemy played “this little piggy” on her toes.
“And though millions were left traumatized the state says they will not pursue charges because quite frankly, they don’t give a shit. When asked for further comment the Mayor had to say. ‘Um, I’m sorry. Are you not aware that this is me NOT giving a shit? Handle it yourself you fucking nerd. Lol ok drive safe.’ A national treasure if there ever was one.”
As she spoke Connie continued her useless squirming. No matter what way she twisted her beautiful body, or how hard she curled her toes; there was no escape from the stimulation. What made matters worse though is over time Jane had slipped off her own heels and presented them in front of the face of her victim. Was this bitch for real? What did she want her to do? KISS them? Hell no.
It was then Jane began to get serious. After a few attempts to try to get what she wanted out of Connie she resorted to do what she did best, fight dirty. In one quick motion she zipped her nails all the way down those helpless soles like a cat with a scratching post.* The poor weather girl would have for sure cried out if Jane didn’t then take the quick opportunity to shove her foot in her mouth, affectively muffling her screams.
“Mmmhmgmgmmmf! Mmmgmgmdmmm!” She was at least more at ease discovering that the head anchor’s feet didn’t stink or even taste bad. In fact they were actually kind of… pleasant? It certainly wasn’t as bad as the tickling on her feet that had picked up considerably.
“In other news, kids everywhere are enjoying the new hit game from Nintendo, ‘Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate’ BUT is this product just the newest way your child is trying to obtain drugs? Yes. And to show you the unbiased facts, here’s sixty five year old suburban mother, Lynda, with her story.”
The scene then cut to a elderly woman outside of a very nice house. “I just don’t know where he’s getting all this crack!” Lynda said, taking a hit from her crack pipe and continuing her completely factual story.
Meanwhile Jane took the time to admire the site under her desk. Connie’s mouth felt absolutely amazing on her feet.
“Oh Connie. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to distract me. Now what kind of naughty girl would do such a thing?..hehe”
The nails never stopped their assault. Not even for a single second. Connie wouldn’t have been able to answer even if her rivals feet weren’t shoved into her mouth. It was true though, she was trying to use this predicament to TRY and get some payback, but Jane never broke. She would suck her toes and nibble her arches, but the bitch’s expression never changed. All it did was give her exactly what she wanted. Her pretty little feet, worshiped, all while the poor weather girl’s were tormented within an inch of her life.
Jane smiled as she admired the look of dazed lust that had never faded in her slave’s eyes. “Don’t you just look so cute? I have a few ideas though of where you would look cuter. I say after this you come over to my place and we’ll have all sorts of fun like this. Don’t you want to have fun with me baby? I can promise you one thing Connie, my bed is much more comfortable then that awful floor.~”
She took her feet out of the weather girl’s mouth, she trusted that even after all this she still wouldn’t scream and blow their cover. Connie just looked up at her. There she was, horny, tickled, humiliated, and loving every second of it. Still though, she wouldn’t give Jane the satisfaction of giving her what she wanted, even if she wanted it too.
In her last act of defiance she simply whispered. “G-go to Hell.”
“Hell? Oh no sweetie, I’m in heaven right now, and I’m about to take you with me. All by you’re pretty little feet. Now shush, we’re coming back.”
Soon enough the crew started facing Jane’s direction again as they were going back on air. 3… 2…
“A heart breaking story Lynda. Hopefully lawmakers crack down on such an unsafe game. Our next story, is it possible to orgasm from just your feet? The answer might just shock you…. Not.~”
Connie’s eyes widened upon hearing that. It was then she noticed the sensations on her feet becoming a lot more seductive, enticing. It was then she truly started getting the point. This was going to be a LOOOOOONG news day.
It had been three days and Alan has still not heard from Connie, not even a text or a phone call. Her working late and going dark was nothing new, but it had never been this long and she would at least warn him before these things happened. Where in the hell was she? As time went on he began to fear for the worse. She’d not really been herself before then either. It sounded crazy but…. Could she be cheating???
Finally Alan couldn’t take it anymore and needed to get answers. So he started with the her home away from home, the Channel B News station. He made sure to arrive right when they would be wrapping up for the day, knowing from experience that it was the best time to get answers and not get in the way of the employs work.
The first person Alan had saw was Jane. Connie would always talk about how horrible she was, but honestly he never saw it. At least with him she’d always been sweet, maybe a little flirtatious even. His girlfriend DID have a tendency to get jealous easily though so maybe she just wasn’t giving the poor woman a fair chance. Regardless, there wasn’t a single thing in this building that Jane O’Really didn’t know about which made her the perfect first person to talk to. He made a B line for her.
“Hey Jane! Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had seen Connie anywhere? I’ve not heard from her in days and I was wondering if maybe she was put on a surprise assignment? Is everything ok?”
Jane took a minute to respond, looking Alan up and down, still as cute as she remembered. That’s when the wheels began to turn.
“Oh Alan honey, how are you? Connie? Oh dear there’s no need to worry, she’s been with me.”
Alan picked up on a weird tone of superiority in her voice. It was like she was rubbing it in. No, he was probably just confused. Why would she be with Jane? She’s legit never said a nice word about her. Something for sure was off.
“Oh? That’s great! Glad to know she’s ok…. Do you think I’d be able to see her? I’d hate to impose, but I’ve been really worried.”
Jane didn’t even hesitate with her response, being sure to hastily leave with a stagehand as to not have to continue the conversation.
“Of course. I’m sure your ex would just be tickled to see you. Come to my place later tonight Alan and she’ll be right there.”
“Wait. Ex? Jane I’m not sure I fo-“ She was already at the other end of the hall. She shouted back at him.
“Sounds great love, do get my address from one of my little helpers.” When she turned the corner she spoke a lot lower. “Hehe perfect…~”
Alan did as instructed. What other choice did he have really? He was sure all would make sense once he saw Connie. She had a lot of explaining to do, but so long as she was safe and sound he wouldn’t give her too much crap.
Apartment 664, apartment 665, and… THERE. Apartment 666, just like the stagehand had said. He wasted no time in knocking.
“Hey Jane.”
No answer… after 3 minutes Alan knocked again. Was she not home?
“Jane? I didn’t be you home now did I?” Nerves were starting to get the better of him. Was Connie even there? In a fit of exasperation and anxiety he tried to turn the door knob, and easily the door opened for him. The apartment looked completely empty? What the hell was all this????? Alan began to prepare himself to file a missing person’s report if this was a waist of time.
He decided to walk in and explore. He needed to, there could be no more just sitting back. If his girlfriend was here then he was going to find her. It was then his ears locked on to a certain sound… Laughing. Was it coming from the bedroom? Connie? He had spent too much time playing with her feet to not remember what her adorable giggle sounded like.
He stormed into the bedroom and noticed that room was also empty, but the laughter was getting louder. It sounded like… it was coming from the closet???? His heart started to beat faster as his hand went to open the door. By the sound of the laughter there was no doubt that Connie was behind it. No time to puss out. He swung the door open and immediately discovered how woefully unprepared for the site he would see.
Connie was blindfolded naked on some sort of X frame looking contraption. Alan had seen them a lot in the porn he would consume and had always fantasied of getting her in one of those. She was naked, sweating, and right in-between her legs was Jane, working her sweet pussy with a feather. He could see the object dripping; no doubt she was at this for a long time.
It took Jane a few seconds but finally turned to notice him. She was in an sexy sheer blue see-through robe. It was so short that it didn’t even cover her amazing ass.
She simply smiled at him with that ever-present look of superiority.
“Oh Connie. Our new plaything is here…~” She said sweetly.*
Connie, as exhausted and “distracted” as she was, didn’t even react. But Alan sure did.
The young man had dropped to his knees with his erection completely on display. He didn’t care what so ever how things got this way, but fuck it didn’t matter to him. The site was just too arousing. Things weren’t even processing at this point.
Jane strutted up to him with her authority over the situation practically radiating off of her. She stopped in front of him, hands on her hips and simply brought her heel up to his mouth.
“You want?” She simply asked.
Alan tried to go right to worshipping her but she had pulled it away.
“Hmhmhm… down boy. That answers that now doesn’t it? Well cutie, I have no problem with letting you have. But you follow MY rules.~”
As if mindlessly Alan told her exactly what she wanted to hear.
“I-I follow your rules….”
“PFFF! Pathetic. But correct. You do as I say and when I say it. Just like sweet little Connie. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask…. Whom does she belong to?”
Alan hung his head in shame, the precum forming a wet spot in his jeans. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t know what fever dream he had walked in on, but it WAS a dream.
“Y-you mistress.”
Jane smile was wide as she removed her heels and used Connie’s trapped thigh as a seat. She presented her sexy foot to the helplessly aroused man.
“Good boy. You’re a much quicker learner than Connie is. Now get to work. Now.” She pointed to her foot and wiggled her toes. Alan tried to make a B line for his prize but was reprimanded right away.
“Crawl for it…~” And that was precisely what he did. Then like the dog he felt like her began to lick. He worshiped that foot like he would have Connie’s. He honesty couldn’t tell whose were better. As he was lost in his task and in his thoughts,*
Jane had removed her other slave’s blindfold, forcing her to see her once boyfriend now turned slave just like her. Her eyes weld up with jealousy and even more lust. Jane just tenderly grabbed her face and whispered in the former weather girl’s ear.
“Don’t be jealous my sweet slave. When he finishes up, it’s your turn. I’ll worship your left foot and he’ll do the right. Then you’ll see for yourself who’s better.~”
Connie’s eyes rolled back in her head. The thought of such an erotic act was enough to push her over the edge. She heaved in her bonds while cum dripped from her pretty pink pussy. It wasn’t the first time that night, and it wouldn’t be the last. For either of them.
The End.
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