Does anyone else have thoughts about tickling everyday and all the time like me? When you think of it, what's on your mind then?
For example, when I see a cute girl at work, in public, on tv etc, the first thing I wonder if she is ticklish and where on her body? If she gets tickled a lot or if she knows about tickling fetishes? All that stuff related to tickling.
When I think of my female friends I often remember all the time I have tickled them, their weak spots, and who of them likes it or hates it.
Allmost the same thoughts when it comes to my girlfriend, but then I allways gets turned on and I send an sms to her, and tells her what i'm going to do with her in the evening related to tickling and sex.
I know that i'm not alone with this kind of thoughts, so share them with me!

For example, when I see a cute girl at work, in public, on tv etc, the first thing I wonder if she is ticklish and where on her body? If she gets tickled a lot or if she knows about tickling fetishes? All that stuff related to tickling.
When I think of my female friends I often remember all the time I have tickled them, their weak spots, and who of them likes it or hates it.
Allmost the same thoughts when it comes to my girlfriend, but then I allways gets turned on and I send an sms to her, and tells her what i'm going to do with her in the evening related to tickling and sex.
I know that i'm not alone with this kind of thoughts, so share them with me!

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